"Journalist" Mike Dickson was one of the loudest voices condemning Novak for not getting jabbed. Dickson "died suddenly" a few days ago at the ripe old age of 59. Novak sent condolences to his family, another example of why he is the GOAT.

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He’s a better man than me. My instant reaction was schadenfreude.

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He’s the GOAT precisely because of his resolve to be the better man and remain true to himself at all costs, even in the face of an unreal amount of hatred and shaming.

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I don’t have schadenfreude but the more high profile vax pushers tumble the quicker more sheep people will wake up.

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dickson worked for the british corporate media, who were given billion-dollar incentives to parrot the party line. deviating from the script would have cost him his job (and failing to do that ultimately cost him his life). guessing that novak knew that.

correction: i had erroneously said that dickson was australian

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Same as the Canadian media. Non-stop propaganda that continues to this day..

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Classy G. O. A. T

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Why Novak Djokovic is champion not only in tennis but in personality. He doesn't wish anyone dead, even his harshest and stupidest critics. People have called that a class act, but it's no act.

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GOAT of Stupidity!!!

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Yes. A man of conviction and true gentleman.

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...while commentating.

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I had a civil phone conversation with my only sibling yesterday on her birthday. First such exchange in over two years. She has no vax regret. She did it from a sense of community and still resents those non-vaxxers, like me, who put their individual needs above their duty to society. She has never heard of Andrew Brigden, the high all-cause mortality rates worldwide, Profs Denis Rancourt and Byram Bridle. She’s convinced the Ottawa trucker movement was a largely violent right wing, US-sponsored attempt to overthrow the Canadian govt. as opposed to the very Canadian, spontaneous expression of people’s need for freedom that it actually was. And my sister is smart and politically minded. So the problem isn’t lack of intellect. I think instead it is a quality I see in so many former friends, a lack of curiosity, a fear of pursuing truth, a comfort with orthodoxy and the tidy lie that our failed institutions are generally in need only of a few tweaks to restore order.

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No it wasn’t painful Chris it was a good talk. I we listened to one another and came away from the talk with a non-combative disagreement. Progress.

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"non-combative disagreement"

Until the next "current thing" comes up that you disagree with and she's ready to send ya to camps again.........

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That’s the key element of the modern Left – “Nichteinhaltung ist verboten!” (Noncompliance is forbidden) Anything but enthusiasm is met with expulsion in one form or another.

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It is a strange new mindset/life philosophy, this decision to believe in a narrative which is in fact not real, but constructed by others, and hold to it no matter what reality itself says or looks like. To bend one’s own experience (eg repeatedly coming down with c19 despite repeated injections) to fit this artificial reality, this narrative that benefits you, how exactly? A semi-conscious feeling of immunity from ostracism that one fears more, apparently, that the risk of bodily harm and death itself?

Does this have antecedents in history, other than perhaps the height of the Soviet Union for some, or Nazi Germany?

Are we in a period of time where the majority is such a spineless mass of creatures easily ruled by fear -- during one of the safest periods in human history? Is this simply a case of “Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times.”?

If so, I do hope we are we the “strong men” being forged through these hard times. Djokovic certainly is a wonderful example of that.

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“Does this have antecedents in history…?”

Yes, in that cults have been with us forever.

There is a modern parallel: Gender dysphoria clusters arising among white teenage girls in well-off areas, manifesting in pursuit of medically unnecessary surgery to “treat” psychological symptoms. There appears to be no limit to what people are willing to do to maintain membership in the “In” group.

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It's postmodernism.

In classical philosophy, language is an attempt to DESCRIBE some objective reality. In postmodernism, language CREATES a subjective reality, essentially a shared delusion. I know that sounds insane, and it is a gross simplification of two complex philosophies, but the characterization of each is accurate overall.

That's why "words are violence", because words create reality, so using the wrong ones is literally threatening the nature of the universe. Realizing this helps explain why Leftists (who are all postmodernists) react violently to "misgendering" for example. It's not just that you made a mistake; you really are "threatening that person's existence" with your wrong pronouns, because words create reality.

This will eventually implode. No system of unreality (like communism in your example) can survive because it's assumptions are false. Reality always wins in the end. As Philip K Dick (the sci fi author) said: "reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, is still there." Unfortunately, systems of unreality can do a lot of damage along the way (again, like communism did.)

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Cluster B personalities do this. Completely narrative driven reality with no self reflection. It's a pathological need to control and feel safe. If reality scares, just contruct a new one and anyone who deviates is evil. It's a pervasive type of disorder that rarely responds to therapy so very bad for society if these traits are on the rise. The less psycologically minded version of it is just plain cowardice and selfishness however. It's the grown up version of "I know you are but what am I?" Cognitive intellect and emotional intellect are two very seperate beasts, and the latter is actually far more significant to a meaningful life.

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We who have stood up to the insane, irrational pressures, threats, psy-ops, propaganda, censorship thrown at us relentless by the bio-pharma complex are the real heroes. So also are the Front-Line Doctors who actually treat -- and cure -- covid without consigning patients to ventilator-death or spike-vax injury. Novak Djokovic is a great example of the courage befitting a true champion. The moment he was barred from the Australian Open, the right thing for fellow tennis professionals to do was to refuse to participate. The Tournament IS the players. Had they realized this and acted together as they should have done, the small-minded bureaucrats would have quickly caved. Recognizing their phony authority in any way was a big mistake. Let's not let that happen again, eh mates?

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You should have rebuked your sister for embracing the useless yet harmful COVID vaccine if you really love her as you should. What if she collapses suddenly a few months from now? We definitely hope it will never happen, but her dangerous attitude, without your forceful warning, will get her there.

