The Democrats are not alone when they act like idiots, the Republicans are right there with them. If Speaker Johnson had started budget talks in September when he promised no CR he might defend his actions. When a BIPARTISAN CR has to be killed by public reaction and the DOGE brothers, all in congress are at fault. I don't remember anyone trying to get this done earlier, do you?
The 4 horseman, Shumer, McConnell, Johnson & Jeffries have been drafting the 1500 page pos legislation for months behind closed doors. They then sprung it on everyone else in the House yesterday for a same day vote. Pretty underhanded of Johnson.
Spot on. The feckless, shitbag Republicans were prepared to vote themselves a huge raise AND immunity from investigation and scrutiny. There is zero difference between them and Democrats at this point.
This CR was always more about getting themselves raises and immunity than it was about keeping the government funded. “Shitbag” is too kind for these slimy Congress critters. And the media keeps covering for these lowlifes….
That's a key insight IMO -- when did it happen that an elected Congress-critter didn't get to decide how to vote? And on that tower of crap that is "bi-partisan" that they haven't seen before? Have they ever seen it before?!! Ugh.
I can't think of anything funny or insightful to say. You covered it. The cats in the room have been fervently chasing a red laser on the wall forever. All that's forgotten when a green dot appears.
I swear, if these congressmen would just do their jobs, they wouldn't be such a laughing stock.
I've got news for them. As long as they keep up this shit, maybe Elon's right. They are inefficient, they are stupid, they are old morons, and they are clueless.
This brings me back to Warren Buffet's idea. Pass a law stating that if debt is more than X% of GDP, no member of congress is eligible for re-election. That'll solve the problem real quick.
Agree in spirit, but a “law” won’t cut it; it would require a Constitutional amendment, in which Congress would need to concur either before or after 3/4 of the States pass it. I have a feeling that limitations on reelection prospects might meet high resistance on Capitol Hill…
You’re absolutely correct. In theory it’s a good idea, in practice, it probably doesnt work. As you point out, Congress would never vote to limit its own re-election prospects. Even if by some miracle they did, you would probably need a wartime carveout or else you’d be tying one hand behind your back. Which of course would just incentivize Congress to have it be “wartime” in perpetuity…
In the screenshot of the person with purple hair having a meltdown, there is another person in red (she looks like a woman, don't shoot me) with a look of abject disgust on her face. Is her look due to seeing the purple hair? Or realizing they just lost both the stadium and a pay raise?
the Rosa delauro vid was comical. her body language was hilarious. starts out with moves like Jagger but morphs into a parakeet having a petit mal on its perch, it's like her head was doing a hand jive through the whole thing. idk, mebbe she has a 🧠🐛
You see this in emotional arguments between partners in long-term relationships where during an extended argument, one partner will switch sides without admission, just to see if their partner will switch unconsciously, proving that the subject matter is irrelevant – the objective is simply to fight.
Devoid of any ability to think rationally, same-sentence contradictions are embraced by the woke, because it virtue signals the most important trait: mindless allegiance to the narrative.
My body, my choice, vaccine mandates now!
Mostly peaceful riots!
My vaccine is 100% effective, so you need to get one and wear your mask!
(notice how the MSM doesn't question any of these (it's) contradictions?)
It incorporates the woke (who are awaiting instructions and are eager, golden retriever-style to execute them) and demoralizes the sane.
So in that light... it makes sense... (thankfully the effectiveness is dying and this shows they are only a 1 trick pony)
I've got liberal friends like that, i call it "goofy energy" when they go into parrot mode (regurgitating morning Joe/Rachel maddow talking points). at least I don't know any of the true crazies who snap meltdown vids for socmed, and am thankful for that. those harpies need more/better meds to shut their head voices down
...Reagan was alternately "Bonzo" or "Raygun", a senile, comic cowboy and the most crafty, evil, dangerous man in the world, GW Bush was either a worthless nincompoop or 'Bushitler", the master of deceit and deception, or a puppet of Dick Cheney. Less sure about the US portrayals, but this has been common currency in the rest of the world forever, where our media has long taken its cues from the extreme left of the US.
Lying liars lie. It’s what they do. So much and so often, it’s child’s play for them to seamlessly move from one lie to the next without any worries that the new lies are consistent with the previous lies. All that matters is that it is a lie. Lying liars lie.
"One of the bad effects of lying constantly is that the person doing it loses the ability to differentiate between truth and lies. Since a lie, being soft and amorphous, can almost always be generated to fit a problem or situation, it is always easier to make up a lie than to seek out the truth. Habitual liars then not only lose the ability to differentiate between truth and lies, they also lose their sense of self, because lying about everything includes lying about oneself to oneself. In effect the liars no longer know who they are or what they are doing. Such people also lose the ability to form real relationships with other persons and cannot tell their friends from their enemies or adversaries and will find it difficult to defend themselves. They become the enemies of their own people, of themselves.
