Not surprising these useless and dangerous nobodies are failed upwards beyond all semblance of rationality. Public health bureaucracies in particular seem to attract power-hungry, vacant, scorpion harridans whose inner power-lust is in direct, reverse ratio to their intellectual and moral acuity. Canada's example during the lockdowns was....a graphic designer who ran a homeless shelter. That's it. Even by the subterranean standards of Trudeau's cabinets she stood out as being particularly self-delusional and septic.

And as a librarian, a thesis from a major university *not* being available either through the university library's digital archives or through the Digital Dissertations database gets my ears up, and makes me think there is fuckery going on behind the scenes.

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I can confirm from an inside perspective: public health is exactly as you describe.

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Ugh. If I could just take the way back machine to the ancient times of 2019 when I was ignorant and blissful...


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Can I ride shotgun?

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I think as all the facades are exposed the public will understand the need to insist on a return to educational standards that teach people to think and reason critically for themselves in order to avoid these cringe worthy imposters from ever holding office again.

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Yes, and yet: we're still at the mercy of "the public" which energetically resists admitting its failures in critical thinking & reasoning. We just had an awful loss in a local election magnifying the dominance of the DEI CRT trans affirming strains of irrationality on the county school board. They campaigned on fear of 'politicizing' schools by so-called conservatives, despite their actual record themselves of being fundamentally political, e.g. wasting $50-80k during the lockdowns to change the names of schools, in the vanguard of virtue-signalling white liberal females not even under any BLM etc pressures. The sane put up great candidates and campaigned hard but fell short, what with all of the students and crazed faculty / administrators in the university town tragically within county lines.

Meanwhile at state level, national hard-left activists are mobilizing against a strongly conservative candidate for governor. Totally predictable catastrophic & triggering tropes, deception, and outright lies, but it has worked before, for a long time.

I'm finding it difficult to stay optimistic in the face of the "by any means" and no-values masses staying in line behind clearly bonkers & often blatantly corrupt if not evil leaders. Look at the anti-rational defending Fani Willis et al.

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That was disheartening to hear and , unfortunately, not surprising . I guess we just continue to fight back until it comes to a crucial point , where the crazy’s vs normals tips into the physical and we will see what is left over when the whole of the conflict gets tossed into the crucible and all the dross is burnt off .

Right now I can’t see a peaceful accommodation being worked out between the two opposing sides.. Sorry for the depressing take on it but I don’t see the people infected with the mind virus getting healed and coming around to normalcy, ever.

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Better to take stock of reality than kid ourselves, though. Prepare for the worst and hope for, well, if not the best, something not so bad? Then may we be pleasantly surprised, at least at the edges, while navigating hard times I personally feel sure are coming, one way or another.

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As a Canadian I fervently echo your words. "Septic". That is a great word! I will use it more often to describe these vicious political appointees. I think people like this are assigned, not because of qualifications or intelligence but because of demonstrated ideological purity, for the specific job of ruining the public bureaucracies they are appointed to run. People like this woman are elevated to power over public assets because they have demonstrated that they have no morals, no personal integrity, no human sympathy, and that they will follow any orders, however inhuman. George Soros recruits people like this from universities in order to place them as mayors and DAs to advance his globalist agenda, destruction of laws and borders and societies, especially the USA. That's my crazy thesis.

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Agreed. And I don't think it's crazy at all. The patterns that keep replicating themselves across the Western world are just too obvious to ignore.

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Might be worth it to take a look at exactly what the young global leaders training at Klaus Schwab’s WEF entails. Judging by the deliberate dismantling of individual rights and freedoms of Canadians by Trudeau and Freeland and their mediocre wackadoddle WEF selected cabinet I am guessing it is composed of tyrannical globalist plotting to destroy national boundaries and citizens rights.The UN and WHO are partners world bank are all in on this globalist agenda.The current Canadian governments mis use of the hate speech laws( courts) ,the environmental ministry,health ministry and the illegal enactment of laws to override the Charter of rights against the freedom convoy are examples of Treasonous acts against the Canadian free citizens as directed by the globalist agenda coming out of Klaus Schwab WEF nation destroying game plan.

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Your theory ain’t crazy .

