
Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin says he's getting very close to regarding NATO as being directly at war with Russia, which would put nuclear powers in direct conflict:


OMFG, Kamala hit Trump with SIDE-EYE! Boom, bitch!

Unseriousness can be fatal.

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I really don't care what you write...you're effing hilarious...boom, bitch.

Oh goodness

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He's a treasure pulled outta this world dumpster fire. Kammie ka-boom biatches!

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

The day after the debate, I was gloomy in the morning, but it began to lift - dissolve, really - quickly when it occurred to me that what people will remember about it are two things, the three way gang up on Trump, and Kamatralala's face acting of lofty superiority and of contempt.

Never has the bias of mainstream media been on better display than in the gangup. Except the hard Left, Americans have an innate sense of fairness, and the fact of the gangup won't have eluded them.

As for the face acting, it was guaranteed to disgust all but the soyboyest men, and a lot of women, who, despite the known fact that men are uniformly oppressive and brutal against all women, and are much amused by our depredations, tend to like us.

Okay, it wasn't a good evening for Trump, but it brought to my mind scenes from CCTV in which an elderly man is menaced or at least mocked by young assh*les on the street.

I'm glad you invoked the Brecht line. Laurence Tribe's lament for the administrative state is hilarious, a mad inventor sobbing out his grief over the failure of his folly.

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It's my guess that the narrative won't hold for more than two weeks, but we'll see.

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I also was a little depressed after listening to a couple of my faves (Megyn Kelly for one) really unleash their fury. The next day there was Trump at the 9/11 memorial with JD, he's done another rally and another press conference and another podcast or two or forty, and I thought, "He just gets up and acts like he's going to win." (Yes, I know Biden & Harris were also at the memorial but no one cared about them.) There is something about this that is so downright historical. He never retreats, even when all those around him are calling him a failure. We are either on the edge of a turnaround miracle or we are taking our last gasp of freedom.

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Yes, Trump has shown admirable qualifies, indeed, in the last couple of months. I was badly thrown by Kamatralala’s mugging early in the debate because ridicule can be the deadliest of weapons. But a day or two later I realized that everyone could see it was something she had rehearsed. It was, in short, a tactic, not a spontaneous and genuine reaction. I think what will linger with people is the three way hit job that “the debate” was.

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The “Never Trumpers” are the Neocon’s itching for Putin to declare war on NATO and us. They failed to convince Americans to do more for Ukraine than send money and hang flags. They’re the magicians saying “look at my right hand while I call Trump the Antichrist. Pay no attention to the nuclear chaos I’m stirring up with my left.”

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Putin has been doing this kind of posturing since the beginning of the war. Ignore him.

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This is pretty much the truth. He knows if he unleashes theater level nukes he will be killed.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

I wonder how many men will be triggered thinking about their ex-wives whenever Harris makes those faces.

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More triggered by memories of seeing that smirk on the faces of middle managers with MBAs when you suggest changes to their incredibly dumb plans that involve a lot of unnecessary work for the productive employees and zero work for the smirking woman.

“Oh lord, those people thought they could question my plans? Don’t they know I’m the boss? Ima remember them when it comes time to look at personnel evaluations. They better straighten up, because my eyes are on them.”

That’s what I see in Kamala Harris. Dumb as hell, and still thinks she got her position because she’s an awesome gurlboss.

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And yet Bret Weinstein (I hope I have the right brother) thinks that Kommala is intelligent and she's been fooling us the whole time, revealing her true self at the debate. I'm not buying it. She had cover and knew she was going to have cover. Whether or not she was given the questions ahead of time, there was no push back on her to give a substantive answer.

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She also may have had the benefit of microphone earrings so answers could be fed to her & would swear she got the questions in advance, of course

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That seems to have been debunked. I don't think so, anyway.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

Would it surprise you that she did have some kind of “help” like that tho?

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Sep 13Liked by Chris Bray

It wouldn't surprise me if she GAVE the questions to the moderators!

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It's starting to take its toll.

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If you’re referring to the Chris Williamson interview, then I believe that was Eric.

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It was and I think he is wrong, she's not hiding any brilliant intellect- am confident of that.

