Being old enough to remember the arson at Kent State and the mob assault on the National Guardsmen who were there to contain the violence, the greatest irony of all is that those who were involved had student deferrals.

Meanwhile, the rest of us were preparing ourselves to be inducted. I was younger and when my day came, the draft had just been suspended.

The shooting of the arsonists had one salutary effect; the proponents of violent revolution and their agitators became cautious and stopped inciting arson and mayhem for a little while.

Meanwhile, an entire mythology has arisen around the campus riots performed by the sons and daughters of privilege that would have burned working Americans out of their homes in the same fashion as those who burned, looted and murdered across America just a couple of years ago.

I'd blindly accepted that mythology for decades before realizing it for the propaganda it was and still is.

Freedom of speech and association are always under attack when violent agitators are protected from accountability. Millions have peacefully picketed and marched for the causes they believe in, as is their right and even their duty. Equally important is the duty to turn violent agents provocateur over to the police when a peaceful demonstration is redirected into violent mob action.

Much is said about division, of late. A great deal of that division has been sown by those who reject Thoreau's maxim about the duties attendant to civil disobedience.

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Well that's what happens when Uber Eats forgets the quinoa on you kale salad!...it feels like murder.

Times are tough Chris!...:)

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That's like some kind of vegan genocide. Vegocide. Tragic.

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Literally vegan genocide. Gotta get literally in there so people grasp the severity of it.

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Wait until they find out that Uber Eats won't deliver them food when the manufactured supply chain crisis hits and the manufactured famine ensues.

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Maybe they can set up their own CHAZ and grow their own food (remember the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from the George Floyd summer of love?).

CHAZ brought in some dirt and spread it around to the size of a blow-up kiddie wading pool, planted some limp tomato seedlings and spring onions, and called it Agriculture.

Photos of the crops also showed some suspiciously discarded empty egg cartons leading to speculation they planted eggs as well.

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Boy, I hate Kale! The passing of Peak Kale has been a blessing. (OTOH, I love cabbage in any form.)

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You inspired me to make sausages, potatoes and sauerkraut for dinner. Gotta get my cabbage on!

When life gives you cabbage...make sauerkraut...:)

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Or sausages.

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One of my favorite meals. Recommend turnips in addition to or replacing potatoes.

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Oooh dang it. That would've really topped it off.

Good recommendation!

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Don’t be a hater 🤣! I shred it and add it to my salad greens along with carrots and red cabbage. You don’t really taste the kale and it bumps up the nutrition. Just sayin’!

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I might like Kale if I couldn't taste it. Cheers!

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why are they blocking the humanitarian aid?!

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I've always been a monster!

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Sitting at home for months because your governments (and the deans) told you to be scared of a virus is terrible preparation for urban guerrilla warfare. But it's good preparation for participating in future rounds of hysteria.

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More payback for the COVID Hoax.

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The icing on the cake is Joe Biden is using YOUR money to pay off THEIR student loans.

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Well, our tax money is being spent on all sorts of insanity. Just one more bit of insanity.

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But, but . . . will they get catering vouchers?

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"Having to face consequences for my actions is literal genocide." Terry Bernadino

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Yes of course...they're just faux-fighting "genocide" so that Hamas can fight Isreal down to the last Palestinian!

Makes perfect sense!

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So many are a) misusing and abusing the term genocide; it has a specific definiton and conditions that must be met to be in effect, neither of which are present in the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and b) doing so while ignoring that it is well-known and documented that Hamas (and other palestinian organisation before them) /explicitly/ calls for the extermination of jews, all jews, everywhere.

It's web-search away, so I must conclude that the people abusing the term are wilfully not looking it up, nor are they looking up which nations/parties are signatories to the UN General Assembly resolution 260 A (III) of 1948, or what nations/parties have ratified the treaty.

Even when you drop them a link to the remarkably short and concise resolution, they refuse to look at it:


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Except trans genocide of course. That can be triggered merely by not finding men in dresses attractive.

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Have you noticed that all the pro-palestinian comments include ad hominems?

Weak sauce imo.

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Standard MO, on-line and in real life. Provoke until you get attacked, then your own violent response is justified.

They do it on the street: one guy or girl getting in your face, screaming and spitting and swearing and waiving their hands in your face. When you shove them away, their mob descends to "defend" their compatriot.

Same thing they do down in MENA: provoke police or military into a violent response, then proclaim the provocateur a martyr for the cause, and then commit acts of terror.

