I’ve been watching as much as I can and I have to say I am not at all surprised. The truth is finally out in the open. Canada’s bureaucratic laptop class “public servants” have nothing but disdain for Canadian citizens not in said class. And this group includes the majority of our msm tv and newspapers as PM Selfie has bought them all off with huge taxpayer funded subsidies.
This time last year, the unvaccinated were barred from travel on federally regulated trains, planes and boats. We were barred from indoor dining, gyms, theatre, movies and sporting events. We were othered by our Prime Minister. Never before had I felt actual fear of government. I had many sleepless nights worrying about what might happen next and incredibly sad for what our country had so easily slid into. My husband and I decided to move to a smaller community (for now possibly out of province or country).
When I first saw the Truckers, I felt hope for the first time since the whole Covid nightmare started. Thousands of Canadians on overpasses cheering them on, waving flags made me weep. And what does PM #TrudeauTheTyrant do? Denigrates, insults and says the “small fringe minority” don’t represent Canadians and have unacceptable views. He is a disgrace. And his disdain has corrupted everything his government and its bougiecrats do. That they consider the Truckers in Ottawa a national security threat tells you how afraid they are of Canadians.
Brendan Miller, lawyer for Freedom Corp. is a hero and he has given me hope.
Thank you Chris for writing this. You and all the other great Substackers provide a place for us dissidents to feel like we are seen, heard, respected and have a supportive community. 😚😚
Lametti claiming he was 'vulnerable' was a laugh. He gets driven around with a security detail. These people do have a disdain for the average Canadian. They planned to invoke the Act from the onset and operated accordingly. It's plain to see just by listening to them. All levels of law enforcement said there was no threat. But Justin needed this. They had legislation ready that would go beyond the length of the Act once it was rescinded. By the way, they had no intentions of keeping it short (despite them bragging it was short) but intense international scrutiny (I've read even Wall St. told Justin to cut it out) as they claim. They were going to keep it going because Freeland needed this to make permanent some features of the action including freezing bank accounts.
They're incompetent criminals but they're dedicated.
The idea they were worried about Canada's reputation is a laugh too. It was tarnished long before the truckers.
It's easy to lose sight of the fact the reason why they protested in the first place (which Lametti with the passive-aggressive tone of a smug royalty said was not legal) was because of the useless, unethical and useless mandates. Rescind that crap and things remain somewhat calm.
But Justin, like his father (well, the 'official' one), is a divisie despot. They lacked any semblance of wisdom and humanity in their approach. Just cowards using power to exact control on citizens they thought to be 'fringe racists'.
Irene, this fight began long ago. Think of the bailouts that happened in 2008 and again in 2020 (maybe the point of 2020 was to bailout the corporate system again but you know, they couldn't admit they didn't fix it last time), what company that can't exist without bailout from .gov is going to go against .gov? And the laptop class you allude to, are they going to bite the hand that feeds? They know who butters their bread, even if they won't admit that is why they go along to get along. How many corporations own most of the brands you consume? I think the latest number is like five companies own all of the media, might even be less then that now. Look how Disney keeps gobbling up other companies and further consolidating the market. It really comes down to people who believe in freedom and individual rights and those who just want to exist for the sake of existing. This is a war between the people and the corporations, and what is the government except for the largest corporation in a feudal corporate system?
"If at the start this cancerous growth in the nation was not particularly noticeable, it was only because there were still enough forces at work that operated for the good, so that it was kept under control. As it grew larger, however, and finally in an ultimate spurt of growth attained ruling power, the tumor broke open, as it were, and infected the whole body."
The White Rose, Second Leaflet, Munich 1942
Can you imagine what it was like to be a German in 30's and to be pointing out that Hitler was nuts? I bet you can now
“Once central banks unleashed monetary policy to accommodate mega-banks, subsidize Wall Street financiers, and bolster global markets, the very idea of free and open markets and laissez-faire investing died. No one wanted to call the Fed’s QE a Ponzi scheme. But it was.
Whether it was done to soothe a stock market crash, a ruptured subprime housing market bubble, or a pandemic, the Fed’s response to the financial crisis of 2008 and later crises has confirmed that it will always seek a way to grease the wheels of capitalism for its wealthiest participants and private banks. The results speak for themselves. According to a 2022 Oxfam International report:
‘The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion—at a rate of $15,000 per second or $1.3 billion a day—during the first two years of a pandemic that has seen the incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall and over 160 million more people forced into poverty.’”
