I could not even watch them. My retard quotient has reached a limit today.

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Me neither. I'll take Chris's word for it

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me too

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Trump isn't the one imposing a surveillance state on the citizenry. They are mixing up who is doing what, and making up the rest of it, all while demonizing motherhood and sanctifying abortion.

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Aug 28Liked by Chris Bray

Everything, always, all the time is projection. Everything. Always. Psych 101. Shit, Psych 99. It is so rudimentary, so obvious, it is how they see the world, how they behave--they blame on Trump and anyone not in their cult.


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Yes, but these people out here actually BELIEVE IT.

Someone asked a question about on another platform, what would you think if you were dating someone and found out they were a transgender.

People were mostly saying they would be upset bc someone lied.

Obviously they aren't being as truthful either.

I wrote that this latest rhetoric is not going to end well.

Then I saw someone (alt left) who was bashing someone bc they said they would be upset and no more relationship.

She actually had the nerve to tell that person they were not being sympathetic.

Yes, I did write some facts down.

WAIT, I hear the flapping monkey wings.

I must go before they descend and get me and my little pookie.


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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Chris Bray

Trump has no power to impose any state on the citizenry and he didn't do it while he was president, so why would he do it now? He was a VICTIM of the surveillance state At what point do they recognize that Trump has said it is a state issue and he, if elected president, doesn't have the power to impose abortion restrictions from the federal level. He's actually said that. How can they not know that?

I'm not even voting for Trump but I pay attention to what he says.

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Most democrats apparently do not understand the separation of powers between the federal government and the state government. Now is that plain stupid or willful stupid. I'm leaning the latter.

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Federalism is generally lost on them except in very rare circumstances.

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Either that or they object to federalism when pushing their initiatives. Why shouldn't the coal plant restrictions effective in California not be imposed upon Alaska? Both of us want clean air, right? Well, Alaska has a lot of clean air, and the Healy Coal Plant that supplies 70% of the electricity to my town of Fairbanks is located in a mountain pass that has WIND! Federalism would say Alaska doesn't have an option to not heat and light our homes -- we'll literally die if we don't. Federalism would say our circumstances are different, so the rules should be applied differently. But no, federalism be damned, the Californians will impose their will upon the Alaskans and who cares if we can't afford what they say we may use? THEY know better than we do.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

But the second ad was from The Lincoln Project, said to consist of Republicans or former Republicans. One of the founders was a man not terribly concerned with women's reproductive rights. According to Wikipedia: "John Weaver . . . is an American political consultant. He worked on the John McCain presidential campaigns of 2000 and 2008. . . In 2019, he co-founded The Lincoln Project, a super PAC opposed to the re-election of President Donald Trump in 2020. He resigned from the organization in January 2021, after he was accused of online harassment by 21 men as well as offering personal and professional favors in exchange for sex to at least 10 of the men." Maybe they should do an ad where the sanctimonious Weaver is pulled over as he's about to cross a state line with his latest Log Cabin "intern."

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It's because generations after X are subjected to abstract concept teaching, they pushed the emphasis of the 3 R's to the back burner.

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Abstract concept teaching is code word for we don't know the first fucking think about what we are teaching.

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The truth didn’t stop Goebbels, why would it stop other socialists?

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Hope you'll change your mind and vote for Trump, even holding your nose

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I probably won't vote for Trump per se, but I might vote for JD Vance. I wouldn't have to hold my nose. I can just pray Trump retires about two years in, which would potentially give Vance a decade to fix the damage caused by the spending of Bush 2, Obama, Trump, and Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings), plus the Trump tariffs. I don't think anyone who understands economics can think Trump didn't contribute to the mess we're in. He did. The question to answer is -- did he, overall, contribute less (I think his reduction in regulation offset the tariffs)--and do I think Vance would be more sensible (and I think he would)?

Or I could be completely wrong and Vance will continue to ignore all the warning signs of impending economic collapse and do nothing about the overspending and printing of worthless money and we'll get the dystopian nightmare started with a bang.

I think Trump-Vance is a better choice than Kamala-and Timmy the emotional support animal. Vance turns the two bad choices into a BAD choice and a hopefully-not-so-bad choice.

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It's easy how they don't know that. They get their news from an echo chamber that distorts everything about Trump.

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That is true. Being a nonpartisan I am friends with both sides and I must admit that both sides have a tendency to do that, but conservatives tend to view more diverse news sources than Democrats and especially progressive Democrats do. There's almost a religious zealotry to their refusal to entertain any other viewpoints.

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Hold it right there. I'm neither left nor right however, don't say that Republicans have engaged in what the left has. That is not true.

