A buddy of mine is one of the more successful 'Veteran Entrepreneurs'.

The guy is a legit stud. Academy grad. USSOCOM while active duty. Legit badass. Smart. Capable. Your basic CPT America kind of guy. His deployments were all Afghanistan. Great story, great guy, great business.

His opinion was listened to after the withdrawal. Jocko & Daryl Cooper do a great podcast about this on the unraveling podcast.

I look up to this guy.

About 5 months after the shitshow, I reach out to him. "Hey bro, what's up? How are you doing? Loved your stuff after the Kabul shitshow BTW--but didn't want to pester you too much..."

"Brian, I wish you would have called earlier. I had a pistol in my mouth for the first time in over a decade..."



Hey man, I'm not over it. My blood BOILS when I think of Milley/Biden/CENTCOM CDRs, SEC STATE-FUCK ALL OF THEM--FUCK FUCK FUCK.

We lost a guy when I was there. Great fucking kid. Spoke Farsi. Was a college grad and enlisted. FUCK.

I'm taking my dogs for a walk cuz the sun is out and it is beautiful here this week. When I'm back I'll upload the two emails I wrote to everyone I knew about our 'Fallen Comrade Ceremony' and the Military Funeral Ceremony a few days later. It was how I tried to process what had just happened.

(Chris is this is over the top please let me know or just delete them after I post them)

I recently found them and posted them on LInkedIn to express why some of us are still upset with this Admin.

I had to edit this a bit and remove some of the vitriol. I don't like how it sits inside of me. I don't like that part of me much in the first place, and it is inappropriate to 'overshare' some of my yet 'unprocessed' vile contempt for this action. I think in expletives all the time. I speak in them more than I should, and I try not to write in them...but this post -- well-- just laughed to myself -- this post triggered me.


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"Chris is this is over the top..."

Shit no

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Brian, this is heart wrenching. I never served in the military, but I love our troops and the whole Afghanistan withdrawal debacle still makes me sick.

I share your sentiments: fuck these people, especially the vegetable in chief. I had no idea he would turn out to be such a flaccid puppet.

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Yeah man, the withdrawal broke a bunch of us.

I just had a thought--all the tropes about the Vietnam Vet-broken, drug addicted, treated poorly--if there was anything that might have morally injured the Vietnam Veteran is the way in which we criminally withdrew from that conflict as well.

It is betrayal. Gotta get over it, but it is a betrayal to thousands, second order - millions.

Thank you for your kind words.


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Brian - I watched Kabul fall on TV and what hit me was the sense of deja vu.

When I was 8 or 9, there was a guy who in the neighborhood who was brown water Navy in Vietnam. Every once in a while while having some cold ones with the other men in the neighborhood, he would drink a few too many & wind up in tears talking about the kids the VC sent over to the boats with bombs on them and he would have to shoot them before they got to the boat. I never understood why the Vietnam guys were so bitter...

... then I spent 15 out of 21 months in Afghanistan at one point, so fast forward to the fall of Kabul and I was like, "OHHHHH, *that's* why those guys were so bitter!!" Not an easy pill, but it certainly made me appreciate those guys in a way I hadn't before.

We all have to learn the hard way. There is no other.

We ran to the sound of the guns and found out in pretty short order that whatever justification there may have been (IF there were) originally, it quickly turned into a for profit enterprise for the MIC, as well as an ever-present excuse for our govt to steal our rights.

Hard lesson; now we have to do something *with* that understanding.

Semper fi, brother.

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"so fast forward to the fall of Kabul and I was like, "OHHHHH, *that's* why those guys were so bitter!!" Not an easy pill, but it certainly made me appreciate those guys in a way I hadn't before."

I did not know any Vietnam Veterans growing up, sadly, but your story had me tear up immediately. Grown men, years later, grieving over what they were forced to do for a bureaucrat's war. Heinous.

It never changes. 4th Turning. Old Testament lessons. Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times.

The more I think on it, the more I think we (those who are on places like here) need to keep ourselves healthy; physically, spiritually, mentally.

We are going to be needed when everything collapses.


