I'll put it this way: I have a teenaged daughter, and I know VERY CLEARLY, between Aly and Dylan, which one of those I'd rather see as a model of womanhood for her.

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agreed, but that's a pretty low bar. Sharing hunting & fishing photos on soc media is very performative, selling yourself as just another brand. And it's disrespectful. Hunting & fishing should be between you and the animals. sorry if that sounds woo woo. I used to do wildlife rehab, and I wouldn't share photos of hurt wildlife, or my own bite injuries from treating them on any soc media. who's business is it? it's between me and the animal and god or gods.

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An interesting way to view it -- thanks for this.

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I also found the video a bit disturbing. And, frankly, most of it was incredibly boring.

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Jan 15, 2023
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I think that’s what bothered me about the video. The ‘social media performativity’ aspect. It seems people have to film or photograph every little thing they do. Also, as this catfish had made it to this huge size, I felt bad that it was caught.

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I have three sons and I know VERY CLEARLY, which I'd rather they see as model of womanhood.

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Remarkable how quickly the first unsubscription showed up after I posted this one.

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You’re kidding! I can’t believe anyone who follows you would have thought you were pro “gender stereotypes…” I’m surprised.

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You beat me to it! I suspect few of those who follow Chris subscribe to the current gender insanity.

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Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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We can prioritize mass appeal, or we can prioritize inquiry.

"Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong." -- Oscar Wilde

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I feel you, man. When it happens to me (as it has more often, as of late) I can't help but feel a little pang of loss. But them's the brakes for speaking the truth about naked emperors. We're lucky the backlash isn't something more dire. Or not yet, at least.

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You don't write for the functionally illiterate anyway. No loss.

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A job well done.

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I always have this pang of sadness when I get one lol -- the INFJ in me is like, what did I say? What did I say????!? Great stack!

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Sometimes it’s not what the INFJ said, but what the ESFPs were feeling.

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Faith in the Gender Narrative installed in the same part of our mind that was once occupied by Religion?

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Gotta love when the trash takes itself out.

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Their loss. Idiots.

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Transgenderism is a form of cultural appropriation.

Woman is not a costume to be put on or taken off. Neither is man.

We are definitely in the deepest recesses of the rabbit hole with Alice.

If you were, idk, a psychopathic billionaire who thinks there are too many little people vermin on the planet, what might you do? Promote abortion? Euthanasia? Gender confusion? If you're a clever psychopathic billionaire, you might even find a way to profit off of your efforts to rid the planet of so many "useless eaters" by funding the abortion industry, gender clinics, and the appropriate pharmaceuticals.

This is not a natural process. Rapid onset gender dysphoria in adolescent girls has exploded in the past decades. Someone/Something is pushing this agenda. It was a plan, and they/it are executing to it.

We need a plan to rid the planet of psychopathic billionaires and their sycophantic minions. IMHO.

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"Woman is not a costume to be put on or taken off. Neither is man."


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I have compassion for people who are struggling, but we are not required to affirm their delusions. You cannot change your sex, regardless of what you do to your body. It's criminal to tell young children, who are not capable of understanding, that this is possible.

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Oh, and there's good money to be made off of the pain of these children and their terrified (or screwed up) parents. Just ask those docs at Vanderbilt.

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Yes, and lifelong customers for big pharma

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Which the doc at Vanderbilt was quite excited to report. Evil.

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This used to be the case in the psych world. When in nursing school I did have to do clinical rotations through psych and you did not reinforce delusion on any front. They are nothing but lies (my personal assessment) that people come to hide behind due to a variety of reasons. PTSD or deep seeded anxiety and depression, psychosis. Delusion allows an escape. Beyond that it was up to the psychiatrist and the plan of care. Now, that’s all changed. Is it healthy to now reinforce delusion? I personally do not think it is. I have seen the downside. From what I have personally seen as a nurse caring for people that have not done well as transgendered, it is heart wrenching. One such person is retired Navy Seal Chris Beck, now detransitioned, and listen to his interview with his fiancé on Robby Starbuck’s Show the real story with ChrisBeck. It was on both Rumble and YouTube. It is humbling and his message will is a powerful testimony to what I feel is reality.

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I saw Chris Beck's interview on Tucker Carlson. If an adult man...a Navy Seal...can be taken advantage of, what can they do to children? It's evil.

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but it's women who are being erased.

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Yes, but. My impression is that the erasure of womanhood -- the incredibly aggressive and open assault on women, and the openness and directness of the insult directed against their lives -- is matched by a much more subtle destruction of manhood and of men. When the mediocre swimmer Will Thomas becomes the record-breaking swimmer Lia Thomas, he shoves aside a bunch of women who've worked hard at something their whole lives, but he also destroys his own manhood in ways that strike me as incredibly grim and painful. He'll pay for that later. Young men who buy the transgendered ideology aren't making themselves stronger and healthier.

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and those men run rape/abuse shelters, transfer to women's prison after raping/molesting and so on. and go into women spaces. very different from the other way around.

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that too, but women are being erased. any man can claim to be one penis and all, girls are having their breasts chopped of.

