May 22Liked by Chris Bray

Anyone that thinks government is competent or on our side should watch this video of Jerrold Nadler.

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May 23Liked by Chris Bray

That had to be a fake, at least the juicy fart was fake right?

He was holding onto the podium for 15-20 seconds, like he was trying to make the room stop spinning. I had zero idea he was such a fat, weebly-wobbly, short, old man. It is funny how when you only see the shoulders up on camera how much you actually miss about a person.

He is less stable on his feet than POTUS-shitshispants. Amazing.


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He also has a special tailor, to give his pants a 24" zipper.

No kidding, you just need to see a picture of him without a suit jacket on...

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Jerrold is the answer to the question “how does a 20 inch inseam, with a 24 inch zipper, work?

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He requires a 24” zipper b/c his body shape is the closest to spherical I’ve ever seen.

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A 24” zioper to contain a 1” pecker .

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You’re only judging the external portion – the rest fills his cranium.

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I don't know. Nancy looks like she's trying not to puke.

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I think that specific audio was fake, but I remember this video – he DID fart quite audibly, just less juicily. I remember thinking at the time about Pelosi having to walk into the cloud, how her remarks were unusually brief and how she quickly invited another woman to take her place in the gas cloud.

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I think what happened to Nadler was he used to weigh 500 pounds and he had some kind of drastic surgery where they filleted him like a slaughterhouse steer to the point where he now weighs 160 pounds, but now his clothes don’t fit and he looks like David Byrne in “Stop Making Sense.”

Even if the wet fart sound is not real, it’s way funnier to think it is, especially after he shuffles off stage like he has a load in his drawers.

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And Pelosi lavishing praise on Maxine Waters’ “ Fight to preserve our democracy”.

Because making a public speech encouraging “ getting up in their faces, should they see a Trump supporter.

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sociopathic narcissists in a hermetically sealed echo chamber, except for one high pressure mental sewer line coming in from the s0r0z troll farm.

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Couldn’t have said it better.

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The only way you could watch those two in action and not be disgusted is if you have been programmed to hate everyone on the right. And I don't mean alt-tight or even Republican, just anyone to the right of Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, or Maxine Waters. It is all very disturbing.

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They’re all so damned vile. The malevolent, malignant Squad, the pandering, corrupt , filthy Establishment… The behavior we’re witnessing was always just beneath the surface.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

"Congressional scholar" and "principled fighter" are not the things that come to mind when I hear the name Jerry Nadler.

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Spine of steel, body of blubber, pantload of shit. A fat Joe Biden.

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May 22·edited May 22

No, it's worse than that. He's an alleged "constitutional scholar." Plus, he was (and maybe still is) a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

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Turley, Brandeis and Scalia don’t hold a candle to Nadler.

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And I bet he's never flown the flag upside down.

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Nadler? More likely he’s burned it.

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Given Jerrold's pungent methane emissions, it would probably be a bad idea to hold a candle to him.

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those of us who live in his district think double cheese and double crust

and every single one of his accounts had a lien on it for something he didn't pay. funny how after that came out, he worked to put a stranglehold on bankruptcy for the rest of us

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Not in the least.

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They're lying. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying. And yet, they still go on lying.

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And nobody is ever held accountable.

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THAT is the hardest thing to swallow. The oath requires POTUS to “faithfully execute the office” and the Constitution requires that “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” If on no other issue, the abandonment of the southern border is an impeachable offense and no one does a damn thing.

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Liking your comment the hard way.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

Amazing hubris of these clowns. Glad they self-identify their treason tho, quite handy.

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That's the amazing feature of the whole thing -- they literally just tell you.

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Because there are no consequences of course. Imagine someone writing a book about planning on impeaching Obama as soon as he was elected. Or Biden. Or any Democrat. The FBI would be raiding your house in full riot gear, no knock warrant, hoping for shit to go down.

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…with authorization to use deadly force!

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Electing spineless rinos to speaker of the house, and democrats shitting themselves on live TV. Name a better duo.

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And yet it is still enough to fool half of the country.

Biden could say that before he was Senator he was a truck driver/astronaut/Druid, and no one in the media would question it. It would get published in the NYT and chanted as fact.

I can kinda root for the Oceans 11 team because at least they were crafty and talented.

How would liberals write the script today?

Biden 11 is gong to steal from Orange Man Bad's Casino. It has lots of money, proof that he is incompetent because all he does is white supremacy stuff and pee on hookers. Biden enters the casino chanting "the adults are back in charge." Kamela tries to demonstrate inequality via Venn Diagrams but she is unable to draw one, so she cackles. And then wheelbarrows of money are delivered to the good people.

