The filmmaker Jennifer Sharp was injured by a single dose of an mRNA injection, a Covid “vaccine,” and subsequently set out to tell the story of the vaccine-injured. But what makes Anecdotals important isn’t just the stories of the people who’ve been harmed. What Sharp does most skillfully is interweaving the argument from authority that has driven the Pfizer and Moderna corporate-state marketing effort, the “the science says” narrative, with the actual science: descriptions from experts and insiders about the Big Pharma corner-cutting and evidence culling that produced fake safety and efficacy data. Look for, among other examples, the discussion here from Peter Doshi, an editor at the BMJ, about his analysis of the Covid vaccine clinical trials.
The second remarkable pattern is the gaslighting, as the vaccine injured seek medical care from doctors who tell them that no, it is not possible that you are vaccine injured (and if you keep saying that you are, we’ll get you a psych consult). The pharmaceutical industry and the administrative state deliberately sever the evidentiary chain, declining to take note of inconvenient information, and then declare that no evidence exists for the thing they’ve declined to take note of as evidence.
This documentary is well done, and well worth your time.
For the YouTube averse, here's a link to the film on Rumble:
How many anecdotes does it take before it becomes evidence?
Someone's anecdote is still a reality.