The point that makes the vax "conspiracy theory" nonsense is that everyone - I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe. There is no reason for anyone, ever, to be against that. So for people, who have a stellar reputation built over a lifetime, to endanger their reputation and their job and their standing to di…
The point that makes the vax "conspiracy theory" nonsense is that everyone - I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe. There is no reason for anyone, ever, to be against that. So for people, who have a stellar reputation built over a lifetime, to endanger their reputation and their job and their standing to discount an effective and safe covid vaccine makes zero sense. No, they didn't do it because they "wanted attention and money." C'mon, man!
‘ I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe.’
No I wouldn’t.
In the same way I wouldn’t and don’t want a vaccine for rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza, the four other coronaviruses all of which cause the same symptom-set as each other and CoVid (symptoms = disease, usually labelled Common Cold) from which I have frequently suffered throughout my life (had Hong Kong ‘flu) sometimes unpleasant, always inconvenient but none warranting taking a medication with the concomitant risk that comes with any medication, for something my immune system will deal with anyway.
In later life when such viruses present me a more serious, even life threatening risk, by then the other ailments of my old age will pose a greater threat and it will be a toss-up which finishes me off first.
There is no vaccine against death, although there is currently a crazy notion there is.
Pneumonia (which is the end-game of all respiratory viruses in the elderly) used to be known as ‘the old man’s friend’ - ponder that.
There is no such thing as a ‘safe’ medication as a glance at the information leaflet that comes with drugs will show, particularly the list of contra-indications and warnings.
I also want nothing to do with a supposed safe & effective vaccine, whether truly safe & effective or not. All injections come with risk. I’ll take the chance of my body, made to fight pathogens, over any product made for profits.
There is an increasing volume of evidence building just how unsafe these mRNA therapies are in fit healthy people, including blood clots, neurological problems but also activity for months after injection of the mRNA manufacturing protein spikes in a variety of body cells. One in-vitro study found it was changing DNA. We just do not know the full extent of what they are doing and the consequences. They are after all designed to cause changes at cellular level. Even if they were effective, the low risk from CoV 2 for most isn’t worth the risk.
The King didn't say "I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that *allegedly* worked and was *allegedly* safe."
He said "I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe."
His premise is based on the assumption that they ARE safe and ARE effective, so you cannot change HIS premise, and then rebut a premise he didn't make!
Yeah I’m still not part of that everyone. All other vaccines are purported safe and effective but they also do plenty of damage. I understand what he’s saying, I’m just saying I hope more people open their eyes up to the vaccine myth period.
I read the whole thing through several times and I completely understand the gist of what is being said. However, I’m using Covidmania as a launching point to get more people to understand that it isn’t just the last 2 years that Big Pharma isn’t on our side. It isnt just the last 2 years the government has been clamping down on us more and more. I have looked at root causes for symptoms for twenty years and have managed to keep myself and my family out of America’s sick care system. The more people that wake up the Better off we will all be. We have to get to a place where we say, “hey, I know this antacid helps me in the moment, but what is causing me to need it” and then change our diet to remove the foods that make us feel that way. But we are all “but it tastes good, so it’s worth it” - except there are risks to taking antacids (my husband got kidney stones from
Them because they are so high in calcium, who knows what else). I’m using antacids as a general starting point because everyone can understand what I’m saying - antacids are “safe & effective” but do come with risks. Alternatively we can heal our bodies with no risk and lots of benefits, but we many times need a functional doctor to help us find root causes instead of covering up symptoms with quick fixes.
Our “safe & effective” vaccine program has caused so much long term damage to our population, way before this Covid vaccine madness hit the ground running. See uTobian Substack and read his dissertation to see just how much damage we have done. It has all happened right before our eyes. So, yes, I understand what is being said in the OP to this thread. I still disagree, and that’s ok. We can have opposing viewpoints. :)
I see your point, I have been immensely influenced by the book, Eat to Live and other books by Dr. Fuhrman, about changing your diet besides succumbing to meds for everything.
I've read the book by R Kennedy jr, such scary stuff but a real eye opener.
Dr Fuhrman is great! The big step is spending more on our food. We look at food as preventative healthcare, so we do spend extra to get quality food with minimal processing. It can be expensive but our healthcare costs are very low, and we are taking care of our bodies this way!
Bobby Kennedy is fantastic, he already has another book coming out this fall!
"However, I’m using Covidmania as a launching point to get more people to understand that it isn’t just the last 2 years that Big Pharma isn’t on our side."
For me, it's taken these last 2 years to open my eyes to the fact that Big Pharma hasn't been on our side for YEARS. Before Covid, I foolishly trusted BP and scorned the RFKJrs of the world. Shame on me. Man, are my eyes open now.
"antacids are “safe & effective” but do come with risks" ~ ditto something like Advil. I had some bad back issue 13 years ago and my doc told me to take (IIRC) SIX Advil every 4 hours, for like a day or two days, whatever. I did, and it helped me get out of bed and on the mend, but although Advil can be effective short-term, it's destructive long-term. So yeah, "safe and effective"...IF consumed properly and in moderation and not chronically.
Anyway, now that I know Advil is a Pfizer product, I'll be seeking some other Ibuprofin manufacturer.
I think my biggest problem is a lack of informed consent. That’s why I love Del Bigtree so much - his non profit is ICAN, Informed Consent Action Network. (Side note: If you’re still shopping at Amazon, set up your Amazon Smile to donate to them! Every little bit helps!) We are given all kinds of treatments and no one tells us about risks/benefits anymore. It’s just determined we “need” it and given. Ibuprofen may have reduced the swelling for you enough that you could get up and go again - but perhaps rest, ice and heat may have done the same. (I don’t know of course, nor do I have judgment for those who use ibuprofen, just throwing out an alternative!)
I’ve been called names by my family for years. It’s fine. I don’t care anymore. Anti-science, blah blah blah. I’m not anti-science though; this science we are living and dying by currently, however, is funded by the same people who are going to make money off the products. If a “study” is getting too close to finding out information that would hurt the long term use of a product, all of a sudden the funding dries up.
"Ibuprofen may have reduced the swelling for you enough that you could get up and go again - but perhaps rest, ice and heat may have done the same."
Exactly. I had *meant* to include this parenthetical after my original comment: (but who knows? Maybe whatever the cause of the pain was, was in the process of ameliorating on its own. There's no way to know whether it was the Advil, or nature doing its thing in *spite* of or regardless of the Advil.)
I think you're right. Just because something is safe and effective doesn't mean everyone would want to take it, but everyone *should* be glad there's something safe and effective for *other* people who want it.
Until now I assumed the annual flu shot was safe and effective. Yet over the past 40 years I'd probably gotten it maybe twice.
The product Airborne may very well be safe and effective. I'm not taking it. Heavy-duty painkillers maybe safe and effective when taken properly, but I won't take them unless the pain becomes intolerable. That sort of thing is my point. We should all want safe and effective *whatevers*, for those who *choose* them, not forced upon all of us.
I agree with you statements but I must push back on your example of “heavy duty pain killers are SAFE & effective”. Those drugs are OPIOIDS. Those drugs were made and pushed by doctors because drug companies lied about addiction and abuse. The Covid-19 vaccine deaths and long term side effects they cause pale in comparison to deaths and damage to families and society. The silver lining to the last two years is pharma / NIH & CDC have over played their hand. More Americans and other countries now see their business model and how they work together. They do not have our best interests at heart. Sadly now we see the problem we need to fix it together. It’s not a left / right issue. It’s undeniable that there is a problem. Now what do we do about it?
"Those drugs were made and pushed by doctors because drug companies lied about addiction and abuse." That's true, but that doesn't change the fact that when taken properly (not "properly" as defined by the drug companies and corrupt doctors), they *can* be safe and effective.
The key, as with everything, is "properly". Not sure if I said this earlier in this thread, but water is safe and effective when used properly, deadly when not.
Perfect. Pain killers are necessary, but it is NOT necessary to get addicted to them. Thank God for them. As one who has suffered from kidney stones, don't damn painkillers until you have had one.
