"A discussion that has no value or meaning at all sits at the center of our culture, consuming most of the oxygen in the public sphere."


Not 3 minutes ago I was taking a piss, which reminded me (obviously) of Joe Biden -- and it hit me that we're all talking about if he will or won't drop out instead of the fact that his crappy policies are still in place and what that means for Americans.

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Wagging the dog with war doesn’t work anymore. Let’s do it with this pudding headed shit for brains behavior instead. Fucking brilliant observation.

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I’m not talking about it but when I go to the Daily Mail to check the trial balloons it is “deluded” Joe Biden CONSTANTLY. I ain’t clickin’ and I don’t if anyone is because they keep hiding the comment numbers on the top story

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Agreed. In addition he should be removed immediately.

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My best thoughts are when I'm sitting on the throne.

"Even great men must pee", Napoleon, via Jerry Stiller in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 12

Even the President of the United States must sometimes have to stand naked -

Bob Dylan

It's All Right, Ma, I'm Only Bleeding

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A key song for our time.

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"...taking a piss, which reminded me (obviously) of Joe Biden..."

Talking of which reminds me I took the piss (obviously) of Joe Biden.


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What hit me, not sure if during urination, was the evil conservative side of this vileness--it is quiet, not obviously moronic, but toxic nonetheless, and radically hypocritical. "Mark Hemmingway Says It’s WRONG for the Media to Lie Via Silence!" https://pomocon.substack.com/p/mark-hemmingway-says-its-wrong-for

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My in-laws are currently visiting. I was downstairs with my kids when I heard my father in-law raising his voice at my wife “Julie, it doesn’t matter how old or fragile Biden is! Trump is dangerous and he is NOT to be voted for or elected!”

Just guess what news source he primarily and regularly consumes. Guess how many times he’s been in line for a covid booster and how readily and enthusiastically he’ll put on a mask if requested.

He’s no longer able to think clearly when it comes to Trump. His face goes red and nothing but anger boils out of him. He spends every morning googling the latest news hoping to read a headline that “Trump has finally been marched off to jail” (he happily and eagerly confessed this to me).

MSM is poison and my FIL is a case study of its toxic effects.

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It's so tedious. So tedious to actually have to live with this noise.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

How is it they have been able to memory hole Trump's administration, which as I remember, didn't try to build any concentration camps?

These adults, most of whom probably are my fellow Boomers, are a damned embarrassment. Emotionally, they seem not to have gone much beyond second grade, when the announcement that the cookies and punch were all gone would have elicited profound grief.

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It's not just boomers, Gen X is right there with them. Hysteria and pearl clutching galore. I can't even have pleasant conversation anymore.

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I now ignore ALL of it. I will never vote again. In fact, I no longer care. But, in a GOOD way!

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That’s what they want you to do: fewer ballots to stuff, or they will just vote for you. Don’t make it easy for them, and maybe even surprise them & yourself.

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Seriously? Wake up…it’s time.

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Wake up to what? The hopelessness of it? The Uniparty aspect? Explain yourself or

Burger King: have it your way,

but IMHO POTUS DJT is the first non-politician since maybe Eisenhower to get to the Presidency, and I believe he did pretty well in spite of the opposition of the whole Federal government (including likely a majority of the RINOs.

I am willing to give him one more chance. Read my posting history for why I think he didn't do some things that are obvious to be done, & will likely do them in his last term.

Listen, I understand that politics is downstream from culture, & the culture needs to change and only we can do that, so I don't see DJT as a panacea.

Have a good night.

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Trump is also a Zionist. In fact, most of CONgress is.

That’s not good for the former United States “Republic”.

Stop giving the uSA away.

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Like nails on a chalk board

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

My parents are the same way - believing every lie that comes out of msm. I think the number of clot shots they’ve had has caused some brain damage that allows them to believe that garbage. It’s like their ability to think rationally and to question what they are told has been erased. Sadly, they will vote for Brandon just as a vote against Trump.

