You might be interested in looking at a placebo study that was done regarding arthroscopic knee surgery. The gist of it was that the placebo surgery group had just as good of relief results as the real surgery group. I’m sure you could find it with a little internet searching. I think it was done at Baylor.
You might be interested in looking at a placebo study that was done regarding arthroscopic knee surgery. The gist of it was that the placebo surgery group had just as good of relief results as the real surgery group. I’m sure you could find it with a little internet searching. I think it was done at Baylor.
You might be interested in looking at a placebo study that was done regarding arthroscopic knee surgery. The gist of it was that the placebo surgery group had just as good of relief results as the real surgery group. I’m sure you could find it with a little internet searching. I think it was done at Baylor.