Except that I called John Adams our third president, which is dumb. He was second. I was thinking about Jefferson replacing him, and Jefferson was third.
If you want to be a stickler, technically you are correct.
John Adams is the second President under the constitution, however, prior we had the Articles of the Confederation and John Hancock was President of the United States for one year under that. .
I've listened to some of the talk with Woods. The tribalism issue: My tendency, when I disagree with a piece of content, is to move on silently, rather than start blasting away at the person.
Eventually, when evidence has accumulated, I might stop paying attention to the person. But there seems to be no point to yelling at him/her. What seems to happen on Twitter is that people have pre-set themselves to go after "the opposition." They have a hair-trigger for blocking accounts or bombarding them with replies.
“We must all hang together or surely, we’ll all hang separately.” - Benjamin Franklin
The media keeps say Trump is the first convicted President. Well, every one of the Founding Fathers was a criminal in the eyes of the tyrannical government they were fighting. I see no difference here.
So true! Like an Austrian (Helmut Schoeck) who opposed Hitler during WWII, who was referred to by someone else as having been "in the Resistance". "No, I was a traitor", he proudly corrected them.
Oh. Well since you've brought up technical. Technically, how is it a book keeping error to pay an invoice for legal fees and categorize it as "legal fees?"
Because it wasn’t legal fees for law advice. It was election interference to keep American voters from knowing the whole truth about the behavior of the man they were about to vote for president. I don’t think evangelical Christians had completely lost their Christian commandments back in 2016. I think if they knew they were considering a vote for someone who had cheated on his post-partum wife and then hid the adultery sin from them, many of them would not have voted for someone who blatantly broke biblical Commandments.
If Trump was on the up & up, then why not publicly say what he did, ask the public to forgive him, and let the votes be cast? You only pay hush money and then use false accounting to not be caught for your shady behavior.
As for current billionaires not wanting their books examined, then keep your books clean and don’t lie/cheat about income and outgoing money. Follow lawful accounting practices.
To me, more evidence that these billionaires running to support Trump have their own accounting skeletons. Otherwise, they would say, bring on the audit; I have nothing to hide, my books are clean, I follow accounting principles. I am legitimate.
And if they were appreciative to live in country that supported their quest for obscene wealth, they would pay their fair share taxes.
"Otherwise, they would say, bring on the audit; I have nothing to hide, my books are clean, I follow accounting principles."
It's impossible to unpack the number of insane fallacies in that single sentence, but only a lunatic would ever invite an inquisition. You just fundamentally don't get the difference between starting with a crime and looking for the suspect versus starting with a person and looking for his crimes. “Show me the man and I'll show you the crime.”
"...many of them would not have voted for someone who blatantly broke biblical commandments" this might be true (I doubt many of them would) either way, underlying it is a piece of pernicious sophistry that must be called out. I assume you are some sort of Christian. I am post-church and probably in your view post-Christian. In scripture does it not say that "all have sinned?" Is not the fall of man and the advent of Christ the radical tenant of the faith?
Who do you expect to run for office? Jesus himself?
As a Christian, I refer you to the old old testament. None of the so-called "Good Kings" were faultless. Solomon was a randy power hungry money grabbing dude. David himself, supposedly a man after God's own heart, was busily "Blatantly" running off the ranch with Bathsheba.
Jesus, when he saved the woman who was caught in Adultery, did not say to those who were about to stone her to death "You who are without sin, run for President."
Please take all these comments as constructive. Your charge about obscene wealth and paying their fair share, to me, indicates a university mindset. That is the language of revolutionists, who always prey on the minds of the young. That sentiment is a form of coveting which is, in the good book, a mortal sin. Achieving equality of outcome is impossible. Someone always has to force the redistribution of wealth. In what way would that person be equal to the ones they regulate? More fair? More moral? More enlightened? By what measure? If we are to be equal, then what gives any of us authority over the free will of anyone else?
If you place all your trust in "experts", then you submit yourself to their will. Take some time to look into the people whose ideas you follow. Make sure they live up to your standards.
Bless your heart. If you are concerned about sin of whatever kind--adultery, lying, stealing/greed, child abuse/sacrifice, etc., then who are you voting for as an alternative? Biden? Obama? The other mad men billionaires like Bill Gates? Sergei Brin? ....