Ir may be new to you over in the US but we over here have had tio deal with the redacted unprintables from the litterbox of the world for nigh on five decades now - because palestinians behave exactly the same here, even if they are a fourth generation descendant of the initial migrants. 1 000+ years of marrying your cousins makes deep tracks, if I'm to be vulgar about it.

Keep an eye out for news from Sweden: we're hosting the Eurovision Song Contest, starting tonight Friday 4th. Police, SÄPO (NSA/FBI eq.), Must (Mil-int), and pretty much everyone else is on heightened alert fully expecting arabs and their dhimmi to commit assaults and terrorist actions against the show, since Israel is participating (why non-european nations is part of a european competition is such a tangled mess it's a topic in its own right) and its flag hasn't been banned.

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I miss Horst Wessel! (Extremist movements just love phony martyrs.)

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You shouldn't assume these people have any understanding of history. Or even care to.

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Sort of like the name “Antifa” = anti-fascist? They’ve never cared about the true definitions of words…for God’s sake, look at the total mockery they make of the word “Democracy”!!!

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it is well-known and documented that Israel (and the Israeli people in general) /explicitly/ calls for the extermination of all palestinians.


Considering your OHCHR link, what aspects do not describe the situation in Gaza and the West Bank?

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Explicitly? Well known? Source?

I think you’re full of shit, so back up your blood libel please.

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They never can. They just mindlessly spew what they heard on Tik Tok. God forbid any of them actually attempt to learn actual facts or - even worse - get perspective from both sides of an argument.

Israel gets attacked by literal demon terrorists and drooling smooth brains think that Israeli Arabs, who have every single right Jews do including serving in the government - and in fact have more rights to move freely in Israel than any other ethnicity including Jews - are ViCtiMs oF aPaRtHeiD.

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I think it’s called a war! You know same as Russia invades Ukraine- Ukraine fights back! Hamas attacks Israel- Israel fights back!

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None of it is applicable to the West Bank/Gaza. Start by reading it.

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Makes em even. WTF?

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On the other hand we have Alan Dershowitz and a coauthor do an op-ed in the New York Post wondering how many of these students will turn into terrorists themselves (https://nypost.com/2024/04/30/opinion/how-many-campus-protesters-will-turn-terrorist-themselves-remember-the-60s/), these students who beg for people to deliver vegan and gluten free food and to please make sure it is BDS compliant.

If it weren't for hysteria, the media and politicians would have nothing.

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That last line sums up corporate media in a nutshell. They've been manufacturing it for decades.

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I believe Don Henley wrote a song about this.

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"Don't look back . . . saw a Deadhead sticker on a white Cadillac . . ."

About 15 years ago, I saw one on a white Mercedes convertible on Hwy 101 near Santa Maria.

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It's a song from the album "I can't stand still."

You know, the album with Tucker Carlson on the cover.

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I saw Tucker Carlson open for The Who in 1989.

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That sounds like one wicked show. Was he wearing a sport coat and a boe tie?

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The Revolution has begun...

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"If it weren't for hysteria, the media and politicians would have nothing."

An apt summation of the entire rasion d'etre of both species of parasite.

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And mind the BANANA allergy!!!!

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That was so ridiculous 🙄

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I mean, the entire demand for ANYTHING or they’d DIE of starvation &/or dehydration rivaled the “planet is boiling” for ass hat-ery

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Not to worry, it’s Republicans to the rescue. Mike (Hakeem Jeffries) Johnson will deftly untie the ideological Gordian knot the Democrats find themselves in now. He will hold hearings to create martyrs on the Left, recreate the Joe McCarthy hearings for the MSM to disseminate and anger both the anti and pro Zionist camps simultaneously. And miraculously nothing will get accomplished about the border invasion, Joe Biden money laundering hearing, importing Palestine jihadist terrorist directly to a neighborhood near you while passing legislation to take your 1st Amendment rights away.

I can’t wait for the remake of Chicago 1968 the Sequel this August. Maybe James Carville can play the part of a geriatric Abby Hoffman, yelling at all the kids to get off my grass.

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This time the Republicans have gone too far, left. You can't hate them enough.

"House Republicans Outsource Censorship to George Soros" Mises Wire


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Come on, Corey, don’t forget the “strongly worded” letters! Republicans these days are experts at writing letters which translate into nothing but gum flapping and zero action!

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I think the golden age of “harsh words” followed by a rude letter is done. Republicans find themselves trapped in the paradigm of “words are violence” and “silence is complicity”. For them this is a riddle not even Quantum Mechanics can untangle.