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We spent decades being lied to about Vietnam. The fact is, we had solved the conflict with Hanoi by that point. A minor garrison of volunteers was all that was needed to keep the country from falling to Comrade Ho's successors, and they were sold out anyway, by a bipartisan coalition of Republicans and Democrats, in the name of "peace" and "détente". For which we were awarded with nothing but an expansion of the enemy not seen since the bad ol' days of the '40s.

The same thing was done with Afghanistan. The jihadi menace is now stronger than ever, and they'll have even better a chance to pull off a new 9/11 with their superior resources. We'll deserve it to. We sold out an entire nation to slavery for absolutely no benefit to ourselves. Said betrayal failed even in accomplishing it's only actual goal: improving Joe Biden's poll numbers. Not that DJT would've done better. He was the one who originally set up the Judas agreement. But just because a bad fucking idea has bipartisan support doesn't stop it from being a bad fucking idea.

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Brian, I was part of a class that sent the last advisors into Vietnam. Luckily for me, the assignment was voluntary by that point. During Afghanistan and Iraq, I wanted to apologize to every soldier and Marine I saw. My generation fucked it up royally. May those who sent those kids to their deaths and/or a lifetime of suffering Burn in Hell.

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Thanks Outsider. For the longest time I have been blaming.

Blamed the Boomers. From latchkey parenting to Bill Clinton/Obama, Iraq/Afghanistan.

The problem with blame is it robs us of our efficacy, our sovereignty to act. It has stripped me of time while I've wallowed in my victimhood.

Not helpful, not to me, my family, my community, our nation.

Truth is we all made this mess, making poor, selfish choices 1000s of times.

I do think those who sent everyone will likely burn in Hell, especially those who never repent and accept responsibility for their poor decisions.

Thanks again.


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Brian, I look for your comments to Chris’s posts as I find them deep, insightful and coming from a place of knowledge and understanding. I have four boys and a daughter. My youngest son is a Marine infantry officer. I am extremely proud of him but also worried because I feel the leadership at the top ranks who are responsible for ordering him around are more motivated by politics that the military mission. All my kids are special to me but this one is a little different. What do you say about kids who willingly give up supposed safety and security to put their lives at risk. He wants to pursue MARSOC. Got to say I am torn over that choice as that is the tip of the tip of the spear.

I saw some clips from yesterdays hearing and it turned my stomach. “Leadership” that doesn’t accept responsibility and accountability when things go wrong is the definition of cowardice in my book.

This changes when the “consent of the governed” remove it. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening because too many people are invested in or dependent on the current system.

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Thanks Randy, I blushed at 0700 at my desk. Kind of you to say.

As for your son, God Bless him. Another buddy of mine, Annapolis grad, USMC Inf Officer in Iraq, also one of the original MARSOC officers--super good dude, funny.

When we are in one of our reminiscing periods, he will say, "That was when I was a belt-fed, all in Infantry Officer."

My favorite is when he says, "Back then I thought there were only two types of military officers. Marine Corps Infantry Officers, and all others."

I laughed and laughed and laughed at that comment--and most of the laughter is in acknowledging the truth in that statement. I'd add US Army Infantry Officers as well.

Those who are at the tip of the spear. The rest of us are all in support of them and their men.

Here's my two-cents, for what it is worth. All that matters in the Army/USMC/Navy/AF happens at the company/platoon level--maybe--maybe battalion.

The clowns at the top have been clowns probably since Alexander marched East into Afghanistan 2500 years ago.

What matters are the men and women at the tip. For all of our military's faults, we continue to take young 'boys and girls' and turn them into young men and women. Values that have served humanity for millennia are instilled into us, we don't even know it is happening.

If you son chooses MARSOC, then he is right to do so. He's already a DIV 1 athlete equivalent, now he wants to go pro.

I continue to be awestruck by the men and women who choose to serve. They are what right looks like.

I agree with your take on Leadership, but my hunch is he is finding it in the USMC or he wouldn't want to stay.

It is alive outside of the Pentagon.


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Didn't mean to embarrass you. My intent was to convey my respect for your thoughts and opinions that I encounter here. Yours is one of several that I enjoy reading and contemplating.

All my kids are very talented (great mom, very little from dad). The Marine son is pretty unique. He never did real well in school and we got him evaluated and of course the diagnosis was ADHD.