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It's like blackface. A white person puts on shoe polish to make fun of black people. Drag is when a man "blackfaces" womanhood.

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OF COURSE. This is coming from the upper upper eschelons of the Khazarian banksters and controllers who feel they loose control; and it's not about having too many people, but about too many people are out of control, and it is getting worse (for the cabal).

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Well said, cmpalmer75.

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Agree 200%!!

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"Woman is not a costume to be put on or taken off. Neither is man."

Buffalo bill entered the chat.

P.S. Sorry

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and further backward, a clip from Life of Brian.


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The whole men dressed up as women pretending to be men gag is hilarious. I originally thought they were making fun of the Barbara Streisand movie Yentl but I've since learned that Yentl came out after.

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I love that guy!

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I also have a teenage daughter. She introduced me to a "guy" friend at her "holiday" choir concert (I put holiday in quotes, because it wasn't cheerful or festive, it was depressing), and I swore I had met this friend before. When I questioned her about it, she reluctantly admitted that this friend "Taylor" was actually "Karinne" who has decided that she is a boy.

Now, this is how I addressed it with my daughter, in an ongoing conversation, and why I think she can keep her head on straight. First of all, she has two autistic brothers. She has SEEN emotional and mental unwellness in a scary and very real way, and it's not cool, it's not trendy, and it's not something you should even wish on your worst enemy. One of her brothers has episodes of OCD, paranoia, hallucinations, and violence. One of his phobias is that all dogs are capable of swallowing humans. While a rational brain knows that's not remotely possible, an irrational brain doesn't. You can't convince him otherwise. What do we do? We keep ourselves away from dogs as best as we can. But we do not validate that fear. Imagine if we did, and he decided it was perfectly fine to murder dogs after that, because we validated his delusion?

This move to validate a widespread delusion is sick. It's coming from people who get some sort of gain from others' suffering, and it's absolutely disgusting.

I miss old school feminism, which said girls could accomplish anything. That liking pink and being on a dance team had nothing to do with your quality as a female. That's the feminism I teach my daughter. The current version is some kind of funhouse mirror that leaves everyone unhappy in some twisted, depressing version of reality. Defy Mother Nature (which applies to all humans, not just the blasted polar ice caps) long enough, and she'll make you pay for it.

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One of my daughter's friends was 'she' when I met her, then feminine 'they', next masculine 'they' complete with a male-sounding name change and appearance modifications, and then ???? and apparently is now back to 'her' original name. This whole performance leaves me sad for the kid, who has now been sidelined by the group of friends because (I suspect) she has serious mental health issues and is having trouble functioning entirely. Society is breaking her, not helping her, and I pray she survives it.

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How much of that is because she feels like she has no intrinsic worth as an individual? That she needs an "intersectionality box" to squeeze into to make her life matter?

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Jan 13, 2023
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I've wondered if transition is a form of soft suicide.

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I like the term "chronic suicide." Acute suicide is cutting your wrists or jumping off a bridge; chronic suicide is drinking a fifth of vodka every day. This too.

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Kurt Vonnegut wrote in his foreword to Welcome to the Monkey House, and I’m paraphrasing, how smoking cigarettes was a fairly sure, fairly honorable way to commit suicide. One of those things you read that never leaves you.

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Complete with celebrating putting their "deadname" to rest. Very sad.

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In a sense. It's more like baptism into a new life though. Or taking priestly orders in the globohomo church. Several ancient religions, offhand, the Cybele of Rome, the Phrygian Great Mother, and the Grecian Ganymede required their priests to be castrati for much the same reason the church of Rome demands celibacy, it produces dependence and unconditional loyalty. You know you are living in a backward superstitious civilization when the rulers surround themselves with eunuchs.

There Chris, that's how you write an offensive post and drive off subscribers. I do have something to teach.

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Kids really need to be kept off of the Internet. I mean it.

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What infuriates me, is this: blackface is offensive, yet Woman face is not. We're supposed to applaud these clearly unwell people and give way to them. No, sorry. They need help, desperately not affirmation that their psychosis is reality. The move towards removing safe spaces for biological women stinks. Stinks. Oh and don't get me started on bloody "chest feeding".....if you're offended by a phrase that describes an activity that is and always will be biologically impossible for you to do - seek psychiatric help. Don't force your psychological problems on the rest of the fcking population. The end. Time for a beer. 🍺

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I know this is all over the media and social media, but in my actual life I never see this. I live in a blue city in a red state, but even in this city I have seen maybe 4 trans people. And at our other small coastal house zero. Hunting, fishing, couples, appropriate (for the gender!) dressing, etc. This tiny contingent gets massively outsized coverage. I was a tomboy myself but never thought for a second I was a guy. Maybe here in the South we have the "my mama didn't raise a fool" going for us

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I've seen "transgender" young men in dresses and high heels twice in the last month, distinctly awkward and performative, walking in a gaggle of enormously self-conscious friends. It's the performance the culture is selling them as important and high-status, so some people are going to fall for it. For now. We'll see.

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Here in Karenland FUPAZ, there are a lot of trans people around. (Lots of gays and lesbians, too.)

