"Pump may have participated in January 6!" LOL!

Thanks for investigating this!! We can't get real news anymore!

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I think what they meant is that the RIGHT people aren’t going to run out of diesel.

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It reminds me of Lord Humongous from "The Road Warrior". This is not good.

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More insidious. They’re not trying to seize control of the fuel. They already have it. They can make it go where it needs to.

In fact they are humongous. They just don’t need to threaten violence to take control

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Yeh, but it didn't end well for Humungous.

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The midwits who report the news at corporate outlets like CBS News do not understand that every single thing that they purchase is transported with diesel. Trucks, trains and ships do not run on solar and wind power. It takes "Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea". Your local grocery store has no groceries stored in the back. It operates on the "just in time" system where deliveries are constantly made of products using diesel trucks. Your grocery store would run out of food in a week without diesel.

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That’s the point.

Breaking the Fuel Chain.

Breaking the Fuel Chain breaks the Food Chain.

It’s not just the distribution of food, it’s growing and fertilizing the food, harvesting, shipping then eating.

In Ireland the breakdown at the bottom of the potato crop caused a ripple effect upwards of breakdown on minimum payments up , all based on the rent from the potato. 40 layers of interlocking debts going up to the Bank of England. Debts and not potato fungus caused the famine.

In our case breaking the transportation system by destroying the fuel chain was always the most critical part of indirect, er “reducing” the troublesome commons.

Either worthless money (on the way) meaning fuel costs becoming fatally expensive or in this case simply smashing fuel distribution and so food distribution accomplishes the goal of crushing the commons.

Who will be grateful to survive, or past the point of worrying, being dead.

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Decentralized living, esp food supplies, is something me and my friends/family/neighbors are working towards, to some degree or other. I feel that what defines America is her rugged individualism, refusing to give up, always trying something else. I hope that shines through as things spiral downwards.

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The 2nd Amendment is our only hope. I do not see the U.S. lasting a decade with its current leadership class.

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I'd venture to say that Iraqis, Afghanis, Somalis, Kurds, Syrians, Egyptians, Libyans and a whole lot of people all around the world who have more big and automatic guns, bigger stores of explosives, and much better training in using them as a fighting force, even some as young as 10 years old a US soldier wouldn't want to target, with more fierceness of purpose and ruthlessness in their eyes and hearts, all those advantages to challenging military rule, even the US military, their resistance didn't go so well. And you think the 2A is going to protect us with hunting rifles and handguns? This comfortable, effete citizenry? 2A will help you survive the roving hordes of starving people and gangs this government is intent on creating. Not so much getting rid of an unconstitutional regime that's seized power. Military and LEO power. That's the battle for hearts and minds. The battle the US government tries to win where it imposes itself like in Vietnam and Iraq. Where they've always failed in the long run. Which is why that must be the battlefield of our choosing. And they know that's their weakness. Ministry of Truth-level know.

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We as United States Citizens understand how desperately our kleptocrats have tried to lose the hearts and minds of we the people.

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There are many ways to stop tyranny. Military and guns and so on.... that's ONE kind of way. There are many ways. I think you have a good point!

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The Battle for Hearts and Minds...is a nice myth, it came from Malayan Emergency.

Actually, the British just locked up all the Chinese in villages turned into barbed wire camps and put them on starvation rations so they couldn't feed the guerrillas. They then bombed and shelled the rest of the areas and sent many hunters and ambushers in, so it was mostly hungry stomachs and air strikes, artillery. An enormous amount of ordinance was expended.

Interestingly it was the MPLA, the Communist guerrillas who after gaining initial momentum from a terrorist and assassination campaign who softened their strategy to not lose the support of the people - and lost their momentum and any hope of Red China's support. They were then destroyed.

Winning Hearts and Minds is a myth. Live not by Lies.

We lost the wars you mention because after winning they were given away at table, after sufficient money had been made by DC and cronies.

At no time since early 1951 were we in danger of military defeat.

The 2A is considerably more than hunting rifles, the government doesn't have the military or LEOs except for some contemptible top level turncoats no one will follow. Fortunately for them the people and in particular the military and LEO's are leaderless, and the people are armed cowards.

That can change.

Force works, Live not by Lies.

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I've enjoyed Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's work. Including Live Not By Lies. Great insights that inform us about what we are experiencing. Glad you know that one, too many didn't learn the lessons.

