Same day: Columbia University closes the entire campus to the news media.


See, if you oppose a media-exclusion zone, you're a hypocrite who's against free speech.

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It's the media that expose/dramatize or hide stories.

The msm light the fires or pour water on the embers.

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Apr 30
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Perhaps a reminder by Pastor Martin Niemöller will help:

First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me

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Then they came for the gun owners, and that ended it. Haven't seen antisemitism like this before in the USA. Jewish people might check out the JPFO site.


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For the life of me I just can't understand why most Jews are Democrats.

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I attend a Messianic synagogue (though I myself am not Jewish). Interestingly, of the many members whose political affiliations I am aware of, not a single one is a Democrat. Our rabbis are hardcore conservatives.

I wonder if it’s a secular vs. religious thing, as in religious people are generally more conservative?

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You’re on to something here. Thanks.

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After the Holocaust, not to mention sundry other mass killings, you would think they would all be NRA members.

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I’m an NRA Endowment Life Member, and I found the financing of Wayne LaPierre’s lifestyle very distasteful. Perhaps the Jews felt the same way. I need to check out JPFO ti see if they warrant a donation.

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They are a people that won’t stand for themselves, obviously.

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Ok Nancy, maybe you can explain to me why anybody is a Democrat. Why are Christians Democrats?

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Yet they are. Now, ask yourself what about the Democrat Party would make it feel like a good fit for many of them.

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They're like the Jews of 1930s Germany, who couldn't bring themselves to believe that the Nazis actually meant it.

I think most Jews are Democrats because in the late 19th and 20th centuries, the Democrats tended to be more ethnic and more hospitable to immigrants. For many people, political habits die hard. My father, who was born in 1914, never voted for a Republican in his life. He died in 1999. In his last couple of years, he was appalled by late term abortion, and could not comprehend how his party could support it, but the cognitive dissonance was incapable of dislodging his sense of himself as a Democrat.

Habit. Blindedness. That's why they're still Democrats.

While you're at it, Lillia, ask yourself why victims of the Stalin purge trials, knowing they were about to be shot, could not bring themselves to denounce Communism.

Fitzroy MacLean, whose book, "Eastern Approaches," is one of the most fascinating books about World War II., attended the show trials when he was a young member of the Foreign Service who was stationed in Moscow. His explanation for the phenomenon was that it was less painful for these wretched people to abase themselves publicly for things they had not done than to admit they'd lived their life for a lie.

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Lillia, historically there was several reasons. Now there no longer is a conceivable reason. But the blaming of the victim phenomenon is what we are seeing here. It's not the Jews who are acting out. It's the cosplay Nazis from Greenwich and Pacific Palisades. I'm sure that a lot of Jews are not going to be Democrats in November at the polls.

Why are there Leftists in Poland? You got rid of the Jews. Why are there Leftists in the richest, waspiest zip codes? The mysteries of life....

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Because they already think they're better than everyone else? 🤷‍♀️

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Methinks that is about to change.

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Me neither Nancy

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Your post was exactly what I was going to quote. 🎯👍👍

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First they came for the communists, then they came for the other communists, then they came for the other communists. Not defending what happened but the pattern is striking. Mr. Niemoller did speak out against what was happening to the Jews beginning in 1933, virtually the beginning of Nazi rule so the poem is a silly fiction from start to finish.

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Most do not seek liberty and nor will they uphold democratic or civilizational norms. They will live in tribal squalor.

When will liberals learn the fastest way to work out what people are like is to see what kind of societies they create when left to their own devices. We are importing millions with no capacity to maintain the things we built up over centuries. They were warned that non-Europeans would bring their tribal grievances with them. And they have.

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Jewish students picked up and physically removed from a campus building:


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If I were one of those 3, I’d be pulling off masks & keffiyehs so their faces would be recorded for subsequent prosecution.

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Are they Americans?

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Who cares?

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Probably not the DA, but one of the objectives is to cause the thugs some anxiety. They’re not wearing masks & hoods for the hell of it.

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Me. When people do not share values it fragments the country. That means violence.

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Regardless, they’re prosecutable for simple assault.

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Are who Americans?

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I assume he meant the student thugs.

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Ya never know these days.

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Yes, the ones doing the pushing wearing the arab scarves. They didn't look American to me.