Say, If your sister likes to walk across a busy highway (no pedestrians are allowed) because it’s a shortcut for her, yet you “respect” her choice so you say nothing?

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And you should quit spreading bullshit on the Internet......

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God gave people free will. Love for people makes us present the facts and as good an argument as possible (meaning in part, nonconfrontationally). Whether they accept it is their choice and their business. The consequences are between them and God.

Your approach would convince no one, and would inspire the human reaction of doubling down just to spite you for your rudeness and disrespect.

As the other commenter said, quit spreading bullshit.

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You support the nanny government, as long as the nanny is you?

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Good point.

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Yeah, that’ll work! Nagging really works at changing people. It is a time tested technique for helping others grow into reflections of yourself. Ming...have you considered writing a book?

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In times of intense tribalism like ours for most people the most crucial fact in any situation (even up till death) is expressing obedience and loyalty to our chosen tribe and its sacred dogma. These beliefs and our tribal membership become the most valuable possession, a bond akin to family, because 1) we are tribal beasts and for most of human history being on the wrong side of your tribe meant death or banishment (which usually just meant deferred death); and 2) once people sign onto certain beliefs/movements publicly and stake their whole person on them (see things like apocalyptic cults and the apocalyptic cult called global Communism) admitting you were wrong and/or duped is too painful for the self-image, the average brain would rather squirm towards any possible excuse/justification/outright denial than admit that the sacred cause and beliefs were bogus (or worse).

Human brains are not disembodied reasoning devices meant to guide us toward fact and truth, they are embodied organs designed to aid the survival/safety/flourishing of the brainholder him/herself.

Covid is just another of our viral religious wars here in the age of tribalized media narratives and most people chose their position for status, safety, the warmth of their chosen herd, with facts and truth a secondary concern (if one at all).

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“Human brains are not disembodied reasoning devices meant to guide us toward fact and truth…”

I think you’re right, and it explains why I’ve been a discordant asshole most of my life. At age 6, I stole several small items (e.g., a lead fishing weight) from 3-4 stores while accompanying my mom on errands. I felt so overwhelmingly guilty that the next day at bedtime I broke down sobbing. She took me to each store and put me in front of the manager to confess and return their item(s). I resolved I would NEVER feel that bad again from my own failures of character.

So I’m one of the “disembodied” souls who DOES seek “fact and truth.” I’ve never voted for what benefits me personally, because that would feel like stealing from my neighbors. My motivation has always been what benefits the country as a whole in the long run. I’m sure there are millions of people just like me (well, maybe not fishing weight aficionados 😂).

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But following a stupid herd over a cliff doesn't aid in survival or safety. Correct reasoning might. Gasoline looks somewhat like water, but you don't want to drink it.

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It’s a form of self-induced psychosis – they MUST adhere to their belief system because to admit the failings of “experts” (and the derivative cracks in “expertise-ism”) is to repudiate their entire worldview, which is too horrible for them to contemplate.

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Yup. That puts a pin into the pride balloon. Can’t have that.

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I think it's even worse than that, its an existential threat. Losing a game you bragged about being great at is popping your pride. Having your entire worldview and sense of safety and morality shatter is life ending stuff. Its why the men who shoved Jews into ovens at the camps during World War III went to their executions still bleating on about how, "I'm innocent! I never killed anyone! I was just exterminating Jews!" People go to their graves without facing the truth because of this, and in the case of the vaccines many will.

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Yup. Violation of trust on the level required to “get it” that your government wants to kill you, and that a great portion medical establishment will help them do it, (and enjoy the profits made along your ride downhill) is like being raped by someone you know. Some people react to that by never trusting anyone again for the rest of their lives - thus spreading the consequences of the original evil act beyond themselves to others. We have the same dynamic at play here - resisting the the pain of facing the truth because the pain is too great to bear.

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Great insight. Also, I just realized I referred to the last world war as WW III in my previous comment instead of WW II. I guess my subconcious is in a dark place these days. :)

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It is risky to trust humans, even the ones you love, because we are all fallible and weak. Yes, every one of us. Trust your common sense and the Good Lord (assuming you are not an atheist; if your are, then you are on your own, LOL) before the words of your fellow man. That should be a basic maxim for everyone.

All the "experts" put their pants on one leg at a time. Expertism is just a form of idolatry.

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Sorry man that's a perfect example of the real tragedy of c19.

Did you ask her if she knows that the definitions of vaccine and herd immunity were changed, in the still of the night, prior to the non-vaxx vaxx being released?

I wonder if she would understand why that is important?

Give her a hint and see how it goes from there.

To eliminate history.

Nothing is new under the sun.

And that's just one example that just happens to be related to c19.

Are people free if they don't have a way to reconcile reference...ergo history?

Think about it. Think about if our children will know the difference and why that's important.

Do you think those definitions will ever be changed back to what the real definition are, that before now, was a universally understood and accepted way to understand those terms?

Will our children have a reference?

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Nah dude, these people will not apologize until they come to the conclusion on their own. You remember when you were young, and a buddy would start dating a girl, and you would point out red flags and so forth and make a case to not get involved with her and your buddy would end your friendship? How is this any different?

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I don't think they'll ever apologize.

But I do like asking them easy questions like that as they gaze off in a blank middle-distance stare.

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Your buddy would be really annoyed with you until she burned him. The vax crowd isn’t annoyed. They hate you.

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They don't hate you, they're just trying to maintain their position in the pecking order. They are neither good nor bad, but influence able. Now the people in charge, they hate you and could be described as evil.

