That Sacks dude is 100% on the money -- if they can get Harris elected, they can get anybody elected. This might be the last election that the swamp bothers with politicians.

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Aug 6Liked by Chris Bray

If they all really believe in equity as Kamala describes it shouldn’t we all be President?

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I'm available

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You'd be a sound choice.

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Totally off topic: how are things in your part of the UK? It sounds terribly scary from the news reports. I have emailed the husband's family in Essex and London but have not gotten a reply, which is unusual for them.

One might say that TPTB have been setting the stage for this sort of thing for years. Nonetheless, so far their response seems to be tone deaf at best.

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It's a deliberate set up by the Gov to give them an excuse to bring in even more control, digital ID and potentially more locations. The MSM make what's happening look worse than it is. They are bussing people in and using fake vehicles to set on fire.

There are provocateurs in the crowds.

So it's pretty normal other than where these planned events are taking place.

We are mostly keeping calm and carrying on.

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Why am I totally not surprised at that? Our government would probably do the same. Who knows - maybe they already have.

If I'm not being too nosy, which part of the UK are you in?

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I wouldn't wish that job on anybody I liked.

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What if the rights not explicitly assigned to the government were reserved to the people?

Somebody should start a country like that.

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Yes. I we could write a document, we could call it a constitution, that would assign those rights and the government would have to abide by it.

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You are probably right. No one would ever fall for it.

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JEFF 2024! (But also me 2024!)

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Can I be in the cabinet so I can heckle you guys?

That'd be a full-time job!

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We can just rotate jobs everyday.

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Sorry, you're President.

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Vote for Pedro!

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I'm ready and pissed

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You nailed it.

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Aug 6Liked by Chris Bray

The Sock Puppet presidency.

Hopefully not a 2025 coming attraction.

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Biden (and Katie Hobbs) were just the trial balloons. Prepare for full out attack if Kamala gets "elected".

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I've been shocked they've still bothered with elections since 2000. They can flip a coin as far as I'm concerned. May the best fellator win.

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He/she will.

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Chris Rufo recently did a post called "Prince vs Party": https://christopherrufo.com/p/prince-versus-party

The Republicans are running a person. The Democrats are running an ideology. That is why a stupid kid with a rifle (fortunately) ill-equipped for his purpose could nearly destroy the Republicans candidacy... while the public mental implosion and subsequent backroom replacement of their candidate didn't alter the Democrat playbook in the slightest.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Chris Bray

Vance is WEIRD because he's a WHITE straight Christian man with a family.

Walz is definitely not WEIRD...CUZ...

"Don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness."

Half America might vote these people in....the other half may have to shoot their way out of socialism...something like that Mrs. Thatcher.

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Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.

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Never. They are getting stupider

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The inevitable result of decades of deliberate "dumbing down".

And of course, William Casey's 1981 declaration, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

It took over forty years, but .....

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Exactly. It's been intentional

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Purposefully. The left has destroyed K-12 education

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Hijacked it. The buildings and whatnot are all still there. But it's leftist indoctrination K-degree, now.

Most schools and colleges are primarily propaganda tools for the woke-fem politburo. Any actual learning that occurs usually is secondary.

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Truly, only evidence anyone should need regarding Walz not fit for even rat catcher is his placing tampon dispensers in boys’ bathrooms in MN HS.

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Aug 7Liked by Chris Bray

https://healthy-skeptic.com/ is a blog written by Kevin Roche, a retired health care executive in Minnesota. He's been criticizing Walz for years, over lockdowns etc.

Roche wrote a reaction post that ends: "Welcome to the big leagues Timmy, I am sure we will soon see your thin-skinned, angry persona on full display."

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Watts, Walls, Fats, whatever its name is, is weird! 🤪

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Aug 6Liked by Chris Bray

Even for a politician, Tim Walz is exceptionally mendacious. He will say, do, be anything to move Tim Walz ahead.

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perfect for the Khameleon

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Kammie Kammie Kammie Kammie Kammie Khameleooooon/You come and go, you come and go.

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He got elected in a stolen election, so they have their proven track record.