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Highly ambivalent about clicking “Like”…

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Disgusting 🤮

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As a Canadian, everything you've read in mainstream sources about the convoy is a lie. Absolute, naked, unadulterated lie. From its intent, its effects (virtually eliminated crime in downtown Ottawa, volunteers cleaned litter etc.), racial and ethic composition (the organizers were Aboriginal and Jewish and *purposely* reached out to groups like Sikh truck drivers who were affected by the vax mandates and lockdowns) to the reaction by the Trudeau junta (the Emergencies Act was an obscene overreaction), *nothing* you may have read had any bearing on reality. So this development of campuses going SA Brownshirt *Judenfrei* CANNOT, in any way shape or form, be associated with "right wing hypocrisy" on the convoy or anything else. Full. Fucking. Stop.

Incidentally, you may have read during the convoy of one man carrying a Nazi flag? That brand new, newly creased and folded flag? That only he had? Who then scurried to the Chateau Laurier where the only people staying there were...RCMP and Ottawa and other police officers? Who was never caught? Who, like Ray Epps, suddenly vanished from wanted lists? Somehow I don't think we'll ever hear about that guy again.

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I cannot like your comment enough, sir. Bravo!👏

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Bravo! It can't be repeated often enough! In fact we who lived through Jan/Feb 2022 need to repeat the truth often because the Trudeau junta repeats the lie constantly. I call 2022 the year I lost my country – too harsh I know, but bitterly felt.

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Sadly, your comment is NOT too harsh.

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Oh my goodness ! that is exactly how I feel about my own little country of NZ after Jabcinda Ardern's divisive and ultra-controlling tactics and smug- faced lies that irrevocably harmed so many--- a friend and colleague and fellow graduate of your Trudeau.

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I have Canadian relatives.

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Canadian heritage here and I'm so proud of all of those folks.

(I'm a Bruins fan, though, so... sorry, but no mercy on the Leafs during the playoffs, eh?)

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The Leafs will *always* let you down. Their purpose is to make money, not win anything or care. They're the hot stripper of the NHL who is totally, absolutely into you as long as the cash keeps rolling in.

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Bruins fans felt that way about the Jacobs for a long time after Eagleson fleeced Bobby Orr. The Cup in 2011 helped placate all of that. You have my sympathies.

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Eagleson and Harry Sinden are the reasons Orr ended up playing for Boston instead of Toronto. Orr's junior team was the Oshawa Generals - Oshawa is only about an hour or so out of Toronto - and thus should have entered Orr into the Leafs' pipeline, but was not to be...

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True. The Bruins bought the entire league, as I recall. When I met Orr in person in 1999, I was a 3L and my sports law class was studying sports drafts and their legality. I got him to sign my sports law book over the footnote that mentioned him; he loved it. It was around the time when he was starting his own agenting business. Eagleson did a LOT for hockey, but in the end, he was a crook and screwed Orr out of partial ownership of the B's.

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High fives, fellow Bruins fan!

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High Fives! (In Borat voice)

Now let's see them close out a series like FL did.

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Yes, and then close out Florida like they should have last year!

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Womp womp womp.

Back to Toronto.

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Since when did Coyle start struggling to win face-offs?! We let Domi go something like 12/16 on the draw!

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Please be assured that Americans know the actual truth about the Convoy and Trudeau in general.

The UK Parliament had muddled along for 809 yrs, and it’s only taken Trudeau & his supporters 9 yrs to bring that form of government into utter disrepute.

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You mean the only one who was wearing a mask?

There was a person who insisted he knew the mysterious person, he was head of PR for the Trudeau administration. Which makes sense, but I can't find that anywhere on the internet anymore.

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Yale just got it right:


"To claim control of a shared physical space and to impose an intellectual and ideological litmus test are not in keeping with our bedrock principles and values."

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He wrote of “consequences,” but will he ACTUALLY impose any?

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Interesting to see how it plays out. One of the worst places for this woke psycopathy. If the Starship Enterprise came tomorrow and beamed up the top 100 universities faculties, the federal bureaucracy, and the mainstream media, and dropped them off with the Romulans, how awesome would this country be? A man can dream can't he?

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I'd be happy if they dropped them off with the Klingons. I'd like to see the little flakes have to spar them, with all the knives and things.

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A return to ‘sanity’ begins with one adult ‘no’. Thanks for taking a stand Chris.

