So they don't want to use the basically free dinosaur-based energy source right under their feet, and now we have moved on to the thing that provides for all life on earth: they don't want to use free, fresh, cold water that's right under their feet either, and it just happens to be the thing that puts out 'The Fires Currently Killing Pe…
So they don't want to use the basically free dinosaur-based energy source right under their feet, and now we have moved on to the thing that provides for all life on earth: they don't want to use free, fresh, cold water that's right under their feet either, and it just happens to be the thing that puts out 'The Fires Currently Killing People' that they are running out of. This news dovetails nicely with my theory that these people are anti-life, people-hating, misanthropic trash. Thanks for putting another piece in the puzzle for me.
Are they people though? I mean in the true sense of the word - in possession of functioning consciousness and souls, who are connected to the rest of humanity in the fundamental way the rest of us are that know what is essentially the right or wrong thing to do. I've become convinced that not everyone on this planet is in possession of a soul and the reason we are all in the shit that we're in is because scum floats to the top.
If you believe in Quantum Physics there is absolute basis for what you are saying. We are not made up of matter but frequency. There are plenty of low vibration, dense people out there who emit a certain leaden, even menacing vibe, and if you are sufficiently empathic and aware you can sense them and don't want to be enmeshed with their energy/ aura. The vibratory range goes from 100 to 1000 hz(?) At the low end you have the outright sociopaths with the narcissists above them and the materialists above them. Admirable traits like compassion, empathy, and integrity kick in around 500. And you head on up from there to enlightenment, with folks like Jesus, Buddha, and the great yogi/ ascendant masters at the top of the heap.
I totally agree. I'm exploring this topic. I really feel that there is a current raising of vibration happening across the world. Not enough space here to explore that but here is a link that I share often. It is a clip that I visit whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of badness in the world. I hope it helps anyone who clicks on it
My parallel theory is Faustian, that is, people like Newsom and most of the people in charge of LA sold their souls to the devil in exchange for power long ago. “If I wasn't a devil myself I'd give Me up to the Devil this very minute.” ― Goethe
The same suspicion I have come to regarding these psychopaths. Our souls are connected to the central nervous system of our earthly avatars. I'm convinced there is a part of the human brain that connects to our spiritual ability to connect to all other living beings. We call it "empathy" or the ability to feel what others are dealing with and feeling. There is a scripture that talks about 'having their conscience seared with a hot iron' (1 Tim. 4:2 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.) How does it get seared. I think those who participate in the satatnic rituals involving the violation of the innocent and partake of the innocent blood lose that connection and are hardly any longer truly spiritual beings, but become demonic robots in a way, unable to feel those deeper feelings any longer. This is the "sin against the Holy Spirit" that is said to be unforgiveable, since after this sincere repentance is impossible.
Be careful, here, Amanda. I understand the sentiment, but there's a difference between saying that a person is consumed by evil (even possessed) and that they are not a person. The former says that they are abusing their soul and provides a possible route to redemption. That is the "universal dignity of man" in a Judeo-Christian sense. The latter divides the world into 2 classes of humans, one with a soul and one without, and thus forecloses the possibility of redemption for the latter. This is fundamentally Nietzschean since the only basis for the division is power.
Nietzsche is who got us into this mess. (Well, actually Bacon, Machiavelli, Hume, Mill, and Nietzsche, but he'll do to categorize the group.) Doubling down on Nietzsche isn't going to be the answer.
I get it. I've encountered them. In my experience there are 2 types: people who have been taken over by whatever you want to call it - evil will do - the Gavin Newsom or Joe Biden types or the drug addicts who stove their grandfather's head in for his coffee tin of cash (that happens, trust me); then there are the ones who are, in my experience, not people - Something elemental is just not there. I've come across a couple in my time. You can't mistake them; you can feel it in your core. I don't care if that sounds crazy. I think for the Cali is suffering an overdose of the first type - the sell-outs.
You're alluding to the demonic, though without use of the term. It sounds completely uncrazy to me.
Why does a middle aged man visit a playground full of children, not to give them ice cream sandwiches, but to murder them? He actually had a reason which makes sense if you're as lunatic with syphilis as he was, but I have always been aware that there was the demonic in what he did. This actually happened to me. I survived, but my two best friends, another little boy whom we did not know but who was no less precious, and two gloriously heroic adults who tried to save our lives did not. Hundreds of lives were at best marred permanently, some left walking dead.
