
First email response to this one from a reader: "Never contact me again."

I'll still be laughing out loud as the sun goes down.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Lol whut?

What on Earth and beyond is there to take offence at in the above post? I mean, I'm well-versed in the woke mindset and all its nefarious ways, but this was a new... something or other.

I'll almost swear this all will end with various oligarchs trying to outbid each other for control of prosecutors and judges in the US, to lawfare their way into control instead of buying politicians as per usual. First the US, then international organisations.

I'd very much like to be wrong.

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As the dollar crashes, their ability to bribe and leverage power decreases. The MSM is dead. Welcome to the crack up and boom of American professionalism. The idea that wealth can be built by producing nothing is going away. All these professionals invested in the system are going to realize they are in fact very poor.

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Since I'm looking from the outside on the US, to me it is indeed starting to resemble a bunch of people who's gone out to eat and drink, and now that the bill's coming due, everyone is looking at the exits, but no-one dares be the first to move, and everyone fears being the last to.

If that makes sense?

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It's never been an easy place to live. It's a little unlike a bill coming due because the debt system is ending (the dollar crashing). So many people are involved in the professional class and don't produce anything, that's the real problem. I would expect anyone with money to head for the exits. We understand that everyone blames us for letting psychopaths overrun our government and criminals to take us over. Just like everyone blames the Germans for WW2. But really, it's the Nazis that did WW2, not the Germans. Folks are not the problem.

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Probably on their 6 th jab and fried their brain mitochondria 😫

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A. Dementia

B. Democrat

C. A and B

D. Thought they were responding to a Groupon email blast for a breakthrough cellulite treatment.

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Thanks for highlighting these worthy causes and brave lawyers.

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I add my thanks. Regarding the J6 Legal Defense Fund: I never saw a Give Send Go campaign where all the donors were "Anonymous".

I thought about why. Then I made my donation anonymously.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

As a little further security, a few times a year I use CASH to buy a Visa or Mastercard debit card in a supermarket, loading a few hundred dollars on the card.

Then I only use that card to donate to online causes that some might consider "democracy-destroying."

Never forget that BofA voluntarily turned over to the feds all the credit card charges or ATM withdrawals of any BofA customer who was in DC on J6 and the days before and after.

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This is wise.

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Thank you! I never heard that idea. It also brings to mind the Canadian seizing and freezing accounts of the Truckers. Which reminds me of another way to support the plight of so-called "our-democracy-destroyers."

2 good books to read or for Christmas gifts, to support the protestors. Tamara Lich in on trial now for her role in the protest. _Hold The Line: My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy_ by Tamara Lich


Benjamin J Dichter HONKING FOR FREEDOM: The Trucker Convoy That Gave Us Hope http://www.amazon.com/dp/1738751414

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You should use bitcoin. Just kidding, sorta.

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It's more trackable than cash-to-anonymous debit card.

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Thank you from me, too. Yet this whole thing makes me furious. The final straw for me with New York State was the realization that I was funding my own oppression by coughing up exorbitant taxes every year -- including paying for the state's legal opposition to Bobbi Ann Cox's lawsuit against the quarantine camps.

The idea that the government uses our money to screw us, then WE have to pay for lawyers to prove it is MADDENING.

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100%. Yes.

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Completely off-topic here, but would you be interested in writing up a quick piece for our first "Screaming with the community" feature? The first topic (as chosen by readers) is "How do we move forward?" Your name came up repeatedly when I asked my readers who they would like to hear from about this topic. Nothing too long, roughly 600-700 words is all. There's more info here: https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/dont-believe-the-gdp-hype or you can hit me up at simulationcommander@protonmail.com.

The public clamors for Chris Bray!

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Give me until this evening to ponder and cogitate.

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No worries! The 'deadline' wouldn't be for another week or so -- plenty of time to jot something down if you decide to participate.

My 'goal' is to run one of these things every month or so (like a community-building thing), and you could pick and choose which questions you want to answer and which you want to ignore.