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I don’t know. My wife is very sociable. And helpful. Neighbours leave their dogs with her. If they are out of town she will check their houses for them. If they need rides she is the one they call. She has a ton of energy so she is always up for a walk, etc. As a result she has a wide circle of friends and had many social events a week. Her crowd turned on her viciously. It was weird. Awful and weird. It was like mean girls in school deciding Liz was suddenly an outsider. That nasty.

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" It was like mean girls in school deciding Liz was suddenly an outsider."

Like that crap doesn't happen at work before or after covid? It was always in your presence, you just ignored it because it wasn't happening to you directly. Its human nature, most people don't recognize it. And i'm beginning to think its why we tell ourselves stories, to pretend it doesn't apply to us. To make life more palatable. The only people who have "evolved" are those who recognize it, and make a conscious effort to deny it.

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I lost a few friends. But they didn’t outcast me. They lava lamped me. They oozed away seeing me less and less. Now they are oozing back. All in rough shape health wise.

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How come everyone with that bullshit narrative has no fucking picture, no fucking credibility in it no fucking chance in hell of being a real person? Shut the fuck up, agitprop silicon chip sock puppet!

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which NGO do you work for again Hudson? how many boosters did they make U take…I mean, you’ve only had Covid 3 times! that’s nothing..!

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Nebulous agitprop bullshit is all you’ve got? I need to fuck off agitprop sock puppet assholes not welcome. Silicone or otherwise...

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4 years of unresolved cognitive dissonance is a terrible constipation.

people on the internet are getting their laxatives elsewhere, I understand it’s upsetting.

I would’ve responded to yer rant sooner but ya blocked me months ago.

btw, this is Substack, not Twitter…not the same, not the same…

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So typical, you just make shit up as you go along ....

You’re like a head injured toddler. Except, they have a chance of healing !

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I think we are all dumber from reading this.

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They will come for you too. And we might not be their again to pay the price for your freedom.

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What in the fuck are you referring to? You know before Ronald Reagan, we were a civil society furnishing people like you little apartments with extra thick wallpaper in gentleman and white uniforms to serve you......

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Your handle is “@kindfarmer.” You seem to be neither.

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That’s Saint Ronny Sir! Aaaah! Those were the good old days.

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I don’t know if you actually feel the way that I am reading this, but I think there is a really important point here: you say you’re a non-vaxxer who ‘put their individual needs above their duty to society’, and I think this is ENTIRELY wrong. If a larger mass of people had stood up to the lockdowns and vax insanity, I firmly believe more people would be alive today, it would have AIDED society. We needed the great majority of people who were at virtually no risk to go about their normal lives, get sick, get over it, and cease to be vectors of spread to the vulnerable. Instead we got a great mass of people who bought the lie that the government could somehow deliver a prefect solution, and in pursuit of that we completely cannibalized the good things that we could have been doing that would have actually made a difference. People always die from respiratory ailments, it’s inevitable. The collective actions of the government/society made it worse than it ever needed to be.

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To be clear Alex, I agree with you. I was paraphrasing how my sister sees my vax refusal.

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I thought perhaps, just wasn’t sure! That was one of my great frustrations during the lockdowns, that so few could see what to me was a very clear moral argument to be made in opposition to the mainstream narrative

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Been saying that from day one:

Our one and only duty to society was to "filter" the virus for those truly at risks by going about our business.

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On the list of sins by the COVID mafia we cannot forget PA, NY & NJ MANDATING the return of COVID patients to nursing homes. Something straight out of Josef Mengele.

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Exactly right!

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Are you sure we don’t have the same sister?

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Sounds like many of my relatives, too.

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My older and wildly conservative sister voted for Nixon in 1972, and every Republican since. She's inexplicably vaxed and double boosted, but at least has given up asking if I'm vaxed "yet," (as if) and we simply avoid the topic now. She lives a half continent away so I rarely see her, but nearly every time I talk to her she's sick with a cold. In recent photos posted of her on Instagram she looks to have aged 10 years since the last time I saw her in 2021, shortly after her first two Pfizer jabs. It's sadly morbid, but I've written her eulogy as I no longer believe I will predecease her.

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"And my sister is smart and politically minded. So the problem isn’t lack of intellect. I think instead it is a quality I see in so many former friends, a lack of curiosity, a fear of pursuing truth, a comfort with orthodoxy and the tidy lie that our failed institutions are generally in need only of a few tweaks to restore order."

Sorry for your sister (and mine), but everything that follows the word "intellect" is the exact opposite of smart.

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I have two siblings like that and actually we haven't talked in 4 years. I refused the vax and of course both got the shot. One ended up in the hospital with Covid and the other is stuck with Long Covid. I really want to say " Told you so" , but I guess having to live with the realization that they were "had", is enough. But then again, they're probably justifying their decision -" Well, if I hadn't got the shot it would have been worse". 😵😷

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I can “forgive” people getting the shot (e.g., I was 66 and in the at-risk group), but I can’t forgive sticking with the narrative as it fell apart and beyond. Maybe it’s my German heritage – I don’t have a time machine, so we can only fix events from this point forward. Recriminations for early decisions made in a low-information environment are pointless. BUT intentionally maintained ignorance is unforgivable.

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I have found the hint of the cause of this very puzzling phenomenon in Desmet's book. He says: "The masses believe in the story not because it's accurate but because it creates a new social bond."

Like Solzhenitsyn's fellow apparatchiks, they are loyal to the narrative. The more they sacrifice, the more loyal. Nothing to do with the intellect.

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Thank you for this erin, I’m at a loss to define intelligence anymore. Jonathon Haidt’s book The Righteous Mind tackles it from the perspective of one’s personal values. We react to life with emotional, values-based actions first and then build scaffolds under those values to rationalize them. Tapping into people’s values becomes the first step to understanding their behaviour and beliefs.

