If you wanted to be insulted a little more, understand that the true purpose of that video was not really to convince you that Tucker Carlson is wrong or evil. It's to convince you that agreeing with Tucker Carlson is somehow a stain on your character and makes *you* wrong and evil.

I love how both the "they" and "you" are in quotes, as if not only is there an amorphous conspiratorial "they," but there's a similarly amorphous and conspiratorial "you," as if to suggest that "you're not one of *those* people, are you?" *blinking eyes in exaggerated innocence*

They aren't trying to convince. They're trying to shame. Lucky for us, shame left this continent a long time ago.

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Yeah the purpose here isn't to convince anyone of anything. It is to signal, 'This is good behavior. That is bad behavior.' to people who still take their cues rather than thinking for themselves. The NYT is basically a kindergarten teacher and looks ridiculous to anyone above a second grade level.(that is '80s second grade level translates into 2023 6th grade due to inflation)

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From about a year ago [url below]: "More surprising are the stats about Carlson and Fox News’ pull with self-proclaimed Democrats. Of those demo-aged viewers surveyed who identified as Democrats, 39% chose Fox News, 31% chose MSNBC and 30% chose CNN for programming from 8 p.m. ET to 11 p.m. ET."

I'll bet you are correct! The NYT was trying to shame the Democrats and Independents, more of whom tune into Tucker versus the other networks.



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Apr 17, 2023Edited
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That would apply to people of average intelligence. Others will go where pushed. ie I still hear people assert that "If only we had used the nuke, we could have won the Vietnam War". Some people are beyond reach and all of them are jabbed and damn well want more, dammit. He moves in mysterious ways, right. Even he gets sick to death of dumbarases and this hell-in-a-syringe will do the trick quite nicely. Satan gets 3 billion new recruits, we execute the jabbers and Satan gets yet another million new recruits (pre-signed-up) and we and he live in peace and harmony. Not all that mysterious when you think about it, which I don't.

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🎯 Nailed it! But actually, you don't even have to agree with him. Just admitting you ever watched him, or listened to anyone quoting or referring to him without immediately announcing that whatever they had to say had no credibility and therefore you would not pay any attention, shows you are at risk of becoming a violent right wing extremist misogynist homo-transphobe gun-toting racist who doesn't support the CIA or FBI.

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I have to point out that most "violent right wing extremist misogynist homo-transphobe gun-toting racists who don't support the CIA or FBI" seldom quote Tucker. They simply appear on his show to lay out the facts that conflict with in the latest thing.

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Grandma Bear... (eyeing you suspiciously) you just describe me to a 'T'... "violent right wing extremist misogynist homo-transphobe gun-toting racist who doesn't support the CIA or FBI".

Are you spying on me? If so, tell me how you do it because I want to spy on all manner of even worse dudes.

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My secret is, I read comments on Substack. That's where the New York Times and other reliable sources told me you guys hang out. I report back regularly to my handler at the CIA (or FBI or DOJ or FDA, not sure but it's got three letters).🤪

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Omigod, then you know the CIA put a hit one me in 1971. I used to hide safely in the metal garbage bin but the cunning CIA made them switch to plastic. Tell them I have fled to Russia.

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Agree. Who do you think is our best shot at pushing back on this nonsense:

Trump or DeSantis?

Not a trick question. Just curious what you think.

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That's a hard question. My first inclination is to say neither, on the specific issue of pushing back (no other issue). In all honestly, I think the pushback has to come from the few remaining on the left that look at the New York Times article on Tucker Carlson, for example, and think, "Hey, weren't we the ones who didn't trust the man? What are we doing here defending the man? Even seven years ago, I'd be saying everything Carlson is saying. I'd be identifying every problem he's identifying (even if we don't agree on solutions). What the hell happened to Democrats? And why are these supposed august 'journalist' outlets pushing something that sounds like rank propaganda?" And then they have to make common cause with those who have already defected and the people they've been helping to demonize. That seems like a tall order, I know.

As for which one--Trump or DeSantis--would appeal to that group as an alternative to whoever the Democrats run giving them room to push back or defect? Trump, not all, for reasons that I think are pretty obvious if you read anyone with a blue wave after their name on Twitter (Trump = Hitler, and anyone who does not full-throatedly defend that equation = Nazi; that is not changing for them or anyone around them, regardless of the truth) and DeSantis only very slightly. He's conservative, he's waded into the culture wars, and the Democrats and the media will run the same playbook they ran on Trump. The only thing that might work in his favor, if enough people on the ground get the word out, is how well he's done for Florida, coming through the pandemic, dealing with the hurricane, and contrast that with how abysmal the Democrats' record has been.

But honestly if I've learned anything in the past few years, it's how little I really know.

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Well said. I agree with what you've said.

What happened to these classic liberals?:

There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.

- Mario Savio

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Look, "they" don't want to control you, but it's a good thing that they do -- because you're too dumb to run your own life.

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Sure they do. It's technocratic feudalism. It's just that the masses make it too easy for them. "Put a plastic bag over my head to shop at Whole Foods? How do I get one?"

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How did the masses get to be so stupid after all? Certainly, the aristocracy wouldn't have planned that all along. They've actually spent the last 200 years turning Americans into unethical, illiterate, Philistines. I never understood that other people's stupidity could be so harmful to me (What it really comes down to is that slaves and free people cannot live together as one. That's why free people have always hated the presence of slavery in all its forms. And the slaves hate us back). These liberals are enslaved by their priests in the popular culture. It's what priests do. They get you whispering Hail Mary and chanting mumbo-jumbo and before you know it, they can push your fear button and make you do anything they want. Priestcraft is what I call it.