It is getting to the point that the theft is less infuriating than the script.

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In the same vein, I could not believe the article in Time magazine explaining in detail how the Dems bribed election officials in swing states with $419M of Zuckerberg’s money laundered thru Arabella Advisers.

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The entire sickening array-Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Engoron, Merchan, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, Obama… the despicable Dan Goldman…

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

"Spine of steel" - that hobbit is so bent over by his 'courageous spine', he is practically a question mark.

Who the hell are these people? And to give credit where credit is due, thank you for wading into that sh*t so we don't have to. That's real courage.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

How piquant - they are in essence/spirit confessing to conspiring to subvert the course of justice to affect an election, should the people's choice not be their choice.

Dare one place a modest bet that there are backers to this project, backers who see themselves as a Vanguard standing post on a Blackrock, or similar groups?

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If someone is paying money for the likes of Mark Pomerantz and Norm Eisen, they're paying too much. No matter how much the paycheck is.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

To the "someones paying money", Pomerantz and Eisen are not people, they are simply a couple of tools (pun intended) that are the means to an end.

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May 23Liked by Chris Bray

Wasn't Eisen the master of color revolutions, taking down governments around the world that wouldn't play ball, before he turned his loving attentions to us? Has to be CIA. They aren't all poets anymore, but he's fully as crazy as James Jesus Angelton.

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I await the day when whatever oligarch-organisation funding people like them try to use their "donations" as a tax write-off, citing the low quality of the work delivered as a reason the investment was lost and not recoupable.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

Jerry rattled off the entirety of the Democrat’s political philosophy in an explosive presentation.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

I'm Canadian, (sorry), but I can't even look at a picture/video of Nadler.

"Spine of steel"?

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Jerry Nadler- sharp as a pound of wet liver.

Danny Huckabee

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I understand this feels good. It's cathartic to make fun of Jerry Nadler's diarrhea or Jayapal's brain or Biden's stumbling. But it obscures a very important fact: these people are winning. They are in charge. After November, many of them will still be in charge. We MAY elect a narcissistic billionaire as president who MAY defend the working class... that's the best possible outcome. Or the Left may succeed in imprisoning him or tarring him enough that he loses. So if they're so dumb, how do they keep winning?

Oh sure, the Left has the media and Internet companies and NGOs... I get all of that. But what they're doing to Trump is simple Machiavellian power. And that is why they are winning. They're willing to use whatever power they have to benefit themselves the maximum degree possible. Why aren't we? What are we waiting for? I believe Donald Trump will do that (mostly for the benefit of Donald Trump et al, I expect, but the rest of us may benefit along the way.) I'll take that. I'll vote for that. But he's one man who, even if he does get elected, will be gone in 4 years. Where are the local officials wiling to behave like D.A. Bragg in NYC? What red state DA candidate is willing to run on "I'll get Joe Biden when he leaves office". Anyone who does, I'll send him a contribution, because those are the people we need.

Live and let live is gone. Liberal tolerance is a mirage. Nietzsche was right: it's pure power all the way down now. The Left has embraced it. Who on the Right is willing to do so?

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If they were winning, Trump would be in prison. There's a staggering amount of failure and ruin still to be repaired, but they're beginning to take the losses they deserve.

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Trump in prison would be their cherry on top, but it doesn’t really matter as long as they can cheat Biden in to four more years. In the meantime, they’ve imprisoned or ruined the lives of everyone associated with Trump, and we still have the Jan 6 political prisoners. I agree with Brian V.

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Biden is spending $2 billion on "woke" crap, until that is stopped (and leftist education dismantled) the "woke" totalitarians are still winning at least part of the time.


Define "woke"? No problem:


twitter. com /wesyang/status/1712505992540274708


... white leftist savior was actually a homosexual groomer using drugs to induce a troubled 15-year old black boy into sexual liaisons who was then murdered by the kid he was grooming after attempting to blackmail him with homemade porn ...


Biden spends $billions on "woke" nonsense.


www. msn. com /en-us/news/politics/biden-s-push-for-billions-in-spending-on-gender-race-ideology-under-fire/ar-BB1kLXsE

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re: controlled opposition and the shaping of the "left"

From a heterodox, anarcho-libertarian sociologist/historian:


The Brahmins that Yarvin claims to oppose have been empowered primarily by the rise of digital capitalism and the traditional financial establishment. Additionally, the “woke” ideology (what I call “totalitarian humanism”) that presently constitutes the self-legitimating ideological superstructure of the ruling class is not the sole creation of the Brahmins alone. Every ideological superstructure has a materialist base and class base (which in the case of totalitarian humanism would be digital capital, the tech revolution, “financialization” of the kind that has emerged from neoliberalism, the expanded technocratic class which is the product of the wider degree of specialization and the division of labor rooted in increased technological sophistication).