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Last time I was in Canada I had to hold my tongue at a family gathering as a Pro Vaxxer Faction bleated on about those honking terrorists in Ottawa. I wanted to say that they were standing up for their rights.... but f789 it.

I can't say I will be saddened if that husband (retired former high ranking economist in the federal govt...) and wife team drop with a Rat Juice injury.

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I would not wish injury upon anyone, but as a transcriber of many testimonies I am sorry to say, I have seen it, an injury does seem to be what wakes up a lot of people who might never have woken up otherwise. And the subsequent pitiless gaslighting, that also does it.

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In 2000, my brother married a Canadian in Nova Scotia (a notoriously liberal province, for the benefit of any non-Canada-philes). A wonderful family. At a family gathering in 2003, one of their family friends referred out of the blue to “Mr. Bush’s war.” (This was before the absence of WMD was confirmed.) I turned to this “gentleman” and said, “Is the view pretty good from the cheap seats? Our sister is in Baghdad as we speak. You’ve had the luxury of living under ‘Mr. Bush’s’ nuclear umbrella for 58 yrs for free except for the land under a few frozen radar stations. Would you like to start paying for your own national defense?” The room was utterly silent. Someone in the family then said something like “How ‘bout those Chiefs?!”

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"I think instead it is a quality I see in so many former friends, a lack of curiosity, a fear of pursuing truth, a comfort with orthodoxy and the tidy lie that our failed institutions are generally in need only of a few tweaks to restore order. "

So not smart. Still being polite when you meant to say average.

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A product of a soft society. In a sense not their fault. They are really just the middle class version of welfare queens. They wouldn't exist in a harder, more realistic society.

That form of society is on its way back. It is anyone's guess who survives. But it won't be the sheep trusting government experts.

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You could be talking about my sister...

To me, it’s fear and insecurity, both of which are assuaged by membership in the Tribe. Sadly, membership in the Tribe requires repeating the approved tribal orthodoxies...the louder and more aggressively, the better.

Oh…and if anyone happens to notice parallels with the current Tribe that’s “defending democracy” by vehemently denouncing those right wing extreme domestic terrorist insurrectionists who are attempting to destroy democracy…well, move on, nothing to see here.

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Which gave rise to fascism. The herd needs to believe.

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For many years I had been meeting with old friends over brunch every Tuesday at our familiar diner. Then came 2020. When it was rumoured that the BC government was about to order that restaurants must deny service to people unless they produced a proof of COVID vaccination I said to my friends that I would not submit. One of us, a newer friend but I had been friendly with her, she's about 45, my kids' generation, told me I was a fool, that she would get the jab in order to have her normal freedom to travel and eat in restaurants and anybody who refused this sensible order, such as myself, was an idiot who deserved to suffer for his stubbornness. None of the group, even my oldest friend (same age as me), said a word of support for me. Soon the mandate was ordered and so that afternoon proved to be the last time I ever met with my now former friends. So your story hits me hard. I'm going on 77. There isn't a single word I'd have to say to anybody like my former friend. I feel like it's hostility, hostility toward me because I'm old and old fashioned and to hell with us stupid old boomers, fuck us, we're a pain in the ass. We need to shut the fuck up and get with the program. Or die.

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You just described my friend group James, and my similar journey. Nice to hear from a fellow boomer who gets it. For me this started with 911 and the crazy things we were all expected to swallow. People could tolerate my quaint ideas back then but it got serious with the vaccines. I have five friends who will talk Covid now. And two of them are new friends. The rest, surface BS or long gone.

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Thanks for your support, Dave. I was feeling a bit 'under it' lately. The conversation stream of replies to what you said is amazingly fruitful. There's a lot of us out here, feeling lonely and separated – egregious is the word, I'm a word nut from way back. Looking over some of the conversation, it occurs to me that what motivates the hostility we black sheep get from the 'safe' people, the middle-of-the-herd, is that herd instinct that is so deeply rooted in our hominid evolution "safety in numbers". They are afraid and so they lash out at what makes them afraid.

In 2022 I sent information and videos to my 23 year old granddaughter, stuff from Sucharit Bakhdi and other experts; I was desperate to prevent her from taking the jab – that was when the jab mandates were being pushed the most intensely [just looked it up, it was October 2021!]. She angrily messaged me back calling me a Trump supporter fooled by right-wing lies and she'd rather get a sore arm than die of a brain tumour caused by COVID. So all my efforts only pushed her into getting the jab!

The group of friends with whom I met for our regular brunches, I began to be the black sheep first because of my 9/11 Truth ideas, David Ray Griffin. Then came the Sandy Hook affair when in January 2013 I talked about the illogical aspects of it and doubted that there had been any such "Adam Lanza" or any real deaths at all. I became almost instantly a Right-Wing American Gun Nut. Then the Boston Bombing Hoax [I downloaded all the photos which made it obvious that there had been nobody really even injured except for the poor patsy they shot].

Then the Russians intervened in Syria and we were deluged with "Assad the brutal dictator dropping Barrel Bombs on Syrian Freedom Fighters" and I said these "Barrel Bombs" were completely fictitious and proved it.

Then Trump's 2016 campaign when he was filling stadiums with overflowing crowds. I was startled and put off by Trump at first. The women with whom I worked at my part-time usher job all called all these supporters idiots. I said these are ordinary people, working people no different from us so how could they all be evil.

What's my point? It's pretty vague so far. But it's looking like this: all of these controversies, some completely manufactured, were manipulated for one purpose and that is to dishearten and divide us Boomers off from the younger generations, use our education to destroy reason and education and reduce our democracy and our nations to a mass of sheep.

