Has any regime in history ever succeeded in taking the stick and driving the nose of the airship of state straight into the dirt with the rapidity we're watching now? Not just talking about the formal government here. Every single institution has suffered a catastrophic collapse in public confidence and in what looks like record time.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I recommend watching the 2010 movie “The Way Back” to prepare for the gulags that are coming. Border open, cities in disarray, but we’re so much safer because the FBI nabbed a Jersey dude.

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I’m not well-informed about what could be done with the FBI. I imagine Congress would need to vote on it, but I believe it should be completely disbanded. I can’t believe the regular guys on the ground are happy with this. How can they not be embarrassed? Is the whole thing corrupt down to the boots on the ground? Is this bureau really necessary? I just want to know.

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The next big bust on their list is the “scum” who released the “tranifesto” from the Nashville Christian school shootings. Go get’m boys!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

How much did this unnecessary manhunt cost? Does anyone feel safer now?

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

If you become a municipal cop-big city, small, city etc., you start out the same way. Police Academy and then the gradual process of becoming a real cop. Some stay on the job but never get close to mastering the trade. The FBI is a totally different animal. They are very picky about who they hire and political connections help. When you graduate from Quantico you are an FBI agent. An instant investigator and considered the best of the best although you have no real experience. What we see from the FBI today is what we see from all of the other "experts" running society. It is all marketing and their appetite for overkill is all we need to know that there is nothing behind the curtain. I spent 42 years in local law enforcement and have worked with some good agents but have also known plenty of unimpressive ones and the major distinction was that the unimpressive ones were so taken with their status as agents that they believed they were a cut above everyone else. The concept of being a public servant must not be part of their mission. They are clearly servants of a corrupt state.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The FBI is the Praetorian Guard of this version of the Collapsing empire.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

One aspect of this that rarely gets discussed is that most of us who are normal, hardworking, tax paying Americans ( I think there are like 7 of us left.) WANT to respect our institutions, but the institutions made it impossible. This is a problem for us, not them, because we tend to be limited conceptually by reticence to defy the authorities who routinely break the law and suppress our legal and natural rights; whereas the institutions and the Commies and the various political-criminal cartels have no such hesitation. This guy should have kept on running. He would have been a hero. Now he’ll get extra charges thrown at him anyway. Every time we cave in to “give the process a chance to work”, it never works. We aren’t going to get a fair hearing.

And we make it too easy for these fascist goons to implement their sick agenda. This isn’t going to be settled within the lines. The lines we respect are routinely trampled by the people entrusted with their protection. You’re going to have to choose at some point. Liberty or tyranny. The government is not your friend.

I’d like to see these Panera sandwich munching fools work for their bag of chips. They have no honor. What do they stand for at this point? Sex change surgery? Illegal

Immigration? Avocado toast for lesbians?


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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I am happy that they didn't murder him.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Barney Fife apprehending him would’ve been more appropriate. golly!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The issue is legitimacy.

“Consent of the governed” is the traditional touchstone. It has become a laughable, quaint legal fiction.

There are two reasons.

The first is that over the past 60-70 years numerous institutions and agencies wielding real power have been created, funded and enlarged. Substantive law making authority has been conferred on them. They are staffed by people no one voted for and for whom no one would or ever will vote. No one would vote for the current director of Homeland Security except for maybe that portion of the country - they know who they are - that wants Donald Trump, and most of Chris Bray’s subscribers, behind bars. The agencies range from the burly, dishonest beasts (FBI, IRS, ATF, DOJ, CIA) to bloated, lying gold bricks like the Department of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Centers for Disease Control (you name it). They are run and staffed almost uniformly by people whose hearts and worldview are almost completely aligned with the Democratic Party that so enthusiastically created them. The resulting loyalties are easily seen. The Republican Party is not free from guilt here but it’s clear where most of the blame lies for this institutional disconnect.

These organizations bear little to no relationship to the "consent of the governed" except in the meaningless, quaint sense that in days of yore, you could have an election every two, four or six years that could theoretically have some impact on the personnel and budgets of said agencies. There is some judicial oversight and review, but it just drives home the point that there is no genuine accountability to the governed. (Quick, what is the current status of the “major questions doctrine?”). Trick question: Name the last ill-educated federal judge you voted against. We are just supposed to put up with it all; shut up and pay taxes; and be ordered around by misfits who cannot be voted out of office.

Second, the electoral process has in fact been rigged in the sense that Mollie Hemingway’s recent book describes in great detail. No serious person believes that Joe Biden actually won the vote in certain key states in 2020, thereby giving him the Electoral College margin of victory and 81 million discrete legal votes nationally. This is not to say the election results in those states were not “legally” certified. They were. And therein lies the nature of the second problem.

81 million ballots? Sure. Is he the lawful president of the United States? Sure. Just like anyone who has had any material contact with our legal and judicial system knows it can and frequently does produce outcomes that are fatally flawed factually but legally binding on the affected parties. This is how we wound up with a dishonest dotard officially in the White House. Consider it of more than passing interest that this same rent-seeking career graft expert was unceremoniously dumped from the 1988 presidential race for his relentless and robust lies at that time. It is a measure of how far we have fallen that this man, beclowned for decades, came roaring back into the White House 32 years later.

What does it all mean? What it means is that when the FBI grandstands yet another act of overweening force and aggression against a political adversary in the name of executing an arrest warrant for someone who used some bear spray on January 6, they know perfectly well that no one will do a thing about it, that you know that, that they know you know that, and that they are immune from legal and political scrutiny. They also know that the electoral system has, and will have, no impact on them because it has morphed into quadrennial kabuki theater.

The “consent of the governed” form of political legitimacy has become the stuff of hilarious conversations among the political class.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Laugh if you will, but at least America’s Best (aka: “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”) finally took down the dastardly dude who posted that infamous Hillary Clinton meme on the internet. Only took ‘em 4 years (plus one week after Biden took office) to get him, but as they like to brag, “We always get our man!”

Sleep well, America!

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He probably supported the Patriot Act, “backed the blue,” the works. Lots of people like him did. The government is currently busy making sure the next generation is not so deceived, but more importantly, they are letting everyone, young and old, know that they have no further recourse to rules or civility. Spain is figuring it out already, but it will dawn even on the Office-watchers here soon enough.

They’re not going to let you grill. They never were.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Brings back memories of the movie, “Killer Klowns From Outer Space”. Only problem is that we are paying the clowns’ paychecks. We’re paying to have this done to us. We’re idiots. They know we’re idiots. We know they know we’re idiots.

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Meanwhile, criminals break into the computer system of airlines -- you know, those companies that fly thousands of people through the air in airplanes -- with apparent impunity.

Could law enforcement find and arrest those real criminals if they tried, i.e. if US law enforcement were not instead obsessed with investigating the parents who complain at leftist school board meetings and finding excuses to persecute Trump? You know the answer.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I overheard a convo between some homeless folks about how they’d been camping in the woods, and one day the sheriffs department came and told them they had to move before they got ran over by some bulldozers because of imminent development of their campsite. They claimed they were were well hidden, and were shocked they were found so easily. The sheriffs deputy said “it was easy, we have drones with thermal imaging cameras equipped”. I guess they didn’t use those for this episode of Manhunt.

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