I eagerly clicked on this article and read it…which means I must hate it and the writing is really bad.

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lol, like

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Reading the WaPo excerpts I told my husband: “Chris Bray reads this shit so I don’t have to”. His response: “that should be the name of his column.” I think I agree.

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My only regret is that I have only one like to give to this comment.

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me too, like

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James Corbett beat him to it!

“I Read Yuval Noah Harari’s Book (So You Don’t Have To!)”


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What a service. Couldn’t get through it myself, regret giving him my money ( this was before I realized he had gone you the dark side).

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Are you referring to Corbett going to the dark side?

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I thought he was born on the dark side!

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Probably, I just don’t know. I actually really liked his first book.

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Journos hate X because it has broken their monopoly on ideological tastemaking, more than any other platform.

Every MSM journo goes to bed at night and fires the Surgeon General with thoughts about becoming the next Bob Woodward and winning a Pulitzer. No exceptions.

X is saltpeter.

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"fires the Surgeon General"


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? Actually, I’m not grokking that phrase…

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Check on Jocelyn Elders, the surgeon general whose tenure came to an abrupt end.

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No happy ending for her!

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I think it means he's firing the thoughts over to the SG, as in making suggestions for further health related censorship

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We are all communicating directly with each other right now. It seems normal, but before the 1990s and the internet, this was impossible. Everything we thought we knew came from the MSM.

Remember that journalists don't run the MSM, wealthy, politically connected business people do. They've had a lock on mass communication ever since Gutenberg. Now, in the last twenty years or so, they've lost control, and they're PISSED. And they are far better politically connected then we are. But there's more of us. Stay tuned...

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Here's a thought fresh this minute: internet media sifted all the honest forthright writers out of the mainstream legacy media, kicked them one by one out of the MSM Big Tent, and left the dregs, the spineless pressitututes. Is that what happened?

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“journalists don't run the MSM, wealthy, politically connected business people do”. The cia is the big boss.

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Bob Woodward.....and Bernstein......corrupt pieces of shit fed selective information by the intelligence apparatus to unseat a duly elected President. The End. There is nothing exemplary here. There is rent seeking treachery. There is undermining of the body politic. There are lies and obfuscation. Same shit we are dealing with here. If lying to the people who built the country and pay the taxes gives a journalist a boner, well that's not exactly heroic, is it? The commercially motivated mainstream person involved in what they call journalism isn't really what we hoped for, are they? They've degraded their institution, like so many others. X is what? Just people speaking their mind mostly, although there is still censorship. The good ship censorship has not exactly sailed away. But it's way better than it was before, which is progress.

That Brazilian judge is a piece of shit, in a corrupt Commie regime, oppressing the citizens. The End.

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"The only good commie is a dead one."


That judge is an authoritarian of the worst kind on a continent that has seen many pieces of shit authoritarians.

How useless is a country to have a judge have that kind of power? The judiciary has way too much power even in North America. Symptom of the reality that our legislatures are failing the people and simply letting the judiciary branch to 'deal' with difficult topics.

Read 'The Strange Death of Liberal England' to get a sense of what happens when you have incompetent and gutless 'leaders'.

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It’s system failure. My guess is that the overly strong position of the Supreme Court in Brazil derives from prior experience with military juntas and a desire to strengthen “democratic” institutions. Which is why you gotta be careful what you wish for as “the hand you hold may be the hand that holds you down (Everclear)”.

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Joycelyn Elders, the surgeon general whose tenure came to an abrupt end after she suggested that masturbation should be taught in schools.

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The fundamental problem with democracy is that the other people can vote too. I expect we'll clear that all up shortly, and a glorious utopia will result.

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"...glorious utopia...." = Hell on Earth?

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Sep 9Edited

Not everybody could vote when the country was founded. You had to be a White man and own a certain amount of property.

It's almost like the Founding Fathers were leary of mob rule through democracy by shitheads with no actual skin in the game and didn't give two shits about egalitarianism.

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Plato gave us a great metaphor about why democracies always lead to tyranny - sailing a ship with an incompetent captain and crew who were chosen by clueless people. It never ends well.

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About ten years ago, I read a leaked Citibank letter to its shareholders that openly lamented this problem of who can vote.

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Problem is, like zombies of lore, they never really die. Why does the wood chipper image keep coming to mind 🤔? Be hard to come back from that..

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I swear, Chris, I’m starting to think you’re writing fiction, and these posts are chapter samples of a dystopian novel you’re writing.

These “opposite of reality is the truth” stories are making my brain hurt.

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I go back to voting in the 1960 elections. The main stream press then was just as bad as today's. I watched the Nixon/Kennedy debates and they couldn't have been more pro dem than they are today. In '64 they crucified Goldwater. Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, etc all controlled the news, they just weren't as blatant about their political bent. The NYT was god, everyone read it for the most accurate coverage, which it was not. So read everything, but keep that suspicious eye open when reading mainstream.

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The CIA spied on the Goldwater campaign. I read a piece once by the guy whole actually did it.

