I started watching this, and my first thought was “I understand why they were injured”. The vaccine injured are still repeating the mantra “I’m not against vaccines”, “Vaccines have saved countless lives” etc. Sorry, but if their experience hasn’t prompted them to look a little deeper, and they STILL believe that the same pharmaceutical industry that lied and hurt them otherwise puts out safe and effective vaccines I can only shake my head.
I think it's difficult for people to wrap their heads around the fact that they've been lied to by institutions/experts they trusted. The unraveling takes time. In the meantime, these folks are struggling with injuries, looking for help in the wrong places, and can't understand why they are being ignored ~ not a good place to be. They have my compassion, along with prayers that they find people who are able to guide them to the truth, in spite of all the censorship/obfuscation. Remember, these folks threaten the narrative and are being treated accordingly...
If not even being severely injured, or seeing your child
injured, wakes up up, then you are probably beyond help. This is my point. I don’t blame anyone for being gullible - I was too when I had my first child. But the mildest injury (he suddenly became very susceptible to infections and was “always” sick after the 4 month slew of shots) prompted me to research and change my course. Thank goodness, as I now have two healthy kids and none of us were gullible enough to fall into the Covid “vaccine” trap. But these people, featured in a documentary about their serious injuries, still parroting the “vaccines are great, safe and have saved the world” narrative baffle me. When life gives you a chance to wake up and you choose to stay in the matrix it’s hard to believe you will ever chose to help yourself.
The vaccine injury deniers who are suffering from it seem to fall into 2 categories:
1. The true believers whose whole identity is shaped by deeming superior to bad Whites
2. Most who can't come to terms with the idea that doctors often have no idea what they are talking about and are also financially incented to spread lies and recommend expensive treatments
Yes, I thought the same. They are still repeating and believing the lies that brought them to where they are now. It is like they are saying I am one of you believers, why don't you like me anymore.
actually a "scientist" will tell you that the plural of anecdote is NOT data, but i believe that is a well thought out plan to separate people from their common sense. a mother sees her perfectly normal child regress after a series of shots and the doctor insists that it's coincidence, that the child was always like this, that he is the expert and she's just a mother given to old wives' tales and superstition.
you knew exactly zero autistic kids when you were growing up and suddenly they're every where so something must be causing the increase. no, there's no increase, the expert tells you. we're just better at diagnosing the problem. as if parents 20 years ago needed a doctor to tell them when there was something wrong with their kid.
you take a shot and have a stroke or chest pains but no, it's all in your head. you're having an anxiety attack so have some antidepressants. and if you mention the vaccine one more time, i'll put you to in a padded room. besides myocarditis is mild and temporary. covid is much more dangerous.
you had your 2 shots and 3 boosters and still had a bad case of covid? congratulations! the vaccine is working exactly as planned. you would have died without those 5 shots. what's that you say? your unvaccinated friend took IVM and only had the mildest case of covid possible? that's an anecdote. they don't count. oh, so you know 10 unvaccinated people who took IVM, some were really sick, and they all got better after one dose? and 5 of your vaccinated friends died suddenly for no apparent reason?
As Chris pointed out recently, there is a mental switch that alternates between 'denial that something will happen' and 'denial of the importance that it happened' that gets pulled without ever having to face the thing while it's happening. Crazy. I have intelligent friends whom I have had in depth conversations with, pre-jab, about risks and unknowns, that are now facing severe immunological adverse effects. They are not ready to accept the connection. Why? Because I suspect it's too bleak. So the answer is, all the anecdotes won't outweigh a belief in any 'expert' who can give you hope as you stare down the barrel of a gun. I think one caveate to that, is the loss or injury of someone you love. This can act as a sort of reality shock treatment.
Overnight, it seemed, the medical establishment joined the pharmaceutical industry in their criminal enterprise. They don’t want anyone to notice their sudden lack of ethics or principles. That’s because it actually wasn’t sudden. It’s been going on for years. It’s just the mRNA is too big to just shrug and go “whoopsie”.
