A cruel government official absolutely brutalized and devastated some journalists this week, in a horrifying showdown that the New York Times op-ed writer M Gessen bravely describes this morning:
Masha. She/it/whatever is a certified lunatic, probably the single reason why I stopped reading the New York Review of Books. And as the photo shows, as wretched outside as within.
I don't see it. Take away the enormous mouth and your left with an older, more haggard Maddow. Rachel herself is the visually sexless archetype of unhappy, arrogant feminism circa 2020.
If I hadn’t been subjected to the Childhood Vaccination Schedule I could have come up with “is their first name Keep?” but unfortunately I can only stand in awe of your wit and timing.
From what I've read it all gets pretty nasty down there for those who've had the surgeries. Stinky, infections, lots of yuck they get to deal with the rest of their lives. Maybe they do need their own restrooms after all? Who wants to get a whiff of that stank? That by all accounts is worse than a Saturday morning constitution after drinking cheap beer and eating wings, nachos and enchiladas the night before
The proliferation of this kind of depravity into the mainstream is merely a front for pedophilia. Grooming at its best when it’s aimed at the vulnerable mind.
The further disheartening fact is the absence of the pitchfork and rope carrying, incandescent-with-anger mob of concerned parents who are marching to find the evil doers who would dare to put pornographic material in an elementary school library or classroom.
It must be some kind of brainwashed complacency that could cause parents not to be so vocal about this that even MSM would have to report on it.
There is also nothing whatsoever easy, beautiful, or pain-free when discussing “gender affirming care”. It is a surgery that should not be left to mediocre hands yet even in the most expert hands, infections run rampant, wounds don’t heal properly, and the pain is reported to be excruciating. Not to mention the mental toll the entire process takes. It should be outlawed for anyone under the age of 25 and only allowed after a serious and lengthy mental health evaluation and preparation.
There is a special place in hell for people who sink to this level of evil against children.
I also think there is a level of hell for people who do not want to protest against this.
I lived in a blue state, and I asked the people in my church to protest. This kind of thing with me and they wouldn’t. They said that I was “crazy“ for saying they were going after children.
I live in a red state, but I still don’t see pitchfork and tortures that I should be seeing even if Trump won. People should be fighting against this. Whenever I try to tell anybody, they don’t wanna hear it. They are going to be responsible for this.!!!!
The whole damn thing is horrific, evil, and disgusting. Sotomayor is an evil moron; three bricks short of a load, so nix her nonsense. Alito eviscerated the dodo birds, thank God. Tennessee's ban must be upheld, period.
You haven't paid attention to our newest illustrious bench sitter then. She is the equivalent of electing a horse to the Senate. Democrats have stopped being interested in putting intelligent constitutional lawyers on the bench. But there have been other instances of poor legal thinking at the SC. Look no further than Roe v Wade to see how legal malpractice works.
It was literally a Frankenstein monster. Who is a little kid and says oh one day I just wanna be Frankenstein. A freak with dead body parts that smell like sewage.
Little kids say all kinds of things (especially since they aren't thinking through all the ramifications of what they say). But we shouldn't hold them to what they said as five year olds for the rest of their lives.
Yeah. We tend not to learn from history or very quickly forget the lessons it provides.
But one might argue, or hope, that the Supremes rule in favour of Tennessee -- give some weight to Lincoln's own hope that America is humanity's last best hope. Even if there's a fly or two in the ointment, some contradictory premises undergirding the whole edifice.
But Skrmetti likely to be giving many people their "peak trans" moments ... 😉🙂
Imagine having diabetic ulcers or 3rd degree burns, being treated with alloderm to save your life, and then bragging about how cool and cyberpunk you are because of it. That of course doesn’t happen, because those people are receiving actual medical care, and not a useless status symbol
Making it even funnier is that I'd guess that person thought that Cyberpunk was "cutting edge." Old hat, Cratchit: that went out with button shoes (well, not quite that old).
I, an aged one, know that Cyberpunk is so yesterday. That person's description of the upcoming surgery is a cri de coeur; "look at me, I'm going to be special, and cool". I admit I mocked him/her, but actually I'm saddened that he has been led to believe that his "real" self needs this horrific surgery.
It reminds me of a documentary I saw about bug chasers that was absolutely heartbreaking (and I've got a heart like railroad steel). One young guy was determined to get HIV because he thought it would provide him with a more supportive community; a few months after catching it, he was understandably filled with regret because it hadn't had the effect he'd hoped for. So his life was the same except that he was HIV positive.
The current medical system is evil at its core. I won't go through the horrible most reading this Stack are aware of, pandemic, trans, etc. Here's something most, if not all, never heard of. That's a usual, customary and ordinary thing for doctors to do. Especially at medical facilities where there's any kind of training going on.
Even something as simple as going into a hospital to get your tonsils removed. Maybe you become a test subject for a bunch of twenty-somethings to poke around your cervix? Without your consent!
Yes. This happens. So much that they try to pass legislation to prevent it, and hospitals lobby to defeat it. They want to keep their 'right" to sexually assault you the moment you go under anesthesia. They call it, "Nonconsensual Intimate Examinations." Makes it sound so much nicer than sexual assault.
Listen to the testimony beginning at the timestamp I indicate. It will disgust you. It disgusted the committee chair and other legislators listening. Even so the bill died in the MA House. This is the medical profession in 2024:
Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333
An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
When this is your starting point for becoming a doctor, is it any surprise that the profession has embraced mutilating people, even small children? Where do you think Dr. Larry Nassar got the idea he could sexually assault all of those Olympic athletes without repercussions in the first place? Medical School!!!:
Your medical doctor is not your friend. Odds are, they'll be the first to join the Nazi party. Under a new name, say, maybe, Socialist? Minus the "National" part:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
I’m going to read that article right now, but I was thinking that a lot of of them anticipate spending money for their degrees and then getting a lot more money back for their degree, but a lot of things changed and you need to be the bad guy who pushes killer, vaccines, medicine to treat symptoms, but not to heal them, and pushing all kinds of dangerous medicines that you can get away with so you can make more money. They probably don’t even know about how corrupt things are until their sixth year or something and then it’s too late. They already spent way too much money and they were determined to make a lot of money as doctors because that’s what they expected and they weren’t going to be denied that money.
Great. The first link is audio/video testimony (four hours, largely boring, unrelated, so be sure to start at timestamp, only ten minutes for the bill). The last two links are articles to read.
I find the testimony most instructive to see how humanity is trained out of medical professionals. The moral conflicts they face in training, the push, coercion to negotiate moral conflicts away. How utilitarianism is trained into them while in medical school, "for a greater good" justification and rationalization of harming other human beings.
The hearing on the bill gives the side of a small minority of medical professionals coming to grips with the truth about their profession, trying, at great risk to their careers, to help correct it. Knowing that their peers long ago negotiated away their humanity.