Russian roulette is safe 5 out of 6 times. The risks are clear. Taking an opioid as directed however the risks are not clear to average person. That’s why we have an opioid crisis.
Please stop with opiod crises. We do not have an opiod crises. We have a FENTANYL crises...even Cocaine and what looks like normal PK's are LACED with Fentanyl. We have dried up the pain killer mills, and no one gets enough now to become addicted. Those who suffer from real pain have to take chances now with street drugs. We swing to far in either direction, and common sense needs to prevail. Government needs to get out of the Doctor patient relationship.
We have a hopelessness, moral and spiritual vacuum, crises at the root of all addiction.
Then, along comes Fentanyl and jacks it up X's 1,000.
My granpa and one son were/are alcoholics. The son is doing much better but it took till age 30. He's still drinking too much but won't die from alchohol poisoning any given day and does work.
I want HONEST answer from addicted people about why THEY are or were addicted. My son is just now starting to be mature and blame it to some degree on his MINDSET.
Life was too hard was a LOT of it.
But, like I said in my first sentence, most people have nothing but their physical life that is right in front of them. No hope, no love, no joy, no peace.
This son became a Christian during his use of drugs and alchohol and once he had hope, he started to change.
I have no idea yo view of the world but there is a reason that faith based addiction treatment, when it is genuinely attempted, has an outcome MULTIPLES better than other attempts.
Gathering people from under the bridges along the roads( I delivered long distance in a van for a few years and saw it in every single city) and putting them in apartments and feeding them won't help near as much as giving them hope and purpose, AND loving them, which no government can do.
A government can not love you. (And defintely never tries)
My wife comes from a family of pill takers. Some are even pill seekers. They have addiction and alcoholism in the family, even worse than the drunks from my family tree.
So I expected her to have to learn over time, which she finally did by age 50 as doctors ruined her life and almost killed her. (She can't work or travel or speak or breathe right because of malpractice)
No, I don't want to be bothered because I am relatively young and healthy and have a functioning immune system. Plus, I reckon that the best course of action overall for humanity is to reach herd immunity by having only old and sick people get the vax. I could list other reasons, but that's sufficient.
I was in an old mining town in Colorado during the heat of the propoganda.
I went in a shop which had a sign "give everyone at least ONE jackasses distant in line because of Covid." I laughed and gave the princess in front of me 2 JACKASSES distance and she STILL glared hate at my unmasked, wrinkly, completely unworried, smiling, OBVIOUSLY right leaning face!
She huffed, "we are nowhere near herd immunity and that's what we need! And we can't have that without the vaccines!"
I was and am still very confused by her huff. Did she think it gave permanent immunity or left a few antibodies laying around like regular mechanisms?
Yes, the old and sick should have been protected until we saw what we had. Why did our whole society forget this simple truth?
(I are one of the old now at age 60 at I'm not taking any of the seasonal shots till something gets much more dire)
He’s not saying you would have to take the vaccines he’s just saying everybody should like that there are safe and effective vaccines, if only for other peoples sake. I’m glad there are skyscrapers but that doesn’t mean I wanna work on building one.
I know what he wrote and what he meant. But his ‘of course who wouldn’t want....’ still somewhat implies they might have been okay. There are almost no safe and effective drugs out there. I don’t want them because I know they can’t exist.
I see your point. That is how I read it too. But...there is no such thing. The implication is there are, or could be such things and of course we want them. If there aren’t or can’t be because such a thing is tantamount to being virtually impossible then the quote sounds irrational.
The question is too hypothetical to have any meaning. ‘If Socialism worked perfectly and all people were happy living under it, wouldn’t you want it then?’
True. "Safe and effective" by trial means "safe and effective in the aggregate." Every injection given to an individual remains an experiment in a vaccine's (or any other medication's) safety and efficacy.
I hear you, and agree. But if “they” are hell bent on using a vaccine (even though you should never vaccinate during a pandemic), and IF it was truly optional, and IF it were truly safe and effective, would anyone stick their neck out to say it was deadly and ineffective?
You are right. And it’s a good point to make. No learned people are saying they are ineffective and dangerous whilst knowing they are (thus inviting sanction) BUT the learned people and politicians who know they are not effective nor safe are saying they are - they do it because their lies carry no sanction.
This is a great point. Those who pay no price if they are wrong are not as likely to make sure they have the facts right as those who do pay a price when they are wrong.
You may have taken the bait, Your Majesty. Review your warm and fuzzy response to the word "vaccine', and then research the recent revision of the definition. A generous description of the injections is "Experimental Chemotherapy."
There are safe and effective early treatments, with little risk if used knowledgeably. The HCQ trials were a travesty- I don't recall ever dosing anybody above 400 mg/day with HCQ. Perhaps the rheumatologists use a higher dose, but not above 800 mg/ day. The "Covid Trials" on 2400 & 3600 mg/day were designed to fail. I was surprised that they didn't kill everybody! This was covered in our Pharmacology and Medicine (Cardiology) lectures in 1979. Ivermectin failed to be toxic, even when used at stupid doses- I confess to having had to check the dose on the occasions I prescribed it to deworm a child.
I did learn two years ago , from the Naturopaths, that HCQ required a Zinc cofactor, and I subsequently read a nice computational chemistry paper (from Saudi Arabia) where they demonstrate the stereochemical binding of HCQ and zinc to the spike protein.
Review your belief in the "Vaccine" as a medical treatment and prophylactic (with a hole in the reservoir end) and see it instead as an entry to government digital ID's ("VaxxPasses"), and the "Social Credit Score" system . CBDC's are coming soon to your country.
In medicine when we don't know what's going on we call the cause of the problem (illness or condition) "multifactorial." This is at least true, everything is multifactorial down to the position and momentum of a particle.
Two years after the above comment we know that the vaxxes given to the population were different from the trial injections. The digital ID's, styled as "Vaxx-passes" with their QR codes, were tied to the injections, this is the biological tie. You believed that injecting untested experimental chemicals into everybody was for our health?
Others have claimed that there were RF nanoparticles injected as well, but that is not even necessary- people are happy to scan QR codes for almost anything, and the QR's are personally linked to accounts or devices.
There are other motives at play here, most of which have the desired end result of curtailing freedom for the populace and enhancing wealth and power in the hands of an "elite." So this is one of the multifactorial origins, which might be recast as "multiplayer." The players are not all visible, but look first at WEF, UN, WHO, CCP, BMGF, and US DOD as the publicly engaged parties; the top layer should not be easily identifiable.
An interesting post came up today on <> revealing that China (and Australia in the Comments) has ordered the destruction of all the Covid data and non-digital files. GMAB, how stupid do they think we are? This is a signal that the entire dataset has now been safely collected and retained by government.
Back in th 80s and 90s I made monoclonal antibodies..mostly for research, had patents on 10 and 2 myoglobin. Its the best treatment by far for covid, after 3 hours they start feeling better. Im in Florida so saw the many that used it. Now govt removes that bc owe know its a shitty vaccine or nothing
I used HCQ, 1 every 2 wks, up C D and zinc w my 83 yo mom, the omicrom we quit and have yet to get cov once. Prevention.. is the way to fly. Neither of us stayed locked up. Many I know used pet ivermectin when turned down by hosp.. or fear of remdisavir were better in a few days. Darn in a 1st world and all the $ to fund this great system? we’re sneaking animal meds to stay alive, kinda makes you wonder
Will you take the pneumonia vax or shingles vax? I’m 59 and not going to get either. I don’t trust Pharma, FDA or any studies. Pharma is For Profit. That is what stops me. The sooner we all realize this, the healthier we will be! Say no to Drs and pharma, while you’re healthy, if you can! We need to self direct our health and not rely upon a pill/shot to fix us.
I took the shingles Vax. I have risk factors and a friend who died horribly after shingles went up his optic nerve to the brain. I hope I made the right decision.
I am not trying to push a world view on you but a comment that went along with this idea struck home with me as a christian. And it was by a guy I generally don't like, Matt Walsh.
