Has any regime in history ever succeeded in taking the stick and driving the nose of the airship of state straight into the dirt with the rapidity we're watching now? Not just talking about the formal government here. Every single institution has suffered a catastrophic collapse in public confidence and in what looks like record time.

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What fascinates me the most is the combination of Stasi-quality politicization with absolute undisguised bumbling idiocy. The sword and the shield of the Democratic Party showed up to politically repress the opposition, but they forgot to cover the back door. It's like watching the world's top academic scientists gather around a vending machine to try to figure out how to get the candy bar. "I hypothesize that this slot that says 'insert coins' may play a role in the operation!"

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If its more entertaining, you could play yackety-sax in the background.

If these bumbling idiots weren't working at every level of society I'd take them about as serious as a Benny Hill episode.

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I sure do miss Benny Hill and especially the chase skits with Yackety-sax. Good laughs.

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Evil genius and bumbling bureaucrat is a potent combination. It gives plausible deniability both ways. “He can’t be an evil genius. He’s an idiot!”

“He’s just pretending to be an idiot. He’s actually an evil genius!”

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Oh God. That's better than this:

"Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty"

- Hannah Arendt

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Yeah. Dictators surround themselves with those they don’t find threatening. That’s why they kill

Or exile anybody who makes them insecure.

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Yeah the group here would be first against the wall

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It never fails to amuse me how many of the people who will be first with their backs to the wall have no idea that they will be the first with their backs to the wall.

“But, I was useful to the state! I did as I was told! I turned in the nonbelievers! I reported the vaccine resistors! I wore the mask, dammit!!! And now you want me to stand facing this wall while you put a blindfold on me? I sure hope it’s a surprise party!!! It is!? Will there be cake!?”

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I don’t think any government has ever intentionally self destructed like we currently are. Hell no foreign power could come close to taking down America this completely, not by a long shot.

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if u look at our govt and our elite and our institutions as an occupying force imposing a Color Revolution, it begins to make sense or at least the situation appears clearer (I think)

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Please. The proper term is now "Revolution of Color".

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lolol good one!

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Well let’s recall they published the scenario script in advance.

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You mean you wouldn't feel comfortable with today's Soy-Boys protecting us?

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I don't feel comfortable with "today's Soy-Boys" period. They creep me out.

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You don't have a man-bun yet?!

Geez Bandit...get with it and pick up some skinny jeans while you're at it!

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Man-buns. 🥶 <--- Shudder "Men" in skinny jeans. 🤢🤮

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We're getting old buddy

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We have no shortage of target practice dummies when the time comes to train for the next war. Good source of ballistics data too, after the first wave is complete.

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Khrushchev was right...

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You ain’t shittin! So was Yuri.

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A functioning society is an oppressive white-supremacist construct meant to Otherize the marginalized and smother the subaltern with bourgeois norms and their power differentials sumthin sumthin sumthin...

We are getting Social Justice and we're getting it good and hard...

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Remember when Social Justice was the name of a Catholic America First newsletter and radio program operated by a firebrand preacher doing his utmost to prevent the United States from entering WWII?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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i don't but thanks!

it's amazing how you can hide just about any agenda inside sweet-sounding abstractions like "Social" and "Justice" etc...

Slogans and symbols rule the world (or at least the brains of the ape that rules the world)


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Look up Father Coughlin. Guy was memory-holed almost as thoroughly as Charles Lindbergh. But in his day he was huge.

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James Ellroy includes coughlin as a character in one of his books, he was very influential pre WW2 but then experienced the cancel culture of 1940s fascist America. Kids are taught the US fought against fascism in WW2 but that’s only partially correct, US went to war to defend their brand of fascism against the German and Italian versions and there were no victors as everyone but the wealthy lost that war.

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and, of course, any type of Justice with a prefix is not Justice at all

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"social" negates whatever follows it.

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Indeed. Especially social-ism

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and deplatformed for his trouble

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I was hoping it would be funner.

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The Khmer Rouge springs to mind. They were so horrible their fellow communists in Vietnam deposed them, and such militarily idiotic bunglers that their entire country was overrun in weeks. Much like our current regime, they also insisted on constantly poking a militarily-superior rival right in the eyes for no real reason.

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Well, at the risk of abusing the already abused subject, but when Hitler went into Russia, perhaps.

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It's hard to maintain confidence when your core territories are being targeted by waves of bombers. But, rather remarkably, they did, almost right up to the end.

