"Over 100 people were shot in Chicago last weekend, including 18 fatally. Mayor Brandon Johnson blamed it on Richard Nixon in his press conference today."
actually when you think about it… it’s Mayor Johnson hiding in the graveyard…. refusing to get tough… it’s convenient…for him, and supports this theory completely….always someone else….the victim mentality blames…
Any ruler can become unfit to rule, whether a king or a demos. We are all of us floating on liberalism’s lazy river, oblivious to the idea that a people can become as degenerate as any monarch, and historically speaking are more likely to do so.
Yes. We recognize this problem in monarchs, but we struggle to see it in the demos. That's why I have embraced post-liberalism. Like Patrick Deneen, I suspect Enlightement-liberal-democracy has consumed the very ethical qualities it needs to sustain itself. John Adams believed our Constitution is inadequate for the governance of any but a moral and religious people. Can anyone really say that the American demos bears either of those traits today?
Noah Harari says the scientific and political revolutions of the 16th-18th centuries allowed us to "exchange meaning for power". He thinks this is a compliment; it sounds more like a Faustian bargain. And the bill is now coming due.
That's the unifying theme of postliberalism. An illiberal government of some kind is inevitable at this point (the moral order liberalism needs is shot.) Postliberals (and far-left progressives fit this category) believe in trying to manage that transition instead of just happen on its own.
I thought that was you with the 4th of July post...
I hate to admit it--but when I first read Noah Harari--I believed him. His second book 'Homo Deus' began to tickle my 'WTF meter' that had been hidden under 20+ years of trying to fit in, trying to succeed in the Army, trying to be smart callous that nearly suffocated my soul, common sense, and rational mind. Thank God for COVID or I'd likely still be asleep...
I haven't gotten it yet, but Auron MacIntyre's "Total State" sounds like a book you'd enjoy.
For most of Western history, the law and the consent of the governed clothed kings in a power almost unimaginable today. But they rarely made use of it lest they discover its limits.
Americans have this idea that Constitutional monarchy (which is what England had from 1215-about 1850) looks like North Korea. It doesn't. The king can absolutely be corrupt and self-serving. So can the demos. But every society short of a police state, in the end, relies on the the consent of the demos to some degree.
Given that Marxists have been taking over the D party since the early 1970s, they will approve of a Police State. I see no resistance coming from them or their Antifa/BLM thugs. The IC community will LOVE it long time.
Sounds like they’re losing control. Also, allowing crime to surge is a standard tactic of Tyrannical governments increasing their control. It allows them to push for draconian laws and disarm the populace. Check out “Resistance to Tyranny” by Joseph P. Martino.
I just read they’re going to film the next installment of the Mad Max movie series in Oakland. The production company is going to save thousands of dollars because if they film on location in Oakland neighborhoods, they don’t have to build sets or use CGI. The movie’s working title is, “Mad Max: Beyond Newsomdome.”
I think much if not most of the so-called street crime is actually done by the CIA / FBI and other intelligence agencies via gangs which are cut-outs.
I have a been a Targeted Individual for 34 years (which is half my entire life.) Targeted Individuals (there are at least hundreds of thousands of us in the US, and millions worldwide) are victimized, harassed, gangstalked, and tortured in countless ways by these gangs. It is our own government who fund them, via black budgets, a/k/a "dark money." By their own admission, the DoD has lost track of trillions of dollars. That "lost" money funds these programs.
Please study this website for information about this:
The gas station that was ransacked is on Hegenberger Rd. which is one of two thoroughfares -- the other is 98th Ave -- that link the Oakland Airport to the I-880 freeway that runs near the east shore of the bay. No one, locals or visitors, should ever fill up their cars or patronize any other businesses on those streets. Way too dangerous. So many stories of people getting their rental cars broken into and luggage stolen while filling up before returning them or grabbing a bite to eat.
As a Berkeley resident OAK is much more convenient than SFO, although with fewer destination options. I park at a private, secured lot and have never had any problems.
This is all deliberately done. The Elite$ are rearranging the Game Counters, the West is no longer "It". The Booboeoise have NO CENTRE, no Values, no Reasons left. Only Consumerism. The barbarians are no longer AT THE GATE, we let them in. Who thinks a medieval religion gives a damn about lapsed Xhristuan (sic) degenerates..? Find God and pass the ammo. Or die.