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Yes, my mom is the same. She doesn’t know why she hates Trump, she just does. No one can talk her out of it. It’s as if older people were targeted with something that made part of their brains turn off.

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this is what makes me sick about the MSM, they have turned otherwise decent people into haters.

that is the way of the Left.

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Yes the corporate media is one giant brainwashing operation.

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They never build anything good, they are the party of destruction. If they can’t maintain control & power burn it down is their motto. We are seeing the truth of who these people are, they don’t pretend or try & hide it. It’s good to know who your enemy is. A blessing imo to continue to see the truth revealed. Painful but necessary.

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I’m having a hard time shaking it RG

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

It mostly doesn't have anything to do with the MSM. They learned it from their parents, who learned it from their parents, who learned it from their parents........

They're bull headed, self-righteous, and, mostly, ignorant.

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I'm too old to have parents. The TDS infected I know are half my age and the red faced anger is the same, as is the inability to articulate why. It is not age but the addiction to corporate news or NPR.

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I just watched the movie “Network” the other day. It was released in 1976, 48 years ago. It feels like it was made today. Everything Paddy Chayefsky wrote about in that movie has come true. Amazingly prescient.

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Vaccines and most drugs neurotoxic so it is sadly inevitable.

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Vaccines are neurotoxic like most drugs. Brain damage inevitable (assuming some vials don't contain just saline as we cannot tell).

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Mine as well. It's not surprising that my narcissist Boomer mother fell for this, but my father as well. He taught me to vote for the person, not the party. A longtime independent he's voted for a variety of folks. I grew up debating him and loved every minute. Now all her can say is Trump-bad, no matter what the topic. So sad to watch.

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I haven't watched the news for a very long time. It's seems that that is the case for many commenters on substance. I have been thinking maybe they've been using subliminal messaging?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

We visited my mother and stepfather in a blue state recently. My six year old developed a slight cough while we were there. Stepfather: "Have you had her tested for covid?" and then when we said uh, no, why would we? he bowed out of further activities with us. I forget how nutz these people are.

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It would be great to say unbelievable but sadly nowadays very believable. He failed the test then.


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…and your wife still allows him to come in your house? Wow, now that’s what I call tolerance!

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well, at least he's "up to mutate" with his last booster

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You’re right. Too many people that “seemed” with it, have gone off the deep end, and are irrationally scared of Donald Trump.

I would have imagined that the absurdness and sheer goofiness of the claims would have made people downplay such things, but it hasn’t. People really believe that Trump is going to become a dictator. Because apparently becoming a dictator is that easy… 🙄

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FJB! did it.

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You poor sod.

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I'm in Athens, Greece. There's a Greek paper that partners with the NY Times for an English edition. Today they had an interview with the Greek-American Lieutenant Gov. of California, Eleni Kounalakis, saying the same thing: Trump is DANGEROUS -- and the party must unite behind whatever figurehead we have, or else! Full page spread.

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I read on somebody's blog that they would vote for the leftovers in their fridge before they would vote for Trump. Full insanity at work.

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COVID 19 exposed how rotten some people's brains were. The vaccines have rotted them still further if it were possible. I have tried engaging with such people but they will insist on poisoing themsleves. So sad.


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MSM . Revealing the playbook by reversing the pointing finger. So predictable. FJB.

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Elections in the modern West have effectively become just another part of the MSM entertainment industry.

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And yet over half of Americans eligible to vote, will. They buy in. They are entertained and thus politics does function for them.

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I will vote. I grew up in Venezuela and Libya, and I saw what it means to have the privilege to vote. People have died for that right. I’m 71, and I can count on one hand the times I missed voting in elections. I will never take it for granted!

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Good luck voting in a fake election. Keep telling yourself you’re making a difference. Lol. You are hilarious.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

You know what, Sharon, at the very least I’ll make it harder for them to cheat. What if every conservative just stayed home? How is that doing anything at all? And by the way, voting down ballot makes a huge difference in communities. How do you think corrupt DA’s, judges and school boards get defeated? It’s certainly worked in my county. But you just keep doing nothing….that’s your right.

