The people who are surprised this morning need to ask themselves if perhaps they are the "Low Information Voters."

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Most of them haven’t cracked a real book since they finished college. They don’t understand that the degree they got years ago doesn’t make them any more expert on current political topics than the guy who mows their lawn.

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Considering the fact that almost all non-STEM higher ed is entirely make believe at this point, it didn't make them more of an expert at the time, either.

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It’s not just non-STEM that’re guilty of being “low information”. I’ve been an engineer for over forty years and you’d be shocked at the political views of some of the supposedly intelligent colleagues I’ve dealt with over the years. Numbers smart, street stupid!

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Yeah, but at least they picked up the idiocy on Reddit instead of paying $100K for it.

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My father's generation, a huge percent of college grads went the B. Eng. route, & that seemed to instill an interest & discipline in dealing with real things in the real world. It's what engineers do. That worked to inform their understanding of history & philosophy & civic basucs. That grounded the culture in their day. Since the '70s, not so much.

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The most intelligent, interesting person in the last hospital I worked in was the janitor. Incredibly well read and erudite. A discussion with him was a delight.

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Cracking a real book isn't typically done in college, certainly not in the last 15 years.

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Many of them never went past high school, but they're still experts in everything, by God! 🙄🤪🤢🤮

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They didn’t read the books n in college either …

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They are. My relatives are cases in point. They aren't really stupid, more like propagandized. And they also never think of thinking for themselves at all (Gilbert & Sullivan). The environment groups I support have sent out such dire, hand wringing appeals for more dough, that I guess I won't support them after all.

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This tells you all you need to know about Trump aka The Messiah.... aka The Father of the Covid Vaccines....

The barnyard animals will make up excuses ... but the reality is he is in The Club...

It's all fake... all of it

But hey - ya'll need a messiah right hahaha Idiots

Let's take a look at Donald Trump's Ear

Seemingly No Injury...

Fast Eddy

Aug 06, 2024

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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Ouch! I'll be making liberal use of that dig in the coming weeks.

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"They’re stupid, dangerous, empty, and a threat to any form of public knowledge."

How much do you think they actually believe what they say vs acting a role to grift? Either way, they are propagators of mass mental illness. Our favorite Ruth Ben-Ghiat is represented by Hollywood agents - CAA & The Gernert Company, so she is by definition an actress (and a hideous one at that). Pretty sure Hitler did not allow his critics to get rich criticizing him and receiving adulation from their fans. Future anthropologists will marvel at their histrionic copy pasta.

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My suspicion for some time has been that they've internalized a set of conscious lies, and now they feel like they believe them. The mask becoming the face. They're pretended something so long and so hard that they've become the thing. But I'm willing to not care about the distinction, as long as they fuck all the way off.

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NIcole Wallace may be the poster child for this.

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I saw her on the teevee today. She made me want to slap her silly.

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I have a friend who during and after law school worked in a public defender office. He told me that one of the most chilling things about some of the folks they represented was how much they believed in their own lies and thus their innocence, even when the mass of evidence clearly pointed to their guilt.

It’s hard enough for normal people to be brutally honest with themselves and do serious introspection. People who make bank off of lies are very unlikely to get straight.

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I think you’ve just described a narcissistic psychopath, which might be what’s happened to the unwashed elites.

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Not being a psychiatrist (though I’m an MD), I won’t hang the psychopath label on all elites. However, there’s a gigaton of narcissistic personality disorder in their ranks.

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Thank you! But I get confused between being a narcissist and a psychopath because aren't they both without empathy? I've worked with surgeons and lawyers for years, and, my anecdotal observations indicate a greater than 50% of this population lacked empathy and a moral compass.

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Again, I’m not a psychiatrist. Narcissists per the DSM (the psych “bible”) are marked by grandiosity, lack of empathy, and a huge need for admiration. They’re entitled and arrogant. Psychopaths, or more properly sociopaths are in the antisocial personality disorder category. They are the folks who enjoy hurting others, ignore laws and social norms, and show no remorse for their actions. Can there be overlap? Sure. A crapload of politicians and elites are narcissistic, IMHO. The quintessential sociopath was Ted Bundy.

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I feel that way about Climate ExpertsTM too. Every time I hear one on TV, I long to say "oh do fuck off"....TDS is living and breathing in UK parliament which is gonna make the Special RelationshipTM erm....interesting, to say the least 🤭

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A good list but you left off Jonah Goldberg. A person I used to somewhat admire, I read his Liberal Fascism, shook his hand at a conservative political rally. And now he’s spewing the firing squad nonsense on tv? It’s like he stepped off into a void and all his brain cells collapsed. What in the world?? It’s a bad sci fi movie, zombies or body snatchers. Just so hard to comprehend.

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He posted a picture of his ballot -- he wrote in Paul Ryan. I plan to ignore him forever.

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Paul Ryan. Dear lord. Yes, good plan, I’m with you.