Non ussa, non English speaking, non Christian, non democratic but BREEDING people, who aren't fags, trannies, purple haired screamers or dykes. Or White. That's who! 🤷
As an “elderly” woman I can tell you there are more places I feel unable to visit these days. And I’m scheduled to visit Chicago in early August. Yikes!😬
I don't have the stomach to watch that video, nor trust how I would behave if I actually saw that. I know my blood pressure sky-rocketed when I read "30+ elderly women beaten".
If we do not protect our vulnerable--well, it gets to the question Chris asks implicitly or explicitly like he did today--where does it end? Not well.
I live in Chicago right now 52 yo and feel very safe. I use the bus, bike the lakefront, walk to dinner. But you really need to know your neighborhood. I won't say there no danger, but it's better to stick north and on the lake than south and west. The loop is not what it was. Until workers return to the office, the empty buildings will continue to draw a different element. As to where those 100 shootings took place, what did the liberals think would happen when they closed down schools and churches, soup kitchens and AA for two years? Those neighborhoods were already high crime but without the pillars of community the delicate balance tipped. Those same people support BLM but refused to give them services for two years. Of course there's chaos now.
The country is broken. Some areas are less broken and some areas are more broken. The most broken areas are clearly those where the enlightened imbeciles of the Left are unfettered by normal people and can implement their utopian idiocy much to the chagrin of the local
gentry. Most of it involves turning their cities into a combination of Weimar Republic Berlin depravity mixed with post-Fidel Havana economic policies and Afghanistan levels of violence. Speaking of Afghanistan it is still the most violent country in the world and we never hear anything about it.
Our “President” is obviously broken. He is nominally in charge of the broken three letter agencies currently attacking normal people for a living. Congress is broken, the border is broken. Our trust in one another is broken, which is the hardest thing to restore. We are no longer whole people apparently. We’re put in little boxes - MAGA, Jew, Black, heterosexual, depending on who is attacking us at the moment. Many seem to do be unable to anything they used to do successfully any more. This came about after the COVID biological attack to remove Trump from office.
I went to Italy. The Italians didn’t seem filled with angst. They didn’t seem overly worried about their identity or their lifestyles. I think one of the benefits of living in a country with a perpetually fucked up public sector is that you don’t take it seriously because it was never any good. Especially if you are surrounded by good food, good wine, beautiful scenery, and nice people. Sure they know it’s fucked up, but they don’t expect anything to work. Many of us are blessed/cursed by the memory of an America that got shit done.
So we have to decide if we’re going to continue to actively deteriorate into a lesser country, or get back our mojo. Right now we have precious little mojo. Hard to when you’re being gaslit and otherwise abused by the deteriorating political class. This crap is not going to just go away. It will go away, but it will take time and it will hurt. And it might get a lot worse if we let it. Nayib Bukele, in El Salvador said fuck it and cleaned house. So far it’s working. We clearly have the wherewithal and know how to do the same here. What we seem to lack is spirit and iron will.
Yes, expectations vs reality. The Soviet people knew Pravda was propaganda, most Americans assume (assumed?) their media told them the truth. It can take awhile for the reality to sink in. One positive outcome from The COVID experience was the cascade of truth we’ve experienced the last several years. Painful but necessary if we’re ever to get our mojo back.
That New Republic lineup: Ben-Ghiat, Stelter...there should be a warning label on that cover like you find on cigarette packets: Warning: Reading this publication results in self-lobotomization.
Incidentally the smear job that left-wing criminologists are committing against Broken Windows policing would be hilarious if the results weren't so frightening. I mean:
Have you listened to Tucker interview Steve Sailer? Check it out. You'll like it (I actually mean you'll hate it because of the truth bombs he drops this crowd here intuitively knows but is silenced by the MSM).
I am sitting in a lawn chair watching my son play baseball. Small crowd since this is a small town in the hills of West Virginia. Birds chirping, scent of the last of the lavender on the breeze. Blessed to be here.
Come join the peace, but know that we expect civility and -as we say around here- right behavior.