The media who Re owned by the Puppet Masters systematically and ruthlessly went about brainwashing people..

Why do you think the news repeats itself?

Tarick Johnson ( Capitol Police officer) stated that the entire time he worked there, CNN played in the TV 24/7. He said that's why he believed what he did about Trump and it was only after J6 and being out that environment (17 months suspension) that he was able to fully grasp or start to WTH has/is going on..

It has been nine years, going on ten, the media and 3 letter agencies have been digging on Trump.

So NO, it's not the right and the left that engage in this .

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You're only supposed to pay attention to what people tell you politicians are saying (and what they really mean).

It's cheating to form your own opinion !


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My bad. My mom told me on my 18th birthday that I should register as a non-partisan because it would force me to think for myself. I did and it has.

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As others have mentioned: projection. Liberals think conservatives should be arrested so they assume conservatives want to arrest them.

One of my wife's Facebook friends posted this (paraphrase) a few days ago: "If any of you are voting for the convicted felon, tell me now so I can unfriend you. We need to be kind and accepting to each other, so I don't want to associate with anyone who likes Trump in any way." She wrote this with a straight face apparently, never even noticing the obvious contradiction.

Someone here a few days ago said liberals don't view conservatives as even fully human anymore. That's terrifying because of where it leads, but I suspect accurate.

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Unfortunately, the Democrats' rhetoric and the actions they've taken against conservatives has pushed a lot of conservatives to where they kind of don't view Democrats has human anymore either. Which totally makes sense, but (well, I'm a non-partisan libertarian, so I get an outsider's view of it) that's a scenario worthy of 1984 where people view "the other side" as evil simply because they're the other side.

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There has been a good deal of research done since 2016 that demonstrates liberals are significantly more likely to end a friendship over politics than conservatives.

Conservatives generally want to be left alone, and are mostly happy to extend the courtesy to others. However, there's a rising postliberalism on the Right (wokeness is the Left's postliberal strand) as Republicans start to realize that the libertarian-Christian-fusionist-GOP pretty much hasn't conserved anything.

I'm a recovering libertarian myself, so I respect you guys, but in the end, I think you're going to be the people demanding Locke's value-neutral state in a world of value-laden politics.

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And sadly I don’t think that true conservatives (as opposed to the Big State grifter GOPe folks like the Bushes, Cheneys, McCains, et. al) can afford to believe that a value-neutral state is feasible anymore. Not when the post liberal Left has decimated it, and its supporting institutions. Personally, I think the GOP has outlived its purpose.

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Locke's value-neutral state was always an illusion. It only worked because of the pre-liberal, Christian moral order that prevailed everywhere Locke's ideas were implemented. As I told my civics students 2 days ago: "all men are created equal" is utterly nonsensical without "man made in the image of God".

the value-neutral state was also a historically aberrant invention designed to solve a specific problem: European monarchs ransacking each others kingdoms over rival interpretations of God. We don't really have that problem anymore, so it makes sense that our problems will have other (likely very value-laden) political solutions.

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I’m thinking it is accurate. Where I live (western WA) and work, the assumption is that you are voting for Harris, full stop. And even the older Boomers who live across from us, who we’ve helped out over the years would treat us like lepers if they found out who we supported.

These people live in a blue bubble, and get all of their “news” from MSNBC, CNN, and the NYT, which tell them incessantly that we are stupid, evil, racist, and fascist. It’s not the America we grew up in.

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This! My like button is still broken…

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I liked it for you. I have an extra.

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Mine's been "broken" for months. LIKE

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They’re really going to lose their minds when they realize JD Vance’s wife is an Ivy League biglaw attorney and not a handmaiden living in his basement.

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It has always irritated me how little blowback Margaret Atwood has ever got for her moral cowardice in locating The Handmaid's Tale in precisely the country where it was least likely to actually happen. She had plenty of much better choices after all didn't she?

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She has a *very* bad reputation in Toronto/Canadian literary circles. She lives in an area of Toronto near two subway lines and fights tooth and nail against any development proposal that might, just *might* mean some average peons can afford to live within her rarified oxygen space. I've always thought she was ridiculously overrated.

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The novel accurately described how easily the state could cancel your credit and debit cards.

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Oh that's coming with either candidate, with one it will or might just happen slower.


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atwood has since publicly mused that she could just as easily have done a 180 with the escape route

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It was a boring book.