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He could have written in Rand Paul. It's close to the same name, only backwards. 😉

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Goldberg is a Matryoshka doll?!? Open him up and there’s a teenage girl inside?

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Those were my Thoughts exactly… They created a monster and then believed their own story of their own creation.

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It’s hard to convince someone that knows everything that they don’t know everything!

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OMG! You know my best friend, too! 😱🤯 Damn! She gets around!

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Funny. That’s exactly what I said to my Lyin’ ex husband.

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ALL the way off!!!

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What Chris said. Since I can't like anymore.

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I'd like that very much too. most of them are making money spewing nonsence That money comes from somewhere. How to

find out where & cut it off?

I hope somebody is working on that.

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Just what I think. But you say it way better.

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Since when does a “journalist” need an agent?!? “CAA” stands for Creative Artists Agency, and at least nowadays, creativity is the rarest commodity in journalism.

Someone on air this early morning remarked seriously that the MSM had no comment on the election trend because they’d received no talking points from the Harris campaign or the DNC.

Intentionally or not, they revealed the truth.

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😲😲😲😲😲😲 WOW!

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Do you remember who it was who made that comment?

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Unfortunately, no. It was on FNC, but they had SO many reporters deployed that they started to blend together. She was at the Harris “celebration.” 🤣 (She was repeating what another reporter had told her.)

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Thank you with that maybe I’ll be able to find it! I’m keeping a scrapbook

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Hollywood people often come to believe the fictions they're immersed in, no matter how absurd. DC has, if anything, an even more tenuous and highly warped connection to reality.

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hey, b movies always need a few ugly actresses!

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Congrats! That "DOWNFALL: KAMALA" video is the best version of that clip I've ever seen.

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The MSM will continue to further debase themselves over the next 4 years and will increase their descent to total irrelevance.

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From your lips to God's ear

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With Musk and Rogan on board, Trump can bypass them completely.

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I’ve been scanning the thread looking for someone to bring them up. I think most folks missed it, but Rogan throwing in for Trump was formal acknowledgement the shitlib elites were declaring war on the progressive and further left elites and attempting to seize power over global policy.

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Expect a push from Democrats and their allies for state and federal media.

"For purposes of important information only" of course.

Also, expect a hard push from them for subsidies/tax breaks for media corporations/publications who "work to improve and further harmony and equality in their reporting".

That's how the predecessors of the current crop - the woke - managed to infiltrate and compromise media and entertainment here, in the 1960s.

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For four years, they get nothing.

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Don’t we already have that with PBS & NPR?

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I doubt (and hope!) that neither has the same reach and the same status as does state and state-approved media in EU-ropean nations.

Imagine if 60% of Americans had those two as their primary, sometimes only, news-sources.

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We effectively have that, but it’s privatized. The difference here is that anyone right of dead center has abandoned them outright, treating them as the same kind of propaganda machine that the Soviets did with their press. The Euros seem all to keen to drink the public funded koolaid without question though.

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That's the huge difference. Here, openly admitting that you have discarded state/regime media as the purveyors of truth, marsk you as a "wrongthinker".

Compare it to the effect of being openly conservative or Republican in Hollywood, sort of.

It is changing, and the "without question" is wrong. The younger generations do question, and are much more likely to seek out their own sources, for good and bad.

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That’s fair. I’m old and all of my Euro coworkers are older. The most fascinating to me are the Irish. I’ve never encountered a group more cucked than the Irish male IT professional.

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Spot on!

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It will be fun watching him unload on them during official and unofficial press conferences. What’s he got to lose this time?

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Let it be so. They belong in the dustbin of history.

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Seems like Bezos wants to clean house. Could we be so lucky that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS are to follow?

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How do you feel about this, Chris Bray? 😁

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I'm trying to drop some very gentle hints

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I b'lieve I'm picking up what you're putting down. Haha!

Excellent piece, Chris. One of your best. I am seeing the derangement on full display across the interwebs, especially social media. "Oh noes, my life is over" basically sums it up. It is to laugh.

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I was just thinking this morning that it’s probably just as well that FB doesn’t have “eye roll” as one of the options for reacting to posts. I don’t think I could resist using it and I’d lose a lot of friends.

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Very subtle.

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Great rant!

And kinda how I've always felt.

Spoke to a couple of MSM watchers this morning, and they were beside themselves...

I no longer engage.

Not gonna waste my words.

I have chores to do...

And a life to live.

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This is the article I’ve been waiting for. I’d like to print it out and shove it in some mailboxes, but I don’t want to have to deal with ambulance sirens destroying my peaceful celebratory afternoon because some snowflake melted.

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me too. Literal snowflakes compliments of geoengineering here in NM. They did let 11/5 be bright and cheery. They knew they had NM in the bag. Democrats without a thought.

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Well, they really can't congratulate Hitler on his swift victories in Poland and France, can they?

