I know you probably don't have a lot of readers left on the "left", but I have a question for those who still remain:

If -- because of politics -- you now claim that men came become women by saying they are and that we must perform "gender-affirming" surgeries on minors................is there any limit at all to what you're willing to say for your team? Is there a line that is "too much"?

(I expect most of your readers crossed that line long ago)

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I think there are a few people on the left who might think this is all too much but are way too afraid of the social consequences of getting out of line to say anything. For as much as the left hates us, they are far more ruthless to their own who turn apostate.

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YES! I point this out all the time. The people in the cult KNOW what happens to people who are cast out for their wrongthink. As you say, it's MUCH worse than what happens to people who were never members to begin with.

And that's really the question......is there ANYTHING the 'leaders' would demand that they would not do -- for fear of being excommunicated?

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You'd like to think that offering up their own children would be a bridge to far, but most lefties happily feed their kids into the maw of the Trans disfigurement machine.

A leftist would face ostracism, job loss and likely jail time for taking a stand against the tribe. I doubt there are more than a handful would ever walk away. Certainly no one of any consequence.

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I thought so, too, when it came to giving kids covid jabs they obviously didn't need.

Yet the desire for virtue signaling (for the most part) overrode the desire to be a good parent!

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I was traumatized scrolling on social media feeds seeing friend after friend posting pics of their masked children’s bandaided arms. I don’t know how many of them will recognize the horror of this.

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Pretty much none!

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When COVID hit I immediately got off all social media. I could see what was coming and knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut. Not sure if I did the right thing to be honest

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Are you assuming that ARE any leftists "of consequence"?

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I'm trying to think of a figure who would change the game if they came out as conservative, and I can't think of one. Beyonce might cause an interesting stir. If YouTube as an organization said they were full free speech, that would be of consequence.

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B sold her soul to the devil, she can’t recant

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Everyone should read The God That Failed, about true believers who went to the Soviet Union for the workers paradise, and their stories about what happens to the wrongthinkers.

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To that I would add Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, Solzhenitsyn’s The First Circle, Gulag Archipelago, The Red Wheel, Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. I could go on. It’s a subject that deeply interests me, long after my dad recommended The God That Failed. I had a dear college roommate in the early 70s-a dual major in English and Philosophy--who asked in sweet puzzlement why we were so worried about the Soviets. “What would it matter if they were in charge as long as they let us read what we wanted?” My reading is an attempt to keep answering why it matters.

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You /We already know the answer to this question. This goes where it always goes. We saw everything we needed to see during the COVID social control experiment to see how this goes. The liberal schmucks will go along with the police state and whatever it mandates at a minimum out of fear. Some will embrace the fascism and turn in their family members, friends, and neighbors for thought crimes. Some will be violent red guard types. Because if this continues to go the way the Billionaire criminals and their fake Bolsheviks want, we’re either acquiescent, or deemed an enemy of the astroturf globalist sponsored by Pfizer revolution and rotting in a gulag, or in a basement room with a drain of whatever is deemed the American Commie equivalent of Lubyanka or Lefortovo waiting for a bullet behind the ear.

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If it acts like a cult, it's a cult. The Democrat cult robs us of being able to choose our electorate, because if you can't consider voting for one party because they're all crazy, then your only choice is to vote for the other party. We're supposed to choose from two or more qualified good candidates. Less than two qualified candidates mean you don't have a choice. The choices are between a Democrat freak and a Republican Neocon. (I'm a California Libertarian)

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I used to really not comprehend how so many nice, sane Germans could have gone along with the death camps. I have lived to learn the answer.

"Is there a line that is 'too much'?"

No, not to the leftists who put love of government above everything else. There is no line.

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Twain was wrong. History does repeat itself. Or more precisely human psychology repeats.

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The Germans were subverted by the Nazis. They were the victims. Just like we are the victims of what the Nazis in the USA corp. do (all of the foreign wars since WW2). The USA is being butchered by the Nazis in our government.

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“I didn’t see no line, Gus”

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It’s the ratchet effect of “normalization” of insanity. Eventually the brain goes into denial and pretends like it’s all fine. There’s a funny meme with a wide eyed dog with a blank stare sitting amidst a burning hellfire saying “this is fine”.

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That's been my experience with the dwindling few, left of (I was going to say center, but) what used to be "the left" that I still have any contact with.

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“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

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Thank you for reminding me how much I love Theodore Dalrymple.

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100%. The gaslighting demoralizes probably most people. Easier to go along with the mental torture than to fight it. Resist at all costs.

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There is no limit, no more lines in the sand and no more absolutes, because to have them violates someone's "human rights".

- Can't get a cake from one cake shop, out of 100 in your city...human rights violation.