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Judy I believe it's described as "making mouth sounds".

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Uh, weenies…. Lol

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Yeah...I meant that...lolol

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"I can’t wait for the remake of Chicago 1968 the Sequel this August."

Only if they report it. The MSM will spike the story.

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I’ll make popcorn!

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I need help with hating them even more. My hate cup runeth over.

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Hear hear

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Everyone is going to hate me. I haven't read the other comments:

I went to University of California Santa Barbara from 1969 to 1973. Two weeks before I arrived, a bomb in the faculty lounge murdered a janitor. I ended the first year under martial law. I grew to hate the student demonstrators: Petty (and not so petty violence) against against students, the closing of classrooms (and minds), many of the students were profoundly ignorant and really didn't belong at the U.C. Lots of vapid Valley girls here on Daddy's money and many useless guys just hiding out from the draft with no interest in being educated to an Open Mind. (Yeah! Go Boomers! Yeah!)

And yet the demonstrations were correct. The Vietnam War needed to end and the fools in Washington (who I also grew to hate) were never going to admit a mistake as long as they could draft the non-rich to be sent of to the jungle.

I can make a argument that trying to save the criminals in Saigon from themselves was worth the lives of a few hundred military professionals (that's what a military does for an Empire) but there there is no argument for the deaths of 50,000+ mostly unwilling, mostly men. I was called for my draft physical toward the end of the draft. I was willing but totally unenthusiastic about serving in the army. Luckily, I failed my physical. I received a draft status just above 4F. (I think the word was out from the army to the doctor that day that they did not want any more older college graduates at that time. For anyone curious, I can be used for medical experiments in case of nuclear war.)

So where am I:

1. I believe in all of the First Amendment. Local and Vocal Protest, Yes! Physical Occupation No! (usually enforced by low level unreported violence against real students.)

2. I loath the Soy Boys and the Whining Princess Girls. "What??? You mean there is no catering truck coming???" "You're hurting ME! You hurting ME!" Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.

3. The Proud Boys did outstanding work in Portland a few years ago. I wish they where back.

4. No one that matters has ever been serious about a real two state solution. The geography seems to require a "Polish Corridor" as a part of a real solution and no leader (on either side) can agree to that and stay in power.

5. Hamas on 10/07 committed war crimes.

6. Israel, at some point in it's retaliation, starting committing war crimes.

7. The US government is totally ineffective. With the elections coming up, Biden can't offend the Muslim voters in key battleground states. And he can't offend Jewish money and media support also need to win the election. And shipping weapons to Israel is great for the Industrial Military Complex. American colleges shovel propaganda to lumpen-proletariat. My slogan is: Expropriate Ivy League Endowments!

8. I will give Biden credit. I thought his response a few days ago on the right to protest vs unlawful occupation was spot on. His best speech ever --- Seemed to be in his own words and he

seemed to be genuinely engaged. He may be a Stopped Clock, but he can be right be twice a day.

9. Trump is useless. I don't think that he would do any better at this crisis than Biden if he was in office. Yet every day this goes on, he gains 10.000+ votes and most importantly is defusing the impact of the clown show that was J6. (Free All J6 Political Prisoners!)

10. I live in California so I can't imagine Trump winning any state, but I now think he is likely to win in November, particularly if there is violence surrounding the Big D convention. It is going to be a howl watching the mainstream media try NOT to report on any violence. I use to watch the MSM news a lot. Now I almost never see it as the news programs bear no relationship to any reality I observe.

That is All.

So the protestors were right but wrong OR wrong but right depending on your fundamental point of view.

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Many interesting thoughts. Don't agree at all that Israel has committed war crimes. There's evidence that they've worked to protect civilians. Who hate them. They don't have all the hostages back -- there's an argument for the war to continue.

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You have a good comment. I appreciate how well it's thought out.

However I think you skip over the fact that Isreal could wipe Palestine off the map...fortunately they don't.

On the other hand Allah COMMANDS his followers to wipe Isreal from the map...fortunately they can't.

Do you think for a second they wouldn't if they could?

Do you think a Jewish person would throw you off a building? What about the inverse?

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Unless you provide solid evidence I have no reason to believe that the claims that Israel is committing war crimes is anything but Hamas propaganda.

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Nobody hates you.

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Get ready to see burning cars and buildings in Chicago while we're told about the "mostly peaceful" protests at the Democratic convention. Either that or we won't see anything because the media won't report it, or the City of Chicago will go to great lengths to suppress or prevent it.

