The frightening piece of all of this is how effective it is.
I was dog watching for a friend a few mornings ago. We’ve been neighbors for 25 years. Helps with our race, long time friends. They are lesbian, married sometime after 2014–we gave them gifts etc like any friend would to anyone getting married.
They have known us well for 25 years. This woman has often said (I only know because she’s said it in front of me me numerous times and to me directly), “They (me and my wife) make me want to be a better person..”
High praise, no doubt, and I know she means it.
She’s an ignorant leftist. I do not write this with vicious malice, but truthfully. Only watches MSNBC. Most friends are LGBT. Mainstream media her entire life. Incurious.
So when she returns from her errands she brings up politics. This is after assassination attempt.
I answered her volley with, “47 state landslide. Won’t even be close.”
She answered, “it is going to be all the white men conspiring to keep the black and brown down…”
I said, “What?!?! Lisa?!? What in the fbomb are you talking about?!? You’re taking about me! Do you think I call all my white male friends and we conspire to hold others down?!?!”
She looked down and sheepish—knowing she was just parroting a line from Rachel ‘I hate all men, but dress like them anyway’ Maddow.
This shit works. It gives the mindless a narrative to tell themselves and each other. It is dangerously effective.
“it is going to be all the white men conspiring to keep the black and brown down…”
White liberals deeply and honestly believe that they are the only force keeping the "marginalized" (mostly blacks and gays) from being holocausted and deeply and honestly believe that conservatives are quasi-Nazis waiting to inflict their diabolical plan once they gain the power.
They almost literally believe nothing else, they are like a jukebox that plays only one song, there is no way to argue them out of this, and they will cling to this sacred belief till death.
This is what they mean about residing on "the right side of history": that they are the enlightened saviors of humanity, most especially of the oppressed.
The best propaganda is some combo of fear and flattery, and the propaganda they imbibe daily gives them constant heavy doses of both, which is why they're addicted to it and why their outlets never stop pumping it out, most esp in election season.
The epitome of this thinking--a caricature if you will--is the pear-shaped, divorced or never married deputy director of HR in any organization.
It is rooted in both pride and envy--I don't think you can have one without the other, essentially different sides to the same coin.
It creates a victim mindset. I heard Jordan Peterson answer a question one time about the victim mindset, and he said something to the effect of, "If you maintain a victim mindset, it always ends in a sense of, a belief in entitlement. You are entitled to something."
Hit me like a ton of bricks. I have blamed my step dad for a ton of shit over the years, and I don't know why this particular answer on this particular day hit me--but I began to see how often and where I act the victim in my own thinking. Where do I believe I'm entitled?
I have also come to believe it is not an education issue, it is a spiritual battle.
I wish there was a way to turn off the media for 30 days. Allow for the entire nation to detox, and maybe come to their senses.
I did this myself with talk radio in 2010-ish when I found myself thinking ill of one of my best friends who happens to be more left of center than me. It was Obamacare or the Obama bailouts--remember when the admin gave the Big 3 over to the unions?
I was in my head asking - with plenty of heat and derision - how can Matt be so fbomb stupid?!?!?! (He was the editor of the Law Review in Law School, and easily the best officer I have ever worked with in my life.) Who was being stupid?
So, I'm sitting in my parking place about to walk into the office while Rush is playing - not 2112/Tom Sawyer Rush - Rush Limbaugh--and I reached over to turn it off. Haven't turned it on again since then--and while I still get insane at times--it is not nearly as often, and I am not tossing hate grenades at my friends.
This is a nice post. You made up your mind to “live and let live”. People on the right tend to do this - not impose their personal views on others. The problem, as I see it, is people on the left who want this steam roller to keep going until it crushes all dissent. Not healthy.
Any attempt to reform or restore the U.S. to pre-Prog Politburo status must be crushed immediately.
You're right -- this shit works, and it has for four decades at least. Once the dad-led family was broken (by feminism and elite allies like the Rockefellers) then females become much more pliable via emotional triggering. Modern women in the West have been moving into a unary hivemind for the past century. They understand that they are the institutional authority now, and thus must constantly repel imagined threats to their power.
The moment any threat to that hegemony arises -- as with merely pointing out Kammie's patently faked cackling -- the wagons immediately draw together into a tight, defensive, paranoid circle that, well dayum will ya lookit that, greatly resembles Lockdown D.C.
Destruction of the father-led family was #1 on the list of feminist demands in the Sixties. It was everywhere in their literature and addresses of that time.
Nobody advocated more loudly, persistently, or belligerently than the American female upon assuming she was enslaved by a (nonexistent) patriarchy . . . while being the most privileged and protected mass-group ever to walk the Earth. I remember those days well and, assuredly, U.S. females led the charge to create the fatherless Hillary Longhouse in which Americans now live.
The masonic chapters and lodges, as you note, were the string-pullers of the current Woke-Fem Politburo, and in fact stage-managed the entire descent and corruption of America. But they did not inject resentment, selfishness, and blind hatred into the female heart. They just worked with what already existed.
Perhaps you should have replied to her idiot remark about conspiring white men, ‘If only…’. Black and brown! Does she know that worldwide whites are in the minority? With this in mind, she should take a look at the black and brownness of the people illegally (and legally) entering the US and Europe and have a think about whether those black and brown men will be as kind about her sexual perversion as white men are.
I care about her and our friendship. My response was merely to point out how ridiculous it was by asking her if that is how she thought of me--a middle aged, middle class, white guy she has known for 25 years.
She wasn't thinking, she was parroting a line given to her by legacy media and the filth they purport.