Is our government transparent? Are media mouthpieces not compromised? Is the law (created by those same sinners) applied uniformly (blind justice)? Who is your pure and trustworthy candidate? The worst of human nature tend to gravitate to positions of money and power. We the people are left with the lesser of evils.
In my view, the alternative is to not play the game. But that requires resistance, which requires courage and faith in the One--that we are essentially spirit beings, and our bodies are a tool for learning in this dimension, with the goal of ascension. Free will is the millions of choices we make every second of every day throughout our lives. The concept of freedom is what is we perceive, and we make choices from what is present in our perceived reality. What if there is more than what we believe to be available to choose from...another type of freedom, beyond this reality?
As a wise Q said once or twice, expand your thinking.
P.S. And it's actually worse than Coulter says, because Gennifer Flowers' neighbor, a witness to Clinton's comings and goings, was given an almost fatal beating by Clinton operatives (Arkansas state police?).
"If Trump was on the up & up, then why not publicly say what he did, ask the public to forgive him, and let the votes be cast? You only pay hush money and then use false accounting to not be caught for your shady behavior."
(1) You're assuming that Trump and Stormy had sex, whereas she at various times said they didn't. So we know she's lied about it one time or the other, but we don't know that Trump has. In 2006, Trump was the big star of Apprentice (a show I've never seen). I have no idea where Stormy's career was, but I'd guess she'd have more to gain from sleeping with the big TV star than Trump would from sleeping with a joke of a surgically modified but still not very attractive porn star.
(2) Guilt would not be the only reason for a Non Disclosure Agreement. Not wanting to be distracted with a false claim would be another.
(3) Many Christians and conservatives voted for Trump despite the Access Hollywood tape. Consider the alternative. When will Hillary discuss her shady behavior (and the long list of Clinton-affiliated people who died under suspicious circumstances) and ask her supporters to forgive her? When will Biden set aside some time to address the "probably inappropriate showers" with his "oversexed" daughter (her words), let alone his inability to keep his hands and nose away from little girls, or his obvious bribes from China, Ukraine, Moscow, etc.
(4) It remains to be seen whether many billionaires have contributed to Trump since the conviction, but clearly the great majority of them in the past have voted for Democrats and other supporters of the WEF corporatist new world order (to be run by the internationalist billionaires themselves, not any nationalist, let alone an America Firster. Goldman Sachs famously paid Hillary big checks (each of them severalfold larger than Stormy's $130,000 as I recall) for two different half-hour speeches for Goldman while mandating that no Goldman employee could donate to Trump. (Despite that, Trump stupidly put several Goldman employees into high positions in his administration where they did him no good.)
(5) If billionaires are supporting Trump, there are lots of reasons for them to do so other than NDAs. (a) They might well think Trump would be better for Israel than the Squad-compromised Biden. After all, he didn't build a wall, but he did move the embassy to Jerusalem. (b) They see the obvious disaster of the already begun World War III with Russia, and want to see Trump take the blame rather than their precious New World Order. (c) They've finally come to their senses and realize that they themselves might not survive a nuclear war despite their bunkers, yachts, and submarines, especially now that so many of us know their game. Their own security people might off them if the fallout doesn't!
Hard to say whether Washington would've been executed if his side had lost, but it could've happened. England had executed a king about 150 years earlier, and Louis XVI was going to be executed soon after our war ended.
You don’t have to like Trump. You have to like America. You don’t need to like Trump’s style or his personality. I think he has numerous virtues, but set that aside. If you don’t like America, and you can’t see through the past 30-40 years of our history, when power class megalo-kleptomania and its associated globalist underpinnings has ravaged the country like untreated cultural leprosy, with chunks of our society falling off intermittently, then you won’t understand why what is going on right now is really awful.
The money men are starting to wake up to the fact that you can’t make your bed as a financial master of the universe and lay in it with hard Left ideologues. They f-g hate you. They hate your money. They hate the capitalist system. They hate America. What is more American than making a lot of money and doing whatever you want with your life? You think a Commie who wants to tell you what type of oven you can and can’t have to bake a pizza or whether you can drive a car likes that type of guy? No, they don’t. The billionaires and the Bolsheviks and this weird dalliance we’ve been seeing, maybe the environmentally friendly light bulb went on over the heads of the rich guys that they are dating the girl from Fatal Attraction.
