My wife is the only Vaccinated and boosted person I know that hasn’t gotten COVID and she is immunocompromised. Knock on wood, even though our house has had it multiple times. She is the Maze Runner.
Oh my goodness, that second, annotated chart is unreal. How anyone with a shred of brains can look at that and say ANYTHING they did “worked”…
BTW do you know that Barbara Ferrer received an award earlier this month? L.A. County Commission for Women, President’s Award. She got a standing ovation. (Then took off her mask to speak.) I’m still trying to put my finger on exactly what disturbs me so much about this. Something about the audience KNOWING what a lie the whole charade is…
2. Smashed all especially Trump voters economically and politically.
3. Laid the groundwork for economic collapse and food distribution system collapse - that's happening now - to get rid of or at least reduce Trump and other populist voters like actually believing Socialists and BernieBros.
4. A vast increase in state powers at every level - True Federalism as Tyranny - creating an interested and frankly involved by guilt and implication new class of petty tyrants now committed by their guilt and involvement while at the same time intoxicated by their power.
^^This is the key milestone in Tyranny. You must have a class of Oppressors^
^^the oppressors and enforcers must be implicated, this is similar to raising a mob that howls for blood and gets it, now they're guilty. Every tyrant in history for example Stalin [show trials, 4 million denunciations] Hitler [the Germans howled for Jewish and Polish Blood and got it], The STASI [millions of informers], Ivan the Terrible [the Black Hundreds who killed for him], Venezuela and Maduro, Chavez [the enriched generals, the enriched dollar holding bourgeoisie] - every tyrannical government in history needs a guilty, dependent on the tyrants , implicated, enriched, empowered class to enforce. ^^
^^^ Empowering millions of Karen's in government and most of the media created the enforcers in America. ^^^^ The Critical Threshold met and exceeded.
Idiotic babblings of conscience are irrelevant, and frankly they have no conscience they just threw it there to hedge their bets.
In crime this is the crime and conspiracy that implicates you, in the Mafia it's called 'making your bones' means you killed someone.
5. The Vaccine probably caused 400K miscarriages, an entire generation of potential troublemakers eliminated.
6. Quite likely many of the wahmen [women] who miscarried will keep miscarrying.
So the idea that the Vaccine didn't work is childish, it worked fantastically.
It's only 'didn't work' if you took the word of known serial liars.
i just had covid. 2 days of flu, fever, headache, joint & muscle aches. got it from a fully vaccinated and boosted friend. i take a small weekly dose of ivermectin and upped my dose to therapeutic levels when i got sick. it was gone quicker than any flu i've ever had in the past probably because of the ivermectin which i will always keep in the medicine chest from now on in case of any old flu. last tuesday, i tested positive on an at home antigen test. tested positive on friday even though i felt perfectly well on wednesday. today, i tested negative. so it was two days of sickness and a week before a negative test. hardly worth ruining my natural immunity and destroying the Bill of Rights over.
all the vaccinated people i know have now had covid several times. they didn't get it until AFTER they were vaccinated. something is very wrong
Covidians will always find a cope e.g. "the fact that everyone didn't die from coronavirus is proof that lockdowns worked." Nothing is ever falsifiable but somehow nonetheless it remains The Science™.
A quick perusal of the video also showed that she managed to put together data that showed the case rate among the unvaccinated in the winter wave was higher than in the vaccinated. I’m not sure how they manage to get that data when other countries haven’t been able to show that in awhile.
"not sure how they manage to get that data" Through the application of precisely the same 'scientific method' used to generate results in political opinion polls. Colloquially known as - "Tell me who's paying for this poll, and I'll tell you the results".
Chris, once again I seek your eminently sensible opinion:
Is there a widespread and coordinated attempt amongst the elites to murder a large segment of the population to set up a new economy and control the surviving world as digital slaves?
Thought about this some more. Part Two of the same answer:
Watch these people speak – at Davos, for example, or at a meeting or press conference with a Ted Wheeler or an Eric Garcetti or a Justin Trudeau or a Kamala Harris, whose name I actually had to struggle to recover. They're dullards, mediocre minds who chant slogans without any thought at all. I don't see masterminds, a world of brilliant James Bond villains playing fourth-dimensional chess – I see moral and intellectual exhaustion.
Second, I think the idea that elites are *the source* of mass death and unhealthy bodies is a way of letting ourselves off the hook: Isn't it horrible that this is being done to us!?!? But it has always been possible to make choices. Don't take the idiotic vaccines, don't eat the industrial sludge, get outdoors as much as you can, turn off the television. Where I live, masks mostly stayed on after Gavin Newsom and Barbara Ferrer said that they were optional. Mediocre elites are succeeding at making a sick world because much of the sick world is choosing it, and doing so happily.