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Oh, I’m doing something all right, but it’s not voting because it’s useless. Organizing is much better. I won’t play their game. I will make my own.

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Organizing what, pray tell?

How does one affect the culture?

How does one effect change (resist bad change or initiate or accelerate good change?

1) evangelize people

2) disciple Christians

Christians, active, informed, spiritually disciplined and discerning have been a major influence in the abolitionist movement, the civil rights movement, and the prolife movement.

3) purchasing choices

4) attending local government & school meetings (but if you are not voting are the officials and representatives going to listen to you?)

5) running for office

6) providing a product or service to address a need or problem

7) having and raising and educating children

8) voting

Politics is down stream from culture, but it does influence culture with eddies and backwash and spillover.

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I will vote. I will try. I will continue to try until I hit the dirt.


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In what world to you get 50% turnout? I’m curious. If it weren’t for the dead, illegals, queers and porn stars, democrats wouldn’t get elected ever. So those numbers we’ve been seeing aren’t even close to true. Nys is lucky to get 20% to vote. And those are mostly cheaters

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Just like "no one I know voted for Nixon".

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I would have if I had been old enough.

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That was the famous and fatuous response of some New Yorker that mattered to Nixon winning.

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Our elections are a (un)reality TV show today. So it makes sense that the leading candidate would be an (un)reality TV star.

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And the current & previous candidates were lawyers, so what? Ronald Reagan was an actor?

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The "circuses" part of the "bread and circuses" formula.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

The Democrats believe that neither Trump (nor any other Republican) have the right to actually govern. Sure, the American people can elect Trump President, but the U.S. government belongs to the Democrats and Trump will have no right to determine its actions. That’s democracy: heads we wi ; tails you lose.

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Vindman explicitly said, during the impeachment hearings, that he was concerned to see President Trump interfering in the policymaking process. Very telling.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

Not just Vindman, all of the foreign policy bureaucrats testified that Trump was not acting in accordance with U.S. policy, seemingly unaware that it was Trump, not them, who had the sole authority to make policy.

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Yesterday, Rod Dreher had a link to a startling article from New York magazine. The author, whose name I do not remember, gave a marvelously description of Biden as shuffling human wreck. Reading it, I had the thought that the man she described was an actual version of the sort of paper mache ghoul you might encounter in a haunted house at a Halloween carnival.

Late in the article, she cited the unanimous view of foreign policy "experts" that it might take the United States a full generation to "recover" from the effects of Trump's incomprehensible, to them, "isolationism."

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Maybe those foreign policy experts should run for president and make their case to the American people. If they did, we would likely find that they have no case, except that they have credentials. The same case that Anthony Fauci made for his disastrous handling of the pandemic.

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Great comment. Exactly right.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

We should be paying more attention to the startling news that Joe Biden served as the first black female Vice President. What else have we not been told?

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On Fox News on the 4th of July, two female anchors went on and on about how we must be happy, how we must be proud of America, how we have the greatest innovative spirit- like the invention of the Covid vaccines in record time- and how those vaccines have led the way out of the pandemic all over the world. In the very next sentence, one of them actually equivocated between America as an "experiment" in democracy, implying that we are an "experimental" nation, and how the vaccines were in keeping with this tradition of intrepidness.

It is bad enough that the rest of the media is in the tank for Pharma and Gates, but this rewriting of history and ignoring of the currently vaccine-injured disgusts me on a whole other level. Fox News is a disgrace. Good riddance to them, Tucker.

In Congress, Raul Ruiz is spewing the same garbage about how successful the vaccines have been, and that anyone who criticizes them is a threat to public health and must be censored. This is his current position. Where is the line between stupid and evil?

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The USA is an "experimental" nation eh? I wonder how many realise they were experimented on with the vaccines?

"Let's see if poisoning people improves their health..........Nope, still we made lots of money!"


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We have not been told that Jill holds his dingdong at peepee time.

