The episcopalians ceased to be anything resembling a Christian church some time ago.

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Woman are prohibited by biblical scripture from holding any form of leadership position in a church. There is no gray area on this issue. The episcopal church is blasphemous.

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The Bible is quite clear: a woman is never to be in spiritual headship over a man. Ever.

The Episcopal church has been dead for years. As has the Lutheran, Methodist, and PCUSA.

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For more than just THAT reason too

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Can we please evict these squatters from the churches? At a time when we really, really need a place of spiritual respite we find that demons, gnomes and “queers” have taken residence there and there is no room for the people needing God. Are these folks so infinitely greedy that they won’t allow ordinary people just one place to refresh their souls?

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That one place would be a church of another denomination. One that upholds the sanctity of life and adheres to scripture. Being Christian isn’t supposed to be easy, or just about feeling good. It’s about sacrifice and prayer, giving yourself to god, and trying to live by his word. Scripture doesn’t bend to the whims of the times to appease narcissists, or to help recruit more to the flock. Any church that doesn’t adhere to scripture is a heresy.

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Yes. And here's what's wrong with The Church these days imo. And it was made abundantly clear during the plandemic

1: Absence of Trust

2: Fear of Conflict

3: Lack of Commitment

4: Avoidance of Accountability

5: Inattention to Results

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6: Absence of spiritual belief, compensated for by secular political virtue signaling. (Main-line Protestant churches, anyway.)

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Great addition.

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Too long though. Yours make a better list.

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The diabolical never rests.

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You can find a church without them, but you really have to look and listen.

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"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind"

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the country is in the midst of a narcissistic crisis, where the emptiest and neediest fill most of the positions of leadership

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As a former Episcopalian, I concur with this message. The hardest task before the dissident right is to recreate a high church Protestantism which isn't fake and gay.


The task is above my halo grade, but somebody needs to do it or the Anglosphere is doomed.

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Rod Dreher has noted the apparent modern thirst for high liturgy with a high view of Scripture. It seems the two are nearly incompatible. He would argue the Orthodox church fills that void and I would suggest it has as many problems as answers.

Be the man you would wish to be shepherded by.


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Given the record of Orthodoxy in Czarist Russia, I'm not sold on Eastern Orthodoxy as the solution.

Tradition dominated Christianity has its flaws. Thanks to easy Bible access and even computerized Bible searches, these are increasingly obvious. Just as the printing press triggered the Reformation, computerized Bible searching triggers Sabbath Keeping, Sacred Names, and other attempts and getting closer to Scripture. These are good things -- but overly dissing tradition is a mistake. Every generation has its challenges.

I want to see more Bible consistent worship combined with tradition and acknowledgment of the saints who dealt with far greater trials than we face.

And while I give the Baptists great credit for staying Christian better than my own childhood denomination, baptism is a do-over, not a perpetual stay-out-of-hell free card. There are plenty of passages in the New Testament that indicate that Believers will be judged to higher standards than non Believers.

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You make good points. Not sure what your comments on baptism mean; however.

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An over emphasis on Belief vs. charity and following the relevant portions of the Law.

Jesse Ventura had a point. What he didn't appreciate is that to be a Christian is to TAKE ON extra burdens -- but this is an easy mistake to make given modern praise and worship music.

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I'm still lost. Could be the hour. Definitely not the bourbon.

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And I ceased to be anything resembling an Episcopalian. Some time ago - about 45 years. When the "church" discarded the old 'Book of Common Prayer'.

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Chris, you did it again... you had me at “As a third-grade leather daddy..." and killed it with "six years old, into hot man-on-man action, and fearful of immediate violent death." Thanks for finding the dark humor these pissants deserve to be generously doused with.

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The Mayor - that ear to ear grin - does she ever stop performing/patronising/pretending?

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Literally never. She's barely a person. She's a symbol-object with legs.

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I worked for a black female symbol-object. Sued her for non payment of wages. She lost. At the "you lost" meeting with the lawyers I looked her in the eye and kept going--it was an abyss of insanity. There was no one there.

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They took their leadership training, even the meaning of life itself, from Homer Simpson, who, as he put his arm around Bart’s shoulder after an incident at school, said “Just remember, son, being popular…is the most important thing in the world.”

I, OTOH, was taught to develop my skills to the greatest extent possible.

It is bad enough to have to walk amongst this detritus of humanity (the bishop, not the homeless) and periodically get their 🦮💩 smeared on your shoes, but it’s unacceptable when they’re put in charge and the 🦮💩 becomes a tsunami.

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That one was not alone.

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There seems to be a lot of them around.

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her freeze up at the airport was stunning. even the smallest, most local idiot politician could have engaged with her interlocutor with something. even a “I’ll be giving a statement soon, I promise.” but she couldn’t even perform. she froze because she is hollow. same class of politician as Kamala, catastrophically incompetent when the training wheels are taken off of the bike.

how did these people get so far ahead?!?

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Running for local government is not attractive to many competent people.

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At least the hyper phony Meghan Markle knew to pretend to be sad when she and film crew visited pacific palisades a couple weeks ago…

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I wonder if she banged Castro during her sojourns to Cuba.

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That smile hides her inner bomb building terrorist training Marxist

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Yeah, that fake, mechanical, rictus-like grin......


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Definitely gave off Joker vibes.

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She's an idiot.

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"does she ever stop performing/patronising/pretending?