It's instructive to peek inside the minds of those who embraced and enforced the pandemic insanity, the vaccination insanity, the trans insanity. It's all just like what these people testified about. Their focus on "nonconsensual intimate examinations" might as well be everything else that we find morally reprehensible about the direction that allopathic medicine, Big Medicine + Big Pharma has taken. My takeaway. I'll be curious about your takeaway?
If a transwoman is sporting one of those then "she" might say that only "her" gynecologist knows for sure ...
Though looks aren't everything -- probably no depth to the cunts, so to speak ... And certainly isn't ever going conceive, gestate, and give birth to a baby with it.
What the do to transmen is equally gruesome. Look up some of the literature on phalliplasty. The level of butchery is unreal. Doctors who engage in that are next level evil, and women who subject themselves to that thinking it will turn them into men are beyond deluded. I found and downloaded a manual written by one of these ghouls, complete with stage by stage photos of the surgery. At the end, the photo of the resulting ‘phallus’ was accompanied by the handwritten caption ‘VOILA!’ Un-freaking believable. But we must educate ourselves with regard to the nature of the insanity if we want any chance of fighting it.
Yeah. ICYMI, an old story on the topic from the NYTimes; a share link:
"How Ben Got His Penis
Phalloplasty — the surgery to make a penis — has grown more popular among trans men. But with a steep rate of complications, it remains a controversial procedure."
When I read articles like these I always come back to the question, How did we get here? What happened to people? After living outside the United States for 10 years, we returned in 2021. It was astonishing how much things had changed. The country seemed like an enormous open-air mental hospital. How did we get here? My working hypothesis is that three things broke people's brains: The Internet (specifically social media) , the Covid mass-hysteria, and Donald Trump. It is going to take a long time to fix this, if it's even fixable at all.
Completely agree. 12-year expat here, been back since 2023. I see a lot of pop-culture hypnosis, very little critical or deep thinking, and astonishingly bad health. It's basically just a lot of broken souls out there.
Try being single in this environment...may as well join a monastery.
There is nearly forgotten document from 1963 listing Communism's 45 goals, entered into the congressional record during the House UnAmerican Committee hearings. They've been quite successful with many of them.
I lived in Russia for the first half of the 2010s. When I came back in 2017 I had a much different perspective on U.S. politics, having spent 7 years living in a country that U.S. elites consider to be our enemy.
I look at all these corporate ghouls and incompetent and corrupt elected officials and how every public service has been financialized to cost as much as possible while delivering as little value as possible, and I came to the conclusion that we have to fix our own house before we go telling every other country in the world how they’re supposed to behave.
Obviously the Russians have a generally low opinion of the U.S. government, but I was surprised by how many Europeans had a low opinion of our government. I’d been assured by American liberals that western Europeans just love the U.S. leadership (as long as a Democrat is in charge), so I wasn’t expecting so many Euro liberals to mock Obama for his hyper-aggressive regime change foreign policy.
The Europeans also mocked our culture quite a bit, but I always pushed back on that. Paying half your income in taxes so you can live in a tiny house or shoebox apartment didn’t seem to be a good exchange for free healthcare.
When I lived in a blue state, I had a Chinese friend at work. When I told her I was Italian, she didn’t understand that I meant Italian American. So she started to tell me how much everybody in every country hates Americans. She said when she went to Italy that they said they hated Americans because they wasted food. She said every place she went. They hate Americans.
When I found out about so many things the last few years, then I started to understand why
I’m sorry, but you should know by now that the TV has been brainwashing everybody for a very, very long time
I hate the feminist, and I was watching an old black-and-white show called the rifleman Did you know that they had a scene in the third year that some woman came into the bar and started telling off the sheriff about women’s rights for 10 minutes and he kept saying yes ma’am
Now all those little boys respected this guy by that time, and then they saw him bowing to women and saying yes, ma’am, when she was speaking very disrespectfully and getting away with it because she was complaining that she was a victim. This became acceptable.
Look at the TV show ER I used to love that show, but when I watched it for the second time around, I saw all the racial messages, feminism, brainwashing of always being a woman boss. Even the show with the two brothers fighting monsters every week with God I wondered how they were going to make it so a woman was the boss.
Don’t you know that they made a woman sister of God and of course, she’s much more powerful than he is so he goes into a human form and actually says that he had sex with men.
People would’ve had pitchforks if they had done this 20 years ago, but people are very sick now because of the gradual propaganda that we’ve seen
Colombo in the 70s had a movie about subliminal messages People knew about it for a long time. It was outlawed for a long time, but then one of the presidents. I think it was Obama made it so that it can be used now.
We saw a lot of women like Murphy Brown, and it even started with Mary Tyler Moore. Women who lived on their own. Women who didn’t need men.
Look at Seinfeld he taught people to buy into Faggotry big time. People started quoting him in the 90s “not that there’s anything wrong with it “in reference to gays
And forget about the commercials that make a fool out of every single white man and even other men like the black guy who answer the phone and asked permission from his wife if he could go to the movie with a friend.
Sharon: Yes! It’s so eye-opening, once one sees all the propaganda imbedded in TV shows and movies. For example: the TV a show “This is Us”. Only the white characters had serious flaws and bad behavior; the black characters were beyond perfect, and not at all believable as ‘real people’. They finally had to give the main black character a ‘flaw’, so they decided upon ‘anxiety’ (which was, of course, caused by white folks). They literally made this character become President of the United States at the end of the show. And here’s a movie example: “Get Out”. And you’re so right about the commercials: almost every couple is of mixed race; amd every white guy is an idiot; while all the black people in ads are gorgeous, clever, geniuses with perfect morals.
I lived in South Korea between 2004 and 2019. Had the exact same experience. My Korean wife thought I'd sold her a bill of goods after we made the move back to the US. The last five years has been a struggle to figure out how it went off the rails so badly. I largely agree that social media has been a major factor.
Thinking back to my college years though, it's clear the cultural stuff has been going on for a long time. The internet and ubiquitous media has catalyzed it, sent it into overdrive, made it a permanent part of everyone's daily life whether they like it or not.
It is a fascinating question how our culture went insane. I have lived in LA this whole time watching it happen. My hypothesis is that as people became more physically weak, ill, drugged and poisoned, their survival instincts made them more conformist, such that the echo chamber of conformity drove positive feedback loops of virtue-signaling which has now escalated to absurd extremes. The only way to break this cycle is for people to take back their physical health, but to the extent they don’t, we are probably going to have to wait for a new generation to emerge bred to resist the popular habits of self-harm that made people unhealthy in the first place. Until then, we should all protect our health or we will also lose our agency and insensibly become like our neighbors. Are you also seeing this?
Yes, but people also need to stop watching TV, and, most of all, get their eyes off of their ‘cell phones’ which aren’t just phones - they’re small handheld computers hooked up to the Internet. Propaganda 24/7/365 is, as we can see, extremely powerful and effective. And note that they now start with children - wearing smart watches, owning their own ‘cell phones’, spending too much screen time on laptops or desktops - note how schools now have kids learning on computers. It’s horrendous, IMO.