"Christians, (In his case I think he means Roman Catholic) already have death figured into their algebra and are not as terrefied of it as many others."
His comparison was to the American policial Left especially the Mandators, LOL.
But he's just also correct.
We've pondered that idea since kindergarten for the few seconds we could ponder at all at a young age. By 14 we've tried to come to grips with it and with our faith even overcome the fear to some degree, some almost completly.(Not me, I admit)
And I think people on the Right, generally, christian or not, have done this to some degree, too.
Not only is their no vaccine against death, their is not one for fear, and none that give hope or peace.
Christian faith understands death which means they realize it is inevitable and have hope and faith there is so much more. the best of chrstians, the saints, have no fear. Truth that humans instinctively search for something more than just existence. Truth that christanity answers this and provides hope and the promise of peace with God forever. Truth that science worshippers grasp at lies that try to answer and provide like christianity but never will
When the mandate was rolled out in October, my company admitted that 16% of our workforce was unvaccinated. I pointed out to my company the insanity of terminating !6% (or I calculated 8% after coercion) of our workforce in a market where retention was falling like an asteroid into the Gulf of Mexico. Eventually sanity prevailed (to a limited extent), and my company gave out religious exemptions to anyone who asked for one.
To those who thought anyone who opposed taking the vaccine was an ignorant yahoo, I pointed out that our company is virtually 100% white collar workers with everyone having at least a Bachelor's Degree. Yet, even with a free vaccine, insisted upon by "all the right thinking people" 16% of us chose to remain unvaxxed (and it's not a small company). Made no dent to the fanatics, but my company tamped down the excessively crazy ones with a good talking to about posting etiquette.
I remember when some good friends found out we were Republicans, they exclaimed, "But you're such nice people!" Some people live in "invincible ignorance" to use the Catholic Church's term.
While we were still working from home, my large cap finance company required vax status to be disclosed to remain employed. A couple of months later they sent out a memo stating that to return to the office we’d need proof of vax or to file for an exemption. They concluded by stating how proud they were that “94% of our employees are vaccinated.” Well, my boss was tasked with collecting the info for my department- which is the largest department in the company. She said our department was only 60% vaccinated. ZERO chance our company is 94% vaccinated overall in that case. Liars liars everywhere.
At my partner's company of 6,000 employees, HR claimed that "all the leadership and senior managers have been vaccinated".
Well, my partner is a senior manager... and she is not vaccinated, nor did she ever disclose that information. Suffice to say, the proposed mandate never came to fruition.
Conclusion: hold the line and call their bluff. They're all shameless liars and they have zero power unless you relinquish yours.
I just wanted to skooch in here and say in my company of 1 people, 1 was not vaccinated. Our average income is below the poverty line.
However, I AM THE senior manager, HR,(I have seaonal help) and we require everyone have a High Scho....GED, uh....pulse. A pulse is what we require. Oh, and to be able to lift up to 8 pounds over their waiste repeatedly.
Out of our part time help several didn't understand the English word "vaccine" and those that did just said, "Si," or "Sure, yeah, OK, whatever." One said "Cynaphro," which is Bulgarian for "of course I got the vaccine and I will bring it to work the next time I come." We never saw him again.
It’s mind boggling how dug in the cult members are. I like your comparison to invincible ignorance, but I would actually call it vincible ignorance, which is, in Catholic moral theology, ignorance that a person could remove by applying reasonable diligence in the given set of circumstances.
I bet 90% of "conservatives" in the US are classically liberal, now.
Our home is on a double corner with medium close neighbors and so I have 7 who either have one narrow street or touch my back property and we've all met after my one year here.
5 are just regular seeming people. 1 family the man looks very ill. Then I have Mike.
Mike has multiple piercings and is covered in tattoos.
He was grudginly nice till I mentioned I "decided to go to a little church in the country after being up here a while. My home church is too far away."
He quit speaking to me. Wont make eye contact.
I know he assumes I'm also a Republican.
Which he is required to hate.
If he just knew I am a Nothing, we could still be cordial!
Good work hold out!! I am here to thank you for the such nice people comment. It made me laugh out loud at the breakfast table and I had to tell everyone why. 😆
It's hard to say, since the company did not disclose any resulting details, but I can offer a few facts. When the mandate was first rolled out, I sent a scorching email to everyone in my hierarchy that I knew, all the way up to my Executive Vice President, personally declaring my position and noting that I hadn't planned on retiring unless they forced me to. I was rather surprised to get a phone call from the EVP expressing the exact same sentiments, and thanking me for going public with them.
Personally, I know of 1 colleague who was coerced into taking the jab because he worried about his young family if he lost his job. I knew of one other who resigned to take a job elsewhere. I worked through the web revolution where high tech companies were losing 20% of their workforce annually, and I know officially that our company's current retention rate is worse than that, much worse. I can't, of course, unpack that as to all the root causes since I'm not privy to the details, but I gather it's not just our company. One thing I can rule out is people going on the dole. We are a high-tech company, and even the lowest salaried worker would take at least a 50% cut to go on the government dole even with enhanced benefits.
When the company sent out an email to all of us exempted ones, laying out how we'd have to get tested before coming back to the office, I sent off another scorching email, saying, "It's over. This is just insulting." I got back a reply thanking me for my kind feedback. I must be losing my touch at annoying people.
All I can do is echo Chris' request that is the title of this blog.
it's a shot like the annual flu shot...; its not an effing vaccine.. vaccines prevent they don't just minimize. its amazing how the definition changed in less than a year. Orwellian much?
I had asked for some decades why the "Safe and Effective" smallpox vaccine was withdrawn. For a couple of decades I found the explanation that we wanted to avoid "Hyperimmunity" (whatever that was.)
Subsequently I did read that mortality from the smallpox vaccine was about one in a million, so with no smallpox that 1/1000000 did not have to be sacrificed (for the greater good.)
Subsequently, I had to read the stats on allergy shots which were about one in two million anaphylactic deaths. This was deemed acceptable for symptomatic treatment, and even if I gave 2 per day (500 per year) over a 40 year career I was still well below the actuarial likelihood of killing someone in the clinic.
For anybody healthy under age 30, without coercion, there is and was no benefit to being injected with SpikeVax or any other flavour . In medicine, as in real life, there is no 100% safety, and when the ill-defined risks are backed by inadequate testing, it is difficult to provide informed consent. Review the Philippine Dengue Virus vaccine experience.
Some years ago I asked the Merck rep (hello, Cynthia) about the Japanese experience with neurological symptoms in Japanese teenagers after Gardasil immunisation. The fluff reply from the Canadian medical advisor was dismissive, but as I have extra reading time now I am less convinced.
For extra marks, review the "flu" vaccine experience. Pay particular attention to the research in the most vulnerable cohorts, those over 80 years old, and those living their actuarial last year in nursing homes.
I do recall an article in NEJM about 20 or so years ago in a cohort of 10,000 working age people around Boston. The outcome was about 1 fewer days off work per year in the injectees compared to the saliners, in groups who were at no particular risk of influenza death. This was statistically significant, and likely economically useful if you pretended that you could get $300 (HighTech office employees) x 5000 worth of work from your employees, and your cost per shot was less than $200.
I'm predicting smallpox will reappear, likely before the November election.
The smallpox vaccine is no longer available (I've had it, but my 13 yo daughter has not). A lot of people benefitted from all the fear porn over covid. They are megalomaniacal sociopaths who will stop at nothing to hang on to power. To them, killing a few million people is nothing. You know who I'm talking about. Same people left a lot of Americans behind in Afghanistan when it would have been relatively easy to evacuate them before the military.
If not smallpox, perhaps an outbreak of some other awful, deadly disease.
It they can't make that work for them, perhaps start WWIII. A nuclear war will definitely postpone the election. Indefinitely.
A "cyber pandemic" is what Herr Schwab of the WEF predicted in Covid19 and the Great Reset.
The internet will be hacked "by the Russians" and bank accounts will be deleted. No internet--and maybe no power in places--for at least a month.