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Doktor Ferrer looks like she stepped out of Tales of the Crypt.

I'm afraid I had to scroll past the Great Covid Panic stuff - just about everything except what you had to say. My eyes immediately begin to roll in my head. The Great Covid Panic was the Great Unleashing of Fascism in this country. It was plain balls-out.

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Me too. I couldn’t watch such absolute nonsense and evil. I did read some of her writing that was published within the article. I’ll give you a summary: racism racism racism immigrants immigrants immigrants. It all implies that it’s the tax payer who has to, absolutely has to, take care of these invaders as a top priority, at the expense of the taxpayers’ children, grandchildren and their own health and safety. Why do such people as this vile-looking woman write such rubbish? Brownie points; power; money; virtue-signalling. This creature certainly knows how to play the liars’ game - after all, it’s what her ‘doctorate’ is in.

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I am always curious what is going through their minds when they spout this racism stuff. The west is nonracist to the point of suicide.

The radfems do the same. Meltdowns at how oppressive western nations are, while Muslims marry off their 13 year old daughters and they say nothing.

Is it mental illness at this stage?

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Mental illness?

Yes. DSM VII (just about to be published...)

Determined Willful Blindness. DWB.

Serious condition, often fatal.

Greatest Risk Population: middle age, middle class white women, especially those divorced, single working in HR or public health fields.

Highly highly contagious.

Symptoms: compulsion to wear masks and pu$$y hats. Yoga pants to accent pear-shaped body. Voice that abuts 10000 screeching decibels when talking about: abortion, racism, immigration, LGBT+, whiteness, #METOO, and white male patriarchy.

Cure: So far, there is no cure.


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Oh there is a cure. An injection of Patriarchy 🤩

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You sir, are braver than me...


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I wasn't volunteering. Plenty of Chads like a dare mind you 😜

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This cadaverous thing ruined LA County between 2020 and 2022. My favorite edict from Herr Dokter: Breweries can open, but have to serve food. Because food makes you immune from COVID, you science denier.

I went to my favorite brewery during this time to get a beer. It is in a public market with a bunch of eateries. The poor guy behind the stick sheepishly asked me to go buy food at one of the stands and show him the receipt before he would serve me a beer. Not blaming him, I asked him who was enforcing such an inanity, and please pour me a beer. He said he couldn’t take a chance because the Health Department could be watching. I felt like I was in East Germany.

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It was that aspect that bothered me most about Covid. Decent people unwilling to fight back. Plus the insanity of those in charge.

They did the food thing where I was too. The absurdity of it was understood, even acknowledged, yet it happened anyway.

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Age 9 is generally the lower limit to consummating marriage. Though a marriage may of course be arranged at any age to be consummated when the girl has started menstruating (which makes her legal to have sex with in their view).

And "congress shall make no law" and so on re: religion. Americans are in for an "interesting" time now that moslem populations are becoming influential.

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Easy to fix, all it takes it willpower and and awareness liberalism has run its course.

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“Muslims marry off their 13 year old daughters”

Only because their goats are too valuable.

And they are considered enlightened and “oppressed”…

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It’s xenophilism

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Not so much Xenophilism, but Oikophobia, a word coined by Sir Roger Scruton to denote "the felt need to denigrate the customs, culture and institutions that are identifiably 'ours.'" It lacks even the redeeming quality of genuine love for the outsider, but is nothing more than narcissistic self-hatred of those who would rather rule in Hell than serve Heaven.

"The oikophobe and the multiculturalist are not really interested in other cultures, except as instruments with which to beat their fellow-citizens."


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Agreed and thanks for the link 👍🏻

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I suspect so.

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"Dr." Ferrer's appearance reminds me of Dr. "Rachel" Levine if Dr. Levine were anorexic rather than obese. Of course, the ugliness of what these creatures do and say is far worse than their looks.

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Sometimes you can tell a book by it’s cover

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…or Tale of Two Cities, maybe? Madam Defarge at the barricades!

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“she had received a personal briefing from The Oracle, an act of High Magick that made the bearer of The Oracle’s wisdom become, by the touch of high scholarly anointment, one of the inner circle in the Sisterhood of the Virus.”