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Don't cheer yet. They haven't expelled or suspended or arrested anyone as far as I know. There's a difference between "your behavior is totally unacceptable and we're no longer welcome here" and "you made a scene and people noticed our Left-wing lunacy, so pipe down for a while". The Yale statement sounds like the latter to me, but we'll see in the coming days.

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Yea, Yale! It's about time someone stood up to the nasty brats!

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It has been perplexing me lately how most people seem to be denying this explosion of Jew hatred or trying to explain it away: they don't hate Jews just Israel, they don't hate Jews just Zionism, they don't hate Jews just the IDF. It's almost like a sun that's too painful to look at straight.

Especially considering that many countries (including ours) have perpetrated all sorts of wars with a high civilian body count, and even committed war crimes, which only become a global outrage when Israel does it; especially considering that no country or government on earth could experience what happened on 10/7 and not launch a total war to destroy the enemies who did this; and, for a more obvious comparison closer to home, we all know that if anyone says even a single word that could hypothetically wound the hypothetical Victim class (blacks and gays, usually) that person is denounced by every organ of the state and has the FBI ringing their door bell.

Imagine college kids telling a black or gay kid they weren't allowed somewhere! The media frenzy would be enormous and endless.

Now that the ruling class has converted en masse to the Social Justice faith, all morality is Who/Whom and all politics is Friend/Enemy, and Jews have just been demoted.

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Jews have been classed as oppressors. That's it. The model dictates everything else. That's how NPCs work. That's how they'll get their concentration camp guards. That's who they'll recruit from to round up meat-eating carbon polluting extremists.

The left destroys everything it touches. That's why the only approach is to match their energy not to maintain some polite debating match while they abuse everyone else's good manners.

Only force stops people like this.

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They used to ask “how could the ‘good Germans’ allow the Nazi atrocities?” Now we know.

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I'm Gen X so I grew up with a massive propaganda tsunami of NEVER AGAIN

(I also grew up with all the massive propaganda about how wrong it is to judge someone by their skin color.)

The only thing I'll never forget is that people don't have principles they have incentives.

A healthy society has healthy incentives, an unhealthy society (like ours) has unhealthy (or worse) incentives...only gonna get uglier!

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It also doesn't work, as we are now learning. Every race except whites is racially aware. Only whites push for colorblindness. Everyone else is pretty tribal.

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It used to be better. Obama started a lot of this renewed racialist emphasis.

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That is an American view. Most of the world is tribal. The Arabs cannot get along with each other, for example.

Northern Europeans and North East Asians are typically not. I am not a racist but I want a peaceful life. Culture mixing is life on hard mode.

Here in Britain we now have child brides, honour killings and female circumcision, none of which existed fifty years ago.

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The Arabs are tribal, which accounts for a lot of the problems in the national borders drawn up by the Europeans after the Ottomans were tossed out. The Palestinians kill each other when they aren’t trying their luck against Israel.

Britain has fallen. The U.S. has to put a stop to this. We shall see if we can. Obama ushered in a lot of the crap that was going on in Europe. You guys are about 10-20 years farther down this road. Although I think we’re about to catch up with the open borders problem.

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Exactly. We were on the way, even after Trump’s first four years. Those thinking blacks, and brown people in general seemed to take a break from anti white hate. Now it’s full tilt boogie. And I think that a lot has to do with money. When people, the general population have it, and business is good, and everybody is working, race naturally falls by the wayside. Now we got it full blast, and wars, oh we got wars! And homelessness, and unemployment, and businesses closing left and right, and that’s all Trumps fault. Somehow. And evil conservatives. And Jews.

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We’ve always known. But it’s only the last 65 yrs we’ve been sending our children and money to institutions to marinate in hate of Western civilization.

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But they will still vote as Left as possible. Mostly for the Big D.

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I married into a Jewish family, their belief system is celebrating holidays and supporting the Democratic Party.

But that seems to be changing for those under age 60 or so (Jewish Baby Boomers are married to the Dems more devoutly than to their spouses), everyone younger is either considering the Republicans or abstaining.

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"Jewish Baby Boomers are married to the Dems more devoutly than to their spouses"


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In Canada it's the same phenomenon but with the Liberal party. Absolutely baffling.

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Please tell me why. I really want to know.

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In many ways, it's similar to Massachusetts Irish-Catholics with the D. Same thing. Right now there is this huge inversion where Boomers (like my Dad) who were always Democrats - "party of the working man!" - have become cultural "democrats" completely detached from the actual policies of Team D.