Almost all politics is driven by self interest. Once in a while you find an enlightened group like the people who wrote our Constitution who can see how to create a strong nation by making it possible for each of us to pursue our dreams. But that’s rare, precious and has happened precisely once.
The next few years are gonna get even bumpier. It’s inevitable.
I don’t think the ‘people who wrote our Constitution” would think it was good for the wealth of this nation to be concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority, while (global) corporate monopolies own the state, buy free speech, write the laws, and punish the people, unregulated. They would, however, clearly understand that no one of the political class is going to fix any of it.
"My quite strong suspicion is that Leticia James and Alvin Bragg have caused alarm by targeting business records and real estate valuations in corporate borrowing, things that everyone shares in finance, insurance, and real estate, for criminalization and destructive litigation."
I agree -- this is why Kathy Hochul had to come out and assure New Yorkers that they didn't have anything to worry about, because they weren't Trump. (This one was about the Carrol verdict, but the same logic applies)
Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and a ban on conducting business in New York for three years.
Hochul joined John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM, where she was asked if other New York businesspeople should be worried that if “they can do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody.”
“I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about, because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior,” Hochul responded.
Of course, this requires 'big money' to simply trust the word of a politician that's obviously ok with lawfare as punishment. I wouldn't feel comfortable putting money in New York, or maybe even America in general at this point.
Remember, Venezuela simply nationalized the oil industry and told the real owners to get bent. (They then ran the industry into the ground, but that's a different story.)
That makes her a run of the mill Dem - exactly stepping in the footsteps of her mentor . the unassailable Andrew Cuomo “ how dare you question or cross me” . But she is stupid ad well , which he was not.
I worked as an investment real estate broker for several years. I still know a few people in the commercial loan world. When Laticia James got that $1/2B loan fraud verdict against Trump, these guys were all flabbergasted. What Trump did is not only common, it's SOP for commercial loans: owner submits a high valuation, bank comes back with a low ball, you hash it out until the bank writes the loan or you find someone else who will. I didn't ask them who they were voting for, since our conversation was about finance not politics, but they were clearly very concerned about how to run their businesses without clear guidance of what was legal vs illegal behavior. Commercial loans have always been the wild west of finance, but when the sheriff might walk in anytime and you have no idea what laws he'll enforce... running a business now requires a much higher risk premium. (I wonder if risk premiums -- the spread between loan and cap rates -- has increased in the last year since the lawfare in NY? Not sure.)
🤣 and that will mean to anyone paying attention that every business owner in NY has everything to worry about. 🤣 And that this was theater, a scene written to devise another attack on the chosen "big baddie" of the past several seasons of "elections."
They really don't understand they've lost. globalist theater has lost.
And Biden announces his new Executive Order on the southern border banning illegals from claiming asylum. I’m so confused- he said he didn’t have the power! He said he needed billions from Congress first. He said...
Biden, MaJerkus, and the first ever Haitian lesbian White House spokesperson all assured us repeatedly that the border was secure! God knows how 20% of the hotel rooms in NYC got occupied by illegals.
Chris Bray ALWAYS gets it right. In this day and age of click bait and quick summaries I am always Leary of clicking on anything. But when I read Chris’s summaries I read to the end. Every time. And I agree with him. Dude needs a bigger platform. (Maybe it’s already big?). But I find myself wanting my friends to tune in.
I find it interesting that Bloomberg feels compelled to add the modifier “falsely“ to their statement that Trump continues to claim “falsely“ that the 2020 election was stolen. Wouldn’t it have been sufficient to simply say that Trump continues to claim the 2020 election was stolen and not add the “falsely”…?
While the fact that the 2020 election was stolen may not have been proven, it most certainly has not been disproven. Perhaps Bloomberg knows something that the rest of us don’t?
You only have to keep screaming falsely when you have questions yourself. Everyone knows that “election” was beyond sketchy. Biden getting more votes than Obama?? Voting stopping in states simultaneously??