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The good news is that, even though I live in an extra blue county in California, I have not seen a single Kamela flag, bumper sticker, t shirt, on anything that a voter might own. (I do see ever more trump flags and american flags).

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The scary part is, if the deep state/blob , WEF DNC etc knew they could cheat though the elections they would do exactly this. Pick an ultra lackey puppet with 0 regard to "elect ability" as desired by the masses.

However if they knew they could not win, the would do the same thing.

The NAZIs didn't surrender after the Normandy landing. Nor after the failed Battle of the Bulge. Nor after the Allies had Germany surrounded. Nor after the concentration camps (with still warm ovens) were "discovered". When did they surrender? It is a good lesson: Nazis act like Nazis to the bitter end.

The turning point was when the NAZI leadership was in such disarray that many assisted in an assassination attempt, eg leadership faction against leadership faction. I think we are seeing some of this now. When we start seeing mass defections to china by the rank and file, we know we are/will win.

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The Nazis left alive have been welcomed by the DEMON RATS

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I was working in Hollywood the other day and I stopped in a Trader Joe’s for some groceries and I saw a guy with a Harris 2024 t-shirt. Of course, he looked like your typical beta-male, corporate media consumer, plus it was in Hollyweird, so I wasn’t too surprised.

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Aug 7Liked by Chris Bray

There’s at least one lawn sign in an LA suburb (not far from where you are, Chris) that used to be a Biden-Harris 2024 sign but now the Biden part is covered in blue tape.

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There is one, that is my point. They are hard to find. Social media and MSM would have you believe that people are falling over themselves to support Kamela.

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Aug 7Liked by Chris Bray

Oh, agreed. I was just amused by how quickly some true believer put this one up.

And my FB feed is full of people (mostly/entirely AWFLs, now that I think about it) fawning over Harris and, some, now even Walz.

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The very last image I ever saw on my FB was of some friends of ours toasting with some Whiskey batch 46 the day Biden was inaugurated. (get it, 46, smug smug, we're so clever).

I deleted FB that day an never went back. I haven't missed it at all. (a couple times using it to sign into open mics that use it would have been helpful but not worth it) I have taken an effort to get rid of all of the "fuck you Scott" type slights I see everyday and it is an effort worth doing.

We still have dinner with that couple, they are good friends, especially of my wife, but all they can do is complain about inflation.

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Has anyone told the Democrats that Trump denounced Project 2025 and got the head of the Heritage Foundation canned for putting it out in the first place?

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Since when do the dumbocraps listen to anything anyone tells them, unless it's usable against a Republican?

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This really is the final stage of the "Being There"-ization - yes, bear with me - of politics, where empty, pidgin sloganeering designed solely for female-dominated media consumption replaces actual, real politics with actual humans. All politicians that appeal to AWFL's are some variant of Chauncey Gardner now. If Peter Sellers was still alive I have no doubt he would have mastered the dark arts of TikTok.

And Don Rickles is another one of those comedians I *really* wish were still alive, with Joan Rivers a close second, and honourable mention to Sam Kinison.

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Speaking of Peter Sellers.

It's like we have an endless caravan of Inspector Clouseaus, in white Ford Broncos, going the wrong way on I-5, and thinking the gridlock is a surprise hero's parade just for them...

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Add George Carlin to that list.

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Joan Rivers...she came up with the best name for Michelle, "Blackie-O"

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OMG! THAT is HILARIOUS!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

I hadn't heard that one before! I'll be using that!

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Pecos Bill was she epsteined?

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Don Rickles is the perfect antithesis to the current time. RIP

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I agree, hockey puck.

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What a joy he was.

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I've said something similar before on this website, but people on SSRI's and/or regular Taylor Swift listeners should not be allowed to vote

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Along with ‘the always entertaining head of Kitty Carlisle.’

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Don't leave out George Carlin.

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'Democrats are locked in tight — bizarrely, I think, but what do I know — on the interests and inclinations of upper-middle-class liberal white women, very much to the exclusion of a bunch of traditional Democratic constituencies.'