They vote D because that's what a good _____ does. (MA Irish-catholic/ NY Jew/ RI Italian Union guy, etc.) I think that is changing.

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Power. Sadly that is it. The dems get things done. The fact that many of the things they do are abhorrent is irrelevant.

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agree 100%. I also married into a Jewish family. I have noticed the same thing as you over the last couple of years.

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there is also the sex breakdown that seems characteristic of our time, with the women still loyal to the Dems but the men getting red pilled. women, god bless them, seem to believe that there's some way to turn a theocratic terrorist into a kind and friendly neighbor, if only we just listened harder! lol

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lolol. agree....except my wife....she's a fighter and actually got her siblings and parents to see the light.

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good for her!

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It is the same well-known phenomenon as women writing letters to and falling in love with serial killers and other violent very dangerous and prolific criminals, only on a civilisational scale.

/Why/ that happens, well therein lies the rub.

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My wife and I know a few suburban Left/liberal women who've married/dated poorer and/or darker skinned and/or 3rd Worldish men (for lack of a better term)—we even know women who've dated men who only speak Spanish and they barely speak a word of it!—and we call this White Savior Pu$$y...

just like some women think that only they can turn the beast into a beauty or make that bad boy straighten up and fly right, some think that with some special gentle loving care they can even heal the world and solve global poverty.

Sort of a reverse Lysistrata crossed w UNICEF lol

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I have a good friend, a sensible Democrat whose mother's family is Jewish. I asked her once why Jews are Democrats, since it is the Republicans who generally support Israel. She tried to explain something about Democrats being more supportive of the working class and downtrodden. If that was ever true, it certainly isn't any longer.

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That reminds of me of the scene in Annie Hall, when Alvie thinks back to his parents and his dad defending the black maid who stole from them.

"She has nothing, we can afford it!", he says.

"I married a fool!", replies his mother.

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See my reply above. It is this.

Cultural democrats.

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Thank you!

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I’m a Jew and live in a far Left/Blue college town/state. The “liberal” Jews I know who claim to support Israel are singularly focused on “Trump destroying democracy” and they literally start spouting the DNC/Nicole Wallace/Rachel Maddow talking points in a non-stop loop while they viciously call me an idiot, stupid, a fool, directly to my face when I responded by asking if they truly believe half of Americans are dangerous right-wing extremists. The smug arrogance and dripping condescension must be seen to be believed. Chabad is the only haven of sane Jews in this town.

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If I had to describe this era in a sentence or 2, I'd say: The election of Donald Trump in 2016 broke the brains of America's liberals and gave them all some kind of nervous breakdown or psychotic break that severed them from reality and made them raving Ahabs bent on revenge on him and his supporters.

It is simply not possible to have a sane society or polity as long as the Orange Beast roams the land, I don't think I've seen anything like this outside of Shakespeare, and my feeling is this will end like one of his tragedies, with every structure of society pulled down in a fit of madness.

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I completely agree with you.

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A lot of them are hardcore Dems. But it's changing.

I'm a Jew. My belief system is a little different - Patriot Ordnance 300 Blackout, The Constitution, and Donald Trump. Not everybody is a chump.

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So I’m on vacation at a beach (Kauai). A beautiful family of 5 show up & have the best time playing in the ocean waves. The boy, about 13 is wearing a Star of David & bare chested. It made me happy to see him not hide who he is. I hope he can keep his innocence.

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He can’t. But it’s a nice thought.

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Same here pseudonym. And it was incredibly icky. The base family was French Canadian, from way up north. Then my bil falls for this horrid creature, let the games begin. And married to the democrat party is an apt way to put it.

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Jews have been demoted. That’s exactly what this is about. Like women have been demoted.if women don’t want trannies in their locker room or on the field competing against them, the women are bad. Working people were previously demoted. Now they are deplorables.

When the Commies are done with you, they are done.

As to the hatred, antisemitism is a light sleeper. It never goes away. It’s a sickness and understanding the “why” is not always straightforward and multifactorial. But you gotta wonder what kind of sick person wants to wipe out an entire ethnicity that hasn’t done anything to them. It’s interesting to see the Islamofascists, far right nut jobs and the upper crust Commies all coalesce around antisemitism. It is what it is.

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It being a religion and not a race makes those who have the time and energy to hate it so much more fervent. Not sure why.

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And I’m a far right nut job, according to most.

