"If somebody is radicalized, and wants removal, move away from that, how can we help them with counseling, for example, to get them away from that ideology?"


Yes, because a bunch of just-"radicalized" (wtf does this even mean in reality?) dudes are going to ask Jay Inslee to set up a meeting with a counselor.

What world do these people live in?

Pro tip for Inslee et al., telling people they must be mentally ill if they disagree with your crazy schemes is exactly how you "radicalize" them.

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The Soviets labeled dissidents as mentally insane. The Maoists labeled dissidents as rightist counter revolutionaries. We must counter the woke cultural revolution with free speech: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/counter-the-cultural-revolution

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I know an NYC EMT who took the jab to keep his job. He didn’t want it. But went against himself to keep his job. It was an emotional and spiritual conflict within himself. Resulting in emotional pain. Now, he is forced to agree with some DEI crap to keep his job. It’s churning him up inside. They assault your body and mind by holding your livelihood hostage until you put what they want inside your body and mind. and for those of us with some semblance of an independent brain and soul it is very damaging to confirm. Resist at all cost. Or it will get worse. Guard your body your mind and laugh at these fools who actually don’t have respect for humanity. In their guise of kindness these types are so assaultive and controlling. These 2 probably have been programmed to carry out this crap and don’t even know it.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Honestly, I'd like to punch the next AssHole that says anything about misinformation and/or disinformation in the fucking face!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I've learned to take a completely new approach to reading proposed legislation:

Before reading the first sentence, I say to myself: "This was written by a lobbyist, with the goal of moving public funds to a commercial or ... ahem ... "non-profit" organization."

And, voilà!, the legislation is perfectly logical, if no more useful. For example:

"Identifying community-led and evidence-based solutions to combat disinformation and misinformation, address early signs of radicalization, and develop public health-style responses…."

That's lobbyspeak for funding a research project by someone who hired the lobbyist.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Oprah Mussolini! I’m dying laughing.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Oh my. You nailed the entire lefty movement with "Oprah Mussolini." I think I love you now. ❤️🤡😆

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Mr. Ferguson has been studying V.P. Harris' polemical style, grammar, and presentation.

Danny Huckabee

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I thought I was moving to a great place when I came up from CA in the late '80's.

A few looked at me like 'really - can't you just stay in CA?'. But most were real friendly and eventually I came to see most of the people I met were from CA as well. Now I see what some

feared on first meeting me (oh no another one) has somehow panned out. WA is now

CA. So is OR. The whole W. coast is hosed. I think stuff like time for ID or MT next?

Maybe it's long past that and time to dig in and fight. If not us, who? I stole this line

from Elizabeth Nickson - full disclosure.

"There is no other ground of freedom than the one you now stand upon.

Defend it or your children will live in tyranny. "

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We need an Olympic competition for BS. With all the slipping going on, the USA needs to be winners at something. And there can be little doubt that our academic types would routinely bring home the gold.

Finding qualified judges would be a problem, of course. Unlike most Olympic events, speaking BS and knowing BS are not even remotely the same skills. While I am certain there must others who qualify, yours is the only name that pops into my mind as an Olympic quality judge of BS.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

This is so typical of liberal progressives. They pretend to be full of compassion while speaking softly and sounding so innocently. They openly admit their tyrannical undemocratic plans, but they sound so nice! Remember, if you express any anti-government ideas, you are a radical and are therefore a danger to the community.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

This country will be immensely improved once the university system collapses and the parasites posing as college administrators are put to work digging ditches and cleaning septic tanks.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I don’t understand the mentality of anyone from at least my age (50) or older who would think this think could ever be plausible. Growing up with Soviet Russia and the eastern block countries in the news seemed to be enough of a grand lesson. It’s exactly what not to do. Never mind every Cuban’s story who escaped that socialist hell hole. I get so angry and disgusted.

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Our God given First Amendment rights are nicely supported by our Second Amendment rights. Go ahead and try to criminalize speech ... there won’t be enough rocks for the Luciferians to hide under.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

>>>one that's led by the community

I'm pretty sure they don't mean *my* community: the pro-Trump AR15 (et al) community.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"We decided that it'd be in your best interests if we put you somewhere you could get the help you need."


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