Thank you for your relentless efforts to save California from its own self-immolation, Chris, as well as for sharing my Letter to the California Legislature.

For those who are in California, I provided instructions on how to participate in a postcard campaign to Gavin Newsom in the Action Alerts section of my last post:

• “Letter to the German Bundestag” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/68654621/dont-let-them-take-california)

I don’t expect Newsom to pay any attention, but it would still be gratifying to irritate him with an avalanche of postcards.

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Thank you for sharing this. Yes, Newsom could care less, but it is satisfying to annoy the arrogant clown.

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CA legislature is a couple steps behind. They didn't get the memo that they are supposed to change course and blame Trump for the rushed vaccines. Give them a few weeks to catch up.

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As much as I want it to happen, that course change will be a bitter pill to swallow, as it allows the delusional at best a sideways escape hatch into another set of delusions (or a deeper dive into ones they were already gripped by).

That's not to say Trump should escape all culpability. But we have much bigger fish to fry.

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I look forward to calling them all "fellow Trump supporter" in the comment threads.

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It'll be about -30°C in Hell when that happens.

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It is already happening:

1) Trump will be blamed for the vaccine.

2) They took the vaccine.

3) Ergo, they love Trump and want to marry him and have his babies.

It will drive them crazy.

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"It will drive them crazy."

Sounds like a short ride.

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I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that embarrassment and shame- not reason or threats- are the only things that change brainwashed people's minds, but it takes a LOT of it.

Constantly mocking them for being wrong and stupid until they acknowledge the error feels like a worthy pursuit.

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Yeah, I am sticking with my gut on this: these people aren't clueless midwits parroting The Science, they are evil.

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Absolutely they’ve always known what they were doing. Ascribing anything other than malice to them is all part of the con.

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This is the same legislature that barred my daughter from classroom learning because she is unvaccinated.

Right now, I am writing from the park where she is finishing her idyllic first day of outdoor kindergarten with her homeschooling co-op. We have been homeschooling for two weeks with great success. Classroom learning now seems downright inhumane, yet we would have sent her there but for the tyranny of the legislature. Now she has a very different future.

From this perspective, whatever battles the California assembly thinks they’re winning, they’re losing the war.

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God sees all and waits, California.

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True, but as the parent of a teenager in California, I'm not that comforted by the thought that they'll face judgment one day for what they do to my child now.

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And so we fight…

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It's gotten exhausting seeing the same thing happening over and over and over. Read the pointless babble from all the smoothbrains on the attached Twitter feeds. It's the same pointless circular arguments from 2 years ago. The same pointless back-and-forth pasting of the same exhausted news articles, the word "Trump" every 3 seconds, the same circular logic, on and on forever.

It's like talking to an AI chatbot and realizing it only has like 3 conversation branches and keeps reverting back to asking you about your weekend.

These people are lost and I don't care what happens to them.

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Since it's Twitter, there's a very high chance that they actually ARE chatbots.

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I have it on reliable authority that this is Russian disinformation spread by the Islamophobe misogynist Musk in his racist attempt to colonize Twitter using capitalism.

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"Smoothbrain." That's a new one for me. I'm gonna guess, based on context, that it's not complimentary.

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You guessed right, doc. Here, get your learn on:


Normally, a human brain is NEVER smooth. Such a situation would be a permanent rider's pass for the short bus. Wrinkles increase the surface area available for unspecialized neurons, letting us fit more function in a brain of the same overall mass. When I say it, I refer to someone who looks as smart as everyone else but, if you took a look inside, would see a lot less going on. :)

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Interesting. There has been a umm...let's call it a pandemic of seemingly intelligent people displaying stupefyingly dumb behavior lately. The prevalence of "smoothbrainedness" is much higher than I ever thought.

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There's already a fine meme concept called the "midwit"- people of high-average intelligence thinking that they're extremely intelligent because of how they feel comparative to their peers- but mine is nerdier and arguably more offensive if you think about it, and that's definitely how baby rolls.