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I suggest a Manhattan to cogitate the pondering.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Money well-spent. God bless you, Chris

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Everybody should refer to the January 6th prisoners as political prisoners. That's what they are. They are denied their Constitutional and human rights. They are no different from you and me, and at any time the government can put any of us in prison with them, without any charges. America - supposed land of justice and the rule of law - has political prisoners, just like the dictatorships the government likes to howl about. The American government has political prisoners, just like the Soviet Union, just like Cuba, just like China, just like North Korea.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Chris, please contact me again and again and again.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Gave to J6 political prisoners. It infuriates me that so many real criminals get out on bail or no bail only to reoffend and these people are still rotting in jail.

I am so glad they are using GiveSendGo instead of the other one. I do not use the other one under any circumstances.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Thanks for posting.

It’s good that the government doesn’t have any actual tasks that fit under their job descriptions to address. That way they can spend 100% of their time harassing American citizens who don’t have blue hair and septal piercings, thus making everybody as miserable as they are.

This shit is going to just ramp up until we get these Commie rat bastards out of office.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

“DOJ and the FBI have significantly increased the pace of arrests over the past 90 days.” Three years after the event...

Seems to me that defending those arrested is not really a good response. DOJ and FBI have to be taken down. Our "representatives" are not doing that - which is the "approved" way - , so they are complicit. Life needs to be returned to some of the old Grand Jury proceedures, brought by the citizens OUTSIDE of the government.

Maybe my memory is wrong. Or maybe it's a memory of the future.

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The New York Times had a memory of the future when they built their new office building, because unlike the old building, there were no lamp posts outside.

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All great causes! I’m going to add another great place to donate! If there is a Classical K-12 Initiative school in your area, they need your help! Starting up a classical Christian

School is expensive and yet one of the best investments in the future that one can make. Classical schools are about rediscovering Scripture, the unity of knowledge, the classical understanding of nature, of knowing, and of being human, as well as educating the mind, heart, and soul to love and desire God and the life of virtue. We are living in an increasingly darkening age: classical schools are struggling to keep the lights of Western Civilization on. Stop giving to Universities and look to K-12 reform.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I sure wish I had something to spare. This all makes me so discouraged and sad.

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Don't worry about it! It's discouraging, but life is good anyway.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Chris, I am a paid subscriber to Ship and will be sending him a year end donation as well. Anonymously of course 😂

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Terrific, all. But the ballot initiative . . . how does it not fall afoul of California's "single-subject" rule? (Corrected from "one-subject.")

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Have just asked them!

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This is Erin Friday, one of the people on the Executive Committee. The single-subject rule should not be an issue. The LOA did not raise it, and the initiative has to be unrelated. The reason we created one instead of the three initially is because the issues are related to safeguarding children and women.

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Thank you Erin. I'm the opinion editor at The Blaze. Drop me a line, if you wouldn't mind. Chris has my contact info.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The California initiative is great but the most impact will be parents exiting the public school system by whatever means necessary.

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Not every parent can afford to pull their children from public school. And might I add that part of the trick they are playing is that the affluent kids will be homeschooled or go to unwoke private schools, and the "easier targets" - immigrants, economically challenged kids will be indoctrinated without parents having a clue. Transgenderism goes after the most vulnerable. This is why kids with autism get captured, and Tony Thurmond gives out free transgender books to the poorest schools in California. Gender Nation donated thousands of books to the rural schools in Fresno, and Planned Parenthood invaded LAUSD first. When both parents have to work to make ends meet, the schools can more readily parent the kids. Sinister.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Thank you for shining a light. Hyperaware lately of where money should go and only to organizations who do God's work with small admin costs. Here are two more that I have investigated.

1. Magen David Adom/Israel's national emergency service. Impressive info on the work they do is available online.

2. Turning Point USA/Charlie Kirk is working hard at the college and university level where the brainwashing is happening.

There's my two cents for what it's worth. Keep fighting the fight! Our country is worth it.

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