The use of words like "falsely" and "baseless" and so forth is an indication that the user of those words is trying to manipulate you. It's akin to referring to an alleged "consensus," such as when we were told that fifty-two intelligence agencies (or however many there were) all made the doe-eyed claim that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.
This caused a minor kerfuffle in the coverage of the story, as the New York Times feels compelled to step in and insert words in the headlines such as “falsely” and “lies” to make sure the reader knows not to trust anything Trump says.
Came to a boil with the trial, because trump says he is being “harassed”but the NYT says it’s a false claim, nobody is harassing Trump by loading him up with 34 absurd novel charges.
I keep saying the same thing. “Claiming falsely” and “baseless beliefs” are two of the buzzwords that immediately tell me what I’m reading is pure propaganda. I have quite a list by now.
You are right, JT - adding the word ‘falsely’ was unnecessary and does Bloomberg no favours. It undermines their credibility on most things. The people who run these powerful organisations have lost sight of the fact that all successful relationships are built on trust - including business relationships - and especially organisations that purport to be in the business of providing reliable ‘News’ and analysis. Bloomberg have just removed one more reason for consumers of their ‘product’ not to trust them.
Capital flirted with DEI, and all the misc. virtue signaling. At the time, it seemed like a low entry fee to gain a bigger market share. But now, this shit has become real. Capital sees what happened to Trump, and none of them lack the imagination to see what could happen to them. The adults have realized that they've let fools and children think they are in charge for too long.
Many people I know were angry when the verdict was announced, but that anger quickly shifted to resolve sometimes in a matter of minutes. Most of us, in a matter of hours. Its time for the Adults to step in and step up.
I'm not a billionaire, and I always vote based on enlightened (I hope) self-interest.
I never understood the dalliance with the WEF or DEI or any of the other current insanities by coporations or hollywood, media, etc. How did they not get the memo that while the focus of the efforts to punish us for our own good seems narrow at the beginning (deplorable wrong thinkers only, of course) it ALWAYS expands and takes down everyone in its path?
Totalitarians are never satisfied and full of paranoia. They will come for everyone, despite assurances to the contrary.
“Don’t panic, New York! This was just a one time thing, a fluke, really, and of course it would never happen again just because we established a precedent that it can be done whenever we want to use it to crush someone. We would never betray your trust that way.”
Deranged MSM like Bloomberg prefer to tie Trump to billionaires - a well deserved hated class - that’s all. The actual story is that this is Stasi wake-up call. If you show cynical soulless lawyers and judges the man, they will show you the crime. That is almost everyone’s problem. Ironically, most billionaires in fact remain immune to this problem, as they buy their politicians. Trump is spitting in the face of the “for sale” US government.
I sat down with Trish Wood late last week to talk about the Trump conviction:
Our discussion starts around 15:20.
Except that I called John Adams our third president, which is dumb. He was second. I was thinking about Jefferson replacing him, and Jefferson was third.
If you want to be a stickler, technically you are correct.
John Adams is the second President under the constitution, however, prior we had the Articles of the Confederation and John Hancock was President of the United States for one year under that. .
Cheering you up, technically you were not wrong.
Two, Three.... as you said recently, 'horseshoes and hand grenades'.
Unforgivable Chris, just unforgivable!
You 'fessed. Nobody's perfect.
I've listened to some of the talk with Woods. The tribalism issue: My tendency, when I disagree with a piece of content, is to move on silently, rather than start blasting away at the person.
Eventually, when evidence has accumulated, I might stop paying attention to the person. But there seems to be no point to yelling at him/her. What seems to happen on Twitter is that people have pre-set themselves to go after "the opposition." They have a hair-trigger for blocking accounts or bombarding them with replies.
“We must all hang together or surely, we’ll all hang separately.” - Benjamin Franklin
The media keeps say Trump is the first convicted President. Well, every one of the Founding Fathers was a criminal in the eyes of the tyrannical government they were fighting. I see no difference here.
So true! Like an Austrian (Helmut Schoeck) who opposed Hitler during WWII, who was referred to by someone else as having been "in the Resistance". "No, I was a traitor", he proudly corrected them.
Founding fathers “insurrectionists” to boot!
I believe, technically, you’re not convicted until all appeals are exhausted…
Oh. Well since you've brought up technical. Technically, how is it a book keeping error to pay an invoice for legal fees and categorize it as "legal fees?"
