What’s even more bizarre is that the insulted core voting groups DON’T penalize them for it. It’s every bit as much the “hive mind” (a lá libtards) when 90+% of blacks or Jews or any of those other core voting groups vote in such high percentages for their abusers with zero independent thought
What’s even more bizarre is that the insulted core voting groups DON’T penalize them for it. It’s every bit as much the “hive mind” (a lá libtards) when 90+% of blacks or Jews or any of those other core voting groups vote in such high percentages for their abusers with zero independent thought
There’ve been a number of books & articles written about the source of American Jewish political liberalism, and they all boil down to Judaism’s culture of charity and social justice (pre-SJW era).
It takes an enormous effort and painful soul searching to realize your lifelong belief in an organization was misplaced. Below is a great essay from a lifelong Silicon Valley Democrat who’s realized he has far more in common with modern Republicans than Democrats.
(Analogous is when an organization abandons its old values, such as the Army I served and loved 1972-75, which is unrecognizable today.)
What’s even more bizarre is that the insulted core voting groups DON’T penalize them for it. It’s every bit as much the “hive mind” (a lá libtards) when 90+% of blacks or Jews or any of those other core voting groups vote in such high percentages for their abusers with zero independent thought
There’ve been a number of books & articles written about the source of American Jewish political liberalism, and they all boil down to Judaism’s culture of charity and social justice (pre-SJW era).
It takes an enormous effort and painful soul searching to realize your lifelong belief in an organization was misplaced. Below is a great essay from a lifelong Silicon Valley Democrat who’s realized he has far more in common with modern Republicans than Democrats.
(Analogous is when an organization abandons its old values, such as the Army I served and loved 1972-75, which is unrecognizable today.)