In 2016, faced with an even bigger wipeout, the Democrats went on the attack. No self-reflection by the self-righteous. It ain't over, I'm afraid. The power, fortunes, and possibly freedom of too many swamp creatures hang in the balance. Stay frosty, amigos.

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If you're on I-still-call-it-Twitter, consider engaging with this post:


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But will they quietly into that good night or rage against the dying of the dark?

I'm thinking that latter - example: very early Wednesday a commentator - didn't catch her name, doesn't matter - on MSNBC was bemoaning Trump's victory and said it will damage "women's health."

She then referred to - seriously, really, not making this up - to the pro-life folks as part of

"the forced birth movement."

Her ilk will not go down without a fight and that fight could be rather funny.

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"forced birth" has to be one of their expressions I hate the most. absolute disregard for reality and personal accountability all wrapped up in one expression.

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It’s crazy. And evil. There is all kinds of birth control available. Why is murdering the infant because of their feckless decisions the default setting? Makes no sense from a logical standpoint.

Birth is how all of us got here. It’s the natural progression of becoming pregnant. Can’t even comprehend how twisted the minds of these harpies must be.

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They are cloned from cats.

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"Poor me, I'm oppressed by nature!"

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They’re going to be really surprised when societal decay causes their protections from said nature to disappear, requiring them to revisit their views on gender roles.

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or maybe even just get a real job where they're paid to be of some use to society.

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Forced to learn a whole new concept - working for a living.

The horror!

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"Previous experience - I'm experienced in virtue signaling, as well as fostering a sense of inclusion and diversity in my community."

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I find it funny that some of these same folks didn't have to have their legs forced apart before facing "forced birth". 😏

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"Forced birth"? Omg that's precious 🤣😂 I'm so glad I'm almost normal 😂

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There was the Battle of Gettysburg, the firebombing of Dresden, the shelling at the Somme, and of course the nuclear maelstrom at Hiroshima...and then there was this piece. Youch, what did I just read, bleary eyed and slightly hungover?! It's like I just flew over Jonestown, except instead of bodies, it was letters and names strewn everywhere. Brutally true...and accurate. Halperin was right. We are about to see an explosion of mental illness. It isn't new, it's always been here, and it is about to get really loud.

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agree, totally. gonna get really weird for normal citizens.

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Terrific post. Sometimes I get tired of the gentle, civilised criticisms aimed at people I detest. Instead I want something ... exactly like this.

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As you know, Chris, this vitriol and the paid actors who spew it are both the result and cause of their nemesis, 45/47 himself. They have no ideas or policies that might actually benefit the people of this nation, and even less interest in serving said citizens. Infantile demonization these days is a combination of nursery rhyme big-bad-wolf fearmongering with Hitler himself polishing his canines as he comes to devour us. Now they're cornered, and what they lash out with next may be more destructive than froth-mouthed name calling and on-air pants wetting.

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Wait, January 6th wasn't worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11? I'm confused. I thought a whole person died.

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It was a million more horribles!

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I’m beginning to think that TDS was, to a large extent, a media / political tactic devised by the DNC to defeat its opponent.

Sort of a mini-psyop that turned out to work particularly well on Trump.

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Nah! TDS is real. I keep quiet around my house,

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I don't think it was a happened-to-turn-out thing. There was only ever one person in the world to benefit from focused demonization of that one man, and that was his disappointed rival in 2016. Don't underestimate the power she holds over the DNC, the deep state, and the establishment propaganda organs.

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Hell hath no fury….

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“Like living in a place where the air is made of manure” 😂

That’s an instant classic

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I think what you’re saying is two things: 1) These insipid, rentier dweebs have wasted everybody’s time and have caused a lot of real and psychological damage to the nation in numerous ways, with their willfully stupid, dishonest, and above all cruel dissemination of regime propaganda, and 2) you are trying to get a date with Ridiculous RBG. I cannot condone #2 unless you have a psychiatrist as a chaperone.

I suggest either a crystal goblet or an empty PBR can as a vessel to consume their salty Trump Derangement Syndrome tears.


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Just one glorious long weekend in a hotel in Vegas, with a liter of vodka and a bottle of baby oil. That's all I ask.

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Pretty sure she'd be a vapid disappointment.

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Just a liter? Just one bottle? For a long weekend? In Vegas?

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Apparently a Cheap Drunk.

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No hiking or camping?

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i can't see her being much fun alfresco

or indoors either

maybe that's just me

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....."Whoa Carl, whoa,........ hold on just a danged minute....come to Canada???........why doncha give Mexico a try....warmer there...."

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Canadian dollars is 72 cents on the US dollar. Bring your own money. Lots of it.

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Looking at my wristwatch, I'd say it's about time for a slew of hate-crime hoaxes. By this time in 2016 I had already heard of several such imaginary incidents.

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'Get me that famous French actor on the phone, you know the one!'

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Jessi is available.

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