I think the number of actual controlling human(oids) is very small. The rest of them are vapid strivers who haven't had an original thought in their entire lives. Money runs this game, and when you have a few trillion hidden in untracked accounts ... and / or control the accounts of the puppets ... you can play for a long time.
But yes we can ALWAYS opt out of this game. It will end for all when a mere sliver of us just stop playing along.
Right on Suzanne! As has probably been true for most of human history, the puppet masters are few in number, and often, invisible. Who - what person - actually runs ______ ? (Fill in the blank with the organization, or country, of your choice!) Society's oldest equation is: [money/wealth = power].
Thank you for the link. I can only wish our lord and master, Justin Turdo the 1st, could/would actually view that clip.
Largely and respectfully disagree with your second paragraph, as it elides how power is actually administered within social norm contexts.
Each nation was pushed to a more fascist stance. As far as they could go. Look at Aussie and NZ and Kanada. Five Eyes countries. Blew it all up, any pretense.
While focusing on the masks or injections, you are missing how rapidly people, yes, Los Angeles and SoCal in general, signed off on lockdowns and stores being closed and so forth...huge shifts in what is needed to live modern life.
Paragraph 1: Agree with your observation in regard to intellectual capacity of the WEF mouthpieces. None of them are 'masterminds'. In some cases it might be legitimate to question whether they actually have minds. Perhaps a more apt descriptor for these talking heads might be 'spokespuppets'.
Paragraph 2: Agree. Completely. We seem to have decided, in the decades following WWII, that freedom wasn't worth the effort. We handed the care of our children over to 'the state'. Then we stopped having children. We moved from self sufficiency in rural environments to total dependency in urban shitholes. We have chosen to live in Juvenal's "bread and circuses" world. We chose to stop enforcing basic laws that foster personal security of life and limb. Replacing them with tens of thousands of arbitrarily enforced regulations. And we vastly increased the size of 'government', the bureaucratic state, to oversee those regulations.
Digital slaves, yes, and Yuval Noah Harari just says it. Coordinated plan to reduce childbirth, and a social vision that sees societies without families. The mass death part I tend to regard as a hubristic accident.
Chris, you rather quickly vaulted to the top of my, "Listen to this guy" list. Let me explain why: You were willing to discuss normie politics AND include the Injection Fiasco.
Unusual in the media food chain, esp. now where people have dug in their heels. See this post. You are following the bread crumbs from on the ground: local governance.
My whole Stack launched when I realized that Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi would be absolutely useless except as a delineation for where the softly complicit would hang out. Sounds harsh, but I follow the bread crumbs from every angle. Ruthlessly.
Kirsch has been bumped down, and Mark Crispin Miller and Mattias Desmet are at my rapt attention list. Then you. Malone, Rose, et. al largely just continue to confirm what has already been fully uncovered. Which is fantastic, but now I'm on the Woodward case: What did they (powerful and bureaucrats) know and when did they know it?
This particular stance: this reluctance to the mass death part, which I myself am pondering with intensity.... is what might be called in Team Shih Tzu a Half Zombie position, although to diagnose in this case, you might be 1/4 Zombie.
Chris, I hope this doesn't sound too crazy or too conspiratorial like Snake Venom, or alternatively too Dunning Kruger on my part. I value your thoughts IMMENSELY.
In 2022, higher case number, similar number of hospitalizations = lower hospitalizations per number of cases. So, something reduced morbidity (vaxx vs. more honest hospitalization criteria). It might be a stretch to comment on rate of infection.
Everyone is talking about the mass shootings we in the US have endured in the last few months. Dozens of people many of them children dead because of senseless acts of violence. Meanwhile the Davos club is openly discussing their plans to reduce the global population to one billion. If Ramos and Abdullah are criminal psychopaths, what do we call Gates and Schwab?
The vaccines appear to have been designed to eliminate immunity. I wonder why anyone would do that….
My wife is the only Vaccinated and boosted person I know that hasn’t gotten COVID and she is immunocompromised. Knock on wood, even though our house has had it multiple times. She is the Maze Runner.
Oh my goodness, that second, annotated chart is unreal. How anyone with a shred of brains can look at that and say ANYTHING they did “worked”…
BTW do you know that Barbara Ferrer received an award earlier this month? L.A. County Commission for Women, President’s Award. She got a standing ovation. (Then took off her mask to speak.) I’m still trying to put my finger on exactly what disturbs me so much about this. Something about the audience KNOWING what a lie the whole charade is…
So hard to watch.
They live in an alternate universe. There is no other explanation.