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Transgenderism is a direct assault on truth and reality. No society can, or should, survive accepting this unreality.

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I'm a totally straight male and even I look at that picture of Cary Grant and go "Yes Please!" 😂

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You sure it’s not Chris?

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Cary, not Carey. 😉

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Fixed! 😋

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We have a large number of Malthusian eugenicists with gargantuan amounts of money and no moral values who've decided there are too many mouth-breathing bipeds grunting and rooting around the world that need to be culled, so they can save the planet- for something. The mRNA injections will destroy many, plus those who don't die won't reproduce because they can't from the shots and all the things done to their bodies.

Pray for the Republic, and for humanity.

Danny Huckabee

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this reminds me of a 1983 New York Magazine article about La Cage Aux Folles, which was coming to Broadway that season. in the interview, playwright and star Harvey Fierstein said that drag queens made better women than actual women because "they worked at it." 40 years later and the rage is still as strong, maybe stronger, than when i first read that ridiculous, arrogant, patronizing mansplane. as if 3" glitter fingernails, make up applied with a trowel and enough hairspray to destroy the ozone layer on hair died the color of neon is what makes a woman.

Mulvaney is doing a piss poor vulgar caricature of a cartoon stereotype mockery of a woman or, as James Howard Kunstler put it so well in one of his scathing essays "woman as monster."

these mentally disturbed men hate women and the lengths they are willing to go- lopping off their body parts and taking endless drugs- in a vain attempt to be something THEY CAN NEVER BE is sick and pathetic. he will wake up one day and realize that he is still a man, although not a functional one and that no amount of self mutilation has turned him into anything other than a burlesque side show freak!

then look at Barry Humphries with his brilliant and affectionate creation Dame Edna Everage. Humphries has nothing but respect and love for her. he doesn't want to "be" her or belittle her. she's a part and he is a sublime actor. he will still be standing when the Mulvaneys of the world have died from all the high risk surgeries they had in the name of "beauty." these people are sick and i could have compassion for them if they weren't so hell bent on forcing the whole world into playing along with their delusions!

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Women don't HAVE to work at it! We're just born! For a decade, my body was not my own because it was giving and maintaining my children's lives. Men can never do this, regardless of the effort in superficial appearances. They will never be better women because they are men.

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Yes and men should focus their energies on becoming better men, not waste time on trying to be cartoon versions of women

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Not every fetish or psychological

condition has to be endorsed by society.

But the reality is that cynical political motives are underlying the exploitation of all the victim groups carefully cultivated by the Left. And the developmental psychology knowledge behind the trans indoctrination is evidence of a deliberate destabilizing effort by leftist academics and their ideological comrades.

It would just be annoying and stupid if there wasn’t so much money and media pressure behind it.

People have been remarkably tolerant of this crap. In cultures where transsexualism has been more accepted, like Thailand, it’s because these people are relegated to function in specific circumscribed marginal sectors - sex trade, night club entertainment, not running government departments assigned critical tasks, and not claiming idiotic things like men have uteruses and menstrual periods. Again, it’s calculated to disorient and shock people into questioning reality.

Hot tomboys are not new. Elly May Clampett

was into wrasslin’ on the Beverly Hillbillies:

This here's what I call the Clampett Clamp.

[During the match,to Derek while she choking him with a headlock]

Derek: [Grunts] That's not legal.

Elly May: [Confused look] Really? Well, try this one.

[Pushes Derek to the mat face flat].

Elly May’s character was athletic and earthy, but you never wondered if she was a woman.

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support this dude if you can:


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sorry i meant girl ;)

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"Oh boy. Thank you, Miss Hathaway! Ah always wanted a double barrel slingshot."

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Elly May was fine!

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I’m wondering if Dylan would behave that way without social media? Is social media “causing” the gender confusion? Has the new technology created a new disease, like the way Asbestos mining “created” Asbestosis?

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I believe asbestosis manifests in observable, quantifiable physical symptoms. The current gender dysphoria mania is a form of psychosis, exacerbated, certainly, by social media. And driven by greed. Entire, very profitable, industries have quickly evolved to convert this "confusion" into cash.

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Vaccine injury also manifests itself in a myriad of ways. As well as psych meds and the ridiculous food additives that have no business being labeled “food grade.”

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Dig deeper. What/who is behind ‘social media’.

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Great point!

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transgenderism is ANTI-humanism

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Absurd caricatures of femininity are oppressive only when biological females do it. When biological males do it, it's called liberation. For Mulvaney's next surgery, he's going to get a pushbutton with a voicebox attached that says "OMG, Math is hard!" or whatever it is that bubblehead Barbie used to say. And it will be LIBERATING when he does!

Mulvaney's being liberated from cruel and oppressive sanity, and I for one cheer it on. In fact, the Darwin Awards should be updated, so that men and women who make themselves infertile with hormone therapy can receive a prize for removing themselves from the future gene pool.

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You got to love a girl who won’t complain every time you come home smelling like fish or even smells like it herself! I can tell you from personal experience... putting your arm in a catfish’s mouth is the easy part. Getting it out is when you will know what your made of. Hundreds of super sharp teeth tilted inwards to prevent escape.

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