As to us having the military and LEO, that was the case once upon a time. But that was before the Marxist indoctrination of the officer corps in the Woke Academies and purge of Patriots. It's not just a few at the top. It's the majority in positions of power. The Heartland Patriots are minorities in our military. That's been recast as an occupation force, not fighting force. With a large foreign mercenary component. A military that won't hesitate to fire on American civilians. Kent State would be a quaint little misunderstanding compared to what this military is trained and capable of doing to Patriots. You mistake this military for the one that existed 20 years ago. Did you miss the past two years? DC occupation.

As for LEO, they do what those who sign their checks tell them to do. Don't kid yourself that they will protect civilians and constitutional government. Did you miss pandemic restriction enforcement? Their loyalty is to their paychecks, not the constitution. If you have LEO that supports Patriots it's because the city officials who sign their checks support Patriots. I can't tell you how many cops swore they'd never get the jab, only to get their job threatened and relented. Paycheck loyalty. Some quit. And were replaced by Antifa sympathizers. Defund patriotic police, replace with Antifa thugs with badges. Want good cops elect patriot city councilmen, mayors, county commissioners and governors.

That's the ugly truth. The protection you imagine doesn't exist as you imagine. Where you live matters for the freedom you were born with. And our 2A won't be more effective against a military that could put down badder badasses than the majority of the US has.

Which leaves us words and ideas to share with our communities and families. And prayer, faith in God.

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Then pray and have faith, but do not counsel.

You serve the interests of those who'd stay our hands from even protecting our children, meditate on that.

The last 20 years of the military I deployed twice to the middle east, serving about 11 years of the 20 some I did serve, serving in the National Guard including 3 years overseas, including Iraq 06-07 OIF.

The National Guard is at least 20% police, more in combat units.

This means I have spent years in danger and training with LEOs - and in war you see the truth. A truth that will elude some, I'm sure.

They shall soon see the truth like it or no.

I was on the DC occupation not that I'm proud of it, but they had hostages called my soldiers. Neither we nor the police were anything but disgusted and resigned to our nation being useless cowards and we just can't defend you - but we can abstain from harm. Which we have. Likely will.

The Marxist and sexist propaganda sessions have been around in the military since the 1980s in one form or another, nod the head and ignore. It's becoming pathetic at this point really, it is literally sad they make people read these slides. It has nothing to do with our reality.

Words and Ideas and prayers are all useless words perhaps even worse as they draw attention. As to communities and families - defend them or you are no man, nor does God love cowards.

I've heard God hates a coward, that means hating cowardice is Godly.

If you are a woman, do excuse me, and I'll just speak to your husband in the future. You are no man, that is certain.

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The American regime doesn't have the military and LEO's.

It has Generals and some police chiefs from time to time, they have no Troops.

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In the interest of redundancy I encourage you to read my reply to your comment above.

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In the interest of Clarity: Solzhenitsyn did nothing, and published nothing the KGB didn't want published, the KGB being the chief reform agents of the USSR. That's why Gorby was picked by Andropov, that's why the security state runs russia today.

Solzhenitsyn lived by the lie that he made a difference.

A useful lie to those who'd submit, pray and write drivel about how they burned in the camps.

When he got out - when USSR fell - did he find the men who imprisoned them and be a man about it?


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Those populations have all suffered and been radicalized. I am talking about what it is going to happen over a decade or more. The U.S. people will suffer and be radicalized. It will also break up into separate regions. It is much too large to control. No empire lasts forever especially ones with weak people.

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I try to focus my efforts on changing the hearts and minds of the people. Pushing back on Ministry of Truth false narratives. Beyond the keyboard. With fellow citizens, seeing small cracks, openings to plant seeds, that will grow and expand. Beyond the keyboard,. I believe it to be the only way we stand a prayer against the forces aligned against us, and minimize the hardships ahead if we fail. 2A strategy concedes too much death and destruction for my tastes. I'm an optimist. And know that prayer, faith in God and his return to our hearts and minds as a society is what it will take to prevail against the pure evil in our midst. Prayer. God. Our most powerful method of resistance of all. How we reclaim our God-given freedom, liberties and rights.

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They last

We don’t

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I think we will. We WILL last. All this talk about wars... This isn't exactly that kind of thing. This is different. Many things can happen. Instead of deciding what will happen as if it's inevitable, we could be thinking creatively, as if the future is not yet written-- because it isn't.

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Yeah, you two. I was scrolling to see if anyone thought of this...

Food shortage, fuel shortage, la la la la la.

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Jed and Granny would provide more accurate information and a little possum pie.

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It's very scary to actually have a government and 4th estate so willfully blind.

Basically it's become a Gooberverse without limit.