Then he took the SAT and his score came back at 1400. I honestly believed that there was a screw up because there was no way this kid, after struggling in school, was getting a 1400.

He took it a second time and scored exactly another 1400. The only difference was his scores for the english and math portions were reversed from the first one.

That's when the light bulb went off for me (I'm a bit slow) that it wasn't that he wasn't capable, he was utterly bored and just tuned out the class and the teacher.

He took a military readiness test in high school and scored in the 99th percentile. If the recruiters could have taken him then he would have been gone but they would have had to fight his mother first and that wasn't happening.

When he finally decided to pursue the military in college obviously he had his pick of any branch. He picked the Marine Corps because he said it was the toughest branch, was first to fight and he wanted to see if he could handle the challenge.

I think its the same thought process on the Special Ops thing. He figures if he can be successful with that then that kind of makes him the ultimate warrior.

He and his battalion have been participating in Nordic Response in Norway for the last couple of months and he gets home in a few days. I will be heading down to Camp Lejeune (where I was born) to see him home. Can't wait.

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It’s all me. I get uncomfortable with compliments. Probably another artifact of a pretty rough childhood myself.

I want to be recognized for the work that I do, and if/when I receive it, I’m all embarrassed, and uncomfortable.

Those are my issues, not yours. Thanks again Randy.

Oh—and I would have loved to serve with your son.


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We sound similar. If I get any recognition or compliments I’m like Homer Simpson disappearing into the hedges. 😂

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Reluctance to "being over the top" is why we are here. We are respectable, we expected the other side to be respectable. They aren't. The rules are not what we thought they are.

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Thanks Jason. What Chris wrote is what matters, I think what we do with his articles are adding color and flavor to the post. I often hijack conversations, sometimes it is appropriate--but more often, when reflected upon later, it was more ego than an effort to help.

I don't want to hijack Chris's space for some long-winded emotive display--but here I actually think an email written nearly 20 years ago is apt. I was not alone in how I thought or felt in 2006.

The rules are not what we thought they were. We are in a knife fight. It is ugly. Everyone is gonna get hurt.


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“I often hijack conversations…it was more ego than an effort to help.”

If you don’t mind amateur psychoanalysis from afar, is it “ego” or perhaps talk therapy to recover from grievous experiences, coupled with the need to generate some, or just ANY good by communicating the lessons you’ve painfully learned?

Having read your posts and communicated with you, I strongly believe it’s the second.

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Thanks John. Much appreciated. It is good for me to frequently check in with my own motivations. I am not pure as the wind driven snow.


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None of us are. The difference is in those who recognize & resist the base urges.

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Brian, I'm sorry I

hit like on this one, but I do like it, and I've found I like myself a little bit more than the usual zero when I think the same thing and occasionally say it out loud as well.

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Thanks Fred. '...than the usual zero...' That is familiar to me as well. I generally do feel better when I've been open and transparent--but it is so damn scary, and I get all these mixed emotions after hitting 'post'.

"WTF was I thinking?!?!?! They are going to slaughter me! I've blown it again!"

I'm new to faith. Spent about 35 years shaking my fist at God. While I'm certainly no scholar and spiritually immature--I thought of something recently that I believe is accurate.

Matthew 18:20 Christ says, "For wherever two or three gather together in my name; I am there amidst them."

I have thought long and hard about this verse--and I bring it to mind frequently. I have chosen to believe it entirely.

Which means the inverse is also true (this is all my thinking--and most likely is wrong, but here it goes). My desire to isolate, hide, and avoid others is not Divinely inspired, it is demonically inspired. The enemy wants us alone, afraid, and peeing ourselves in a corner.

Christ wants us to connect.

This communicating via blogs may be, maybe, is the 21st century equivalent to gathering together in His name. Anything that is good, true, or beautiful is in His name IMHO.

Thanks again Fred. Your post helps.


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Brian, you’re not alone. We are spiritual comrades from afar. We will slog through this mire. One step, day by day. 🙏

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Thanks brother Rick.


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😭 I'm so sorry. 😭

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Thanks Bandit.


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Stones would weep.

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Brian, I suspect that most of us share your feelings, and letting them out can be good therapy. It lets us know that we aren't alone, and we aren't crazy. But you be the judge.