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"How did the masses get to be so stupid after all?"

We live in a participation trophy society brought on by decades of media-driven materialism, commercialism, nihilism, instant gratification, safetyism, and lack of accountability. Social media compounded these problems by adding reduced attention spans and a general collective lack of critical thinking skills. We've gone from books and traditional journalism to tweets in less than a generation.

These societal features have created fertile grounds for the authoritarians and technocratic feudalists among us. As Covid demonstrated, they didn't have to do much when the great mass of society were willing to lock themselves away and act as compliance police.

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Just drink the d*mn kool-aid. Why do you have to make everything difficult? *singsong* It's ggrrraaapppee!!

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Look what happened to the ones that wouldn't drink the cool aid. They got shot.

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Better to make them shoot you than to go along though. There is a tremendous difference between a unanimous tyranny and a 99 to 1 vote.

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And night after night, we could make one of those graphics with (literally) hundreds of local TV affiliates reading the same scripts verbatim that the REAL “THEY”(government propagandists disguised as journalists) use to scare folks.

Projection: their signature move.

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The enemy class does have some cunning and clever people, but the enemy class' apparatchik mouthpieces are generally unimpressive. The loss of narrative control ability with social media has destroyed their ability to spew their BS unchallenged. Now they are public targets of the scorn, contempt and ridicule they justly deserve. However much they are hated, it is not enough

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What happened to that app Parler? Oops, it’s now gone. No control happened there. 😂

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If "they" didn't kick me off social media for questioning the Covid vaccines, I'd be happy if provided with an actual name, especially since "they" are more than likely living off my paycheck.

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The NYT? Didn’t that used to be a newspaper that a lot of people read? Huh...wonder whatever happened to them?

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They stopped reading, but it's impossible for them to cancel their subscriptions.

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Watching Count Floyd made me so nostalgic as a kid, when I would stay up late to watch people try to offend me. For laughs.

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But “THEY” are so much superior to us. Shrug.

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It’s more than a bit disturbing how the NYT is channeling Saul Alinsky so brazenly. “Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.” Or is it, “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” I can’t tell anymore.

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One supposes an audience exists for this tiresome, condescending rubbish. Personally, I find these people exhausting, which is part of their strategy: to just wear you down. They are so dishonest, so shrill, so ridiculous. It’s hard to imagine that anybody pays them to do anything but go away. One would hope that if we recover from our national nervous breakdown, that these half wit poseurs end up having to get real jobs at real places that deal with reality. It’s easy to talk nonsense when you live in Wonderland. A lot of the now furloughed tech fascists admit that they didn’t really do anything at their jobs. But they still took the big pay check of course. Obviously I’m not the target reader for Upper East Side fairy tales of fake oppression, written by self serious numbskulls and a smattering of token victim group members. What a pathetic, trite life. Imagine spending days on nothing but tearing down honest people making a good faith effort to make life better or simply report facts like a real reporter. I guess they can tell their non-binary miniature poodle grandchildren about how they fought in the first internet world war against the Republicans.

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"Personally, I find these people exhausting..."

Yes. It's a struggle. There's an army of these people, with government funding, who get paid to churn out this empty noise. It bores me half to death, but they can't just be allowed to pump poison into the culture unchallenged.

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You’re right. No argument here. I just have a hard time with the protracted nature of the conflict. I’m more of a reductionist by nature.

Better to yank the splinter out than wait for it to fester. Keep up the good fight.

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You should have read my discussion yesterday with a lady over at El Gatos substack, she certifies to the state if businesses are owned by a woman, but she doesn't depend on the state...........

What we got hear is a failure to communicate....................

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It is scary.

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my strong feeling is that guys like Scott Weiner, Richard (aka "Rachel") Levine, etc really just want an excuse to molest children with impunity. Weiner wants to destroy parental control in a kid's life so that he can "do" little boys. Levine says that in the very near future, Americans will happily accept their children switching genders willy-nilly, that this sicko behavior will be considered perfectly normal. i'm betting he's wrong about that. insanity, like misery, loves company and Levine hopes to feel "normal" by being surrounded by other ugly "women" in bad wigs and dowdy skirts. these people are in a death cult.

meanwhile, Tucker Carlson, who i admit i judged harshly without every bothering to listen to him, seems a rational measured person telling obvious nuanced truths.

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The gaslighting is only step 1 in a communist revolution. Historically, they finally do come around a shoot everyone they don't like, if they can't starve you.

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On target again Chris! Great article!

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One of the things that the Left does routinely is LIE. Scott Wiener (what an aptly named fool) blatantly lies when he says that 'they're banning gender-affirming care for adults'. Conservatives did not become vocal and militant about this until they started coming for the kids. While I will always hold the view that you CANNOT change your sex, what an adult wants to do to his/her own body -provided that they pay for it with his/her own funds - is up to them. It is when they don't just encourage, but try to codify into law, that nobody can object to or prevent the actions of adults when it comes to medical interventions involving their - or other people's - minor children that I draw the line. If you believe that Scott Wiener is correct about giving so-called medical professionals access to YOUR minor children when they are advocating that they undergo 'gender-affirming care', please page through this document describing one of these procedures. WARNING: This contains disturbing and graphic photographs, but please understand that this is what they want for any female child who claims to be trans-gendered. The procedures for Male-to-Female are, I am certain, equally barbaric.


Note that this is from a university of medicine, presumably University of North Caroline. Also note the very deceptive language that describes the information as 'Female-to Male-Gender-Confirmation'. No, this is butchery and should be stopped.

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But, they don’t pay for it themselves, do they?

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