Like Hannah, Aly noodles. She noodles a lot.
When she’s not digging around in the mud on the riverbottom so she can shove her arm up a giant catfish, she harvests protein with a bow or a rifle, and documents all of that hunting and fishing — sorry, huntin’ and fishin’ — on social media. And she posts the results, frequently in the form of injury videos:
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Cisgendered men, being appalled by a form of gender performance in which a woman engages in traditionally masculine behaviors like hunting and wrasslin’ in the mud for fish and getting hurt, respond to Aly and Hannah’s videos with deep hostility, as evidenced by an endless stream of hateful comments like, “OH MY GOD I’M IN LOVE,” and, “Ring size?”
Over the course of a century, we evolved a wide-open conception of gender in which women could be 1.) pretty and 2.) tough and physical, all of that together in one package, as women, while men could be entirely men by being elegant and urbane:
Now, compare:
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The appalling state of “transgender” performativity, this giant cultural advance, turns on a set of pathetic Stepford cliches. Our progress is a giant step backward. The biologically male Dylan Mulvaney is experiencing “girlhood,” not womanhood, as an adult.
This is shit, and our children can’t have this for a future.
I'll put it this way: I have a teenaged daughter, and I know VERY CLEARLY, between Aly and Dylan, which one of those I'd rather see as a model of womanhood for her.
Remarkable how quickly the first unsubscription showed up after I posted this one.