“A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death - the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged.”
I’ve been wondering what has been happening with this and why I haven’t heard anything (besides Trudeau’s lawyer keeling over mid-sip), so thank you for updating us, Chris!
I am *most* interested in the tidbit about Miller knowing the identity of the swastika Confederacy dunces as I have long postulated they were PR plants. I absorbed hundreds of videos of the protests for my Profile in Courage on the Canadian Truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian), and those anomalies stuck out like Ray Epps and were instantly disavowed by the truckers.
“I saw the Confederate flag guy up close that first weekend. Pretty much the only person out of thousands I saw wearing a mask, and he was masked and wearing very cop-like sunglasses.”
“I remember looking at him many times as he was a sore thumb in a sea of smiling faces.”
“A very odd flag. I thought to myself where on earth would you get a Confederate flag with a truck superimposed in the middle? In all my time visiting in the Southern states, I had never seen anything like it.”
“From this photo, it looks like he must have been there starting early! I was on the hill by noon at latest, and there were hundreds more people.”
Rebel News has been tracking this daily. Their coverage is excellent. Anyone interested in what is going on in Canada should be tracking rebelnews.com.
The Commission Hearings began on note that looked like the Commissioner would be fair and open minded. Commission lawyers spent a lot of time hearing the testimony of Convoy members for example, allowing them to tell their stories. All of that has take a complete turn now that the government elites have taken the stand. First, they have had the advantage of having heard all the evidence to date, and therefore been able to spin their stories and lies to ensure they cut it all down. The Convoy lawyers and other advocates have minimal time, in some cases ten in other 15 minutes to examine the Cabinet ministers, who are masters at spin and fillibuster, to eat up as much as their questioning time as possible. The Commissioner has now also shown his true Liberal colours and bias by, first sitting on applications the Convoy lawyer has brought to him to have additional valid evidence and witnesses heard, and then to kick him, not just out of the Inquiry, but the entire building itself. Humiliating him by having security guards escort him. Let's see if that would ever happen to one of the government's high paid lawyers. The Inquiry is now a joke, intended to ensure that once again, dictator Trudeau gets away yet again, for treating Canadians like serfs rather than citizens. This is now what Trudeau has wanted all along, his own version of the Democrats January 6th, show trial.
You're probably right. The Convoy lawyer was trying to call Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino's communication director Cohen because he would have to admit his office had successfully strategized portraying the Convoy as extremists with the help of the media they have paid off for years. See much substack on just how successful they were.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/inquiry-reveals-liberal-governments
I like the stony faced bureaucract who said “ I don’t like the way you framed the argument”. Amazing how difficult it is to frame an argument when those arguing the case get removed from the scene of the argument.
The CBC is the "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation" and is owned by the Canadian government. So the chances of getting information from that source, that's not heavily slanted in whatever direction the government sees fit to slant it, is very small indeed.
Omigod. It's just sickening how many people want everyone to wear the mask. And believe the utter crap in the media. My theory is that they don't need oxygen to their dead brains. Im not even polite about it anymore. For two years I wore the damn things so I didn't "freak them out" not any more. The nonsense has to stop. If they mandate it in this flu season, I'm going to have to stand up to them and hope a bunch of other people do likewise. We cannot let them dictate to us any longer!!l
Mr. Miller, the Convoy lawyer is quite correct in wanting to call witnesses, from Public Safety Minister Mendicino's office to demonstrate how the Liberals, particularly the Mendicino, who was testifying when Miller was expelled, deliberately worked with the legacy media to gin up the idea that the Convoy was full of extremists and white superemisists. As my substack article clearly demonstrates.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/inquiry-reveals-liberal-governments
Not a recent break from norms by any stretch. Just take a look at Canada’s spying on its own citizens finances for the US. We just lost our appeal against Canada complying with the US’s FATCA law. “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian”.... unless the US claims you as a US Person, in which case, you are not really a Canadian.
Wow...so basically these bastards simply pulled out the script from the WEF on how to deal with protesters against the Gov and used it in DC with January 6th gov goons infiltrated and caused trouble and the Canadian Truckers. Wonder where else they have used this damn script. The hole they are digging for themselves just gets deeper and deeper...