It's magic. A special kind that only Democrats can do.
You have me wishing that they would ALL do a disappearing trick. Permanently!
It brings a whole new meaning to, “ Double Entry Bookkeeping,” no?
Because it wasn’t legal fees for law advice. It was election interference to keep American voters from knowing the whole truth about the behavior of the man they were about to vote for president. I don’t think evangelical Christians had completely lost their Christian commandments back in 2016. I think if they knew they were considering a vote for someone who had cheated on his post-partum wife and then hid the adultery sin from them, many of them would not have voted for someone who blatantly broke biblical Commandments.
If Trump was on the up & up, then why not publicly say what he did, ask the public to forgive him, and let the votes be cast? You only pay hush money and then use false accounting to not be caught for your shady behavior.
As for current billionaires not wanting their books examined, then keep your books clean and don’t lie/cheat about income and outgoing money. Follow lawful accounting practices.
To me, more evidence that these billionaires running to support Trump have their own accounting skeletons. Otherwise, they would say, bring on the audit; I have nothing to hide, my books are clean, I follow accounting principles. I am legitimate.
And if they were appreciative to live in country that supported their quest for obscene wealth, they would pay their fair share taxes.
"Otherwise, they would say, bring on the audit; I have nothing to hide, my books are clean, I follow accounting principles."
It's impossible to unpack the number of insane fallacies in that single sentence, but only a lunatic would ever invite an inquisition. You just fundamentally don't get the difference between starting with a crime and looking for the suspect versus starting with a person and looking for his crimes. “Show me the man and I'll show you the crime.”
"...many of them would not have voted for someone who blatantly broke biblical commandments" this might be true (I doubt many of them would) either way, underlying it is a piece of pernicious sophistry that must be called out. I assume you are some sort of Christian. I am post-church and probably in your view post-Christian. In scripture does it not say that "all have sinned?" Is not the fall of man and the advent of Christ the radical tenant of the faith?
Who do you expect to run for office? Jesus himself?
As a Christian, I refer you to the old old testament. None of the so-called "Good Kings" were faultless. Solomon was a randy power hungry money grabbing dude. David himself, supposedly a man after God's own heart, was busily "Blatantly" running off the ranch with Bathsheba.
Jesus, when he saved the woman who was caught in Adultery, did not say to those who were about to stone her to death "You who are without sin, run for President."
Dear LeeAnn,
Please take all these comments as constructive. Your charge about obscene wealth and paying their fair share, to me, indicates a university mindset. That is the language of revolutionists, who always prey on the minds of the young. That sentiment is a form of coveting which is, in the good book, a mortal sin. Achieving equality of outcome is impossible. Someone always has to force the redistribution of wealth. In what way would that person be equal to the ones they regulate? More fair? More moral? More enlightened? By what measure? If we are to be equal, then what gives any of us authority over the free will of anyone else?
If you place all your trust in "experts", then you submit yourself to their will. Take some time to look into the people whose ideas you follow. Make sure they live up to your standards.
Bless your heart. If you are concerned about sin of whatever kind--adultery, lying, stealing/greed, child abuse/sacrifice, etc., then who are you voting for as an alternative? Biden? Obama? The other mad men billionaires like Bill Gates? Sergei Brin? ....
Is our government transparent? Are media mouthpieces not compromised? Is the law (created by those same sinners) applied uniformly (blind justice)? Who is your pure and trustworthy candidate? The worst of human nature tend to gravitate to positions of money and power. We the people are left with the lesser of evils.
In my view, the alternative is to not play the game. But that requires resistance, which requires courage and faith in the One--that we are essentially spirit beings, and our bodies are a tool for learning in this dimension, with the goal of ascension. Free will is the millions of choices we make every second of every day throughout our lives. The concept of freedom is what is we perceive, and we make choices from what is present in our perceived reality. What if there is more than what we believe to be available to choose from...another type of freedom, beyond this reality?
As a wise Q said once or twice, expand your thinking.
Ann Coulter (no fan of Trump's since early 2017) has a great take on this:
P.S. And it's actually worse than Coulter says, because Gennifer Flowers' neighbor, a witness to Clinton's comings and goings, was given an almost fatal beating by Clinton operatives (Arkansas state police?).
