Watching all this from the U.K. I can’t help thinking that…Well, I don’t know…except the powers that be have, after a century or more of pretending the US is run by fine, honest politicians (with the occasional ‘bad egg’ e.g. - clears throat - Nixon, or the promiscuous clown - smirks - Clinton). The mask is off now and for all with eyes …
Watching all this from the U.K. I can’t help thinking that…Well, I don’t know…except the powers that be have, after a century or more of pretending the US is run by fine, honest politicians (with the occasional ‘bad egg’ e.g. - clears throat - Nixon, or the promiscuous clown - smirks - Clinton). The mask is off now and for all with eyes to see, the face it reveals is very ugly. I like to hope that enough voters can see this face, without flinching or believing that it isn’t as bad as their lying eyes tell them. But then….Mail in ballots…why didn’t President Trump ban these tools of the election stealers? Why didn’t he make this terrible assault on voters a huge (!) priority? As I say, I don’t know. Perhaps he didn’t have time during his first three years before the plandemic nonsense; perhaps he was too busy not saving the world from the lies of Fauci and Co, or extremely busy bigging up the poison vax and waving away poison vax mandates as something for the individual states to impose or not, as the fancy took them….I would like to give President Trump the benefit of the doubt, I would like to believe in him, and I actually hope and pray he wins the election in November, although I feel the unrest that will provoke will be massive and terrible. I hope for a Republican win not just for the US itself, but because it will give our own U.K. vile socialist politicians who currently pretend to govern us a smack in their vile, moronic faces.
But….there seems to me to be a lot of unanswered questions, not least regarding ‘Covid’ and the ‘vax’, but also, just as important, the Republican inaction over mail-in ballots and electronic counting machines (hanging chads…? I’m English, I don’t know about these chads except they seem to have won the vote for Bush in 2000…ah…perhaps that’s a clue….You cheat, we cheat we all cheat for cheating, but it seems the Democrats are very much better at it….). The problem is worldwide- see France, see the U.K.- a Labour government in power on the smallest share of the vote in very, very many years, perhaps ever. No one wants Starmer and his venal band of ‘immigrants welcome’ morons. But, here the poor U.K. is - governed by the WEF. This week, in the U.K. little children were knifed to death by a creature imported from Rwanda. Starmer came and laid a wreath, didn’t speak, and, surrounded by minders, scurried back to his car as he was heckled by the crowd. This terrible crime will of course be forgotten in a few days as the ‘press’ moves on and the the defeated people of the UK get on with their lives. What else can we do? The WEF (or whatever we should call the evil cabal who run the shi@t show) has all the men with all the guns. One day we might rise up, as the Romanians did in 1989. I’m 62, and doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
There are no blanket federal rules for voting; each state has its own. Messy for sure but that’s federalism & the less involved the corrupt federal government is in state rights, the better.
Still, if I had my way every election & esp the big ones would be on voting day only, have to show ironclad proof of citizenship, paper ballots (none of this corruptable electronic crap) & no drop boxes or mail-in ballots except for military & citizens living out of the country.
A friend in Calgary advised in 2020 that up there, they use paper ballots, they count them by hand in the precinct under the supervision of party observers and report numbers to the Provincial gov’t mid-evening, and national results are available by bedtime. While the U.S. population is 9 times that of Canada, we also have 9 times the number of poll workers. What Canada has that we don’t are gov’t workers (and managers) who take pride in doing their jobs well. We, OTOH, have Democrats.
And those DemoncRATs are the reason for the rampant chaos & massive fraud. Even shithole countries can call an election on the night of voting day.
We are truly on the verge of collapse as a nation when libtards get (fake) triggered by a requirement for proper ID to vote (as merely 1 example) as disenfranchising POCs when everybody literally knows you can’t function in modern society w/out some form of government ID & that even sacred cow POCs have them too. There is also a reason 10 million+ illegal aliens have been allowed into the country….
That’s great John, thx! Someone ought to use that in a campaign ad. It’s ALWAYS racist libtards who project their racism (or any outrage d’ jour) on the other side
The REALLY bizarre thing (to me) is that they consistently insult one of their core voting groups and pay no penalty for it. I’m surprised the Democrats don’t openly embrace Kipling’s poem “The White Man’s Burden.”
What’s even more bizarre is that the insulted core voting groups DON’T penalize them for it. It’s every bit as much the “hive mind” (a lá libtards) when 90+% of blacks or Jews or any of those other core voting groups vote in such high percentages for their abusers with zero independent thought
There’ve been a number of books & articles written about the source of American Jewish political liberalism, and they all boil down to Judaism’s culture of charity and social justice (pre-SJW era).
It takes an enormous effort and painful soul searching to realize your lifelong belief in an organization was misplaced. Below is a great essay from a lifelong Silicon Valley Democrat who’s realized he has far more in common with modern Republicans than Democrats.