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Ever since hearing they keep staff away from Joe, I've been thinking that Frau Dr. Jill may also be "Groom of the Stool." All Joe needs to do is shout "My butt's been wiped!" to reporters. Hospice care!

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Joe leaves a turd in Jill's bidet. Is it the dementia, or is it that old Joe is a real practical jokester! Stay tuned!

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The MSM hid that from us!

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We beat Medicare!

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lol, like

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

This is what happens when you don't pay attention in civics class, folks. You end up being afraid that the federal bureaucracy will be taken over by the executive branch.

What the actual fuck. These are our terminally smug High Information Voters. A bunch of bimbo trustafarians.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

“MSNBC warns that Trump is planning to “bring the agencies under the umbrella of the executive branch.” This. It’s exactly what happens when all the students get A’s.

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What leaves me as close to incredulous as anyone ever really can be is the verity, at least to them, that if Trump is elected, "you know he'll never leave." They have descending to magical "thinking" on this. It does no good to point out to them that Trump, if he is elected in November and lives until March 4, 2029, must at high noon have left the White House lest he be subject to arrest.

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They can never answer why he left office the first time around, if that’s really the case!

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A salient point. But try to talk reason to them.

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Has civics even been taught since LBJ?

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

It used to just be the pale thin male, and chameleon colored female "protesters", but now even the supposed adults in media are stuck in some sort of time loop, reliving their halcyon days in high school drama class.

I no longer watch any video of Commander Depends or any of the babbling feral hyenas that circle around his somehow still breathing corpse. It's gone from amusing, to sad, then disturbing, and frankly a bit scary that US of A, once the model for the west, has become an open door asylum for the insane.

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Getting through early November, and January, without a catastrophic international event (or beginning of a long-drawn-out catastrophic global era) will be truly a miracle of God. I am praying for it, but of course we do not (as a people) deserve it. Mencken's dictum is materializing and I'm also averting my eyes; there's not much we can do except pray for that miracle and live day by day as we should. Screwtape: God's will is that "[each Christian] should accept with patience the tribulation which has actually been dealt out to him—the *present* anxiety and suspense. It is about this that he is to say "Thy will be done", and for the daily task of bearing this that the daily bread will be provided."

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There will be an event..Between the Democrats and anti-Israel.protesters, it's almost inevitable..Also, keep an eye on the Chicago convention.

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Have you seen how many of our Congress are dual citizens of Israel?! Israel is a complete danger to us. It always has been, whether tranny weirdos are the ones who are against them or not.

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Poor Sharon. You haven't changed your name yet, what are you, a Zionist?

"The name Sharon is of Hebrew origin, meaning “a plain” or “a fertile plain”. It refers to a location in Israel, specifically the fertile plain between the Samarian Hills and the coast. In the Hebrew Bible, the phrase “rose of Sharon” is used to describe the beauty of the wife of King Solomon."

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I have noted similarities to WW 2 compared to today. November - January 80 years ago will be the battle of the Bulge.


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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

It’s telling that they think the “administrative state” is its own branch of government. Very telling.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

They deny there's a Deep State while defending it. Gaslighters.

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The cognitive dissonance is strong in them.

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honestly, i think the administrative state is by far the biggest threat to our republic

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Everyone involved in CNN's announcement that Trump will take power from the administrative state and transfer it to the executive branch (a phrase that made my finger hurt to type it) was the beneficiary of at least a high school diploma and, probably, a degree from some institution of higher education. That explains, in part, why they not only write such drivel but could, just possibly, even believe it.

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Well, they actually do have a point. Too many of the agencies are independent of any elected oversight and that needs to change, at least for the 50% of the agencies still standing after the big cuts. there will be big cuts, right?

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

This is the proper response. The inanity of the MSM, the left (obviously I repeat myself), usually makes me spitting angry--while energizing--does nothing for me, or anyone else. It only increases my blood pressure.

Ignore them. Fix yourself. Your family. Your home.