Then the governments will be begged to usher in safety protocols with digital ID required for the cashless system, the ability to go online, work, or enter public social venues. And whittle down the internet they allow to ten or twelve approved sites monitored by Big Tech with constant surveillance of communications. Like China or North Korea.
Do you think that my income tax account will be lost? Bring on the CyberSpasm!
Many of us older than 40 have some experience of existing without daily computers. The Tesla Virtue Signallers may be sidelined, I think my current 2004 vehicle will drive as long as gasoline is available, of course not guaranteed.
The Covid Plandemic is more and more obviously a warmup for a "Social Credit Score" system, with Digital ID's (VaxxPasses), CBDC's, and extinguishment of assumed "Constitutional" protections, and a One-World system beholden to the UN, WEF, WHO and their somewhat observable controllers.
I’ve also heard some people suggest a staged Alien invasion as a crisis of last resort. I don’t know where this idea comes from, it sounds rather far fetched but there may be evidence to support it - I haven’t looked. The theory is that holograms will be used to create UFOs.
Yes I’ve heard of this. I wouldn’t put it past “them” especially considering al the predictive programming movies out there. Apparently it’s called operation blue beam I believe? If you’re inclined to look into it more.
The test that should always be applied, but never is, is how many people have to be medicated, vaccinated, tested to save one life and at what cost? The US FDA values a life at (I think) $6million. If it costs more than $6 million to save one life, don’t do it. Is an 80 year old life worth the same as a 20 year old life? There is an opportunity cost to all expenditure, if you spend the money on A you can’t spend it on B, and if B gives greater return then you have lost not gained. Could all the money spent on a global scale on the mRNA pseudo-vaccines, have saved more lives, produced more benefit if spent elsewhere - such as improving farming techniques, better sanitation in poorer Countries, or better medical care in developed Countries? There is plenty of evidence that all cause mortality for the duration of the ‘pandemic’ is around the previous five year average, meaning no new lives were lost to CoVid and thus no new lives saved by the pseudo-vaccines. I think vaccines have played and can play an important role in disease control, but so can better hygiene, better sanitation, better living conditions, better education, better nutrition. In fact I would place vaccines at the bottom of that list, but they have acquired an almost magic status and they are more about superstition than public health. Get vaccinated to ward off evil. It certainly is so with the mRNA stuff which does not immunise, does not stop disease or transmission and whatever positive effect it might have (dubious), it only lasts a few months. But let’s keep jabbing and keep the CoVid demons at bay. I find a clove of garlic round the neck just as effective.
Yes, you mean NNV...forthe MNRA it was impossibly high, for kids I think everyone and there would be more deaths from the shot than from kids dying of a large factor. Totally unacceptable.
Not everyone would welcome a "good vaccine." A person's healthcare needs may be complex. It is not one size fits all. I have chronic Lyme Disease. One of the reasons I refused the Covid "vaccine" or whatever it actually is, was because before Covid even happened, a doctor at a well-respected hospital told me they would not give me a booster for another vaccine (not related to Covid). They said because of Lyme I was considered immune compromised and there was no way to predict how my system would respond to a vaccine. I'm grateful to that doctor for her honesty, caring and integrity.
One thing we do not need is a rigid, uniform "shut up and obey" approach. I was sick with Lyme disease for years and sometimes made doubly ill because of the treatment. I knew immediately that the response to Covid was irresponsible, and that many people would probably suffer because of it.
Even without the kind of idiotatarian approach taken during Covid, many Americans suffer because they don't have the right kind of medical care. More than one person in my family has been harmed or died due to toxic healthcare, inadequate treatment or lack of healthcare. Some of those people were poor. Others were/are upper middle class. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has family that suffered this fate.
Safe and effective vaccine in 1 month? And against what? What about cure?
Are you even slightly aware of the vaccine creation process ? Also calling MRNA Gene therapy “vaccine” is a deliberate propaganda you should be well aware of by now.
Yes... Everyone would love to have had a "vaccine that worked and was safe". Problem, was and is, there never was a FDA approved "vaccine" that worked!
I'm with John Bowman. Even if we go with your premise that there are zero known risks, and the "vaccine" works, I don't need a "vaccine" for a cold or flu.
Given that pretty much no medication or injection in the history of mankind is without risk and side effects, your premise is also like rainbow unicorns flying around spreading magical fairy dust. So it's not just wildly hypothetical, it's absurd. Thus the sentence about "no reason for anyone, ever, to be against" etc. is also absurd.
It's roughly equivalent to saying the no one would ever be against pigs flying to your house to deliver ham and bacon straight to your door.
Usually it is based on Hubris, with a large dose of ignorance (see the other replies).
The primary valid objection to an actual vaccine - like the tetanus vaccine - would be the ethics of its development.
A little girl was born in 1970. I say born, because she was alive, and outside of her mother's body when a portion of her kidney was removed to be used to create a cell line still used today to test and develop vaccines. Cell cultures are taken from living tissue. The girl was probably between 25 and 30 weeks gestational age. The people responsible for this are very vague about the details. Possibly they simply don't remember, as killing children is pretty normal for them.
Reasonable people find receiving any benefit from this dastardly act to be deeply troubling. It is to them like cannibalism. They just can't do it.
Because the Overton window doesn't permit openly stating this as an objection, many people latch on to irrational "conspiracy theory" explanations which are more socially acceptable when pressed for an explanation of their reluctance to be vaccinated.
I am not suggesting that the current slate of Covid vaccines are safe and effective, or even that vaccines against viral infections are generally a good idea. However, I am suggesting that people often refuse to provide the real reasons for their vaccine hesitancy.
I would not want a covid vax that was safe and effective. It is seasonal Flu that's all. And look at the figures for the normal seasonal flu vax in the US absolutely pointless. Your unquestioning faith in pharma is touching.
There are hundreds of thousands of safe and effective things in this world. Things to eat, things to take to heal the body, things to do, things to look at, etc. The fact that something is safe and effective doesn't make everyone want them, eat them, take them, watch them, etc. This problem isn't just about whether the vaccines work or not. It is much bigger than that.
Yes, it is body autonomy. Once you lose that, you are in effect a slave and there is nothing the government won't ask of you, including dying conveniently at 65 before you can collect Social Security.
Your first sentence explains it. "Everyone would want.." They want it so bad they rushed out a sloppy product that is killing people. Not the first time.
I agree with your idea in prinicple. In an ideal world where we knew a covid vax was highly effective (sterilizing) and it had no risk of serious side effects, yes nearly everyone would want it.
Probably including me, but I have a hard time envisioning that because there is no world like that. Any new medicine has unknown risks, and it was never reasonable in this pandemic to assume these novel medications would be sterilizing and couldn't have major risks.
The point that makes the vax "conspiracy theory" nonsense is that everyone - I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe. There is no reason for anyone, ever, to be against that. So for people, who have a stellar reputation built over a lifetime, to endanger their reputation and their job and their standing to discount an effective and safe covid vaccine makes zero sense. No, they didn't do it because they "wanted attention and money." C'mon, man!
‘ I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe.’
No I wouldn’t.
In the same way I wouldn’t and don’t want a vaccine for rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza, the four other coronaviruses all of which cause the same symptom-set as each other and CoVid (symptoms = disease, usually labelled Common Cold) from which I have frequently suffered throughout my life (had Hong Kong ‘flu) sometimes unpleasant, always inconvenient but none warranting taking a medication with the concomitant risk that comes with any medication, for something my immune system will deal with anyway.
In later life when such viruses present me a more serious, even life threatening risk, by then the other ailments of my old age will pose a greater threat and it will be a toss-up which finishes me off first.
There is no vaccine against death, although there is currently a crazy notion there is.
Pneumonia (which is the end-game of all respiratory viruses in the elderly) used to be known as ‘the old man’s friend’ - ponder that.
There is no such thing as a ‘safe’ medication as a glance at the information leaflet that comes with drugs will show, particularly the list of contra-indications and warnings.
