Liberal writers who I respect are charging that people on the right are hypocrites because they supported the Freedom Convoy but they oppose the current campus protests. Here’s Trish Wood:
And here’s Leighton Woodhouse on the “brazen hypocrisy of the right”:
I went to UCLA yesterday because I was watching video of protesters telling Jewish students (second video is from today) that they weren’t allowed to enter an area on their own campus. I went to see — for myself, not through media — if protesters had complete control of access to an area of campus, and if that restricted access was being enforced. The answer was an absolute yes, and I was personally denied access to a part of the campus — by uniformed security guards, who told me they were enforcing the preferences of the protesters.
At Red State, Jennifer van Laar has audio of a parent calling the UCLA Police Department to tell them that her son, a Jewish UCLA student, had been barred from an area on campus because he’s Jewish. Please go read the Red State story, but here’s a partial transcript of that call to campus police:
MOTHER: They said because he's Jewish he cannot enter that area...
UCLAPD: That's probably the protesters that are out there.
MOTHER: So are the protesters allowed to not allow a student who pays tuition access to their class and the library?
UCLAPD: No, they're not allowed, but unfortunately they have kinda taken over that little area right there. But is there any other entrance that your son can enter through?
MOTHER: No. They are barricading every area for him to get into. And, you know, with all due respect, why is that even tolerated? Like, why should a Jewish kid have to go to another entrance?
UCLAPD: I don't know if I'm gonna say it's tolerated, but unfortunately the police are not intervening with that right now. And this is coming from the university, so if you had any questions or concern you would take it with the university itself.
MOTHER: So the university has taken a stance that they will not in fact allow or help Jewish students get to their classes, that this is going to be tolerated?
UCLAPD: We've received a directive to not intervene at this time, yes.
That’s it. That’s what’s happening. There’s a protest movement on American college campuses that seeks to render campus areas Judenfrei, and they’re being allowed to do it. Campus police are saying that yes, Jews are barred from that part of campus, and no, we can’t do anything about it.
That’s not protected free speech, and it’s nothing like what the Freedom Convoy did. It’s not hypocrisy in the least to oppose this behavior while having supported the truckers.
American college campuses are creating Jew-free zones, explicitly.
Same day: Columbia University closes the entire campus to the news media.
See, if you oppose a media-exclusion zone, you're a hypocrite who's against free speech.
Jewish students picked up and physically removed from a campus building: