Appalling. I know.

I don't know what Paul Rouleau heard, but it clearly wasn't what I heard. The government NEVER made its case. Heck, they basically admitted they skirted the law 'because emergency' and then hid behind Cabinet privilege. There NEVER was a threat to national security. It was chaotic sure but the nation was never under any kind of existential danger. FinTrac said there was no foreign influence, the RCMP said there was no threat, as did Ottawa police. CSIS for its part pulled a 'there was no threat but a threat according to the minutiae of our protocols' type of opinion. On the balance though, no threat.

It was a foolish conclusion but I still have to digest it. It feels like Rouleau was throwing his masters a lifeline. He 'reluctantly' arrived at his conclusion is not a ringing endorsement. And in true non-committal wishy-washy Canadian fashion, he declared it was 'drastic' but not 'dictatorial'. Rouleau will probably go down as a bit of a fool down the road. Remember, he's a liberal activist judge appointed by Justin Trudeau so we shouldn't be too surprised by his conclusion.

Except for the lying, hiding behind cabinet privilege, trampling on protestors by police on horses, and frozen bank accounts.

How idiotic a society to believe this settles it? In fact, Rouleau just made Canada worse off than it was. Our Covid response would come with a price as we knew but I didn't think it was going to be crushing dissent and making it permanent. Rouleau essentially said to future governments it's ok to unleash the dogs of war against people who disagree with the government. And if your Prime Minister happens to be a thin-skinned, despotic brat, good luck because that mofo is gonna use the levers of power to soothe his ego. Right, Justin? Oh, by the way. A month ago Ottawa police arrested a 16-year-old for carrying a Canadian flag. Rules are rules, brah. You can't be waving a Confederate flag like that lest you offend the poor civil servants in Ottawa.

The Commission has no teeth. The battle will continue in the courts. We can't accept this ruling. We can't let this be a precedent. Rouleau did suggest amending the Emergencies Act and that it will be up to the courts (ha, ha) to determine the legality of what the government did. He didn't sound convincing but he did seem to buy into the government's BS 'it was dangerous' narrative.

The people who support this, don't you worry. This monstrous tail will come back and lash back at you. You can't call yourself a 'free and democratic' country and crush dissent - even those you considered to be 'chaotic and messy'.

If i'm Conservative leader Poilievre, I make a stink about this and promise to make the EA threshold so high, clowns like Justin and his clown show cabinet can't exploit it.

We paid a steep price, eh Canada?

Bono once said, 'the world needs more Canada'.

Nope U2 boy. Canada is now a cautionary tale on how to protect the democracies of the West.

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If the Nazis had won the war they would have issued a report justifying the Holocaust.

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It was fun.

But our nation is a 3rd world one party state.

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Silver lining is now we know they can simply switch off access to your money. Is it really yours anymore?

Maybe I'll bury cases of small bottles of whisky in my yard. Great for barter after the gov't unpersons most of us.

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So he issues a clean opinion then he says this: "I do not come to this conclusion easily, as I do not consider the factual basis for it to be overwhelming," he said in statements he gave after his report was made public. “Reasonable and informed people could reach a different conclusion than the one I have arrived at."

Huh? Soooo the facts didn’t really support it but I did it anyway and I am neither reasonable nor informed?

Is he saying in code that he was under duress ?

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Hang in there: same to your family. Don't give up: them, as well. Get back to us when you can. Do include the Canadians in your prayers. I've spent much time up there over the decades, from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Vancouver and most every point of importance in between. They talk a little funny, but I'm from Texas and we're still struggling with English, so what do I know. Sad to see it becoming a totalitarian state, but to the Canadians: don't give up, ever! You have a great history and well worth defending.

Danny Huckabee

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"we made mistakes, best available knowledge at the time, it was an emergency, we were doing the best we could...". BS. I want accountability. but i probably won't see it. sigh

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Mistakes made, finds report.

Inexplicable loss of public trust in governing institutions across Western world over past decade or two not only not stopping but somehow accelerating, finds other report.

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Even people who make mistakes, are held accountable, in some way, shape, or form. But, when their Intent is malicious, and I think we have plenty of evidence to prove that, then, the punishment should be severe. Maybe someday, we'll see Justice? In whatever form that takes.

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Prayers to you and your family, Chris. This ruling is horrific and unimaginable -- is there no appeal option left for Canada's citizens?

And here, just wait until US president potato-head and his minions sign off on the WHO treaty to rule the entire damn world next week, on Wednesday, I believe. Mark your calendar!

Since potato-head hasn't declared the fake pandemic over yet, the treaty signing ostensibly sets up the WHO to immediately flex their new powers and decide for everyone in the US -- and the other 193 countries -- exactly what health care every single person needs.

Like, we ALL need several shots of outdated gene therapy to keep the world safe, I'm sure.

And that will also keep the "rulers'" pockets filled with filthy lucre.

I thought we were a sovereign nation?!

I'm furious over ALL of this. The DC tyrants and the WHO can kiss my ass.

I will not comply.

Read it and weep:


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As a Canadian, I have to say I'm not really surprised at the result. More than anything, the convoy revealed a massive class divide; with the upper progressive classes fully on board with the govt, and the working classes still retaining some of the older notion of freedom. One of the comforts I have is remembering that as bad as I thought I sometimes had it during the last 3 years, many others have had it worse, including, as a poster previously noted, our American neighbours who marched off to the Iraq war. As well, during my 52 years I've seen my country become more and more leftist; this is the logical end of a people that revere and submit to their institutions as much as Canadians do. At this point the only political hope I have for Canada is the growing separatist movement in the West, coupled with external pressures from the collapsing US empire.

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I am literally sitting next to Pierre Poilievre in a Calgary restaurant as I write. Has he said anything about this whitewa...oops,report...this week? Shall I tap him on the shoulder for a response?

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Truth and Reconciliation. There can be no reconciliation without truth.

Those in power forgiving themselves doesn't cut it.

I think it was JFK (?) said "Tyranny always ends in violence."

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I don’t care what they say. I see it for what it is as do many others.

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Here's a thought... if Canadians had, instead, applied a citizens arrest to the corrupt politicians and pulverised any police who interferred, Canada would be a free nation today. You get the freedom you fight for. No people in history ever achieved freedom with "non-violent peaceful protest'. That carefully cultivated piece of propaganda was put about by the globalists and then validated by the globalist's own king propagandist, Hollywood.

Hilariously, academia, our very own self-proclaimed intelligentsia, swallowed that line whole, as they did the mRNA fraud. It is some comfort to know that the intelligentsia will not long be around to pollute logic and evidence when the sane segment of humanity shakes itself out of its stupor and joins the surviving miitary in ridding humanity of the tyrants.

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No apologies needed. Prayers for you and your family.

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