Having lived in and experienced China day-to-day for 20+ years, I can conjure up no regime LESS deserving of admiration and inspiration than the CCP. When I first heard that comment from JT, I was gobsmacked. A man who never set a foot on Chinese soil outside his 5-star hotel, a man who had zero understanding of how the CCP rose to power…
Having lived in and experienced China day-to-day for 20+ years, I can conjure up no regime LESS deserving of admiration and inspiration than the CCP. When I first heard that comment from JT, I was gobsmacked. A man who never set a foot on Chinese soil outside his 5-star hotel, a man who had zero understanding of how the CCP rose to power and then brutalized a billion+ people for decades to maintain it, this caricature of a surfer dude to whom Canadians were somehow stupid enough to hand the reigns of power ... he was giving us a very clear signal of where he intended to lead Canada and according to whose blueprint. And I was supposed to trust him? I see ...
Having lived in and experienced China day-to-day for 20+ years, I can conjure up no regime LESS deserving of admiration and inspiration than the CCP. When I first heard that comment from JT, I was gobsmacked. A man who never set a foot on Chinese soil outside his 5-star hotel, a man who had zero understanding of how the CCP rose to power and then brutalized a billion+ people for decades to maintain it, this caricature of a surfer dude to whom Canadians were somehow stupid enough to hand the reigns of power ... he was giving us a very clear signal of where he intended to lead Canada and according to whose blueprint. And I was supposed to trust him? I see ...
His father was a communist at heart. They were close to Castro. It's in the family.
I thought his daddy was Castro.
He sure acts like he was.