This dynamic is illustrated brilliantly in C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength. It is the lure of the inner circle that corrupts the mid wit and turns him or her into an unrepentant propagandist. The point of this personal briefing was not to transmit information, as that can easily be done with public videos. The point of the personal briefing was to dangle the inner circle in front of the mid wit to earn her lasting loyalty and service.

The mid wit in the book is ultimately redeemed, but I suppose that’s why we call it fiction. Far too few in non-fiction land have awakened to the evil they served and continue to serve.

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Nicely put. I am very happy to see an increasing number of people reading and talking about That Hideous Strength these days!

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It really deserves to be considered up there with the likes of 1984 and Brave New World in terms of predicting and describing the totalitarian insanity we find ourselves in these days. N.I.C.E has conquered the world.

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Indeed. I wrote a review piece a few years back comparing THS in part to 1984, almost as a prequel. https://dochammer.substack.com/p/cs-lewis-might-have-been-a-prophet and another few directly comparing them https://dochammer.substack.com/p/that-hideous-strength-and-1984-part https://dochammer.substack.com/p/that-hideous-strength-and-1984-part-de8

I would be hard pressed to say which is better, THS or 1984, although I might lean towards Orwell a bit, especially because they cover different ground in some areas. I think as a pair they work really well.

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Thanks, I’ll check those out.

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Totally agree! It’s incredibly predictive.

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I think I need to read it. Mere Christianity and the Screwtape Letters are my favourites.

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Another 🔥 comment 👏🏼🙌🏼

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Feb 22
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It is becoming hard to hide. And people will need scapegoats.

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What worries me is none of that has dampened their enthusiasm for intrusive public health measures. Not one bit.

Overall it was viewed as a success. Most of the failure is seen as managing disinformation better i.e. information they can't control.

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Feb 22
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But it is more than this. I get the impression even if massive deaths were attributed to their measures none of it would change anything. They believe modernity is them, a technocratic elite, running our lives because we cannot be left to our own devices. Failure is seen as irrelevant. It would have been even worse if we had been in charge of our own lives.

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What scares me even more than the fact that these mediocre minds fail their way to the top is the fact that there are even more mediocre minds that fall for the charade. It’s surprising that the fabric of society and the institutions governing it haven’t ripped all the way. Apparently the Military-industrial complex and the people riding it still need it for something.

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Agreed. I think how they made it to the top is their ability to be seduced by the fashionable groupthink around them. I am far more concerned with the damage they are doing after reaching the circles of power. It’s well established via polling that trust in various gov’t, business, media and cultural institutions has declined significantly. These institutions were previously relied on for expert guidance, a calm steady reassuring hand and finding solutions to the problems of the day. People listened, believed and supported these institutions because of their trust in them.

Now, a significant and in some cases majority of people don’t trust and in fact laugh at these institutions. When you have lost your credibility with a large group of people, it’s highly unlikely to ever be re-earned again. That leaves society in a precarious, vulnerable position…no one to trust.

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Which is the point. If your goal was one world government you would wish to reduce the credibility of national governments first.

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If not the goal, at least a fortunate side effect. The main goal is probably to decrease the effectiveness of local governments and populate them with incompetent, mediocre (at best) minds that will offer little to no resistance to the WHO / WEF / whatever takeover.

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It is hard to say if it is deliberate, but it is certainly visible. Nothing works. A characteristic of the third world.

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California has already effectively done this. Their local all the way up through state bureaucrats just mindlessly parrot whatever the WHO and CDC tell them.

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This is why I believe we're eventually going to get a Franco-like figure. (And no, Donald Trump is not that figure -- Franco was competent). Eventually, enough things will fail (and we will incur enough strategic defeats) that people will be willing to vote in anyone who will restore order. Hopefully it will be someone like Franco and a Mussolini or Lenin.

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You do mean "Hopefully it will be someone like Franco and [not] a Mussolini or Lenin."?

Because a Lenin-level of ruthless person in the White House. . .

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Yes. Sorry. :-)

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That may be true, but is not necessarily a good thing. James Lindsay has argued that the left is 'dialectically' trying to provoke the rise of 'right wing' authoritarianism to sweep away all the protections of the individual from the state. Once conservatives have abandoned those precepts, the left will sweep back in and take total power, and there will be no principled opposition possible.