"If Trump was on the up & up, then why not publicly say what he did, ask the public to forgive him, and let the votes be cast? You only pay hush money and then use false accounting to not be caught for your shady behavior."
(1) You're assuming that Trump and Stormy had sex, whereas she at various times said they didn't. So we know she's lied about it one time or the other, but we don't know that Trump has. In 2006, Trump was the big star of Apprentice (a show I've never seen). I have no idea where Stormy's career was, but I'd guess she'd have more to gain from sleeping with the big TV star than Trump would from sleeping with a joke of a surgically modified but still not very attractive porn star.
(2) Guilt would not be the only reason for a Non Disclosure Agreement. Not wanting to be distracted with a false claim would be another.
(3) Many Christians and conservatives voted for Trump despite the Access Hollywood tape. Consider the alternative. When will Hillary discuss her shady behavior (and the long list of Clinton-affiliated people who died under suspicious circumstances) and ask her supporters to forgive her? When will Biden set aside some time to address the "probably inappropriate showers" with his "oversexed" daughter (her words), let alone his inability to keep his hands and nose away from little girls, or his obvious bribes from China, Ukraine, Moscow, etc.
(4) It remains to be seen whether many billionaires have contributed to Trump since the conviction, but clearly the great majority of them in the past have voted for Democrats and other supporters of the WEF corporatist new world order (to be run by the internationalist billionaires themselves, not any nationalist, let alone an America Firster. Goldman Sachs famously paid Hillary big checks (each of them severalfold larger than Stormy's $130,000 as I recall) for two different half-hour speeches for Goldman while mandating that no Goldman employee could donate to Trump. (Despite that, Trump stupidly put several Goldman employees into high positions in his administration where they did him no good.)
(5) If billionaires are supporting Trump, there are lots of reasons for them to do so other than NDAs. (a) They might well think Trump would be better for Israel than the Squad-compromised Biden. After all, he didn't build a wall, but he did move the embassy to Jerusalem. (b) They see the obvious disaster of the already begun World War III with Russia, and want to see Trump take the blame rather than their precious New World Order. (c) They've finally come to their senses and realize that they themselves might not survive a nuclear war despite their bunkers, yachts, and submarines, especially now that so many of us know their game. Their own security people might off them if the fallout doesn't!
Hard to say whether Washington would've been executed if his side had lost, but it could've happened. England had executed a king about 150 years earlier, and Louis XVI was going to be executed soon after our war ended.
Arne, I disagree that it's hard to say. I think Franklin was right.
If the British won, they probably would have treat America like they treated Ireland.
Spot on.
That's exactly what they're saying in their graves.
Good point!
You don’t have to like Trump. You have to like America. You don’t need to like Trump’s style or his personality. I think he has numerous virtues, but set that aside. If you don’t like America, and you can’t see through the past 30-40 years of our history, when power class megalo-kleptomania and its associated globalist underpinnings has ravaged the country like untreated cultural leprosy, with chunks of our society falling off intermittently, then you won’t understand why what is going on right now is really awful.
The money men are starting to wake up to the fact that you can’t make your bed as a financial master of the universe and lay in it with hard Left ideologues. They f-g hate you. They hate your money. They hate the capitalist system. They hate America. What is more American than making a lot of money and doing whatever you want with your life? You think a Commie who wants to tell you what type of oven you can and can’t have to bake a pizza or whether you can drive a car likes that type of guy? No, they don’t. The billionaires and the Bolsheviks and this weird dalliance we’ve been seeing, maybe the environmentally friendly light bulb went on over the heads of the rich guys that they are dating the girl from Fatal Attraction.
Almost all politics is driven by self interest. Once in a while you find an enlightened group like the people who wrote our Constitution who can see how to create a strong nation by making it possible for each of us to pursue our dreams. But that’s rare, precious and has happened precisely once.
The next few years are gonna get even bumpier. It’s inevitable.
Trump 2024
Great comment, Tanto. You have a great way of distilling the essence of our plight – for example:
“…power class megalo-kleptomania…ravaged the country like untreated cultural leprosy, with chunks of our society falling off intermittently”.