And don't forget 9/11. We still don't understand what happened that day or the reasons why we were forcibly traumatized by it. It's then that our current iteration of media falsities and censorship went into hyper-drive, seemingly perfected by the 2020 election, and now we're all living in the hell it's created.
25 years of bullshit has led to this moment of total insanity.
I also think it's the American colleges are businesses system. The first time I heard of a gender studies major is when the girl playing Hermione in Harry Potter got one from Brown. Thinking now how many gender studies majors, minority studies, etc. kids got credentialed at very expensive schools--what else were they to do but start a DEI movement amd demand every corporation hire them? I don't think we would have the DEI/BLM/CRT movement now had we not so many BAs and MAs and Claudine Gay/PhDs then.
Sadly the cowardly bureaucrat didn't respond with, "there is no such thing as non-binary you twit, stop demanding people pretend your delusion and use the bathroom that is apt for YOU, weirdo.
I actually think that having no idea what the "journalist" was talking about (or feigning ignorance) was even better: "Your hobby horse is not important enough for me to be concerned with."
As I am from the UK we have a term 'To spend a penny' from a time when it cost just that to go to a public toilet. The bureaucrat could have said 'Well, toss a coin, tails it's male, heads it's female'.
Wokeism, with all its ghastly appendages, is dead. The head's been cut off, but the body will be flapping around and reactively causing trouble for a while.
“We’ve built cultural systems in which weird, awkward, unhappy people have taken the authority to pronounce upon the behavior that is to be considered weird and bad. That…doesn’t…seem to be working. Does it?”
I literally walked out of my office staff meeting 5 minutes ago during which I said that mentally ill people are running the country and it’s not working. If you are mentally ill, I’m not uncaring. But I think it disqualifies you from telling everybody else what to do 24/7/365. Call me crazy.
We know a couple who moved up to a remote part of the Mountain West around the time of COVID. They moved from coastal SoCal to a town of max about 150 people. It’s BFE. I was surprised because they are busy professionals who travel a lot for work. I thought they left because of COVID, but hadn’t specifically asked them. This week the wife was in town and we got to talking and she said that no, they bought their place before COVID. They were just sick of people and sick of California. And they like it out in the woods.
I took my eldest up to northern AZ over the weekend because he wants to look for land and get out of the big city. He’s interested in homesteading. I think we’re seeing a realignment of priorities among the non-insane people. They are realizing they can and should escape the weirdos and the Deep Blue prison cities and associated mentality.
There's a deep deep dive to be done into the historical process by which cities became prisons. For a long time, city life was regarded as an escape to freedom, away from the prying eyes and provincialism of stifling small towns. Many generations of outsiders who fled to Greenwich Village from East Smallville to express their authentic selves -- many examples of brilliant writing, painting, music, and etc. that came out of the liberating environment of the big city. Remarkably clear now how much they've become conformity factories.
Yes, my parents moved their 4 boys to Greenwich Village in the 60's, and us 4 boys had lots of fun. Little Italy was just that, and hippies lived in the abandoned SOHO factories that are now 10-20 million apiece. Then in the late 70's my parents moved us to Montana, a town of 100 people 10 miles from the Idaho border. We had our own problems but there were no cell phones and their attendant trouble making Aps, and I had to develop an imagination about who, and what, might be out there in the real world. The "death of distance" that cell phones created has enabled (IMO) people to live in bubbles without needing to interact with the guy who's digging your water well and neighbor who's illegally breeding Husky/Timberwolves to sell to the dog races in Alaska and instead huddle with the likes of that Maddow-looking dude, to their everlasting misfortune.
"Remarkably clear now how much they've become conformity factories."
Well, they were conformity factories from the beginning. All the Villagers just conformed to a different standard than Normals did. In the 1920s-60s, the Village was a center of socialism/anarchism/communism in the USA. Everybody was a socialist. If you expressed different views, you weren't welcome.
You’re absolutely correct, in my experience. I believe your point speaks to the durability of these “progressive’s” cheerful willingness to exclude, ostracize and demonize whatever characteristics of human existence they deem lesser. It hasn’t changed. The only real difference is that the internet and social media has just made their laughable hypocrisy so easy to witness. And supplied a sneaky psychological mechanism for chasing the pleasing illusion of self-importance through a sanctimonious sense of moral superiority…witness the “like” and “retweet”.
Nothing new under the sun. Turns out they are often the bigoted baddies, lest they forget, just as easily as anyone else.
Part of that, in my opinion, is that you can find an art/music/dissident scene in almost any metropolitan area with more than 250,000 people now.
So lots of people have been able to express themselves and find communities of like-minded people both online and in-person without moving to NYC, LA, or SF.
And maybe people have also realized that NYC isn’t very accessible if you’re broke because 70% of your income goes to rent and another 20% to food, not leaving much room for carousing or taking in cultural events.
Ex: in my early 20s I moved to Austin (year 2000) and loved it. Most of my friends were in bands and we had a blast for four years. That scene there is largely dead now because broke musicians can’t afford to live in Austin any more than they can afford to live in those other glamour cities.
We are now awash in a sea of wannabe outsiders who actually seem to be fairly boring people trying to make themselves worthy of the attention that they're desperate to receive. I remember when "trannies" (a term that covered tv's as well as ts's) tended to be interesting.
I think I may have a better idea instead of giving them their own restrooms.Why don't we give them their own planet? We're already.
Going to be sending people to Mars. Why don't we just tell all the freaks The non binaries and the woke Idiot's, we'll give them a free All expense paid trip to their new home planet. I'm thinking uranus would be appropriate in this case., But we'll really launch them straight into the Sun. It will be spectacular.
As I always say: non-binary washrooms? Fine. But I'll always leave the seat up, and you better be ready if you're in the stall next to mine after a round of Buffalo wings and a pitcher of beer.
Couldn’t we just install PortaPottys with a pay per access lock at all government buildings? They have their own toilets, they pay the rent! And if they smell bad we’ll never know!
No, you are right. Every Small business would be out of business unless of course they made an exception for them. But it would really be a mess and cost way too much money and most places don’t even have the room for bigger women’s rooms which they usually need because sometimes there is a long line.
It’s all about depopulation. Encouraging children to engage in same sex relationships,have their body’s rendered infertile and despise their parents is not about teaching “ tolerance”. Tolerance is teaching children to not judge others by their immutable differences, religious affiliation, appearance , heritage or who and how they love ( provided consensual, exclusive of pedophilia and incest). Tolerance is about respecting a person’s space , the innocence of childhood … As per parent’s rights, it is anathema that a parent would support mutilating their child’s body. Using their child as a chic accessory to prove how “ cool” they are.
I couldn’t care less how people to live their life if it completes them. Nobody with a kind heart should be relegated to a closet, but nobody has the right to manipulate, propagandize and destroy the lives of children , weaken the military and create hostile, militant movements to achieve a very dark, nefarious goal. An androgynous , enslaved Brave New World.
I maintain healthy relationships, including with my kids. The smallest one got hurt last week. I took her to the emergency orthopedist. One of the first questions on a questionnaire was about "gender assigned at birth". I read it aloud with incredulity in the waiting room.