In this one case, when I asked her if she actually believed that is how I operate, it got through. I could tell by her posture, face, demeanor that the wind had come out of her sails.
I think there are times when stark truth bombs like you said are useful, but in this case it would not have worked.
You are very kind and patient. Im afraid I’m not, and am done with those who wore masks who nearly all ‘think’ like your neighbour. The stupidity and childishness of it all will run us off the cliff. The most moronic thing is they think they’re ‘giving it to the man’.
I see my own country (the U.K.) being destroyed by legal and illegal immigration, those very ‘black and browns’ who are here only for the generous handouts our evil governments are, and have been for many years, giving them. I believe one U.K. government or another (of any persuasion) will soon pretend that the ‘money has ran out’ so no social security net for men like my husband and brothers who have paid in for years and never taken out. Perhaps then the blacks and browns will go back to whatever sh%t hole they came from, because at least the weather might be better in said hole, eh? I think that’s my only hope - that eventually the evil ones will cut off all the welfare, all the benefits, everything and all these fighting-age men will deport themselves. I’d be happy to live without the appalling money sink that is the nhs, even to forgo my pittance of a state pension, if it means the English get our country back. I don’t suppose many would agree: the great big fatties and masked morons that are such a huge portion of my fellow countrymen love their handouts and endless prescription drugs as much as the next Muslim.
Thank you. I understand how you feel--I often feel exactly the same way. As an American I am not against immigration, I am against losing our culture, our infrastructure, our history, our nation to groups of people who choose not to assimilate.
My family immigrated from Scandinavia 100 years ago.
I think the US should halt all immigration for at least 24 months to begin to root out all the illegals, and then determine what are the needs our country has? Would be great to attract the best, the brightest, those willing to assimilate from other countries--but we are a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles--we cannot allow this to dilute.
I lived in Germany from 1992-1994. At the time, the Turks were the 'minority of contempt' among the Germans. I'm certain they would give 25% of what they currently own to return to those mild days of a few thousand Turks 'disrupting' today...
Yes. I voted for it, and to legalize weed. In hindsight with the transification of America and everyone stoned to the beJesus all the time, probably not good choices.
That said, I have always considered homosexuality similar to being left handed, but even rarer. My brother is left handed, and I don't hate him. I came to this conclusion on my own when I was 16 at a YMCA summer camp.
The camp's spiritual program was called a Ragger--and we had mentors. My mentor was the coolest camp guy in the world. EVERYONE loved him. We all wanted to be like him. He was funny, knew everything about the outdoors, kind, athletic--he exuded camp energy.
After about 6 weeks, someone tells me Randy is Bi-sexual. This was 1985--no difference to me--we called gay people a term that rhymes with dish rags...
I was completely blown away. The world beneath my feet shifted--I was unstable.
I went off by myself to think this through. Does this mean he is not the smartest naturalist at camp? no. Does it mean he's not funny? no. Does it mean, no, no.
Then, and I don't know why this metaphor came to mind, but I realized my brother was left handed--and teachers always wanted him to write differently.
Oh, he's like Alan. He's left handed.
We gave presents to our friends who celebrated something significant in their lives.
I have committed and will commit much greater sins in my life.
Dunno. If it is like being left-handed, maybe... well, when I was growing up, we had no left-handed kids in school. Everybody was expected to write with their right hand. Maybe it was a better world when gay people married hetero and had kids and kept their sexual proclivities out of public view? When I reflect on what sort of filth and enforced lunacy the gay community has unleashed upon the rest of us, I am left wondering.
I have changed my mind on so many issues that I believed were absolute truths when I was once thick libertarian streak has become more and more narrow each passing year--and with each passing fentanyl death, and Pride parade with open fellatio and sodomy are performed openly in front of children...
When I was younger--I valued freedom/liberty above all else. I often joked that my libertarian streak was nothing more than a 'problem with authority'--and that is more true than my younger self wanted to admit.
Had a horrible step dad whose rules were arbitrary, unevenly enforced, and when enforced involved violence.
That turned me into a rebel.
I no longer believe that human beings are capable of true liberty. We simply screw it up again and again and again.
I finally see this in my own behavior, habits, frames of mind, and happiness as well. I am, counter-intuitively, much happier, way more compassionate, kinder, easier--I tread more lightly--when I live up to some rather strict rules of engagement for myself. Limit my caloric intake. Fast frequently. Exercise daily, often as bookends to the day. Make time for spirit-Scripture, prayer, meditation. Keep everything around me clean and orderly.
Basically the more disciplined I am in my own life, the less I notice the faults, warts, errors of others. That may very well be the brilliance behind Christ's admonition to '...first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see more clearly to take the speck from your brother's eye."
He probably could have ended it with, " will see more clearly." My own experience, when living up to my highest, best self, is that I don't even notice the speck.
All this is to say, you may be right. The older I get the more conservative I am becoming, I have a nascent faith I am trying to strengthen, and I see the world with less optimistic fervor and a more grounded rationality. Truth is maybe LGBT people in the past were actually happier raising kids despite a yearning to love another. Who knows? People are both simple and complicated.
Yeah. They know. Maybe they could talk about that... so far I have not seen it.
If they could have a normal life without the fear of being found out and abused, maybe that would be the best choice all around. (By normal life I mean a life without sticking out like a sore thumb and having to kowtow to (or cringer at) the latest arrogant excesses of the alphabet activists.)
It's become possible now. Will they move in that direction?
Everybody's fed up with the prideful filth parades and kid targeting. Will very likely turn against them in the long run.