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I enjoy listening to both; they're very smart. Bret is a Trump supporter, and Eric can't see himself voting for Trump. He added that he doesn't know Trump (ie is really not familiar with him). Wouldn't an intelligent man seek out that knowledge, to be better informed? I think this is the "Trump barrier" that formed early on in academic communities (There Be Monsters Here). You know how vital it is to have the correct attitudes in the academic world. They are Mean Girls 24/7. Old Eric is trapped behind the wall, and will not allow himself to seek this knowledge.

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I checked, and it was Bret with Heather Heying on the Darkhorse podcast, not Eric.

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or anyone with an alcoholic mom....

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I was thinking about the slutty mean girls in high school, but we all have the Kamala archetype somewhere in our history. And they never bring anything good. Not remotely.

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She looks like my ex-best friend, who made her fortune importing Indian workers to the US and driving down American salaries. My ex-best friend is much smarter, but since it's wrapped up in lefty haze, it doesn't really make any difference.

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You mean like an alcoholic narcissist? Gotcha.

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I resemble that statement- but working on it🙂

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Remember when Trump made faces in earlier debates and it was so embarrassing and unserious?

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I was... and never actually thought about that until now. Thanks kitty cat person.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

We are living in the end times alright. It's funny though, I've been reading the old testament a bunch as of late, and those ancient hebrew scribes didn't tell me it was going to be this stupid. They could have thrown in a line about "woeful expressions" and helped a brother out.

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The OT does. Do you know what Daniel 12's 'time of trouble' -- that silly Christian pastors refer to as the Tribulation -- actually means in its original language? In Hebrew?

It means the TIME OF THE FEMALE ADVERSARY. Yup. Not some generalized, generic 'time of trouble. But a specific period during the latter part of the end times that is controlled and ruled-over by a specifically malevolent feminine demon. A TIME OF THE FEMALE VEXATION.

The citation is Strong's 6869, tsahrah or tsah-rah. Here's the description page:


You are correct that we are already in the end-times. Specifically, the frontloading portion of the time of the tsah-rah. The feminist nation you live under is far more than some socio-political manifestation.

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Interesting. Thanks. They kept warning us that "The future is female."

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It’s all because of Eve

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Actually, it was Adam not relaying info well.... and thus began the male communication issue ;)

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No. It was Eve and her Eve-ill. Then Adam simped to the female, and here we all are.

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Your enemies know things you do not know. And they ain't about to tell you, either, for obvious reasons.

As for 'pastors' and teachers of Christianity, if they were the real thing, they'd understand and communicate these crucial Biblical elements.

I can think of few other things of greater import than to understand WHO is oppressing your nations, and the boys and men within them. And WHY the oppression is of feminine/feminist character, rather than, say, the burden placed on you under a 'strong man' like Stalin or Mussolini.

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I guess there is more than one reason that pastors are men. I learned a thing today!

Thanks for that. Got me reading Samuel 1:14: "And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee." Someone needs to ask Kamala that exact same thing.

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That passage from Samuel is a good find. 'Nothing new under the sun' as the Bible says.

Glad to be of help. cheers!

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Thankfully, Kamala is no Hannah and the rest of that story was truly wonderful.

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And Hannah wasn't actually drunk, just sorrowful and upset because she yearned for children of her own. K-dog is another story.

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This is very interesting. Do you happen to have a translation of the whole chapter that uses the deep meaning, to read the whole thing in context? Especially since it seems to be used elsewhere as well. All I’m finding are the superficial translations and I’d really like to read the rich stuff as a whole piece. And no scholar of the books am I, or at least I’m in no shape to piece together my own retranslation. Likely never will be.

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Well, you can use Bible Gateway and research various commentaries on the various passages, along with the various translations of passages available at BG -- 15 or so. That's a good start. Then, try the 1599 Geneva Bible and the Amplified translation, both at BG, for whatever passage you research. that'll get you started. I use a basic Strong's Concordance to find passage translations back to the original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) texts as written.

Ask me again after, if you need further research direction.

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The Female Vexation, indeed!

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Oh, my stars. You made me laugh out loud.