This process, which we might call "losing oneself", goes by various names in psychiatric literature, and intervention may be invoked, but no one can intervene in the case of persons of great power. Downfall approaches inexorably although it may come as a surprise to many."
there was nothing in that bill that anyone needed. ok, except for the aid to american hurricane victims. so make a bill that just covers that and pass it. such a bill could be 2 pages long. don't add any provisions to refill FEMA's coffers. make FEMA explain what they did with all the money given to them by the taxpayers, what they wasted it on. let them sell their desks and chairs to refresh their budgets.
basically republicans should vote down anything that comes to the floor between now and jan 20.
The Democrats are not alone when they act like idiots, the Republicans are right there with them. If Speaker Johnson had started budget talks in September when he promised no CR he might defend his actions. When a BIPARTISAN CR has to be killed by public reaction and the DOGE brothers, all in congress are at fault. I don't remember anyone trying to get this done earlier, do you?
The 4 horseman, Shumer, McConnell, Johnson & Jeffries have been drafting the 1500 page pos legislation for months behind closed doors. They then sprung it on everyone else in the House yesterday for a same day vote. Pretty underhanded of Johnson.
You mean you can't tell by looking at him, that he's slimy?
Spot on. The feckless, shitbag Republicans were prepared to vote themselves a huge raise AND immunity from investigation and scrutiny. There is zero difference between them and Democrats at this point.
This CR was always more about getting themselves raises and immunity than it was about keeping the government funded. “Shitbag” is too kind for these slimy Congress critters. And the media keeps covering for these lowlifes….
That's a key insight IMO -- when did it happen that an elected Congress-critter didn't get to decide how to vote? And on that tower of crap that is "bi-partisan" that they haven't seen before? Have they ever seen it before?!! Ugh.
Johnson is not the way forward. He’s a porte-cochere for the K-street crowd. Needs to go. He will just keep subverting Trump and MAGA.
That whole hearing was amazing. Democrats were like "THE NAZIS BROKE THEIR WORD AND TOOK OUT ALL THE STUFF WE LIKED."
“…took out all the stuff we liked.”
AKA: “pork”
If it ends like this, I'll be very happy with it:
I have been saying this for years, not that you haven't. Single bills, one thing on them only, EVER!
This is the only way if we are to have a chance at reining in the blob swamp.
I can't think of anything funny or insightful to say. You covered it. The cats in the room have been fervently chasing a red laser on the wall forever. All that's forgotten when a green dot appears.
....yes...the puppies are wetting themselves
Spot on!
Hold on. I was just adjusting to handmaiden status. Now what ??? Crap, I can’t keep up .
I think you can get a refund on the bonnet
Where do I go ? The “ladies” on The View ?
“Gotta hate somebody!” “Trump! I hate Trump!!”
“Oh, who’s that? Another rich guy? Who likes Trump?”
These are six year olds on a playground full of rusted-ass swing sets, not serious people who (allegedly) debate and occasionally pass legislation…
Demon of the Week Club needs a demon. It's sad to watch.
Demon of the week club…I’m stealing that…
It’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.
"We are at war with Eurasia! We have always been at war with Eurasia! East Asia is our friend!"
I think the goal here is to try and activate Trump's ego and drive a wedge between him and Elon. It won't work.
Good point.
Creating division is perhaps the leftists' oldest weapon. E.g. Marx's class war.
I swear, if these congressmen would just do their jobs, they wouldn't be such a laughing stock.
I've got news for them. As long as they keep up this shit, maybe Elon's right. They are inefficient, they are stupid, they are old morons, and they are clueless.
Here's what needs to be done:
1) Set a budget
2) follow it
3) Don't spend more than you take in.
4) pay the debts.
5) stop borrowing against debt.
You seem to be laboring under the idea that a politician has any objective other than getting re-elected, which necessarily means pleasing donors.
This brings me back to Warren Buffet's idea. Pass a law stating that if debt is more than X% of GDP, no member of congress is eligible for re-election. That'll solve the problem real quick.
Agree in spirit, but a “law” won’t cut it; it would require a Constitutional amendment, in which Congress would need to concur either before or after 3/4 of the States pass it. I have a feeling that limitations on reelection prospects might meet high resistance on Capitol Hill…
You’re absolutely correct. In theory it’s a good idea, in practice, it probably doesnt work. As you point out, Congress would never vote to limit its own re-election prospects. Even if by some miracle they did, you would probably need a wartime carveout or else you’d be tying one hand behind your back. Which of course would just incentivize Congress to have it be “wartime” in perpetuity…
That's no way to win re-election. The enemy is the Cargo Cult that is Us.
Seriously. The solution to endless dysfunctional government courting economic disaster is: "Be 24 year old me, not 17 year old me."
Wake up babe, the new Narrative dropped.
Waiting for the part where they say they never said he was Hitler and always thought he was Elon's puppet.
Putin meanwhile is the spurned girl in the wandering eyes meme template.
In the screenshot of the person with purple hair having a meltdown, there is another person in red (she looks like a woman, don't shoot me) with a look of abject disgust on her face. Is her look due to seeing the purple hair? Or realizing they just lost both the stadium and a pay raise?