I wish that had been my only encounter with the demonic. It hasn't been. In my seventy - two years I have come face to face with three people of the kind you describe. Something elemental was just not there. Each was unrelated to the other two, yet each looked identical to the other two. All three had the most appalling smiles: lightless smiles, the smiles of those whose souls have been subsumed by unholy spirits.
C.S. Lewis was right. There are two opposite but equally assaultive errors which Christians are subject to in their thinking about the demonic. Either we think about it not at all or we think about it too much. Christians in the United States have tended toward the first error, but circumstances in the last few years have tended to yank our attention in the direction of the second.
If even half of what we have heard about the Diddy parties, Epstein Island, the rape/grooming gangs in Europe and particularly in England, and the hundreds of thousands of missing children in the United States is true, how can we deny the energetic presence of the demonic?
What are UAP? The scholar and writer, Diana Pasulka, says that there isn't anyone in the Silicon Valley/D.C. axis who has studied them who doesn't believe they are demonic in nature. Rod Dreher writes about this a lot.
The answer, always, is God Incarnate, The Lord Jesus Christ. For the believer there is nothing to fear.
Here is a recommended podcast and a book, the latter being for those with steely faith. The podcast is Lord of the Spirits. The book is Malachi Martin's "Hostage to the Devil." The Martin book was published in the mid 1970s. As far as I am aware, no one has ever challenged the credentials or the credibility of Malachi Martin, who died many years ago.
@Bobby I remember Martin from Arr Bells radio show. I've read that book you wrote about and profound and scary is a word easily used and I'm not one to scare easily.
It scared me. I tried to read it in 1977, and couldn't. I gave it another try in 2008, and made it. I wanted to read it a year later and just could not hack it again.
And no doubt the sellouts attract other sellouts like magnets, as they realise they will suffer no setbacks if they are amongst a great many like-minded soulless ones.
In the end though, I truly believe it’s all just communism, something that has been around a very long time, not just since 1917. Ordinary, perfectly ok people are sucked into communist beliefs at a very young age because they think it means fairness for all. Perhaps it is those who don’t grow out of stupid beliefs who become the soulless ones.
I loved hearing this, PB. Truth is, if you have no faith then you will believe in something or anything. You will be an empty vessel only to be filled with some or all of the seven deadly sins.
I am not a religious zealot. I have faith and I believe God is our saviour.
California has been my home for over 30 years. It’s become satan’s den and it’s high time to end satan’s run!
We lived in the East Bay from 1989-95. It was a glorious and wholesome time for us personally, and I was heartbroken to move back to Houston (with my employer).
As we look back after 30 yrs, we are SO grateful to have been pulled out just before the entire state literally went to Hell.
I wonder if the question is: ‘is religion knocked into us, or is it knocked out of us? Or is it something we either have or not, no matter what the powers that be do or don’t do to our societies?
I believe that there have always existed those who believe in one or many gods, those who just pay lip service because of social or even legal or financial pressures and those who never believe in any religion - the ‘when you’re dead you’re dead’ mentality, no matter what external pressures there are. Some grow out of religion (most children believe what adults tell them); some grow into it - perhaps they meet someone so inspiring, so convincing that they have an epiphany. That person may be a conman, a charlatan, misguided but charismatic, but still… Perhaps some, like me, would like the comfort that belief brings but just can’t find that faith in their heart or mind. My sister is an evangelical Christian and has very great faith; I know the arguments.
I don’t believe being moral depends on one’s religious belief, we all know what is right and what is wrong. Do unto others as you would be done to is the golden rule for everyone, is it not? Some ‘religions’ preach otherwise - we should believe Muslims when they say they want to wipe all other religions from the face of the earth, they make a good job of it when they become a majority in a country, after all. So, having a belief in god isn’t everything in my opinion. All religions have killed in the name of god. I have decided all we can do is follow the teaching of Christ - perhaps belief in his resurrection will follow, perhaps not, would that matter? Would he forgive us if heaven exists and he knew we had lived a good life or would he send the innocent to hell because that final, supernatural step was beyond us?
God killed god to save us from god - this could sum up Christianity if we were to be cynical; it’s trite, but it resonated with me.
I have always felt that morality is based on good humility. I am no better (or worse) than the next guy; I have no right to treat him worse than I think I deserve to treated.