“those ancient hebrew scribes didn't tell me it was going to be this stupid. They could have thrown in a line about "woeful expressions" and helped a brother out.”

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I'm flattered, thank you!

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

Every woman I know was completely turned off by her mean girl routine. Most suburban women that she would like to reach remember those looks from high school. And the nobody likes you comments just made it worse. I think she screwed up bigly.

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yeah it was mean and childish -- and, is that how she's going to talk to North Korea? is that how she's going to negotiate -- make faces at Macron or Xi? not very "Presidential" to me.

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Lot of women work in white collar environments where that kind of behavior is more or less tolerated. They get to smirk and condescend, while the dudes who aren’t in secure upper management positions have to walk on eggshells and guard their words and their expressions very carefully. Can’t be caught chuckling or rolling your eyes when some girlboss with a room temperature IQ makes another decree that will waste company money and man hours.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Even worse when they're lawyers & judges.

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1000 times worse. And women (read:feminists) have been POURING outta law schools the since the early Eighties. Many of them now a 'judges'. God help you if you are a man standing before these empowered monsters in a U.S. courtroom.

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Ain't that the truth. They are everywhere in govt. and corporations now.

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She claims world leaders are laughing at Trump... yeah no. They are scared of him because they have no idea what Trump might do. But Kamala? Yeah, I doubt any of the other world leaders take you very seriously at all.

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Pootin' even expressed hope that Kween Kammie would win. Why? Because he actually loves and fights for his own nation.

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Most U.S. women are feminist, though only a minority will admit it before men. Watch what they do, not what they say. You live in an Identity-Feminist nation, not a Christian nation.

The fifty million women that voted for Obie, and will vote for Kween Kammie, certainly are gurlboss feminists.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 14Liked by Chris Bray

As soon as Harris did the smirking, like that "hand under the chin pose," we knew two things:

- That it was likely a tactic Harris and her team practiced or planned for (she's done it before)

- That the Harris stans would fall out of their chairs loving it.

Hence the articles praising a calculated move as if it were some expression of inarguable truth. They are in love with the optics -- because they are more concerned with "what does this say about me" more than "who does this help or harm." So the optics are all that matter.

It was a brilliant move that the Trump campaign should've anticipated, because it was catnip to media outlets like the ones Chris mentioned.

And even if we think it's shallow -- and IT IS -- it doesn't matter to the rank and file filtering the news to us. According to a WaPo opinion article from October 2020, Harris should keep smirking because smirks are "Black women's superpower."

It's not about arguments. It's not about principles. It's about people who sort themselves by high-school lunchroom politics and think that the derpy facial expressions and absurd analogies that Jon Stewart and his show made de rigueur are proof that they're amazing and should run the world.

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The hand under the chin was rehearsed. Then the puppet masters saw how ridiculous it looked in real time & shouted in her earring “ STOP that!”

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I was watching via the Taibbi/Kirn drunkstream/live chat (which is the only way I would endure such torture), and about a dozen of us noticed simultaneously that the hand under chin thing made her look like she was posing for her senior yearbook picture.

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Wine was a necessity. She couldn’t pull off the Thinker pose.

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Pretend-smart gets very close to exactly what she is. It’s all an act, with a big crew of acting coaches.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

If you want a miserable bish to be President then Kamala is your candidate.

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Miserable. Stupid. Dangerous.

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Non-Presidential. Could you imagine her trying to make quick decisions during a time of war? Catastrophe waiting to happen.

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She is capable of decisive responses, just as soon as her handlers tell her what she thinks.

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I’m speaking now. I’m speaking. Excuse me, I’m speaking.

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With nasal flaring with a wicked forehead

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Interestingly she has a very high staff turnover. Apparently miserable to work “under”(except for Willie)

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She is a raging termagant, evil even to her own staff. Give women -- especially pathological ones -- the power of 'law' and prosecution, stand back and watch them wreak ruin upon the nation.

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"Termagant" - very good! That's a word to captivate X. Learn something useful every day.

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We're there.

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You can tell a lot about someone's character as to how they interact with other people.