The once patient focused and scientifically guided medical establishment has been living off kickbacks from pharma and is ethically dominated not by the Hippocratic oath, but by corrupt and woke admin and HR departments. Actual healthcare died long before COVID. COVID just allowed us to witness the rotten corpse propped up in its stead.
DNA vaccines for polio and small pox are very successful. DNA viruses are slow to mutate and we can train our immune system to defend us against these viruses. On the other hand, RNA viruses mutate rapidly and, due to this rapid mutation, make vaccines useless because they cannot keep up. We are in the kill zone of the non-science big Pharma industrial complex.
Don’t you dare shame those vaccine-injured people for saying that they are believers of vaccines. I am not vaccine -injured but I do believe in vaccines- the legitimate vaccines that eradicated many diseases and saved countless lives and continue to do so. COVID “vaccine” is not a vaccine and it does not eradicate anything. But I won’t let it weaken my belief in vaccines- true vaccines. The shame is all on the bulldozer that forced this “junk medicine” on us and then runs us over again if we complain.
I have worked in medicine for approx 47 years and have been able to help my patients in many ways. There are all kinds of “hotlines” pts can call for so many different mental and physical ailments. But when my patients come to me with possible long COVID or feel they are vaccine injured I am told to refer to infectious disease specialists- who promptly turn them down with asinine comments like “ we don’t treat THAT”. Hotlines are non- existent. I recommend against COVID vaccines for my patients. And Paxlovid is a joke- but the pharma machine has done its marketing well so patients actually call up demanding to go on Paxlovid the minute they test positive. Even though there was a glaring public example of Paxlovid failure: Biden took it and not only did it not do anything- it caused a rebound case of COVID for him. Had he not taken it his recovery would have been quicker- and without the unpleasant diarrhea. Bottom line- support the vaccine injured. There is no room here for shaming.
I think her film is one of the most important in the sense that it has tremendous potential for moving the needle among mainstream Americans. I’m somewhat shocked it hasn’t rocketed to the front of the health freedom movement but perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised? Thanks for sharing it!! Right when it came out I watched it and was like “whoa this is the one.” And then “why aren’t we hearing more about it??”
It's not just anecdotes about the vaccine injuries—starting around the midpoint, the film does a very good job of covering the scientific censorship that's been happening.
A sometimes useful way to deal with doctors who are ideologically driven to ignore cause and effect is to get a little Perry Mason on them.
Don't tell such a doctor: "This bad thing started happening right after I got the Covid vax, so I feel it must have been caused by that." Rather, ask a series of slightly leading questions:
1. What disease / syndrome / condition do I have, based on [x] symptoms and lab results?
2. Are there any additional lab tests or imaging studies we could perform to narrow this down?
3. What causes the syndrome you just identified in me? (If the doctor refuses to name a disease, ask him what name or expression he'd use to describe your clinical entity, even if it isn't a formal widely recognized disease term.)
4. How common is my disease / symptom constellation, in general? In people with my specific age / sex / health background? Have you treated other patients with this? Recently?
5. What treatments are described in the literature for my condition? Which do you prefer to try first and why?
6. What is the prognosis for this condition with and without the treatments you proposed? How was this prognosis discovered?
If you can get semi-honest answers to questions like these, you'll have enough material on the table to ask meaningful and pointed follow-up questions. And if you don't lead with "anti-vax conspiracy theory rantings" (a the doctor might see it) his guard will be lower and he'll be less likely to shade the answers to these questions in a way that disadvantages you.
Also, consider getting a new doctor (sometimes easier said than done).
One thing that always perplexes me about liberals, like the filmmaker.
When you see something pushed primarily by dems, repubs, rino's, swampers, etc....
Why wouldn't you question your entire political ideology and know that modern liberalism is what has torn this supposed Republic asunder. And is at the root of our sliding demise.
I feel very fortunate to have figured out early in my life that I'm a person that questions everything. Even and especially my own views.