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Thanks OKboomer. It is kinda funny. Last night I went to bed thinking I needed to edit/remove some of my posts--and 'keep my shit in a box better'. This morning, I had a bunch of notifications of likes and comments like yours that have calmed me down.

Thank you.

I think the feelings I had last night, and often here on Substack, are what it feels like to be 'naked before the Gods'. We produce a running race as a fundraiser where I live. It takes nearly everything I've got to produce--especially when we started 14 years ago. EVERY year I have the same gut-wrenching feelings--total exposure--everyone is gonna see I'm a fraud--all the crazy thoughts (Steve Pressfield names this Resistance) that come along with trying to do something/anything.


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“How on earth do we fix this? ”

I really don’t know but while we struggle for an answer to that we seek out and support talented quality people like you, Chris.

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Very kind!

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Fixing this mess starts with understanding the gulf between we the dirt people and they the cloud people who rule over us. We believe a few things are worth dying for. They believe we aren’t dying fast enough. They despise us. We cling to our guns, religion, families, and freedoms.

They speak of tolerance, but have none for us. They force us to worship their false gods.

We are to the Cloud people like flies to wanton boys. They kill us for their sport.

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I hate that it will come down to the blood of patriots again.

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Yes. Too bad. It always does. I served, and if it happens before I’m too old to be of use will again.

But it’s worse.

I watched the NCO who was denied permission to shoot the ID’d bomber.

I now know in horrible personal context it’s not the shots you take you regret, it’s the ones you don’t.

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There will, necessarily be killing.

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We can start by figuring out and finding whoever it was who created the low flow commode and publicly flaying them along with everyone that allowed these perversions of polite society to be permitted to become part of the general mercantile supply.

The smaller diameter disposal throat which is lacking proper glazing causing unending stoppages where 1.4 gal/flush winds up being 7-8 flushes where a single 3gal/flush with a commode with proper 3”disposal throat which is fully glazed always worked unless the depositor had poisoned themselves with gastric anomalies.

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Progress always stops up the plumbing?

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From your lips to God's ears, Jorn!! Ditto for showers and washing machines.

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Beat me to that comment!

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Remember when Hillary said “what difference does it make?” when questioned about Benghazi. That’s when I knew they were monsters.

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it all makes sense when you realize they really don't mind killing us

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Worse than that -they take great pleasure in it. Truthfully, I am beginning to wonder if they are genuinely human at all - and am suspecting not. Incredible.

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She isn't human. At least not internally. If any of they ever were, they aren't anymore.

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That, right there, is the deepest heart of the matter. They spend our lives like they spend our money – with wanton wastefulness. Bush 43, for all his faults, deeply cared about the dead and injured occurring on his watch. He spent uncounted hours with injured vets 100% off camera. There are no words to capture the moral bankruptcy of the current “leadership.”

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Off camera makes it beautiful, truly.

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Do they realize when the time comes, we won’t mind reciprocating.

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Demons. Real, born in hellfire, demons.

I couldn't understand how anyone, no matter how stupid, could vote for her (it) after she said that. She should have been the one there facing fire.

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I doubt they were born in hellfire but that is where they are destined and hopefully soon.

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"It" can come out of the shadows!

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She sold everything for a shot at the brass ring.

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A “monster” is any one in government who believes that nations behave civilly out of the goodness of their leaders’ hearts; that we should shape military policy on that basis; and that failure of those nations to live up to those ridiculous expectations is OUR fault for not explaining ourselves well enough.

More soldiers have died because of civilians’ utter foreign policy incompetence than for any other reason. A 6 yr old on a playground facing down a bully knows more about military deterrence than the entire State Dept.

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That has haunted me since I saw/heard her say it.

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It's hardly worth noting in the context of this tragedy (particularly those who were tortured, possibly along with their families), but there is speculation that Biden's "Our patience is wearing thin with the unvaccinated" speech that followed shortly after the withdrawal was made in an effort to "look tough" to make up for it. So, bulling other Americans to cover for this foreign policy disaster.

These are truly horrible people. I really hate them. Deeply.

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Remember that the only reason we found ourselves in the situation is that Biden wanted his 9/11 photo op and scrapped Trump's plan that had us evacuating while Taliban were snowed in. Biden got into office, blew up that plan, allowed the weather to improve, and therefore allowed the Taliban to gobble up HUGE amounts of land before we were ready to leave.