Affirming a sinner in their sin is not loving them. Being ok with someone being gay is the most hateful thing you can do to them. Jesus prevented the mob from stoning the prostitute and then told her to go and sin no more. He didn't say " Honey, it's ok, I love you, just keep doing what your doing because you can't help it." No, he told her to stop committing the sin that almost lead to her corporal death and most certainly would have lead to her spiritual death.
The current cowardly "Christian" acceptance of sodomites in our society has lead to more sodomites, more sexual grooming of children, more child rape, and more damned souls.
You are not God. At some point you have to choose between hating moral reprobates or hating the children they will prey upon if left to operate openly in society.
I appreciate your reply and agree with some of your response. I don't think "loving the sinner" equates to affirming the sin (at least the way I define it). However, if we condemn people in their sin then there isn't any path for repentance and salvation.
As you note, Jesus prevented the mob from stoning the sinner to death. How exactly did he do that? He called out, indirectly, the sin in their own lives.
"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”" John 8:7
The path for people condemned in their sin is Christ but if they are never condemned there is no reason for them to repent in pursuit of salvation.
The new age love fest Christian wants to equate throwing a stone at another person to using words directed at another person to point out their sin. We do not have a right to murder other sinners but we do have a responsibility to try to keep them from practicing lawlessness.
I think the issue is how a person defines love. Some people think providing meals, shelter, and clean needles to heroin addicts is an act of love. This is the same as providing friendship to a sodomite. It might make you feel good but you are completely ignoring the fact that enabling a drug addict or a sodomite is just helping them to destroy their soul while ignoring the harm they are causing to themselves and everyone around them.
The drug addict will continue to steal from the society they live in to feed their habit and the sodomite will prey upon a child if they can get away with it. It is easier for a sodomite to prey upon children in a society that openly accepts sodomy.
So, if you "love the sinner" who is a sodomite, then you must necessarily hate the children that sodomite will groom and rape.
And they gave us those humiliating scissors! Took a long time for me to realize it was just a way for teachers to tell them apart for easy distribution...but I carried a grudge about those blunt nosed scissors for many years.
Oh! I never knew that! Makes sense as golf clubs are also left or right handed. My ignorance about different, possibly odd looking scissors is a great window into the human mind.
So many of our misunderstandings, fights, wars are likely rooted in these unconscious biases, and the perspective however, innocent and benign, we may believe they are, that how I see things is true. True for a right hand, or a left-handed? we rarely, rarely, rarely question or own perspective.
I think it was in “Atlas shrugged” or “the fountain head” where Ayn Rand repeatedly admonishes, “check your premise.”
I don’t remember which Ayn Rand novel said that but it sure sounds like her!!
It’s amazing how sensitive to social cues children are. Feeling slighted over different scissors - my goodness. Or maybe threatened by the more potent ‘sharpies’.
Since they were used less often, they were likely sharper. Funny how perceived negatives can be actual positives when reality sinks in.
Anyway what an odd digression but oddly enjoyable. Enjoyed your post a lot!!
Well stated. You cannot reason with these people. They will believe what they want to believe; being uninformed, they mindlessly repeat what they hear. Logic, statistics, lack of proof - nothing can shake an opinion, especially one popular with their cohorts. The best definition is that they are "Useful Idiots."
It's not pointless. All you need to do is look at the freak show opening ceremony at the Olympics, or tune in to your local libraries Drag Time Story hour to see the result of accepting and celebrating sexually deviant behavior in society.
This crap all started with ignorant boomers tripping over themselves to be overjoyed for friends and family who came out of the closet. It will end with young children being taken from their parents and sent to "find themselves" at sexual indoctrination camps run by pedophiles.
You can either live in a family centered society in which children are protected and sodomites are shunned or live in a society in which parents are kept in the dark while their child is fed hormones to transition them into a sterile, suicidal, gender confused shel of a human being.
So are you saying lesbian pornography doesn't contribute to degeneracy and moral decay?? Cause I think it does thus I think his comment was pointless and not contributing to the conversation. I'm confused as to how you have a problem with that.
If course lesbian pornography contributes to moral decay. Besides the basic problem with porns detrimental effect on society, lezbo porn presents a false presentation of what lesbians look like to snooker men into accepting the premise of the LGBTQLMNOP movement. Real life lesbians are way grosser than what's presented by those actors.
It's so weird how all of the media outlets who felt SO BETRAYED by the White House's 'coverup' of Biden's condition didn't even bother to ask the sitting VP when she realized that maybe Biden couldn't do the job.
Also, check this out from today -- Jen Rubin vs. a known troll:
Harris is a lightweight and easy to defeat. Be careful of misdirection, as when watching a magician. The opponent is actually the media, and that is the force to be defeated.
I don’t even think it’s maniacal. I think it’s because when she’s on the spot, her brain freezes and the laugh just gets her through the next 10 seconds while she tries to figure out what to say. I can deal with a maniacal cackle if what’s inside is a serious and smart person.
Every idiot I've ever encountered in a meeting uses Kamala Kackles to hide the fact they aren't prepared, have nothing to say, don't want to be called on their bullshit or a combination thereof.
In an effort to give her a shot I did the pain's taking task of listening to one of her speeches for a sorority recently. She didn't sound like an idiot that she is always shown as. Nothing of substance was said but it was coherent. However, anytime she has to go unscripted she gets completely lost, so I agree that she is not a serious or smart person.