Every time I come across this while checking in for a medical appointment, I (nicely; she doesn’t make the rules) tell the receptionist to please inform her boss that I’m not filling out the form regarding pronouns/gender crap, that’s it’s stupid and offensive. In other words, we need to push back every time and JUST REFUSE TO COMPLY with this type of utter nonsense. Do not accept it!
Don’t comply. I’m in the healthcare field and I refuse to deal with the pronouns. If you want me to address you by your first name, fine. But don’t ask me to engage in a folie a deux with made-up pronouns. Or any aspect of your “transitioning.”
The most ridiculous part about the Pete Hegseth thing is, on the video he is actually introducing the show as "Talking about these concerns over some Tennessee whiskey." Drinking whiskey with these guys - IN NASHVILLE - was the whole setup of the show. I just don't get what's wrong with these people.
They are weak and deluded. All we have to do is keep pushing back every time there is an outbreak of their ridiculous crackpot nonsense. Chris you are doing a great job of pointing out where the push back needs to occur. And incidentally, it is somehow reassuring that the Supreme Court person talking to the press didn't know what that freak perv meant.
We should not be afraid to espouse and defend long term healthy cultural norms: marriage(man and woman), fidelity, having and raising children, working, honesty, sexual continence(safest is waiting til marriage), equality of opportunity, protecting the innocence of childhood, faith. Have courage. Speak clearly and kindly.
Madjack - I concur. And, I’m not afraid at all. However, many people seem to be. As I often say to my husband - ‘when did everyone become such a bunch of pussies?’ So many sissy men everywhere. So discouraging.
Masha Gessen came out as "nonbinary", and then "trans" some years ago, so she was probably not the correct journalist for NYT to send over there to report on these hearings — bit hard for her to be objective when she nailed her rainbow colours to trans wall already.
“I constantly find myself seeing representations of strangeness and darkness and cruelty and horror that make me…shrug?”
And therein lies the conundrum: what perspective to take on lunatics.
My strong assumption is that such lunatics have been around since a cave gave shelter to the first man. Only back then a lunatic would last maybe until his/her second insane outburst, then… no more lunatic. The cave is once again mostly peaceful and quiet.
Nowadays they last longer because in some circles it’s viewed as avant-guard, intellectual, fashionable, to be a lunatic.
Chris, I take my hat off to you, brother. You have a stronger patience for reading these authors than I do.
But again, what’s a reasonable perspective to take with these Village Idiots. What comes to mind reading this post is, these Village Idiots are at best,“spoiled children”.
As a mediocre parent (on my BEST day), my kids didn’t get away with much. And they are now productive, rational adults. But when it came time for grandkids to be on the scene I tried harder to be more than a mediocre adult.
E.g., when a grandkid acts like an idiot, I ignore it, unless said idiocy devolves into breaking things. Only then do I intervene. And when they snap out of their idiocy I praise them for becoming “good”. Seems to be working well.
The parallel for these Village Idiots in The Times and elsewhere? Ignore them, unless you sense things are about to be broken. I’m not saying poke one’s head in the sand and pretend. I’m saying unless property or person is threatened, do not engage. Engaging / attempting to understand / attempting to REASON with these shitheads, only validates them, encourages them, scores them Idiot Points.
Yep. The basic rules of behavior modification: Ignore (most) bad behavior. It will eventually stop, though it might temporarily increase before stopping. Common sense dictates which bad behavior cannot be ignored. Reward and encourage good behavior. Appropriate consequences for bad behavior (most parents don’t do this any more-which causes so many problems). Criticize the bad behavior; not the child. Build their self-esteem to enable them to make good decisions as they grow. Sheesh, it’s not rocket science! What happened to parenting??
“The nonbinary journalist M Gessen..”
Is their first name “Keep”?
Masha. She/it/whatever is a certified lunatic, probably the single reason why I stopped reading the New York Review of Books. And as the photo shows, as wretched outside as within.
The joke was "Keep M Gessen".
Yes, in addition to looking freakish and Rachel Maddowish, they all look desperately unhappy in their unhingement.
Rachel Maddow is a lot better looking, in an overgrown pixie kind of way. Gessen is just a freak.
I don't see it. Take away the enormous mouth and your left with an older, more haggard Maddow. Rachel herself is the visually sexless archetype of unhappy, arrogant feminism circa 2020.
Gessen has started testosterone which has done what it does. Masculinized her features.
A person of crazy, a POC if you will.
So clever - I laughed so hard my dogs looked at me like I'd lost my marbles. Touche!
I am so ashamed for not noticing that myself. I may have to relinquish my Dad Card.
Don't worry, it's my first time being a dad too...;)
OMG 😂🤣😂
Very clever!
If I hadn’t been subjected to the Childhood Vaccination Schedule I could have come up with “is their first name Keep?” but unfortunately I can only stand in awe of your wit and timing.
Truly brilliant. Best comment in a month. Kudos
That dude does!
Damn it. I knew someone would beat me to it.
Very funny!
Holy cow, what a delivery.
From what I've read it all gets pretty nasty down there for those who've had the surgeries. Stinky, infections, lots of yuck they get to deal with the rest of their lives. Maybe they do need their own restrooms after all? Who wants to get a whiff of that stank? That by all accounts is worse than a Saturday morning constitution after drinking cheap beer and eating wings, nachos and enchiladas the night before
Sodom and Gomorrah level of depravity.
That didn't end so well
The proliferation of this kind of depravity into the mainstream is merely a front for pedophilia. Grooming at its best when it’s aimed at the vulnerable mind.
The further disheartening fact is the absence of the pitchfork and rope carrying, incandescent-with-anger mob of concerned parents who are marching to find the evil doers who would dare to put pornographic material in an elementary school library or classroom.
It must be some kind of brainwashed complacency that could cause parents not to be so vocal about this that even MSM would have to report on it.
There is also nothing whatsoever easy, beautiful, or pain-free when discussing “gender affirming care”. It is a surgery that should not be left to mediocre hands yet even in the most expert hands, infections run rampant, wounds don’t heal properly, and the pain is reported to be excruciating. Not to mention the mental toll the entire process takes. It should be outlawed for anyone under the age of 25 and only allowed after a serious and lengthy mental health evaluation and preparation.
There is a special place in hell for people who sink to this level of evil against children.
and surgery is an ineffective treatment for mental health issues
Spot on!
I also think there is a level of hell for people who do not want to protest against this.
I lived in a blue state, and I asked the people in my church to protest. This kind of thing with me and they wouldn’t. They said that I was “crazy“ for saying they were going after children.
I live in a red state, but I still don’t see pitchfork and tortures that I should be seeing even if Trump won. People should be fighting against this. Whenever I try to tell anybody, they don’t wanna hear it. They are going to be responsible for this.!!!!
They are just as bad!!
right on
Very well said
The whole damn thing is horrific, evil, and disgusting. Sotomayor is an evil moron; three bricks short of a load, so nix her nonsense. Alito eviscerated the dodo birds, thank God. Tennessee's ban must be upheld, period.