Now it's Electric Vehicles and Climate Crisis and Transgendering Children as well as DISEASE X. The absurdity is the POINT! The death toll is a strategy. Don't forget the open public destruction of Hollywood by Woke-and-Broke insanity. Destroying all the things dearest to our hearts is the point. Getting us all, especially young working people, to say they believe lies are true and that what their senses tell them is unreality is reality. He's got a beard but you have to call him She or you'll be CAST OUT.

It's too vast to encompass and certainly too much to communicate. I'm some kind of a Jeremiah. I'm Jonah.

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Again, you’re describing my journey in all the details you supply and, in my case, the change over time in my reputation from acceptable to its opposite. In my case I’m very fortunate because my daughter and her husband remain to this day unvaxxed and from them I have two young grandsons. My son is refreshingly open minded and a keen debater/thinker. So I am blessed. I know other younger people who feel as we do about the vax too so I don’t experience this as a generational phenomena, but rather as a values-based one. Hands off my body. Or an understanding that progression doesn’t always mean whatever’s new. Some people, despite their age, just embody those values.

My personal issue now, after all the fallout from these four years (even though for me it’s really been two and a half decades) is how to be true to myself but also maintain relationships with others. I cannot change minds, even though I want to, so I drop seeds. Maybe they’ll sprout. I’m also writing a letter series to my grandsons for when they turn 13; part advice, part confession, part self-analysis. Keeps me sane and keeps me going.

Mark Crispin Miller on the Trump presidency on The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen had a VERY interesting take you might appreciate. Just this past Sunday.

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A fish can't understand water.

We all suffer from this problem, left and right. but I find the right is more aware of it and thus more willing to fight it. The dominant media environment provides a very large aquarium for the Left to swim in without ever noticing. As you said, it's not an intelligence thing. There are very smart and very educated people on both Left and Right.

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This goes back to the earliest moments of the corona event-cycle. I remember arguments with my colleagues at work, long before getting fired for refusing the vaccine, where I would desperately plead with them to address any single fact presented to them without deflection, or whatever other mental trick would cause them to switch subjects, pivot, slither, avoid, whatever until the conversation would just bog down in an infuriating psychic quicksand. I nearly lost my mind in those weeks, until I finally just came to accept that what had happened was NOT in the realm of logic, or material reality. I have come to believe that a METAphysical “switch” of sorts was flipped by corona and a split consciousness exists and widens over time.

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I’ve had that feeling as well. Early in the “pandemic,” once I gathered information about Covid, I tried to share facts with people I knew who were terrified of the virus. I just wanted to reassure them that it WAS NOT THAT BAD., and they didn’t have to live in fear. They all responded by getting furious with me. How DARE I challenge the Narrative! It was really weird.

It was around that time that I began muttering about us being lab rats in some sinister space alien experiment.

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Ditto. I tried to tell people when I worked as an OR nurse, no we did NOT all wear masks in the hospital 24/7, and no they do NOT keep out viruses, etc. I explained why we did wear masks in the OR, and the actual precautions taken normally for highly contagious and serious diseases, and how none of what they were telling us to do made any sense. No one wanted to listen. It was crazy then, and it’s still crazy. There is no logic, sense, or real science involved in the narrative or behavior of those falling for it still. Friends who either chose or were coerced are dead or injured. Some see it now, some still don’t, and probably never will.

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There are some of us who started (in March and April of 20) as "seriously concerned about the virus" and gradually lightened up that summer. I suspect there are a lot of us actually, who once it became clear this wasn't smallpox, dropped the masks and the wiping down groceries.

Unfortunately by then, the whole thing was tribal, which made honest conversation in either direction impossible. The Left was convinced that locking everyone in their house would cure COVID. The Right was convinced that an antiparasitic drug would cure COVID. Neither was correct (based on good disparate population studies, masking did nothing and ivermectin only improved survival in countries where parasites were common.) Yet to this day, I have friends who still refuse to give up one of these delusions.

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Most of my seriously intelligent conservative friends were pretty frightened initially. But being serious thinkers they read voraciously on viruses, corona viruses, COVID, PCR tests etc. They are smart too. By June most had flipped back to reality. I already had a healthy disrespect for the Medical Industrial Complex due to some serious health issues I dealt with in the 90s. I saw through it immediately. But I was a lone voice amongst my friends in February and March and April of 2020.

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I think the most simple, as well as basic, answer is that fear induces paralysis. And we all can understand what paralysis is.

Being of simple mind, somewhat like Pooh Bear, that sums it up for me. (he is one of my heroes by the way, along with the inimitable and indomitable spunky Miss (maybe "ms" nowadays) Piggy.). It is very difficult these days to find public figures one can actually look up to, you understand, and they are both outstanding.

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I am very offended by your gender assuming of a certain mentioned swine character. LOL.

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Well, Miss Piggy was also more than a little prone to taking offense herself as you know so no surprise there ; not bad at giving it either bless her little pink porcine self. Look, if you fancy joining me in the notion of adopting her 100% narcissistic personality (and I do hope it is only a notion) then please be my guest. But as for me and my fellow ladies we know she is all female. and be gentle here sir- with her full attention focused on herself she probably hasn't heard of gender assignment or fluidity or any of those remarkable 'advancements' and doesn't know she may be mis-gendered. And watch out for that right-left hook if she ever does . Ka-pow !

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I love this pig no matter how they might swing. However, my recollection is they had bigger balls than that little froggie fella they hung out with.

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“…fear induces paralysis. And we all can understand what paralysis is.”