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"Smoothbrain" is very good. Cheers. Let's make that the new "midwit."

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Since I don't have a dog in this fight--I live in Tennessee, not California--I can only offer a suggestion to any Californians reading here:

Suggest your legislators replace the word "vaccine" with "gun." If they honestly think a 15 year old has the maturity, capacity and ability to speak for themselves without parental consent, there should be no issue whatsoever with passing the bill. Otherwise, they set a precedent for all kinds of new "freedoms."

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Or how about a cigarette? Or alcohol? Or voting? Or driving? No, you can only let them cut of their genitals/breasts and give them unknown substances because that is the only thing they are capable of deciding. The cognitive dissonance may be the worst I have ever seen in my life. Makes Orwell look like a piker.

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Just add the words “kid-friendly”. Works for drag shows.

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This post landed like a ton of bricks because I know Dr. Udovic-Constant -- and hold her in high regard.

She's a pediatrician at Kaiser San Francisco and serves as that medical center's "elected representative", which means she was chosen by her physician colleagues to serve them (the little people!) at The Permanente Medical Group's Board of Directors. I've performed a non-trivial amount of professional work for them, and for Shannon personally.

So: are these people "clueless midwits parroting The Science"? Or are they "evil"? (There's a mini thread on this existential question below...)

In Dr. Udovic-Constant's case I can assure you it's the former. She is 100% a clueless midwit reciting a script she believes in the deepest region of her soul. Which sucks for so many reasons, among them the fact that she's otherwise a lovely person: caring, compassionate, and sincerely dedicated to serving her community. (Pinky swear!)

Through the jolt of this post, my eyes are glued far wider open to the possibility of professional dumbfuckery OVER distilled evil as the most formidable obstacle we face. At least among the foot soldiers like doctor U-C doing the heavy lifting. They are true believers.

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My impression at this point is that high-level distilled evil requires a whole lot of heavy lifting from mid-level professional dumbfucks.

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Yes, the sadly common tripartite division into the many useful idiots at the base fooled by the fewer but still numerous shills in the middle paid off by the handful of sociopaths at the top.

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It's okay. Zey are chust followink orderss.

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I didn't realize until part way through 2020 that the Democratic Party is full of eugenicists.

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When weren't they?

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If this passes, "...the door is open for the medical coercion of children, with parents locked out of the discussion."

Who will provide care for the vaccine-injured child? These caring legislators?

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Better question is who is going to provide the care for the person or people that vaccine injured my child? Just sayin...

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Last weekend a church within 300 yards of my house was having a fair, with free injections offered. I wonder, as I heard kids playing and yelling, if some of them will be screaming in pain and death throes soon. And I am being reasonable to expect this. It was all I could do to not go over there and try to say...something...but I would have just yelled, screamed at them. And they are literally bad for my unjabbed health to be around. I need some signs to speak for me in these situations i suppose. I live in Portland OR. Best and thank you Chris for all the sorting out of this mess you are doing.

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The bill “merely empowers older teens to get the care they need”

What lies and obnoxious assumptions in a such a brief statement

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PERK has been very active fighting SB 866 and other bad bills in CA:


If you look around the site, you can find the bill and see how to get involved. I'm on their mailing list and have been impressed with their activism and excellent communications.

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Thanks -- had never heard of this group. Very useful.

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If these are actually safe and effective then they should have no problem showing their test data. It's not like they don't have enough test data because many tens of millions of Americans already submitted themselves to be free test subjects by way of the Biden mandates. All they had to do was collect the data and honestly appraise the medicines and allow the full FDA appraisal of those numbers which should now already exist. They should also be very happy and eager to wave the liability waiver they were so helpfully granted to show their confidence in the safety and effectiveness of their medicine. Anything short of THAT smacks of unscrupulous corruption. Does it not?

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Drink the koolaid. It’s for the children.

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If we ever get back to sanity, the mRNA mania will go down as one of the most damaging and evil policies in American history and we should have something akin to a truth and reconciliation commission for those who have pushed this domestically and globally.

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