All kidding aside if you have never been to visit, I urge you to consider coming to “sit a spell”.
Having grown up in a place that has been ravaged by crime (mostly black on black crime), and having family still living in that community, I can say with some level of confidence that the people in the affected communities actually want “broken windows” policing. Yet, somehow, their voices are lost and distorted. My connection with these communities now is mostly through Christian organizations, so my perception is admittedly skewed, but I honestly think most people who live in those communities just want peace, and they know that reasonable law and order is necessary. There are definitely members of law enforcement who are jaded and abuse their authority, but they’re the exception. From top to bottom, government is broken. It doesn’t work for anyone.
This doesn’t seem to be working - aren’t most murders in the US black men killing black men? All those saintly black people looking out for Miss Mary…Really? Maybe. I live in England, where the blacks and browns (Muslims) live, and have always lived since they arrived here, in self-segregation on the whole. I imagine the police stay away when that young Muslim girl goes missing ‘back to Pakistan’. The police certainly stay away when young white girls are raped by Muslim gangs.
I’m really bummed - moved to N. Idaho to escape Wa state tyranny during COVID. Today read that Inslee 🤡 bought retirement property on beautiful Hayden Lake, ID - There goes the freakin neighborhood.
Florida pretty solid outside the couple big cities. Texas pretty solid outside the couple big cities. Tennessee pretty solid outside the couple big cities. Much of the rest of the southeast and midwest solid outside the big cities.
But as have many before you, you would likely find a whole different world moving to Florida. My friends who move from California are shocked at how different the people are, much less the government and the environment.
How long can those states survive the election fraud, leftist, dependent legal immigration, illegal immigration, outright election fraud? The cities rule once the state looses or surrenders the ability to keep them in check. It will all be California eventually. Entropy.
Oklahoma, people. Pretty much North Texas. OKC is the liberal enclave, but the rest? Super affordable, great little neighborhoods, semi-rural or rural if you want it. The folks in Muskogee are still proud of Merle Haggard's immortalization of them.
Piedmont is like stepping back in time. Despite being in the Bay Area, near Berkeley and Oakland, Piedmont is clean and charming, with thriving Scout troops and a lovely traditional July 4 celebration worthy of Mayberry. Piedmont even has an old fashioned, very good ice cream parlor with bent wire chairs and gigantic banana splits. But it isn’t all 1950s wholesomeness; there are the usual LGBTs, race-mixers, and other liberal stereotypes, too, though not as many as in neighboring communities.
Those outside the Bay Area might not be familiar with Piedmont. It is a small wealthy enclave in the Oakland Hills. It's a completely independent municipality completely surrounded by Oakland.
It has a really nice canyon park with paved paths, popular with dog owners.
Declining numbers. Oakland is also facing insolvency, which will reduce patrol staffing waaaaay more, if it happens. They're praying for a deus ex machina financial miracle.
There are states and cities all over the US that are insolvent or nearly so. They are very motivated to have the administration retain its status quo, so there will be a hope of being rescued. We should never believe that something is "too big to fail" and then bail them out by printing more currency. Banks. GM, Cities, States. If they fail they fail.
A good point. I support the police, but (and this is a big but) they are no longer “of the people“, in part because they wear this tactical gear like a SWAT team, in part because they are no longer on the street.
In Portland, with limited officers, policy is to prioritize incidents involving physical injury to a human being. Therefore property crimes wait for last. And yes, that hobo laid out in the street overdosed on fentanyl will be attended to after shootings but before lootings.
A policy guaranteed to get more of every evil thing. Break more windows. It will only end when citizens become their own security. Break the monopoly on violence and hope it doesn't go badly.
"Over 100 people were shot in Chicago last weekend, including 18 fatally. Mayor Brandon Johnson blamed it on Richard Nixon in his press conference today."
Pretty sure this Nixon guy will have a response. Oh wait! He is dead.
He attacks Chicago from beyond the grave!
I am not a zombie!
Hell, Nixon probably voted for the mayor.
This is the writing of a beautiful mind. God help us, and may God continue to awaken beautiful minds.