I also want nothing to do with a supposed safe & effective vaccine, whether truly safe & effective or not. All injections come with risk. I’ll take the chance of my body, made to fight pathogens, over any product made for profits.
There is an increasing volume of evidence building just how unsafe these mRNA therapies are in fit healthy people, including blood clots, neurological problems but also activity for months after injection of the mRNA manufacturing protein spikes in a variety of body cells. One in-vitro study found it was changing DNA. We just do not know the full extent of what they are doing and the consequences. They are after all designed to cause changes at cellular level. Even if they were effective, the low risk from CoV 2 for most isn’t worth the risk.
Which is why, in my belief, they prohibited treatment. This caused covid to seem much more dangerous than it is and opened the door to be accepted.
The King didn't say "I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that *allegedly* worked and was *allegedly* safe."
He said "I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe."
His premise is based on the assumption that they ARE safe and ARE effective, so you cannot change HIS premise, and then rebut a premise he didn't make!
Yeah I’m still not part of that everyone. All other vaccines are purported safe and effective but they also do plenty of damage. I understand what he’s saying, I’m just saying I hope more people open their eyes up to the vaccine myth period.
The number of adverse reactions is being a little tiny bit downplayed. Just a smidgin ... mind you... just a tad
Dang I can't download picture i have here of 35 dead 15-25 year olds from the vaccine.
I think most replies are missing your point entirely. They are launching onto a sentence/ phrase & not reading it through.
I my opinion you're saying if they were safe why would countless people with medical knowledge not be on side of the shot.????
I read the whole thing through several times and I completely understand the gist of what is being said. However, I’m using Covidmania as a launching point to get more people to understand that it isn’t just the last 2 years that Big Pharma isn’t on our side. It isnt just the last 2 years the government has been clamping down on us more and more. I have looked at root causes for symptoms for twenty years and have managed to keep myself and my family out of America’s sick care system. The more people that wake up the Better off we will all be. We have to get to a place where we say, “hey, I know this antacid helps me in the moment, but what is causing me to need it” and then change our diet to remove the foods that make us feel that way. But we are all “but it tastes good, so it’s worth it” - except there are risks to taking antacids (my husband got kidney stones from
Them because they are so high in calcium, who knows what else). I’m using antacids as a general starting point because everyone can understand what I’m saying - antacids are “safe & effective” but do come with risks. Alternatively we can heal our bodies with no risk and lots of benefits, but we many times need a functional doctor to help us find root causes instead of covering up symptoms with quick fixes.
Our “safe & effective” vaccine program has caused so much long term damage to our population, way before this Covid vaccine madness hit the ground running. See uTobian Substack and read his dissertation to see just how much damage we have done. It has all happened right before our eyes. So, yes, I understand what is being said in the OP to this thread. I still disagree, and that’s ok. We can have opposing viewpoints. :)
I see your point, I have been immensely influenced by the book, Eat to Live and other books by Dr. Fuhrman, about changing your diet besides succumbing to meds for everything.
I've read the book by R Kennedy jr, such scary stuff but a real eye opener.
Dr Fuhrman is great! The big step is spending more on our food. We look at food as preventative healthcare, so we do spend extra to get quality food with minimal processing. It can be expensive but our healthcare costs are very low, and we are taking care of our bodies this way!
Bobby Kennedy is fantastic, he already has another book coming out this fall!
"However, I’m using Covidmania as a launching point to get more people to understand that it isn’t just the last 2 years that Big Pharma isn’t on our side."
For me, it's taken these last 2 years to open my eyes to the fact that Big Pharma hasn't been on our side for YEARS. Before Covid, I foolishly trusted BP and scorned the RFKJrs of the world. Shame on me. Man, are my eyes open now.
"antacids are “safe & effective” but do come with risks" ~ ditto something like Advil. I had some bad back issue 13 years ago and my doc told me to take (IIRC) SIX Advil every 4 hours, for like a day or two days, whatever. I did, and it helped me get out of bed and on the mend, but although Advil can be effective short-term, it's destructive long-term. So yeah, "safe and effective"...IF consumed properly and in moderation and not chronically.
Anyway, now that I know Advil is a Pfizer product, I'll be seeking some other Ibuprofin manufacturer.
I think my biggest problem is a lack of informed consent. That’s why I love Del Bigtree so much - his non profit is ICAN, Informed Consent Action Network. (Side note: If you’re still shopping at Amazon, set up your Amazon Smile to donate to them! Every little bit helps!) We are given all kinds of treatments and no one tells us about risks/benefits anymore. It’s just determined we “need” it and given. Ibuprofen may have reduced the swelling for you enough that you could get up and go again - but perhaps rest, ice and heat may have done the same. (I don’t know of course, nor do I have judgment for those who use ibuprofen, just throwing out an alternative!)
I’ve been called names by my family for years. It’s fine. I don’t care anymore. Anti-science, blah blah blah. I’m not anti-science though; this science we are living and dying by currently, however, is funded by the same people who are going to make money off the products. If a “study” is getting too close to finding out information that would hurt the long term use of a product, all of a sudden the funding dries up.
Bobby Kennedy recently did a 4 hour interview with Megyn Kelly - while I haven’t had the time to watch it all, this is a great breakdown of it.
Keep gathering information! We will win! :)
"Ibuprofen may have reduced the swelling for you enough that you could get up and go again - but perhaps rest, ice and heat may have done the same."
Exactly. I had *meant* to include this parenthetical after my original comment: (but who knows? Maybe whatever the cause of the pain was, was in the process of ameliorating on its own. There's no way to know whether it was the Advil, or nature doing its thing in *spite* of or regardless of the Advil.)
Or the glass of water I assume you used to swallow the pills. On Paracetamol.
I would avoid all big pharma products myself.
I think you're right. Just because something is safe and effective doesn't mean everyone would want to take it, but everyone *should* be glad there's something safe and effective for *other* people who want it.
Until now I assumed the annual flu shot was safe and effective. Yet over the past 40 years I'd probably gotten it maybe twice.
The product Airborne may very well be safe and effective. I'm not taking it. Heavy-duty painkillers maybe safe and effective when taken properly, but I won't take them unless the pain becomes intolerable. That sort of thing is my point. We should all want safe and effective *whatevers*, for those who *choose* them, not forced upon all of us.
I agree with you statements but I must push back on your example of “heavy duty pain killers are SAFE & effective”. Those drugs are OPIOIDS. Those drugs were made and pushed by doctors because drug companies lied about addiction and abuse. The Covid-19 vaccine deaths and long term side effects they cause pale in comparison to deaths and damage to families and society. The silver lining to the last two years is pharma / NIH & CDC have over played their hand. More Americans and other countries now see their business model and how they work together. They do not have our best interests at heart. Sadly now we see the problem we need to fix it together. It’s not a left / right issue. It’s undeniable that there is a problem. Now what do we do about it?
"Those drugs were made and pushed by doctors because drug companies lied about addiction and abuse." That's true, but that doesn't change the fact that when taken properly (not "properly" as defined by the drug companies and corrupt doctors), they *can* be safe and effective.
The key, as with everything, is "properly". Not sure if I said this earlier in this thread, but water is safe and effective when used properly, deadly when not.
Perfect. Pain killers are necessary, but it is NOT necessary to get addicted to them. Thank God for them. As one who has suffered from kidney stones, don't damn painkillers until you have had one.
Russian roulette is safe 5 out of 6 times. The risks are clear. Taking an opioid as directed however the risks are not clear to average person. That’s why we have an opioid crisis.
Please stop with opiod crises. We do not have an opiod crises. We have a FENTANYL crises...even Cocaine and what looks like normal PK's are LACED with Fentanyl. We have dried up the pain killer mills, and no one gets enough now to become addicted. Those who suffer from real pain have to take chances now with street drugs. We swing to far in either direction, and common sense needs to prevail. Government needs to get out of the Doctor patient relationship.
We have a hopelessness, moral and spiritual vacuum, crises at the root of all addiction.
Then, along comes Fentanyl and jacks it up X's 1,000.