- Get push back because your a dude and walk around naked, in front of women and little girls in a locker room, because you say you're a woman...human rights violation.

Next up is pedophilia...you will hear useful idiots like the politico in the video, chanting MAPS are people too....We need MAPS.

There are no more lines in the sand. When societies collectively agrees to erase them, they agree to make themselves victims of the opportunists and predatory deviants, that have always been laying in wait. The children are always the ones to pay the price first.

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Can we take a page out of the left's "marketing" playbook and rebrand these procedures as "gender-denying surgeries??" After all, that's a more accurate description.

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Imagine it's a hundred yard dash, only the finish line is an infinitely elastic ribbon.

When one's mentality is geared like that and combined with utopian ideals (no matter which ones) the outcome is inevitably diastrous because you'll never reach a finish, especially not /the/ finish.

Like trying to run to the horizon, it is.

That's why there never can be a "too much".

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This is a good question but you have identified the wrong audience. Let's not ask this to the 'left', but to those on the right who insist we 'keep working within the system', keep trying to get people in government positions who will fix this for us, insist that we keep fighting this battle in losing ways for another unspecified amount of time.

Is there anything that the GAE can do that will push you over the line to actually DO something, to actually fight? They are chopping off little boys penises can we do something before they get to OUR little boys?

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May 21, 2023
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What was "the line" that caused you to leave, if you don't mind me asking?

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The comparison that keeps coming up for me is with the people who came to power with the French and Russian Revolutions. They were completely ideological, and they made no attempt to convince their critics.

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Just extermination. Pol Pot comes to mind..

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Fascism to Communism. The conversation always ends when people adopt collectivist ideologies.

Collectivism denies the individual. That is catastrophic.

Without the primacy of the individual, there can be no judgement to discuss, no argument to be had, no principles to uphold, and no common ground from which to agree to disagree.

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Chanting. A behavior that is often associated with religious practices but utopianism is a religion so...

The Left seriously catalogues "oppressions" and disabilities then uses that to create a hierarchy of the aggrieved. Whites of course have to get particularly creative. Why do you think a vegetable like Fetterman is feted and celebrated? My koolaid drinking stepson claims 6 "box tickers" amd expects the world to accomodate him. We truly live in Clown World or Bizarro Earth when the unstable and incapable are celebrated. I want the Good, the Beautiful, and the True; it is all that matters now.

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💬 the Good, the Beautiful, and the True; it is all that matters now

Just as it's always been since forever, these three matters that do matter 😊

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Well said, Sim1776. You are performing your duties admirably.

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Thanks. I do my best. It was real blow when my stepson joined the Alphabet Mafia after a couple years of college. Of all my children, we had the closest relationship. I got a very personal education on this insanity. Now I'm just as intolerant as they are.

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That's a painful experience. Have friends in a similar position. I hope, with time, you are able to salvage that relationship.

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For those willing and able to to serve, this would seem to suggest that this could be an opportune time to consider a run for state senate.

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I dunno. If serving drives you THAT crazy....

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The coincidental irony of this post is that just yesterday I was walking in the park by my work and saw a random duck quacking like crazy nearby for no apparent reason, and it reminded me of political activists with bullhorns leading chanting for their mob. This is all gonna get a lot worse, I’d wager. It’s only the beginning of this madness.

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The Universe moves in mysterious ways 😏

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These people make about as much sense as the last 4 minutes of the studio version of "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh on the album "But, Seriously Folks".


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They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time!

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They say a little hard work never killed anybody but I figured why take the chance?

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If they would've tried to masks us in college we would've "torn out the walls and had the university pay for it all".

See what I did there?...:)

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You are SO clever!

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Instead of accountants!

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Ah oh...here comes a flock of Wah Wah"s...lol.

One of the best songs ever.

College anthem song.

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Thanks guys. I needed something that fits MY version of "normal - After watching that video.

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Thanks. That helped with the ear worm.

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I recently commented on an article on Sky News (Australia) and had to rewite it five times to remove 'hate speech'. As a person who has scrutinised legal drafts and public documents for my department, and who has written thousands of articles and a few papers and books, I should imagine I am as competent as most at editing a comment as required by stated media policy, yet in my opinion, not one word could have even remotely be regarded as hate speech.

It is now apparent that this is pure repression of free speech.

According to the propaganda of our education system, we fought two world wars to defend free speech. Clearly, a third is now required. Editors, consider yourselves forewarned, this time around we will be taking no prisoners. All who repressed freedom must face prosecution and the death penalty.

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The only "hate speech" is the censorship of free speech.

Your conundrum is one of their tactics to keep the herd inline. If they can't see or hear the real world outside their pastures, they'll remain docile. And if we can't speak to their "flock", we eventually go find other pastures, thus reinforcing the tribal divisions.