Can we get him to vote in November?
actually when you think about it… it’s Mayor Johnson hiding in the graveyard…. refusing to get tough… it’s convenient…for him, and supports this theory completely….always someone else….the victim mentality blames…
The shade of Nixon will rise from the grave to haunt Trump in 2025.
My prophecy: https://open.substack.com/pub/michael796/p/a-biden-conspiracy-theory-you-havent
That kinda ghost stuff only happens in Savannah.
One of the best bumper stickers I ever saw was “He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready. Nixon ‘88.”
We must hold this Nixon person accountable! He must be another orange fiend!
Nixon's at it... again?? That's some Emperor Palpatine level tricknology right there.
Somehow Nixon returned...
Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? Shit, I might even agree with him...cough cough cough, pass me that bong again...
That's a great trick on Nixon's part
That is one way to win an argument.
So he’s going to imprison or kill 10-19 to cut off the pipeline?
He was also out of town so as to escape the violence…
See? If we had only voted for Johnson in 1968 things would have been completely different! Oh wait, he wasn't running...
OMG this is getting absolutely ridiculous WTF. How is it that people are believing this crap?
Huh, I thought Nixon was dead but now I'm being told he's a gangster in Chiraq. Mandela effect strikes again.
So I started my day with news from France. Then Isreal. Now this from Chris.
I’m going to hide under my bed. ….
No need! Find peace and order, and live in it. It exists.
Maybe Chris...but not in California!
California still has good spots for adults only. If you have school age kids, you have to leave to protect them.
No man, go outside (unless you live in Oakland).
Any ruler can become unfit to rule, whether a king or a demos. We are all of us floating on liberalism’s lazy river, oblivious to the idea that a people can become as degenerate as any monarch, and historically speaking are more likely to do so.
Yes. We recognize this problem in monarchs, but we struggle to see it in the demos. That's why I have embraced post-liberalism. Like Patrick Deneen, I suspect Enlightement-liberal-democracy has consumed the very ethical qualities it needs to sustain itself. John Adams believed our Constitution is inadequate for the governance of any but a moral and religious people. Can anyone really say that the American demos bears either of those traits today?
I try not to do shameless self plugs, but I made a post on this for July 4th: https://brianvillanueva.substack.com/p/phil-101-the-pursuit-of-happiness
Noah Harari says the scientific and political revolutions of the 16th-18th centuries allowed us to "exchange meaning for power". He thinks this is a compliment; it sounds more like a Faustian bargain. And the bill is now coming due.
That's the unifying theme of postliberalism. An illiberal government of some kind is inevitable at this point (the moral order liberalism needs is shot.) Postliberals (and far-left progressives fit this category) believe in trying to manage that transition instead of just happen on its own.
I thought that was you with the 4th of July post...
I hate to admit it--but when I first read Noah Harari--I believed him. His second book 'Homo Deus' began to tickle my 'WTF meter' that had been hidden under 20+ years of trying to fit in, trying to succeed in the Army, trying to be smart callous that nearly suffocated my soul, common sense, and rational mind. Thank God for COVID or I'd likely still be asleep...
I haven't gotten it yet, but Auron MacIntyre's "Total State" sounds like a book you'd enjoy.
A people gets the government it deserves?
An old question; Does the king corrupt the people or do the people corrupt the king?
That old trope doesn’t hold water anymore - if it ever did. Can’t blame the people for an election outcome that was rigged.
The Regime that corrupted the election process was put in place by the voters. It wasn't a sudden thing.
For most of Western history, the law and the consent of the governed clothed kings in a power almost unimaginable today. But they rarely made use of it lest they discover its limits.
Americans have this idea that Constitutional monarchy (which is what England had from 1215-about 1850) looks like North Korea. It doesn't. The king can absolutely be corrupt and self-serving. So can the demos. But every society short of a police state, in the end, relies on the the consent of the demos to some degree.
So true…
Our betters like the idea of a police state. They made huge strides during covid. Will the demos resist the next effort?
Given that Marxists have been taking over the D party since the early 1970s, they will approve of a Police State. I see no resistance coming from them or their Antifa/BLM thugs. The IC community will LOVE it long time.