Uh ... NO.

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Oh well.

They are weak. Their bloodline is weak, and history will forget them

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There is a simple word that describes this - vacuous. These people are filled, to the brim, with emptiness.

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Very well written and important and overlooked point about Leftist discourse.

One question though. Why does everyone at the "fire department command post" look like they're from the Kamala Harris social media team? Is the Mayor dragging her little gang of Biden Youth around with her?

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There's a mix, in that picture, of fire department employees and neighbors who stopped by to drop off supplies for the fire department. Firefighters were soliciting basic supplies from the community, as donations, during a devastating fire, and the mayor was apparently very proud of all that.

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Is there a reason why the men in that photo look long-term demoralized? Rhetorical question, probably. Can you imagine being 30 and thinking of nothing but how many years are left until retirement?

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Imagine what it does for morale when you see people with seniority and expertise - proven in the field - being passed over for promotion, for something like Bass?

I've seen it real-time in academia and teaching.

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I've seen it in corporate.

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One could even conjecture that the pervasive "hire someone who checks the appropriate boxes, AND is stupider than yourself' trend has been the 'real' pandemic.

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The stupider part is very real. These kind can't stand to have someone competent under them for fear of being shown up. My secret sauce in corporate was to insist every member of my team was smarter than me.

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Thank you for the explanation.

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Looked more like a Covid era nursing staff drill team about to cut some moves!!!!

The mayor is amazing! She seems unaware that the city is burning and that fingers are being pointed in her general direction as having a bit of responsibility.

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Bray at his best. It is this kind of tangential insight from Mr Bray that marks him the top tier here on Substack.

Often, when Chris does this, I’ll have stop and reread to ensure I understood—then it is like a slap on forehead kinda ‘RIGHT!!! EXACTLY!!!’

Well done. They like the fame, the ghoulish fame. AND THE POWER.

So ghoulish this is fodder for a horror writer.


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Everything is always so dramatic with these people. They always are looking for a chance to wear their flawless virtue on their sleeves. "Hey, look at me! I'm the one and only ________". Their narcissism is evident to all who are awake.

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Bass' smile resembles the Nicholson Joker smile, a chemically induced characature of a smile, that can only reflect the psychosis of the wearer. I am also reminded of people who laugh inappropriately because that's the only way they can handle negative moments in their life.

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Thank-you for the Joker reference! I kept thinking her smile was creepy, but didn't get the association. It's exactly like the joker!

Do you think the entities making these things are getting their ideas from popular culture?

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Is there anything that screams “California” more than branding your fire updates? “One Voice” and don’t you forget it!

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“One Voice” is how they think…and as a branding professional I find it ghoulish that they would try to leverage such a disaster into a political message opportunity intended to elevate their derelict “brand” of Dem-Leftist governance.

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As Raum said…”Never let a crisis go to waste.”

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We should not attend any institution (these aren’t churches anymore in any traditional sense) espousing such gibberish. Give them no support, don’t waste your time. Find a real church for these events.

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I’m so, so ready for the era of narcissism to end (although my pessimism makes me skeptical that it will ever end). All the performative bullsh*t, the virtue signaling, the “luxury beliefs”, the humble bragging…it’s been massively tiresome and boring.

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It can only be ended by a super majority of voters ready for change. And then only if there is someone on stage smarter and better qualified. The machine has succeeded in ensuring that Option A and Option B are identical twins.

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I think the era of Narcissism was ushered in when Eve decided the snake was right...she knew better than the Almighty, and to confirm it, Cain snuffed out Able because he was a vegan or something. An early example of Climate Alarmism virtue signaling I suppose. The problem today is that, unlike our forefathers, we've stopped ignoring and suppressing the most malignant of the breed. A true narcissist no longer has to pretend to be humble. As long as they perform the litany word perfect, they are approved and are free to pursue whatever gives the brightest reflection of their image, and worship it openly and in front of God and everybody.

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A spiritual journey is supposed to take one away from narcissism but post-modernism has defined such journeys as the exact opposite. Sad that it has infiltrated churches.

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Completely agree - and utterly without any meaningful substance or value.

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Borg. Oxygen thieves.

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"She's the abyss".


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“she’s expressing…nothing. She’s saying nothing, about nothing, while thinking of nothing, for the manipulative purpose of eliciting an emotional state on the basis of an evasion and an empty expression.” Wow Chris you’ve summarized the left perfectly!! Nothing else needed.

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Indeed. That "performative narcissism" that Chris referenced just yesterday. On full display.

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You see, it was the presence of knives two clicks away on Amazon, that that British Choir Boy killed those girls. We have to prevent the purchase of knives to prevent racism against immigrants.

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Yes, It's always the knives, never the monsters wielding them.....

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Yes. No matter the weapon, guns, knives, rocks, fists, fingernails, rubberbands, it doesn't matter, it's always the weapon's fault. It's never, ever the the thing wielding it.

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Kamela made an appearance at the Altadena fire damage the night of Trump’s inauguration. Funny how she shows up when she is out of political office and has no power. After she spouted her usual word salad, something about the community being part of the community, she mugged with her clown husband and some tool firefighters taking PR photos. Ridiculous.

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Again - this time it’s Word Salad-Empty Headed Kamala leveraging the horrendous wildfire disaster to elevate her rock bottom profile and “brand” from the bottom of the toilet. God save us from these narcissistic knuckleheads.

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