Yes once again the legacy media goes to bat for an unqualified sanctified candidate. They tell us what we are really seeing is a capable strong person, just like they told us, nothing is wrong with Joe Biden for the last 4 years. After all he could pedal a bicycle, well most of the time. We were told he was the gentle, kind grandpa that was supposed to bring Americans together.
I believe in the msm just like I believe Dr. Jill is a real doctor. Her degree is an actual BS degree.💩
Well said. “Harris laughs like a person who’s cosplaying a role she wears awkwardly. It’s inauthentic. Everyone sees this. It’s crushingly obvious reality. So a bunch of extremely unprincipled and not-terribly-bright professional narrative-reciters have been giving the task of trying to tell you not to believe your own eyes and ears. Journalism, 2024. Pathetic.”
From my latest: “In a serious society, truth cannot be relative. It should be like gravity, a law that doesn’t change, even if it sometimes leads to bad breaks and falls.
A quote comes to mind from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who suffered imprisonment and torture when Soviet Union lackeys morphed lies into truth:
We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.
If truth is Fort Sumter, it’s way past April 12, 1861.
We’ve surrendered and lost it.
Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, truth has to be truth and lie has to be lie.
A heart painted red is not a spade. Nor is a diamond painted black a club.
Whitewashing history does nothing more than create a blank slate on which more blood, sweat, and tears will be foolishly spilt repeating mistakes we should’ve learned from long ago.”
We are describing a hollow pantsuit. These guys have asked us, no, demanded that we don’t believe our lying eyes! I’m thinking Willie Brown would be the perfect VP choice.
It is the nervous laughter of a person who knows that they are utterly out of their depth. But it is not just a lack of self-confidence. After listening to her comments about Venn Diagrams, the ‘passage of time’, the color of her dress and school busses, I am completely convinced that it is a justified lack of self-confidence.
They talk about the laugh. Because then they don’t have to talk about the giant elephant in the room…her unlikability is not really the problem. The fact that she is completely out of her depth on ANY stage is the problem. I don’t know how to even process all the silly headlines right now.
But now she will have speechwriters, teleprompters. So we are going to see some moments of a more plausible presidential veneer. They will have her sounding as intelligent as the average Vox writer now and then.
These journo-licks don’t understand it’s not HOW she laughs it’s WHEN she laughs that gives everyone the creeps. She giggles about liking school buses. Anybody who likes school buses is a sociopath.
Sorry Cap'n, no can do. I've self-flagelated into a higher being who spiritually is inable to criticize oneself. I've no problem shitting on lesser beings though.
If Harris wins, inside of four years there'll be no recognizable trace in the US of classical liberalism keeled by western traditions of excellence and merit. Instead of individual problem-solving, everyone will complain and expect an authority to intervene on their behalf at every level from non-payment of rent to serial pederasty.
We will officially recognize and celebrate individuals who look and act like characters in the film "Fellini's Satyricon".
I don't think they violated the airspace as much as poked USG/MIC/DOS in the eye public relations wise. They fly by all the time. It was the timing. Also, if what they report is accurate 😬, Russian and PLA in tandem is sending more a message than a military threat (with ancient aircraft).
What if she is just a sacrificial candidate? They know she is an idiot with no way to win the Presidency. They are worried about the down-ballot candidates. They are hoping to win the House and Senate, so they are propping Kamala up. They have sent the 4 am orders to the legacy media and they are delivering the best defenses they can come up with. It is hard to defend the indefensible, hard to give credit when no credit is due. She was given certain duties (the border Czar who left the southern border wide open, the AI Czar who did little toward furthering AI). Kamala is a lazy, cruel and very stupid person who deserves no respect, so they defend her hideous cackle and hope we don't remember their betrayal of not only their readers, their once honored profession but all of their fellow citizens as well.
The frightening piece of all of this is how effective it is.
I was dog watching for a friend a few mornings ago. We’ve been neighbors for 25 years. Helps with our race, long time friends. They are lesbian, married sometime after 2014–we gave them gifts etc like any friend would to anyone getting married.
They have known us well for 25 years. This woman has often said (I only know because she’s said it in front of me me numerous times and to me directly), “They (me and my wife) make me want to be a better person..”
High praise, no doubt, and I know she means it.
She’s an ignorant leftist. I do not write this with vicious malice, but truthfully. Only watches MSNBC. Most friends are LGBT. Mainstream media her entire life. Incurious.
So when she returns from her errands she brings up politics. This is after assassination attempt.
I answered her volley with, “47 state landslide. Won’t even be close.”
She answered, “it is going to be all the white men conspiring to keep the black and brown down…”
I said, “What?!?! Lisa?!? What in the fbomb are you talking about?!? You’re taking about me! Do you think I call all my white male friends and we conspire to hold others down?!?!”
She looked down and sheepish—knowing she was just parroting a line from Rachel ‘I hate all men, but dress like them anyway’ Maddow.
This shit works. It gives the mindless a narrative to tell themselves and each other. It is dangerously effective.
“it is going to be all the white men conspiring to keep the black and brown down…”
White liberals deeply and honestly believe that they are the only force keeping the "marginalized" (mostly blacks and gays) from being holocausted and deeply and honestly believe that conservatives are quasi-Nazis waiting to inflict their diabolical plan once they gain the power.
They almost literally believe nothing else, they are like a jukebox that plays only one song, there is no way to argue them out of this, and they will cling to this sacred belief till death.
This is what they mean about residing on "the right side of history": that they are the enlightened saviors of humanity, most especially of the oppressed.