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And Trumps plan had us keeping Bagram operating as support for the withdrawal. One can only wonder how things would have gone differently had the previous administration overseen this.

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Yet nearly EVERY TIME the debacle of our withdrawal comes up, idiots say "WELL TRUMP CAME UP WITH THE PLAN"

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Of course the correct follow on that is "but we didn't follow the f*ucking thing which is why we screwed it up so badly".

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I tuned in for literally 2 minutes, too hard to watch the see-saw of Dems and Repubs, but was nicely surprised when Milley said (in so many words) he preferred Trump's Bagram plan.

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He really hates Trump. That must have cost him. Good!!

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Maybe he could have followed it if he wasn't so busy hunting the rascally rabbit known as "white rage".

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For that photo op, it seems we weren't ready to leave. That's why the withdrawal was such a FUBAR.

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And the idea of a 9/11 'end the war' photo op is INCREDIBLY POLITCALLY STUPID IN THE FIRST PLACE.

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Yeah. Keep the war going another six months just to make it to that date. All for some notion of marketing.

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Exactly, Chris. These are not human beings.

Beyond those 13 young Americans murdered during out abrupt, haphazard withdrawal (never mind the 240k who died before them), let’s not forget even more survivors who lost eyes, ears, hands, feet, and so many other horrors. And let’s not forget the millions who lost sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and dear friends.

Still, that is NOTHING compared to key gains in battleground states.

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Surprised you didn't mention Milley's whopper of a lie -- that all the equipment we left behind actually belong to the Afghanis.

I guess we were just taking care of it at Bagram until they built their own huge airbase.


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blackhawk down. on the airstrip. waiting for the ccp to reverse engineer it

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Yeah it sure was a crazy coincidence that right after we left, the Chinese 'offered' to help Afghanistan recover.

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Why would we possibly not want to give China the rest of remaining rare earth minerals?


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Actually, the Chicoms want the $1T+ in rare earth minerals in Afghanistan.

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Why not both.gif

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There is no objective reality, or consequences to actions…. Only optics.

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We're way past fixing or reform, Chris.

It has to collapse. They're way too embedded. And it's going to get worse because this generation coming up will seize power soon enough and they're the piece de resistance for the progressive left who have been at it for decades. We're still putting our pants on just realizing what happened. Nice conveyor belt we've got going there.

Story of history and human nature.

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This is an under-appreciated aspect of modern propaganda - deciding what is and is not worth paying attention to. Republicans aren’t wrong in their criticisms of the Afghanistan debacle, but they’re “fixating.” They’re paying attention to the wrong thing.

The entire woke worldview is constructed from directing attention towards certain things (eg police violence against black people) and away from other things (eg endemic violence and dysfunction in black communities). This is also key to perpetuating TDS - you must focus on his offhand statements stripped of context while ignoring, say, a substantive comparison between his administration’s policies and Biden’s.

This form of propaganda is particularly pernicious because it isn’t necessarily premised on reporting falsehoods. When the media reports a falsehood, you can point to it. But this overarching campaign of directing attention towards some things and away from others is difficult to pin down. It’s slippery. Any attempts to discuss this dynamic is met with charges of “whataboutism,” that most obnoxious of thought-terminating cliches.

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This is a helpful perspective. From "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" The mother says "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants." We can't let the propagandists be the neck. I'm starting to reflexively look the opposite direction when the MSM starts pointing at something. But there is so much wrong the other way I'm not sure what specifically they are trying to have me NOT look at.\

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It is a lack of real values. A strong sense of values and people automatically focus on what is important. If a fire breaks out in your home you grab your children and run out. You don’t run and grab a valuable painting. You can’t be distracted at that moment because one thing is immensely valuable. The other has some market value. The GOP in particular, with the exception of a handful of people, Rand Paul for example, doesn’t really embody real human values. Of course the Dems are much worse.

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What’s happening? Maybe the MIC is so busy making money on failure after failure that they can afford to destroy the souls of most journalists.