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There’s an ethnic component to Judaism.

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Back in the Bush II era of the counterjihad in the mid 00's, there was a blogger who called herself Babba Zee who commented on Little Green Footballs, if anyone remembers that blog and its proprietor, the notorious Charles Johnson. She coined the following: "The far left, far right, and radical Islam all meet at Jew-hate Junction."

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Narrative is all, as always. The memos issues for what can and cannot be said. And the globalists control both "sides" of this, as they do every "war."


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This is very timely. I was an avid reader/listener to Trish Wood all through covid. I’ll be forever grateful to her bravery and journalist integrity during the governments authoritarianism in that dark period, and her continual efforts to expose it still. I’ll still listen and read her stuff even if I disagree.

I disagree with her position on a number of different things, however. Her stance on the “palistine/israel” conflict and the ensuing protests is one of them. And her view on the George Floyd incident is another.

To me it is clear as day that the trucker protests and these “free Palestine” ones are entirely different. Both in their objectives and the methods and the people. I do not wish for war or its tragic consequences, but I just don’t understand empathy towards a group of people who seek genocide and use children as meat shields in efforts to win holy wars. I’m not saying Israel is without sin. Even grave sin. But those who use innocents as collateral and propaganda deserve nothing but scorn and derision, and their time should be extremely short on this planet.

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Your are quite write that the trucker protests and the free Palestine protests are entirely different. The trucker protest was organic in nature that gathered a groundswell of support as they embarked on their journey. Yes there was some initial organization to get things started, but it grew as more and more people joined or visited it and saw what it was about. And despite the ridiculous machinations by the media and the Trudeau government to make us believe it was being foreign funded by Russia or other nefarious forces, the funding came from small donations from millions of Canadians. The Palestinian protests are not organic in nature. It is clear that they were planned from the day the massacre occurred. Many of these protests are also being funded and organized by terror organizations that are fronted by so called NGOs or charities. Two include the Palestine for Youth and Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network), a registered Canadian not-for-profit which has clear ties to The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Syrian-based terrorist group established by Ahmad Jibri, a former Syrian Army officer which is listed as a terrorist entity by Canada. Some protesters are paid for protesting by these groups. So it is not at all like the trucker movement. And they are not the same as the Freedom Convoy, in that police and government action on them have been benign. Yes some arrests have been made and charges laid. But the question is what will happen to those charges? Will they be dropped or will the Canadian courts be holding months long mischief trials so send any of these protesters to prison, as has just happened to the Coutts Three and may well happen to Tamara Lich and Chris Barberr? And as for the student protesters, they are merely pawns in a much larger game, with an underbelly that it very disturbing.

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I too was a big supporter of Trish Wood. She lost me when she started trying to count how many Israeli babies' heads could fit on the head of a pin. That is, she made the category error of conflating actual Hamas video of decapitated babies with a false report of Iraqi soldiers removing infants from their incubators in Kuwait in 1990 and leaving them to die. Then she doubled down.

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She was right on both counts. Unless you have a copy of this "authentic" Hamas dead-baby video??? And by authentic I mean babies intentionally decapitated, not as collateral damage. Cause don't forget, there are thousands of dead children in Gaza and there's no question how those babies died!

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Well, dang. You got me! You're right. It never happened, and if it did, the Jooooz did it.

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agree re the truckers v students are completely different protests, though you might think again about that "those who use innocents" part after you see this.


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That’s America in the last 60 years in a nutshell. At least the admins that utilize the meat shields “ on behalf of democracy and others”

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Check it out, California is going to "fix" State sponsored apartheid in Isreal by supporting apartheid on the UCLA campus, which makes it State supported apartheid in California.

So, when does old groovy Gavin Newsom support firing up the old ovens and showers in Cali to level out the score in Isreal?

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Commifornia is Soddom and Gemorrah. Unfortunately, I’m stuck here for the time being.

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When you do leave- don’t turn around & look back!

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Right. Pillars of salt....

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Dena, the world is insane right now. I trust in God. He is my Hightower.

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Good one Dena … Lots ‘s wife 👍🏼

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Cally here! A very high per cent of California are "on the take" with one or more family members receiving state funds in one fashion or another. Many of them will vote "D" by absentee ballots from the Kamps.

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Not here! I retired three years ago (forced) because I refused the test/jab. I see what tyranny is doing to CA. It’s been “captured”.