The upon reading the description of gaslighting used to suppress evidence of the "vaccine's" true intent, depopulation via genocide, it occurred to me the steps taken by the gaslighters is very similar to those taken to obstruct revelation of the truth about the 2020 election for president. Does this sound familiar: "No judge has found in Trump's favor. Not true. No judge has allowed the evidence to be presented in open court."
An avalanche of evidence exists in both instances. Avalanches smother those who turn their backs, cover their ears, and shut their eyes 100% of the time.
Great documentary - thank you for bringing it to our attention. But I could not watch it all. I became so furious that I just could not watch it any more. Not only did these monsters kill and maim innocent people for no good reason but they silenced anyone who tried to tell the truth. If there is any justice left in this world, everyone responsible, top to bottom, will die horrible, excruciatingly-painful deaths.
"The Emperor's New Clothes" has never been more relevant. Watch any of the several montages of people toppling over like felled trees and you have to wonder how the MSM and government officials tasked with protecting public health apparently cannot see, or at least have no curiosity about what is happening in plain sight. It's not funny, but laughably strange to see the depraved indifference and outright hostility towards everyone who tries to connect the dots. The non-deluded see the obvious elephant, but the MSM and government continue to insist it's a rainbow. On a brighter note, during a recent visit to my doctor she noted that I remain unvaccinated and said, "that's fine; it's a personal choice." I consider that progress.
Here's an anecdote: My daughter had to take the flu shot for school last year and got a nasty rash. The doctor said oh, it's from the Band-Aid or alcohol wipes, not the injection. She has had plenty of Band-Aids and alcohol wipes and never a reaction. Doctors are liars.
For the YouTube averse, here's a link to the film on Rumble:
Thanks for this -- I should have posted the Rumble link.
I started watching this, and my first thought was “I understand why they were injured”. The vaccine injured are still repeating the mantra “I’m not against vaccines”, “Vaccines have saved countless lives” etc. Sorry, but if their experience hasn’t prompted them to look a little deeper, and they STILL believe that the same pharmaceutical industry that lied and hurt them otherwise puts out safe and effective vaccines I can only shake my head.
I think it's difficult for people to wrap their heads around the fact that they've been lied to by institutions/experts they trusted. The unraveling takes time. In the meantime, these folks are struggling with injuries, looking for help in the wrong places, and can't understand why they are being ignored ~ not a good place to be. They have my compassion, along with prayers that they find people who are able to guide them to the truth, in spite of all the censorship/obfuscation. Remember, these folks threaten the narrative and are being treated accordingly...
If not even being severely injured, or seeing your child
injured, wakes up up, then you are probably beyond help. This is my point. I don’t blame anyone for being gullible - I was too when I had my first child. But the mildest injury (he suddenly became very susceptible to infections and was “always” sick after the 4 month slew of shots) prompted me to research and change my course. Thank goodness, as I now have two healthy kids and none of us were gullible enough to fall into the Covid “vaccine” trap. But these people, featured in a documentary about their serious injuries, still parroting the “vaccines are great, safe and have saved the world” narrative baffle me. When life gives you a chance to wake up and you choose to stay in the matrix it’s hard to believe you will ever chose to help yourself.
The vaccine injury deniers who are suffering from it seem to fall into 2 categories:
1. The true believers whose whole identity is shaped by deeming superior to bad Whites
2. Most who can't come to terms with the idea that doctors often have no idea what they are talking about and are also financially incented to spread lies and recommend expensive treatments
Yes, I thought the same. They are still repeating and believing the lies that brought them to where they are now. It is like they are saying I am one of you believers, why don't you like me anymore.
How many anecdotes does it take before it becomes evidence?
Someone's anecdote is still a reality.