The best propaganda is some combo of fear and flattery, and the propaganda they imbibe daily gives them constant heavy doses of both, which is why they're addicted to it and why their outlets never stop pumping it out, most esp in election season.
They want to be on the right side of history. Being on the side of God never comes to their minds.
... let alone the right side of reason.
The epitome of this thinking--a caricature if you will--is the pear-shaped, divorced or never married deputy director of HR in any organization.
It is rooted in both pride and envy--I don't think you can have one without the other, essentially different sides to the same coin.
It creates a victim mindset. I heard Jordan Peterson answer a question one time about the victim mindset, and he said something to the effect of, "If you maintain a victim mindset, it always ends in a sense of, a belief in entitlement. You are entitled to something."
Hit me like a ton of bricks. I have blamed my step dad for a ton of shit over the years, and I don't know why this particular answer on this particular day hit me--but I began to see how often and where I act the victim in my own thinking. Where do I believe I'm entitled?
I have also come to believe it is not an education issue, it is a spiritual battle.
I wish there was a way to turn off the media for 30 days. Allow for the entire nation to detox, and maybe come to their senses.
I did this myself with talk radio in 2010-ish when I found myself thinking ill of one of my best friends who happens to be more left of center than me. It was Obamacare or the Obama bailouts--remember when the admin gave the Big 3 over to the unions?
I was in my head asking - with plenty of heat and derision - how can Matt be so fbomb stupid?!?!?! (He was the editor of the Law Review in Law School, and easily the best officer I have ever worked with in my life.) Who was being stupid?
So, I'm sitting in my parking place about to walk into the office while Rush is playing - not 2112/Tom Sawyer Rush - Rush Limbaugh--and I reached over to turn it off. Haven't turned it on again since then--and while I still get insane at times--it is not nearly as often, and I am not tossing hate grenades at my friends.
This is a nice post. You made up your mind to “live and let live”. People on the right tend to do this - not impose their personal views on others. The problem, as I see it, is people on the left who want this steam roller to keep going until it crushes all dissent. Not healthy.
Spot on.
Any attempt to reform or restore the U.S. to pre-Prog Politburo status must be crushed immediately.
You're right -- this shit works, and it has for four decades at least. Once the dad-led family was broken (by feminism and elite allies like the Rockefellers) then females become much more pliable via emotional triggering. Modern women in the West have been moving into a unary hivemind for the past century. They understand that they are the institutional authority now, and thus must constantly repel imagined threats to their power.
The moment any threat to that hegemony arises -- as with merely pointing out Kammie's patently faked cackling -- the wagons immediately draw together into a tight, defensive, paranoid circle that, well dayum will ya lookit that, greatly resembles Lockdown D.C.
Family was targeted by commies and freemasons.
Destruction of the father-led family was #1 on the list of feminist demands in the Sixties. It was everywhere in their literature and addresses of that time.
Nobody advocated more loudly, persistently, or belligerently than the American female upon assuming she was enslaved by a (nonexistent) patriarchy . . . while being the most privileged and protected mass-group ever to walk the Earth. I remember those days well and, assuredly, U.S. females led the charge to create the fatherless Hillary Longhouse in which Americans now live.
The masonic chapters and lodges, as you note, were the string-pullers of the current Woke-Fem Politburo, and in fact stage-managed the entire descent and corruption of America. But they did not inject resentment, selfishness, and blind hatred into the female heart. They just worked with what already existed.
Feminism is evil. It too came from Commies.
(And I bet freemasonry).
They both have infamous list of their goals to destroy society. They have executed it very well.
They have already lost!!!!!
Perhaps you should have replied to her idiot remark about conspiring white men, ‘If only…’. Black and brown! Does she know that worldwide whites are in the minority? With this in mind, she should take a look at the black and brownness of the people illegally (and legally) entering the US and Europe and have a think about whether those black and brown men will be as kind about her sexual perversion as white men are.
I care about her and our friendship. My response was merely to point out how ridiculous it was by asking her if that is how she thought of me--a middle aged, middle class, white guy she has known for 25 years.
She wasn't thinking, she was parroting a line given to her by legacy media and the filth they purport.
In this one case, when I asked her if she actually believed that is how I operate, it got through. I could tell by her posture, face, demeanor that the wind had come out of her sails.
I think there are times when stark truth bombs like you said are useful, but in this case it would not have worked.
You are very kind and patient. Im afraid I’m not, and am done with those who wore masks who nearly all ‘think’ like your neighbour. The stupidity and childishness of it all will run us off the cliff. The most moronic thing is they think they’re ‘giving it to the man’.
I see my own country (the U.K.) being destroyed by legal and illegal immigration, those very ‘black and browns’ who are here only for the generous handouts our evil governments are, and have been for many years, giving them. I believe one U.K. government or another (of any persuasion) will soon pretend that the ‘money has ran out’ so no social security net for men like my husband and brothers who have paid in for years and never taken out. Perhaps then the blacks and browns will go back to whatever sh%t hole they came from, because at least the weather might be better in said hole, eh? I think that’s my only hope - that eventually the evil ones will cut off all the welfare, all the benefits, everything and all these fighting-age men will deport themselves. I’d be happy to live without the appalling money sink that is the nhs, even to forgo my pittance of a state pension, if it means the English get our country back. I don’t suppose many would agree: the great big fatties and masked morons that are such a huge portion of my fellow countrymen love their handouts and endless prescription drugs as much as the next Muslim.
Thank you. I understand how you feel--I often feel exactly the same way. As an American I am not against immigration, I am against losing our culture, our infrastructure, our history, our nation to groups of people who choose not to assimilate.