Watching Ferrer speak, her mannerisms do not inspire confidence in her leadership capabilities. I wonder how she got her job.
She has few options but utter loyalty to her masters.
She has proven true.
She did what she was told.
She did the dirty work.
That's how she got her job.
Leadership? You are looking at your DEATH. It's her.
Pathetic isn't it?
Comments are turned off. Yeah, no kidding. Cowards all.
Vaccine did work and very well.
1. Got rid of Trump.
2. Smashed all especially Trump voters economically and politically.
3. Laid the groundwork for economic collapse and food distribution system collapse - that's happening now - to get rid of or at least reduce Trump and other populist voters like actually believing Socialists and BernieBros.
4. A vast increase in state powers at every level - True Federalism as Tyranny - creating an interested and frankly involved by guilt and implication new class of petty tyrants now committed by their guilt and involvement while at the same time intoxicated by their power.
^^This is the key milestone in Tyranny. You must have a class of Oppressors^
^^the oppressors and enforcers must be implicated, this is similar to raising a mob that howls for blood and gets it, now they're guilty. Every tyrant in history for example Stalin [show trials, 4 million denunciations] Hitler [the Germans howled for Jewish and Polish Blood and got it], The STASI [millions of informers], Ivan the Terrible [the Black Hundreds who killed for him], Venezuela and Maduro, Chavez [the enriched generals, the enriched dollar holding bourgeoisie] - every tyrannical government in history needs a guilty, dependent on the tyrants , implicated, enriched, empowered class to enforce. ^^
^^^ Empowering millions of Karen's in government and most of the media created the enforcers in America. ^^^^ The Critical Threshold met and exceeded.
Idiotic babblings of conscience are irrelevant, and frankly they have no conscience they just threw it there to hedge their bets.
In crime this is the crime and conspiracy that implicates you, in the Mafia it's called 'making your bones' means you killed someone.
5. The Vaccine probably caused 400K miscarriages, an entire generation of potential troublemakers eliminated.
6. Quite likely many of the wahmen [women] who miscarried will keep miscarrying.
So the idea that the Vaccine didn't work is childish, it worked fantastically.
It's only 'didn't work' if you took the word of known serial liars.
i just had covid. 2 days of flu, fever, headache, joint & muscle aches. got it from a fully vaccinated and boosted friend. i take a small weekly dose of ivermectin and upped my dose to therapeutic levels when i got sick. it was gone quicker than any flu i've ever had in the past probably because of the ivermectin which i will always keep in the medicine chest from now on in case of any old flu. last tuesday, i tested positive on an at home antigen test. tested positive on friday even though i felt perfectly well on wednesday. today, i tested negative. so it was two days of sickness and a week before a negative test. hardly worth ruining my natural immunity and destroying the Bill of Rights over.
all the vaccinated people i know have now had covid several times. they didn't get it until AFTER they were vaccinated. something is very wrong
>masks reinstated
>healthcare worker booster mandate
>cases explode
The covid cultists would say you need to look at the hospitalizations and deaths which have, apparently, been reduced.
Exactly what they would say, but look around 28:00 - 30:00, and note all of the things she leaves unsaid, or dances around very carefully.
Covidians will always find a cope e.g. "the fact that everyone didn't die from coronavirus is proof that lockdowns worked." Nothing is ever falsifiable but somehow nonetheless it remains The Science™.
But they still base restrictions on “cases.” Of course deaths are reduced, because the first few waves took out the most fragile.
A quick perusal of the video also showed that she managed to put together data that showed the case rate among the unvaccinated in the winter wave was higher than in the vaccinated. I’m not sure how they manage to get that data when other countries haven’t been able to show that in awhile.
"not sure how they manage to get that data" Through the application of precisely the same 'scientific method' used to generate results in political opinion polls. Colloquially known as - "Tell me who's paying for this poll, and I'll tell you the results".
"You get your experts, and I'll get mine."
Chris, once again I seek your eminently sensible opinion:
Is there a widespread and coordinated attempt amongst the elites to murder a large segment of the population to set up a new economy and control the surviving world as digital slaves?
I'll take your answer off the air.
Thought about this some more. Part Two of the same answer:
Watch these people speak – at Davos, for example, or at a meeting or press conference with a Ted Wheeler or an Eric Garcetti or a Justin Trudeau or a Kamala Harris, whose name I actually had to struggle to recover. They're dullards, mediocre minds who chant slogans without any thought at all. I don't see masterminds, a world of brilliant James Bond villains playing fourth-dimensional chess – I see moral and intellectual exhaustion.