The plural of anecdote is data.
actually a "scientist" will tell you that the plural of anecdote is NOT data, but i believe that is a well thought out plan to separate people from their common sense. a mother sees her perfectly normal child regress after a series of shots and the doctor insists that it's coincidence, that the child was always like this, that he is the expert and she's just a mother given to old wives' tales and superstition.
you knew exactly zero autistic kids when you were growing up and suddenly they're every where so something must be causing the increase. no, there's no increase, the expert tells you. we're just better at diagnosing the problem. as if parents 20 years ago needed a doctor to tell them when there was something wrong with their kid.
you take a shot and have a stroke or chest pains but no, it's all in your head. you're having an anxiety attack so have some antidepressants. and if you mention the vaccine one more time, i'll put you to in a padded room. besides myocarditis is mild and temporary. covid is much more dangerous.
you had your 2 shots and 3 boosters and still had a bad case of covid? congratulations! the vaccine is working exactly as planned. you would have died without those 5 shots. what's that you say? your unvaccinated friend took IVM and only had the mildest case of covid possible? that's an anecdote. they don't count. oh, so you know 10 unvaccinated people who took IVM, some were really sick, and they all got better after one dose? and 5 of your vaccinated friends died suddenly for no apparent reason?
the plural of anecdote is NOT data!!!!
As Chris pointed out recently, there is a mental switch that alternates between 'denial that something will happen' and 'denial of the importance that it happened' that gets pulled without ever having to face the thing while it's happening. Crazy. I have intelligent friends whom I have had in depth conversations with, pre-jab, about risks and unknowns, that are now facing severe immunological adverse effects. They are not ready to accept the connection. Why? Because I suspect it's too bleak. So the answer is, all the anecdotes won't outweigh a belief in any 'expert' who can give you hope as you stare down the barrel of a gun. I think one caveate to that, is the loss or injury of someone you love. This can act as a sort of reality shock treatment.
Seeing this in my own life. "Don't be CRAZY, Chris, it's a conspiracy theory to say my illness is from the vaccine!" Painful to watch.
Then you see something like this:
revealing half the people that you know agree with you, but still can't bring themselves to say it outloud...weh...
Overnight, it seemed, the medical establishment joined the pharmaceutical industry in their criminal enterprise. They don’t want anyone to notice their sudden lack of ethics or principles. That’s because it actually wasn’t sudden. It’s been going on for years. It’s just the mRNA is too big to just shrug and go “whoopsie”.
The once patient focused and scientifically guided medical establishment has been living off kickbacks from pharma and is ethically dominated not by the Hippocratic oath, but by corrupt and woke admin and HR departments. Actual healthcare died long before COVID. COVID just allowed us to witness the rotten corpse propped up in its stead.
DNA vaccines for polio and small pox are very successful. DNA viruses are slow to mutate and we can train our immune system to defend us against these viruses. On the other hand, RNA viruses mutate rapidly and, due to this rapid mutation, make vaccines useless because they cannot keep up. We are in the kill zone of the non-science big Pharma industrial complex.
Don’t you dare shame those vaccine-injured people for saying that they are believers of vaccines. I am not vaccine -injured but I do believe in vaccines- the legitimate vaccines that eradicated many diseases and saved countless lives and continue to do so. COVID “vaccine” is not a vaccine and it does not eradicate anything. But I won’t let it weaken my belief in vaccines- true vaccines. The shame is all on the bulldozer that forced this “junk medicine” on us and then runs us over again if we complain.
I have worked in medicine for approx 47 years and have been able to help my patients in many ways. There are all kinds of “hotlines” pts can call for so many different mental and physical ailments. But when my patients come to me with possible long COVID or feel they are vaccine injured I am told to refer to infectious disease specialists- who promptly turn them down with asinine comments like “ we don’t treat THAT”. Hotlines are non- existent. I recommend against COVID vaccines for my patients. And Paxlovid is a joke- but the pharma machine has done its marketing well so patients actually call up demanding to go on Paxlovid the minute they test positive. Even though there was a glaring public example of Paxlovid failure: Biden took it and not only did it not do anything- it caused a rebound case of COVID for him. Had he not taken it his recovery would have been quicker- and without the unpleasant diarrhea. Bottom line- support the vaccine injured. There is no room here for shaming.