Well done - that just about sums it up!
Our founders were well aware of the ancients' admonitions of the tendencies of human nature.
I don’t think the ‘people who wrote our Constitution” would think it was good for the wealth of this nation to be concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority, while (global) corporate monopolies own the state, buy free speech, write the laws, and punish the people, unregulated. They would, however, clearly understand that no one of the political class is going to fix any of it.
We’ve had problems before. Sometimes the solution is political. Sometimes it’s physical. We’re about to find out.
"My quite strong suspicion is that Leticia James and Alvin Bragg have caused alarm by targeting business records and real estate valuations in corporate borrowing, things that everyone shares in finance, insurance, and real estate, for criminalization and destructive litigation."
I agree -- this is why Kathy Hochul had to come out and assure New Yorkers that they didn't have anything to worry about, because they weren't Trump. (This one was about the Carrol verdict, but the same logic applies)
Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and a ban on conducting business in New York for three years.
Hochul joined John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM, where she was asked if other New York businesspeople should be worried that if “they can do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody.”
“I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about, because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior,” Hochul responded.
Of course, this requires 'big money' to simply trust the word of a politician that's obviously ok with lawfare as punishment. I wouldn't feel comfortable putting money in New York, or maybe even America in general at this point.
Remember, Venezuela simply nationalized the oil industry and told the real owners to get bent. (They then ran the industry into the ground, but that's a different story.)
Hochul has consistently demonstrated that she is an idiot.
I wish she was only an idiot. Unfortunately, she is a tyrant as well.
That makes her a run of the mill Dem - exactly stepping in the footsteps of her mentor . the unassailable Andrew Cuomo “ how dare you question or cross me” . But she is stupid ad well , which he was not.
I wish she were only an idiot and a tyrant. The harsh truth is, she is Legion. And in power for many decades.
So Hochul is admitting that Trump was targeted because he’s Trump, therefore there is no equality before the law.
I worked as an investment real estate broker for several years. I still know a few people in the commercial loan world. When Laticia James got that $1/2B loan fraud verdict against Trump, these guys were all flabbergasted. What Trump did is not only common, it's SOP for commercial loans: owner submits a high valuation, bank comes back with a low ball, you hash it out until the bank writes the loan or you find someone else who will. I didn't ask them who they were voting for, since our conversation was about finance not politics, but they were clearly very concerned about how to run their businesses without clear guidance of what was legal vs illegal behavior. Commercial loans have always been the wild west of finance, but when the sheriff might walk in anytime and you have no idea what laws he'll enforce... running a business now requires a much higher risk premium. (I wonder if risk premiums -- the spread between loan and cap rates -- has increased in the last year since the lawfare in NY? Not sure.)
After lockdowns, it's hard to believe that we can rely on stability from our governments. New York is one of the worst states on that front.
🤣 and that will mean to anyone paying attention that every business owner in NY has everything to worry about. 🤣 And that this was theater, a scene written to devise another attack on the chosen "big baddie" of the past several seasons of "elections."
They really don't understand they've lost. globalist theater has lost.
Don't worry, we won't treat you like we treat Trump... for now.
In early trading this morning, the United States is up a quarter of a banana.
And Biden announces his new Executive Order on the southern border banning illegals from claiming asylum. I’m so confused- he said he didn’t have the power! He said he needed billions from Congress first. He said...
Biden, MaJerkus, and the first ever Haitian lesbian White House spokesperson all assured us repeatedly that the border was secure! God knows how 20% of the hotel rooms in NYC got occupied by illegals.
Liars all.
Best comment this week ! 😂
Chris Bray ALWAYS gets it right. In this day and age of click bait and quick summaries I am always Leary of clicking on anything. But when I read Chris’s summaries I read to the end. Every time. And I agree with him. Dude needs a bigger platform. (Maybe it’s already big?). But I find myself wanting my friends to tune in.
“They didn’t want lower taxes before the verdict?”
I love how you find fatal flaws in Elites’ logic.
You da man.
There's the dog that caught the car, and then there's the dog that caught the HAZMAT truck.
Well played.
