
Many, many, many reports from the ground in North Carolina that sound like this:


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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

Bless that guy. That brought tears to my eyes. Praying for everyone. I know Trump has set up a fundraiser for the people affected.

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Yep. Same here.

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Gbnews in the UK has reported Biden's "storm, what storm?" gaffe too,, not sure about other msm as I no longer read/watch it. It's utterly heartbreaking. But just so typical that your government will bail out Israel and Ukraine before its own citizens. Shameful.

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I wanted to say, "Son, you've got to get some sleep. If you collapse you can't help anybody." I'll pass it along. Invaluable first hand report. There's a damn good man.

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It’s all about the Lithium and the land it’s under…possibly an added bonus is the elimination of the abilities for folks to vote.

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There may be more to than that: this area contains the purest quartz in the world. The tech industry is hugely interested in it.

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I agree yet the lithium, IMO, is the driving factor. To be certain, everything about Helene screams nefarious activity especially when the government response is abysmal, FEMA is confiscating supplies, and growing threats of arrests of civilian aid workers. So, whether it’s for the quartz or the lithium or both, the government is guilty of committing/continuing genocide!

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Agree. I have the sick feeling that this hurricane was manipulated and ‘steered’ by HAARP to cause maximum damage to this area.

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Oct 5Liked by Chris Bray

At CNN, a competently executed story about the horror in North Carolina:


The journalists on the ground are covering it, but the stories aren't being played at the top.

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

The phrase "plausible deniability" comes to mind. But I'm not sure if that's the right one to capture this phenomenon. It's as if CNN is preparing itself for the accusations that they ignored the hurricane. They will be able to point to this and other stories to be able to say that they did indeed cover it, and here's the evidence. That evidence, in turn, will serve as the basis for commentators to respond to those making the accusations as ill-informed, paranoid conspiracists. Because, as everyone can see, CNN remains the reliable, objective, trustworthy news agency it always was, remains still, and ever will be, devoting its vast resources far and wide, wherever they are needed, to the pursuit of news and facts for the good of humanity and democracy.

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Delusional Deniability…

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"Depraved Indifference to Human Life"

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Treason. The filthiest damn treason I ever thought I'd ever see.

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The day of the rope approaches.

Let’s make it a month.

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We ain’t talking to there, we gotta walk there

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An extended, limited hangout.

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"Local Sheriffs have threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hinder rescue and aid work. "


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🙌 Good for the sheriffs!

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

As Matt Taibbi says, we're seeing the final form of the Sovietization of the American press.

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Dear God yes.

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FInal form? It's been like this for quite a while.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Taibbi has been reporting on the trajectory of this for years. This should not be trivialized. The consequences have radically increased and broadened.

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Twitter is the Radio Free Europe for the United States.

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Exactly. I've said for years that the most interesting aspect (as opposed to classical totalitarianism) of this march to neo-totalitarianism is that the media is the tail wagging the dog.

They weren't captured by the state; they captured the state.

In many ways they have shaped/constructed the current hegemony over the last 3 decades...most were just unaware...and that's why it seems like it's all happening so fast.

Think about it. The Left and all the insanity it is, could not exist without being captured by American Pravda.

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I don't see it this way at all. Yes, it's a self-reinforcing system, but the media was absolutely captured by the state first- the intelligence services infiltrated it with personnel and messaging, and then took it over completely. MSM is purely a government mouthpiece at this time.

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Corrupted. Not captured. Captured makes them sound like a ‘victim’.

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a pox on them!

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I think Mr. Delgado articulated it well in reply to my comment.

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A more convoluted image involving multiple dogs, tails, and body parts comes to mind. But your larger point, that the media, writ large, is very much an involved actor as opposed to an obedient servant, is well taken.

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The PMC (Ehrenreich) goes beyond the media, but that is one of the PMC's primary propaganda schemes.

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Pst who owns the media? What or who do they report to follow the chain upward and onward

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American Pravda, as Ron Unz calls it.

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NYT = Pravda on the Hudson

WaPo = Pravda on the Potomac

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Pravda on the bottom of the bird cage

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"Final"? As in this is the bottom? I sure hope so. But fear that this is only the bottom of a glass bottom boat and the glass is cracking. The sounding lead cannot detect a bottom beneath our keel. But we'll be riding 'er down pretty soon. It's been good to know ya, shipmates.

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Deep down I think they want him to win. Their entire lives revolve around him. What will they grift on and obsess over if he's gone?

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To quote the final two lines from Constantine P. Cavafy's "Waiting for the Barbarians" (translators Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard),

"Now what's going to happen to us without the barbarians?