My granpa and one son were/are alcoholics. The son is doing much better but it took till age 30. He's still drinking too much but won't die from alchohol poisoning any given day and does work.
I want HONEST answer from addicted people about why THEY are or were addicted. My son is just now starting to be mature and blame it to some degree on his MINDSET.
Life was too hard was a LOT of it.
But, like I said in my first sentence, most people have nothing but their physical life that is right in front of them. No hope, no love, no joy, no peace.
This son became a Christian during his use of drugs and alchohol and once he had hope, he started to change.
I have no idea yo view of the world but there is a reason that faith based addiction treatment, when it is genuinely attempted, has an outcome MULTIPLES better than other attempts.
Gathering people from under the bridges along the roads( I delivered long distance in a van for a few years and saw it in every single city) and putting them in apartments and feeding them won't help near as much as giving them hope and purpose, AND loving them, which no government can do.
A government can not love you. (And defintely never tries)
"The smallest effective dose, as needed."
Has this simple truth eluded everyone?
My wife comes from a family of pill takers. Some are even pill seekers. They have addiction and alcoholism in the family, even worse than the drunks from my family tree.
So I expected her to have to learn over time, which she finally did by age 50 as doctors ruined her life and almost killed her. (She can't work or travel or speak or breathe right because of malpractice)
But I thouht most people knew.
Apparently not.
No, I don't want to be bothered because I am relatively young and healthy and have a functioning immune system. Plus, I reckon that the best course of action overall for humanity is to reach herd immunity by having only old and sick people get the vax. I could list other reasons, but that's sufficient.
I was in an old mining town in Colorado during the heat of the propoganda.
I went in a shop which had a sign "give everyone at least ONE jackasses distant in line because of Covid." I laughed and gave the princess in front of me 2 JACKASSES distance and she STILL glared hate at my unmasked, wrinkly, completely unworried, smiling, OBVIOUSLY right leaning face!
She huffed, "we are nowhere near herd immunity and that's what we need! And we can't have that without the vaccines!"
I was and am still very confused by her huff. Did she think it gave permanent immunity or left a few antibodies laying around like regular mechanisms?
Yes, the old and sick should have been protected until we saw what we had. Why did our whole society forget this simple truth?
(I are one of the old now at age 60 at I'm not taking any of the seasonal shots till something gets much more dire)
He’s not saying you would have to take the vaccines he’s just saying everybody should like that there are safe and effective vaccines, if only for other peoples sake. I’m glad there are skyscrapers but that doesn’t mean I wanna work on building one.
I didn't read it that way, but OK I see what you are saying. Thx.
I know what he wrote and what he meant. But his ‘of course who wouldn’t want....’ still somewhat implies they might have been okay. There are almost no safe and effective drugs out there. I don’t want them because I know they can’t exist.
I see your point. That is how I read it too. But...there is no such thing. The implication is there are, or could be such things and of course we want them. If there aren’t or can’t be because such a thing is tantamount to being virtually impossible then the quote sounds irrational.
The King was being sarcastic!
The question is too hypothetical to have any meaning. ‘If Socialism worked perfectly and all people were happy living under it, wouldn’t you want it then?’
True. "Safe and effective" by trial means "safe and effective in the aggregate." Every injection given to an individual remains an experiment in a vaccine's (or any other medication's) safety and efficacy.
Thats a great point.
I hear you, and agree. But if “they” are hell bent on using a vaccine (even though you should never vaccinate during a pandemic), and IF it was truly optional, and IF it were truly safe and effective, would anyone stick their neck out to say it was deadly and ineffective?
You are right. And it’s a good point to make. No learned people are saying they are ineffective and dangerous whilst knowing they are (thus inviting sanction) BUT the learned people and politicians who know they are not effective nor safe are saying they are - they do it because their lies carry no sanction.
This is a great point. Those who pay no price if they are wrong are not as likely to make sure they have the facts right as those who do pay a price when they are wrong.
You may have taken the bait, Your Majesty. Review your warm and fuzzy response to the word "vaccine', and then research the recent revision of the definition. A generous description of the injections is "Experimental Chemotherapy."
There are safe and effective early treatments, with little risk if used knowledgeably. The HCQ trials were a travesty- I don't recall ever dosing anybody above 400 mg/day with HCQ. Perhaps the rheumatologists use a higher dose, but not above 800 mg/ day. The "Covid Trials" on 2400 & 3600 mg/day were designed to fail. I was surprised that they didn't kill everybody! This was covered in our Pharmacology and Medicine (Cardiology) lectures in 1979. Ivermectin failed to be toxic, even when used at stupid doses- I confess to having had to check the dose on the occasions I prescribed it to deworm a child.
I did learn two years ago , from the Naturopaths, that HCQ required a Zinc cofactor, and I subsequently read a nice computational chemistry paper (from Saudi Arabia) where they demonstrate the stereochemical binding of HCQ and zinc to the spike protein.
Review your belief in the "Vaccine" as a medical treatment and prophylactic (with a hole in the reservoir end) and see it instead as an entry to government digital ID's ("VaxxPasses"), and the "Social Credit Score" system . CBDC's are coming soon to your country.
So true that last paragraph.
I'm constantly singing a line from a Lou Reed song; The Kids (Berlin) - "I am the waterboy, the real game's not over here"
And Shakespeare; MacBeth - "By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes"
So, was the "vaccine" actually the mass trial run?
How can their be a biological tie to digital ID?
In medicine when we don't know what's going on we call the cause of the problem (illness or condition) "multifactorial." This is at least true, everything is multifactorial down to the position and momentum of a particle.
Two years after the above comment we know that the vaxxes given to the population were different from the trial injections. The digital ID's, styled as "Vaxx-passes" with their QR codes, were tied to the injections, this is the biological tie. You believed that injecting untested experimental chemicals into everybody was for our health?
Others have claimed that there were RF nanoparticles injected as well, but that is not even necessary- people are happy to scan QR codes for almost anything, and the QR's are personally linked to accounts or devices.
There are other motives at play here, most of which have the desired end result of curtailing freedom for the populace and enhancing wealth and power in the hands of an "elite." So this is one of the multifactorial origins, which might be recast as "multiplayer." The players are not all visible, but look first at WEF, UN, WHO, CCP, BMGF, and US DOD as the publicly engaged parties; the top layer should not be easily identifiable.
An interesting post came up today on <> revealing that China (and Australia in the Comments) has ordered the destruction of all the Covid data and non-digital files. GMAB, how stupid do they think we are? This is a signal that the entire dataset has now been safely collected and retained by government.
Back in th 80s and 90s I made monoclonal antibodies..mostly for research, had patents on 10 and 2 myoglobin. Its the best treatment by far for covid, after 3 hours they start feeling better. Im in Florida so saw the many that used it. Now govt removes that bc owe know its a shitty vaccine or nothing
Good grief. I am well read person with no degree and I can't imagine or understand what you just said you used to do.
But, if there is a 3 hour treatment to remove illness and an almost non-existant one with risks, I like yours.
I used HCQ, 1 every 2 wks, up C D and zinc w my 83 yo mom, the omicrom we quit and have yet to get cov once. Prevention.. is the way to fly. Neither of us stayed locked up. Many I know used pet ivermectin when turned down by hosp.. or fear of remdisavir were better in a few days. Darn in a 1st world and all the $ to fund this great system? we’re sneaking animal meds to stay alive, kinda makes you wonder
Will you take the pneumonia vax or shingles vax? I’m 59 and not going to get either. I don’t trust Pharma, FDA or any studies. Pharma is For Profit. That is what stops me. The sooner we all realize this, the healthier we will be! Say no to Drs and pharma, while you’re healthy, if you can! We need to self direct our health and not rely upon a pill/shot to fix us.
I took the shingles Vax. I have risk factors and a friend who died horribly after shingles went up his optic nerve to the brain. I hope I made the right decision.
a vaccine against death...yes, that is at the root of all the idiocy clamoring for vaccines
I am not trying to push a world view on you but a comment that went along with this idea struck home with me as a christian. And it was by a guy I generally don't like, Matt Walsh.