Don't forget that they were kneeling all summer long during BLM protests and talking about how the right to protest was the most important thing in society and blah blah..........
Personally I think it's laughable that the Canadian people think they'll use the mechanism of the gubmint to get justice for what the gubmint did. "And we'll use YOUR courts in YOUR buildings staffed with YOUR people using YOUR rules defined by YOUR leaders to get justice for what YOU did to us!" Sure, bozo. Sure.
I've been reading a blog by a Canadian patriot. He publishes three days/week. His website is Galganov.com. He knows a lot and researches everything he writes about extensively.
How this ends depends on how much the Canadian public distrusts their media and whether they bother to check for themselves, but given that in the midst of this they elected Zoolander's party back into power, I don't have much hope.
I find the idea that they had people running around with flags and swastikas to discredit the protest completely plausible, just like I have very strong suspicions about J6 here.
In the end, we're all being set up for something bigger. COVID was a test run.
The WEF driven globalist Luciferians have a plan. And, as Mike Tyson liked to point out, everyone has a plan until they get smacked in the nose with a 2 x 4. Step one in confronting evil is calling it for what it is and leaving the excuses for dealing with it behind.
I’ve been watching as much as I can and I have to say I am not at all surprised. The truth is finally out in the open. Canada’s bureaucratic laptop class “public servants” have nothing but disdain for Canadian citizens not in said class. And this group includes the majority of our msm tv and newspapers as PM Selfie has bought them all off with huge taxpayer funded subsidies.
This time last year, the unvaccinated were barred from travel on federally regulated trains, planes and boats. We were barred from indoor dining, gyms, theatre, movies and sporting events. We were othered by our Prime Minister. Never before had I felt actual fear of government. I had many sleepless nights worrying about what might happen next and incredibly sad for what our country had so easily slid into. My husband and I decided to move to a smaller community (for now possibly out of province or country).
When I first saw the Truckers, I felt hope for the first time since the whole Covid nightmare started. Thousands of Canadians on overpasses cheering them on, waving flags made me weep. And what does PM #TrudeauTheTyrant do? Denigrates, insults and says the “small fringe minority” don’t represent Canadians and have unacceptable views. He is a disgrace. And his disdain has corrupted everything his government and its bougiecrats do. That they consider the Truckers in Ottawa a national security threat tells you how afraid they are of Canadians.
Brendan Miller, lawyer for Freedom Corp. is a hero and he has given me hope.
Thank you Chris for writing this. You and all the other great Substackers provide a place for us dissidents to feel like we are seen, heard, respected and have a supportive community. 😚😚
Lametti claiming he was 'vulnerable' was a laugh. He gets driven around with a security detail. These people do have a disdain for the average Canadian. They planned to invoke the Act from the onset and operated accordingly. It's plain to see just by listening to them. All levels of law enforcement said there was no threat. But Justin needed this. They had legislation ready that would go beyond the length of the Act once it was rescinded. By the way, they had no intentions of keeping it short (despite them bragging it was short) but intense international scrutiny (I've read even Wall St. told Justin to cut it out) as they claim. They were going to keep it going because Freeland needed this to make permanent some features of the action including freezing bank accounts.
They're incompetent criminals but they're dedicated.
The idea they were worried about Canada's reputation is a laugh too. It was tarnished long before the truckers.
It's easy to lose sight of the fact the reason why they protested in the first place (which Lametti with the passive-aggressive tone of a smug royalty said was not legal) was because of the useless, unethical and useless mandates. Rescind that crap and things remain somewhat calm.
But Justin, like his father (well, the 'official' one), is a divisie despot. They lacked any semblance of wisdom and humanity in their approach. Just cowards using power to exact control on citizens they thought to be 'fringe racists'.
Irene, this fight began long ago. Think of the bailouts that happened in 2008 and again in 2020 (maybe the point of 2020 was to bailout the corporate system again but you know, they couldn't admit they didn't fix it last time), what company that can't exist without bailout from .gov is going to go against .gov? And the laptop class you allude to, are they going to bite the hand that feeds? They know who butters their bread, even if they won't admit that is why they go along to get along. How many corporations own most of the brands you consume? I think the latest number is like five companies own all of the media, might even be less then that now. Look how Disney keeps gobbling up other companies and further consolidating the market. It really comes down to people who believe in freedom and individual rights and those who just want to exist for the sake of existing. This is a war between the people and the corporations, and what is the government except for the largest corporation in a feudal corporate system?