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Right? And yet she has the audacity to talk about it being the measure of a person about who they lift up rather than who they punch down... trying to imply that Trump punches down. And I want to scream, "Really Kamala? How many of your staff have you 'lifted up'?"

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Lolol. Nice play

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Forty percent of the population does.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

I did not see the debate, but from what I've seen reported, Kamala's patronizing expressions, full of contempt and ridicule, were replicas of Hillary's. They must have gotten the same acting coach. Those faces are reminders of the unforgettable remark made years ago by marxist/globalist Hillary to half the country being labeled basket of deplorables.

Leftists hate and despise, and it is reflected in their body language, facial expressions.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

What will happen to the brains of these writers if somehow Trump wins again? That will be something to behold.

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Like a total "BLOODBATH".

They're just protecting DEmOcRAcY! Let's not throw the baby out with the bloodbath water.

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But they don’t like babies. Maybe cats?

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They kill babies

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Their "newcomers" eat cats.

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Hopefully they’ll make brain art

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If we throw in some country yodel music it might be the end of Mars Attacks

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

And those expressions may have been a negative for her, showing a smart aleck or demeaning side to her already grating personality.

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I literally couldn't watch. Could. Not. Watch. Turned it on and turned it off.

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Trump showed remarkable control and never looked at her once...

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I couldn’t look away..

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You're the first person in 20 years on the Internet i've seen use the term 'smart-alec' - aside from me. I use it all the time.

My mother would use it on us all the time. That and 'dumb clucks.'

And yes, that's what Harris is to me. A know-nothing smart-alec dumb cluck driven by hollow arrogance and ambition.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

AWFL's and New Republic girly writers hurled back in time to the 1960 Kennedy - Nixon debate: Nixon needed a SHAVE, why he's practically Lucifer in his final form!

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

Yes, she can make those faces, the abstract reality, oh how fearful.

Those faces are gonna go real far and her state diplomacy, however I can’t recall any good diplomat that used that strategy maybe she’ll break new ground. It will be the mean girls strategy kicking ass and taking names with smirks.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

That, of course, will bring Putin to his knees.

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Smirks are good for everything. I smirk at the checkout stand at the grocery store to lower my prices, and when that doesnt work, I smirk at the cops who are detaining me for shoplifting.

So maybe it doesnt work so well for me, but its a W for Kamala, Guaranteed!

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you know, Putin is pretty good at making faces, too. lol. only know one is telling him what face to make.

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Pretty sure the people impressed by her scary facial expressions aren’t combat veterans.

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They are of you consider bath houses combat zones.

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Trump's closing line:

“She’s going to do this, she’s going to do that, she’s going to do all these wonderful things. Why hasn’t she done it? She’s been there for three and a half years. They’ve had three and half years to fix the border. They’ve had three and half years to create jobs.”

As those old HP ads said in the 1980’s - “when performance must be measured by RESULTS.”

And to the extent of his authority, Trump did bring results where it counted: implementing policies that respected and protected our rights by treating us as ADULTS - not as subjects, not as children, not as pets of a Pedestaled Elite who Know Better™.

More and more people appear to remember that.

And let’s remember what he did NOT do … implement policies that put our decisions in the hands of that little elite in the far-distant capital, who can’t tell you or me apart from a statistic.

His opponent makes promises, OTOH, that make me want to grab another ad tagline from the 1980’s …


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One more 1980’s reference … Kamala and Maverick Mitchell have something in common.

Their egos are writing checks their bodies can’t cash.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

That last Kamala photo shows a total Botox fail.

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

The election of the mean girls. We are in Junior high and on the verge of a European/world/nuclear war.

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The regime is telling us in no uncertain terms "who is president does not matter".

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

Great article in your link Chris. Thanks for reading Kagan & the other loser so I don’t have to. From your piece:”We face the extraordinary assumption among self-credentialed elites that America is stupid and degenerate, but American institutions are wise and effective. A nation full of ignorant trash has produced brilliance in government, genius in media, wisdom in academia, and a condition of near flawlessness from the helping professions. All elites are without failure, as are their works; all non-elites are without merit, as are their lives.”

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Sep 12Liked by Chris Bray

Chris Bray, you are the BEST. Love this. So much.

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