"Christians, (In his case I think he means Roman Catholic) already have death figured into their algebra and are not as terrefied of it as many others."
His comparison was to the American policial Left especially the Mandators, LOL.
But he's just also correct.
We've pondered that idea since kindergarten for the few seconds we could ponder at all at a young age. By 14 we've tried to come to grips with it and with our faith even overcome the fear to some degree, some almost completly.(Not me, I admit)
And I think people on the Right, generally, christian or not, have done this to some degree, too.
Not only is their no vaccine against death, their is not one for fear, and none that give hope or peace.
Christian faith understands death which means they realize it is inevitable and have hope and faith there is so much more. the best of chrstians, the saints, have no fear. Truth that humans instinctively search for something more than just existence. Truth that christanity answers this and provides hope and the promise of peace with God forever. Truth that science worshippers grasp at lies that try to answer and provide like christianity but never will
Medication means decimation.
When the mandate was rolled out in October, my company admitted that 16% of our workforce was unvaccinated. I pointed out to my company the insanity of terminating !6% (or I calculated 8% after coercion) of our workforce in a market where retention was falling like an asteroid into the Gulf of Mexico. Eventually sanity prevailed (to a limited extent), and my company gave out religious exemptions to anyone who asked for one.
To those who thought anyone who opposed taking the vaccine was an ignorant yahoo, I pointed out that our company is virtually 100% white collar workers with everyone having at least a Bachelor's Degree. Yet, even with a free vaccine, insisted upon by "all the right thinking people" 16% of us chose to remain unvaxxed (and it's not a small company). Made no dent to the fanatics, but my company tamped down the excessively crazy ones with a good talking to about posting etiquette.
I remember when some good friends found out we were Republicans, they exclaimed, "But you're such nice people!" Some people live in "invincible ignorance" to use the Catholic Church's term.
While we were still working from home, my large cap finance company required vax status to be disclosed to remain employed. A couple of months later they sent out a memo stating that to return to the office we’d need proof of vax or to file for an exemption. They concluded by stating how proud they were that “94% of our employees are vaccinated.” Well, my boss was tasked with collecting the info for my department- which is the largest department in the company. She said our department was only 60% vaccinated. ZERO chance our company is 94% vaccinated overall in that case. Liars liars everywhere.
At my partner's company of 6,000 employees, HR claimed that "all the leadership and senior managers have been vaccinated".
Well, my partner is a senior manager... and she is not vaccinated, nor did she ever disclose that information. Suffice to say, the proposed mandate never came to fruition.
Conclusion: hold the line and call their bluff. They're all shameless liars and they have zero power unless you relinquish yours.
I just wanted to skooch in here and say in my company of 1 people, 1 was not vaccinated. Our average income is below the poverty line.
However, I AM THE senior manager, HR,(I have seaonal help) and we require everyone have a High Scho....GED, uh....pulse. A pulse is what we require. Oh, and to be able to lift up to 8 pounds over their waiste repeatedly.
Out of our part time help several didn't understand the English word "vaccine" and those that did just said, "Si," or "Sure, yeah, OK, whatever." One said "Cynaphro," which is Bulgarian for "of course I got the vaccine and I will bring it to work the next time I come." We never saw him again.
And zero took the vaccine.
Everywhere lists everywhere. . Hey...It's not lying if they believe it. Isn't that how it goes. ?
Yeah. But it’s still lying even if you believe it. If you didn’t do legitimate work on the topic.
It’s mind boggling how dug in the cult members are. I like your comparison to invincible ignorance, but I would actually call it vincible ignorance, which is, in Catholic moral theology, ignorance that a person could remove by applying reasonable diligence in the given set of circumstances.
Yup. I was once told that I didn't LOOK like a Republican!
Been outing myself as a Conservative ( i.e. a classical liberal) for some years now.
I bet 90% of "conservatives" in the US are classically liberal, now.
Our home is on a double corner with medium close neighbors and so I have 7 who either have one narrow street or touch my back property and we've all met after my one year here.
5 are just regular seeming people. 1 family the man looks very ill. Then I have Mike.
Mike has multiple piercings and is covered in tattoos.
He was grudginly nice till I mentioned I "decided to go to a little church in the country after being up here a while. My home church is too far away."
He quit speaking to me. Wont make eye contact.
I know he assumes I'm also a Republican.
Which he is required to hate.
If he just knew I am a Nothing, we could still be cordial!
Good work hold out!! I am here to thank you for the such nice people comment. It made me laugh out loud at the breakfast table and I had to tell everyone why. 😆
So how have the 84% fared over the last few months?
It's hard to say, since the company did not disclose any resulting details, but I can offer a few facts. When the mandate was first rolled out, I sent a scorching email to everyone in my hierarchy that I knew, all the way up to my Executive Vice President, personally declaring my position and noting that I hadn't planned on retiring unless they forced me to. I was rather surprised to get a phone call from the EVP expressing the exact same sentiments, and thanking me for going public with them.
Personally, I know of 1 colleague who was coerced into taking the jab because he worried about his young family if he lost his job. I knew of one other who resigned to take a job elsewhere. I worked through the web revolution where high tech companies were losing 20% of their workforce annually, and I know officially that our company's current retention rate is worse than that, much worse. I can't, of course, unpack that as to all the root causes since I'm not privy to the details, but I gather it's not just our company. One thing I can rule out is people going on the dole. We are a high-tech company, and even the lowest salaried worker would take at least a 50% cut to go on the government dole even with enhanced benefits.
When the company sent out an email to all of us exempted ones, laying out how we'd have to get tested before coming back to the office, I sent off another scorching email, saying, "It's over. This is just insulting." I got back a reply thanking me for my kind feedback. I must be losing my touch at annoying people.
All I can do is echo Chris' request that is the title of this blog.
Most folks who are mandating are scared of their own shadow and would not even scold you mildly to your face.
They WILL insult you online though.
it's a shot like the annual flu shot...; its not an effing vaccine.. vaccines prevent they don't just minimize. its amazing how the definition changed in less than a year. Orwellian much?
They CDC changed the defintion on their website during the rollout.
Yeah, it's like, what you wrote, you know, the thing.
I wish I had recorded the author's handle in order to give proper credit for this:
"Imagine a vaccine so safe that you have to be threatened to take it, for a virus so deadly that you have to be tested to know if you have it."
I had asked for some decades why the "Safe and Effective" smallpox vaccine was withdrawn. For a couple of decades I found the explanation that we wanted to avoid "Hyperimmunity" (whatever that was.)
Subsequently I did read that mortality from the smallpox vaccine was about one in a million, so with no smallpox that 1/1000000 did not have to be sacrificed (for the greater good.)
Subsequently, I had to read the stats on allergy shots which were about one in two million anaphylactic deaths. This was deemed acceptable for symptomatic treatment, and even if I gave 2 per day (500 per year) over a 40 year career I was still well below the actuarial likelihood of killing someone in the clinic.
For anybody healthy under age 30, without coercion, there is and was no benefit to being injected with SpikeVax or any other flavour . In medicine, as in real life, there is no 100% safety, and when the ill-defined risks are backed by inadequate testing, it is difficult to provide informed consent. Review the Philippine Dengue Virus vaccine experience.
Some years ago I asked the Merck rep (hello, Cynthia) about the Japanese experience with neurological symptoms in Japanese teenagers after Gardasil immunisation. The fluff reply from the Canadian medical advisor was dismissive, but as I have extra reading time now I am less convinced.
For extra marks, review the "flu" vaccine experience. Pay particular attention to the research in the most vulnerable cohorts, those over 80 years old, and those living their actuarial last year in nursing homes.
I do recall an article in NEJM about 20 or so years ago in a cohort of 10,000 working age people around Boston. The outcome was about 1 fewer days off work per year in the injectees compared to the saliners, in groups who were at no particular risk of influenza death. This was statistically significant, and likely economically useful if you pretended that you could get $300 (HighTech office employees) x 5000 worth of work from your employees, and your cost per shot was less than $200.
