
Report from the ground suggests those TNG helicopters got there quite late in the game:


But not because of the soldiers who actually do the work.

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It is heartbreaking and far from over. As noted in that thread, the spotlight on Asheville is a bit of a trick; as soon as possible there will be an MSM drive-by to tell everyone that the hipsters are all okay, Starbucks & the brewpubs are open again, and the rest of us should "move on", stop politicizing & pouncing! Pay no attention to the cabal behind the curtain or the rest of our people struggling off the beaten track.

Without X and Substack, how many would have hints & clues of real events on the ground? Even with X and Substack, how many of the less-online have enough meaningful information to understand the implications? We'll be living through a peace-precarious situation, a tinderbox, for at least the next few months. Pray; give what you can to small orgs on the ground, and pray.

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Do you know of any organizations who are doing good work there to recommend?

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15 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

The United Cajun Navy and Samaritan’s Purse were among the first organizations on the ground in the disaster zone.

The local churches are the most trustworthy organizations in North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. Ask around to see if any of YOUR local churches has an affiliation with a church down south or plans to assist a church in the disaster area.

Whatever you do, please DO NOT donate to Red Cross. They’ll spend the $$$ on 4 and 5-star hotels for their corrupt staff. A few pennies will be donated to the people in need, if that.

The thieves and scoundrels working at FEMA are an absolute disgrace. Treat them with the utmost contempt. That depraved agency must be defunded, disbanded and prosecutions for extreme malfeasance must be pursued. They are ALL CRIMINALS. No exceptions.

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You beat me to them. Samaritan’s Purse and Cajun Navy are who I was going to say. It seems like they were there before the rain stopped. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is also there helping.

Catholic Charities are a huge no. They are helping in North Carolina, but they’ve been helping bring in illegal aliens for many years! They actually teach illegals en route what to say to get asylum in the US. They also provide housing and transportation on the way to the US and once they get to here! As an NGO they use our money to pay for it all!

I kicked Red Cross and United Way to the curb years ago. Not another dime for them!

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Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and Jewish Family Services are the four biggest organizations bringing in tens of millions of illegal invader criminals into the United States using Americans’ tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

These NGOs are staffed by Marxist criminals hellbent on destroying our country from within. They are TRAITORS and they must face the severest possible penalties for their naked violation of our U.S. immigration laws.

These enemies of the American People are atheist nihilists who use the cover of religiosity and a pseudo-religious front organization to carry out their subversion and treason against our nation.

Spread this information far and wide. Never even consider giving them a penny of your money.

If Trump has any sense at all, he will immediately shut down these evil organizations and try ALL of these traitorous apparatchiks for treason against the United States.

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Agree! Multiple scandals at United Way over the years.

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We're not that far and our Sheriff's and volunteer Fire Depts are coordinating donations they're driving up every few days. My church is coordinating some volunteer days. Sorry, I know that doesn't help people who are farther away.

These are not small orgs but on the ground (a good sign IMO is an org's ability to coordinate volunteers on the ground as well as just take money): Samaritan's Purse (HQ in Boone, run by Billy Graham's son, https://www.samaritanspurse.org/article/pray-for-those-in-helenes-path/) and Baptists on Mission (https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/By-Mission-Type/Disaster-Relief/Hurricane-Helene).

If I hear of some others I'll come back and post.

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Dr. Robert Malone listed some sources in a recent SS. Might be a good place to start. I did Catholic charities and Glen Becks charity. Mercury One.

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Samaritans Purse

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Others doing outstanding work - Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Church in Black Mountain, and Samaritan's Purse. And the Cajun Navy is doing an awesome job.

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I'm here in Black Mountain. Local boots on the ground: https://www.heartswithhands.org/

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Trump has opened a Go Fund Me with now over $5 million dollars in it to help.

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Currently working on an article about this, but the amount of amazing coordination between regular people is amazing and reminds us again that the most powerful force on the planet is human cooperation.


"If your family is near this pin, they got my attention with a mirror flashing against the sun they are okay and we’ve dropped off supplies"

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

An article about how the residents of Anchorage, Alaska organized their own rescue and repair operation in response to the March, 1964 earthquake along the Alaska coastline.


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It's the biggest reason I consider AI logistics overrated. Operation Overlord was organized by men doing everything the old fashioned way.

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Don't you suspect that plenty of FEMA workers are still so "careful" about covid that if they do go to the Appalachians, they'll interact with the people only as much as their supervisor requires them to?

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Yes but I'm not sure if covid has anything to do with it.

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Deep in their little frightened hearts. They are terrified that they will end up lost and separated somewhere in the hollers and the dark woods And before you know it, They Will be squealing like pigs. And hear a hillbilly tell them, you got pretty lips boy. Let's see how.

Many people get the movie reference. I'm fairly sure it's every northerner's nightmare particularly of a certain age and it's just been passed down Through generations .

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

It’s obvious by now that Twitter is the new king of media. You cannot find these videos or the facts from the ground on the corporate media. May the corporate media die a much deserved death.