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¡¡¡NOT IF YOU HAVE A UTERUS, SCREEEEEECH!!! (JK, it was super boring)

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me too

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deletedAug 28
Comment deleted
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If I could like this a million times I would

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Must have been good, it's deleted

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She modeled it on actual oppression (I heard) but didn’t have the courage to call out actual oppression where it occurs

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Compare the adulation of Atwood's 100% fictional tale with how feminists have memory-holed "Not Without My Daughter" and unpersoned Betty Mahmoody.

(Here, that is. Might be different in USA/Canada?)

In Sweden, Swedish female feminists made sure it disappeared off the shelves of public libraries two decades ago.

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Please. It was fiction.

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And that they have biracial children..

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Meanwhile the cadre in Sacra-Mental is working on passing legislation to give illegal aliens $150,000 loans for down payments on home purchases. If they treat you like shit, constantly lie to you, and are trying to make you obsolete, WHY DO YOU LIBS VOTE FOR THIS? Spank me some more, Brylcream Dracula.

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Symbolic rub-your-face-in-it behavior. There's no appropriation for it. It's a middle finger to the normals, not a real program.

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Understood. They are just trying to demoralize the people. Again, vide supra …

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It's kind of amazing how much degradation and demoralization are built into the daily operation of the machine.

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Apparently the Left likes a bit of masochistic abuse to go with their drag queen story hours and lockdowns. It’s very odd. I do not recognize this type of behavior as American, particularly since they can vote it away🤷🏼

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Our most influential state senator:


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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Chris Bray

He's my rep and I can't stand what he does. This photo is from a kind of free-for-all street fair; they even have a special one that embraces kink life. Did I mention monkeypox?

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The logic is, the more you abase yourself, the purer your soul.

Not that the people doing this are christians in any way, but there's historical precedence for that kind of logic among various sub-sets of christianity:

Suffering is divine - the more you suffer the closer to Jesus you get. Enter flagellants and such.

And from there the leap to humiliating and hurting others for the good of their soul. . . well, it's just a "jump to the left" as the tune goes.

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That seems accurate albeit pathetically sad.

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Sorry but that is a perversion of Christianity that leaves out the meaning of humility. This is a kind of embrace of what once would be viewed as people's neuroses/emotional problems. And *control* is the name of the game

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It was better when the masochists stayed in the monasteries.

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“Brylcream Dracula”. Lol 😂

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Crackhouses at state expenses. Just wait.

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Do you think I could apply for that "loan" from over here, or is physically going there a requirement?

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Are you a climate refugee or an imperialism refugee? May affect loan limits.

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They already changed the wording on the paperwork to.inckude illegals. This IS BUT ONE REASON WHY WORDS AND THEIR DEFINITIONS ARE IMPORTANT.

TBEY DONT CHWNGE willy-nilly.

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The comments on YT look so perfectly fake!

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Very much so. An endless stream of "this ad is so scary I do not want Trump to make the Handmaid's Tale come true!" Somewhere a bot farm is earning a nickel a post.

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There is probably a fair amount of bot traffic...

But let me list who I know with whom I am SURE this ad would be very effective...

Let's see, both sisters in law, (and probably their effeminate husbands) my next door neighbor, my ex business partner (I watched him have a huge TDA meltdown once) , especially his wife... a few dozen others...

Even "moderate" liberal women run home to the "they will take away our rights for abortions!" when they are losing (e.g. always) the debate on ANY policy.

The good news is, by playing the card form the bottom of the deck, it means they have no more cards.

The bad news is the last card still "works".

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It only works on those who were never going to change their vote anyway.

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I actually feel very sorry for you through the interwebz. I can not imagine having a biz partner like that.

Had to be awful.

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I've seen what you describe in the people I associate with as well.

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My favorite comment was some idiot who correlated the declining birthrate with Roe v. Wade being overturned. Yes, the birthrate is declining. Killing unborn children might, just might, have something to do with that.

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Generally speaking, I wonder who the bot farm workers would vote for?

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But this crap works on the older feminist! I have a client that mentions Handmaiden and Trump together anytime politics comes up in our conversation. 🙄

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Anyone that read handmaidens tale & didn’t think it was just a weird crazy book is clearly weird & crazy (btw how many men actually read that book?) There were so many contradictions & the fact that the left co-opted it was very confusing to me. Their constant moral outrage & extreme rhetoric fools people into believing they must be really informed & know what they’re talking about. I realized they’re just fools.

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Aug 28Liked by Chris Bray

The way they depict those cops is how they view every single American who doesn't buy wholeheartedly into their dogmatic beliefs.

They cant be reasoned with, they can only be defeated.

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They will never stop, nothing is out of bounds for them. Many of them are your neighbors, relitives

Your arguments will never work with them. They will impose their immorality on your children.