I'm predicting smallpox will reappear, likely before the November election.
The smallpox vaccine is no longer available (I've had it, but my 13 yo daughter has not). A lot of people benefitted from all the fear porn over covid. They are megalomaniacal sociopaths who will stop at nothing to hang on to power. To them, killing a few million people is nothing. You know who I'm talking about. Same people left a lot of Americans behind in Afghanistan when it would have been relatively easy to evacuate them before the military.
If not smallpox, perhaps an outbreak of some other awful, deadly disease.
It they can't make that work for them, perhaps start WWIII. A nuclear war will definitely postpone the election. Indefinitely.
A "cyber pandemic" is what Herr Schwab of the WEF predicted in Covid19 and the Great Reset.
The internet will be hacked "by the Russians" and bank accounts will be deleted. No internet--and maybe no power in places--for at least a month.
Then the governments will be begged to usher in safety protocols with digital ID required for the cashless system, the ability to go online, work, or enter public social venues. And whittle down the internet they allow to ten or twelve approved sites monitored by Big Tech with constant surveillance of communications. Like China or North Korea.
Do you think that my income tax account will be lost? Bring on the CyberSpasm!
Many of us older than 40 have some experience of existing without daily computers. The Tesla Virtue Signallers may be sidelined, I think my current 2004 vehicle will drive as long as gasoline is available, of course not guaranteed.
The Covid Plandemic is more and more obviously a warmup for a "Social Credit Score" system, with Digital ID's (VaxxPasses), CBDC's, and extinguishment of assumed "Constitutional" protections, and a One-World system beholden to the UN, WEF, WHO and their somewhat observable controllers.
I’ve also heard some people suggest a staged Alien invasion as a crisis of last resort. I don’t know where this idea comes from, it sounds rather far fetched but there may be evidence to support it - I haven’t looked. The theory is that holograms will be used to create UFOs.
Yes I’ve heard of this. I wouldn’t put it past “them” especially considering al the predictive programming movies out there. Apparently it’s called operation blue beam I believe? If you’re inclined to look into it more.
Thanks, I didn’t know that and might just do so
The test that should always be applied, but never is, is how many people have to be medicated, vaccinated, tested to save one life and at what cost? The US FDA values a life at (I think) $6million. If it costs more than $6 million to save one life, don’t do it. Is an 80 year old life worth the same as a 20 year old life? There is an opportunity cost to all expenditure, if you spend the money on A you can’t spend it on B, and if B gives greater return then you have lost not gained. Could all the money spent on a global scale on the mRNA pseudo-vaccines, have saved more lives, produced more benefit if spent elsewhere - such as improving farming techniques, better sanitation in poorer Countries, or better medical care in developed Countries? There is plenty of evidence that all cause mortality for the duration of the ‘pandemic’ is around the previous five year average, meaning no new lives were lost to CoVid and thus no new lives saved by the pseudo-vaccines. I think vaccines have played and can play an important role in disease control, but so can better hygiene, better sanitation, better living conditions, better education, better nutrition. In fact I would place vaccines at the bottom of that list, but they have acquired an almost magic status and they are more about superstition than public health. Get vaccinated to ward off evil. It certainly is so with the mRNA stuff which does not immunise, does not stop disease or transmission and whatever positive effect it might have (dubious), it only lasts a few months. But let’s keep jabbing and keep the CoVid demons at bay. I find a clove of garlic round the neck just as effective.
Yes, you mean NNV...forthe MNRA it was impossibly high, for kids I think everyone and there would be more deaths from the shot than from kids dying of a large factor. Totally unacceptable.
Not everyone would welcome a "good vaccine." A person's healthcare needs may be complex. It is not one size fits all. I have chronic Lyme Disease. One of the reasons I refused the Covid "vaccine" or whatever it actually is, was because before Covid even happened, a doctor at a well-respected hospital told me they would not give me a booster for another vaccine (not related to Covid). They said because of Lyme I was considered immune compromised and there was no way to predict how my system would respond to a vaccine. I'm grateful to that doctor for her honesty, caring and integrity.
One thing we do not need is a rigid, uniform "shut up and obey" approach. I was sick with Lyme disease for years and sometimes made doubly ill because of the treatment. I knew immediately that the response to Covid was irresponsible, and that many people would probably suffer because of it.
Even without the kind of idiotatarian approach taken during Covid, many Americans suffer because they don't have the right kind of medical care. More than one person in my family has been harmed or died due to toxic healthcare, inadequate treatment or lack of healthcare. Some of those people were poor. Others were/are upper middle class. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has family that suffered this fate.
Safe and effective vaccine in 1 month? And against what? What about cure?
Are you even slightly aware of the vaccine creation process ? Also calling MRNA Gene therapy “vaccine” is a deliberate propaganda you should be well aware of by now.
Yes... Everyone would love to have had a "vaccine that worked and was safe". Problem, was and is, there never was a FDA approved "vaccine" that worked!
I'm with John Bowman. Even if we go with your premise that there are zero known risks, and the "vaccine" works, I don't need a "vaccine" for a cold or flu.
Given that pretty much no medication or injection in the history of mankind is without risk and side effects, your premise is also like rainbow unicorns flying around spreading magical fairy dust. So it's not just wildly hypothetical, it's absurd. Thus the sentence about "no reason for anyone, ever, to be against" etc. is also absurd.
It's roughly equivalent to saying the no one would ever be against pigs flying to your house to deliver ham and bacon straight to your door.
It IS all about the money, back to 1918, and ignorance of the danger of multiple vaccinations, esp when they don't work. Read "Virus Mania", Jan 2020.
Sadly, human idiocy comes in a variety of forms.
Usually it is based on Hubris, with a large dose of ignorance (see the other replies).
The primary valid objection to an actual vaccine - like the tetanus vaccine - would be the ethics of its development.
A little girl was born in 1970. I say born, because she was alive, and outside of her mother's body when a portion of her kidney was removed to be used to create a cell line still used today to test and develop vaccines. Cell cultures are taken from living tissue. The girl was probably between 25 and 30 weeks gestational age. The people responsible for this are very vague about the details. Possibly they simply don't remember, as killing children is pretty normal for them.
Reasonable people find receiving any benefit from this dastardly act to be deeply troubling. It is to them like cannibalism. They just can't do it.
Because the Overton window doesn't permit openly stating this as an objection, many people latch on to irrational "conspiracy theory" explanations which are more socially acceptable when pressed for an explanation of their reluctance to be vaccinated.
I am not suggesting that the current slate of Covid vaccines are safe and effective, or even that vaccines against viral infections are generally a good idea. However, I am suggesting that people often refuse to provide the real reasons for their vaccine hesitancy.
Thank you for this vivid reminder !🙏
I would not want a covid vax that was safe and effective. It is seasonal Flu that's all. And look at the figures for the normal seasonal flu vax in the US absolutely pointless. Your unquestioning faith in pharma is touching.
There are hundreds of thousands of safe and effective things in this world. Things to eat, things to take to heal the body, things to do, things to look at, etc. The fact that something is safe and effective doesn't make everyone want them, eat them, take them, watch them, etc. This problem isn't just about whether the vaccines work or not. It is much bigger than that.
Yes, it is body autonomy. Once you lose that, you are in effect a slave and there is nothing the government won't ask of you, including dying conveniently at 65 before you can collect Social Security.
And Shit, the WEF is asking old people to die now. See Naked Emperorś Substack this am Here we go:
I effing hate it when I am right.
Your first sentence explains it. "Everyone would want.." They want it so bad they rushed out a sloppy product that is killing people. Not the first time.
I agree with your idea in prinicple. In an ideal world where we knew a covid vax was highly effective (sterilizing) and it had no risk of serious side effects, yes nearly everyone would want it.
Probably including me, but I have a hard time envisioning that because there is no world like that. Any new medicine has unknown risks, and it was never reasonable in this pandemic to assume these novel medications would be sterilizing and couldn't have major risks.