I’ve always believed in an “interested Supreme Being” that is timeless and infinite, but that Man is incapable of conceiving anything about that Being. It is beyond our imagination. I subscribe to Christian orthodoxy because (a) it’s a convenient way to express my faith, respect and love for the God who created every subatomic particle of all we will ever know, and (b) because its doctrines are the best way devised so far by which to run a civilization.
Some may express sorrow that I will not be “saved.” I appreciate that, but I can only express what I believe: That God exists, that he is interested, (he gave us a conscience, after all), and that as a human being I am incapable of comprehending his existence.
I think you are a very wise and thoughtful person who is more in tune with the true meaning of faith and spirituality than maybe you give yourself credit for.
Thank you so much for your “hug.” VERY much appreciated.
One thing I failed to mention: it’s very difficult for me to believe that God is exclusively focused on humans:
What happens when all the existing stars exhaust their fuel?
– All life depends on radiant heat from stars.
– All stars are driven by fusion, and there is a finite amount of “fusible” matter in the universe. Our own sun has a projected remaining life of ≈5B years.
– Yes, the residual material can agglomerate, but it’s not fusible, so will not generate star-like energy.
So what’s next? Or are we to believe that God’s corporeal influence is limited to 14B years?
These are not questions for you, per se, but inspire my thinking.
You think deeply. Your thoughts are profound and of a metaphysical nature. Please don't ever lose that - the world needs thinkers such as yourself. Also .. you are welcome :)
P.B - do excuse me for advertising myself, but I do have my own substack, and although I have only posted twice, I have posted a short story there (I’m a published novelist) about one woman’s faith.
Precisely. Communism attempts to separate the human being from their spiritual being. That tactic is now being employed across the West and in other places too: Paris Olympics opening ceremony; Christmas tree in Syria burned down; Buddhist statues in Afghanistan destroyed; the Orthodox Church in Ukraine banned. The Pledge of Allegiance in schools not being mandatory; Satanists being afforded the same rights as other religions; Churches being burned down; Churches closed during Covid. Too many examples to name but they all boil down to the same thing - to control people it is necessary to separate them from their higher power - to dilute or outright wash away their belief systems. And that is downright evil.
It’s not just the same tactic – it’s the same philosophical source – Marx and his intellectual descendants scheming to destroy society “in order to rebuild it.” I’m reminded of 2 phrases from “Animal Farm”:
“Four legs good, Two legs better!”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
There are 2 kinds of people who believe this line of drivel: the willfully naïve and the evil.
The “not people” exist. I met a couple during my time in the Army. They lusted after the opportunity to hurt people. The glee in one’s eyes as we lined up to practice with pugil sticks – he could beat on someone legally. The issue was not the willingness, it was the avid desire.
I believe you will find interesting, informative, and, maybe, disturbing. Given your posts, though, I think you'll not be disturbed, but, instead, affirmed.
Peck has another good book, "The Road Less Traveled", which preceded "Lie".
This makes my head hurt. Gavin is afraid. He’s spending $25 million taxpayer dollars because, basically, dad told him to clean his room. Someone—maybe one of those whose multimillion dollar house is now ash—should take him aside and explain a few things. (And wasn’t that close to the amount the la mayor cut out of the fire dept budget?)
So true in all respects. I decline to use the Nazis as comparators to much (and Hitler to no other thing), but the hate-fueled frenzy in the progressives is very close to the key stages of genocidal rage (dehumanization and focused attribution of worldwide evil into the opponent). We’ve seen this in the anti-Semites, the Serbs against the Bosnians & Kosovars, and the Hutus against the Tutsis.
It’s interesting that in the lead-up to the Civil War, there was only one basic disagreement: economics (and the political control manifesting in abusive economic policies). There was not disagreement about the basic functioning of society or the roles of government.
Today however, there appear to be 2 different nations with 2 radically different views of the Constitution occupying the same territory. It’s inherently unstable.
At a minimum, we need to terminate Federal funding of humanities degrees to stanch the flood of Marxism. It’s intolerable that we’ve lent gargantuan amounts of public money to disfigure the minds of scores of millions of young minds, who then vote for policies that manifest in a $100B catastrophe of biblical proportions.
It’s been some time since the Democrats have done ANYTHING substantive; for years it’s been 100% performative. Who can forget the 2020 kente cloth fashion sweeping the halls of Congress?
We need to be sure of our own and never stop praying and speaking of the good vs evil paradigm of our world. The space for our desire to be left alone to live our life in peace will continue to evaporate like water from a SoCal hydrant.