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They also took a lot of drugs!

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You have identified the secret pathway.

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My father flew a number of those bombing raids into Cambodia. One day, a general flew in from the pentagon with orders from the President. “Fly as fast as you can at as high an altitude as possible straight toward the Cambodian border. Ignore the warning claxon. At the very last possible second, drop your bombs at 50,000 feet and then veer sharply to avoid actually entering Cambodian airspace. The bombs will continue on for miles and land well inside the border, but that is just collateral damage.”

Dad said those raids always had extensive secondary explosions, because the border was covered with VC ammo dumps.

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> It's hard to maintain confidence when your core territories are being targeted by waves of bombers.

Is it? In general mass bombing just makes the people hate those doing the bombing and support the war more.

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This Sir is grossly unfair to all parties to the Eastern Front in WW2.

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No regime regime that I know of (much less collection of regimes, such as the West today) has ever fallen so rapidly as we witness today. One explanation that fits the data comes from a 2020? report from a contractor in New Zealand, where he said that this multi-billionaire client said that the plan is to totally discredit every visible institution, and when the victimized populations revolt and attempt to create new arrangements, the hidden hand of the power elite will roll out their "solutions" amidst the ensuing chaos.

Wish I could find a copy of the image - it was probably from 4chan. The alleged author said he was invited to dinner with his client and told the story, and that the client had confidence ~ that "no one will believe you", so it's OK to tell you.

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Yeah, that was on 4chan. It's a scary thought. Sounds plausible, except for the part where everyone embraces the WEF as their savior. That hidden elite is a lot less hidden, post-2020.

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Nah. They’re just being themselves, this covers the discrediting.

There’s no succession.

This is what democracy chose, it’s ending.

- and the idea that you risk a billionaire client to tell 4Chan or anyone is .... no.

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Good points. So the billionaire client aspect of the story is likely just a narrative for how the "veee villl burn down all (once) trusted institutions" meme happened to leak. It judge it's still that someone used 4Chan to leak a plan and used a made-up billionaire cover story. The fact that everything goes against the demos is hard to reconcile with democracy, but easy to reconcile with rule by antiwhite oligarchs.

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Even an inbred monarch with tertiary syphilis had ministers and aristocrats making sure the wheels didn’t completely fall off. The way the internet has created groupthink and various derangement syndromes amongst our ruling class means we are truly in uncharted waters.

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Alexander the Great's generals, after his death?

Otherwise, I'm stumped.

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I dunno, I mean they tore apart the empire out of personal ambition, mostly, but I don't get the sense that there was a widespread and total loss of confidence in the military, the temples, the academies, and so on.

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Yeah, it's tricky. Even looking at end-stage tsarist Russia the decay took longer than a few decades.

It is the bit about confidence that really makes it bothersome to make comparisons. Many times, (the) people of some realm has lost faith in leadership but it has always been for a multitude of reasons, and corruption in/of leadership has just been one of those factors, and rarely so universal as we see right now.

I'd blame communications technology for the rapid pace - reasonable, rational and logical as far as reasons go - but it feels like a cop-out to do so.

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No, I think you're right about that. Communications technology is a massive accellerant. Blackpill: the Dark Age can arrive more rapidly than we think. White pill: the Dark Age will be much shorter than we think.

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This also suggests workable counters:

Preserve data and knowledge about reasons and causal process for and of decline/collapse/occupation.

Preserve knowledge necessary for instilling such values that are conducive to a resurgence, including morals and virtues.

A simple example: all of us older than 50 can tell anyone in their 20s tjhat it didn't use to be anything nearly like this, that it never had to be like this, and that it took conscious effort from the leadership class to cause what is to them their normal.

That way, both the necessary resentiment and justification for revanchist anger can be cultivated as not just virtuous but also almost as a compulsive core cultural identy-component.

We might not live to see any real positive change, but as I'm fond of pointing out:

The All-Father knows Ragnarök comes no matter what, yet still he fights so that green grass may grow again and champions may gather on anew on Idavall.

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It’s pretty dark now by actual history of the last one.

Not likely to be 1200 BC.

It may be a period of decadence.

It isn’t possible to vote our way out, look who votes... only narrow immediate interest and most of them women. Not possible.

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No, unfair to them too !

I rise in defense of their ghosts!

Sure they fought amongst themselves but established several kingdoms and dynasties- Macedonian, Seleucid, the new Pharaohs (Cleopatra was the last).