I think that’s where ex-soldiers have an advantage. We feel fear for sure, but we act in spite of it. Plus the fucked up ICL IFR (3.4% of the population would die based on 100% infection) gave us psychological “ammunition” to know the narrative was seriously flawed.

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we certainly did have that necessary psychological ammunition from that along with other things.....here in NZ we trusting and naive citizens were bombarded from the get-go with fear-instilling 'assurances' of what the world was in for with convid and how a vaccine was our only hope. (That is a vaccine, along with the PM Jabcinda Arden, now 'teaching' at Harvard proclaiming she was our "sole source of truth". I kid you not, NZ was right up there with George Orwell's book.) That was ammunition enough there to know that the narrative was seriously flawed. immediately jumping to the fear factor is not, to me, a quality of a true leader. But to be strictly accurate here, the nation was sent into strict lockdown mode on several occasions first-once only on suspicion of the killer virus in the country -and mask wearing was insisted on as preludes to, and conditioning for, the coming genocidal attempts of government. They did a pretty good job of that too.

Would you know if many ex-military rejected the impositions of covid shot requirements in your country ?

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"Vote for Pooh in 2024!"

I like it. At least with that bumper sticker, I'll never be wrong. No matter who we vote for, we end up with someone crappy in office.

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Difficult? Impossible!!

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Perhaps they are simply too afraid to accept reality. Fear is a mighty powerful emotion. Denial becomes the only option. That, coupled with weak egos that often slink away from admitting self-deception and betrayal.

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I also had the sense that some switch had been flipped in their minds. It was so bizarre. Psychic quicksand-- that's a good description of what it felt like.

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Perhaps they are simply too afraid to accept reality. Fear is a mighty powerful emotion. Denial becomes the only option. That, coupled with weak egos that prefer to slink away than admitting self-deception and betrayal.

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All true, and your incisive wit is spot on as always... and yet I don't feel contempt, not even for the willfully blind ones. They are protecting themselves, the only way they know how, from the annihilating truth of their actions. I just feel sorry for them.

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I respect this approach, but man am I having difficulty getting to it.

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Don't forget they think YOU are the VIRUS.

That's pretty dangerous.

Pretty sure they'd have no problem driving a train of box cars to a smokey location with us on it.

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“Republicans are evil” has been a refrain since at least 2000. I think us being the virus would affect the speed of the train, but not their willingness to put us on it.

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You should have seen the 1980’s…!

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yeah Reagan was the antichrist and was going to blow up mother earth.

I was only 10 when he was elected but I distinctly remember one of my mom's friends saying that in our house.


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You shoulda been around for Nixon.

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I was.

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I wasn’t sure when it started so I said “at least…” I was born in ‘54, so the first election of which I was REALLY conscious was 1968 (Nixon-Humphrey) when I was a high school freshman. I remember a fair number of kids chanting anti-war crap, not because they knew anybody in the military, but because, like all Leftists, “Kumbaya” would solve all problems.

In any event, they were describing Nixon as the Devil Incarnate, etc.

Before that, I do remember Goldwater’s ‘64 convention line “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” and the Johnson “Daisy” ad: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_(advertisement)

(In looking up the Goldwater comment, I found this other prophetic quote of his: “Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.”

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But why? They mocked you -- called you an idiot -- wished you'd die from Covid.

Forgive them? F789 that.

So they were mislead ... most would say the German people were mislead by their government and outed their neighbours and cheered as they boarded the trains...

Forgive them? If I was a Jew no f789ing way. I'd wish every last one of them would spend their last dollars on medicine.

The difference with this situation --is that most of them WILL spend their last dollar on medicine.

Zero empathy for anyone who wished me dead. For anyone who ridiculed me.

They are getting what they deserve

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That was intended to be a response to Mary....

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Feeling sorry only is not enough to restore the cosmic balance. Mockery. Loud mockery is called for.

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Mockery of people with their fingers in their ears chanting “la-“la-la” will not accomplish much.

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Ah but do not underestimate the nukeful power of a meme.

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Careful… That’s the DOJ’s theory in convicting Douglass Mackey for posting a meme about voting by text message. (Personally, I think the 4900 Hillary supporters who believed you could vote by text are too stupid to be allowed to vote. We should expand the Red Flag laws to cover THEM. 😂)

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You're spot on...but righteous indignation & schadenfreude seem to feel sooo gooooood. I think if we are capable of truly investigating these feelings, in the middle of it, we may recognize they come from a very dark, very unhelpful place.


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I think it's normal, even healthy to feel those feelings, but then it's wisest to set them aside. It's sort of like drinking cordials. We all recognize the people who indulge too much, things don't go too well for them.

In this case, the journalist, may his soul rest in peace, I pity him for having been conned, I have compassion for him and for his family, but I also think he well deserves scorn for having used his platform to abet violating other peoples' human rights.

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They best I can deduce after inspecting my motivations is the schadenfreude comes from an intense desire for a reckoning for intensely bad behavior.

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much as it's a suboptimal survival strategy, it's not a crime to put up walls around your brain to keep the scary thoughts out

but when keeping those thoughts at bay requires others to submit to muzzle and jab mandates, that's where i draw the line. too many of the wilfully blind were much more wilful when push came to shove

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We Few, we few who have withstood the most toxic, evil Media based Psychological Operation unleashed against the entirety of Humanity BY OUR OWN TRAITOROUS ELITE$; We Few say F.U.C.K. T.H.E.M. SIDEWAYS. Capische? 🤷

I want Bildeburg/Davis made a radioactive crater. WITH the Elite$ tied to chairs in the auditorium, watching the incoming ICBM.