Additionally, “wokeness” is rooted in the wider infrastructure of statecraft which can be traced, at the irreducible minimum, to the collusion between the Frankfurt School and the OSS during WW2, followed by the CIA’s creation of the Congress of Cultural Freedom in the 1950s. While elements of the ideological framework of totalitarian humanism may have their roots in the cultural revolution of the 1960s/1970s, in its present form “wokeness” represents a co-optation of those cultural patterns by the liberal wing of the capitalist class ( a specific strategy that was devised by Fred Dutton as far back as 1970).



attackthesystem. com /2021/12/06/curtis-yarvin-mencius-moldbug-on-tucker-carlson-today-09-08-21/

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Given the ways symbolic capitalists like to understand and describe ourselves and our professions, one might expect that as people like “us” have gained more power over society, longstanding social problems would be on the path to resolution and socioeconomic and cultural inequalities would be greatly diminished. In reality, the opposite has happened.

In tandem with the transitions favoring the symbolic industries, we’ve seen increased polarization and social conflict. Public trust in institutions has been consistently plummeting. Many systems and institutions are growing increasingly dysfunctional and ineffective. Inequalities in the U.S. have grown increasingly pronounced as symbolic capitalists have risen in affluence and influence. Symbolic capitalists are, themselves, among the primary beneficiaries of these inequalities – and social justice discourse is increasingly mobilized to justify them.

The ‘losers’ in the symbolic economy are portrayed as deserving their lot because they think, feel or say the ‘wrong’ things about race, gender and sexuality. Elites’ bids for more power and status, meanwhile, are increasingly bound up with their egalitarian bona fides.

Understanding this state of affairs requires a deep and unflinching look into the history and political economy of symbolic capitalists. Although our professions have, from the outset, defined themselves as altruistic in nature — oriented towards higher principles or the greater good – the truth is, we have never been woke.



musaalgharbi. com /2024/04/14/we-have-never-been-woke-preorders-live/

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"Totalitarian humanism" is such an interesting term. It rather makes sense. I like it, especially since it highlights that this is a theological conflict more than a political one. What is sacred? What is profane? We in the West tried to pretend that they were outdated questions, an embarrassing holdover from our Medieval past that we secular moderns had outgrown. But they're not, and totalitarian humanism has streamed into the moral void we created to answer them: sacred = oppressed people; profane = wrongthinkers on race, sex, etc... It turns out Chesterton was right: people who give up on God will believe in anything, regardless of how flimsy it is.

Which brings me to my point. We're not going to defeat totalitarian humanism using secular liberal tools and ideas. It won't work. It takes a god to defeat a god. So what god will we rally around? Absent divine intervention, it won't be the God of Abraham. But there are others (both literal and figurative). The most innocuous of these is Aristotelian virtue. Many of the others get quite dark quite quickly.

What is the Right's answer to "what is sacred / profane?" And if our answer is rooted in Judeo-Christianity, how do we convince people to support a god they think they've already outgrown/given up on? I don't think that works. That's why, as much as I like Amari and Deneen, I don't think their integralist solution is possible.

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Darwin defined morals* in biological terms, so that is one foundation that can be built on. Further exploration of evolutionary theory, such as Iain McGilchrist's work that debunks materialism, seems very helpful.


* Peter Richerson, PhD ecology, UC Davis, quotes Darwin (as an example of group selection hypothesis and the neurobiology of sympathy in "primeval times"):

"It must not be forgotten that although a high standard of morality gives but a slight or no advantage to each individual man and his children over other men of the same tribe, yet that an increase in the number of well-endowed men and an advancement in the standard of morality will certainly give an immense advantage to one tribe over another. A tribe including many members who, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity, obedience, courage, and sympathy, were always ready to aid one another, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes, and this would be natural selection (178-179)."

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As John Vervaeke (evolutionary psychologist) points out in his "Crisis of Meaning" videos and articles, the human species evolved to need meaning and purpose because they are the foundation of social cooperation, which was the primary survival adaptation in primeval human culture. That isn't a new concept, there are many social scientists and philosophers (Nietzsche, "God is dead ... and we killed him...") that have said something very similar.

