It's beyond hilarious that the elite want to pick a fight with Russia - which is making none of these unforced errors - and in the process these clowns have not only broken the economy and depleted munitions to a dangerous level, but they've done it after doing everything in their power to alienate precisely that part of the population that provides the muscle, historically.

Don't wanna preen too hard, but this collapse in recruiting is very consistent with my analysis:


These fools thought information and money is power. Turns out power is power and they're going to learn that the hard way.

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Veshinin from the Royal United Services Institute agrees in his latest piece ("The REturn of Industrial Warfare" - https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/return-industrial-warfare ): in a tempo-matched artillery exchange between NATO and Russia, NATO would exhaust their current munitions inventories in less than a month and does not have the industrial capacity to replenish inventories in real time.

And that's assuming no 'attrition' of munitions-deliveries imposed by 1000-mile supply lines and lack of air superiority.

The Empire of Lies has gotten far too used to fighting ragtag bands of disaffected brown peasants in situations where the EoL own the airspace and the brown folks have no ranged weapons (apart from maybe mortars and RPG).

Even then, they're 0 for 4 (or 5) since Korea.

Knocked 'em dead in Grenada, though.

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Yes, back in the late 30's we had the industrial strength to catch up. Now, we import everything from China. WWIII, however, started several years ago. It is not a shooting war ... yet.

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Preen away Bro. You nailed it!

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Woke military doesn’t have to beat Russia

Just has to beat MAGA 🇺🇸etc

I am a veteran of decades just finished BTW.

In truth it will be hard to get the military as woke or anti American as say CIA, FBI, or State. But not impossible.

Frankly we deserve it for being selfish cowards. Nearly all Americans are really Libertarians with a desire for safety at any price so they can be selfish.

Suffering may change that but...probably not enough.

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Remember we are speaking English and so does the world.

No one would have thought that 500 years ago, or even 300 years ago.

You must consider they are masters of strategy, look what has become of us? We are openly the enemy.

Russia a mere foil.

They do not fear Russia, they did not flee Russians Jan 6 they fled from us.

You can fail nearly completely at tactics and even largely operationally, if you win strategically you won.

As for tossing our army away its a net gain for them, we did not smash the people 1/6 nor will we - we like our countrymen are in the way and unwanted.

Any military embarrassment always is blamed on the military anyway.

As for Austin the last General we had was Macarthur. We know what happened to him.

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Looks like they're escalating their efforts to goad Russia into a fight. This podcast episode is short and sweet and highlights the American regime's latest efforts to make sure they get the war they want: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/battleground-america-40582/sure-looks-like-the-swamp-is-setting-up-ww3-1486492240. One side wants to strengthen its military and culture, while the other side wants to focus its military on pronouns and safe spaces. I don't see a happy ending for the American empire here.

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*Hilarious*? Looking down from Barsoom while Dejah Thoris kneels before you, it may seem that way. But the rest of us are stuck in this nightmare. Many of us saw it coming long before you, oh great genius - before you were even born - but have been utterly powerless to prevent it. We don't find it at all amusing! Until you wipe that smirk off your face you should avoid getting too close to the suffering herd creatures. Else we'll be happy to wipe it off, free of charge

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I get your fatalism, but that's all the more reason to have a sense of humor if you can manage it. If our predicament is similar to that of condemned men who will be hung in the morning, regardless of what you choose to do now, then gallows humor may be all you got; and in a situation like that, any gallows humor that could get me to laugh and crack a smile, even if just for the briefest of moments, is truly a Godsend. If you've got to be hung anyway, then why would you want to BOTH suffer a dreadful fate AND miss out on an opportunity for a lighthearted momentary reprieve?

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You're right! No offense intended. Keep up the good work!

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Well, the incredibly painful woke recruiting advertising is not helping, either. I saw an ad that felt more like a teen vogue invitation to join a non-binary college organization (was gonna say sorority, but goodness, what a gendered word and organization!) that sometimes traveled the world. Had to watch it a few times to convince my brain it really was an army recruitment ad.

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I don’t recall where, but somewhere I saw a recruitment ad for the Russian military, then an ad for the U.S. military. The contrast between the two says a lot.

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My kids meme those ads all the time! Hilarious! "My name is Jessica, and my story begins in California with two moms." WTAF?! Cringe!

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You don't understand. This is *exactly * the kind of military the Regime wants. They only want people who are attracted to those kinds of ads. It's the plan. These Oligarchs did the exact same w the CIA about 20 years ago-- advertising recruiting for PC people. And it worked. The agency is now staffed by mini totalitarians who love them some commie tard ideology. Same w FBI and DOJ.