Elizabeth Nickson (Substack) has done yeoman’s work laying it out. It’s about power, and water, and farming people. And evil. Highly recommend reading her work.
Yup, that’s pretty much the program. The Dems retort that it’s possible to walk & chew gum at the same time. But they’ve just been chewing gum (DEI, Trans, saving the Delta Smelt) and not walking (law enforcement, water & power systems improvement, quality of life (homeless) regulation).
BUT that gives the opposition a clear rally point, if they choose to make it one. Trump can help by re-engineering Federal funds: instead of grants which CA wastes, move to a reimbursement mechanism, where CA only gets back what they spent properly. Alternatively, they could sell the high speed choo-choo. That should pay for a couple of dozen reservoirs.
It takes a really special kind of gall to spend $33B, have just a couple of concrete towers to show for it, and proudly announce you’re starting to lay track 10 years after you promised to be 100% finished. But OTOH, it’s understandable given that the high speed railroad had only been invented THIRTY years earlier.
That’s how special we are! Fifth largest economy in the world, our governor keeps reminding us. According to a California Globe article from December, the state is now touting high-speed rail as a JOBS program. (Since they clearly can’t point to any physical rail.) The article also explained their expansive method of counting the jobs. What government does best— pat itself on the back.
So they don't want to use the basically free dinosaur-based energy source right under their feet, and now we have moved on to the thing that provides for all life on earth: they don't want to use free, fresh, cold water that's right under their feet either, and it just happens to be the thing that puts out 'The Fires Currently Killing People' that they are running out of. This news dovetails nicely with my theory that these people are anti-life, people-hating, misanthropic trash. Thanks for putting another piece in the puzzle for me.
Are they people though? I mean in the true sense of the word - in possession of functioning consciousness and souls, who are connected to the rest of humanity in the fundamental way the rest of us are that know what is essentially the right or wrong thing to do. I've become convinced that not everyone on this planet is in possession of a soul and the reason we are all in the shit that we're in is because scum floats to the top.
If you believe in Quantum Physics there is absolute basis for what you are saying. We are not made up of matter but frequency. There are plenty of low vibration, dense people out there who emit a certain leaden, even menacing vibe, and if you are sufficiently empathic and aware you can sense them and don't want to be enmeshed with their energy/ aura. The vibratory range goes from 100 to 1000 hz(?) At the low end you have the outright sociopaths with the narcissists above them and the materialists above them. Admirable traits like compassion, empathy, and integrity kick in around 500. And you head on up from there to enlightenment, with folks like Jesus, Buddha, and the great yogi/ ascendant masters at the top of the heap.
I totally agree. I'm exploring this topic. I really feel that there is a current raising of vibration happening across the world. Not enough space here to explore that but here is a link that I share often. It is a clip that I visit whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of badness in the world. I hope it helps anyone who clicks on it
My parallel theory is Faustian, that is, people like Newsom and most of the people in charge of LA sold their souls to the devil in exchange for power long ago. “If I wasn't a devil myself I'd give Me up to the Devil this very minute.” ― Goethe
The same suspicion I have come to regarding these psychopaths. Our souls are connected to the central nervous system of our earthly avatars. I'm convinced there is a part of the human brain that connects to our spiritual ability to connect to all other living beings. We call it "empathy" or the ability to feel what others are dealing with and feeling. There is a scripture that talks about 'having their conscience seared with a hot iron' (1 Tim. 4:2 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.) How does it get seared. I think those who participate in the satatnic rituals involving the violation of the innocent and partake of the innocent blood lose that connection and are hardly any longer truly spiritual beings, but become demonic robots in a way, unable to feel those deeper feelings any longer. This is the "sin against the Holy Spirit" that is said to be unforgiveable, since after this sincere repentance is impossible.
There is a whole book about this. It's about ~2000 years old. I went 40 years without it, and now I know.
Be careful, here, Amanda. I understand the sentiment, but there's a difference between saying that a person is consumed by evil (even possessed) and that they are not a person. The former says that they are abusing their soul and provides a possible route to redemption. That is the "universal dignity of man" in a Judeo-Christian sense. The latter divides the world into 2 classes of humans, one with a soul and one without, and thus forecloses the possibility of redemption for the latter. This is fundamentally Nietzschean since the only basis for the division is power.
Nietzsche is who got us into this mess. (Well, actually Bacon, Machiavelli, Hume, Mill, and Nietzsche, but he'll do to categorize the group.) Doubling down on Nietzsche isn't going to be the answer.
