Precisely. Communism attempts to separate the human being from their spiritual being. That tactic is now being employed across the West and in other places too: Paris Olympics opening ceremony; Christmas tree in Syria burned down; Buddhist statues in Afghanistan destroyed; the Orthodox Church in Ukraine banned. The Pledge of Allegiance i…
Precisely. Communism attempts to separate the human being from their spiritual being. That tactic is now being employed across the West and in other places too: Paris Olympics opening ceremony; Christmas tree in Syria burned down; Buddhist statues in Afghanistan destroyed; the Orthodox Church in Ukraine banned. The Pledge of Allegiance in schools not being mandatory; Satanists being afforded the same rights as other religions; Churches being burned down; Churches closed during Covid. Too many examples to name but they all boil down to the same thing - to control people it is necessary to separate them from their higher power - to dilute or outright wash away their belief systems. And that is downright evil.
It’s not just the same tactic – it’s the same philosophical source – Marx and his intellectual descendants scheming to destroy society “in order to rebuild it.” I’m reminded of 2 phrases from “Animal Farm”:
“Four legs good, Two legs better!”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
There are 2 kinds of people who believe this line of drivel: the willfully naïve and the evil.
Precisely. Communism attempts to separate the human being from their spiritual being. That tactic is now being employed across the West and in other places too: Paris Olympics opening ceremony; Christmas tree in Syria burned down; Buddhist statues in Afghanistan destroyed; the Orthodox Church in Ukraine banned. The Pledge of Allegiance in schools not being mandatory; Satanists being afforded the same rights as other religions; Churches being burned down; Churches closed during Covid. Too many examples to name but they all boil down to the same thing - to control people it is necessary to separate them from their higher power - to dilute or outright wash away their belief systems. And that is downright evil.
It’s not just the same tactic – it’s the same philosophical source – Marx and his intellectual descendants scheming to destroy society “in order to rebuild it.” I’m reminded of 2 phrases from “Animal Farm”:
“Four legs good, Two legs better!”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
There are 2 kinds of people who believe this line of drivel: the willfully naïve and the evil.