There will be a LOT of very, very angry people. That means the politickians (leechians?) better be ready to figure out how they're going to take care of us Truthers.
"Ernst Fraenkel said the Nazis instrument was not the concentration camp but the law — not the prerogative but the normative state, an apparatus dating back centuries. From 1933 additional laws butressed this new normal. The Reichstag fire decree allowed the surveillance of letters and phone calls, and to detain people indefinately in “protective custody.” It nullified the Weimar Constitution’s freedoms of assembly, association, of speech and of the press.
People faced losing their jobs if they didn’t join the Nazi party under the Civil Service Law of Apr 1933, which included all teachers, university staff, police, prosecutors, social administrators and functionaries.
However, even before the Law more than 30 per cent of teachers and 50 per cent of doctors had proactively joined the Nazi Party. Compare to today.
Parents would be told to enrol children in state education as opposed to denominational schools under penalty of losing child support and welfare benefits. Monks and priests who ran faith-based schools were demonised in the press as pederasts. Catholics represented 40 per cent of the population — hardly a minority — yet they were subject to persisitent harrassment.
The Enabling Laws allowed the Chancellor to pass any law contrary to the constitution without legislative approval.
It became illegal to call for the return of democracy, print leaflets demanding a change to the constitution or the removal of Hitler, or to associate with anyone so advocating.
The Hate Law of Dec 1934 made it illegal to spread rumours about the regime, to make derogatory remarks about the Party and its leaders, or the state. Another law made it a crime to engage in “malicious gossip” or spread rumours about about the government.
Similar hate laws are being rammed through our legislatures today."
We Americans have a Constitution that is not susceptible to fuckery. Psychopaths, charlatans, traitors, lawyers, it doesn't matter what they do, what they say. Our rights are INALIENABLE, and any law that tries to circumvent the Constitution is ILLEGAL on its face and cannot be executed nor enforced. Period.
What has happened in this country IS ILLEGAL and will be prosecuted as such.
Amnesty = Amnesia. Yet, we need severe punishment to prevent it from ever happening again and to start reparations: they should lose all their assets to pay for treatments. Start punishing the pro-digitatorship by voting against them!
How many lives can still be spared? some are still suicide vaxxing!
How many teen lives have been ruined with myocarditis when they knew in advance it would be widespread?
PS while we were in lockdowns and Emily had freedom of movement because the prostitute press was "essential workers", her boss was cruising the Mediterranean!
They have the power to do to you what you suggest should be done to them, do you have that power?
If not, unwise to say you’ll get them if you get power.
Ms. Oster was not asking for forgiveness.
She was telling us to forget it.
Her faction has power.
All of it that is used.
Her article had the predictable effect of stirring people up a week before the election to howl for the blood of the guilty.
This effect was so certain that one wonders if this was intentional, those in office and all the multitudes of election workers and Feds and every Democratic operative including the media see their fate if they cede power- which they will not.
TLDR version; Emily Oster is a shaping Operation. Effect is the entire Dem apparatus sees the noose if they cede power.
These laws of which you speak are their property and they control them, your case requires the strong , cohesive and in power to surrender to the atomized , weak and leaderless masses.
They will surrender to certain doom at the height of power.
To one.
Why do they do this?
Why do you think they will do this is a more important question.
The only people who committed suicide because they were nagged into it were the weak minded amongst the common folk, I mean the vax, also voting for people who hate you.
Even if they wanted to die, who and what do they surrender to?
i can't wait for the people with fake cards (there are a lot of them) to fess up. i wish they had been brave from the beginning, but when their numbers are revealed, the number of supposedly "vaccinated" people will shrink and the number of unvaccinated will grow
He's a jerky puppet. And the people who write his cue cards and who rigged the election for him know full well what they're doing and how successful they've been at it.
It isn't up to you to forgive on behalf of someone else. You can forgive them for how they made you feel but you cannot use Gospel to claim your forgiveness should apply to those actually aggrieved by transgression.
You can't forgive someone who did nothing to you. you were not aggrieved. It's a misplacement of the onus. If someone got you fired then you can forgive them
Threatening to ruin my life and livelihood hurt me immensely. And coercing my daughter to get the jab...Imprisonment and death would be their reward if left up to me.