I call it anecdata
I think her film is one of the most important in the sense that it has tremendous potential for moving the needle among mainstream Americans. I’m somewhat shocked it hasn’t rocketed to the front of the health freedom movement but perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised? Thanks for sharing it!! Right when it came out I watched it and was like “whoa this is the one.” And then “why aren’t we hearing more about it??”
It's not just anecdotes about the vaccine injuries—starting around the midpoint, the film does a very good job of covering the scientific censorship that's been happening.
Unlike Died Suddenly, I was very impressed by this video. I've recommended it in several places.
A sometimes useful way to deal with doctors who are ideologically driven to ignore cause and effect is to get a little Perry Mason on them.
Don't tell such a doctor: "This bad thing started happening right after I got the Covid vax, so I feel it must have been caused by that." Rather, ask a series of slightly leading questions:
1. What disease / syndrome / condition do I have, based on [x] symptoms and lab results?
2. Are there any additional lab tests or imaging studies we could perform to narrow this down?
3. What causes the syndrome you just identified in me? (If the doctor refuses to name a disease, ask him what name or expression he'd use to describe your clinical entity, even if it isn't a formal widely recognized disease term.)
4. How common is my disease / symptom constellation, in general? In people with my specific age / sex / health background? Have you treated other patients with this? Recently?
5. What treatments are described in the literature for my condition? Which do you prefer to try first and why?
6. What is the prognosis for this condition with and without the treatments you proposed? How was this prognosis discovered?
If you can get semi-honest answers to questions like these, you'll have enough material on the table to ask meaningful and pointed follow-up questions. And if you don't lead with "anti-vax conspiracy theory rantings" (a the doctor might see it) his guard will be lower and he'll be less likely to shade the answers to these questions in a way that disadvantages you.
Also, consider getting a new doctor (sometimes easier said than done).
Great film. I watched it all.
One thing that always perplexes me about liberals, like the filmmaker.
When you see something pushed primarily by dems, repubs, rino's, swampers, etc....
Why wouldn't you question your entire political ideology and know that modern liberalism is what has torn this supposed Republic asunder. And is at the root of our sliding demise.
I feel very fortunate to have figured out early in my life that I'm a person that questions everything. Even and especially my own views.
The upon reading the description of gaslighting used to suppress evidence of the "vaccine's" true intent, depopulation via genocide, it occurred to me the steps taken by the gaslighters is very similar to those taken to obstruct revelation of the truth about the 2020 election for president. Does this sound familiar: "No judge has found in Trump's favor. Not true. No judge has allowed the evidence to be presented in open court."
An avalanche of evidence exists in both instances. Avalanches smother those who turn their backs, cover their ears, and shut their eyes 100% of the time.
Great documentary - thank you for bringing it to our attention. But I could not watch it all. I became so furious that I just could not watch it any more. Not only did these monsters kill and maim innocent people for no good reason but they silenced anyone who tried to tell the truth. If there is any justice left in this world, everyone responsible, top to bottom, will die horrible, excruciatingly-painful deaths.
"The Emperor's New Clothes" has never been more relevant. Watch any of the several montages of people toppling over like felled trees and you have to wonder how the MSM and government officials tasked with protecting public health apparently cannot see, or at least have no curiosity about what is happening in plain sight. It's not funny, but laughably strange to see the depraved indifference and outright hostility towards everyone who tries to connect the dots. The non-deluded see the obvious elephant, but the MSM and government continue to insist it's a rainbow. On a brighter note, during a recent visit to my doctor she noted that I remain unvaccinated and said, "that's fine; it's a personal choice." I consider that progress.
Here's an anecdote: My daughter had to take the flu shot for school last year and got a nasty rash. The doctor said oh, it's from the Band-Aid or alcohol wipes, not the injection. She has had plenty of Band-Aids and alcohol wipes and never a reaction. Doctors are liars.
Tell them NO next year. We all should reject all injections in the future.
Thank you. Amazing documentary and well worth watching.