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They don’t want to win wars. Declare war, ramp up production, win, go home. No way! They want an endless war, twenty years of ramped up Production. $2T spent? Awright, that is the MIC type of war! They want to win wars as much as the other MIC (Medical Industrial Complex) wants to cure disease.

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One thing that drives any business is

“Never loss a customer and keep them buying. Cure disease.lose a customer. Win a war no need to produce more tanks.

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Today I listened to James Lindsay on his podcast talking about visiting China and observing a man (presumably working construction) whose sole effort was on appearing busy for his supervisor. The man was swinging a sledge hammer into the dirt. He was producing/accomplishing nothing, but he “looked busy” to the satisfaction of his supervisor and for the pride of his country. That’s what we’re becoming. These articles are just hammers swung into the dirt to appease the Biden regime/the colour revolutionaries.

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We pretend to work; they pretend to pay us.

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Unfortunately there’s an analogy in this story. The conservatives fighting the left in this country are like the US military fighting the Taliban or Vietnamese communist. You can’t fight an enemy if you pay attention to rules and they don’t. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I’m sure that if nothing changes in our strategy this country will be forever lost from what it was.

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Completely agree. The vast majority of elected Republicans are either complicit or are clueless about what we’re up against. I don’t know what the answer is either, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot. One solution might be for the remnant of liberty-minded elected Republican officials to use everything at their disposal to grind government to a halt. Actually become a functioning opposition. Another might be for liberty-minded Republican and libertarian voters to withhold support from any Republican office-seeker who does not commit to a certain set of policies and principles, and then act accordingly. Something like the Contract with America, updated to face the reality of the Marxist takeover that is firmly rooted in every institution, and applicable to Republican candidates for any office - federal, state and local. The only thing that can combat the vast sums of money that go into supporting Republican office-seekers/holders like Niki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, et al, is to refuse to show up for them. From national office to the smallest local race. In the short-run, that might mean Republicans lose and Democrats take even more control. But is that really much different than the way it is now? Do Republican/libertarian voters “win” if we elect people who turn their backs on us as soon as they get a modicum of power? It seems to me that the Republican establishment despises most of the people they expect to show up and vote for their preferred candidates. So maybe the answer is to refuse to support them - not just on an individual basis, but as a coordinated movement. Maybe the Republican Party has to be transformed by the base, or dismantled and replaced with something that actually reflects our values.

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The solution is to go back to the cast of the congress and senate in 2011 and round those cast of characters up and try and hang them for treason. Then we can go back and see who was in charge of the Civilization Interruption Academy in 1964 and strip said person of title and status and strip that family’s economic value and return it back to the general fund and turn that family over to the highway patrol as junior chain gang highway cleaning crew until they drop. Those would be starters.

I would reinstate The Civilian Conservation Corps and every pissant parasite who is able bodied but on welfare anyway be subject to work three full projects to pay off their loan while learning a trade. At the end of that time they would be cut loose and sent out into the world to ply their trade. Where they would have 365 calendar days to find employment. If at the end of this time they refuse or cannot find employment they will be re conscripted into the CCC and become proper citizens by National Service. At the same time henceforth and forthwith, all military contracting for ALL construction, service, and administrative duties are to be immediately ceased and desisted and all such employment slots shall be Herefore manned by military personnel. Call this one Operation Doorgunner.

The final step I can think of right now as my nicotine, and caffeine riddled blood system is arguing with my return to bed for more sleep system is to make it policy that unless you are a farmer with <100 acres the hiring of any worker of migrant status from only with provable providence of at least five generations of migrant employment. If said employer is found with a migrant worker on their land (in excess of the 100 acre rule) said employer shall be stripped of all fiduciary means, all titles and certificates shall be voided and henceforth tried for sedition and imprisoned with penalties extended to all familial ties. Those farmers who fall under the 100 acre rule shall be permitted to hire on the books one wetback per 100 citizen employees who will be employed only in a training capacity for two seasons at which time the wetback will have employment terminated with the option of a fast tracked offer of citizenship with the stipulation that their only future will reside in the ability to open on their own dime argricultural employment training facilities for citizens only. If said wetback refuses this they will be given a ride back to Mexico with a freshly made peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cold Dr. Pepper and a thank you from the United States of America. Anyone caught trying to game or bend the rules to this system will be summarily executed as traitors. All land and wealth be seized and turned over to the county they resided in and distributed among the citizens of the county in an equitable manner.