In September I decided to use my remaining GI Bill to learn carpentry skills at the local tech college. So damn excited! I will learn it all. How to use the tools. Plans. Foundations. Floors. Walls. Windows. Doors. Residential electrical and plumbing. 1 undergraduate degree, 1 MA, and 3/4 of another MA-100s of hours of leadership training. 1600 hours of Russian...and putting in my garage door opener 30years ago took me 12 hours. I replaced a piece of drywall last year...took a week. Should have been a 2 hour job. Super excited to learn how to be a functioning adult male...

Chris, SimCom, Bill Rice Jr et al are brave enough to pay attention for us--and summarize in pithy articles. The rest of us should turn off the news, and do more than touch grass--learn to grow food. Touch dirt. Lift iron. Run. Meditate. Stop tobacco. Master your diet. Pray.


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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

LIKE! I started gardening/canning 3 years ago. It kept me busy and sane.

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Gardening, whether ornamental or produce, is the best tranquilizer on the planet.

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I've always loved mowing my lawn. The smell. The immediate feedback to see the results of my actions. We've had some nice ornamental gardens in the past, this is the first time we are making food.

We abut our HOAs 4-6 acre greenbelt that NO ONE ever enters. Been trying to convince Household-6 we should get chickens--build a coop in that area that NO ONE WILL EVER SEE..but so far no dice. Zero. One step at a time...


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We started late this Spring/early summer--BUT WE STARTED. We have been talking about this for years. Only 4-6 weeks in, and it is rewarding in surprising ways.


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Brian, you always inspire me to do something active!

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Thanks Brian. I was thinking about something at the Y the other day. Our race is in a month and my old school guerrilla marketing strategy is to go run with all the local run clubs within striking distance--then after sweating with them, I invite them to our race.

Bottom line, haven't been in the Y in a few weeks. As I was spinning the padlock, it occurred to me that I likely could not have said the combo out loud, nor written it down--but once it was in my hand, I was able to 'remember' the combo--but physically.

Back when we were kids and had to actually remember phone numbers I noticed the same phenomena.

This thought hit me last night, "For knowledge to be useful, it must be embodied." This is a long response to 'do something active'--but I think I've kinda known this implicitly for years, but have never been able to articulate it out loud.

We may very well be spiritual beings having a human/material experience--but that means we actually MUST participate in it physically. It does me zero good to 'know' the facts without putting them into action in my life.

Thanks for the kind words my friend. It feels good.


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YES!!!! That’s exactly what I’m doing! 😎👍

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Good for you Renee. Ever since I decided this new carpentry program is what I want to do (they have a cabinet making program as well--but I don't think I have enough GI Bill for both), I find myself daydreaming about building a shed, building a sauna, installing an attic pull-down stair case...these are totally new ideas to me. In the past I've been of the 'hire someone' to do this. So exciting and liberating.


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Brian, THAT is so cool! I understand! I’m reinventing myself after 60 years, and I’m lost as hell!

So much has happened to humanity in the “last few years”!

But, we cannot do a thing about other people, only OURSELVES! You have taken the first step in that! I commend you, Sir!

You are helping people, and giving others hope, whether you realize it or not!

The Universe (God) sees movement, and will help you along…trust your God given Intuition Brian!

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Thanks Renee. What we do does echo and influence everything…we’re all connected so when I cheat on my taxes, it becomes easier for you to kick your dog…everything is contagious—both good and bad.

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I got you!😉

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You rock! We can start a me too movement, but without the pussy hats. I’m building my next house, from the foundation to the roof. Seriously. Because who has time to wait for the insanity to stop when we can just say fuck it all and just have a great life?

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Thanks Art! Yeah man, I've never been much of a hat guy myself...

Building your own house from bottom to top is INSPIRING. If you have the time, I encourage you to listen to Tucker's interview of Thomas Massie. You will be blown away. It is soooo tragic that his wife recently passed-you could tell how much they loved each other in the interview.

He has built his home as well, 100% off the grid. Fascinating. That dude is brilliant. Have a great weekend.