Texting is tricky for some folks. I suspect throwing in 10 question marks feels appropriate for you because I'm evidently starting a fight with a woman on the internet. Maybe in a bar what I would wrote would physically manifest to you as pissing in someone's beer. I'm really just broaching an idea. Christians can personally forgive something but using the Gospel to advocate for a policy becomes something else.
When liberals chide Christians for rejecting soft on crime policies they cite the Gospel. Many Christians shy away from the death penality and thou shall not kill.. because "forgiveness" This is a very common misconception. The ten commandments to find a way to becoming law, or they were based on natural laws that evolved over time. If you've never explored this well now you have.
Maybe some people don't like the death penalty because the STATE shouldn't be killing citizens. There are mistakes, innocent people die... Didja think of that?
Okay. I suggest YOU take an anti-arrogance pill and realize you're not as brilliant as you wish you were. Because you sound like a snotty little twit. :)
What you say above requires a Victorious Army to unseat them and take their place.
Please employ this force if you command such.
Otherwise the position taken is threatening people and organizations and governments with harm while being powerless, the stated targets are not powerless and have proven harmful. This is Unwise.
They are not asking forgiveness they are telling us their policy.
How this will all end... or even if it ever does... is a question that I can't answer... But I am firmly committed to the absolute necessity of those responsible for the madness of the last almost three years being brought to justice. And when I say "those responsible", I mean those responsible in every conceivable way regardless of their level of guilt. And when I say "justice", I mean brought to justice in the fullest and harshest extent of the law. And to the miserable dirty rat bastard sheep that followed along to get along even when they knew it was wrong... bow your heads in shame and never look at me in the eyes again.
Mark my words; this is just a crack in the dam that's going to turn into a flood. I think Q was right about one thing anyway; these people are going to be afraid to walk the streets alone.
Just that there will come a time when the evil among us would be afraid to walk the streets alone for fear of vigilante justice. I only casually followed Q stuff.
Note the implication that they were some how wronged. "We need to forgive one another" writes Emily Oster. Because you know when Leana Wen called for mask mandates until "every" school age child was vaccinated, or when David Frum demanded hospitals treat the unvaccinated last, or when Max Boot demanded the unvaccinated be band from travel, theaters, or shopping, none of these were "moral failures". Emily is willing to forgive you for losing your job, why wouldn't you forgive her for insisting you lose it?
I'll be obsessing about this for the rest of my life. And it has barely begun. Wait until everyone knows about vaccine injury. Those Walgreens commercials make me want to vomit.
THE MEDIA will have to be shut down, and we will carry on with those who actually understand journalism! Fuck those people. THEY were spreading LIES and MISINFORMATION, using CENSORSHIP, and encouraging everyone to get jabbed and to treat Truthers as the ENEMY. If not for the MSM, we'd NEVER have had to go through so much for so long, and many dead would be alive.
The way to break through mass formation psychosis, which is what this is among the population (through driven by people at the top) is to keep talking, so go ahead an talk, list every instance you can find.
And they don't want "amnesty." They want "amnesia."
It's a year since I officially joined the Control Group, my kids too. Have not regretted it. Got scared when our govt brought in vax pass during winter 2021, absolutely, it was a crazy, frightening time, but not once have I regretted not taking the jab. My boys are happy to be unjabbed. My eldest saw his classmates fall sick one after another through taking it. I will have a great deal of difficulty forgiving and forgetting the people who demonised those of us who have minds of our own and did not blindly follow the herd to mutual self destruction.
Dude, mellow out. Dave told me everything you hear about the boosters is BS. Take a ride on the Wild Side. It’s love juice! Ask my son’s Pediatrician. Boosters Forever. Deliverance from sin!
We need trials - #crimesagainsthumanity
and a big letter writing campaign to the atlantic
The mistake is resorting in the teeth of being chewed to pieces to the very maw that eats you.
The Laws are in the hands of enemies.
Mortal (killing us) enemies.
Next we’ll be voting our way out of this no doubt.
