Why does the left hate children so damn much?

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It's becoming kind of hard to ignore, isn't it?

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Disturbingly so!

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wef doesn't want an orphan crisis

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And why do so many of the child-hating leftists choose education as a career?

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They feel indoctrination is their mission.

It's the same in Germany. Probably elsewhere in the West.

And then...

The leftmost parties in Germany have recently successfully pushed for lowering the voting age to 16 in some states.

Go figure.

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Abortion should be retrospective for child hating, woke leftists.

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Dis you mean retroactive?

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Because no one else is dumb enough to pay for a BA Ed?

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It’s not that they hate children it’s that they don’t trust parents to be ideological pure enough to properly indoctrinate the children. Gotta get to them before they can think logically.

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That’s how UTTERLY STUPID parents are.

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The Left does not hate children. They hate PARENTS. They want to CONTROL children. Schools are not enough, so Healthcare is the next battleground.

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Because they’re America’s tomorrow, they don’t want America to have a tomorrow

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Because they are part of the nuclear family that must be destroyed to impose totalitarian governance.

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That’s why I want to get out of this state. I love GOD. This state has a very bad vibration…seriously.

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*taps the sign*

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All this is easy to understand if you imagine an alien who has been banished to live on Earth, who hates humanity; who organized religion and priestcraft, organized usury and slavery; and that the priests also bear the same sentiments as the alien (Satan; Enki) himself. Imagine that he funnels money through his blacks ops and through his USA corporation to build his DUMBS. Their hatred of children is easy to understand in that context. They view children as delicious because Satan does, and he has impressed his own ethics on his priests and his witches. They reflect his religion that he created. They reflect his sodomy that he created. They despise and exploit humanity because he despises and exploits humanity. The problem we face is ethical and religious at its core.

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As is the solution

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Shit libs aren't the left...

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Hitler had the state own the children too

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"I know a thing or two about National Socialism, I watch the History Channel."

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National Socialists were surely heavy handed indoctrinators; but to say they - the state - wished to "own" children is probably incorrect. The policy mix was rather, pro-family and highly pro-natalist (for Aryans only of course). Sounds quite distinct from our current rulers.

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The senator is aptly named.

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Oh no...😪. 12-year olds are so gullible and bribeable...

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Exactly the thing that comes next. "Who wants a free pizza for lunch today!?!?"

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I so feel your pain (Central Coast). Relocated from MN after retirement thinking, “A lot of the same (defeating) politics, but beautiful weather!” Now I have a 1 year old (yeah, another story) and I’m terrified.

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Love the Central Coast, have often wish I lived in a little house above Morro Bay, and now just want out of California completely. Hard to ruin paradise, but they managed.

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We've been in Morro Bay for over 20 years now. We have our share of the Cali-insane, but there are lots of different kinds of people here, and some of them still have their heads screwed on straight.

Can't understand the logic that acknowledges a 12 y/o as incapable of consenting to consensual sexual relations but simultaneously fully capable of giving informed consent to a potentially life-altering medical treatment, especially an experimental one.

I suppose the next thing we'll see is children enrolling in vaxx trials for money, no parental consent or notification needed.

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Beautiful there. I’m in Pismo Beach. It’s gone from bad to worse in the 4 1/2 years I’ve been here (COVID mania). Now I’m beginning to regret it....and my wife let her MN law license go so...

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I’m in Pacifica a couple blocks from the GORGEOUS beach...surrounded by “mentally ill people”. It’s all bad! I’m a diamond in the ROUGH!

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You should be terrified! I’m in Commifornia and I can’t wait to get the fuck out! I have 20 years left, if I’m lucky...FUCK CALIFORNIA!!!!

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Fear not

Psalms 93

He who tries to save his life will lose it you surrenders his life to God live forever

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This is softening the ground to eventually lower the age of consent to the onset of puberty. Because science! Why should we deny a child the opportunity to explore his/her/zhe sexuality from the get-go?

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I don’t think it’s the child exploring sexuality I think it’s the child being exploited sexually anyone who knows the man boy love association knows that

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Nancy Pelosi march with the man boy love association years ago they believe it’s OK to have sex with a child as young as four years old and we now have a statue of Satan in front of the courthouse in Oklahoma City end of days

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I don't understand the confusion. Has it not been made perfectly clear that the state knows what is best for children. All children. That's why the state, in their wisdom, has decreed that the STATE will decide what healthcare will be provided to children. Our "experts" have long since determined that vaccines, and other routine medical procedures, like gender reassignment, birth control, or abortion, should be freely available to anyone over 12 years of age. As is provided for in current legislation. SB866 merely removes any confusion regarding possible interference in public health matters by unqualified persons like parents.

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The Californication crowd is making sure that there is a constant supply of mentally ill children for their enjoyment and pleasure. So that there is no problem with the supply chain of sick , twisted children, they are manufacturing the victims themselves- “ right here in the USA”.

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Autism used to be one in 10,000 now it’s one in 32 thank you vaccines

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Watch the documentary what is a woman

You will see is a very face of evil itself

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Da comrade

Spoken like a good party member

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Horrifying somehow is not a strong enough word. Where is the action? What are we to do about this? No one is listening to the constituency. There’s so much to say here… Now that we really know what the current leadership in California is really standing for once and for all… What in the world are we going do about it? Where are the action points? Is anyone going to stand up to this in mass or run for office? Or is it just so gross that no one will want to take part of it anymore :-(

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Next week: Gov. Newsom's comms chief invites TikTokers to Sacramento for a friendly briefing.

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a "friendly" briefing ~ not the kind any of us will be getting in the New Reich ...

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We could try TikTok drag...dye our hair bright green and hope for the best.

That image tied to me in my 4-wheel, Drive Rollator should at least give them pause. Maybe not for long enough to escape (cf, Drive Rollator, ibid or opcit, you know, the APA thing, just above).

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When did parents start caring so little about their kids that they would let an out of control government pretty much take over raising them into good little communist?? I pulled my kids out of public schools two years ago and enrolled them in a non-public funded private school to where they are actually being educated. I also continuously keep them informed about our tyrannical government and what it is up to and DO NOT trust ANY public official until they consult with either my wife or I. ANY public official or so called "educator" that wants to overstep my parental authority better know how to fight or know how to pick themselves up off of the ground when I knock them out for f'n with my children!! There are NO LAWS or threats that would stop me from protecting my children's safety at all cost!!

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This is the crux of the issue when parents decide to be their child’s friend instead of their child’s parents when parents are too busy to stay focused on the upbringing of their own children that is the beginning of the crumbling of society

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ABC News analysis: COVID deaths rising among vaccinated


Research suggests COVID jabs are actually killing more people than they save


U.S. military personnel continue dying suddenly and unexpectedly as mainstream media deflect most attention to suicide


Data shows most COVID deaths occurred after the rollout of vaccines


COVID Jab Deadlier Than COVID for Anyone Under 80


Analysis of Official Government data finds Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of Death due to all-causes in all Age-Groups


Official Government reports suggest the Triple Vaccinated have been developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome since the turn of the year


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I think you can just post links, without the (dot). They should appear, unless there's something happening on the page that I don't know about.

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Yes less dots

very important

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This caught my attention and deserves a read: https://ghostofjfk.substack.com/p/pfizer-data?s=r

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This guy also made giving someone aids in California "no big deal"

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And they tell us that slippery slope is a myth...

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I’m seeing California license plates on a daily basis now in Oklahoma. The normal people are leaving the state and the remaining maladapted population is becoming more and more concentrated.

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