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I saw that interview too. He is a good type of outlier of those who end up in politics.

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You da Man! And I sincerely mean that. Yours is a playbook we should all emulate.

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Thanks NanaW...but like all social media, you're only seeing what I want to show!!! I appreciate the kind words.

My playbook has been filled with pages and pages and pages of terrible choices, awful monstrous acts, betrayals, and shameful periods like everyone else. I do know that when I live according to the playbook you mentioned--Im kinder, gentler, easier to get along with, and generally more useful.


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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Oh yes, the playbook for all of us would show how often we fail at a multitude of things to improve ourselves, our life, our world. Missed opportunities abound.

We do see only what someone else wants us to see here in online life. But even the words we choose or the tone in which we write a post can reveal things about us. I’m pretty sure you’re a guy who try’s and keeps trying. That’s pretty much all anyone of us can do. We’ll none of us ever be perfect. That’s where grace comes in. Every new moment is an opportunity to try again to do better where you may have failed before. Keep on trucking’, as we said in my heyday.

My skill sets that give me satisfaction and act as a kind of therapy are cleaning and cooking. It’s getting harder to get down on my hands and knees to clean as I age up, but when I do it I do it to the highest standard I can achieve and I’m very thorough. I feel good about myself after the bathroom sparkles.

And cooking brings me joy I can’t explain. I pour immense love into preparing home cooked meals. I love the shopping for ingredients and finding new recipes to try.

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Cleaning and yardwork are the best kinds of therapy--well, running is first for me, but cleaning and yard work as well. Probably some kind of power/control issue with me--at least there is something within my power/control to fix.

Have a great week.


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May the rest of your week be great as well.

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This is the way.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

Yesterday, I bought a zucchini and a yellow squash for the grill, but I made asparagus instead.

I think I’m going to make Zucchini Fritters today. I need to get some dill and some feta, which an old yummy recipe calls for. Oh! And I should probably make some tzatziki—that means pick up some yogurt and cucumber. All these oblong vegetables!

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Wait, what…you’re making Bidenfritters?

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The thing is the bureaucrats like being in the current state of minor supervision. So do their buddies in the MSM and dimocratic party. We can tell because of how they conspired to keep the current Resident of the White House in office despite him lacking several critical marbles. So of course a plan to actually make the various agencies and departments answerable to an actual active chief executive is anathema

For the rest of us this is "You don't have to keep selling me, Harry. I already said I'm voting for Trump"

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

Even though I think that Trump ought to be elected, I am not stupid enough to really believe that Trump will do anything to shrink the administrative & bureaucratic state apparatus. I agree with Tucker Carlson that Trump is a moderate. Trump might be a social conservative or he might only be pandering to social conservatives for their votes. When you look at the sovereign debt created during the end of the Trump administration as a response to the fake public health emergency (and scamdemic and plandemic) named “Covid”, it’s obvious that Trump is no fiscal conservative. Personally, I think that MAGA is more of a cult of personality than MAGA is a genuine conservative movement. As a blatant example, once Trump gets back into office — presuming that that’s a foregone conclusion — will Trump get the US out of the UN? No. Will Trump scale down the US’s involvement with war-mongering and expansionist NATO? No. Will Trump distance himself from war-mongering GOP neoconservatives? No.

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I agree that Trump isn't ideologically conservative, and his spending record is a disaster. But Trump did resist the expansion of the permawars, refused to issue national lockdown orders and orders for vaccine and mask mandates, and appointed some of the justices who ended Chevron deference. Compare that to shithead's 100-day mask mandate, or to "we've been patient, but our patience is growing thin."


My hope is that the lawfare has taught him a lesson about the need to genuinely limit the power of government, but he already has a record of relative restraint against the comparison of a party that thinks government power should be essentially unlimited.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

Remember too shithead's Day 1 executive orders cancelling a nearly completed pipeline and throwing open our borders ("surge the border") to a military invasion. Trump may not be non-GMO USDA organic, but Biden and the rest of the Dims are 100% pure pesticide.