Remember when she claimed, on live television, that over 100k children died from c19?!
That right there is the true power of censorship.
I certainly remember. I expected nothing less out her, given her propensity towards absurdity.
That was actually horrifying, to see how utterly stupid a Supreme Court justice can be. Ouch!
You haven't paid attention to our newest illustrious bench sitter then. She is the equivalent of electing a horse to the Senate. Democrats have stopped being interested in putting intelligent constitutional lawyers on the bench. But there have been other instances of poor legal thinking at the SC. Look no further than Roe v Wade to see how legal malpractice works.
It was literally a Frankenstein monster. Who is a little kid and says oh one day I just wanna be Frankenstein. A freak with dead body parts that smell like sewage.
Gross...but hilarious
Little kids say all kinds of things (especially since they aren't thinking through all the ramifications of what they say). But we shouldn't hold them to what they said as five year olds for the rest of their lives.
Yeah. We tend not to learn from history or very quickly forget the lessons it provides.
But one might argue, or hope, that the Supremes rule in favour of Tennessee -- give some weight to Lincoln's own hope that America is humanity's last best hope. Even if there's a fly or two in the ointment, some contradictory premises undergirding the whole edifice.
But Skrmetti likely to be giving many people their "peak trans" moments ... 😉🙂
Ok, I'm convinced. The lunatics are indeed running the asylum.
I was going for lunch - but after reading that ...
Go eat lunch. Nothing will change meanwhile.
Imagine having diabetic ulcers or 3rd degree burns, being treated with alloderm to save your life, and then bragging about how cool and cyberpunk you are because of it. That of course doesn’t happen, because those people are receiving actual medical care, and not a useless status symbol
Making it even funnier is that I'd guess that person thought that Cyberpunk was "cutting edge." Old hat, Cratchit: that went out with button shoes (well, not quite that old).
I, an aged one, know that Cyberpunk is so yesterday. That person's description of the upcoming surgery is a cri de coeur; "look at me, I'm going to be special, and cool". I admit I mocked him/her, but actually I'm saddened that he has been led to believe that his "real" self needs this horrific surgery.
It reminds me of a documentary I saw about bug chasers that was absolutely heartbreaking (and I've got a heart like railroad steel). One young guy was determined to get HIV because he thought it would provide him with a more supportive community; a few months after catching it, he was understandably filled with regret because it hadn't had the effect he'd hoped for. So his life was the same except that he was HIV positive.
The current medical system is evil at its core. I won't go through the horrible most reading this Stack are aware of, pandemic, trans, etc. Here's something most, if not all, never heard of. That's a usual, customary and ordinary thing for doctors to do. Especially at medical facilities where there's any kind of training going on.
Even something as simple as going into a hospital to get your tonsils removed. Maybe you become a test subject for a bunch of twenty-somethings to poke around your cervix? Without your consent!
Yes. This happens. So much that they try to pass legislation to prevent it, and hospitals lobby to defeat it. They want to keep their 'right" to sexually assault you the moment you go under anesthesia. They call it, "Nonconsensual Intimate Examinations." Makes it sound so much nicer than sexual assault.
Listen to the testimony beginning at the timestamp I indicate. It will disgust you. It disgusted the committee chair and other legislators listening. Even so the bill died in the MA House. This is the medical profession in 2024:
Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333
An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
Committee on Public Health, 9/20/2023
(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)
When this is your starting point for becoming a doctor, is it any surprise that the profession has embraced mutilating people, even small children? Where do you think Dr. Larry Nassar got the idea he could sexually assault all of those Olympic athletes without repercussions in the first place? Medical School!!!:
Your medical doctor is not your friend. Odds are, they'll be the first to join the Nazi party. Under a new name, say, maybe, Socialist? Minus the "National" part:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
I’m going to read that article right now, but I was thinking that a lot of of them anticipate spending money for their degrees and then getting a lot more money back for their degree, but a lot of things changed and you need to be the bad guy who pushes killer, vaccines, medicine to treat symptoms, but not to heal them, and pushing all kinds of dangerous medicines that you can get away with so you can make more money. They probably don’t even know about how corrupt things are until their sixth year or something and then it’s too late. They already spent way too much money and they were determined to make a lot of money as doctors because that’s what they expected and they weren’t going to be denied that money.
But I have heard there are a lot of people who quit medical school so maybe some are realizing it earlier and some are quitting.
Great. The first link is audio/video testimony (four hours, largely boring, unrelated, so be sure to start at timestamp, only ten minutes for the bill). The last two links are articles to read.
I find the testimony most instructive to see how humanity is trained out of medical professionals. The moral conflicts they face in training, the push, coercion to negotiate moral conflicts away. How utilitarianism is trained into them while in medical school, "for a greater good" justification and rationalization of harming other human beings.
The hearing on the bill gives the side of a small minority of medical professionals coming to grips with the truth about their profession, trying, at great risk to their careers, to help correct it. Knowing that their peers long ago negotiated away their humanity.
It's instructive to peek inside the minds of those who embraced and enforced the pandemic insanity, the vaccination insanity, the trans insanity. It's all just like what these people testified about. Their focus on "nonconsensual intimate examinations" might as well be everything else that we find morally reprehensible about the direction that allopathic medicine, Big Medicine + Big Pharma has taken. My takeaway. I'll be curious about your takeaway?
It's like someone talking about making a street rod out of a stock car.
By adding chopped windshield wipers, overhead floorboards and a full racing gas cap.
Exactly. Treating body parts like aftermarket automotive components.
OMG!!! Bad enough I love little water bears but the hat makes him over-the-top cute!!💕🥰🎄☃️💕
Thats sick, really sick 👿
Jeeessuuus I wish I could unsee/unread that. So demented.
I clicked like but realized I don't like this. It's disgusting and anti- human. God made us a specific way and this add a vag-tome ain't it.
Sequel to Young Frankenstein?
Sam Kinison warned of this, kinda.
Checkout the "gender affirming" section of this Wikipedia article on vaginoplasty:
If a transwoman is sporting one of those then "she" might say that only "her" gynecologist knows for sure ...
Though looks aren't everything -- probably no depth to the cunts, so to speak ... And certainly isn't ever going conceive, gestate, and give birth to a baby with it.
Madder than hatter's.
What the do to transmen is equally gruesome. Look up some of the literature on phalliplasty. The level of butchery is unreal. Doctors who engage in that are next level evil, and women who subject themselves to that thinking it will turn them into men are beyond deluded. I found and downloaded a manual written by one of these ghouls, complete with stage by stage photos of the surgery. At the end, the photo of the resulting ‘phallus’ was accompanied by the handwritten caption ‘VOILA!’ Un-freaking believable. But we must educate ourselves with regard to the nature of the insanity if we want any chance of fighting it.
Yeah. ICYMI, an old story on the topic from the NYTimes; a share link:
"How Ben Got His Penis
Phalloplasty — the surgery to make a penis — has grown more popular among trans men. But with a steep rate of complications, it remains a controversial procedure."