I get it. I've encountered them. In my experience there are 2 types: people who have been taken over by whatever you want to call it - evil will do - the Gavin Newsom or Joe Biden types or the drug addicts who stove their grandfather's head in for his coffee tin of cash (that happens, trust me); then there are the ones who are, in my experience, not people - Something elemental is just not there. I've come across a couple in my time. You can't mistake them; you can feel it in your core. I don't care if that sounds crazy. I think for the Cali is suffering an overdose of the first type - the sell-outs.
You're alluding to the demonic, though without use of the term. It sounds completely uncrazy to me.
Why does a middle aged man visit a playground full of children, not to give them ice cream sandwiches, but to murder them? He actually had a reason which makes sense if you're as lunatic with syphilis as he was, but I have always been aware that there was the demonic in what he did. This actually happened to me. I survived, but my two best friends, another little boy whom we did not know but who was no less precious, and two gloriously heroic adults who tried to save our lives did not. Hundreds of lives were at best marred permanently, some left walking dead.
I wish that had been my only encounter with the demonic. It hasn't been. In my seventy - two years I have come face to face with three people of the kind you describe. Something elemental was just not there. Each was unrelated to the other two, yet each looked identical to the other two. All three had the most appalling smiles: lightless smiles, the smiles of those whose souls have been subsumed by unholy spirits.
C.S. Lewis was right. There are two opposite but equally assaultive errors which Christians are subject to in their thinking about the demonic. Either we think about it not at all or we think about it too much. Christians in the United States have tended toward the first error, but circumstances in the last few years have tended to yank our attention in the direction of the second.
If even half of what we have heard about the Diddy parties, Epstein Island, the rape/grooming gangs in Europe and particularly in England, and the hundreds of thousands of missing children in the United States is true, how can we deny the energetic presence of the demonic?
What are UAP? The scholar and writer, Diana Pasulka, says that there isn't anyone in the Silicon Valley/D.C. axis who has studied them who doesn't believe they are demonic in nature. Rod Dreher writes about this a lot.
The answer, always, is God Incarnate, The Lord Jesus Christ. For the believer there is nothing to fear.
Here is a recommended podcast and a book, the latter being for those with steely faith. The podcast is Lord of the Spirits. The book is Malachi Martin's "Hostage to the Devil." The Martin book was published in the mid 1970s. As far as I am aware, no one has ever challenged the credentials or the credibility of Malachi Martin, who died many years ago.
Bobby, you are right. As a society, we are marinated in evil, disguised as angels of light.
@Bobby I remember Martin from Arr Bells radio show. I've read that book you wrote about and profound and scary is a word easily used and I'm not one to scare easily.
It scared me. I tried to read it in 1977, and couldn't. I gave it another try in 2008, and made it. I wanted to read it a year later and just could not hack it again.
You're very kind. I wish I had the ordained right to offer a benediction, but please know that it's in my heart, P.B.
And no doubt the sellouts attract other sellouts like magnets, as they realise they will suffer no setbacks if they are amongst a great many like-minded soulless ones.
In the end though, I truly believe it’s all just communism, something that has been around a very long time, not just since 1917. Ordinary, perfectly ok people are sucked into communist beliefs at a very young age because they think it means fairness for all. Perhaps it is those who don’t grow out of stupid beliefs who become the soulless ones.
I loved hearing this, PB. Truth is, if you have no faith then you will believe in something or anything. You will be an empty vessel only to be filled with some or all of the seven deadly sins.
I am not a religious zealot. I have faith and I believe God is our saviour.
California has been my home for over 30 years. It’s become satan’s den and it’s high time to end satan’s run!
We lived in the East Bay from 1989-95. It was a glorious and wholesome time for us personally, and I was heartbroken to move back to Houston (with my employer).
As we look back after 30 yrs, we are SO grateful to have been pulled out just before the entire state literally went to Hell.
Thank you for your response, P.B.
I wonder if the question is: ‘is religion knocked into us, or is it knocked out of us? Or is it something we either have or not, no matter what the powers that be do or don’t do to our societies?
