Ruth is opposed to the delegitimization of the judiciary? Like protesting in front of the homes of Supreme Court Justices or warning that they will “reap the whirlwind?”

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She's crazy. And representative of the professoriate running education these days. DeVos is right: close down the Dept. of Education and give everyone vouchers to use else where or home school their kids. Thanks for sharing this particular loon's postings lest we forget or get distracted.

Danny Huckabee

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Yep. They are honestly insane. You get the full flavor if you get the joy of "talking" with some of them in person. They just go and go and go, words words words, and their eyes are like crazy doll eyes.

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Another interesting question is why is Trump authoritarian? Also, why, as one of the tweets referenced in the article asserts, is Trump a “shambolic liar?” I assume that the Ruths of the world conclude Trump is authoritarian because he questioned the conduct of a clearly rigged election. As an aside, I note that the Republican establishment, as represented by the WSJ explains Biden’s alleged win by arguing that Trump lost suburban women. That might be a good argument if Trump hadn’t received over 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.

Back to the evidence that Trump is an authoritarian. Trump attempted to subvert the peaceful transfer of power on J6. The argument there is that Trump supporters have no right to protest or exercise their 1st Amendment rights. And, if a riot occurred, which appears by all the evidence ignored by the J6 committee, to have been instigated by the police and others.

Regardless, the claim that Trump is authoritarian preceded the election. What was it based on? Trump pursued policies opposed by the left. I note that Trump didn’t attempt to throw his opponents in jail. He debated them in the public square.

The claim that Trump is a liar coming from people who lie about the policies they will pursue - fracking, vaccine mandates, terrorizing parents (also authoritarian), etc. - and lie about personal matters - the Hunter Biden laptop, participation in the Civil Rights Movement, or Hillary’s various lies about her server. What did Trump lie about? He’s the most transparent president the country ever had.

The Ruths of the world need to be introduced to reality.

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The introduction will fail.

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You are exactly right

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The airtight law of leftist projection strikes with full force! 🤷 Who's scared of whom, that's the question 🤭

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"Dissent is the highest form of pat . . . " "SHUT UP!"

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They didn't spend the last century capturing these institutions just to have them delegitimized. With their silent revolution complete, opposition of any kind can only be described as fascist, as is the custom of commies everywhere and always.

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"Nothing says progressive anti-authoritarian like the sacralization of national security as a preeminent value. If government says that something has been done in the name of national security, you must accept it and support it without question. Or else you’re an authoritarian, doubting the state security apparatus."

Wait a minute..............is that George W Bush?!??!?!?!

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Correction: It's Ari Fleischer, speaking on Mr. Bush's behalf.

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It's neocons all the way down!

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Can I get a "Every. Single. Time."?

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My guess is that she, and all like her, don’t personally know a single Republican. They’ve never had a genuine conversation with someone who is a conservative, a devout Christian, or a small business owner. Heck, they probably don’t have a personal relationship with a single person with a middle-class income. And the only working class people they “know” are their house-cleaners. Half of the people in our country are deplorables (sub-humans) because she/they don’t know a single one. Siloing is bad for all of us.

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Was just thinking this exact thought, this morning, as I listened to her on NPR saying that the Trump cultists are preparing to rise up and attack the country in an armed insurrection. I would take the bet that this "scholar" has never talked to a Trump supporter.

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There is a fine bit at the beginning of a recent Salena Zito short piece where she describes William H. Hoover, of the Electric Suction Sweeper Company, never moving out of the town where it was headquartered. This was a normal story once upon a time, in the 20th century. I lol'd

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You have a stronger stomach than I, sir. Long ago I decided that life is too short to upset my digestion, (or raise my blood pressure), reading the never-ending spate of invective hurled at the sane by these unfortunate sufferers from their particularly loathsome mental illness.

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Ruth Ben-Ghiat has some interesting anagrams of her name.

gb hah nuttier

battier nh ugh

a beth unright

Be hating Ruth

Perhaps ultimately she hates herself. I suppose she has only ever been an academic and not done much practical.

In Hebrew בַּת, pronounced 'bat' is a girl. Perhaps being bats is a wider problem. :)

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Excellent expose on the highly credentialed mediocrities employed as schlock propaganda artists for the Billionaire - Bolshevik Axis. Pro tip: Professors with a lot of time to spend on Twitter aren’t serious academics. They are paid ( one way or another) to influence opinion on Twitter. Are there any serious academics left?