There will be a LOT of very, very angry people. That means the politickians (leechians?) better be ready to figure out how they're going to take care of us Truthers.
"Ernst Fraenkel said the Nazis instrument was not the concentration camp but the law — not the prerogative but the normative state, an apparatus dating back centuries. From 1933 additional laws butressed this new normal. The Reichstag fire decree allowed the surveillance of letters and phone calls, and to detain people indefinately in “protective custody.” It nullified the Weimar Constitution’s freedoms of assembly, association, of speech and of the press.
People faced losing their jobs if they didn’t join the Nazi party under the Civil Service Law of Apr 1933, which included all teachers, university staff, police, prosecutors, social administrators and functionaries.
However, even before the Law more than 30 per cent of teachers and 50 per cent of doctors had proactively joined the Nazi Party. Compare to today.
Parents would be told to enrol children in state education as opposed to denominational schools under penalty of losing child support and welfare benefits. Monks and priests who ran faith-based schools were demonised in the press as pederasts. Catholics represented 40 per cent of the population — hardly a minority — yet they were subject to persisitent harrassment.
The Enabling Laws allowed the Chancellor to pass any law contrary to the constitution without legislative approval.
It became illegal to call for the return of democracy, print leaflets demanding a change to the constitution or the removal of Hitler, or to associate with anyone so advocating.
The Hate Law of Dec 1934 made it illegal to spread rumours about the regime, to make derogatory remarks about the Party and its leaders, or the state. Another law made it a crime to engage in “malicious gossip” or spread rumours about about the government.
Similar hate laws are being rammed through our legislatures today."
Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with this...
We Americans have a Constitution that is not susceptible to fuckery. Psychopaths, charlatans, traitors, lawyers, it doesn't matter what they do, what they say. Our rights are INALIENABLE, and any law that tries to circumvent the Constitution is ILLEGAL on its face and cannot be executed nor enforced. Period.
What has happened in this country IS ILLEGAL and will be prosecuted as such.
And this is the doing of the National SOCIALIST Party.
mit den heutigen Gerichten brauchen die keine Gesetze mehr....
die Nazi's haben in 45 gelernt die Schnauze zu halten.
verschwunden sind die aber nie.
und heute sind sie wieder voll da.
gruen ward rot and dann braun.....
aber bloss nicht AFD wählen , denn das sind doch nazi's!!
the catholic priests/pederasts thing was true though....
Good reminder. Well spoken.
Amnesty = Amnesia. Yet, we need severe punishment to prevent it from ever happening again and to start reparations: they should lose all their assets to pay for treatments. Start punishing the pro-digitatorship by voting against them!
How many lives can still be spared? some are still suicide vaxxing!
How many teen lives have been ruined with myocarditis when they knew in advance it would be widespread?
PS while we were in lockdowns and Emily had freedom of movement because the prostitute press was "essential workers", her boss was cruising the Mediterranean!
They have the power to do to you what you suggest should be done to them, do you have that power?
If not, unwise to say you’ll get them if you get power.
Ms. Oster was not asking for forgiveness.
She was telling us to forget it.
Her faction has power.
All of it that is used.
Her article had the predictable effect of stirring people up a week before the election to howl for the blood of the guilty.
This effect was so certain that one wonders if this was intentional, those in office and all the multitudes of election workers and Feds and every Democratic operative including the media see their fate if they cede power- which they will not.
TLDR version; Emily Oster is a shaping Operation. Effect is the entire Dem apparatus sees the noose if they cede power.
They will not cede power.
^My election prediction. ^
RICO and fraud actions. Maybe criminal actions against pharma and their subcontractors. And against Anser, ATI, In-Q-Tel, etc.
does everyone know about the lawsuit that Pam Popper's group has just filed against Peter Daszak and the makers of SARS CO2
That is very exciting.
These laws of which you speak are their property and they control them, your case requires the strong , cohesive and in power to surrender to the atomized , weak and leaderless masses.
They will surrender to certain doom at the height of power.
To one.
Why do they do this?
Why do you think they will do this is a more important question.