So why do they do this? Because the active military as is poses a threat to their plans to go full totalitarian. Get rid of anyone who may not obey orders to massacre fellow Americans. Then replace them w people who see fellow Americans as untermenschen. This is where we're headed folks.

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Jun 29, 2022
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I want to believe you’re wrong. I want to. But you probably are not wrong.

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It drives me crazy that more criticism isn't given to the fact that Biden is arming self declared Nazis while declaring his political opponents white supremacists. And forcing fake vaccines with safety and efficacy that continues to diminish on a daily basis, adding insult to injury.

Hope you're feeling better Chris.

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Feeling totally fine -- thanks!

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the media wont touch this part of the story. They are all neocon, chicken hawks that just parrot CIA propaganda. The war in Ukraine is another useless folly thats sole purpose is to enrich the military-industrial complex.

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Sadly true

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The military won't respond by ending the mandates to reverse the trend of low recruiting numbers. They'll ask for conscription. Because that's how the government thinks.

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Conscripting a population that hates your guts and doesn't think you're legitimate is not, historically, a very good strategy.

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@ johnny

No no and no. The Regime wants and needs a military totally under their control and reliably ideological even if that means a military that is 50% smaller and incapable of fighting any foreign adversary larger than Florida or Texas.

And that's the point, aint it? The Regime sees Americans as the #1 enemy, not Russia or China or Iran (despite their bullshit rhetoric). The US military is being reconfigured for use against Americans. The last thing they want is filling its ranks w anyone who can't be trusted to kill protesting patriots.

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I've heard this theory even applied to medical tyranny state. That is, through mandates and people who refuse them, they have a medical system without dissent thus making it easier for them to control.

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These neocons/neolibs will hammer The Fed and Congress super hard, submerge the economy into a Mega Great Depression and then millions of desperately poor young men will say to themselves, "How bad could it be? We'll be fighting for democracy and getting the hell out of this shit hole country!" and walk down to their local recruiting office and sign on the dotted line.

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And people will refuse

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There will be more and I suspect the powers that be will also ramp up their efforts. Recently the Danish Health Ministry announced an admission that should have been Earth shattering for the mainstream Covid narrative and policy but the nudge machine (AKA Orwellian propaganda machine) didn’t pick it up at all, see below.

Oh oh! The much vaunted Danish health policy is now under fire from itself, “In hindsight, we didn’t benefit much from vaccinating children, admits director of Danish health authority”.

The same authority that was lauded for halting all C19 restrictions, citing the success of the vax, while experiencing the worst C19 death rate of the pandemic, which was not reported.

This admission mean that children were exposed to an experimental gene therapy that had insufficient clinical trials and no long term safety data and that what concerning data was evident in the testing done was subverted. Moreover the adverse events were severe and sufficient to halt the programme but no authority analysed the data.

What is more, you will not find this admission reported on Western MSM. But you will find the below widely reported and both announcements came out around the same time.

Still think you aren’t being manipulated? Still think you can trust the system? Still trust the Experimental non vaccines? Gonna get another shot this winter?

Meanwhile hospitalisations are going up, in mid summer…



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And they expect people volunteer to die for this regime???? Even the midwits know the military is a bad deal today.

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I think they are desperate to have a military comprised of cucks that will follow orders to fire on American civilians. They might accomplish that goal. I don't think they have any idea how quickly a gender confused sissified standing army will crumble under a pissed off citizen army that's been keeping the ammo shelves bare for years.

I could be wrong. The not so subtle attacks on our food supply chain are probably the beginning of a plan to starve us out to prevent an armed resistance to their Great Reset.

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Jun 29, 2022
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That could be. I've also considered the possibility that they are weakening our military to aid a foreign nation in a hostile takeover of the U.S. Possible but why have a shooting war when one is not needed?

I think they are going for total economic collapse along with a famine in order to facilitate destruction of the freedom living U.S. populace. Their great reset can not be fully realized with 150 million gun owners in one country.

They will try to starve us out and let us fight amongst ourselves for resources before sending in U.N. troops to hand out food in exchange for the people's firearms. Once the disarmament is complete everybody can own nothing and be happy.

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Something I notice on the Left, be it elites or poor Democrat voters, is an inability to foresee any negative consequences to actions/policies. And being absolutely sure that the status quo won’t change.

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Why do you think these consequences aren't exactly what they intend and desire?