Understand mind control:


Understand the bigger game:


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Great links. Thank you.

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How do you delegitimize an already illegitimate press? The fact that this Ruth person thinks our current mainstream media is legitimate tells you everything you need to know about her. Stop right there.

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Excellent point

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They will cut down every law in the land to get at the Devil.

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All so predicatble - the side effects of Trump Derangment Syndrome are wide reaching and for some like Ruth, a permanent and chronic condition. The duplicity of the socalled "Democracy Defenders" that are anything but, is mind-blowing . Your persistent exposure of these corrupt and dishonest mutulators of language, "justice concepts", let alone fairness in their reasoning (is there any?) is welcome and well done. Reasonable people of any persuasion surely see the folly and insanity of this.

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Are we sure she’s a real person? Or actually a she? I’m starting to wonder if we actually have AI posing as real people already. Well, I only ask that to make myself feel better about what should be fellow HUMANS.

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Some twitter-accounts do feel like it's aliens behaving like children stirring and ant-hill behind them.

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And so we have to ask why so many people find themselves here - fixated and angry at one singular thing as though they uncovered the source of all that is wrong in their lives. To many people you can just utter his name and that's it, their day is finished. A man I've known my whole life, now in his early 70's, one of the most likeable, back slapping, baby kissing, hand shaking, adda boy distributing good-samaritans you could ever want as a neighbor strarts to snarl and swear under his breath, with full facial contortions when anyone brings up Trump's name. It's involuntary. And he's never lived in America. I wouldn't be surprised if he never so much as visited America. But that doesn't matter. It's as though simply living for some people has collapsed into two modes: there is everything they do and say that is related to Trump and everything else Trump adjacent. He is everywhere all at once. He is both hiding under the carpets and heading up a cabal. He is simultaneously the most useless baffoon to ever demand 100% of their attention and the most sinister russian nesting doll to ever stay 3 steps ahead of his infinitely smarter enemies.

Reading this ladies' tweets, feels like she's under a blanket, cracking secret codes embedded in tabloid headlines (placed there just for her). I really do find it perplexing that somehow any one person, can command so much attention of any kind much less invoke incomprehensible rage.

What is clear is that - for whatever the reason - Trump set off the biggest psy-op in American history. Knowing what we know now between russia-gate, twitter files, c19 etc All the stops were pulled for Trump. Some very subtle, some so obvious as to make you wonder whether you might actually be smarter than you previously believed for simply not believing the completely unbelievable which so many people not only believe but erect wicker cages to catch unbelievers.

I think as far as psyops go, 'they' overplayed their hand big time and that's a problem for many reasons, but here in this way, I think the mother of all psy ops reverberated deeply in the American psyche causing untold collateral damage. It's a genuine problem for the average citizen who likes a nuanced approach to politics and even worse, 7 years on there are signs of post traumatic stress disorder. Or was that the point?

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And the same distributed psyop also made the same people frantic about the glories of the mRNA "vaccines," and the unspeakable evil of the anti-vaxxer SCUM.

They despise Trump, and worship....Trump's "Warp Speed" vaccines. We've been running a test on the power of propaganda, and holy shit what we've learned.

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Wow, hadn't thought of that. Isn't it the greatest irony of them all.

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Yes, I have pointed this out myself and I am in the UK. Their strange reasoning:

"I hate Trump and all he does!"


"Trump introduced the vaccines and vaccines must be good!"


"I hate Trump and all he does!"

This has all be a test of the IQ. Prizes will be awarded. Wooden spoons will be awarded.

Or a wooden coffin in case of death.


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The nazis had "Der Ewige Jude" as their bug-a-boo; the modern Left to use the accepted term, has "Der Ewige Trump".

Structurally speaking, the rethorics of the old nazis and the modern Left are identical.

Excellent description, well-balanced and educational, thank you.

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They are two sides of the same coin, both derive from Marx, a German Jew.

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Ben-Ghiat's tweet-output does take you back to "On Smarm" from 10 years ago (Smarm being juxtaposed there against Snark, defensively-- both have problems but it's clear the former is winning out, which I would not have predicted at the time). She never says anything insightful or even novel. She is pounding the holy book at you until you decide it is a waste of time to contradict her

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