The only people who committed suicide because they were nagged into it were the weak minded amongst the common folk, I mean the vax, also voting for people who hate you.
Even if they wanted to die, who and what do they surrender to?
Pfizer...over 2 billion reasons why those in power occasionally pay the price
The "POTUS" calling down illness and death upon the unjabbed on national TV:
Next week he'll know: there are more of us then he thought, and we're still here.
i can't wait for the people with fake cards (there are a lot of them) to fess up. i wish they had been brave from the beginning, but when their numbers are revealed, the number of supposedly "vaccinated" people will shrink and the number of unvaccinated will grow
Like polls before an election
He's a jerky puppet. And the people who write his cue cards and who rigged the election for him know full well what they're doing and how successful they've been at it.
this is priceless:
Perrrrrrfect. Love that guy.
Lord of the Flies
Fantastic 😂
Investigations, trials, prison time.
I won’t stop until there’s prison time.
No forgiveness.
And forgiveness is not forgetting. It’s quite different...and it take quiet contemplation and prayer.
Punishment and acknowledgment FIRST. Then forgiveness...because of my love and faith in Jesus Christ, who died and rose from death on the 3rd day.
It isn't up to you to forgive on behalf of someone else. You can forgive them for how they made you feel but you cannot use Gospel to claim your forgiveness should apply to those actually aggrieved by transgression.
MY love MY forgiveness…where do you think I learned that from? ???
THE GOSPEL according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I have no idea where you’re coming from.
You can't forgive someone who did nothing to you. you were not aggrieved. It's a misplacement of the onus. If someone got you fired then you can forgive them
Threatening to ruin my life and livelihood hurt me immensely. And coercing my daughter to get the jab...Imprisonment and death would be their reward if left up to me.
A gallows in every town and a few dozen in Davos.
Well then I would argue you can use the gospel, if you so chose, to justify forgiving. I feel the same way. My point is basically academic.
Are you REALLY gonna pick a fight about THIS?????????
Texting is tricky for some folks. I suspect throwing in 10 question marks feels appropriate for you because I'm evidently starting a fight with a woman on the internet. Maybe in a bar what I would wrote would physically manifest to you as pissing in someone's beer. I'm really just broaching an idea. Christians can personally forgive something but using the Gospel to advocate for a policy becomes something else.
What a load of gaslighting. lol Sorry to hurt you with all those QUESTION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's some very, very pointy exclamation points for ya. Now you can whine about how I'm so mean to ya. ^_^
Oh, and... I'm not TEXTING.
By the way, if you take that chip outcho ass, maybe you'll feel less techy.
BRAVO 👏👏👏!!!
*snickers like the other cartoon dog*
LOVE is not a policy, sweetheart.
When liberals chide Christians for rejecting soft on crime policies they cite the Gospel. Many Christians shy away from the death penality and thou shall not kill.. because "forgiveness" This is a very common misconception. The ten commandments to find a way to becoming law, or they were based on natural laws that evolved over time. If you've never explored this well now you have.
You are something else. LOL
Maybe some people don't like the death penalty because the STATE shouldn't be killing citizens. There are mistakes, innocent people die... Didja think of that?
Love is the answer, and you know that, for sure. --John Lennon
Yes. Liberals cite love when enforcing Fascism. I suggest you keep love in your bedroom and leave everyone else out of it.
Okay. I suggest YOU take an anti-arrogance pill and realize you're not as brilliant as you wish you were. Because you sound like a snotty little twit. :)
In MY life I may choose to forgive or not.
God’s forgiveness is His only.
What you say above requires a Victorious Army to unseat them and take their place.
Please employ this force if you command such.
Otherwise the position taken is threatening people and organizations and governments with harm while being powerless, the stated targets are not powerless and have proven harmful. This is Unwise.
They are not asking forgiveness they are telling us their policy.
Give it a bit more time. Our numbers will SWELLLLLL.
There are quite a few silent Truthers out there, I do believe.
Prison???? You’re very nice. No forgiveness is much worse than prison time.
We can still forgive them. While they're sittin' in a damn cell, cryin'.