(Analogous is when an organization abandons its old values, such as the Army I served and loved 1972-75, which is unrecognizable today.)
This is the only way to ensure the fairest results, which is why it is a thing of the past in these United States. I suspect soon in say California or Oregon, they’ll make a law that when you register to vote you will have to declare a party, and a vote will be cast in your name automatically for that party in every election.
“…why didn’t President Trump ban these tools of the election stealers?”
Creating Federal law is a function of the Legislative Branch, not the Executive. Congress routinely delegates to POTUS the authority to write regulations for laws Congress has passed, but election law has not been one of those areas.
Further, the Constitution authorizes the States to regulate elections unless Congress by statute mandates a specific policy. In mid-2020, the Democrats (when not fabricating “bleach” lies) spent their time in swing state capitals passing laws to allow mail-in balloting and loosening compliance standards for counting a ballot. Further, Democrats have held the Senate since before 2020, so there’s been no opportunity to fix the situation with an overriding Federal law. Had SCOTUS not revoked “Roe v. Wade” in 2022, Republicans would have taken the Senate, but that line of thinking is just useless wishing about what might have been.
You make good points for both of our countries leaders. But understanding turning their backs on our constitution and federalism is really the key to understanding what has gone so terribly wrong here.
I do wish that Trump would find a way to speak authentically and humbley about his mistakes with COVID and the vax. But grace builds on nature so I fear I expect too much.
I have to take exception with your characterization of Richard Nixon as a bad egg. He was not a perfect man, none of us are, but he was one of our best presidents and none of the current crop have the political or intellectual chops that he had. In fact, none of them could shine his shoes.
I had my tongue in my cheek there - see my quotation marks. I agree with you - Nixon was probably a good President as Presidents go, and was probably taken out by the deep state, I don’t think they could get away with murdering another President so soon after 1963 and so they had to make do with a lot of silliness and lies….
You are on the mark about the deep state. Just finished the Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot and am reading JFK And The Unspeakable by James W. Douglas and "probably" should be replaced with "definitely.'
Please read Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History," Gerald Posner's "Case Closed," Jean Davison's "Oswald's Game," Thomas Mallon's "Mrs Paine's Garage."
A video shortcut would be for you to go to historian Sean Munger's YouTube channel and watch his two part, three hours long assessment of JFK assassination conspiracy hypotheses. After that, watch LEMMiNO's remarkable, ninety minute long graphic analysis of what went on in Dealey Plaza that day.
Watching all this from the U.K. I can’t help thinking that…Well, I don’t know…except the powers that be have, after a century or more of pretending the US is run by fine, honest politicians (with the occasional ‘bad egg’ e.g. - clears throat - Nixon, or the promiscuous clown - smirks - Clinton). The mask is off now and for all with eyes to see, the face it reveals is very ugly. I like to hope that enough voters can see this face, without flinching or believing that it isn’t as bad as their lying eyes tell them. But then….Mail in ballots…why didn’t President Trump ban these tools of the election stealers? Why didn’t he make this terrible assault on voters a huge (!) priority? As I say, I don’t know. Perhaps he didn’t have time during his first three years before the plandemic nonsense; perhaps he was too busy not saving the world from the lies of Fauci and Co, or extremely busy bigging up the poison vax and waving away poison vax mandates as something for the individual states to impose or not, as the fancy took them….I would like to give President Trump the benefit of the doubt, I would like to believe in him, and I actually hope and pray he wins the election in November, although I feel the unrest that will provoke will be massive and terrible. I hope for a Republican win not just for the US itself, but because it will give our own U.K. vile socialist politicians who currently pretend to govern us a smack in their vile, moronic faces.
But….there seems to me to be a lot of unanswered questions, not least regarding ‘Covid’ and the ‘vax’, but also, just as important, the Republican inaction over mail-in ballots and electronic counting machines (hanging chads…? I’m English, I don’t know about these chads except they seem to have won the vote for Bush in 2000…ah…perhaps that’s a clue….You cheat, we cheat we all cheat for cheating, but it seems the Democrats are very much better at it….). The problem is worldwide- see France, see the U.K.- a Labour government in power on the smallest share of the vote in very, very many years, perhaps ever. No one wants Starmer and his venal band of ‘immigrants welcome’ morons. But, here the poor U.K. is - governed by the WEF. This week, in the U.K. little children were knifed to death by a creature imported from Rwanda. Starmer came and laid a wreath, didn’t speak, and, surrounded by minders, scurried back to his car as he was heckled by the crowd. This terrible crime will of course be forgotten in a few days as the ‘press’ moves on and the the defeated people of the UK get on with their lives. What else can we do? The WEF (or whatever we should call the evil cabal who run the shi@t show) has all the men with all the guns. One day we might rise up, as the Romanians did in 1989. I’m 62, and doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
There are no blanket federal rules for voting; each state has its own. Messy for sure but that’s federalism & the less involved the corrupt federal government is in state rights, the better.