My family immigrated from Scandinavia 100 years ago.
I think the US should halt all immigration for at least 24 months to begin to root out all the illegals, and then determine what are the needs our country has? Would be great to attract the best, the brightest, those willing to assimilate from other countries--but we are a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles--we cannot allow this to dilute.
I lived in Germany from 1992-1994. At the time, the Turks were the 'minority of contempt' among the Germans. I'm certain they would give 25% of what they currently own to return to those mild days of a few thousand Turks 'disrupting' today...
Well said.
You gave presents to a lesbian "marriage"?
Not good.4 Sins Crying out to heaven for vengeance and you celebrated it
Yes. I voted for it, and to legalize weed. In hindsight with the transification of America and everyone stoned to the beJesus all the time, probably not good choices.
That said, I have always considered homosexuality similar to being left handed, but even rarer. My brother is left handed, and I don't hate him. I came to this conclusion on my own when I was 16 at a YMCA summer camp.
The camp's spiritual program was called a Ragger--and we had mentors. My mentor was the coolest camp guy in the world. EVERYONE loved him. We all wanted to be like him. He was funny, knew everything about the outdoors, kind, athletic--he exuded camp energy.
After about 6 weeks, someone tells me Randy is Bi-sexual. This was 1985--no difference to me--we called gay people a term that rhymes with dish rags...
I was completely blown away. The world beneath my feet shifted--I was unstable.
I went off by myself to think this through. Does this mean he is not the smartest naturalist at camp? no. Does it mean he's not funny? no. Does it mean, no, no.
Then, and I don't know why this metaphor came to mind, but I realized my brother was left handed--and teachers always wanted him to write differently.
Oh, he's like Alan. He's left handed.
We gave presents to our friends who celebrated something significant in their lives.
I have committed and will commit much greater sins in my life.
I don't hate people either. But I don't comfort people in active sin.
Good on ya, Brian! We don’t need to live up (or down) to their caricature of us.
Dunno. If it is like being left-handed, maybe... well, when I was growing up, we had no left-handed kids in school. Everybody was expected to write with their right hand. Maybe it was a better world when gay people married hetero and had kids and kept their sexual proclivities out of public view? When I reflect on what sort of filth and enforced lunacy the gay community has unleashed upon the rest of us, I am left wondering.
I have changed my mind on so many issues that I believed were absolute truths when I was once thick libertarian streak has become more and more narrow each passing year--and with each passing fentanyl death, and Pride parade with open fellatio and sodomy are performed openly in front of children...
When I was younger--I valued freedom/liberty above all else. I often joked that my libertarian streak was nothing more than a 'problem with authority'--and that is more true than my younger self wanted to admit.
Had a horrible step dad whose rules were arbitrary, unevenly enforced, and when enforced involved violence.
That turned me into a rebel.
I no longer believe that human beings are capable of true liberty. We simply screw it up again and again and again.
I finally see this in my own behavior, habits, frames of mind, and happiness as well. I am, counter-intuitively, much happier, way more compassionate, kinder, easier--I tread more lightly--when I live up to some rather strict rules of engagement for myself. Limit my caloric intake. Fast frequently. Exercise daily, often as bookends to the day. Make time for spirit-Scripture, prayer, meditation. Keep everything around me clean and orderly.
Basically the more disciplined I am in my own life, the less I notice the faults, warts, errors of others. That may very well be the brilliance behind Christ's admonition to '...first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see more clearly to take the speck from your brother's eye."
He probably could have ended it with, " will see more clearly." My own experience, when living up to my highest, best self, is that I don't even notice the speck.
All this is to say, you may be right. The older I get the more conservative I am becoming, I have a nascent faith I am trying to strengthen, and I see the world with less optimistic fervor and a more grounded rationality. Truth is maybe LGBT people in the past were actually happier raising kids despite a yearning to love another. Who knows? People are both simple and complicated.
Thank you for your post.
Yeah. They know. Maybe they could talk about that... so far I have not seen it.
If they could have a normal life without the fear of being found out and abused, maybe that would be the best choice all around. (By normal life I mean a life without sticking out like a sore thumb and having to kowtow to (or cringer at) the latest arrogant excesses of the alphabet activists.)
It's become possible now. Will they move in that direction?
Everybody's fed up with the prideful filth parades and kid targeting. Will very likely turn against them in the long run.
Thank you for the thoughtful reply.
Love the sinner, hate the sin. If Jesus didn’t love sinners none of us would have a chance.
Affirming a sinner in their sin is not loving them. Being ok with someone being gay is the most hateful thing you can do to them. Jesus prevented the mob from stoning the prostitute and then told her to go and sin no more. He didn't say " Honey, it's ok, I love you, just keep doing what your doing because you can't help it." No, he told her to stop committing the sin that almost lead to her corporal death and most certainly would have lead to her spiritual death.
The current cowardly "Christian" acceptance of sodomites in our society has lead to more sodomites, more sexual grooming of children, more child rape, and more damned souls.
You are not God. At some point you have to choose between hating moral reprobates or hating the children they will prey upon if left to operate openly in society.
I appreciate your reply and agree with some of your response. I don't think "loving the sinner" equates to affirming the sin (at least the way I define it). However, if we condemn people in their sin then there isn't any path for repentance and salvation.
As you note, Jesus prevented the mob from stoning the sinner to death. How exactly did he do that? He called out, indirectly, the sin in their own lives.
"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”" John 8:7
The path for people condemned in their sin is Christ but if they are never condemned there is no reason for them to repent in pursuit of salvation.