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The opportunities for principled opposition are already being denied today. Stand up in the middle of a corporate DEI meeting at Bank of America and say, "you know, I really don't think whiteness is the problem here" and see what happens.

I would prefer a broadly tolerant, liberal society, built on individual rights and federalism, and rooted in a Abrahamic moral order. There's a great deal of evidence that such a system is the best possible tradeoff between safety, efficiency and liberty. But fundamentally, I believe Patrick Deneen is right: the liberal individual rights of that system undermine the pre-liberal moral order that it depends on. Adams was correct -- Enlightenment liberalism only works for a moral and religious people. However, even if you disagree with Deneen and Adams, bottom line, that system isn't on the menu today. Only the libertarians are still pushing something like it, and they're as much a joke as Deneen and his integralists are.

What is on the menu is a choice between an intersectional racial/sexual spoils system under a left-wing authoritarianism (the woke) and hard ethno-nationalism (the Nazis). Since those are basically two sides of the same coin and uniformly suck, I'm rooting for a mild right-wing authoritarianism or illiberal democracy, something between Franco and Orban.

Again, it's not my preferred choice, but based on what's actually on offer today, it's the least bod option.

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The people who want to control our lives because we're not smart enough to do what's for the greater good, ahem, I mean in our own best interests NEED to have their credentials scrutinized. And checked for "duplicitous language " aka plagiarism. I really hope Chris gets a copy of Dr. Ferrer's dissertation!

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It is irrelevant in the circles she inhabits. Her articles are the same. They exist to transmit her adherence to the mantras. That's all. She is onboard with the demographic change, the destruction of traditional America, and will adopt whatever stance is in vogue. You get on in their world if you demonstrate you don't need instructions.

The only cure is trying them for treason.

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Reminds me of this scene from the movie, Barry Lyndon.


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People about whom there is no question, lol.

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A BS degree for a BS job. And I do not mean Bachelor of Science.

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😂 I see what you did there

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Ever notice when people like this talk/write they use the exact same words and phrases. “Intersectionality…hierarchy…perpetuate discrimination…racial justice…people of color”. Just like the msm, who will all use similar buzzwords, these “experts” use the same vocabulary too. It’s the equivalent of copying off each other’s paper in school. These words give them peer acceptance and social approval, which is really what they crave. And when a colleague deviates from their accepted speech/thought, they are immediately ostracized and banished.

These people seem very susceptible to mind control and group think. No critical thinking skills, no ability to see around the corner to understand what repercussions will result from their blindly following the crowd. Sheep following the herd and craving social acceptance seems to be all they are motivated by.

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Yep. Reading Ferrer is like reading Frau Dr. Biden. Ferrer seems to believe that repeating what she wrote in one paragraph in a second and then third paragraph constitutes proof of whatever vague notion she's worked so hard not to elucidate.

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"These words give them peer acceptance and social approval"

The language of the in-group. Every trade or profession, every club or cult, every group uses language to illustrate their "uniqueness". And to help identify with the group.

I don't speak, and am often challenged to understand, the language of the left. Therefore I am unlikely to be identified with that group. Which does not exactly break my heart.

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I am noticing too many of them talk in a baby talk voice. I haven’t listened to her. Either baby talk or drugged monotone, half an octave lower than they should be talking.

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Like reciting prayers in Latin. No need for the masses to understand, as long as you hear key words you know it’s Very Important and Powerful.

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Hogwarts Latin, because they are magical thinkers who believe that reality will rearrange itself to accord with their incantations.

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But sheep are so much nicer! ;-)

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A quick glance at Ferrer's article tells you all you need to know: "intersectionality," "social and racial justice," "marginalization," "social hierarchies," and the big one, "interconnectedness with one another." Seeing these words tells the reader, right off the bat, that this is not any kind of serious work. Nowadays, that sort of terminology also reveals the writer's politics, social status, voting patterns, and hints at marital status and possibly the number of cats owned. (Note to the outraged: we love cats here, we have a couple of them, they keep the indoor mouse population in check).

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Advanced degrees have largely become the equivalent of letters of nobility among the classical aristocracy.