Sounds like they’re losing control. Also, allowing crime to surge is a standard tactic of Tyrannical governments increasing their control. It allows them to push for draconian laws and disarm the populace. Check out “Resistance to Tyranny” by Joseph P. Martino.
Anarcho-tyranny is the term I've heard bandied about. Insane.
I just read they’re going to film the next installment of the Mad Max movie series in Oakland. The production company is going to save thousands of dollars because if they film on location in Oakland neighborhoods, they don’t have to build sets or use CGI. The movie’s working title is, “Mad Max: Beyond Newsomdome.”
Well played!! Funny!
If chaos is the message leftism is the medium. Leftists promise that the only alternative to control is chaos.
In reality, leftists want to destroy the current order to replace it with totalitarian rule by leftists.
I think much if not most of the so-called street crime is actually done by the CIA / FBI and other intelligence agencies via gangs which are cut-outs.
I have a been a Targeted Individual for 34 years (which is half my entire life.) Targeted Individuals (there are at least hundreds of thousands of us in the US, and millions worldwide) are victimized, harassed, gangstalked, and tortured in countless ways by these gangs. It is our own government who fund them, via black budgets, a/k/a "dark money." By their own admission, the DoD has lost track of trillions of dollars. That "lost" money funds these programs.
Please study this website for information about this:
Lol 😂 they who?
The gas station that was ransacked is on Hegenberger Rd. which is one of two thoroughfares -- the other is 98th Ave -- that link the Oakland Airport to the I-880 freeway that runs near the east shore of the bay. No one, locals or visitors, should ever fill up their cars or patronize any other businesses on those streets. Way too dangerous. So many stories of people getting their rental cars broken into and luggage stolen while filling up before returning them or grabbing a bite to eat.
Best to avoid any flights to the Oakland Airport.
As a Berkeley resident OAK is much more convenient than SFO, although with fewer destination options. I park at a private, secured lot and have never had any problems.
San Jose can be an alternative to SFO.
They need to seal off Oakland like in Escape From New York.
We decided a few weeks ago to move to rural Texas. That decision is looking more and more prescient by the day!
Don’t vote
Don’t. Vote. You’ll do it again.
This is all deliberately done. The Elite$ are rearranging the Game Counters, the West is no longer "It". The Booboeoise have NO CENTRE, no Values, no Reasons left. Only Consumerism. The barbarians are no longer AT THE GATE, we let them in. Who thinks a medieval religion gives a damn about lapsed Xhristuan (sic) degenerates..? Find God and pass the ammo. Or die.
Yes! they get the land on the cheap by encouraging one chimp-out after another.
"The calls to prayer are coming from inside the house."
And they pray to turn into asbestos as the doors are nailed shut. Gotta light?
If the USSA is not “it”… then who is?
Non ussa, non English speaking, non Christian, non democratic but BREEDING people, who aren't fags, trannies, purple haired screamers or dykes. Or White. That's who! 🤷
As an “elderly” woman I can tell you there are more places I feel unable to visit these days. And I’m scheduled to visit Chicago in early August. Yikes!😬
I don't have the stomach to watch that video, nor trust how I would behave if I actually saw that. I know my blood pressure sky-rocketed when I read "30+ elderly women beaten".
If we do not protect our vulnerable--well, it gets to the question Chris asks implicitly or explicitly like he did today--where does it end? Not well.
I live in Chicago right now 52 yo and feel very safe. I use the bus, bike the lakefront, walk to dinner. But you really need to know your neighborhood. I won't say there no danger, but it's better to stick north and on the lake than south and west. The loop is not what it was. Until workers return to the office, the empty buildings will continue to draw a different element. As to where those 100 shootings took place, what did the liberals think would happen when they closed down schools and churches, soup kitchens and AA for two years? Those neighborhoods were already high crime but without the pillars of community the delicate balance tipped. Those same people support BLM but refused to give them services for two years. Of course there's chaos now.
The country is broken. Some areas are less broken and some areas are more broken. The most broken areas are clearly those where the enlightened imbeciles of the Left are unfettered by normal people and can implement their utopian idiocy much to the chagrin of the local
gentry. Most of it involves turning their cities into a combination of Weimar Republic Berlin depravity mixed with post-Fidel Havana economic policies and Afghanistan levels of violence. Speaking of Afghanistan it is still the most violent country in the world and we never hear anything about it.