I believe that there have always existed those who believe in one or many gods, those who just pay lip service because of social or even legal or financial pressures and those who never believe in any religion - the ‘when you’re dead you’re dead’ mentality, no matter what external pressures there are. Some grow out of religion (most children believe what adults tell them); some grow into it - perhaps they meet someone so inspiring, so convincing that they have an epiphany. That person may be a conman, a charlatan, misguided but charismatic, but still… Perhaps some, like me, would like the comfort that belief brings but just can’t find that faith in their heart or mind. My sister is an evangelical Christian and has very great faith; I know the arguments.
I don’t believe being moral depends on one’s religious belief, we all know what is right and what is wrong. Do unto others as you would be done to is the golden rule for everyone, is it not? Some ‘religions’ preach otherwise - we should believe Muslims when they say they want to wipe all other religions from the face of the earth, they make a good job of it when they become a majority in a country, after all. So, having a belief in god isn’t everything in my opinion. All religions have killed in the name of god. I have decided all we can do is follow the teaching of Christ - perhaps belief in his resurrection will follow, perhaps not, would that matter? Would he forgive us if heaven exists and he knew we had lived a good life or would he send the innocent to hell because that final, supernatural step was beyond us?
God killed god to save us from god - this could sum up Christianity if we were to be cynical; it’s trite, but it resonated with me.
I have always felt that morality is based on good humility. I am no better (or worse) than the next guy; I have no right to treat him worse than I think I deserve to treated.
I’ve always believed in an “interested Supreme Being” that is timeless and infinite, but that Man is incapable of conceiving anything about that Being. It is beyond our imagination. I subscribe to Christian orthodoxy because (a) it’s a convenient way to express my faith, respect and love for the God who created every subatomic particle of all we will ever know, and (b) because its doctrines are the best way devised so far by which to run a civilization.
Some may express sorrow that I will not be “saved.” I appreciate that, but I can only express what I believe: That God exists, that he is interested, (he gave us a conscience, after all), and that as a human being I am incapable of comprehending his existence.
I think you are a very wise and thoughtful person who is more in tune with the true meaning of faith and spirituality than maybe you give yourself credit for.
Thank you so much for your “hug.” VERY much appreciated.
One thing I failed to mention: it’s very difficult for me to believe that God is exclusively focused on humans:
What happens when all the existing stars exhaust their fuel?
– All life depends on radiant heat from stars.
– All stars are driven by fusion, and there is a finite amount of “fusible” matter in the universe. Our own sun has a projected remaining life of ≈5B years.
– Yes, the residual material can agglomerate, but it’s not fusible, so will not generate star-like energy.
So what’s next? Or are we to believe that God’s corporeal influence is limited to 14B years?
These are not questions for you, per se, but inspire my thinking.
You think deeply. Your thoughts are profound and of a metaphysical nature. Please don't ever lose that - the world needs thinkers such as yourself. Also .. you are welcome :)
P.B - do excuse me for advertising myself, but I do have my own substack, and although I have only posted twice, I have posted a short story there (I’m a published novelist) about one woman’s faith.
Thank you P.B.
Your native faith is calling you home, P.B. Probe a bit. :-)
Precisely. Communism attempts to separate the human being from their spiritual being. That tactic is now being employed across the West and in other places too: Paris Olympics opening ceremony; Christmas tree in Syria burned down; Buddhist statues in Afghanistan destroyed; the Orthodox Church in Ukraine banned. The Pledge of Allegiance in schools not being mandatory; Satanists being afforded the same rights as other religions; Churches being burned down; Churches closed during Covid. Too many examples to name but they all boil down to the same thing - to control people it is necessary to separate them from their higher power - to dilute or outright wash away their belief systems. And that is downright evil.
It’s not just the same tactic – it’s the same philosophical source – Marx and his intellectual descendants scheming to destroy society “in order to rebuild it.” I’m reminded of 2 phrases from “Animal Farm”:
“Four legs good, Two legs better!”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
There are 2 kinds of people who believe this line of drivel: the willfully naïve and the evil.
The “not people” exist. I met a couple during my time in the Army. They lusted after the opportunity to hurt people. The glee in one’s eyes as we lined up to practice with pugil sticks – he could beat on someone legally. The issue was not the willingness, it was the avid desire.
Not scoffing here. You nailed it. The Spirit testifies and if it’s not there, you know instantly.
Have you read "People of the Lie", by M Scott Peck?? Urge you to do so,, if you haven't.
I believe you will find interesting, informative, and, maybe, disturbing. Given your posts, though, I think you'll not be disturbed, but, instead, affirmed.
Peck has another good book, "The Road Less Traveled", which preceded "Lie".
