This shit is criminal! How anyone from either side can think these elections are on the level is beyond me.

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There's a certain side I can think of that seems to believe any sh!t. The most horrendous bare faced obvious lies to anyone with a functioning brain. ... Especially if they think it favors them or their ideology.

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No one THINKS this is on the level that's why you're not allowed to ask questions. If you think about it, it's obvious. How do you secure a drop box? You don't. Don't ask.

Don't question vaccines! We told you they are safe and effective. Now shut up and get in line.

Don't question what your kids are being taught in school. It's none of your damn business.

And above all don;t question elections! We spoke the magic words so they are fair and secure.

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Nov 18, 2022
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It seems there really are those who like being told what to do.

Fuck them, is my feeling on that. Isn't that what children are for? And even THEY don't like it.

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No, they’re voters for sale and sold us out.

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Maybe. But who gets paid for voting? I think a lot of celebs and other "known" types ARE being paid... But so what. The People still outnumber the Bad Guys.

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I’ve moved on. We’re all in a different reality now. Deal and prepare. Stay close to God your Father.

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Exactly, I can't upvote this enough. Everything is happening for a reason and a reckoning is coming. "and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…"2 Thessalonians 2

"They refused the love of the truth" means they have rejected God and therefore they do not know truth when they see it anymore, they only know error and for that there is no excuse, if they do not convert and repent they will be judged accordingly. For God's faithful: "Yet not even a hair of your head will perish. By your patient endurance you will gain your souls.…" Luke 21:18-19 This isn't to say that none of God's people will perish; but they will inherit ETERNAL LIFE if they endure and never abandon Him, He will never abandon them.

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Amen in Jesus Christ’s Name. You know, and I know, and there are others that KNOW.

We just do.

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Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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You're absolutely right. Pray pray pray. God bless you all.

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I’m running for school board in a tiny district area (+\_ 1,300 votes cast this far). To my absolute astonishment, on Election Day I had a 30 vote lead (48%/52%) on my opponent, who has the full support of the democratic machine. In the past week, they managed to whittle that down to an 8 vote lead. I”m sure by tomorrow they will have found the votes they need. What a joke. I actually don’t really care who wins. I just want a fair fight.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for running, and let us know how it works out.

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I can’t “heart” this Emily - I’m absolutely disgusted and so sorry. And if we as a party don’t start ballot harvesting and doing the same shenanigan crap in the next election that the Dems have been doing for decades, we are sunk! It’s infuriating.

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You've got to stay above board, as hard as that seems, but they HAVE to be dealt with.

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They've changed election laws and we need to harvest and mail in where it's legal

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Yes that’s what I meant and I am SO SICK of RINOs helping our election laws be destroyed in front of our eyes. Democracy is dying not in the darkness, but with a million volt spotlight in it.

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🙌 Fer sure! I could use the extra money they pay the mules. 😐

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Republicans think elections are still about votes. Democrats have changed the process and it is only about gathering ballots. The slower the count, the more you can find ballots.

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Don't you know, we count ballots until we win?

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They have to make sure Hamadeh doesn't win as AG. Last I knew, they had whittled his lead down to less than 100 votes.

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The Governor's race is even worse! 20% of the machines didn't work on election day in heavy republican areas. Blue sections had no problem..... Funny thing! It's absurd Ms Hobbs in charge of her own votes- conflict of interest, anyone?

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“It’s not who votes that counts; it’s who counts the vote”

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Exactly! She should have been required to step down as Secretary of State as soon as she announced running for Governor. So wrong on so many levels! The Fox running the Hen house!

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Fifty-thousand five hundred and fifty-three.......Fifty-thousand five hundred and fifty-four........Fifty-thousand five hundred and fifty-five. Huh? What did you say? You found another box? Ok. Just put it over there. Thanks! --- ??? What number was I on? <Heavy sigh> ......One.....two .....three. 😑

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It’s absolutely hysterical in my opinion. Seriously? And as a discerning person, I’m suppose to say A-OKAY?