"If at the start this cancerous growth in the nation was not particularly noticeable, it was only because there were still enough forces at work that operated for the good, so that it was kept under control. As it grew larger, however, and finally in an ultimate spurt of growth attained ruling power, the tumor broke open, as it were, and infected the whole body."
The White Rose, Second Leaflet, Munich 1942
Can you imagine what it was like to be a German in 30's and to be pointing out that Hitler was nuts? I bet you can now
“Once central banks unleashed monetary policy to accommodate mega-banks, subsidize Wall Street financiers, and bolster global markets, the very idea of free and open markets and laissez-faire investing died. No one wanted to call the Fed’s QE a Ponzi scheme. But it was.
Whether it was done to soothe a stock market crash, a ruptured subprime housing market bubble, or a pandemic, the Fed’s response to the financial crisis of 2008 and later crises has confirmed that it will always seek a way to grease the wheels of capitalism for its wealthiest participants and private banks. The results speak for themselves. According to a 2022 Oxfam International report:
‘The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion—at a rate of $15,000 per second or $1.3 billion a day—during the first two years of a pandemic that has seen the incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall and over 160 million more people forced into poverty.’”
Nomi Prins, Permanent Distortion
“A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death - the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged.”
― Czeslaw Milosz
Very well written summary of the place we find ourselves. Thank you. I'ts the Fourth Reich and they mean to kill us all.
I’ve been wondering what has been happening with this and why I haven’t heard anything (besides Trudeau’s lawyer keeling over mid-sip), so thank you for updating us, Chris!
I am *most* interested in the tidbit about Miller knowing the identity of the swastika Confederacy dunces as I have long postulated they were PR plants. I absorbed hundreds of videos of the protests for my Profile in Courage on the Canadian Truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian), and those anomalies stuck out like Ray Epps and were instantly disavowed by the truckers.
I assumed, from the very first INSTANT I saw those images, that they were PR plants. I've never thought otherwise. I laughed out loud.
One of my on-the-ground contacts told me:
“I saw the Confederate flag guy up close that first weekend. Pretty much the only person out of thousands I saw wearing a mask, and he was masked and wearing very cop-like sunglasses.”
“I remember looking at him many times as he was a sore thumb in a sea of smiling faces.”
“A very odd flag. I thought to myself where on earth would you get a Confederate flag with a truck superimposed in the middle? In all my time visiting in the Southern states, I had never seen anything like it.”
“From this photo, it looks like he must have been there starting early! I was on the hill by noon at latest, and there were hundreds more people.”
Rebel News has been tracking this daily. Their coverage is excellent. Anyone interested in what is going on in Canada should be tracking rebelnews.com.
Likewise True North https://tnc.news/
The Commission Hearings began on note that looked like the Commissioner would be fair and open minded. Commission lawyers spent a lot of time hearing the testimony of Convoy members for example, allowing them to tell their stories. All of that has take a complete turn now that the government elites have taken the stand. First, they have had the advantage of having heard all the evidence to date, and therefore been able to spin their stories and lies to ensure they cut it all down. The Convoy lawyers and other advocates have minimal time, in some cases ten in other 15 minutes to examine the Cabinet ministers, who are masters at spin and fillibuster, to eat up as much as their questioning time as possible. The Commissioner has now also shown his true Liberal colours and bias by, first sitting on applications the Convoy lawyer has brought to him to have additional valid evidence and witnesses heard, and then to kick him, not just out of the Inquiry, but the entire building itself. Humiliating him by having security guards escort him. Let's see if that would ever happen to one of the government's high paid lawyers. The Inquiry is now a joke, intended to ensure that once again, dictator Trudeau gets away yet again, for treating Canadians like serfs rather than citizens. This is now what Trudeau has wanted all along, his own version of the Democrats January 6th, show trial.
Yeah, my guess is that the POEC produces a "mistakes were made" final report that fusses around the edges but validates the whole exercise. We'll see.
You're probably right. The Convoy lawyer was trying to call Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino's communication director Cohen because he would have to admit his office had successfully strategized portraying the Convoy as extremists with the help of the media they have paid off for years. See much substack on just how successful they were.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/inquiry-reveals-liberal-governments
100%. Their repeating lies that earlier in the commission were shown to be false! Amazing.