I’ve seen what you describe as well. Coldness that is truly dreadful.
They don't live in reality.
Here's their priority:
Feed them chapparal!!!
This makes my head hurt. Gavin is afraid. He’s spending $25 million taxpayer dollars because, basically, dad told him to clean his room. Someone—maybe one of those whose multimillion dollar house is now ash—should take him aside and explain a few things. (And wasn’t that close to the amount the la mayor cut out of the fire dept budget?)
Newsom’s reaction (and that of all CA Dems) is explained in Milton’s Paradise Lost: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
Perfect analogy
Gavin is not fear capable. He’s a stone sociopath
A reporter asked the CA Speaker about this… platitudes in response.
If you recall, it was CA Attorney General Xavier Becerra, currently HHS secretary, who sued the last Trump Administration 100 times:
That’s their plan this go-round too. Wasting my money to fight the federal government, instead of solving the problems right under their noses.
Well they're Fuhrer-ious, after all!
TDS is incurable.
I just can't believe the hate in so many peoples hearts.
So true in all respects. I decline to use the Nazis as comparators to much (and Hitler to no other thing), but the hate-fueled frenzy in the progressives is very close to the key stages of genocidal rage (dehumanization and focused attribution of worldwide evil into the opponent). We’ve seen this in the anti-Semites, the Serbs against the Bosnians & Kosovars, and the Hutus against the Tutsis.
It’s interesting that in the lead-up to the Civil War, there was only one basic disagreement: economics (and the political control manifesting in abusive economic policies). There was not disagreement about the basic functioning of society or the roles of government.
Today however, there appear to be 2 different nations with 2 radically different views of the Constitution occupying the same territory. It’s inherently unstable.
At a minimum, we need to terminate Federal funding of humanities degrees to stanch the flood of Marxism. It’s intolerable that we’ve lent gargantuan amounts of public money to disfigure the minds of scores of millions of young minds, who then vote for policies that manifest in a $100B catastrophe of biblical proportions.
It’s been some time since the Democrats have done ANYTHING substantive; for years it’s been 100% performative. Who can forget the 2020 kente cloth fashion sweeping the halls of Congress?
They have their priorities straight.
We need to be sure of our own and never stop praying and speaking of the good vs evil paradigm of our world. The space for our desire to be left alone to live our life in peace will continue to evaporate like water from a SoCal hydrant.
The Democrat party is the party of death. It doesn't care about actual people, except for their utilitarian value to the agenda.
It is a sick party.
That is a scary theory because it means it's intentional and they wanted this outcome, hence nothing will change and things will only get worse.
Elizabeth Nickson (Substack) has done yeoman’s work laying it out. It’s about power, and water, and farming people. And evil. Highly recommend reading her work.
If you’re not subscribed to Elizabeth’s Substack, then you may want to tune in to reality. This is most definitely, 💯 planned and executed.
She's done great reporting on this
Yup, that’s pretty much the program. The Dems retort that it’s possible to walk & chew gum at the same time. But they’ve just been chewing gum (DEI, Trans, saving the Delta Smelt) and not walking (law enforcement, water & power systems improvement, quality of life (homeless) regulation).
BUT that gives the opposition a clear rally point, if they choose to make it one. Trump can help by re-engineering Federal funds: instead of grants which CA wastes, move to a reimbursement mechanism, where CA only gets back what they spent properly. Alternatively, they could sell the high speed choo-choo. That should pay for a couple of dozen reservoirs.
There are no physical choo choos to sell. There are a couple of towering viaducts in the middle of Central California farmland. It seems that only last week they began laying track. I’m not sure where the money went either but we think a lot of consultants and political cronies have done well.
It just gets worse and worse…
California government is very good at spending taxpayers’ money on stuff that does not benefit said taxpayers.
It takes a really special kind of gall to spend $33B, have just a couple of concrete towers to show for it, and proudly announce you’re starting to lay track 10 years after you promised to be 100% finished. But OTOH, it’s understandable given that the high speed railroad had only been invented THIRTY years earlier.
That’s how special we are! Fifth largest economy in the world, our governor keeps reminding us. According to a California Globe article from December, the state is now touting high-speed rail as a JOBS program. (Since they clearly can’t point to any physical rail.) The article also explained their expansive method of counting the jobs. What government does best— pat itself on the back.
The Malthusian death cult is real
The only water in LA that's "right under someone's feet" is water that's been pumped there from hundreds of miles away.