How can the country allow playing Mr. Potato Head with human reproductive organs be referred to as Gender Affirming Care?!!!!
This is the same bunch that brought you the "Affordable" Care Act, and the Inflation "Reduction" Act.
It’s really the unaffordable care act
Euphemisms galore. I call it ‘butchery’.
Wasn't "Mr." Potato Head banned in 2021? To promote gender equality and inclusion?
I certainly wouldn’t be surprised.
No worries. Assisted suicide will be the next big thing.
They don't want their own bathrooms. They want women's bathrooms.
It’s sad when it’s a kid.
That’s pretty gross to think about. I wonder if they disclose that what you get is an open wound -- forever.
They should get their own bathrooms. Put some porta-johns in the back parking lot.
When I read articles like these I always come back to the question, How did we get here? What happened to people? After living outside the United States for 10 years, we returned in 2021. It was astonishing how much things had changed. The country seemed like an enormous open-air mental hospital. How did we get here? My working hypothesis is that three things broke people's brains: The Internet (specifically social media) , the Covid mass-hysteria, and Donald Trump. It is going to take a long time to fix this, if it's even fixable at all.
Where did you live during that ten-year absence? What was it like?
Completely agree. 12-year expat here, been back since 2023. I see a lot of pop-culture hypnosis, very little critical or deep thinking, and astonishingly bad health. It's basically just a lot of broken souls out there.
Try being single in this environment...may as well join a monastery.
I mean, maybe that would be good! A return to the monastic orders would be better than what we're seeing now.
Obama. He opened the doors to hell in our country, with the assistance of the far Left Commies in Congress.
This is what I see as the beginning of where we find ourselves now. It started with him.
There is nearly forgotten document from 1963 listing Communism's 45 goals, entered into the congressional record during the House UnAmerican Committee hearings. They've been quite successful with many of them.
I lived in Russia for the first half of the 2010s. When I came back in 2017 I had a much different perspective on U.S. politics, having spent 7 years living in a country that U.S. elites consider to be our enemy.
I look at all these corporate ghouls and incompetent and corrupt elected officials and how every public service has been financialized to cost as much as possible while delivering as little value as possible, and I came to the conclusion that we have to fix our own house before we go telling every other country in the world how they’re supposed to behave.
Obviously the Russians have a generally low opinion of the U.S. government, but I was surprised by how many Europeans had a low opinion of our government. I’d been assured by American liberals that western Europeans just love the U.S. leadership (as long as a Democrat is in charge), so I wasn’t expecting so many Euro liberals to mock Obama for his hyper-aggressive regime change foreign policy.
The Europeans also mocked our culture quite a bit, but I always pushed back on that. Paying half your income in taxes so you can live in a tiny house or shoebox apartment didn’t seem to be a good exchange for free healthcare.
Americans are mocked overseas. Have you not heard the saying’Only in America...’
I discovered that the British are the most mocked in Europe due to their atrocious behavior as tourists and entitled fuckery as residents in Spain.
That was interesting to learn
When I lived in a blue state, I had a Chinese friend at work. When I told her I was Italian, she didn’t understand that I meant Italian American. So she started to tell me how much everybody in every country hates Americans. She said when she went to Italy that they said they hated Americans because they wasted food. She said every place she went. They hate Americans.
When I found out about so many things the last few years, then I started to understand why
I’m sorry, but you should know by now that the TV has been brainwashing everybody for a very, very long time
I hate the feminist, and I was watching an old black-and-white show called the rifleman Did you know that they had a scene in the third year that some woman came into the bar and started telling off the sheriff about women’s rights for 10 minutes and he kept saying yes ma’am
Now all those little boys respected this guy by that time, and then they saw him bowing to women and saying yes, ma’am, when she was speaking very disrespectfully and getting away with it because she was complaining that she was a victim. This became acceptable.
Look at the TV show ER I used to love that show, but when I watched it for the second time around, I saw all the racial messages, feminism, brainwashing of always being a woman boss. Even the show with the two brothers fighting monsters every week with God I wondered how they were going to make it so a woman was the boss.
Don’t you know that they made a woman sister of God and of course, she’s much more powerful than he is so he goes into a human form and actually says that he had sex with men.
People would’ve had pitchforks if they had done this 20 years ago, but people are very sick now because of the gradual propaganda that we’ve seen
Colombo in the 70s had a movie about subliminal messages People knew about it for a long time. It was outlawed for a long time, but then one of the presidents. I think it was Obama made it so that it can be used now.
We saw a lot of women like Murphy Brown, and it even started with Mary Tyler Moore. Women who lived on their own. Women who didn’t need men.
Look at Seinfeld he taught people to buy into Faggotry big time. People started quoting him in the 90s “not that there’s anything wrong with it “in reference to gays
And forget about the commercials that make a fool out of every single white man and even other men like the black guy who answer the phone and asked permission from his wife if he could go to the movie with a friend.
It’s despicable!!!
Sharon: Yes! It’s so eye-opening, once one sees all the propaganda imbedded in TV shows and movies. For example: the TV a show “This is Us”. Only the white characters had serious flaws and bad behavior; the black characters were beyond perfect, and not at all believable as ‘real people’. They finally had to give the main black character a ‘flaw’, so they decided upon ‘anxiety’ (which was, of course, caused by white folks). They literally made this character become President of the United States at the end of the show. And here’s a movie example: “Get Out”. And you’re so right about the commercials: almost every couple is of mixed race; amd every white guy is an idiot; while all the black people in ads are gorgeous, clever, geniuses with perfect morals.
I lived in South Korea between 2004 and 2019. Had the exact same experience. My Korean wife thought I'd sold her a bill of goods after we made the move back to the US. The last five years has been a struggle to figure out how it went off the rails so badly. I largely agree that social media has been a major factor.
Thinking back to my college years though, it's clear the cultural stuff has been going on for a long time. The internet and ubiquitous media has catalyzed it, sent it into overdrive, made it a permanent part of everyone's daily life whether they like it or not.
It is a fascinating question how our culture went insane. I have lived in LA this whole time watching it happen. My hypothesis is that as people became more physically weak, ill, drugged and poisoned, their survival instincts made them more conformist, such that the echo chamber of conformity drove positive feedback loops of virtue-signaling which has now escalated to absurd extremes. The only way to break this cycle is for people to take back their physical health, but to the extent they don’t, we are probably going to have to wait for a new generation to emerge bred to resist the popular habits of self-harm that made people unhealthy in the first place. Until then, we should all protect our health or we will also lose our agency and insensibly become like our neighbors. Are you also seeing this?
Yes, but people also need to stop watching TV, and, most of all, get their eyes off of their ‘cell phones’ which aren’t just phones - they’re small handheld computers hooked up to the Internet. Propaganda 24/7/365 is, as we can see, extremely powerful and effective. And note that they now start with children - wearing smart watches, owning their own ‘cell phones’, spending too much screen time on laptops or desktops - note how schools now have kids learning on computers. It’s horrendous, IMO.