Like the Nazi flag BS. Or the blocked lames for paramedics. Overblown 'threats'. It's all so obviously fixed. They're so bad at it it's depressing.
This is the post I don't have time to write! Cross-posting! :)
Same here...
I like the stony faced bureaucract who said “ I don’t like the way you framed the argument”. Amazing how difficult it is to frame an argument when those arguing the case get removed from the scene of the argument.
I like when they say 'good question'.
Would you care to leave me some crumbs, master?
The CBC is the "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation" and is owned by the Canadian government. So the chances of getting information from that source, that's not heavily slanted in whatever direction the government sees fit to slant it, is very small indeed.
But then look at this crap:
These people. Out of patience.
Omigod. It's just sickening how many people want everyone to wear the mask. And believe the utter crap in the media. My theory is that they don't need oxygen to their dead brains. Im not even polite about it anymore. For two years I wore the damn things so I didn't "freak them out" not any more. The nonsense has to stop. If they mandate it in this flu season, I'm going to have to stand up to them and hope a bunch of other people do likewise. We cannot let them dictate to us any longer!!l
Its not their dead brains, those work and tell them if they go along they'll be rewarded. Its their dead hearts.
Agreed. Let's do this.
And the Ottawa Citizen leans right and is one of the more - at least once upon a time - level-headed papers. No more.
From yesterday:
Biden administration encourages possible mask mandate to combat 'long COVID'
Tedious. They just can't bring themselves to stop.
Amnesty. They still don't know.
CTV news is already protecting Justin about the China bribing officials scandal.
Yes, he's always protected by his media. Fucker
This today right where I live!! Ffffffffffffffffff!!!!
Mr. Miller, the Convoy lawyer is quite correct in wanting to call witnesses, from Public Safety Minister Mendicino's office to demonstrate how the Liberals, particularly the Mendicino, who was testifying when Miller was expelled, deliberately worked with the legacy media to gin up the idea that the Convoy was full of extremists and white superemisists. As my substack article clearly demonstrates.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/inquiry-reveals-liberal-governments
Cohen should have taken the stand.
Not a recent break from norms by any stretch. Just take a look at Canada’s spying on its own citizens finances for the US. We just lost our appeal against Canada complying with the US’s FATCA law. “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian”.... unless the US claims you as a US Person, in which case, you are not really a Canadian.
Wow...so basically these bastards simply pulled out the script from the WEF on how to deal with protesters against the Gov and used it in DC with January 6th gov goons infiltrated and caused trouble and the Canadian Truckers. Wonder where else they have used this damn script. The hole they are digging for themselves just gets deeper and deeper...
Don't forget that they were kneeling all summer long during BLM protests and talking about how the right to protest was the most important thing in society and blah blah..........
Personally I think it's laughable that the Canadian people think they'll use the mechanism of the gubmint to get justice for what the gubmint did. "And we'll use YOUR courts in YOUR buildings staffed with YOUR people using YOUR rules defined by YOUR leaders to get justice for what YOU did to us!" Sure, bozo. Sure.
Ditto worldwide. Checkmated.
I've been reading a blog by a Canadian patriot. He publishes three days/week. His website is Galganov.com. He knows a lot and researches everything he writes about extensively.
Many of the people in government are WEFers.
The Freedom Convoy has a channel in Telegram.
How this ends depends on how much the Canadian public distrusts their media and whether they bother to check for themselves, but given that in the midst of this they elected Zoolander's party back into power, I don't have much hope.
I find the idea that they had people running around with flags and swastikas to discredit the protest completely plausible, just like I have very strong suspicions about J6 here.
In the end, we're all being set up for something bigger. COVID was a test run.
Thanks to both Chris for the post and to Stimulation Commander for the repost! This is very informative, but not much surprise here.
In making that typo you have stumbled upon my secret night-time identity........
OMG!!! I didn't even notice! 😯😖
😂🤣🤣😂🤣 Well, at least the truth has now come out!
The WEF driven globalist Luciferians have a plan. And, as Mike Tyson liked to point out, everyone has a plan until they get smacked in the nose with a 2 x 4. Step one in confronting evil is calling it for what it is and leaving the excuses for dealing with it behind.
Excellent piece Chris.
"Prime minister Zoolander" is a wonderful description of the boy Castreau.
Agreed! I often write that, "Idiocracy" has become a documentary.