Hazmat driver here, you rang ;-)
lol (meow)
I find it interesting that Bloomberg feels compelled to add the modifier “falsely“ to their statement that Trump continues to claim “falsely“ that the 2020 election was stolen. Wouldn’t it have been sufficient to simply say that Trump continues to claim the 2020 election was stolen and not add the “falsely”…?
While the fact that the 2020 election was stolen may not have been proven, it most certainly has not been disproven. Perhaps Bloomberg knows something that the rest of us don’t?
You only have to keep screaming falsely when you have questions yourself. Everyone knows that “election” was beyond sketchy. Biden getting more votes than Obama?? Voting stopping in states simultaneously??
The use of words like "falsely" and "baseless" and so forth is an indication that the user of those words is trying to manipulate you. It's akin to referring to an alleged "consensus," such as when we were told that fifty-two intelligence agencies (or however many there were) all made the doe-eyed claim that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.
This caused a minor kerfuffle in the coverage of the story, as the New York Times feels compelled to step in and insert words in the headlines such as “falsely” and “lies” to make sure the reader knows not to trust anything Trump says.
Came to a boil with the trial, because trump says he is being “harassed”but the NYT says it’s a false claim, nobody is harassing Trump by loading him up with 34 absurd novel charges.
I keep saying the same thing. “Claiming falsely” and “baseless beliefs” are two of the buzzwords that immediately tell me what I’m reading is pure propaganda. I have quite a list by now.
It’s like whistling past the graveyard.
Yes. They're irritating weasel words at which I immediately raise my suspicions whenever I encounter them.
You are right, JT - adding the word ‘falsely’ was unnecessary and does Bloomberg no favours. It undermines their credibility on most things. The people who run these powerful organisations have lost sight of the fact that all successful relationships are built on trust - including business relationships - and especially organisations that purport to be in the business of providing reliable ‘News’ and analysis. Bloomberg have just removed one more reason for consumers of their ‘product’ not to trust them.
Postmodernism: words create reality. So if we say "falsely" for long enough, than it was a 100% fair election.
Journalism is not the place for adjectives, which generally are opinions.
Capital flirted with DEI, and all the misc. virtue signaling. At the time, it seemed like a low entry fee to gain a bigger market share. But now, this shit has become real. Capital sees what happened to Trump, and none of them lack the imagination to see what could happen to them. The adults have realized that they've let fools and children think they are in charge for too long.
Many people I know were angry when the verdict was announced, but that anger quickly shifted to resolve sometimes in a matter of minutes. Most of us, in a matter of hours. Its time for the Adults to step in and step up.
I'm not a billionaire, and I always vote based on enlightened (I hope) self-interest.
I never understood the dalliance with the WEF or DEI or any of the other current insanities by coporations or hollywood, media, etc. How did they not get the memo that while the focus of the efforts to punish us for our own good seems narrow at the beginning (deplorable wrong thinkers only, of course) it ALWAYS expands and takes down everyone in its path?
Totalitarians are never satisfied and full of paranoia. They will come for everyone, despite assurances to the contrary.
Cool cocktail parties combined with the desire to stay on the good side of the wife and kids. Leaders they are not.
A lot if it is probably because managers run the companies instead of the actual owners. Managers have no stake, unlike small business owners.
“Don’t panic, New York! This was just a one time thing, a fluke, really, and of course it would never happen again just because we established a precedent that it can be done whenever we want to use it to crush someone. We would never betray your trust that way.”
“Ok, here, take my money back then”
“Alright. Aaaaaaaand …. It’s gone!”
“That interpretation makes capital’s support for Trump self-interested,…”. Trump never asked for any more than that.
Me neither!
I’m voting for the outlaw.
Capital is self interested by definition. That’s how it outgrew just being “money”.
Way too much common sense Mr. Bray.
Awesome… they hated him so much they e driven a wedge right into the heart of their coalition
I'd prefer that it was a wedgie.
Deranged MSM like Bloomberg prefer to tie Trump to billionaires - a well deserved hated class - that’s all. The actual story is that this is Stasi wake-up call. If you show cynical soulless lawyers and judges the man, they will show you the crime. That is almost everyone’s problem. Ironically, most billionaires in fact remain immune to this problem, as they buy their politicians. Trump is spitting in the face of the “for sale” US government.
70,000,000 in small donations… It’s the people man!