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I'll help you sell tickets! I'm sure almost everyone on Substack would want at least one!! Me? I'd bring the family members except the ones who look down their noses at me and call me an antivaxxer. Seeing masks again. Even though they're not required. Yet.

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When someone calls you an antivaxxer, kindly ask them to refer to you as pro science.

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Cardiologist to me. “I see you aren’t vaccinated. Why not?” Said with a sneer on her face. Me. “Because I am scientifically literate.”

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Oops, sorry, I think I've already sent them the invite! 😂

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🤣🤣🤣 You must have invited my dad, too! My mom would pop us all some popcorn.

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Their minds are made up. Don't confuse them with facts. People hate truth. Lord Jesus save us.

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More brilliance from the estimable Mr. Bray. Since you’re from California, Chris, you must see the brain damaged people driving around by themselves in their cars wearing masks. It’s hilarious.I’ll see people walking their dogs OUTDOORS wearing masks, thinking to myself, the dog has more brains than the owner.

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Went into the mountains a few days ago, and saw someone ALONE IN A CAMPGROUND IN THE WILDERNESS in a mask. The nearest person, me, was briefly as close as a hundred yards away.

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Running in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area 2 weekends ago, my wife and I passed a family of 4 out in the middle of nowhere, all masked up, who turned their backs to us as we went by. Covid Brain is real in the Bay Area.

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To me, that's fine. They just should not have the ability to vote. Your unhinged insanity makes you ineligible to have a say in how the adults are going to play.


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Too bad you didn’t open your jacket to expose a Trump shirt – they would have had aneurysms on the spot. 😂

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A new weapon of masker destruction

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I hate Trump because he sold us out for his ego.

J6 crew, rot in hell boys!

Vaxx injured? Tough luck, the shot "saved" millions!

Lockdowns? Those kids in apartments should thank me for that time off!

Orange Man had his time, his lazy ass should go away, he's all talk.

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Wow. Even here in our California-wannabe state of Vermont I haven't seen a mask in quite a while.

I'd like to think that sanity is returning, but I'm still surrounded by the same lefty, TDS-suffering, All Things Considered™-listening, global boiling cultists as always, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

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Supports our youngest's theory that covid is actually an alien parasite. One that devours the brain, slowly, until the poor afflicted soul turns into a - wait for it - *whispers* democrat.

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could be some of my relatives, lol

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My brother is a very devoted mask wearer.

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Chris, which is worse, one person alone in the woods (you can dismiss that, almost, as a dead ender kook) or 8 people in an optometrist office, 4 employees, 3 patients and 1 manufacturers rep, ALL wearing masks. I got the uncomfortable stare again today. Went to a massage yesterday and got an email confirming it, "we expect all un vaccinated people to wear masks, be ready to present your card. Still. Went to lunch today with a friend, we agree on most things, she took the vax, no regrets, considering taking more, but she did listen, and hopefully will read some Steve Kirsch. The "top" ones can be saved, but the bottom, I dont think there is any hope for. They WANT to regress.

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I had an unexpected "small win" last week. A counseling office I go to sent me all their 2024 forms to sign. All the regulars and a covid form I hadn't seen before. After I read it, I contacted them and said I wouldn't sign it because I couldn't in good conscious promise to the things they asked… Taking my temperature before I came in, not touching my face or my mouth, and wearing a mask in the waiting room.

To my utter surprise, they replied that wasn't an important form. When I went back to their portal to sign the other docs, the covid one was gone from my list. Wow! I fully expected them to tell me I wasn't welcome to come back.

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No. This is a HUGE win.

We can only get a HUGE win with millions of tiny little wins.

This type of action you took is the most powerful form of resistance:

The resistance of one, who tells many.

I betcha your the first person to do that. You think anyone there is going to forget who you are? They can't; they no longer have the document in your file that everyone else was supposed to have.

Well done!

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Sanity re: COVID is like an oasis in the desert – rare and wonderful to find.

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Masks for unvaxxed? Is it 2022, all over again? So much for trusting their shot to protect themselves.

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That shit freaks me out. We probably have a bunch of children of the masks zealots in serial killer training.

Seriously could be like the heyday of serial killers in the 70's.

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That’s too close for comfort, Chris. Don’t you follow the science???

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At DLI in Monterey for Russian 1991. The Air Force guy, Chris, in my class, one of the best speakers BTW, goes to Yosemite over the weekend. He sees some Russians (might be just after around the coup--anyway, this guy sees a Russian family in the parking lot.

He's a big oaf of a man, hyper gregarious, loud, and (he's AF) overweight. HUGE American. He walks up to the window of these Russians in the car and asks them, "KAY GAY BAY?" (KGB phonetically....)

They nearly shat themselves, rolled up the window, and immediately left the park.

He told us about that back in class and we laughed and laughed and laughed. I don't know why your post made me think of that.

Cruel? Probably. Funny? Absolutely!


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I just can’t even... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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Did s/he scream in terror at the prospect of instant death by microbe?

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Bless his heart for protecting the forest critters.

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Our friend Mister Chipmunk

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Holy fucking shit.

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Allergies, surely...

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Did the dog hold up a note saying “Help me?”

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I could see it in his eyes...

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Californian here. Was walking through a parking lot the other day and noticed the grocery store had a rather large sign up at the entrance that stated you could get your vaccines there and if you chose to do so, you could save 10% on your groceries. A few cars later I noticed a woman standing outside a car talking to someone inside through the window. The person in the car was masked. He did, however, remove it briefly now and then to smoke his cigarette. Then suddenly, the Twilight Zone tune was playing in my head. Go figure.

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I Wear My Face Mask in My Car--one of the great artistic responses to the idiocracy.