There will be blood. It will be yours.

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Vote for the right to murder your unborn child. Vote BLUE!!!

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Vote to make abortion a sacrament, and the only true expression of identity.

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I vote for eliminating humans from the planet... before we pave the entire thing over.

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I’m starting to question Darwin. Shouldn’t these people be dying off from their ignorance? It seems like they continue to multiply in large numbers.

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They don't have kids ... but they often get into positions where they greatly influence other people's kids.

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They all get government funded Cadillac Healthcare plans. My go to insult for these people isbnowbtobsaybibwosh we still used Spartan Law on sickly children. They ask why before the8 even know whatbit is or ask for an explanation. I then tell them that they would have all been dashed against cliff walls into the sea.

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All the women have to do is tell the cop they’re in the country illegally and he’ll let them go, no problem.

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Liberal cat ladies secretly fantasize about being force-bred by a virile man.

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Your off-color comment is off by 50 shades.

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It’s perfect. It actually explains it. Then there is mental retardation. Bot farms. Communism. What’s more believable?

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I was being a bit too oblique.

Longstreet is correct; the domination fantasy is clearly true. I was alluding to the importance of status in addition to the virility. 'Handmaid' and 50 shades, Mr. Big, etc. are not just women submitting to virility, but also high status.

The men doing the breeding happen to always be of social nobility. These stories could easily be about breeding with the underclasses, slaves, even foot soldiers, but no, it's always the lords.

Like all of leftism, what it claims to be fighting with all that anti-reality progress is just what is manifested into reality.

The post-dating app sexual dystopia is already here. The 'hate' filled men who were paying attention years ago called it. Just as we know what's coming next but have to keep pretending that it's just a few bad apples in the system that need to be vooted out. Or in. Or back in and back out. You know the thing.

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Aug 28Liked by Chris Bray

Trump left it to the states to decide. The comments madee want to puke. I'm so ready to get this election to be done and over with. Then we will know where we stand so we can act appropriately. Reading these articles on Substack are an emotional rollercoaster. Just when I think everything is going to be ok I read another that kills it. I guess it's better that watching TV news, all negative against Trump all the time and nothing about true policies.

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The hyperbole on this issue is starting to make me sick. Bateman is an idiot and his state is bleeding population at a record rate, almost in exact proportion of the states he dispises are growing. I wonder why that is???

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Clearing out California, as per his orders.

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Spoiler alert: the dad is the one that got her pregnant and he works for the Lincoln project.

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I thought the Lincoln Project bros only fancied boys.

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Hahaha Clay …. You win 🥇

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As sick as that sounds in my state it may be close to the truth. The very progressive abortion states like IL also passed laws allowing 14 yo & older to get abortions without parental consent. Why would this “dad” cheerily be driving his daughter when she wouldn’t have to reveal anything to any adult…unless he’s her sex trafficker pimp or incestuous dad.

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The only thing realistic about this is that the girl is on her phone, through lights and sirens, right up to the point where smokey pokes his porkchop through the window to drop some polite stale pale male totalitarian tingles.

Which is a big part of how we get feral progressive hysterics defining the political landscape. 17 years of priming direct to the hindbrain. The rest is easy peasy.

What is also notable is that it is not mom driving daughter, but proud progressive dad. Another truth that slips out; the highest and best use of prog fatherhood is in the enabling of the sacred female journey into the progressive hive. A Good Dad will let nothing get in the way of her trajectory.

The perversion of men's natural instinct to protect women and children through facilitating the killing of his own grandchild is peak death cult.

Of course, this should not be confused with calling the top on the death cult. Death cult is a pozzitive feedback loop. So stop being so negative. Let progress have her cake and eat it too. The only way out is through.

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I’m kinda pissed off that I added to the view number. Don’t want to click on it again to comment for that reason.

That said, now let’s do a Vaxx version and see what those same people say in the comment box.

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The romanticizing era of women’s rights is being elevated by the Harris campaign, IT IS NAUSEATING FUCKHOOLERY.

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Despair not. All they have left is FEELZ. Fickle and fleeting and disloyal by nature. Feelz is a mercenary force. Those tend to not fare well in time.

They are so far into their own delusion the only way out is to keep digging.

Of course, given they are clutching the Black Lady close to their bosom and seem want to collect all of the hearts on the table, there is a small chance they could shoot the moon.

Far more important than some campaign is if real people at the table of life wake up and notice that they are collecting hearts.

It only takes one heart withheld to send Baal to the cleansing fire. I like our chances.

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And yes I’m a female

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still time to edit if you change your mind...the comment i mean ;)

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