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This is the new kinetic face of the Democrats. Started with BLM, now they have the Islamofascists. Who’s next in the rotation, RuPaul? This hasn’t resulted in any deaths in America…yet. But this is just starting. Notice the language around the widdle Hamazis. They are mollycoddled and the MSM is deferential toward Hamas when they speak about them.

Contrast that with the language for Republicans and Israel. Everybody against election fraud, abortion, transing your tween, and illegal invasion is described in the harshest possible terms. Defending yourself against rape and mutilation? Colonialist white supremacy obvi. Who’s “worse”, Trump or Netanyahu? Hard to tell since they get identical abusive treatment. You’re either for the revolution or you’re an enemy of the state. Gee, where have we seen that before? Anybody? Bueller, Bueller?

Meanwhile here’s the UK. Look what’s coming up on sharia bandstand:


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Yep - wake up America. We’ve seen what the squad is capable of.

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Glad to see you calling out all sides.

The hysteria from all angles is ridiculous.

Meanwhile, thousands dying in Israel and Palestine. And the same in Russia - Ukraine, Burma and other locations.

Main character syndrome for a whole nation..lol

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Main Character Syndrome might be in future versions of the DSM or ICD, and I'm only half-kidding when I say that.

We saw the first signs here around 2000-2001. That's when I had students complain about them not being told about homework, when I had just addressed the whole class:

"But you didn't tell it to /me/!" they'd say, indignantly. That they were part of a group was perfectly inconceivable to them; their behaviour was very much that of someone on a stage or in front of a camera, playing the leading role in some drama.

No malice, not simply being brats or inattentive, not narcissistic as per the diagnosis - just so naturally egocentric that they acted as if everyone else was part of their extras and chorus in the play about their life.

Nowadays, we have parents calling the university demanding PT-conferences.

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I am an educator too.

I miss teaching in Korea where the university students were fabulous for the most part. They were far more concerned about economics (finding a decent job, finding affordable housing, etc.).

Returning to Canada in 2019, after almost 16 years overseas, the biggest culture shock has been the different culture from 2003 when I left. Woke culture, victimhood culture, and narcissism which we see displayed by so many now.

And I primarily blame the adults (parents, educators, politicians, bureaucrats, influencers) from Gen X (I am Gen X), and Boomers who have allowed this wimpy culture to proliferate.

Yes, we all have bad days and bad things happen to us. That is life.

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"Returning to Canada in 2019, after almost 16 years overseas, the biggest culture shock has been the different culture from 2003 when I left."

There's an old book on this titled "Coming Home Crazy". Highly recommended.

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Try London during the same period. Unbelievable to me.

Vibe Totally ruined.

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I don't think that's a joke or half kidding at all.

Seems dispositive imo

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Why can't little Johnny protest? Oh the humanity!!!

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In college, late 70s into early 80s. There was the Iranian revolution. I had a poetry professor (poetry happens) who was a big time supporter of the revolution and he constantly let it be known during lectures , and his comments were just fucking dumb and eventually I couldn’t take it any more, being super patient and a smart ass, as is my penchant, and he made one more dumb pontificating comment and I asked him a sly question about it in class which sounded innocuous but really skewered him on his own shishkabob and he figured it out about thirty seconds into his pompous ass Marxist answer and he turned bright red and started yelling and cursing when he realized he’d been suckered. I didn’t burst out laughing which was miraculous . And his curvy Commie TA who was hot, took a shine to me when I made the big honcho look like a putz, and i was able to get that across the goal line. College. Youth. The 80’s.Sigh.

The only big protests we had were about Afghanistan and how the Russians were bad. Unfortunately not bad enough. Could have saved us a lot of trouble. I just remember thinking that Jimmy Carter was pathetic.

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Reno 911 clip?

Chef’s kiss.

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It couldn't be anything less than Kent State, Chris; for them it's always the worst, it always goes up to 11. Remember that these are many of the same people who are under the spell of the Swedish doom pixie, the one who's predicting the End of the World any minute now.

- Spinal Tap reference for you young 'uns.

- No disrespect intended, Rikard, I really do like Swedish people very, very much.

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Of course, there are always outside agitators. They were there on January 6th. But seldom

Mentioned is how tom Hayden the agitator of the 1968 riots in Chicago, honed his trade with the 1967 Newark race riots. He wasn't from New Jersey but was a “ community organizer “ in Newark that summer. Prepared to organize trouble.


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