Still, if I had my way every election & esp the big ones would be on voting day only, have to show ironclad proof of citizenship, paper ballots (none of this corruptable electronic crap) & no drop boxes or mail-in ballots except for military & citizens living out of the country.
A friend in Calgary advised in 2020 that up there, they use paper ballots, they count them by hand in the precinct under the supervision of party observers and report numbers to the Provincial gov’t mid-evening, and national results are available by bedtime. While the U.S. population is 9 times that of Canada, we also have 9 times the number of poll workers. What Canada has that we don’t are gov’t workers (and managers) who take pride in doing their jobs well. We, OTOH, have Democrats.
And those DemoncRATs are the reason for the rampant chaos & massive fraud. Even shithole countries can call an election on the night of voting day.
We are truly on the verge of collapse as a nation when libtards get (fake) triggered by a requirement for proper ID to vote (as merely 1 example) as disenfranchising POCs when everybody literally knows you can’t function in modern society w/out some form of government ID & that even sacred cow POCs have them too. There is also a reason 10 million+ illegal aliens have been allowed into the country….
My FAVORITE video on “Photo IDs for POC”:
That’s great John, thx! Someone ought to use that in a campaign ad. It’s ALWAYS racist libtards who project their racism (or any outrage d’ jour) on the other side
The REALLY bizarre thing (to me) is that they consistently insult one of their core voting groups and pay no penalty for it. I’m surprised the Democrats don’t openly embrace Kipling’s poem “The White Man’s Burden.”
What’s even more bizarre is that the insulted core voting groups DON’T penalize them for it. It’s every bit as much the “hive mind” (a lá libtards) when 90+% of blacks or Jews or any of those other core voting groups vote in such high percentages for their abusers with zero independent thought
There’ve been a number of books & articles written about the source of American Jewish political liberalism, and they all boil down to Judaism’s culture of charity and social justice (pre-SJW era).
It takes an enormous effort and painful soul searching to realize your lifelong belief in an organization was misplaced. Below is a great essay from a lifelong Silicon Valley Democrat who’s realized he has far more in common with modern Republicans than Democrats.
(Analogous is when an organization abandons its old values, such as the Army I served and loved 1972-75, which is unrecognizable today.)
…and mail-in ballots, to be counted, require an armed chain-of-custody detail.
This is the only way to ensure the fairest results, which is why it is a thing of the past in these United States. I suspect soon in say California or Oregon, they’ll make a law that when you register to vote you will have to declare a party, and a vote will be cast in your name automatically for that party in every election.
“…why didn’t President Trump ban these tools of the election stealers?”
Creating Federal law is a function of the Legislative Branch, not the Executive. Congress routinely delegates to POTUS the authority to write regulations for laws Congress has passed, but election law has not been one of those areas.
Further, the Constitution authorizes the States to regulate elections unless Congress by statute mandates a specific policy. In mid-2020, the Democrats (when not fabricating “bleach” lies) spent their time in swing state capitals passing laws to allow mail-in balloting and loosening compliance standards for counting a ballot. Further, Democrats have held the Senate since before 2020, so there’s been no opportunity to fix the situation with an overriding Federal law. Had SCOTUS not revoked “Roe v. Wade” in 2022, Republicans would have taken the Senate, but that line of thinking is just useless wishing about what might have been.
You make good points for both of our countries leaders. But understanding turning their backs on our constitution and federalism is really the key to understanding what has gone so terribly wrong here.
I do wish that Trump would find a way to speak authentically and humbley about his mistakes with COVID and the vax. But grace builds on nature so I fear I expect too much.
I have to take exception with your characterization of Richard Nixon as a bad egg. He was not a perfect man, none of us are, but he was one of our best presidents and none of the current crop have the political or intellectual chops that he had. In fact, none of them could shine his shoes.
I had my tongue in my cheek there - see my quotation marks. I agree with you - Nixon was probably a good President as Presidents go, and was probably taken out by the deep state, I don’t think they could get away with murdering another President so soon after 1963 and so they had to make do with a lot of silliness and lies….
You are on the mark about the deep state. Just finished the Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot and am reading JFK And The Unspeakable by James W. Douglas and "probably" should be replaced with "definitely.'
Please read Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History," Gerald Posner's "Case Closed," Jean Davison's "Oswald's Game," Thomas Mallon's "Mrs Paine's Garage."
A video shortcut would be for you to go to historian Sean Munger's YouTube channel and watch his two part, three hours long assessment of JFK assassination conspiracy hypotheses. After that, watch LEMMiNO's remarkable, ninety minute long graphic analysis of what went on in Dealey Plaza that day.
That is sad. At least we have guns in the US. Come and take it—as we say in Texas! Never never give up!