Never before in human history have we had the ability to know so much about the past and so little interest in what actually happened in the past

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If you want to argue that “free speech” in the 21st century means something different than it meant in the 18th, you have to say how. People argued then. In print. And then the arguments went out all over the place. I Swear." Love it! Sharing!

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Perfect! My middle school students learned what propaganda was based on a series of handbills written in the 1800’s. Sadly, millennials think nothing in life is relevant prior to 2005.

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"Blah blah the Second Amendment wasn't for machine guns"

The more shit changes, the more it doesn't.

This comes down to a simple truth no one seems to want to discuss honestly: one side simply doesn't want America to be, well, America. They want a completely new globalist, multiculturalist, nominally socialist state in the same place with the same name, but they DON'T want this country to exist as it does any longer. They don't want the Constitution, federalism, or the notion of a national identity or heritage. They want Year Zero to build something whole cloth constructed only from the purest principles of the progressive left.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Okay Chris I am relatively new here. Really appreciate your writing. Indulge me and swear to me that the picture is an “actual” picture of you. Just for context.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Ms Alter, using this doll, can you show us where the disinformation hurt you?

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Damn, I had 17 followers, so by her standards of sending out messages to millions, twitter ought to give reinstate me.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I am currently reading "A Magnificent Catastrophe" (Larson), about the presidential election of 1800. The parallels with today are many and glaring, esp. with regard to the rhetoric and hectoring that passed back and forth between the Republicans and the Federalists. I recall when I went through a phase in the 1980s reading as much as I could of ancient authors concerning politics in Greece and Rome. What struck me at the time was not how different, but how SIMILAR politics then were to present-day (esp. the scams and dirty dealings). The nature of people generally does not change over time. Actors come and go, but they play out the same stories again and again.

"All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again."

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

You are much too wise to be so young. That must portend your getting dumber or older. Let's pray it's the latter. I think the fools that now govern never read "1984" or watched the movie "On the Beach". If they have done either, they must have done so while sleeping from the extra serving of 'punch' at their deification.

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People like Boot need to understand there is no compromise when it comes to our God given right to think & say what we like. The days of deep state fueled propaganda are over. You are going down.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Yet again, demonstrating that There Is Nothing New Under The Sun.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I dunno, I think our successors will soon enough have a pretty good belly laugh about our self-satirizing hyperbolic century (or just decades?). All in good time.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Have you read Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville? One of the things which totally amazed him was that whether in cities or the wilderness, nearly all the people he met were well informed of political events throughout the country, had strong opinions about those events and could clearly discuss them. He was surprised at the near universal literacy rate, and that they read the newspapers. Although in the far reaches of the frontier it took several days for the papers to be delivered, when they arrived they were carefully and completely read and discussed. It seems many 'journalists' in this current time fail to consider the literacy and personal involvement of our forebears.

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May 8, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Here in Canada, people never stopped thinking like Thomas Hutchinson.

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Very well put Sir! But you are attempting to use logic and common sense to expound on reality. To people who are impervious to logic; are totally without common sense, and deny the very existence of reality. An admirable effort, but doomed to fail. The persons you seek to draw into discussion appear to be under the impression that history began with their entry into our world. And our sad excuse for an education system no longer attempts to disabuse them of that notion. Consider Burke's paraphrase of Santayana's famous quote “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” And we are. Many of today's posts, in our myriad assorted electronic fora, are no less vicious or slanderous than were the political pamphlets of the revolutionary era. Or the works of Horace or Juvenal. Or ...

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What difference does it make? Seriously, information in this age can't be controlled. Of course you fight back against the laughable 'ministry of truth' farce. That's politics.

China is where the real story is unfolding. The Chinese read what they want to read. They are careful not to go public and get their heads cracked if they are reading samizdat, but they can read what they want to read. They can call here and talk to anyone they want to about anything they want to. Risk is very marginal.

That's China. You don't have to worry about the USA. You have to worry about half the population that is either woke or special needs. There is no fixing stupid. They will believe what they want to believe.

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