This is the weak regimes of 1930s Europe provoking the strong German state at best.

Written about same -

“Our politicians are like talking dogs in the Circus. It is interesting that they exist. No sane person would take anything they said seriously. “ - Alan Furst.

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But is it suicide, or murder?

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Both murder and suicide.

The actual closest model is Jonestown. As Chris Bray wrote- (these days) “Jim Jones was normal.”

Jones would fit right in.

He’s pioneered all of this, but even he didn’t mess with kids sexually.

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I recommend watching the 2010 movie “The Way Back” to prepare for the gulags that are coming. Border open, cities in disarray, but we’re so much safer because the FBI nabbed a Jersey dude.

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He was known to have used some bear spray no more than three years ago! You want these kinds of people OUT ON THE STREETS!?!?!?!?

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Well geez, I thought his arrest would mean we could finally stop taking our shoes off at the airport.

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On-the-ground report:

No such luck.

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That one dude who set his shoe on fire after 9/11 has done more to erode civil liberties and delay airline travel than an entire horde of 1/6 “Insurrectionists” asking where the bathrooms are could have ever dreamed of.

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You flying? I was looking forward to a post!

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Just leaving Santa fe screamup and headed to Tucson. If I can get a video of the moment g realizes I'm back, I will make a little post tonight about the screamup. Either way I will put out a regular article tomorrow!

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Sounds good. Have fun and tell us about it. I'll be at one coming up. Can't wait!

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No Gulags. We Gulag from home, we just proved it with COVID.

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I’m not well-informed about what could be done with the FBI. I imagine Congress would need to vote on it, but I believe it should be completely disbanded. I can’t believe the regular guys on the ground are happy with this. How can they not be embarrassed? Is the whole thing corrupt down to the boots on the ground? Is this bureau really necessary? I just want to know.

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There is only one effective solution (IMHO):

1) Legally disband the FBI.

2) Prohibit (for life) the Federal rehiring of any supervisory special agent or above by ANY Federal law enforcement agency, or any other agency in a role connected with law enforcement. (Exemption for registered Congressional whistleblowers.)

3) Create a new Federal domestic law enforcement agency headquartered in Kansas City or equivalent.

4) Prohibit the new LE agency from engaging in domestic intelligence gathering.

5) Assign domestic intelligence gathering to yet another new agency under a tight control structure somewhat like the FCC.

6) Permanently end FISA courts.

7) Permanently end DHS.

8) Enact law making the answer “I don’t recall” by a Federal LE official to a Congressional questioner a felony without statute of limitations if not amended within 24 hrs of the hearing’s end. (Section 302 of Sarbanes-Oxley makes it a felony for the CEO of a public company to “not know” about a material event in the company’s operations. Same standard should apply to Federal LE.)

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And stop blindly funding these agencies. No budget, no agency!

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Thanks. Glad someone is thinking about this.

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I think the likelihood of any substantive reform occurring is next to zero. We’d need 60 votes in the Senate which is currently next to impossible.

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Well said. 100%

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Why does Law gut itself? 🤔

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Proximity to power corrupts. And no organization has much tolerance for a subordinate who claims a higher moral ground than the leader.

In 1977, Nixon told David Frost “When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal, by definition.” Liberals were horrified (and I have to grudgingly admit they were right). So it’s interesting that 46 yrs later, they’ve utterly subscribed to Nixon’s view of Executive power.

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Yes, but I mean why do they reform?

They can’t turn round-

They would be committing suicide.

They’re in by force now.

I don’t believe In rule of law, its the rule of men.

The Founders wouldn’t disagree.

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Largely foolish suggestions - esp. bringing in Sarbanes-Oxley so incorrectly.

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Powerful argument… Your “feelings” have been noted and forwarded to the circular file.

You should look up the Palmer Raids of 1920, created by a Democrat AG & supported by a Democrat POTUS, which caused the founding of the ACLU. I can only assume you approve of the raids and find its opponents to be “foolish.”

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We keep hearing about the regular guys on the ground, the "rank-and-file" (Hannity), but it seems to me that they must be OK with all of this b.s. or they would seek alternative employment.

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Take the real names and addresses of FBI employees and distribute them around certain neighborhoods in New Jersey and then sit back at a safe distance and enjoy.

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The next big bust on their list is the “scum” who released the “tranifesto” from the Nashville Christian school shootings. Go get’m boys!

