The test that should always be applied, but never is, is how many people have to be medicated, vaccinated, tested to save one life and at what cost? The US FDA values a life at (I think) $6million. If it costs more than $6 million to save one life, don’t do it. Is an 80 year old life worth the same as a 20 year old life? There is an opp…
The test that should always be applied, but never is, is how many people have to be medicated, vaccinated, tested to save one life and at what cost? The US FDA values a life at (I think) $6million. If it costs more than $6 million to save one life, don’t do it. Is an 80 year old life worth the same as a 20 year old life? There is an opportunity cost to all expenditure, if you spend the money on A you can’t spend it on B, and if B gives greater return then you have lost not gained. Could all the money spent on a global scale on the mRNA pseudo-vaccines, have saved more lives, produced more benefit if spent elsewhere - such as improving farming techniques, better sanitation in poorer Countries, or better medical care in developed Countries? There is plenty of evidence that all cause mortality for the duration of the ‘pandemic’ is around the previous five year average, meaning no new lives were lost to CoVid and thus no new lives saved by the pseudo-vaccines. I think vaccines have played and can play an important role in disease control, but so can better hygiene, better sanitation, better living conditions, better education, better nutrition. In fact I would place vaccines at the bottom of that list, but they have acquired an almost magic status and they are more about superstition than public health. Get vaccinated to ward off evil. It certainly is so with the mRNA stuff which does not immunise, does not stop disease or transmission and whatever positive effect it might have (dubious), it only lasts a few months. But let’s keep jabbing and keep the CoVid demons at bay. I find a clove of garlic round the neck just as effective.
Yes, you mean NNV...forthe MNRA it was impossibly high, for kids I think everyone and there would be more deaths from the shot than from kids dying of a large factor. Totally unacceptable.
The test that should always be applied, but never is, is how many people have to be medicated, vaccinated, tested to save one life and at what cost? The US FDA values a life at (I think) $6million. If it costs more than $6 million to save one life, don’t do it. Is an 80 year old life worth the same as a 20 year old life? There is an opportunity cost to all expenditure, if you spend the money on A you can’t spend it on B, and if B gives greater return then you have lost not gained. Could all the money spent on a global scale on the mRNA pseudo-vaccines, have saved more lives, produced more benefit if spent elsewhere - such as improving farming techniques, better sanitation in poorer Countries, or better medical care in developed Countries? There is plenty of evidence that all cause mortality for the duration of the ‘pandemic’ is around the previous five year average, meaning no new lives were lost to CoVid and thus no new lives saved by the pseudo-vaccines. I think vaccines have played and can play an important role in disease control, but so can better hygiene, better sanitation, better living conditions, better education, better nutrition. In fact I would place vaccines at the bottom of that list, but they have acquired an almost magic status and they are more about superstition than public health. Get vaccinated to ward off evil. It certainly is so with the mRNA stuff which does not immunise, does not stop disease or transmission and whatever positive effect it might have (dubious), it only lasts a few months. But let’s keep jabbing and keep the CoVid demons at bay. I find a clove of garlic round the neck just as effective.
Yes, you mean NNV...forthe MNRA it was impossibly high, for kids I think everyone and there would be more deaths from the shot than from kids dying of a large factor. Totally unacceptable.