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Right alongside the bill that allows pedophilia in CA.

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It can't happen here...

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Say the sheeple - as they watch it happen, on the big screen, in color, with stereo sound, (perhaps so they can better hear the screams of the victims?).

It has happened. It is happening. And will continue to happen.

As long as *they* maintain their arms length relationship with reality.

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Offer them a deal:

Immediate divestment of the university from Israeli money/influence, as they demand. In exchange, every protestor must forfeit their degree, scholarships, and any credits and/or diplomas earned so far.

Let these exhausting LARPers demonstrate how much they actually care about this issue.

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I would really like to see what happens next year regarding Jewish enrollment at these schools, enrollment in general, and average SAT/other signals of what sort of students are choosing these schools, or who the schools are choosing (if social justice activities and essays are getting accepted at the same degree as is currently).

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Is it really too much to ask that a Jewish person(s) can live in peace?

This is a tiny nation that has had to struggle for their survival for over 5k years.

Seriously what other group of people in the history of man have had to live this way?!

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Gypsies. Armenians. Ionian greeks. Any indigenous non-moslem people after islamic conquest.

There are others, but most of them aren't around anymore.

You'll notice no-one ever said "Let's carve up territory X and proclaim it the nation of the gypsies". As a carved-in-the-bone cynic, it is hard to ask "If it may be done for group X, then why not for groups Y to infinity?".

Not that anyone alive, jew or nor, is to blame for what was done in and prior to 1948 of course, nor is it any of it an excuse, but the discrepancy has always been there to be exploited for political purposes.

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I get your point here. But I think it's been industrial sized against jews vs. the other groups you mention...and over a much longer period.

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Longer period is debatable since we should then include examples of how harshly people of the same group as the dominant one could be treated for being lower class or poor, or if they were suspected of crimes. Jews got an extra insult-cherry added on top so to speak - akin to how someone with a visible deformity or disability would be treated poorly due to the superstition that such things were due to curses or inherited sinfulness.

Depending on exactly when and where we look of course - Sweden in the 17th century would yield different conclusions than would Spain in the 16th, or Russia in the 19th or Germany in the 20th.

Whereas gypsies have been treated like criminal scum - including "kill on sight"-laws - ever since they entered Europe in the 12th century.

However, I do think jews in Europe very much incorporated /not/ being the same people as whatever indigenous group they dwelled among as a core feature of jewish identity; not just being their own group but empathically /not/ being the "host" group. The idea came to me from looking at how present-day mid-eastern migrants act: /not/ being french or english or whatever is central to their self-identification.

Gotta make a run for the bus - I've got physio incoming!

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I would agree on gypsies. You can see the "winnowing" of gypsies from as recently as the early 90's when I first starting traveling to Europe.

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True. Maybe Civil Rights and Open Borders and Globalism and The Open Society were bad ideas?

Now Israel is about to be added to the list of Allies we betray, which would be impossible without decades of antiwhite racism in America… with Who as the Vanguard in every charge?

It wasn’t the Baptists. Wasn’t the Muslims.

Don’t look for help here. We can’t defend ourselves legally.

Never mind our suddenly hoist on their own spear neighbors.

The Gaza Golems turn on those who bought them here, to the detriment and possible fatal consequences for their own kin.

It was so fun to be part of the Mob - until the Mob turned on you.

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Indeed. No one dares discuss such things.

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You are discussing it. A bad idea is a bad idea. That isn't the problem. Payback is a bitch isn't the problem. The problem is this pervasive idea that somehow Jews have supreme powers to make these decisions in a country where they are a tiny minority. Jews have some power. They make some decisions. They don't control all the decisions. It's fairly obvious that there are a lot of people at the table. Personally, I think the entire Left and a good portion of the Right in 2024 have their heads up their asses. The law of unintended consequences is a fact of life. Stupid, arrogant people are running this country, for the time being. Anything this stupid is not going to survive very long.

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I don't buy Jewish conspiracy theories either. I view most of the problems a consequence of high IQs not Jews. Many Jews are high IQ so they may be overrepresented.

Ordinary working class people tend to be nationalistic and territorial. It is college educated, higher IQ types who think they can improve on this model. It doesn't matter national borders emerged everywhere to keep the peace, so each group could have a homeland.

That to me is the problem. The laptop class live in their heads and imagine a utopia. What they will get is a reminder no multicultural society has ever survived and the first group wiped out are those with valuable possessions who cannot defend themselves.