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You may be writing this sarcastically, but I could absolutely see this happening.

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Hey, anyone know who leaked the Roe V Wade Supreme Court ruling?…..Anyone?…. (Crickets)

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100% certainty it was a clerk for Breyer, Sotomayor or Kagan.

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Just wait till Epstein’s client list is leaked. I’m willing to bet someone’s gonna get gunned down over that, if they haven’t already (in secret) while trying to leak it.

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If only the poor guy would've wore a cloak with all the names of Epsteins "clients" he would've been invisible to the goons.

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How much did this unnecessary manhunt cost? Does anyone feel safer now?

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Incremental cost was likely $0. Local cops maybe a few bucks. These folks get paid regardless of the assignment. On the other hand, several speeders probably avoided tickets b/c the town’s speed trap was unmanned.

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I don’t know. I think they would have gotten special pay for danger. SWAT pay. Lots of overtime.

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You are also not taking into account that the agents/officers involved could have been investigating/preventing other crimes. Complete waste of resources.

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That is certainly possible theoretically, but the coffee klatch in the driveway suggests these guys were not “overscheduled.”

I agree it was a complete waste of resources, but the INCREMENTAL $$$ out the door was not significant.

Perhaps I’d be more exercised about the waste if police always prioritized all calls to maximize public safety. I’ve watched too many police chase videos on YT to not see that officers with local PD inexplicably attach themselves to chases. State police generally dispatch at most 3 cars. I’ve seen numerous local PD chases with as many as 8 patrol cars IN LINE, and not counting those blocking side streets, etc. I don’t think #8 in line was “investigating/preventing other crimes.” He was just bored.

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If you become a municipal cop-big city, small, city etc., you start out the same way. Police Academy and then the gradual process of becoming a real cop. Some stay on the job but never get close to mastering the trade. The FBI is a totally different animal. They are very picky about who they hire and political connections help. When you graduate from Quantico you are an FBI agent. An instant investigator and considered the best of the best although you have no real experience. What we see from the FBI today is what we see from all of the other "experts" running society. It is all marketing and their appetite for overkill is all we need to know that there is nothing behind the curtain. I spent 42 years in local law enforcement and have worked with some good agents but have also known plenty of unimpressive ones and the major distinction was that the unimpressive ones were so taken with their status as agents that they believed they were a cut above everyone else. The concept of being a public servant must not be part of their mission. They are clearly servants of a corrupt state.

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I completely agree, having worked with more than a couple of bomb tech agents in my career. They’re mostly technically proficient, but haven’t a clue about real police work and why real police work works. They also are also loathe to share information, even information that directly affects you and your community. Like the SABT in our area used to say, “There’s a lot of bad stuff out there. I just can’t tell you about it.”

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The FBI is the Praetorian Guard of this version of the Collapsing empire.

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One aspect of this that rarely gets discussed is that most of us who are normal, hardworking, tax paying Americans ( I think there are like 7 of us left.) WANT to respect our institutions, but the institutions made it impossible. This is a problem for us, not them, because we tend to be limited conceptually by reticence to defy the authorities who routinely break the law and suppress our legal and natural rights; whereas the institutions and the Commies and the various political-criminal cartels have no such hesitation. This guy should have kept on running. He would have been a hero. Now he’ll get extra charges thrown at him anyway. Every time we cave in to “give the process a chance to work”, it never works. We aren’t going to get a fair hearing.

And we make it too easy for these fascist goons to implement their sick agenda. This isn’t going to be settled within the lines. The lines we respect are routinely trampled by the people entrusted with their protection. You’re going to have to choose at some point. Liberty or tyranny. The government is not your friend.

I’d like to see these Panera sandwich munching fools work for their bag of chips. They have no honor. What do they stand for at this point? Sex change surgery? Illegal

Immigration? Avocado toast for lesbians?


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I am happy that they didn't murder him.

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He was smart enough to present himself to his own small town police department.

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This was a farce.

The police probably tipped him slip out back and surrender to us.

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Barney Fife apprehending him would’ve been more appropriate. golly!

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It's like they were storming around going HUT HUT HUT and he walked up and tapped them on the shoulder. Barney Fife was better at it.

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That he was let out the back to surrender to local police has an element of being staged, but in a way to avoid bloodshed.

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Gomer Pyle was a great American.

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The issue is legitimacy.

“Consent of the governed” is the traditional touchstone. It has become a laughable, quaint legal fiction.