If you watch the video, you'll see that odd human thing cheering for the Batman villain.
the Rosa delauro vid was comical. her body language was hilarious. starts out with moves like Jagger but morphs into a parakeet having a petit mal on its perch, it's like her head was doing a hand jive through the whole thing. idk, mebbe she has a 🧠🐛
I wish I was colour blind.
Maxwell Smart is the retarded zoomer version of Alexandra Occasional Cortex.
Unfair, his job was to be funny and he was.
I think in the grand parade of history, AOC's job might also be comic relief.
She’s such a twit
I think you got one letter wrong in that last word, Brandon.
You mean Wit. A wit in Twa , cleft in twain, I mean her brain… a corpus collapsum for our collapsing colossus…
(I will have you know I ad libbed this just now. 🧐)
She's not funny, just disgusting.
They're just saying whatever appears immediately advantageous without any thought to long-term consistency, like a Cluster-B personality does.
Maybe they'll hit upon something that sticks. Then they can just deny they ever said the rest of it, and call you names if you remember.
Completely Cluster B behavior. Lashing out in desperation. Claws and dilated pupils.
Claws and dilated pupils and brass knuckles. What kind of jewelry is that crazed woman(?) wearing?
You see this in emotional arguments between partners in long-term relationships where during an extended argument, one partner will switch sides without admission, just to see if their partner will switch unconsciously, proving that the subject matter is irrelevant – the objective is simply to fight.
(There is no cluster D in the manual so this needs to be a meme before they have to scramble to make one up.)
Devoid of any ability to think rationally, same-sentence contradictions are embraced by the woke, because it virtue signals the most important trait: mindless allegiance to the narrative.
My body, my choice, vaccine mandates now!
Mostly peaceful riots!
My vaccine is 100% effective, so you need to get one and wear your mask!
(notice how the MSM doesn't question any of these (it's) contradictions?)
It incorporates the woke (who are awaiting instructions and are eager, golden retriever-style to execute them) and demoralizes the sane.
So in that light... it makes sense... (thankfully the effectiveness is dying and this shows they are only a 1 trick pony)
“Mostly peaceful riots!”
FIERY, but mostly peaceful!
Can’t forget the “FIERY!” It’s what makes the peacefulness so special.
Unarmed armed insurrection. I had several liberal friends actually say this, or post this with a straight face...
I've got liberal friends like that, i call it "goofy energy" when they go into parrot mode (regurgitating morning Joe/Rachel maddow talking points). at least I don't know any of the true crazies who snap meltdown vids for socmed, and am thankful for that. those harpies need more/better meds to shut their head voices down
WTF did they even mean?!?
...Reagan was alternately "Bonzo" or "Raygun", a senile, comic cowboy and the most crafty, evil, dangerous man in the world, GW Bush was either a worthless nincompoop or 'Bushitler", the master of deceit and deception, or a puppet of Dick Cheney. Less sure about the US portrayals, but this has been common currency in the rest of the world forever, where our media has long taken its cues from the extreme left of the US.
"...or a puppet of Dick Cheney."
To be fair, that part was mostly true.
I can’t decide if the Left meant Bush-Hitler or Bu-shit-ler. I suspect it varied by their mood.
As to Cheney, he had not yet revealed himself as a friend to the Left.
Lying liars lie. It’s what they do. So much and so often, it’s child’s play for them to seamlessly move from one lie to the next without any worries that the new lies are consistent with the previous lies. All that matters is that it is a lie. Lying liars lie.
"One of the bad effects of lying constantly is that the person doing it loses the ability to differentiate between truth and lies. Since a lie, being soft and amorphous, can almost always be generated to fit a problem or situation, it is always easier to make up a lie than to seek out the truth. Habitual liars then not only lose the ability to differentiate between truth and lies, they also lose their sense of self, because lying about everything includes lying about oneself to oneself. In effect the liars no longer know who they are or what they are doing. Such people also lose the ability to form real relationships with other persons and cannot tell their friends from their enemies or adversaries and will find it difficult to defend themselves. They become the enemies of their own people, of themselves.
This process, which we might call "losing oneself", goes by various names in psychiatric literature, and intervention may be invoked, but no one can intervene in the case of persons of great power. Downfall approaches inexorably although it may come as a surprise to many."
~ Starry Gordon
Pathologic comes to mind
there was nothing in that bill that anyone needed. ok, except for the aid to american hurricane victims. so make a bill that just covers that and pass it. such a bill could be 2 pages long. don't add any provisions to refill FEMA's coffers. make FEMA explain what they did with all the money given to them by the taxpayers, what they wasted it on. let them sell their desks and chairs to refresh their budgets.
basically republicans should vote down anything that comes to the floor between now and jan 20.
Lindsey Graham is feverishly working to vote against RFK JR’s appointment, so he can’t be bothered right now.
So comforting to know he can always be counted on to stab us in the back.