Open borders is a luxury belief held by people who imagine social cohesion is normal. They will learn some hard lessons in the coming years.

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I think that’s a cogent argument. The elites are divorced from reality and they don’t care about the rest of the society. Multiculturalism cannot work. Assimilation is key, but when you trash the dominant culture in a nation, you end up with a mess like we have.

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The tradition is intermarrying. At one point people cared about ratios, quadroons had one black grandparent etc. This was somewhat revisited in the Nazi era; how many Jewish ancestors does your fiancé have etc. No one cares now. Rich men have been marrying exotic brides for centuries.

It is the mass import of foreign cultures who are then encouraged to form enclaves that is dangerous. More importantly, the global south cannot really assimilate into our nations. They are too different. We have Muslim organizations in the UK openly and energetically working to end parliamentary democracy and being funded by the Saudis. Healthy societies do not allow this.

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Well, white people in general are going to come under that same gun. Not in my time ( not much left) but in my grandchildren’s time. Absolutely.

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the Irish? https://youtu.be/yljjCPOQf44?si=iT2LpuCINnIWbmhb but life shouldn't be a historical victimization contest imo.

and maybe peace would work if we clear out the globalists running our gov'ts, including the Israeli gov't? Insight into Bibi's war:


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I suggest to do some deep dives down the rabbit hole regarding “Israel”. It ain’t pretty!

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but hey, we disagree on the first thing i can remember...so there's that...

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Ryan, this is my fantasy (no it doesn’t involve whipped cream and furry handcuffs 🙀).

I’d like to see all Jewish students standing across from Palestine students. On the count of three, they hug one another.

What POWER!✝️💜✝️💜✝️💜🙌

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i hear ya. but they are people too. just like you, they have been persecuted.

sometimes i feel like conflating Hamas and the Palestinians is a strawman for "it ain't pretty".

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There's no conflation. Hamas is internationally recognised as the legitimate government of Gaza since 2006 and has overwhelming majority support among Gazans, even in April 2024.

Gaza = Hamas, Hamas = Gaza.

Ceterum autem censeo Gazam esse delendam.

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Depends on where you dive. If you dive into a cesspool of racist propaganda, nothing is pretty. If you rely on facts and reason, it's real purdy.

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How about just propaganda. The word racist is subjective. And I think the word is definitely worn out.

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The word is worn out when it’s not true. Israel is a diverse society. Gaza is an apartheid society.

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If you can’t figure this one out, I can’t help you.

Last time I checked the ICC was brought into this by the same party in South Africa that was headed by Mandela. And it’s a corrupt, hard Left Party. Kind of like California Democrats only with cooler accents and even more hatred of white people.

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Diverse as long as it’s on Israel’s terms.


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In all seriousness, you do know that Nelson Mandela was a Communist? And that 2 million Arabs who are not Jews are citizens of Israel and serve in every capacity including Supreme Court justices and members of parliament?

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Splinter, splinter, divide, bifurcate, quadfurcate, atomize, unhook, disconnect.

I’ve come to believe Matthew 18:20 ‘Whenever two or three are gathered together in my name; I am there, amidst them.’

…is the entire point. From quantum entanglement (which I certainly do not really understand), to family, to marriage, to teams—the point is to learn agape, love of each other.

Anything and everything designed to separate us is from the adversary. It is evil. Literally from the pit of hell.


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separation from Source is the core wound we're attempting to heal here on earth. Each person can heal that completely alone, as it turns out. But yes, devoting energy to connection and support -- supporting family, supporting community, globally -- that's what the globalists DON'T want us to figure out. Instead of being focused on making ourselves separate from somebody "evil," we are then putting our energy into what we want to build. That will bring the house of cards down. Then we "win." Simply redirecting the power we keep giving over fighting the game we don't like gives us all the power we need to create a new game that serves us.

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Yahtzee. The Great Commandment.

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So true Brien Nelson

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All the left has got is moral equivalency. Because they cannot critically reason. And they are morons. And they are simplistic useful idiots for the smarter people who are using them for their nefarious purposes. So sad for our country.

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I like Trish, and even when I don’t agree with her, she is at least thought-provoking and helps me reframe some of my assumptions.

But she is off-base here. The kids are being used. They are hopelessly addicted to social activism because of our Marxist training grounds known as university campuses. It’s Mao’s Cultural Revolution. The truckers were fighting for their lives and freedom. The university students are fighting for…they really don’t know what.