As you say, mythic religion has been abandoned in the wake of the Enlightenment, scientific rationalism, and so forth, so just reverting to it won't honor its deep truths, it has to be adapted to postmodern social conditions to continue contributing to social, psychological, moral and spiritual order.

Postmodernism in itself is incoherent in that it calls for "diversity", but then demonizes everything about mythic spirituality.

So, the quest for something beyond postmodernist relativism and pluralism that will satisfy the need for meaning, coherence and anti-fragility to techno-economic disruption of legacy hierarchies of expertise continues.

Meanwhile, hopefully the "right" can provide a holding pattern to keep cultural marxism and the postmodern left from destroying civilization.

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Rod Dreher says as much in the Benedict Option.

Although my favorite on that subject is Jordan Peterson: "If you keep slicing people along more and more dimensions, you discover that each person is an an identity group of 1 -- we are all unique. The logical endpoint of intersectionality is individuality. the intersectionalists will get there... if they don't kill us all first."

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David Ronfeldt, a retired military anthropologist that studies paradigm shifts and social change refers to the fact that historical paradigm shifts happen after social disruption, disintegration and regression to more "primitive" (tribal) identities. I think he got that idea from Koestler's Ghost in the Machine, which described Holons and the dynamic equilibrium of atomization and wholism in systems.

As David Chapman points out, the ability to hold seemingly polar opposites as parts of something larger, such as "nebulosity" and "pattern", is an evolved feature of human consciousness, but it is not as well developed and mythic or rationalist awareness.

Being able to hold awareness of the nebulosity of reality (the limits of human consciousness) seems to be the basis of what is "partially true" about postmodern relativism, and awareness of "pattern" is what is "partially true" about mythic/sacred and scientific/secular "absolutes".

So, some kind of integration of all those different modes and belief systems appears to be possible at this point in cultural evolution, and maybe necessary for survival.


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I’ll have to look up those (Catholic?) integralists.

This is a completely different form of “integral theory” that is rooted in systems theory, evolutionary theory and new age stuff (Buddhism, etc.)


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Catholic integralism:


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I have a cousin-in-law, a retired Physics professor (Univ. Barcelona) that is a very devout member of Opus Dei. Out of all the many, many Catalan/Spanish relatives I have, she is the most virtuous, intellectually coherent and well informed. The most far left, actual communists, of that large bunch (descendants of business/property owners that survived the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship) are the most mentally dysfunctional.

The more centrist types are either center-left socialists or center-right, what used to be CiU (Convergencia i Unio, more or less Catalan Republicans that are business class, "Christian Democrats").


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Eisen looks like Stephen Colbert’s gay brother.

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Older. Uncle who makes everyone nervous when he's around the kids.

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(Not that there’s anything wrong with that).

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They look like each other’s gay brother.

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Can u imagine what he looks like … all of them actually, without clothes… pitiful sight🤮

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ewww, the visual is cruel and unusual punishment!

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With your eyelids clamped open, torture.

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Oh dear God, I didn’t need that visual.

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I wont be able to un-see that!

As if I needed any more reason to laugh at him.

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Since reading “The Broken Whistle” I’ve had an epiphany as to the mass incompetence that infests our bureaucracy. Specifically the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA and, the federal courts. I used to give these people too much credit for being evil and smart. They’re just evil brain dead zombies that fall in line to destroy Orange Man because they were told and paid to. I think when we find out the amount of money changing hands illegally between our bureaucrats and other countries/special interests (it has to have reached an all time high during the Biden Administration) it will be astonishing. Dumb people are so much easier to control than smart people - no wonder DEI seems to be hardwired into our corporatist existence.

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Define "woke"? No problem:


twitter. com /wesyang/status/1712505992540274708


... white leftist savior was actually a homosexual groomer using drugs to induce a troubled 15-year old black boy into sexual liaisons who was then murdered by the kid he was grooming after attempting to blackmail him with homemade porn ...


Biden spends $billions on "woke" nonsense.


www. msn. com /en-us/news/politics/biden-s-push-for-billions-in-spending-on-gender-race-ideology-under-fire/ar-BB1kLXsE

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There’s a lot of financial corruption and payola / kickbacks in our government. Ukraine ain’t got nuffin’ on the USG.

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

“We have top men working on it right now.”


“Top. Men.”

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May 22Liked by Chris Bray

And Cicilline? To praise him after he butchered the budget of the city he ran is hilarious!!

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With scintillating arbiters of moral clarity and stunning physicality, ie Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal and Jerry Nadler as the go to experts….Say no more.

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