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Just a reminder.... Mistakes are/were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today https://henrithibodeau.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/back-in-1969-dr-richard-day-made-some-astonishing-predictions-about-where-the-world-would-be-today/

How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-in-4-easy-steps

...hard to believe that this level of evil exists in our world....

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Djokovic is also 36 years old, which is ancient by men’s tennis standards, and if anything is fitter than ever. By contrast, his contemporary and fiercest rival, Rafael Nadal, age 37, has been riddled with constant injuries beginning in…anyone want to guess what year? Yes, 2021.

To be clear, I’m not saying the covid vaccine directly caused Nadal’s nearly uninterrupted string of injuries that began shortly after he was vaccinated. I am saying that the mRNA shots have a known side effect profile that includes dozens of widely varying conditions, including autoimmune and inflammatory effects that could plausibly render someone who stresses his body the way a pro tennis player does more prone to injury if he accepted those vaccines than if he didn’t.

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One tournament something like 21 tennis players had to drop out with injuries.

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As GVB says, the ‘vaccines’ have a million ways they can kill you.

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You gotta love Djokovic slamming that ace after being heckled at match point by the sanctimonious vaxtard. Great moment. Never lost his composure. Just used the idiot’s rage against him, like a judo master using an opponent’s momentum to facilitate his throw.

The facts continue to emerge. The propaganda battle has been lost. Almost nobody is getting these poisonous injections. The Federal ruling against the CDC a few days ago will make even more people understand that the bureaucracy is not your friend.

I had a new patient in the other day, snowbird in from a deep blue state, older but very fit, no medical problems and on no medications. Wanted a procedure. Not sick at all, but wearing a mask. Did the consultation, at the end of which they explained that they were just beginning to gather information and didn’t know how to choose the best doctor. So I went over the things to look for when choosing a surgeon for this type of surgery, even if it’s not me.Then the patient says apropos of nothing, “I see you have all these best doctor plaques all over the walls. You didn’t just buy those and lie like Trump did you?” I was sorely tempted to make a snarky retort, but I surprised myself because I didn’t. I just felt sad for this person, masked up and terrified of a virus that won’t kill them, terrified of a bogeyman who doesn’t actually exist. Just generally afraid of stuff they don’t understand and boxed in emotionally because of the media machine and their own biases. So I let it go. A lot of these Dunning-Kruger leftist people are not mentally well. They need psychiatric help. The dumbness will snuff itself out if we can keep

It from destroying everybody else.

Vote 🍊

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I hope you're not doing the work.

That guy sounds like a walking lawsuit.

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Interesting. Good pick up.

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Tanto, psychiatry is a pseudoscience drug racket and social control mechanism. Its 21st Century Phrenology with potent neurotoxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, FAR MORE HARM than good.....



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Partially correct. It’s like anything else. There are good ones, but hard to find.

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These people are not processing empirically. They are literally waiting for quasi religious figures to hand down new scripture.

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The reviews are fun, especially the ones where you can’t quite tell whether it’s satire or serious.

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Unbelievable! Note that it is no longer available.

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I'm gonna be sick...

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I would've deliberately spilled my first beer in 52 years if I were there;

On his fucking head

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Novak should keep some small ball bearings handy and next time this happens smash one into the forehead of any wanker who displays their imbecility

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Lolol dude.

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Somehow have trouble visualizing you wasting a beer.

Crushing his cranium with the EMPTY stein now...

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RG you must have a hand like keith richards

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Misinformation. It’s a hell of a drug.

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Why won’t you protect your health, you stupid…most powerful and dominant professional athlete in the world.

I guess you have to be the Novak Djokovic of stupidity, the best in the world at the game of making your own head fit inside your ass.

I laughed so hard I split my gut and my intestines flopped out... but before the dog got to me fortunately I was able to stuff them back in and apply duct tape.

Bravo Bravo!!!

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Yes. Chris Bray’s writing is a gift and I also literally lol’d at the “best in the world” line. Gives me great encouragement to see truth so dark delivered with such wit.

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“We have people who cannot be knocked off their course by mere reality.”

We’re watching one of the worst facets of Mass Formation Psychosis – that having focused like a laser on the supposed “life saving” aspect of the vaccine to the exclusion of all else, the sufferer never releases the fixation on that central “fact” FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

It’s not stupidity – it’s self-induced permanent psychosis that is immune to treatment.

When I meet someone who believes in the vaccine, I disconnect ASAP, and try to never have contact again. One exception is my 75 yr old sister who got ALL the shots, got COVID anyway and immediately asked for Paxlovid. (I decided not to ask if she’s a Pfizer shareholder.) I did call to find out how her recovery was progressing.

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Regrettably, I got two jabs in 2020, but I made sure my kids never got the jabs.

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I got 2 jabs as well, but called BS when the booster propaganda started. To my chagrin, my retired RN wife got 1 booster b4 she called BS. She worked in cancer research at MD Anderson, and in REAL research, science is EVERYTHING. The emotional upheaval among true professionals in the medical community is profound. They are shocked that so many colleagues embraced the insanity.

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Thanks for sharing this.

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One of the sad things here is that it mirrors a type of person involved in the establishment of various communist countries in the 20th century. There was always a class of academic or activist that despite the gulags, executions and starvation (even when the soldiers came for them as they stopped being useful) they would straight up believe that they were on the right side of history and nothing was wrong.

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There's a tale told in a Stalin biography of one of the great Soviet poets telling a friend, I believe during the purge in the late '30s, "If only Stalin knew what was happening!" as though all the crimes were being committed against Stalin's wishes.

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"If only someone would tell Stalin about it" to be precise. It was Pasternak, who wrote Doctor Zhivago.

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