Never give up trying though.

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Good advice, John.

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Means they hate speech.

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More psycho babble bullshit from the peanut gallery. Are you kidding me?!? These people are too stupid form a line let alone have influence with anyone else.

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Dr Iain McGilchrist, retired from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, describe the mental issues thoroughly in The Master and His Emissary (2009). A shorter summary of his thesis is in his book Ways of Attending: How our Divided Brain Constructs the World (2018).

In reading these you will discover why leftist mindsets are hard to persuade against their own worldview. Simply put, hyper-rational mental constructs tend to be impervious to real world experience. You cannot debate them into questioning the premises of their mental constructs. This is crucial. Since most of their mental constructs are based on verbal theorizing and attempting to mimic practices learned at universities, their mental constructs rely on those practices and those practices ONLY.

It is the reason why tradesmen (plumbers and electricians, etc.) hate engineers and carpenters hate architects. The university-trained do not like to have their idealized visions questioned or altered. The ideal is god. The tradesmen just say, “Yeah, but it doesn’t work.”

The hyper-rational build airtight castles in the sky and pay no attention to the lack of foundation in the clouds (or lack of stone, wood, electrical wire . . .). What condition is known for “building castles in the sky”? Once you figure that out, you can start to understand the real problem.

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Outstanding summary of a thorny topic!

I say that as a retired teacher coming from the humanities and social sciences.

In swedish, there is a word "institutionsskadad" ("damaged from existing inside an institution", roughly translated), originally referring to patients of mental hospitals who upon release are utterly lost; the institution is their entire reference-frame and despite being technically speaking sane, they cannot function outside the institution.

The modern extended meaning instead refer to academics.

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Excellent exegesis Jeffrey!

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Thank you

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Omaha west suburbs, NE Senate District 6, she went to University of Nebraska Omaha for her Masters in Public Administration. I'm thinking even for that area, this is her last term.

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She has the seat until 2026, is the nightmare. At which point she's termed out, if I'm reading it correctly.

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Something so Monty Pythonesque as that Nebraska clip needs a Pythonesque resolution. I’m thinking the last few seconds of the fish-slapping dance, or maybe the Sixteen-Ton Weight.

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Sixteen-Ton Weight

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That was the Knight With Raw Chicken’s actual job on the show.

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Shouldn't have watched the senator while eating breakfast...🐒

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Clearly, only ducks understand the quacking and only ever will.....

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This is a mentally ill person, meaning Jeffery Marsh, plain and simple and somehow today we are normalizing this type of behaviour. If even ten years ago you had walked up to any man on the street behaving this way and dressing that way you would have crossed the road to avoid them. I had an encounter with a transgender activist in the 1970s when I was working as a reporter. I conducted a radio interview with this person who was threatening blowing up bridges in Winnipeg on St. Davids Day to protest prejudice against trans. Back then few even knew what it was including me. I was in my early twenties, some 40 years ago, but rememberthe behaviour of that person at the time. The interview I conducted and aired on the radio resulted in trans person being charged with public mischief. Police had come to the radio station seized the tape of the interview and then proceeded to interview me. The trans was arrested and charged. Once he was released on bail he began to harrass me sending threatening postcards to my radio station addressed to me. When I eventually had to go to court to testify for the Crown, what struck me the most about this person was the vileness and anger they directed at me, somehow blaming me for them being charged, when all I did was what they wanted me to--interview them and air it. It was compltely unbiased, gave them a platform they wanted and they 'hung' themselves, but blamed me. Here was this person I had never seen before overweight, long dirty hair, smeare maked up and wearing a dress and wearing rubber boots. I always remember the rubber boots, but again spewing hate at me. How is that not someone in serious need of help? Many behave no differently today. Oh and by the way the Crown lost their case and that was in the 1970s

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That’s correct. They are mentally ill. And like the criminals and rioters/looters who no matter how hard they try, can’t go to jail, or the millions of illegals immigrants, they are being used by the Left to destabilize society. It was bewildering initially, because the shit comes from all angles. But these are all old school Commie tactics. I’d like to sound more hip and enlightened about all of it , and analyze it more in depth, but that’s really what it is. And if we can frame it in simple but not simplistic terms, I think it helps focus peoples’ attention in what is transpiring. We are currently experiencing the homologous phenomenon to the Maoist Cultural Revolution of 1960’s China. It’s very clear. Purging traditional society is what this is about.

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What a horrible ear worm. TIme to listen to some head banging metal (which I never listen to).

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What a silver lining out of the blue (huh 🤭), a fresh-minted metal connoisseur! 🤘😂

Quite disturbingly though, the matter with silver linings is they usually come attached to clouds. Which tend to produce hard-hitting lightnings... 😒

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