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Love the metaphor- perfectly put

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

You make several excellent points, Chris. This is why I think that Trump is the best candidate. But comparing the best candidate to Biden, RFK Jr, Cornel West, the Libertarian Party candidate (whoever he is) and Marianne Williamson is setting the bar ultra low. 😊

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Let's see. It seems like maybe he's got some different advisors lately. His silence after the debate is deafening...which is good.

That would've never happened in 16' or 20'.

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Right there with you. I’m a glass half full kind of person too. So yes, I will vote for him again as well.

But realistically, if a glass is half full, it is empty and full at the same time. We can choose one way or the other as to how we wish to view it. And I truly think that choice is an important one. We often get what we give, as far as our attitudes to everything in life goes. So looking on the bright side to me is not a Pollyanna-ish or ostrich mindset, but a way of choosing how we go through life.

I’m often sad, especially as I pray before the mercy seat for myself, my loved ones and our country and world. It’s hard to watch and live in a collapse of our society. Yet I stand on a firm foundation, and my hope for everything is anchored on the solid rock of the gift of faith I received long ago.

Pray for the best and plan for the worst seems like the best path of wisdom.

To everything there is a time and a season. I really like how Tolkien put it in a conversation between Gandalf and Frodo:

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times; but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

We are right where we are supposed to be.

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Absolutely. So well said. And I'm very thankful we're on the same team Nana.

God bless you!...:]

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May He bless all people of good intent. 🙏🏻

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me, too

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Trump is the only modern president to NOT get us into a war. The persecution of Trump is evidence in its own right that Trump is a threat to totalitarian government. The government's persecution of Trump is evidence in its own right that the government IS totalitarian.

I'd rather be in the UN than out of it. But I'd rather have a president who works the UN to our advantage and not our adversary's advantage.

Yes, he screwed up on COVID. But he learned his lesson quick enough. In the meantime, the administrative (totalitarian) state is still playing COVOD for every bit of power it can derive from it.

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“I'd rather be in the UN than out of it.”

Agree 110%. The “Get U.S. out of the UN!” folks seemingly have no idea of the number of Security Council resolutions the U.S. has vetoed over the last 79 yrs, the passage and implementation of which would have led to war. An organization that elects China, Cuba, Libya & Somalia as members of the UN Human Rights Council is not to be left to its own devices in the dark.

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How many wars that Trump inherited from Obama did Trump end? In my opinion, the political persecution of Trump, using lawfare, is to send a message to populists and outsiders. The persecution isn’t evidence that Trump would do anything to shrink the size of government, to shrink the size of the bureaucracy, to get the US out of NATO and the UN or to get rid of the Federal Reserve banking system. The big things. But Trump will focus on little things.

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He refused to renew funding for the $1billion program that was supposed to create a Free Syrian Army to overthrow Assad. We, of course, managed to draft AQ/IS fighters and supply them with weapons they traded to each other. Guess who was most mad that Trump didn't refund? John Brennan. Think about Trump's Nat Sec Advisor (before he was the first domino targeted) -- Gen Flynn, Obama's DIA chief who after Abu Ghraib decided our policies were boomeranging-crazy

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I simply don’t understand the people and leaders and followers of the leaders who are invested in United States’ military policies which are designed to make America geopolitically and military stronger. I don’t believe that there’s any separation between the USA (including its military) and Baal worship and the USA being the spiritual seat of MYSTERY BABYLON. I’m pretty sure that the MAGA movement is about keeping America the world’s dominant hyperpower.

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Trump recently gave his approval to the $61 billion bill to continue the war in Ukraine, breaking the deadlock in Congress. I don't know if he's learned anything. The problem with Trump is that he is not the monster the Democrats claim him to be, while we're at a point where we need someone who will go scorched earth on our internal enemies. He failed to do that in his first term, and they couped him out of office and then worked to destroy him, his family, his business, and anyone who ever worked with him or supported him. I don't see him doing the very unpleasant things that need to be done to take our country back.