How this will all end... or even if it ever does... is a question that I can't answer... But I am firmly committed to the absolute necessity of those responsible for the madness of the last almost three years being brought to justice. And when I say "those responsible", I mean those responsible in every conceivable way regardless of their level of guilt. And when I say "justice", I mean brought to justice in the fullest and harshest extent of the law. And to the miserable dirty rat bastard sheep that followed along to get along even when they knew it was wrong... bow your heads in shame and never look at me in the eyes again.
B-R-A-V-O 🎯!
More on this topic. Make it big. Too many suffered extreme cruelty and death. So wrong.
If ever there was a time for accountability, it's now. Amnesty my ass. You broke own it.
Mark my words; this is just a crack in the dam that's going to turn into a flood. I think Q was right about one thing anyway; these people are going to be afraid to walk the streets alone.
Me, walking down the street seeing THE FAUCI...............”Hold my beer!!!!”
He knows better than to be SEEN...
But I sure understand that feeling!!!!!!!
They move to walk amongst only their own.
Meaning we’ll be gone,
The Native Tribes we displaced once thought the same thing.
Not this time. And it's about time we started learning some Earth Stewardship from the Native Tribes we've still got.
Q was not alone in that thought... And it's a given, no?
But I think we should keep our heads... mob revenge always ends up hurting innocent people.
We WILL get our chance and our due.
What did Q say about this specifically? I wasn't aware.
Just that there will come a time when the evil among us would be afraid to walk the streets alone for fear of vigilante justice. I only casually followed Q stuff.
The government is not our friend.
The govt. is NEVER our friend. That's why the central govt. shouldn't ever be too big.
They called us grandma killers as they killed grandmas.
There it is in one clear sentence, yes.
Note the implication that they were some how wronged. "We need to forgive one another" writes Emily Oster. Because you know when Leana Wen called for mask mandates until "every" school age child was vaccinated, or when David Frum demanded hospitals treat the unvaccinated last, or when Max Boot demanded the unvaccinated be band from travel, theaters, or shopping, none of these were "moral failures". Emily is willing to forgive you for losing your job, why wouldn't you forgive her for insisting you lose it?
This kind of analysis done carefully, in painstaking detail:
And then there's this guy giving Oster the TikTok treatment:
I like concision, so I'm just going to go with "insultingly insincere".
Loved that analysis!
I'll be obsessing about this for the rest of my life. And it has barely begun. Wait until everyone knows about vaccine injury. Those Walgreens commercials make me want to vomit.
That’s my pharmacy. I want to yell when I hear the PSA’s!
“Brought to you by Pfizer...”
THE MEDIA will have to be shut down, and we will carry on with those who actually understand journalism! Fuck those people. THEY were spreading LIES and MISINFORMATION, using CENSORSHIP, and encouraging everyone to get jabbed and to treat Truthers as the ENEMY. If not for the MSM, we'd NEVER have had to go through so much for so long, and many dead would be alive.
Not to mention embargoing HCQ and ivermectin, and mandating remdesivir at hospitals.
The way to break through mass formation psychosis, which is what this is among the population (through driven by people at the top) is to keep talking, so go ahead an talk, list every instance you can find.
And they don't want "amnesty." They want "amnesia."
It's a year since I officially joined the Control Group, my kids too. Have not regretted it. Got scared when our govt brought in vax pass during winter 2021, absolutely, it was a crazy, frightening time, but not once have I regretted not taking the jab. My boys are happy to be unjabbed. My eldest saw his classmates fall sick one after another through taking it. I will have a great deal of difficulty forgiving and forgetting the people who demonised those of us who have minds of our own and did not blindly follow the herd to mutual self destruction.
You are the diamond bladed saw against the vicious evil and conscripted fooles (sic)
I'm a fairly dull saw, but I just keep sawing.
Lol. What choice do we have...
Dull? Shut UP, Chris! You da man. xo
Dude, mellow out. Dave told me everything you hear about the boosters is BS. Take a ride on the Wild Side. It’s love juice! Ask my son’s Pediatrician. Boosters Forever. Deliverance from sin!
Everyone has a theology, but only the religious admit it.