There are two reasons.

The first is that over the past 60-70 years numerous institutions and agencies wielding real power have been created, funded and enlarged. Substantive law making authority has been conferred on them. They are staffed by people no one voted for and for whom no one would or ever will vote. No one would vote for the current director of Homeland Security except for maybe that portion of the country - they know who they are - that wants Donald Trump, and most of Chris Bray’s subscribers, behind bars. The agencies range from the burly, dishonest beasts (FBI, IRS, ATF, DOJ, CIA) to bloated, lying gold bricks like the Department of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Centers for Disease Control (you name it). They are run and staffed almost uniformly by people whose hearts and worldview are almost completely aligned with the Democratic Party that so enthusiastically created them. The resulting loyalties are easily seen. The Republican Party is not free from guilt here but it’s clear where most of the blame lies for this institutional disconnect.

These organizations bear little to no relationship to the "consent of the governed" except in the meaningless, quaint sense that in days of yore, you could have an election every two, four or six years that could theoretically have some impact on the personnel and budgets of said agencies. There is some judicial oversight and review, but it just drives home the point that there is no genuine accountability to the governed. (Quick, what is the current status of the “major questions doctrine?”). Trick question: Name the last ill-educated federal judge you voted against. We are just supposed to put up with it all; shut up and pay taxes; and be ordered around by misfits who cannot be voted out of office.

Second, the electoral process has in fact been rigged in the sense that Mollie Hemingway’s recent book describes in great detail. No serious person believes that Joe Biden actually won the vote in certain key states in 2020, thereby giving him the Electoral College margin of victory and 81 million discrete legal votes nationally. This is not to say the election results in those states were not “legally” certified. They were. And therein lies the nature of the second problem.

81 million ballots? Sure. Is he the lawful president of the United States? Sure. Just like anyone who has had any material contact with our legal and judicial system knows it can and frequently does produce outcomes that are fatally flawed factually but legally binding on the affected parties. This is how we wound up with a dishonest dotard officially in the White House. Consider it of more than passing interest that this same rent-seeking career graft expert was unceremoniously dumped from the 1988 presidential race for his relentless and robust lies at that time. It is a measure of how far we have fallen that this man, beclowned for decades, came roaring back into the White House 32 years later.

What does it all mean? What it means is that when the FBI grandstands yet another act of overweening force and aggression against a political adversary in the name of executing an arrest warrant for someone who used some bear spray on January 6, they know perfectly well that no one will do a thing about it, that you know that, that they know you know that, and that they are immune from legal and political scrutiny. They also know that the electoral system has, and will have, no impact on them because it has morphed into quadrennial kabuki theater.

The “consent of the governed” form of political legitimacy has become the stuff of hilarious conversations among the political class.

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Supine is consent.

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In a manner of speaking it absolutely is.

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Laugh if you will, but at least America’s Best (aka: “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”) finally took down the dastardly dude who posted that infamous Hillary Clinton meme on the internet. Only took ‘em 4 years (plus one week after Biden took office) to get him, but as they like to brag, “We always get our man!”

Sleep well, America!

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He probably supported the Patriot Act, “backed the blue,” the works. Lots of people like him did. The government is currently busy making sure the next generation is not so deceived, but more importantly, they are letting everyone, young and old, know that they have no further recourse to rules or civility. Spain is figuring it out already, but it will dawn even on the Office-watchers here soon enough.

They’re not going to let you grill. They never were.

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He was an MP in the NJ National Guard, so yes.

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Brings back memories of the movie, “Killer Klowns From Outer Space”. Only problem is that we are paying the clowns’ paychecks. We’re paying to have this done to us. We’re idiots. They know we’re idiots. We know they know we’re idiots.

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Meanwhile, criminals break into the computer system of airlines -- you know, those companies that fly thousands of people through the air in airplanes -- with apparent impunity.

Could law enforcement find and arrest those real criminals if they tried, i.e. if US law enforcement were not instead obsessed with investigating the parents who complain at leftist school board meetings and finding excuses to persecute Trump? You know the answer.

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I overheard a convo between some homeless folks about how they’d been camping in the woods, and one day the sheriffs department came and told them they had to move before they got ran over by some bulldozers because of imminent development of their campsite. They claimed they were were well hidden, and were shocked they were found so easily. The sheriffs deputy said “it was easy, we have drones with thermal imaging cameras equipped”. I guess they didn’t use those for this episode of Manhunt.

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