Those people were a kind of solution."

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Christiana have always been useful.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 5Liked by Chris Bray

Exactly Chris, all the clutter is designed to obfuscate and distract us from what’s really going on. I just sent the following to the Seattle Times (it won’t get published, of course)

I find myself absolutely astonished that we, the American people, in the face of irrefutable evidence, have together tacitly agreed to allow an individual who is demonstrably incompetent to continue to hold the highest office in our land.

Whether Democrat or Republican, we’re all Americans. We proudly tell ourselves we are a nation of laws and principles and that we have a Constitution we respect and live by. We hold ourselves up to the world as an example to be emulated by all freedom loving nations.

Yet, together we allow an individual to hold an office to which he is clearly unqualified to hold, knowing full well that there are unelected individuals behind the scenes sending him out each day after telling him where to go, what to do and what to say. We neither know who these people are nor what their agenda is. Will they start a war? Do they have control of the “nuclear football?” We can’t know because they are unknown and, more importantly, unaccountable to the American people.

What we do know is that our President is incapacitated, that we have the constitutional means by which to remove him, and yet...we don’t. Why?

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I don't want him to resign now. Look, it's been known since June that Biden is a stiff. Russia hasn't nuked Ukraine. China hasn't made a move on Taiwan. Israel is doing a magnificent job in showing the world how a nation people can respect behaves in a time of great crisis.

All of this makes me think that the leaders whom we rightly have a healthy respect for are more sane than we have feared. Even the obese assh*le with the great haircut who runs North Korea hasn't done anything so awful in its news worthiness it's attracted anyone's attention.

We have a month until the election. The one thing I do not want is the October surprise of a President Kamala Harris. It might be seen as too gimmicky by half, but I worry that if the dumbbell didn't disgrace herself exceptionally in the several weeks before the election, it could make the difference in deciding the election.

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Actually, the Powers Who Rule Over Us do have one valid reason for not shit-canning Joe Biden: Kamala would be president.

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

Is it safe to say that the people who consume MSNBC and Google News like it's "the truth" are officially living in a different reality than the rest of us? Sure seems that way to me.

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Literally a different reality. They squint at you when you talk to them.

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And twitch like Dana Bash when she hears anything non-narrative.

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That’s why it’s important to talk down to them, so they can finally have someone to look up to.

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Postmodernist neo-Marxist totalitarians see "reality" as an oppressive, phallocentric, racist/sexist, intolerant "social construct".

Being out of touch with reality for them is a feature, not a bug. The brainwashing is severe, but well documented.

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Regarding the stories of FEMA officials interfering with private relief efforts. If true, could the local sheriffs arrest the FEMA officials who do this? There must be something they could be charged with. Reckless endangerment? Theft under the color of law? Manslaughter? Attempted murder? Interfering with official police business?

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I'm seeing a very strange mix of stories on I-still-call-it-Twitter. Some state police / local sheriff's departments are helping and working with volunteers, and some are threatening them with arrest. I think we'll be sorting out the layers of official responses for months.

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A hike in to Chimney Rock and shows the cooperation with local police. Very clear images. https://youtu.be/MYdC-6nShdc?si=f1EQzUz3nvlMqCdU

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

You know how they are going to spin this. They're going to claim that they have to curtail citizen organized rescue teams for their own safety, and that of the professional FEMA personnel. To hell with the citizens in distress and in harms way who need rescuing. Gotta be sure no government employees are in any danger :{

From John Carter's substack today "Hurricane Helene and the Lost Mandate of Heaven"

"We're from the government, and we're here to make sure no one helps."



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There is a "good Samaritan law"

We should also have a " We would be happy to step back and let you do it, but since you are not (or screwing it up) we are entitled to intervene" law.

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Gov always wants total control.

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Go around go above w that copter mule pack in away from fema and goes state etc. They can't be e erywhere because natch they aren't where help is needed. Deliverance coming in from above...heck air drops from hot air balloons or blimps in a pinch@

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

Trump bad: Angry. Trump said bad thing: Angry. Trump ally did thing: Angry. Person said bad thing about Trump: Happy. Person said zinger about Trump: Ha-ha. What other news could there possibly be?

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The favorite headlines at explicitly left-facing political sites like Daily Kos and Huffington Post are all about Trump's raging emotions, these days. TRUMP MELTS DOWN. Over and over and over again. TRUMP SEETHING. Apparently the most important topic in the world.

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as they rage repeatedly about Trump, we see videos of Trump joking and shrugging off their demonization of him, their repeated attempts to imprison him, and two assassination attempts...he seems to be controlling his emotions very well considering.