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But they do. It’s Elysium. One society that has the resources it needs and one that doesn’t

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Nov 7, 2022
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Common sense would have us in arms while we’re still fed well enough to March.

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There ARE other ways to do what needs to be done... such as taking down these effing towers.

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Are we actually here? Are we, America, the greatest nation on the face of the planet, the history of the world, actually in a place where we're arguing about having such a key component to life as FUEL, wondering what's going on, truthfully? 2022?!?



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Vote Harder

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Voting is a drop in the bucket.

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It’s an ultra mega jumbo extra-large super sized MAGA misinformation scheme. Also, Jan. 6.

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For those interested, a relevant report from the Energy Information Agency is the Weekly Petroleum Status Report (https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/supply/weekly/ and https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/supply/weekly/pdf/wpsrall.pdf)

The EIA data is what Mansfield, etc. rely on and is usually pretty good. The relevant category for diesel is distillate fuel.

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which is home heating oil? I live in CT and our oil company has already told us fuel will most likely be rationed this winter.

Thank you for the link.

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The short answer is that home heating oil and diesel are both distillate fuel oils are closely related products with very similar standards (https://www.eia.gov/tools/glossary/index.php?id=Distillate%20fuel%20oil). Depending on the characteristics of the crude, refiners make decisions about how much of each product they can make - gasoline, distillate, etc. They will also look at how much they can make off of each product, of course.

The gross numbers for distillate fuels that include residential heating oil gives an idea overall of where we're at both for diesel and home heating. There are places in the report that break out residential heating oil (search for "residential"). Part of the crunch with heating oil may be if your area requires the heating oil to be low sulfur which would further constrain supply.

Hm - I guess that wasn't short, but I hope it helps.

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Pictures showing specifically the *Allentown PA turnpike station* being out of fuel are plausibly from Feb 2020, when that location underwent maintenance/repairs. https://www.pahomepage.com/top-stories/fuel-not-available-at-allentown-service-plaza-starting-next-week/amp/

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I can find some evidence that it was from this month:


But due to a computer problem, not to no supply.

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wink, wink.

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Why would Mansfield Energy declared a diesel fuel shortage alert in the SE US? [paywall ~ sorry]:


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Perhaps when 10 million people get laid off because the businesses they work for can no longer receive products or provide services, the useful idiots for the Luciferian sociopaths will consider rejoining reality.

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That's true, but it's just as likely they'll first notice when they can't get their little what-nots at their favorite trendy new spot.

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Well, this could be a problem...I'm to be driving my diesel truck across the beautiful ALCAN Hwy soon.

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Let us know how it goes!

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Will do!

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You want an Energy Market Expert? I can get you an expert, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you an Energy Market Expert by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with ivy league credentials.

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I’m finishing my coffee.

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He’s got big beautiful Ivy Shingles and Expertise, maybe best and biggest in world, 🧑‍🦲 lemme tell ya no body gets experts like me

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Between a possible rail strike and diesel issues things could get really bad. BTW rail road engines, ships and all farm equipment runs on diesel. So yes things can always get worse. But hey let’s shut down fossil fuels. Windmills and solar panels work great. Oh wait you need FF for those too.

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Not so long ago I worked with a services salesman whose m.o. was to cause a firedrill within his own team (by making promises to the client, giving vague or no information to the team supporting him, etc) with the idea that causing this firedrill would "make things happen" and thereby "move things forward".

Of course that's an incredibly stupid approach, with unsupportably high costs and points of friction inherent throughout -- it steals resources from everything else that the organization has going on, and promotes failure cascades both close-by and more distant. He just thought the world of himself and had enormous desires, and nowhere near enough experience or caution for the responsibilities of his role. Also this sort of approach is lauded in today's corporate culture. And that's the type of thought being used most everywhere--political and scientific thought seem to have been shoved to the side a while back. Maybe around the time between web 1.0 and 2.0, or around about when the millennials started moving up from entry-level roles to roles with some sayso.

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The sayso is geriatric

I X gen whatever that means

The sayso is geriatric and they only hire or retain idiots

Most Republican voters want as little to do with government as possible, a flaw but a definitive trait.

So we get AOC lol

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U.S. diesel inventories have been low for quite a while. We were lucky to avoid a hurricane hitting the Gulf refineries in recent months. If one had, this would've become a very big problem weeks ago.

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Ha! The pump may be connected to January 6th!

Now that is a conspiracy I can get behind.

Just one question, was a hammer involved?

Great report Chris!

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You and the pumps are guilty of misinformation.. And climate change. And 6 January.

Danny Huckabee

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