It's so much more comforting for us to think these guys are incompetent boobs, but they're done a remarkable job of subverting our nation and turning it into an Oligarcho-tyranny for supposedly hapless fools.

We'd better start taking this seriously or we'll be laughing at these incompetent boobs all the way to the concentration camps.

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Right. I call it a total lack of imagination.

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I heard an internal navy video about using the proper pronouns. It was pathetic. It is I presume required for active duty members. I couldnt believe what It was real. The chinese, Iranians and Russians are all preparing there soldiers for battle, we're preparing ours to be gender studies majors. Not good. I'm glad the enlistment and retainment are cratering. I have the utmost respect for those that serve, but I'd rather my 2 boys cut grass for a living then enlist in the military.

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The purge of the military continues and it scares the hell out of me. This is Banana Republic territory. Couple that with the de facto purge of big city police departments, whose demoralized officers are leaving en masse, and one can come up with a very reasonable conspiracy theory as to where this show is going.

If I turn on the TV and see Loyd Austin, in shades and epaulets, cryptically declaring that "it's time to cut the tall trees," I am heading into the woods with my rifle.

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On the one hand it's very worrying, because a politically compliant security service loyal to Our Values Democracy rather than the Republic can be relied on to do terrible things. On the other they're losing their competent people, which will be a substantial handicap for them.

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True, but I'd feel better if our guys got to take some hardware with them. Maybe the Taliban will put some items from their recently expanded cache for sale on eBay.

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If our guys don't have tanks and fighter jets, but their guys can't afford the diesel and jet fuel to keep them running, it all comes down to small arms and the ability to use them. Given how precarious the US economy already is, if CW2 goes kinetic I doubt the fedgov revenue stream will be looking all that great.

And even that said, Ukraine is indicating that the age of mechanized warfare is on hold, with military advantage now back to infantry slugfests.

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Yep, JC. That's what I'm hoping. The wokester military won't hack it and will fall apart under any real stress.

And i hope (although hard to imagine w our current stable of pathetic state leaders) that some state NGs and LEOs will join the good guys along w their hardware, especially as it becomes clear which way the wind is blowing.

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John, you nailed it!

But don't head for hills. Put your skills to good, combined use.

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He looks like Cinderblockhead from Teen Titans. Just as stupid

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Truly a "MUST WATCH" interview:

Ukraine: What's Really Happening

L. Todd Wood was one of the first experts to warn against U.S. involvement in Ukraine. He’s been reporting on the war and knew it could 'tripwire into a much bigger conflict.' He joins Tucker to share the truth about what's really happening in Ukraine.


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Global elites wish to destroy the West. They are using a range of different vectors to accomplish their goals. When will a critical mass of people wake up and notice what is happening?

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I think we’re trying. Hopefully that big red tsunami this Fall doesn’t produce more RINOs. Otherwise we’re sunk.

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Ed, don't put any hope in 2022 or red waves etc.... We need to embrace the reality that we don't live in a republic any longer (and probably haven't for quite a while). The US is controlled Oligarchy and elections serve as a useful illusion that the people have a say in things. We don't. Not at the federal level at any rate. We are in the midst of a revolution and most of us aren't even aware of it, unfortunately. Skyrocketing inflation, lockdowns, supply chain breakdowns, lack of energy, food supply shortages, rising crime, CRT, ...these aren't accidental or some kind of unforeseen consequences. The Oligarchs know exactly what they're doing and want to crash our society so they can exercise real dictatorial powers for a Great Reset.

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A bunch of fat, woke generals who haven't a clue about the enlisted ranks. If there were a civil war, 90% of the military would defect.

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The recent purging of the US military reminds us of Stalin's purge of the Red Army: targeting for destruction all independent thinkers and political undesirables, while also applying a general terror (poison death shots).

Why did Stalin do it? Presumably he wanted an army that would not threaten his authority in the war soon to come.

Is that why "the collective Biden" is doing this? Are they anticipating something?

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The simple part first; the system that Hearst, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, etc. worked so hard to achieve is finally here. So, “YAY!”, I guess. The sad part of this commentary, that I’m surprised was not mentioned is that all of these wars were based on lies for profit. Our kids died for nothing and murdered for even less. This crypto fascism perfected is only going to get worse as long as a castrated left continues to accept identity politics bromides as a satisfactory answer. “We have an all gay fighter squadron!” Yay! I’m sure the people of Somalia are super stoked about that…

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Nothing here is hilarious. Indoctrination of the US MILITARY to go after Americans should scare you. That's politicalization of the MILITARY.

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