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Remember it well. Did some political polling for extra credit when Tricky got dicked so to speak.

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Which begs the question:

Why aren't we in the streets protesting for the attacks on our freedoms?

Land of the brave and all...

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Yep, the first few thousand of us that do this lose literally everything.

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That's why it needs to be millions all across the US.

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But what do we "attack"? The system is a Wall of Jello. Any resistance will be reported as an "Outrage against Democracy".

What would happen to us if we attacked a Federal courthouse in Portland night after night? It's a quandary.

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Yes, this a key question. Who do we stand against in the faceless, amorphous blob? And what is the most effective format? I don’t think it’s doing what the Commies do, which is destructive. It has to be in response to a specific antagonism rather than just a general malaise and disdain for the regime. But like everything else this is something that can be solved for. There is an equation. The power class is not invincible.

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Let's try and make it hundreds of millions all across the world.

"Do you understand what it is you are about to lose, if X is made law?" is sometimes a useful question. Even better when backed by a real example of something sold as beneficial or benevolent (ban "hate-speech" because someone is having a hate-on for group X, f.e.), which then became a tool for censorship and thought-policing.

Especially when one can show/argue that this happens automatically, simply due to its own inertia - there doesn't need be an agenda at first; the law in question instead breeds its own agenda.

"You go to fight! For your rights! Against the party!", sort of.

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Can't use the you're going to lose, fill in the blank, with most of my friends. They're pretty well off and they believe that nothing will change for them. 🙄 My friends that have as little, or less, than I do think pretty much the same thing, because they're a minority, nothing will happen. (THEY might be right. At least for awhile.)

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For people well-off, it's harder - I know from experience. My (in many cases former) friends of the upper class are split inside their minds; on the one hand, they intellectually know we're in the middle of a slow-burn war where violent intruders from Africa and MENA commit ethnic cleansing against us natives (aka "white flight").

On the other hand, their everything including self-identification hinges on doublethinking the Narrative as True(tm).

I go a little harder on them than I do poor people (like me). I just ask: "Police response time to home invasions is on average 45 minutes from the first alarm, and the criminals typically operate in groups of five or more. What do you think will happen when its your turn? (Insert news-mentioned example of such crime, include details from police report/prosecutor's investigation.)"

Gets their hackles up, gets them panicky, and that gets them asking "But what's to be done about it all?" and boom they have dropped their guard, and are open to humble (sounding humble is a great trick, rich people take it for deference to station) suggestions.

Always include sound-bites like "All these criminals use up resources we could help real refugees with!"

For poor people, especially working poor (inc. non-whites) simply showing them using official sources how much the whole thing costs them usually does the trick. "Look here, you work 12 hours a day, and make $15 before taxes and insurance and all that, right? See here, a convicted felon costs a /minimum/ of $450 /per day/! Why? Where does it go? Why don't any politician want to deal with that? And look here! Illegals being housed in hotels cost $X every day too!"

If their parents or themselves migrated legally and are upstanding citizens, so much the better as it will really rile them to see that they had to earn and deserve to be let in, compared to today.

And as for the "minority"-card ("white people" are about 5% of the global population, it's us that's the "minority" if we're using PC-logic) mention to them example of what happens to non-whites who speak against their expected race-based opinion. "The black face of white supremacy" and "internalised whiteness" is about as racist and condescending in attitude as it gets.

For bonus points if you have jewish friends, mention that "internalised whiteness" is a direct copy of real OG nazi terminology: they talked about the "secret jew", meaning people who had "jewish" ways of thinking and therefore had too be rooted out.

To be patted on the head for supporting AOC and then be told to sit down and shut it when questioning Kamala's [insert race when it suits her]-act, must surely raise some hackles? Telling non-whites in USA how they must feel, think and opine based on their skin colour is tantamount to calling them "house niggers", isn't it?

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Hard to see the regime allowing the organizing necessary for millions, RG. It'd have to be spontaneous, and spontaneous is difficult.

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Yes, they didn’t even get to have a lawyer. Unbelievable that they would use something that was supposed to only be used for terrorists. Not the good American people protesting.

This took everything to a new level.

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Make an example outta ya. J6 endlessly. New Amerika is a sucker's game.

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“What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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My dad said the same about the Jews on Krystal Nacht, “Three rounds through their doors at belly height and I might not have lost five of the best years of my life.”

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So horrible. We have been warned by many who experienced the horror of totalitarianism. Warned what to do, how to nip it in the bud. Courage is needed. Most don’t know how they’d react until faced with the situation.

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Effing bee eye films all (legit) protest and DOJ prosecutes. You get indefinite detention (with torture!) in a D.C. gulag. Hillary, Schumer and Nance visit weekly to eat ice cream in front of your little windowless box. Bubba visits nightly.

Pretty much like County, except in County you are allowed a (perfunctory) P.D. and a trustee comes by once daily to make sure you are, ah, ok. Take you in shackles hand 'n foot at 6 a.m. to appear via remote before some fembot hag 'judge', ever-raging because Ms. Empowered has a bigshot career. . . and no grandchildren.