A critical thinker notices we’re kicking off for a summer of destruction. And we’re all being played.

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It's top down and astroturf. The professional activists are getting paid. The students are the useful idiots. They are fighting for hate because colonialism and patriarchy and white privilege or something. And they seem to have several takers here on the message board.

Keep hate alive. Hamasturbate!

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Our GOP in Congress will do something about this, I am confident!

Right after they finish signing the latest check for Zelinski.


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It takes time to write a strongly worded letter and appoint a new Committee.

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Great journalism, Chris. Outstanding work in shining a light on the University's capitulation to and silent solidarity with this idiocy. Protesting does not include the right to harm - or even interfere with - other students.

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the entire ivy league was a jew-free zone for decades. plus ça change

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I find it bizarre to see this happening at McGill in Montreal. If you read any Mordecai Richler his characters are constantly bemoaning the Jewish quota at that school back in the 40s and 50s.

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The entire Ivy League has never been a “Jew free zone”.

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go back far enough and it becomes clear that most colleges discriminated against all sorts of minorities

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That's actually incorrect. If you go back far enough, there was lots of discrimination.


I bet you live in a Jew free zone in your head.

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Seriously? The entire Ivy League is "Jew free." If that were true, some of the biggest donors to Ivy League schools wouldn't be Jews, and not just Jews, but Zionist Jews.

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There was a time in the past (certainly pre-WW II) when few if any Jews were admitted to some of the "better schools".

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And there was a time women were restricted from schools and black people? What is your point?

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None for you.

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I don't think there's really any for anyone.

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didn't used to be that way

meanwhile, harvard has pivoted to being asian-free

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Harvard is hardly Asian-free.

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Are any of these rich Jewish alum speaking out? They speak out over simple, safe things like the Harvard DEI plagiarism case. I may be wrong, but it seems like crickets when it counts.

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Yes. A lot of them are speaking out and withdrawing promised donations.

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Actually, they from the beginning have been threatening to pull donations over campus protests, even way back last fall, but when it comes to subjects like DEI, they kept funding it. Bill Ackman would be a great example.

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Most Jews are Zionists, like most Polish people are in favor of Poland, for reasons that escape me frequently, like right now.

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I don't know that most Jews are Zionists. I think there are a few that are heavily into that philosophy and some of them skirt the edges, or don't really understand what it entails. I rather think more of Jewish people than that. I find it funny that others don't. I would hate to think that people with a history like the Jews have would be so keen to create an ethnostate themselves and eliminate or demote anyone else (which is pretty much what Nazi Germany was and what modern Israel is). I tend to think people who took the lessons of their history to heart would see the similarities. So it seems you all think less of the average Jew than I do.

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Doesn’t the average Jew in Israel work alongside millions of their average Arab muslim brothers daily ? Correct me if I’m wrong.

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Facts and logic do not work here. You cannot penetrate the shields.

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Actually, you are wrong. Arabs do not enjoy equal rights. So, yes, they may work along side the Jewish population, but one could say the black people and the white people in the south "worked" alongside each other. That didn't make them equals. https://imeu.org/article/the-7-most-racist-israeli-laws

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You are completely and utterly misinformed. Talk to Arabs who actually live there. You know they serve in the Knesset, the IDF, etc. right? All Israeli citizens have the same civil rights.

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Israel is an “ethnostate “like Italy is an ethnostate. No more no less. Jews are from Israel. Italians are from Italy. History documents both facts. The difference is that you don’t think Jews deserve their homeland because of the imaginary Palestine nobody can find anywhere in any history from anybody, Not in the Quran, not anywhere. The Arabs living in Israel have the exact same rights as Jews.,There is no official state religion btw. You have some very odd ideas. Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany shows exactly what you think of Jews.

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You don't know much about Israel. https://imeu.org/article/the-7-most-racist-israeli-laws

The whole country is built on a religious concept that Jewish people are owed that particular region for historical religious regions. If it weren't for Judaism, the Jewish people there would have no claim to the area. Sheesh. Stop being so disingenuous.

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LOL. You mean besides the fact that all the historical, archeological, and DNA evidence establishes beyond doubt that they are the indigenous people of Israel. As to religious concepts, you're partial apparently to the Muslim concept of murdering or conquering infidels, without which of course, there would be no war. Got it.

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