"Journalist" Mike Dickson was one of the loudest voices condemning Novak for not getting jabbed. Dickson "died suddenly" a few days ago at the ripe old age of 59. Novak sent condolences to his family, another example of why he is the GOAT.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

I had a civil phone conversation with my only sibling yesterday on her birthday. First such exchange in over two years. She has no vax regret. She did it from a sense of community and still resents those non-vaxxers, like me, who put their individual needs above their duty to society. She has never heard of Andrew Brigden, the high all-cause mortality rates worldwide, Profs Denis Rancourt and Byram Bridle. She’s convinced the Ottawa trucker movement was a largely violent right wing, US-sponsored attempt to overthrow the Canadian govt. as opposed to the very Canadian, spontaneous expression of people’s need for freedom that it actually was. And my sister is smart and politically minded. So the problem isn’t lack of intellect. I think instead it is a quality I see in so many former friends, a lack of curiosity, a fear of pursuing truth, a comfort with orthodoxy and the tidy lie that our failed institutions are generally in need only of a few tweaks to restore order.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

This goes back to the earliest moments of the corona event-cycle. I remember arguments with my colleagues at work, long before getting fired for refusing the vaccine, where I would desperately plead with them to address any single fact presented to them without deflection, or whatever other mental trick would cause them to switch subjects, pivot, slither, avoid, whatever until the conversation would just bog down in an infuriating psychic quicksand. I nearly lost my mind in those weeks, until I finally just came to accept that what had happened was NOT in the realm of logic, or material reality. I have come to believe that a METAphysical “switch” of sorts was flipped by corona and a split consciousness exists and widens over time.

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All true, and your incisive wit is spot on as always... and yet I don't feel contempt, not even for the willfully blind ones. They are protecting themselves, the only way they know how, from the annihilating truth of their actions. I just feel sorry for them.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

We Few, we few who have withstood the most toxic, evil Media based Psychological Operation unleashed against the entirety of Humanity BY OUR OWN TRAITOROUS ELITE$; We Few say F.U.C.K. T.H.E.M. SIDEWAYS. Capische? 🤷

I want Bildeburg/Davis made a radioactive crater. WITH the Elite$ tied to chairs in the auditorium, watching the incoming ICBM.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Their minds are made up. Don't confuse them with facts. People hate truth. Lord Jesus save us.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

More brilliance from the estimable Mr. Bray. Since you’re from California, Chris, you must see the brain damaged people driving around by themselves in their cars wearing masks. It’s hilarious.I’ll see people walking their dogs OUTDOORS wearing masks, thinking to myself, the dog has more brains than the owner.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Just a reminder.... Mistakes are/were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today https://henrithibodeau.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/back-in-1969-dr-richard-day-made-some-astonishing-predictions-about-where-the-world-would-be-today/

How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-in-4-easy-steps

...hard to believe that this level of evil exists in our world....

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Djokovic is also 36 years old, which is ancient by men’s tennis standards, and if anything is fitter than ever. By contrast, his contemporary and fiercest rival, Rafael Nadal, age 37, has been riddled with constant injuries beginning in…anyone want to guess what year? Yes, 2021.

To be clear, I’m not saying the covid vaccine directly caused Nadal’s nearly uninterrupted string of injuries that began shortly after he was vaccinated. I am saying that the mRNA shots have a known side effect profile that includes dozens of widely varying conditions, including autoimmune and inflammatory effects that could plausibly render someone who stresses his body the way a pro tennis player does more prone to injury if he accepted those vaccines than if he didn’t.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

You gotta love Djokovic slamming that ace after being heckled at match point by the sanctimonious vaxtard. Great moment. Never lost his composure. Just used the idiot’s rage against him, like a judo master using an opponent’s momentum to facilitate his throw.

The facts continue to emerge. The propaganda battle has been lost. Almost nobody is getting these poisonous injections. The Federal ruling against the CDC a few days ago will make even more people understand that the bureaucracy is not your friend.

I had a new patient in the other day, snowbird in from a deep blue state, older but very fit, no medical problems and on no medications. Wanted a procedure. Not sick at all, but wearing a mask. Did the consultation, at the end of which they explained that they were just beginning to gather information and didn’t know how to choose the best doctor. So I went over the things to look for when choosing a surgeon for this type of surgery, even if it’s not me.Then the patient says apropos of nothing, “I see you have all these best doctor plaques all over the walls. You didn’t just buy those and lie like Trump did you?” I was sorely tempted to make a snarky retort, but I surprised myself because I didn’t. I just felt sad for this person, masked up and terrified of a virus that won’t kill them, terrified of a bogeyman who doesn’t actually exist. Just generally afraid of stuff they don’t understand and boxed in emotionally because of the media machine and their own biases. So I let it go. A lot of these Dunning-Kruger leftist people are not mentally well. They need psychiatric help. The dumbness will snuff itself out if we can keep

It from destroying everybody else.

Vote 🍊

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

These people are not processing empirically. They are literally waiting for quasi religious figures to hand down new scripture.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

I would've deliberately spilled my first beer in 52 years if I were there;

On his fucking head

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Misinformation. It’s a hell of a drug.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Why won’t you protect your health, you stupid…most powerful and dominant professional athlete in the world.

I guess you have to be the Novak Djokovic of stupidity, the best in the world at the game of making your own head fit inside your ass.

I laughed so hard I split my gut and my intestines flopped out... but before the dog got to me fortunately I was able to stuff them back in and apply duct tape.

Bravo Bravo!!!

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

“We have people who cannot be knocked off their course by mere reality.”

We’re watching one of the worst facets of Mass Formation Psychosis – that having focused like a laser on the supposed “life saving” aspect of the vaccine to the exclusion of all else, the sufferer never releases the fixation on that central “fact” FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

It’s not stupidity – it’s self-induced permanent psychosis that is immune to treatment.

When I meet someone who believes in the vaccine, I disconnect ASAP, and try to never have contact again. One exception is my 75 yr old sister who got ALL the shots, got COVID anyway and immediately asked for Paxlovid. (I decided not to ask if she’s a Pfizer shareholder.) I did call to find out how her recovery was progressing.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

One of the sad things here is that it mirrors a type of person involved in the establishment of various communist countries in the 20th century. There was always a class of academic or activist that despite the gulags, executions and starvation (even when the soldiers came for them as they stopped being useful) they would straight up believe that they were on the right side of history and nothing was wrong.

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