Second, I think the idea that elites are *the source* of mass death and unhealthy bodies is a way of letting ourselves off the hook: Isn't it horrible that this is being done to us!?!? But it has always been possible to make choices. Don't take the idiotic vaccines, don't eat the industrial sludge, get outdoors as much as you can, turn off the television. Where I live, masks mostly stayed on after Gavin Newsom and Barbara Ferrer said that they were optional. Mediocre elites are succeeding at making a sick world because much of the sick world is choosing it, and doing so happily.
I think the number of actual controlling human(oids) is very small. The rest of them are vapid strivers who haven't had an original thought in their entire lives. Money runs this game, and when you have a few trillion hidden in untracked accounts ... and / or control the accounts of the puppets ... you can play for a long time.
But yes we can ALWAYS opt out of this game. It will end for all when a mere sliver of us just stop playing along.
My new fav person: "Tell them to fuck right off."
Right on Suzanne! As has probably been true for most of human history, the puppet masters are few in number, and often, invisible. Who - what person - actually runs ______ ? (Fill in the blank with the organization, or country, of your choice!) Society's oldest equation is: [money/wealth = power].
Thank you for the link. I can only wish our lord and master, Justin Turdo the 1st, could/would actually view that clip.
Ikr! I can send it to his half-brother Kyle. He's on team reality, at any rate.
Largely and respectfully disagree with your second paragraph, as it elides how power is actually administered within social norm contexts.
Each nation was pushed to a more fascist stance. As far as they could go. Look at Aussie and NZ and Kanada. Five Eyes countries. Blew it all up, any pretense.
While focusing on the masks or injections, you are missing how rapidly people, yes, Los Angeles and SoCal in general, signed off on lockdowns and stores being closed and so forth...huge shifts in what is needed to live modern life.
Paragraph 1: Agree with your observation in regard to intellectual capacity of the WEF mouthpieces. None of them are 'masterminds'. In some cases it might be legitimate to question whether they actually have minds. Perhaps a more apt descriptor for these talking heads might be 'spokespuppets'.
Paragraph 2: Agree. Completely. We seem to have decided, in the decades following WWII, that freedom wasn't worth the effort. We handed the care of our children over to 'the state'. Then we stopped having children. We moved from self sufficiency in rural environments to total dependency in urban shitholes. We have chosen to live in Juvenal's "bread and circuses" world. We chose to stop enforcing basic laws that foster personal security of life and limb. Replacing them with tens of thousands of arbitrarily enforced regulations. And we vastly increased the size of 'government', the bureaucratic state, to oversee those regulations.
Digital slaves, yes, and Yuval Noah Harari just says it. Coordinated plan to reduce childbirth, and a social vision that sees societies without families. The mass death part I tend to regard as a hubristic accident.
Chris, you rather quickly vaulted to the top of my, "Listen to this guy" list. Let me explain why: You were willing to discuss normie politics AND include the Injection Fiasco.
Unusual in the media food chain, esp. now where people have dug in their heels. See this post. You are following the bread crumbs from on the ground: local governance.
My whole Stack launched when I realized that Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi would be absolutely useless except as a delineation for where the softly complicit would hang out. Sounds harsh, but I follow the bread crumbs from every angle. Ruthlessly.
Kirsch has been bumped down, and Mark Crispin Miller and Mattias Desmet are at my rapt attention list. Then you. Malone, Rose, et. al largely just continue to confirm what has already been fully uncovered. Which is fantastic, but now I'm on the Woodward case: What did they (powerful and bureaucrats) know and when did they know it?
This particular stance: this reluctance to the mass death part, which I myself am pondering with intensity.... is what might be called in Team Shih Tzu a Half Zombie position, although to diagnose in this case, you might be 1/4 Zombie.
It's just super hard to process that this is Jonestown and we are still wrestling with what happens if we run into the Jungle and get chased down.
That Bill Gates was exp. with sterilizing Kenyan women way back and preoccupied with population control.
Diving into this here as well:
Chris, I hope this doesn't sound too crazy or too conspiratorial like Snake Venom, or alternatively too Dunning Kruger on my part. I value your thoughts IMMENSELY.
You are one of the best minds on Substack IMO
When you look at her you're looking at your Death.
Pathetic, isn't it?
We need a Better Class of Nemesis.
In 2022, higher case number, similar number of hospitalizations = lower hospitalizations per number of cases. So, something reduced morbidity (vaxx vs. more honest hospitalization criteria). It might be a stretch to comment on rate of infection.
Everyone is talking about the mass shootings we in the US have endured in the last few months. Dozens of people many of them children dead because of senseless acts of violence. Meanwhile the Davos club is openly discussing their plans to reduce the global population to one billion. If Ramos and Abdullah are criminal psychopaths, what do we call Gates and Schwab?