That's it, exactly. Has been for 4 decades. White UMC Karens are the alphas of the Left. Queen Bees.

Tells ya what the Left and Progressivism really is: entitled, over-privileged, empowered white women who live in a luxury most men (and even nobility from the past) never will experience.

This is why Karen, the imago of entitlement, always screams the loudest and puts on the biggest public dramas. It works. So they go to it over and over, counting on their power to manipulate weak (mostly white) men to give them whatever they demand. Which weak men continually do. America teems with these simpy dildos. It's a big problem.

Tactic worked like a charm since around mid-Eighties.

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Think of the unearthed video of the "Second Gentlemen" saying his shit about men.

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Yeah Mark, what's our problem? I mean, if we toxic and oppressor men would just 'step up' and give our full support to baby slaughtering (and marketing!), single mommas with broken little boys, plus perhaps total female domination . . . why then all would resolve instantly and zooop back to Eden we goes.

Thank you, Second Gentleman!

P.S. Second Gentleman seems kinda cumbersome. I'm gonna go with Cuck-in-Waiting. I'm open to improvements on this.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Chris Bray

I’ve never watched ANYTHING on TikTok until a few moments ago, and I actually felt some of my brain turn to mush and leak out of my ear. Now I realize why Dems watch: it provides a slow motion painless lobotomy, which explains the condition & judgment of the average modern Democrat.

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Great comment! I LOL'ed.

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Adjust your feed. The politicians want to censor it for a reason.

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I am just tired of the circus/carnival atmosphere on both sides. It’s the most important job in the world and no one conducts a real job interview. The debates could, but they don’t. Every public appearance should be a serious job interview like many of us have had to go through. No more rallies for the allies. Serious citizens should ask the hard questions.

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I like that they picked "weird" as their attack-word. It's so neat.

They've made (ab)normal impossible to use, and they've made queer to much of a hot potatoe to use too, so what's left in the dictionary that's fit to attack with?

Weird is perfect. It's better than perfect, even: look at the etymology and real meaning. "That which is to come"; Doom or Fate, in the germanic sense of the words, due to "weird" originating from the Norn Urðr (Urd in modern swedish).

What could fit better for mrs "Unburdened by what has gone before"?

Especially since the other Norns are Verdandi ("That which is happening") and Skuld ("Guilt" in the sense of being guilty of something, or "Debt"). . .

Eh, sorry for derailing a bit there. It's late, it's hot, and the air is cloying.

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That's weird. 😉😊😋

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They were never going to be able to work the Hamas wing 3 state solution ( Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin) with old Josh on the ticket. I guess they are going to have to depend on good old election fortification to carry Pennsylvania, like last time.

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"Election Fortification" Love it.

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Election fornication as in the state & country get f%€+ed

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Me too! I'm going to steal that. (I'm in PA)

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Ditto - Poconos here.

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No need to campaign, they're going to fraud the bitch into office.

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It'll take at least three to four weeks to count the ballots! Just watch...

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Easily that long! EASILY!

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Granted I don’t live in a blue area, but there are ZERO Kamala signs on display anywhere. One house has a sign for the Democrat running for Senate, and one house has some cryptic “Democracy or Demagogue” sign that really could be anywhere on the political spectrum but I suspect represents some kind of TDS. But none of the “Hate Has No Home Here” flag wavers are stepping up.

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No Harris signs around here either, but one house in town has a January 6th sign with, I shit you not, “Never Forget!” in big red letters.

What psychological condition causes these people to immediately escalate everything to Hitler or 9/11?

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Aug 7Liked by Chris Bray

That Clint Eastwood expression has been permanently etched on my own face I fear.

2024 truly does suck.

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What is Kamaltoe going to run on? There’s no there there. Platitudes and empty slogans don’t require explanation, perfect for an empty headed cipher like her.

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They may as well start campaigning for president Taylor Swift and first gentleman Travis Kelce because that is where I feel they are heading.

And, they’re willing to pay $20k plus for influencers to attend the DNC?

Nothing is real or based on facts in demonrat land and I hope that enough people are sick of it. Sheesh

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