I agree entirely and am raising my three children accordingly.
And don't forget 9/11. We still don't understand what happened that day or the reasons why we were forcibly traumatized by it. It's then that our current iteration of media falsities and censorship went into hyper-drive, seemingly perfected by the 2020 election, and now we're all living in the hell it's created.
25 years of bullshit has led to this moment of total insanity.
It seems to me that both 9/11/2001 and Covid19 were intentionally planned to erode our individual and civil rights. And to brainwash us.
I also think it's the American colleges are businesses system. The first time I heard of a gender studies major is when the girl playing Hermione in Harry Potter got one from Brown. Thinking now how many gender studies majors, minority studies, etc. kids got credentialed at very expensive schools--what else were they to do but start a DEI movement amd demand every corporation hire them? I don't think we would have the DEI/BLM/CRT movement now had we not so many BAs and MAs and Claudine Gay/PhDs then.
The colleges and universities are a money making racket, which teaches evil crap. I wish people would refuse to attend them.
Sadly the cowardly bureaucrat didn't respond with, "there is no such thing as non-binary you twit, stop demanding people pretend your delusion and use the bathroom that is apt for YOU, weirdo.
Now that would have been worth reporting on
I actually think that having no idea what the "journalist" was talking about (or feigning ignorance) was even better: "Your hobby horse is not important enough for me to be concerned with."
As I am from the UK we have a term 'To spend a penny' from a time when it cost just that to go to a public toilet. The bureaucrat could have said 'Well, toss a coin, tails it's male, heads it's female'.
Perhaps "a refreshing breath of fresh air" - as it were.
The day that people can say that again!!!!! Let it be soon!!!
Oh God that would feel so good !!! I’ve been dying to say this for 10 years!!
I think when they finally get blow back, it’s going to be very bad
Pronounced 'or-gay' hence the wrath against the Sodomites.
I have a ton of wrath against the sodomites.
Wokeism, with all its ghastly appendages, is dead. The head's been cut off, but the body will be flapping around and reactively causing trouble for a while.
“We’ve built cultural systems in which weird, awkward, unhappy people have taken the authority to pronounce upon the behavior that is to be considered weird and bad. That…doesn’t…seem to be working. Does it?”
I literally walked out of my office staff meeting 5 minutes ago during which I said that mentally ill people are running the country and it’s not working. If you are mentally ill, I’m not uncaring. But I think it disqualifies you from telling everybody else what to do 24/7/365. Call me crazy.
We know a couple who moved up to a remote part of the Mountain West around the time of COVID. They moved from coastal SoCal to a town of max about 150 people. It’s BFE. I was surprised because they are busy professionals who travel a lot for work. I thought they left because of COVID, but hadn’t specifically asked them. This week the wife was in town and we got to talking and she said that no, they bought their place before COVID. They were just sick of people and sick of California. And they like it out in the woods.
I took my eldest up to northern AZ over the weekend because he wants to look for land and get out of the big city. He’s interested in homesteading. I think we’re seeing a realignment of priorities among the non-insane people. They are realizing they can and should escape the weirdos and the Deep Blue prison cities and associated mentality.
There's a deep deep dive to be done into the historical process by which cities became prisons. For a long time, city life was regarded as an escape to freedom, away from the prying eyes and provincialism of stifling small towns. Many generations of outsiders who fled to Greenwich Village from East Smallville to express their authentic selves -- many examples of brilliant writing, painting, music, and etc. that came out of the liberating environment of the big city. Remarkably clear now how much they've become conformity factories.
Yes, my parents moved their 4 boys to Greenwich Village in the 60's, and us 4 boys had lots of fun. Little Italy was just that, and hippies lived in the abandoned SOHO factories that are now 10-20 million apiece. Then in the late 70's my parents moved us to Montana, a town of 100 people 10 miles from the Idaho border. We had our own problems but there were no cell phones and their attendant trouble making Aps, and I had to develop an imagination about who, and what, might be out there in the real world. The "death of distance" that cell phones created has enabled (IMO) people to live in bubbles without needing to interact with the guy who's digging your water well and neighbor who's illegally breeding Husky/Timberwolves to sell to the dog races in Alaska and instead huddle with the likes of that Maddow-looking dude, to their everlasting misfortune.
"Remarkably clear now how much they've become conformity factories."
Well, they were conformity factories from the beginning. All the Villagers just conformed to a different standard than Normals did. In the 1920s-60s, the Village was a center of socialism/anarchism/communism in the USA. Everybody was a socialist. If you expressed different views, you weren't welcome.
They conformed to non-conformity.
No difference now.
You’re absolutely correct, in my experience. I believe your point speaks to the durability of these “progressive’s” cheerful willingness to exclude, ostracize and demonize whatever characteristics of human existence they deem lesser. It hasn’t changed. The only real difference is that the internet and social media has just made their laughable hypocrisy so easy to witness. And supplied a sneaky psychological mechanism for chasing the pleasing illusion of self-importance through a sanctimonious sense of moral superiority…witness the “like” and “retweet”.
Nothing new under the sun. Turns out they are often the bigoted baddies, lest they forget, just as easily as anyone else.
Except that it's become increasingly mainstreamed, at least in my 50+ years of observing various "undergrounds."
Each one of the underground "rebels" conforms rigidly to his fellow non-conformists!
It's cult behavior. They all conform, while claiming "specialness."
Part of that, in my opinion, is that you can find an art/music/dissident scene in almost any metropolitan area with more than 250,000 people now.
So lots of people have been able to express themselves and find communities of like-minded people both online and in-person without moving to NYC, LA, or SF.
And maybe people have also realized that NYC isn’t very accessible if you’re broke because 70% of your income goes to rent and another 20% to food, not leaving much room for carousing or taking in cultural events.
Ex: in my early 20s I moved to Austin (year 2000) and loved it. Most of my friends were in bands and we had a blast for four years. That scene there is largely dead now because broke musicians can’t afford to live in Austin any more than they can afford to live in those other glamour cities.
Yes, and the most interesting symphony orchestra in the country is in Sioux Falls, with extraordinarily musicians from four different states.
We are now awash in a sea of wannabe outsiders who actually seem to be fairly boring people trying to make themselves worthy of the attention that they're desperate to receive. I remember when "trannies" (a term that covered tv's as well as ts's) tended to be interesting.
Warhol's fifteen minutes of fame line.
Yes. It’s kind of flipped now and the smart people who live outside the confines of the accepted cultural paradigm are exiting.
What is BFE?
It means way out in the boonies…
But what words do BFE represent?
Bum fuck Egypt
What he said
I'm fine giving these mentally ill people their own restrooms if they're required to wipe back to front the rest of their lives.
Let Darwinism take care of them.
I think I may have a better idea instead of giving them their own restrooms.Why don't we give them their own planet? We're already.
Going to be sending people to Mars. Why don't we just tell all the freaks The non binaries and the woke Idiot's, we'll give them a free All expense paid trip to their new home planet. I'm thinking uranus would be appropriate in this case., But we'll really launch them straight into the Sun. It will be spectacular.