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It's why DeSantis would have been a far better choice. But what can you do about a cult of personality?

It's like trying to explain to Taylor Swift fans that any comparison of her "work" to that of the great American songwriters is like comparing a capgun to an AK - 47. Lots of luck with that.

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I feel bad for your deep pessimism as I read your comment. You gave DJT very little credit in his first term as being a single person fighting almost the entire federal government. Maybe you forgot, or not, but the entire congress didn’t think he would get past the first six months of his term, hence they did everything in lockstep with the enemies of this country to save their own asses. With the seemingly endless sabotaging of everything he stood for was perpetrated by the likes of Paul Ryan, McConnell and (almost) every department head of the entire federal government I think DJT accomplished a lot. I know the former president is a smart man and he learns quick. I guess (hope) that he will be better prepared to see and deal with the traitors of our constitutional republic. But he still has a tremendous job ahead of him with only 4 years to accomplish the annihilation of the unelected corrupted administrative state. I believe him to be our last chance to recover our once great nation from the downward spiral to a third world nation. The end that most of the world would love to see.

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I simply don’t have faith (aka trust, belief, assurance, confidence) in any politician or businessman or billionaire or movement to annihilate the corrupted administrative and bureaucratic state. If this is extreme pessimism, so be it. I think it’s realistic to not have this much trust in anyone or any group of people or any movement. For example, what ever happened to the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party? They were a success?

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My guess: no on the UN, yes on NATO, and yes on warmongering neocons.

We’ll see

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You make some interesting points. But when Trump fist entered office, he didn't know the agenda of his enemies, or even who they all were. Now, he does. So do we all. It will not be the same presidency.

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It will be extremely interesting to see who Trump appoints to the most influential cabinet posts.

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The Fall Of Democrats:

Something Significant

Died In These People.

Or Worse,

Never Lived.


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My late brother (a CPA like me) was a gifted business adviser, who was fired from every job he ever had because he could not comprehend that people have the constitutional right to make bad decisions. Oddly with an attitude like that, he wasn’t a Democrat.

Democrats were never exposed as children to the idea that freedom means not having to listen. Their solution? An unchanging administrative state that is immune (or outright hostile) to the will of the electorate.

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It’s not only Democrats, it’s Republicans as well. I choose not to give either party my time or energy. Those days are long gone. It’s only an illusion of choice!

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Sadly, you’re right. I think Trump’s allure is his repudiation of outright bullshit policies that either don’t work, or produce diametrically opposite results.

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It simply sounds good to people! I see through the bullshit at 60, and hopefully being older gives one a little wisdom. I see so many older people that live in complete UN-reality. If anyone should know better, older people should! The older generations have failed.

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Progressives excel at one thing above all other political players, they project their own darkness onto their opponents. Whatever evil they claim lives in other hearts is what lays deepest in their own.

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Tru dat,

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DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. It's a classic tactic of narcissists.

Of course, narcissism knows no party. Predators will say whatever words charm their victims.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Bray

“Folks, he is not going to leave office, ever.” Wait a minute! Let’s set aside the fact that he left office last time (sure, it was a bumpy trip, but he left), and there is absolutely no way the U.S. is turning into a dictatorship in four years, WHAT ABOUT TRUMP’S AGE??? The man is 78 years old. Unless he’s figured out something the rest of the world hasn’t, yes, he will eventually leave office when he dies. Heck, he might not even make it four more years. You just never know!

As Bugs Bunny would say, “what a maroon!”

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Next the Dems will claim he named his youngest “Barron” in contemplation of establishing a royal House.

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Haven't they already done that?

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Quite possibly. My Bullshit Gauge (think 55 gal rain gauge) overflows every 12 hrs, so I’ve probably missed some stuff.

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yep, recall the idiotic crazy UC Berkeley (my alma mater) law prof comments during impeachment -- a woman who, emblematically, seemed to think that snark = wisdom

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