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It's why they hate Elon Musk. Inescapably. A channel for unrestricted, immediate information.

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Also, where you can see a video of the Mountain Mule Packers Ranch guy leading pack mules along treacherous washed-out roads, loaded with supplies. And the Cajun Navy bringing everything from insulin to dog food. SO many others. AMERICA!!

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He’s provided Starlink kits and connections for free in the affected areas.

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Twitter is Radio Free Europe for the United States.

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Wow…truly insightful! 🎯

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Wow, great thinking!

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Turn it up baby!


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It's thrilling -- I felt it in my spine. GET IT DONE.

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Those boys can work with their hands. And that's how you make shit happen.

Soy boys...not so much.

Underrated variable in regards to the mess we're in imo.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Hey man, I work with my hands: The endless guile-filled wit has to come from somewhere! Anyways I have to run...I misplaced my soy topped latte and my girlfriend's boyfriend is calling me...

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Cheers, man!

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16 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Indeed. As a member of the soy community myself, I resemble that remark.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Some of us are lactose intolerant, and all these bigots need to get over their misogynistic red-meat macho-milk infused coffee! I like my wristbones paper thin, and so does my girlfriend's husband!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

My girlfriend’s S & M Bondage Therapy Partner is also lactose intolerant. Seems like there’s more of us than I realized.

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It's how America was built, really. Voluntary interaction among free people.

"You didn't build that," Obama.

"Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way."

Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience (1849)

Americans just need some civil disobedience to get Obama and the rest of the traitorous government scum out of our way.

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The best of America’s spirit of giving a brother a hand up.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

I wish there were something I could do for these poor people. Meanwhile, I'm in tears over the beautiful humanity in this crisis.

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Get ready and stay ready. It ain't over.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Lynyrd Skynyrd was the perfect music choice for this video.


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No other music would have allowed itself to be added. That song just showed up for it, waiting.

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I'm driving and I literally stuck my head out the window, blaring the music, with my tongue out!

Sometimes ya just gotta get in touch with your inner dog.

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Hell yeah!!!

Can't hold a freebird down...that's what I said to myself every day during the c19 shit-show

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I hope millions of people can get this information about how the US government/FEMA completely and unabashedly denied aid, threatened arrests, and proudly stated they were out of money. But not out of money for these necessary expenditures: $9k/ea for illegal invaders plus luxurious hotels and/or apartments, billions to Israel, likely trillions to Ukraine, and millions for everyone else who had a hand out. Not to forget, this also happened in Lahaina and East Palestine, et.al.

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I suspect those stories will be told loudly and clearly when the immediate emergency passes. It'll come. My impression is that there are still -- still! -- people in immediate trouble, who need help first and accountability later. This is a big event. It'll take time.

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True, but the faster the information gets out the more likely it is to red pill many and that means less votes for the cackling-word-salad and soy-boy. I don’t mean this to be insensitive at all because the other important thing is that I think it will help drive more people to the areas needing assistance. Samaritan’s Purse is actively seeking volunteers and I’m sure plenty similar outfits need them too.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

And don’t forget the hundreds of millions in aid given to Lebanon yesterday. Lebanon in the Middle East, not Lebanon USA silly.

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Infuriating. We're sending money to Lebanon to help them deal with the damage done by the bombs we sent to Israel to drop on Lebanon. To be clear, my view of events in Lebanon are that Hezbollah could have prevented the bombing by not firing rockets at Israel. But we are, once again, paying for both sides. If we'd had Anthony Blinken in World War II, we would have sent cash to the Japanese.

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Can we all at least agree nobody in the Middle East gets taxpayers money? How many trillions and it's still a total shit show.

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And helmets for the kamikaze pilots.

This age is beyond parody.

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Warms my heart . 🙌🏼

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18 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Love this SELF RELIANCE💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Knock us down and we’ll get back up❤️

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Americans are great. The government can suck a dick.

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There are some people who work for government who are still more American than government, thank God.

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“Some” seems overly generous. There appear to be only handful of .gov’s, out of millions, that fit that description. I see no evidence to suggest otherwise.

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Straight into my fucking veins.

Let's go.

Let's fucking go.

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Tell you what.

There’s a storm brewing in the Gulf. Currently on pace to hit Sarasota. I’m much further inland, but whatever happens? I ain’t worried.

I’m surrounded by rednecks and I teach their kids.


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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

I'm so pumped about ready to go drink enough booze to float a battleship around.

Another lyric from Lynyrd Skynyrd

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

NC state motto: “Esse quam videre.” “To be rather than to seem.”

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

That’s Tim Walz’s personal motto.

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Just perfect

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18 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Very glad to finally see substantial help from gov't. Huzzah!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

All of you Out America'd me before I could get here to Out America you, so all I have to add is: God is looking down on those people and playing "Real American" turned up to 11. If he somehow misplaced it, I am doing the same thing....you know, just in case.

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Easy. Big government bad. Small local involvement good.

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