Our “President” is obviously broken. He is nominally in charge of the broken three letter agencies currently attacking normal people for a living. Congress is broken, the border is broken. Our trust in one another is broken, which is the hardest thing to restore. We are no longer whole people apparently. We’re put in little boxes - MAGA, Jew, Black, heterosexual, depending on who is attacking us at the moment. Many seem to do be unable to anything they used to do successfully any more. This came about after the COVID biological attack to remove Trump from office.
I went to Italy. The Italians didn’t seem filled with angst. They didn’t seem overly worried about their identity or their lifestyles. I think one of the benefits of living in a country with a perpetually fucked up public sector is that you don’t take it seriously because it was never any good. Especially if you are surrounded by good food, good wine, beautiful scenery, and nice people. Sure they know it’s fucked up, but they don’t expect anything to work. Many of us are blessed/cursed by the memory of an America that got shit done.
So we have to decide if we’re going to continue to actively deteriorate into a lesser country, or get back our mojo. Right now we have precious little mojo. Hard to when you’re being gaslit and otherwise abused by the deteriorating political class. This crap is not going to just go away. It will go away, but it will take time and it will hurt. And it might get a lot worse if we let it. Nayib Bukele, in El Salvador said fuck it and cleaned house. So far it’s working. We clearly have the wherewithal and know how to do the same here. What we seem to lack is spirit and iron will.
Yes, expectations vs reality. The Soviet people knew Pravda was propaganda, most Americans assume (assumed?) their media told them the truth. It can take awhile for the reality to sink in. One positive outcome from The COVID experience was the cascade of truth we’ve experienced the last several years. Painful but necessary if we’re ever to get our mojo back.
That New Republic lineup: Ben-Ghiat, Stelter...there should be a warning label on that cover like you find on cigarette packets: Warning: Reading this publication results in self-lobotomization.
Incidentally the smear job that left-wing criminologists are committing against Broken Windows policing would be hilarious if the results weren't so frightening. I mean:
I mean, anyone who looks at that list of names and then opens the magazine....
LOLOL! Like x100
Have you listened to Tucker interview Steve Sailer? Check it out. You'll like it (I actually mean you'll hate it because of the truth bombs he drops this crowd here intuitively knows but is silenced by the MSM).
Have not, will do so. I'm definitely picking up Sailer's book.
Brian, just listened to that Tucker interview today. It’s mind boggling.
As soon as I saw Ben-Ghiat, and potato head, I knew I would never read it.
And when do we hear complaints about “ retail and food deserts” because the thieves have destroyed all the stores.
I am sitting in a lawn chair watching my son play baseball. Small crowd since this is a small town in the hills of West Virginia. Birds chirping, scent of the last of the lavender on the breeze. Blessed to be here.
Come join the peace, but know that we expect civility and -as we say around here- right behavior.
All kidding aside if you have never been to visit, I urge you to consider coming to “sit a spell”.
Having grown up in a place that has been ravaged by crime (mostly black on black crime), and having family still living in that community, I can say with some level of confidence that the people in the affected communities actually want “broken windows” policing. Yet, somehow, their voices are lost and distorted. My connection with these communities now is mostly through Christian organizations, so my perception is admittedly skewed, but I honestly think most people who live in those communities just want peace, and they know that reasonable law and order is necessary. There are definitely members of law enforcement who are jaded and abuse their authority, but they’re the exception. From top to bottom, government is broken. It doesn’t work for anyone.
The poor, black, liberals who live there want cops and law and order.
The wealthy, white, progressives who don't live there want to virtue signal.
Guess who the city council listens to.
That’s exactly it. And guess who has time and resources to advocate for “equity”?
Precisely. As always, Progs are bad for those they claim to benefit.
This doesn’t seem to be working - aren’t most murders in the US black men killing black men? All those saintly black people looking out for Miss Mary…Really? Maybe. I live in England, where the blacks and browns (Muslims) live, and have always lived since they arrived here, in self-segregation on the whole. I imagine the police stay away when that young Muslim girl goes missing ‘back to Pakistan’. The police certainly stay away when young white girls are raped by Muslim gangs.