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The MSM has shed everyone except extreme TDS suffers.

CNN polls it viewers, "What is the most important issue to you right now?"

Headline: Trump Worried as Walls are Closing In

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P Diddy most important should be the reply. C as use we wanna know where the sea tapes are and who is in them!

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Hint lots of liberal politicos n media

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Jimmy Dore "walls closing in"

(Dancing with Russian spies.)


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And don’t forget “Trump is desperate” from Harris yesterday. Saw “Vindicating Trump” today by Dinesh D’Sousa. Very well done, he ties it all together in an entertaining way. Dinesh is super smart.

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I sometimes spend hours posting comments* on that kind of drivel on their farcebork pages pointing out the obvious ways that they are PROJECTING their own mental dysfunction (citing psych research). Then farcebork bans me for a day or so.

Same for the Democrat fundraiser farcebork pages, full of obvious, creepy crawlies, kooks, sock puppet troll/b0t accounts posting comments full of idiotic mental sewage, smears, lies, distortions, etc. (scripts from troll farms, probably the soros troll farm)


* Detailed examination by independent investigative journalists of why Democrat Party elites are out of touch with reality and always lie about everything.


www. racket. news /p/meet-the-new-lies-same-as-the-old

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For them, Angry Trump serves the same function as The Bat Boy on the cover of The National Enquirer.

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I'm pretty sure that happened while Trump was president and HE DID NOTHING.

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Click whirrrr I am very angry at Donald Trump! whirrrr click

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For as long as I have been alive, during every general election, there is rumor of an "October Surprise" which, if true and potentially impactful (very rare occurrence), is dutifully under reported, ignored or "fact checked" to reduce the "surprise" to a James Carville inspired "nothing burger". In 2020, it was Hunter's laptop and I am getting this eerie feeling that in 2024, the entire Helene disaster is being reduced to a nothing burger of Whopper proportions. Even this piss poor federal response will be reported as being a such a difficult task that any response can be judged as inadequate.. The recent reports of FEMA absconding with humanitarian relief being supplied by churches and charities for FEMA's "distribution" will likely be "fact checked" into oblivion and the only reports will be that FEMA is doing a smashingly great job. It is all so depressing. I am getting too old for this shit.

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FEMA has a "preferred vendors" list. it's the linchpin of the disaster-industrial complex https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/dr-chris-martenson-reveals-a-pm-alleging/comment/71267926

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The navy spent tens of millions on a floating pier. It was a stupid idea, ineptly executed... and... it failed. But no one doubts they "tried"

IT is very difficult to state that FEMA/DOD/MSM/Biden admin, etc is "trying"

I don't put it past them to air drop fax machines to those without power, but they are not even doing that.

Which means it is an Op... Just like all of the others they would prefer you not to talk about, more effort is spent covering it up than fixing it.

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Those fucks make Pravda blush.

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At least Pravda had a gun to their head. These presstitutes sell themselves willingly.

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"The Huffington Post, an ongoing digital lobotomy..." 😂

Everything is wunderbar and we are all experiencing a transendental wave of Gemütlichkeit courtesy of Old Uncle Joe and his medicated DEI Kewpie doll, K-brat.

Meanwhile, the douchebags at FEMA and their dark overlords at the DNC, I mean the White House, are saying they have no money to help the ( apparently non-existent) victims of Hurricane Helene and that private citizens who help the non-existent victims will be punished and put that food, water, and medicine back where you found it, and the trash too. You are not an approved vendor. WTAF.

For a Government that prints money like a professional eater at a hot dog contest, it seems a bit odd that they can't make the printers go brrr for a bunch of poor citizens who have just lost everything. They can pay for universities to study systemic racism, Ukrainians to bomb Russians, Venezuelans to come in and sell drugs and shake people down, but if you are from Appalachia, you are out of luck, Gomer. Seems a bit like political weaponization. And as much as I want Israel to win its war, the USG should take care of our citizens above and beyond anything else.

The media has to make something these Commie retards are doing look good, even if they have nothing to work with. The job numbers are a lie. They have been pulling this trick for years now. Great job numbers are heralded. And then a couple of months later they are severely revised downward. It's BS.

Trump/Vance 2024

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Hundreds of hurricane victims are suffering, but according to our most trusted media sources, the hurricane didn’t happen and everything is fine.

What in the actual hell.

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My fury about this grows the more the media gaslights and censors.

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

They’re the wrong victims. Doesn’t play well for the narrative

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Oct 4Liked by Chris Bray

Most of the headline stories on these sites are what we used to find in the gossip columns.

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