The new age love fest Christian wants to equate throwing a stone at another person to using words directed at another person to point out their sin. We do not have a right to murder other sinners but we do have a responsibility to try to keep them from practicing lawlessness.
I think the issue is how a person defines love. Some people think providing meals, shelter, and clean needles to heroin addicts is an act of love. This is the same as providing friendship to a sodomite. It might make you feel good but you are completely ignoring the fact that enabling a drug addict or a sodomite is just helping them to destroy their soul while ignoring the harm they are causing to themselves and everyone around them.
The drug addict will continue to steal from the society they live in to feed their habit and the sodomite will prey upon a child if they can get away with it. It is easier for a sodomite to prey upon children in a society that openly accepts sodomy.
So, if you "love the sinner" who is a sodomite, then you must necessarily hate the children that sodomite will groom and rape.
You are a good dude.
I had a discussion like this with a friend yesterday Brian , appreciate your frankness.
And they gave us those humiliating scissors! Took a long time for me to realize it was just a way for teachers to tell them apart for easy distribution...but I carried a grudge about those blunt nosed scissors for many years.
Oh! I never knew that! Makes sense as golf clubs are also left or right handed. My ignorance about different, possibly odd looking scissors is a great window into the human mind.
So many of our misunderstandings, fights, wars are likely rooted in these unconscious biases, and the perspective however, innocent and benign, we may believe they are, that how I see things is true. True for a right hand, or a left-handed? we rarely, rarely, rarely question or own perspective.
I think it was in “Atlas shrugged” or “the fountain head” where Ayn Rand repeatedly admonishes, “check your premise.”
I don’t remember which Ayn Rand novel said that but it sure sounds like her!!
It’s amazing how sensitive to social cues children are. Feeling slighted over different scissors - my goodness. Or maybe threatened by the more potent ‘sharpies’.
Since they were used less often, they were likely sharper. Funny how perceived negatives can be actual positives when reality sinks in.
Anyway what an odd digression but oddly enjoyable. Enjoyed your post a lot!!
Thanks Jen. Have a great weekend.
Well stated. You cannot reason with these people. They will believe what they want to believe; being uninformed, they mindlessly repeat what they hear. Logic, statistics, lack of proof - nothing can shake an opinion, especially one popular with their cohorts. The best definition is that they are "Useful Idiots."
Lesbians shouldn't be allowed unless they are super hot, which only happens in pornos and not in real life.
Congratulations on giving two lesbians wedding gifts and contributing to the moral decay of our nation.
Well this is an immature and pointless comment. Really! Thanks for contributing to the decline of moral and ethical standards in the comments section.
It's not pointless. All you need to do is look at the freak show opening ceremony at the Olympics, or tune in to your local libraries Drag Time Story hour to see the result of accepting and celebrating sexually deviant behavior in society.
This crap all started with ignorant boomers tripping over themselves to be overjoyed for friends and family who came out of the closet. It will end with young children being taken from their parents and sent to "find themselves" at sexual indoctrination camps run by pedophiles.
You can either live in a family centered society in which children are protected and sodomites are shunned or live in a society in which parents are kept in the dark while their child is fed hormones to transition them into a sterile, suicidal, gender confused shel of a human being.
Pick one.
So are you saying lesbian pornography doesn't contribute to degeneracy and moral decay?? Cause I think it does thus I think his comment was pointless and not contributing to the conversation. I'm confused as to how you have a problem with that.
If course lesbian pornography contributes to moral decay. Besides the basic problem with porns detrimental effect on society, lezbo porn presents a false presentation of what lesbians look like to snooker men into accepting the premise of the LGBTQLMNOP movement. Real life lesbians are way grosser than what's presented by those actors.
It's so weird how all of the media outlets who felt SO BETRAYED by the White House's 'coverup' of Biden's condition didn't even bother to ask the sitting VP when she realized that maybe Biden couldn't do the job.
Also, check this out from today -- Jen Rubin vs. a known troll:
Troll by TKO
That X post was BRILLIANT! Who the hell are you?!? I’m a licensed notary public…!! Too funny.
Demonstrative as well. Much better to poke fun and tease than to take any of them seriously.
I'm guessing Jen Rubin didn't berate Mrs. Clinton for campaigning as "Hillary." Jen's brain tissue must be as scrambled as Crooks'.
Harris is a lightweight and easy to defeat. Be careful of misdirection, as when watching a magician. The opponent is actually the media, and that is the force to be defeated.
And watch out for another stolen election. It's really all they've got.
I don’t even think it’s maniacal. I think it’s because when she’s on the spot, her brain freezes and the laugh just gets her through the next 10 seconds while she tries to figure out what to say. I can deal with a maniacal cackle if what’s inside is a serious and smart person.
Every idiot I've ever encountered in a meeting uses Kamala Kackles to hide the fact they aren't prepared, have nothing to say, don't want to be called on their bullshit or a combination thereof.
In an effort to give her a shot I did the pain's taking task of listening to one of her speeches for a sorority recently. She didn't sound like an idiot that she is always shown as. Nothing of substance was said but it was coherent. However, anytime she has to go unscripted she gets completely lost, so I agree that she is not a serious or smart person.
Exactly. Her cackle is cover and pretense when she feels lost or intellectually inferior. It's like laughing at her own jokes when no one else is.
Seems to me to be a nervous laugh.
So not a confident person.
Maybe because she knows that she has to play a role.
Knows that she has to lie.
I don't imagine that she wants to laugh like that but it's her release.