I vote yes!!!
Better! Much better!
As I always say: non-binary washrooms? Fine. But I'll always leave the seat up, and you better be ready if you're in the stall next to mine after a round of Buffalo wings and a pitcher of beer.
Agree in principle RG, but how the hell are we going to be able to afford to build those tens of millions of restrooms?
Just askin'.
We won't have to. They'll all be at home with UTI's!
Couldn’t we just install PortaPottys with a pay per access lock at all government buildings? They have their own toilets, they pay the rent! And if they smell bad we’ll never know!
As they are potty, a very suitable idea!
Good idea, but apparently only about 6% of the folks who receive government paychecks actually bother to show up at those government buildings.
The way I figure it, they’ll actually only need like 12, all in dc, just to keep the retards quiet.
No, you are right. Every Small business would be out of business unless of course they made an exception for them. But it would really be a mess and cost way too much money and most places don’t even have the room for bigger women’s rooms which they usually need because sometimes there is a long line.
Exactly RG
It’s all about depopulation. Encouraging children to engage in same sex relationships,have their body’s rendered infertile and despise their parents is not about teaching “ tolerance”. Tolerance is teaching children to not judge others by their immutable differences, religious affiliation, appearance , heritage or who and how they love ( provided consensual, exclusive of pedophilia and incest). Tolerance is about respecting a person’s space , the innocence of childhood … As per parent’s rights, it is anathema that a parent would support mutilating their child’s body. Using their child as a chic accessory to prove how “ cool” they are.
I couldn’t care less how people to live their life if it completes them. Nobody with a kind heart should be relegated to a closet, but nobody has the right to manipulate, propagandize and destroy the lives of children , weaken the military and create hostile, militant movements to achieve a very dark, nefarious goal. An androgynous , enslaved Brave New World.
Hear, hear.
I maintain healthy relationships, including with my kids. The smallest one got hurt last week. I took her to the emergency orthopedist. One of the first questions on a questionnaire was about "gender assigned at birth". I read it aloud with incredulity in the waiting room.
I'm done. Fucking done.
Every time I come across this while checking in for a medical appointment, I (nicely; she doesn’t make the rules) tell the receptionist to please inform her boss that I’m not filling out the form regarding pronouns/gender crap, that’s it’s stupid and offensive. In other words, we need to push back every time and JUST REFUSE TO COMPLY with this type of utter nonsense. Do not accept it!
Don’t comply. I’m in the healthcare field and I refuse to deal with the pronouns. If you want me to address you by your first name, fine. But don’t ask me to engage in a folie a deux with made-up pronouns. Or any aspect of your “transitioning.”
Good for you! It’s so ridiculous
It’s so idiotic. Who even made that phrase up? A complete moron?
The most ridiculous part about the Pete Hegseth thing is, on the video he is actually introducing the show as "Talking about these concerns over some Tennessee whiskey." Drinking whiskey with these guys - IN NASHVILLE - was the whole setup of the show. I just don't get what's wrong with these people.
They are weak and deluded. All we have to do is keep pushing back every time there is an outbreak of their ridiculous crackpot nonsense. Chris you are doing a great job of pointing out where the push back needs to occur. And incidentally, it is somehow reassuring that the Supreme Court person talking to the press didn't know what that freak perv meant.
Yes. Pushing back, refusing to comply, calling out the bullshit for what it is. We must do this.
We should not be afraid to espouse and defend long term healthy cultural norms: marriage(man and woman), fidelity, having and raising children, working, honesty, sexual continence(safest is waiting til marriage), equality of opportunity, protecting the innocence of childhood, faith. Have courage. Speak clearly and kindly.
Madjack - I concur. And, I’m not afraid at all. However, many people seem to be. As I often say to my husband - ‘when did everyone become such a bunch of pussies?’ So many sissy men everywhere. So discouraging.
Those all proved to be dead ends. Humans are without redemption. Just sacks of shit.
Masha Gessen came out as "nonbinary", and then "trans" some years ago, so she was probably not the correct journalist for NYT to send over there to report on these hearings — bit hard for her to be objective when she nailed her rainbow colours to trans wall already.
The Times was afraid to not let her go.
So is it biologically male?
masha gessen is a female, she also seems pretty hateful and miserable, which might just be a requirement to work in NYC media.
Five people in black robes must decide where a tiny minority of 300 million Americans go potty…I guess we’ve solved all of our other pressing issues.
Good to know. I honestly wonder which strand of the fringe freak show goes next.
That isn't what this case is about.
I cut out the right to change one’s plumbing which is what it’s about. However, where these folks go to the bathroom is the public square so to speak.
I saw the notification banner with the title pop up and thought I was being DM’ed. I guess I was in a group DM sort of way.
I read your comment as "BM'ed" at first..lolol...that works too!
“I constantly find myself seeing representations of strangeness and darkness and cruelty and horror that make me…shrug?”
And therein lies the conundrum: what perspective to take on lunatics.
My strong assumption is that such lunatics have been around since a cave gave shelter to the first man. Only back then a lunatic would last maybe until his/her second insane outburst, then… no more lunatic. The cave is once again mostly peaceful and quiet.
Nowadays they last longer because in some circles it’s viewed as avant-guard, intellectual, fashionable, to be a lunatic.
Chris, I take my hat off to you, brother. You have a stronger patience for reading these authors than I do.
But again, what’s a reasonable perspective to take with these Village Idiots. What comes to mind reading this post is, these Village Idiots are at best,“spoiled children”.
As a mediocre parent (on my BEST day), my kids didn’t get away with much. And they are now productive, rational adults. But when it came time for grandkids to be on the scene I tried harder to be more than a mediocre adult.
E.g., when a grandkid acts like an idiot, I ignore it, unless said idiocy devolves into breaking things. Only then do I intervene. And when they snap out of their idiocy I praise them for becoming “good”. Seems to be working well.
The parallel for these Village Idiots in The Times and elsewhere? Ignore them, unless you sense things are about to be broken. I’m not saying poke one’s head in the sand and pretend. I’m saying unless property or person is threatened, do not engage. Engaging / attempting to understand / attempting to REASON with these shitheads, only validates them, encourages them, scores them Idiot Points.
My tuppence.
Pay no attention to the village idiots. They crave it. Without the attention they wither and die.
Yep. The basic rules of behavior modification: Ignore (most) bad behavior. It will eventually stop, though it might temporarily increase before stopping. Common sense dictates which bad behavior cannot be ignored. Reward and encourage good behavior. Appropriate consequences for bad behavior (most parents don’t do this any more-which causes so many problems). Criticize the bad behavior; not the child. Build their self-esteem to enable them to make good decisions as they grow. Sheesh, it’s not rocket science! What happened to parenting??
They hang in places where there’s support for their nonsense. They get to thinking WE are the weird ones.
Asking about the bathrooms played well with its audience and got attention from US.
So, mission accomplished