My 1/2 .01 worth at the moment.

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Jorn, I predict a little pushback. But I like how you crafted your demands like that Steve Martin joke: Throw in one CRAZY ransom demand to make the others look normal...."Fresh made PB&J sandwich".

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CTW, I don't think there's time for that, I think it's make or break. I say "think" cuz I never want to look like I'm dictating to anybody on this substack, as you're all smarter than I am. But something's changed, like some kind of mind virus, I have 40 yr friends acting bizarre, and most are so easily taken in. If not for the (small) fraction who also see the clown, I'd have no hope. In the old days I'd have taken a Niki Haley type over anybody on the Dem side, but these days I have daughters in Cali, Reagan's no longer Governor, and the Dem side isn't just Dems, it's, like, Area 51B or some shit.

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Except that republicans don’t fight anyone except their own best interest while happily cheerleading democrats and providing politics cover for them every single time.

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Truth, right there. It's even worse than that:

Rules are for winners and rulers to impose on losers and subjects.

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You answered your own question. Don't pay attention to rules when fighting this enemy.

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I don’t want in this fight if I can help it. I wasn’t trained to allow for quarter. Yes, I have been professionally trained by our military how to accurately pull a trigger and hit the target using nothing but what god gave me and basic iron sights out to an including 500 yards using the over cleaned to the point of its own destruction overpaid for plastic toy rifle and a grossly underpowered caliber of ammunition, entrenching tool, bayonet, and any other means found within my reach. Once I and others like me get involved, it will not be civilized and zero fucks or quarter will be given. I already bear the title of asshole, psychopath, vile, warped, and demented. I don’t want monster to be added because it’s at that point in which conservatives dehumanize me and then will be ripe for disposal because the optics of me and others like me won’t fit into the optics of their right whig religious gaggle of phony christianism. We aren’t a shock troop unit to point towards an enemy and order us to handle the problem. We are the protectors of our society and all who breach its basic tenants and pageantry are the enemy. Regardless of age, social status, economic status, political and sexual ideology. Before fighting any group of democratic force, our own race, religious, and political traitors all be eliminated. This way we can do the job proper. Else we all will be what in cockney called “Proper Fucked”!

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I didn’t ask a question.

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How on earth do we fix this?

Normally I'd say "rage against the machine"....but I'm too caught up in trying to understand my WHITE RAGE!

Seriously though, we find bigger audiences for folks like you.

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Ryan, As you know, this is the question I ask the most often. Still fail to find an answer. As someone with a lifetime of answers, this is doubly vexing. But there must be more than agitating on Chris' blog to make us all feel better while accomplishing little.

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My white rage has been muted because it isn’t rural. Which saddens me. But…I don’t like bugs. So, what can I do?

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I'm a city guy and don't like bugs one bit....but I live in Florida...no ESCAPE from those critters

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I disagree. Keep him where he is at. It ensures that he is hungry and keeps him honest. Most wish to be willfully ignorant to the world around them. Fine let them be. Those who already are awake and not willfully ignorant shall continue to enjoy Chris’ work as is. If he steps up to a celebrity type status of journalist his stature shall be in a position ripe for compromise that his own integrity would be at stake of being compromised. Let him maintain arm length from this level of journalism in order to provide safety of corruption by outside agents. I would rather read a Bray article that is honest in its value than one written by someone who hasn’t a clue any more of that which they speak because they no longer need to be boots on the ground.

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I really liked this vignette: “Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), a former Green Beret, said while many people in the administration had taken responsibility, no officials in the Biden administration had been held accountable. ‘Your government failed you,’ he said in an impassioned plea to families in the audience.” And then, without any sense of irony at all, the very next subhead is “Generals Agree with Democrats.” A former Green Beret (a fixating Republican) calls for accountability on behalf of the families of the 13 dead Americans, but the Generals agree with Democrats, so….

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how is it that anybody agrees with the democrats, on anything?

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“What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims”

-Norm Macdonald

Norm was satirizing these despicable “journalists” for their over the top callousness and now they’ve managed to top it somehow.

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These people support killing babies, so why should we be surprised that they have contempt for human life?

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