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It pisses me off. I told ya, I'm always pissed. --- We're NOT supposed to be discerning people.

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I’m just a dumb blond. I don’t discern up from down.

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Ooohhhh, soooo that's your problem! 😉😊😋

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One of many! Lol!

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It's all a show. This is how they prove their ownership: by doing it in broad daylight.

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There's an aggressiveness to it that definitely starts to look like a very calculated fuck you. Day ten tomorrow.

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I'd love to be able to just call it hubris and be done with it. Not so sure the universe is as inherently just as all that, though.

I think a lot of people are still in the denial and bargaining stages. Can't un-see it, folks. Gotta come to grips with it. Just remember, some of us have had to live with this knowledge for decades now.

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Oh, that same old "fuck you" they've been workin' on us since... the amoeba was invented?

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There's been a whole lot of ballots found that were dumped in a ravine. Bagfuls. The voters interviewed said that they had personally posted them in the local postbox. Everyone seems flabbergasted how that could have happened. Those must have been the inconvenient votes... Then they seem to find unlimited 'convenient' votes. They count until they find enough...

When is this going to be fixed? Voting in person with proof of ID.

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Oh, did I mention- heavy blue along the border...why is that? How many illegals are voting too?

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And "Governor-Elect" Hobbs immediately started saying she would take down the barriers the current governor stacked along the border, so the heavy blue counties on the southern end of the state are apparently anti-border security.

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Probably all of them.

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I can't believe the people of Arizona are not protesting and in the streets. This is insane!

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Yeah, like in Brazil! They protested in the streets for a WHOLE WEEK! That really showed 'em!

Oh... right... nothing changed. Sorry, got a little carried away with myself there.

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So maybe a bit of tage of the sab is in order by now...

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I'm glad Kari Lake is fighting!

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Wow. And they're denying "election fraud" I can't see how it's not happening with all this fooling around with the ballots for what? Almost ten days now! Stinky stuff!!

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My god I can’t believe I’m stuck in this state.......🤦‍♀️

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It’s okay! I’m in Commifornia. It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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So many Californians fled California for Arizona that they...remade California.

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That's the problem! That's why other states don't want many of them. They leave "to get away from the political problems," swear ✋ their farther right than right , but vote for the exact same sh!t they "wanted" to get away from.

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I totally agree! Most of the people we know moved away: TX, FL, WY, ID…all righties though. And if they don’t get you on sales tax or income tax, they’ll get you on property taxes. They have it all figured into the “balance sheet”.

As the 1970’s bumper sticker states: “Ass, Gas, or Grass…Nobody Rides For Free”.

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I think you’re correct! I might as well stay in Commifornia. I need to move to a Conservative area, though! I’m asking for God’s help.

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Do you know there's some movement in Kommifornia for the red parts to secede and become their own state? Move to that area, if you want to stay in the same general location. I'm rooting for them!

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I know! Paul Preston is in charge. It’s actually a very real possibility! The entire state of Commifornia is red, except for SF, Sacramento, LA and Sillycon Valley. I’m on the coast outside of San Fransicko.

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The Inland Empire is trending blue, Humboldt is dark blue, and Orange County and San Diego are wobbling. The chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has pronouns in his bio:


In another ten years, all of California will be blue but the Eastern Sierra.

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Ok...do you remember when the Northern part of Kommifornia was trying to secede and trying to form the state of Jefferson?

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Gee, if they found more ballots for the AG race, perhaps there are more for Kari Lake.

BTW, have you taken a look at the last 5 House races? That is pathetic! CA District 3 has managed to count 60% of votes in 9 days; District 13 is only slightly better at 71% & District 22 is at an abysmal 51%. What the heck?

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Fraud. We know they’re doing it. They know that we know that they’re doing it. We know that they know that we know they’re doing it.

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... but they still do it. And we still let them. I think we're going to get the government we deserve. Same as always.

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