You ain't gonna 'win' your case lol.

A little slat in the door slides open where your food -- ground bugs and cabbage -- is inserted into your box. You see nothing except the box. No air circulation. No internet or cable or stereo, heh. Soon, you'll forget there was a world outside The Box.

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We have careers, property, wives, children, parents we love, dogs and cats we love. Too much to loose; "next time" we tell ourselves. We make poor street fighters.

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I wonder how many substack posts it takes to defeat Marxist tyranny. 🤔 What does history teach us?

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You ought to see the SS of the Dems. Crazy stuff. No where near as astute, erudite or witty.

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Because the are sadly, actually nucking futs.

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Yet they're winning. It's almost as if post are not a factor. 🤔

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Probably more than we'll ever see. 😢😭

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That observation is SO right, on SO many levels!

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It doesn’t do any good to throw yourself on a rhetorical Grenada in a public forum, so to speak. I’m hoping ( but not expecting) that we can start to turn things around in part with this election. If they do what I expect them to do then things will get a little salty I expect.

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Kamala changes her "policies" more often than her underwear.....seems to have 0 principles. Like our current PM. Presumably she'd dance naked on the white house lawn if it got her in power.....I'm praying for a Trump win but I'm beginning to think a miracle is required.

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I tell people there will never be another republican president, because the democrats lie and cheat, then lie about cheating.

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That is true. 😩

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Pray for that miracle!

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It takes one more than you thought it'd take, because you only know after you won.

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Weirdly, it's a comfort that media bias/dishonesty has long existed because I often fear that this moment in history is singularly bad and dangerous. I specifically worry about that possibility due to the ubiquity and relentlessness of media.

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Cuba had a glorious democracy too, as evidenced by the fact that Cubans could periodically vote in favor of Comrade Fidel’s continued benevolent rule. This is self-evident, given that “democracy” and “voting” are the exact same thing. Democrats are quite envious of this particular mode of “democracy” and look forward to its adoption here.

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Chris, you point out the absurdity of the current public conversation. Latin America is not exactly a shining city on the hill when it comes to corruption or oppression. Nor are we in the USA as we descend to Latin American standards of political comportment. The beautiful thing is that modern technology makes it very difficult for the strongman totalitarians to achieve radio silence. Elon knows he will win, not only because he happens to be on the right side, but because the technology makes it virtually impossible not to win. This is true in all situations. Do you think North Korea will be there in 50 years? It will not. Nor will the CCP. It's going to die. Because the totalitarian bureaucratic state is swimming against the tide of human liberation, which is now technologically enabled. I'm not saying there won't be a contest of wills. It's ongoing and it will get worse. But eventually the old guard will die off and the power class will recognize they can have 90% of what they want with 90% less fighting by leaving people alone. The cost/benefit analysis needs to be done. What are the costs of leaving people to live their lives versus the benefits and vice versa. Look at all the money, time, and energy spent suppressing the ordinary man. It makes no sense economically, socially, or thermodynamically. It's old thinking. It's small picture thinking. The evolution has to take place in the ruling class and it will. In the meantime, stay alive, stay informed, stay frosty, and smoke ém if you got ém.

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Several of the stories I read today discuss Starlink, and Brazil's warning to Elon Musk that he risks losing the right to operate Starlink in that country. Hard to not laugh out loud.

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Unless Brazil has killer asteroids.....lol

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So our MSM is doing "Crimestop." From "1984" we learn that "Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."

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The attempts to force a narrative by legacy media have gotten so obvious and over the top that it appears they have been driven insane, whether they started out that way or not.

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All Voices Cry Out With Joy as Cabbage Production Soars to 29% of Quota in Glorious Victory for Five-Year Plan

I want the poster LOL

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Yes! Maybe th ePeople’s Cube has something?

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Brasil is a country of about 205 million people. Out of this total, perhaps only around 40 million actually do any kind of useful work. In the State of Goiás, where I live, over 70 percent of state revenues go to payroll and pensions. In many municipalities this number exceeds 95 percent. One out of every two households receive some kind of transfer payment from public funds, either through welfare assistance or public sector wages and pensions. 80 percent of State tax revenues originate from three sources: taxes on fuel, taxes on electricity and water, taxes on telecoms. If you buy a dishwasher, the price tag is 47 percent tax added. THIS IS NOT A SERIOUS COUNTRY.

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You know, Chris, I'm ex News Ltd, although a tad Last Century now 😏. I worked in the engine room of MATP, Mirror Australia Telegraph Printing - Advertising. Pre Internet! These were the biggest newspapers in Oz & journos were ALWAYS a dime a dozen. But a big Advertising Contract? That'd get you a good story...ay? Wink, wink! Kno wat oi mean, ay? The ONLY thing that could (and has!) show how shit, how biased a MSM Journo is, is COMPARISON with credible Alternative Real News. ALL NEWS was once controlled by the Oligarchia, now we few follow the real crumbs...

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