Not sure how you can use, "what’s inside is a serious and smart person", even in a speculative context, in a comment about Kacklin' Kamala.
Yes once again the legacy media goes to bat for an unqualified sanctified candidate. They tell us what we are really seeing is a capable strong person, just like they told us, nothing is wrong with Joe Biden for the last 4 years. After all he could pedal a bicycle, well most of the time. We were told he was the gentle, kind grandpa that was supposed to bring Americans together.
I believe in the msm just like I believe Dr. Jill is a real doctor. Her degree is an actual BS degree.💩
Kamala's sharp as a tack, the best Kamala ever. Just ask Joe Scarborough.
Well said. “Harris laughs like a person who’s cosplaying a role she wears awkwardly. It’s inauthentic. Everyone sees this. It’s crushingly obvious reality. So a bunch of extremely unprincipled and not-terribly-bright professional narrative-reciters have been giving the task of trying to tell you not to believe your own eyes and ears. Journalism, 2024. Pathetic.”
From my latest: “In a serious society, truth cannot be relative. It should be like gravity, a law that doesn’t change, even if it sometimes leads to bad breaks and falls.
A quote comes to mind from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who suffered imprisonment and torture when Soviet Union lackeys morphed lies into truth:
We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.
If truth is Fort Sumter, it’s way past April 12, 1861.
We’ve surrendered and lost it.
Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, truth has to be truth and lie has to be lie.
A heart painted red is not a spade. Nor is a diamond painted black a club.
Whitewashing history does nothing more than create a blank slate on which more blood, sweat, and tears will be foolishly spilt repeating mistakes we should’ve learned from long ago.”
More here:
Gasoline is not water, even if they look the same. Mistaking a lie for the truth, or just refusing to acknowledge reality, can can be fatal.
We are describing a hollow pantsuit. These guys have asked us, no, demanded that we don’t believe our lying eyes! I’m thinking Willie Brown would be the perfect VP choice.
I guess Dems can see it as a hollow pantsuit beating a full adult diaper.
The media’s job is to provide a cover story for the ballot box stuffing. They create the backstory for the future victory articles.
It is the nervous laughter of a person who knows that they are utterly out of their depth. But it is not just a lack of self-confidence. After listening to her comments about Venn Diagrams, the ‘passage of time’, the color of her dress and school busses, I am completely convinced that it is a justified lack of self-confidence.
Got nothing to be confident about. Ain't ever paid dues or had to develop actual character.
A cipher. . . but a Woke WOC cipher, readily fillable by her handlers.
They talk about the laugh. Because then they don’t have to talk about the giant elephant in the room…her unlikability is not really the problem. The fact that she is completely out of her depth on ANY stage is the problem. I don’t know how to even process all the silly headlines right now.
But now she will have speechwriters, teleprompters. So we are going to see some moments of a more plausible presidential veneer. They will have her sounding as intelligent as the average Vox writer now and then.
She laughs like a character in Good Fellas.
These journo-licks don’t understand it’s not HOW she laughs it’s WHEN she laughs that gives everyone the creeps. She giggles about liking school buses. Anybody who likes school buses is a sociopath.
I'm *dying* for her to say, unironically, I make you laugh? Like I'm a clown? Funny, funny how?
Journo licks... Right up there with presstitutes! You people are brilliant!!🤣🤣👏👏👏
I personally would rather not have the leader of the free world laugh a lot.
Inappropriate, it reflects insecurity. … nervous laughter
Ever if she is sworn in, she will never be leader of free world.
After PFIZER DEATHVAX I wonder how free America is anyway
This post is so clearly misogynistic and sexist! Shame on everyone!
Sorry Cap'n, no can do. I've self-flagelated into a higher being who spiritually is inable to criticize oneself. I've no problem shitting on lesser beings though.
I do, I do, I do, I DO believe in ghosts, I do, I do, I do . . . break glass, break glass
I'm whipping myself as we speak! ;)
Shame on me!!! My lying eyes
This November election is The Game.
If Harris wins, inside of four years there'll be no recognizable trace in the US of classical liberalism keeled by western traditions of excellence and merit. Instead of individual problem-solving, everyone will complain and expect an authority to intervene on their behalf at every level from non-payment of rent to serial pederasty.
We will officially recognize and celebrate individuals who look and act like characters in the film "Fellini's Satyricon".
There will be no bottom so far as I can see.
You think Russia and China lost their way and accidentally flew their bombers into Alaskan airspace right when Biden was"speaking"?
No. Not at all. Poking the Eagle.
More like a Beagle.
lol, like
I don't think they violated the airspace as much as poked USG/MIC/DOS in the eye public relations wise. They fly by all the time. It was the timing. Also, if what they report is accurate 😬, Russian and PLA in tandem is sending more a message than a military threat (with ancient aircraft).
What if she is just a sacrificial candidate? They know she is an idiot with no way to win the Presidency. They are worried about the down-ballot candidates. They are hoping to win the House and Senate, so they are propping Kamala up. They have sent the 4 am orders to the legacy media and they are delivering the best defenses they can come up with. It is hard to defend the indefensible, hard to give credit when no credit is due. She was given certain duties (the border Czar who left the southern border wide open, the AI Czar who did little toward furthering AI). Kamala is a lazy, cruel and very stupid person who deserves no respect, so they defend her hideous cackle and hope we don't remember their betrayal of not only their readers, their once honored profession but all of their fellow citizens as well.
What if all this noise is to provide cover for Joe’s disappearance. It’s working.
THEY know she’s an imbecile
insurance policy