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Alternate take: Advanced degrees have largely become the functional equivalent of decoder rings in cereal boxes. Possession of which allows the owner to think of themselves as in some way superior to those unfortunates who are not so blessed.

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To me, and I have an MA, they carry slightly more weight than someone wearing a Canucks jersey. But only slightly.

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this story is straight out of the Soviet Union days of Lysenkoism. she even looks the part.

a ghastly bureaucrat who’s only skill is to tell others to “shut up…your betters are speaking”

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Lysenko is seen as a scientific joke today, but let us not forget that his new socialist seeds, planted by Stalin's new socialist men, resulted in millions of people starving to death.

Crackpot theories of unreality are all fun to laugh at, until your crops die, your antibiotics fail, and your bridges fall down.

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true. Covid Lysenkoism alone might prove to be more destructive than the original.

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And your now infertile population dies suddenly when under stress.

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This "highly-educated" individual is exactly as you described; a "midwit."

After reading these samples, I was left with the impression of an undergraduate student trying to meet the word count requirement for an in-class exercise.

This writing style just flails. To be honest, I thought, "this person must have studied with Kamala Harris' speech writer."

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With every article you write about these creatures Chris, I marvel at your ability to maintain your equilibrium but I know from your writing you have priorities in place. Family, nature, travel. And for myself, I know to go directly to the comments section to help restore my faith in people. Best commenters ever, kudos to all of you.

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I guess I understand (understanding not equal to agreeing) why our “leadership” class equates “education” with wisdom bordering on omnipresence. It’s this country’s version of the caste system.

I think we (the average citizen) were spoiled by the first several generations of leadership in this country as they understood the basis for the founding of the country and saw public service as a duty (not a right) to give back (short term) for the greater good. None of these people saw it as a means to an end. They left their chosen profession, farmer, blacksmith, lawyer, etc. to serve/contribute to their country short term and then return to their vocation. Public service typically meant a financial and professional sacrifice, not a means to enrich themselves. If the founders made a mistake it was not imbedding term limits in from the start but I think even in their greatness they couldn’t envision the level of grifters and losers who have burrowed themselves into the body politic.

Sadly the average “citizen” wants (needs?) someone to tell them how to think and what to do. I for one, won’t feel empathy for a minute as these lemmings are led over the cliff.

I had to look up one of the good doctors credentials, MPH (Masters of Public Health) and here is just one program I found, https://www.snhu.edu/about-us/newsroom/health/what-is-an-mph-degree.

In reviewing the great depth and knowledge involved in this degree it is certainly obvious that upon receipt it certainly makes you qualified to direct and command actual Medical Doctors when it comes to the matter of individual healthcare.

Two career paths outlined under the section “What Can You Do with a Public Health Degree?” to leave you with-

Community – One of the most vital arenas you can work in with a degree in public health is community involvement, such as activism, preparedness and environmental health.

Political science – A master’s degree in public health can lead to a dynamic and key position in the realms of policy change and new best practices at the state or federal levels.

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So an MPH is a license to nag?

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Maybe not a license but definitely a degree!

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I guess it was too much to hope for that she had joined a commune in Indiana. I think she and that judge Engoron, who's currently tormenting President Trump, were separated at birth. They both look completely demented and ignorant. Definitely a couple of rocket surgeons! They might want to look into getting their cranial-rectal inversions fixed though.

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Hey, stay away from Indiana. It’s polluted and full of rednecks and inbreds. Danger!

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But it isn't *too* close to Pritzker is it? Talk about creeptastic!😜 My childhood best friend is from there but I can't remember which town.

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If Alfred E. Neumann had a pedo uncle, it would be Engoron.

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He not only looks like a pedo; he also looks like a rabid dog.

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One of my hobbies during COVID was judging various “experts” by their personal appearance of health.

Dr. Ferrar looks like a zombie. (The photo you published of her is probably the most flattering I have ever seen.) The idea that anyone could take health advice from this person is absolutely ludicrous to me.

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Nope, gonna need more coffee to get through that cringe. Couldn't even finish the second sentence in either of those. Where do they find these people? Guessing, the underside of their shoes after walking in a dog park.

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