What is stopping community policing? Neighborhood watch but on steroids? Seems like that would be the next thing.
Works for the pols, their puppet masters, and the criminals, but I repeat myself.
I’m in California 😱. Are there pockets of sanity left ?
Many. But they're just pockets. There are people and communities holding on in California, but the statewide pressures are becoming...interesting.
I actually just snorted. I’m not sure if it’s an old Yiddish curse or a Chinese one ? Something like “may you live in interesting times “
May you live in interesting times in Oakland
I’m really bummed - moved to N. Idaho to escape Wa state tyranny during COVID. Today read that Inslee 🤡 bought retirement property on beautiful Hayden Lake, ID - There goes the freakin neighborhood.
Escaping end of the month. Sorry the moron tyrant is moving to Idaho.
Florida pretty solid outside the couple big cities. Texas pretty solid outside the couple big cities. Tennessee pretty solid outside the couple big cities. Much of the rest of the southeast and midwest solid outside the big cities.
But as have many before you, you would likely find a whole different world moving to Florida. My friends who move from California are shocked at how different the people are, much less the government and the environment.
My sister visted Florida. I asked her how it was. "Feels like America".
Noticeably devoid of decay.
How long can those states survive the election fraud, leftist, dependent legal immigration, illegal immigration, outright election fraud? The cities rule once the state looses or surrenders the ability to keep them in check. It will all be California eventually. Entropy.
Oklahoma, people. Pretty much North Texas. OKC is the liberal enclave, but the rest? Super affordable, great little neighborhoods, semi-rural or rural if you want it. The folks in Muskogee are still proud of Merle Haggard's immortalization of them.
Sanity lives in the states where the 2nd Amendment is strong in the people’s mind and we know our rights.
Piedmont is like stepping back in time. Despite being in the Bay Area, near Berkeley and Oakland, Piedmont is clean and charming, with thriving Scout troops and a lovely traditional July 4 celebration worthy of Mayberry. Piedmont even has an old fashioned, very good ice cream parlor with bent wire chairs and gigantic banana splits. But it isn’t all 1950s wholesomeness; there are the usual LGBTs, race-mixers, and other liberal stereotypes, too, though not as many as in neighboring communities.
Those outside the Bay Area might not be familiar with Piedmont. It is a small wealthy enclave in the Oakland Hills. It's a completely independent municipality completely surrounded by Oakland.
It has a really nice canyon park with paved paths, popular with dog owners.
Some of the Central Valley, Central Coast, Owens Valley, north of Davis to Oregon.
The police took two hours to respond? The police must be totally demoralized—and arresting anti-social vandals must, for them, be legally pointless.
Declining numbers. Oakland is also facing insolvency, which will reduce patrol staffing waaaaay more, if it happens. They're praying for a deus ex machina financial miracle.
I wonder how many officers the Oakland Police Department lost to the jabs mandates.
There are states and cities all over the US that are insolvent or nearly so. They are very motivated to have the administration retain its status quo, so there will be a hope of being rescued. We should never believe that something is "too big to fail" and then bail them out by printing more currency. Banks. GM, Cities, States. If they fail they fail.
I get it's not their fault, they didn't vote to defund and demoralize themselves. It must be the new worst job ever!
9 hours he said. 9 fucking hours!!!
BUT, they graciously parked a police car in the parking lot once they determined it was a high crime area. Honestly, are bureaucrats good at anything?
No, they suck at everything. the cops however are still generally pretty decent guys, must be so frustrating for them.
Did it ever occur to you that the police might be in on it? That they have been co-opted by the evil powers which run this country?
A good point. I support the police, but (and this is a big but) they are no longer “of the people“, in part because they wear this tactical gear like a SWAT team, in part because they are no longer on the street.
In Portland, with limited officers, policy is to prioritize incidents involving physical injury to a human being. Therefore property crimes wait for last. And yes, that hobo laid out in the street overdosed on fentanyl will be attended to after shootings but before lootings.
A policy guaranteed to get more of every evil thing. Break more windows. It will only end when citizens become their own security. Break the monopoly on violence and hope it doesn't go badly.
You already know how it ends.
Rome gets sacked.