This was a psyop dog and pony show to sow chaos and confusion pre election 2020 and to keep the heat off of Whitmer aka ‘the wicked witch of the Midwest’, due to her failed pandemic response and overreach.

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Yes, freaking awesome. Maybe one day the real truth if the Michigan fraud will be revealed.

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Yeah maybe now they can seek some justice.

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Thanks for posting this link. That is super good news, I hadn't heard of it until now! Thank goodness for these people!

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Hopefully FBI agent Richard Trask isn't close to a woman he can beat on when he sees that video.

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As long as you keep writing incisive prose like "the Internet allows strangers to use your brain as a toilet", I'll read you. I'm your huckleberry.

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It's like reading Faulkner, but with more toilets

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Surprised that Krugman didn't include the cost of air, since we aren't charged for it (yet) and it would make his model look even better.

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Hummm. I thought that ‘s what cel phones were invented to do, especially after CO2 was declared a pollutant. Am waiting to see the ‘carbon tax’ imposed on breathing any day. Krugman’s numbers were pure shit so the toilet is entirely appropriate.

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Alternative method of grinding the common people down postulated by Dr. Mercola here:


I’d put nothing past them at this point.

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Indeed. It’s a hard thing to accept, that they really do want to kill most of us.

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Sep 17, 2023
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These ghouls will have the capacity to kill and maim so much beauty…. God help us

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HAHA! I enjoyed that line a lot too!!

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Many of us never get tired of reading your stuff. So do not stand down because some folks have shorter attentions spans!

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Second the motion! All in favour?

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I missed Talk Like a Pirate Day yesterday, so I says “Argh!”

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Chris, I look forward to each and every one of your articles. Don’t stop now!!

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When the border is closed and the intelligence agencies are razed and when people start noticing that 1 trillion on credit cards at 25% and $130 trillion in unfunded liabilities have consequences then I'll be more optimistic about turning the corner.

The last mile is the longest mile. Maybe we're approaching the hardest yard.

24' should be a year for the ages...we shall see.

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Yes, 2024 could be a turning point. A lot of people who are on the verge of giving up on the system could give up on the system in some decisive way, and even begin to take action. What would happen then is, I think, totally unpredictable. Anything could happen.

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Check out the spinning on this debt clock… makes my head spin


1000 billion in debt added in barely 3 months😶

2000 billion annual deficit😶

Interest on the debt spending approaching “defense department” spending levels

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A lot of your question is why I no longer do the site formerly known as twitter anymore (that's where I used to find out what was going on). I don't trust most mainstream media anymore. I follow a few writers on here, and one news site. That I sort of trust. The past 3 years utterly destroyed my trust in the media and government.

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I have similarly broken from my past information-gathering habits. The mandate madness irreparably broke my dependency on MSM, as I deep-dove into the net and came across Substack and its pearls (after a flirtation with the cesspool formerly known as Twitter). It has felt like extreme informational vertigo. To come untethered from the fake info-fodder that I consumed for so many decades has been disorientating in the extreme. I am still subjected to it on a daily basis due to my spouse's devoutness to the telenews, but I view it more as an historical artifact now. A mutant specimen of some ghastly thing. A writhing mass of lies. It both repulses and fascinates, as the tactics and techniques are now so obvious. How could people remain so oblivious? I both revel in and am petrified by my newfound informational freedom. Part of me wishes I could crawl back into that womb of MSM ignorance, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Despite the incredible personal conflict I endured fighting the mandates and all the other subsequent "Next Things", I prefer to do my own searching and discovery now. I am learning who to trust and how to spot the bad actors. We are entering the information reputation economy, as boriqua gato says. And it's liberating indeed.

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Add medicine, education and pharmacology in there and I agree with you!

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My substack feed is now full of crazy amazing writers and thinkers. I NEVER miss yours, even when I’m busy. You could write twice a day and I’d read it. 😂

I like the analogy of the last mile being the longest. How many times can we think “this is finally it” before it really is? What worries me is that a wounded dog is more dangerous. The deep state, whoever they are, will lash more fiercely as the cover continues to be ripped away and we see all the seedy garbage underneath.

In other news, I was talking to a neighbor yesterday who has been diehard on board with the covid story and vaccines and alllll of it. She shocked me with this tidbit. “You know, I’m starting to think RFK Jr is right about a lot of stuff.” My jaw hit the floor. I talk to this person a lot, but never about that stuff because she thinks I’m crazy.

I think we are turning the corner.

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My brainwashed Boston sister will be here in December. I’ll see if there’s any light peeping in the eye windows if I can take it.

Generally, I just restrict our conversations to flowers.

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I hope you’re right about the corner turning. I read and see so much that makes me sure no one out there could still believe the garbage...but then I talk to people who still believe the garbage. It’s a frustrating existence.

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Sorry Queen--I meant to comment on the article on the whole, but I had stopped on your comment and felt it. So many people now with whom I limit my conversations!

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We just might be turning a corner. Margaret Sullivan is a good example. She launched a Substack, but it has fewer readers than yours. When these fascist emperors are stripped of their fancy clothes on legacy platforms, they appear stark naked. As you'd expect, her Substack contains interviews with other regime shills like our favorite Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Molly Jong-Fast, and Asha Rangappa.

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I accidentally looked at a Molly Jong-Fast tweet this morning.


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Don't do that!

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It's embarrassing how little engagement they tend to get. They do not have nearly the degree of cultural buy in that we've been led to believe.

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With brilliant intellectuals like that I’m shocked she isn’t racking up followers at a rocket pace. LOL

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Don't stop posting. Post when the spirit moves you. Your followers are not going to take offense and drop off just because you are prolific.

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I can’t always read everything some of my favorite stackers write on the day they first post it, but I will often take a few hours to catch up on all recent past articles I missed. You definitely fall into that category, Chris.

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I may skip a lot of other things I subscribe to, but I never miss Chris.

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These counterattacks against Social Justice Inc. have established a beachhead, but it's too soon to tell if this is a beachhead a la Normandy (the first step toward Berlin and victory) or more of an Anzio (an incursion that shows how much more powerful the enemy is than your current forces).

Remember Social Justice Inc. totally controls the MSM, academia, culture, the Dem Party, the NGOocracy, Big Tech, and their jargon is spoken by almost our entire ruling class, from the Fortune 500 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff down to your local knitting club and coffee shop.

Turning back the ideological takeover of America will require another Long March, to reverse the Long March that got us here in the first place.

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What do you get if you add everything inflated back into the CPI and double it? The truth.

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I’m so sick of these inflation graphs and charts. They’re totally meaningless. All I need to do is go grocery shopping, fill my gas tank, go to a restaurant, read my utility bills, or purchase anything whatsoever, be it a pair of jeans, a ticket to an event, a plumber visit, or a vehicle. Doesn’t matter what it is. Everything, and I mean everything, costs roughly twice as much as several years ago. That’s my REAL world. Graphs and charts on a screen are always a total pile of crap.

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So say we all!

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Chris. less engagement doesn't mean you've overwhelmed us, it often means that you have nailed an issue down so succinctly that discussion is moot. less traffic is actually a backhanded compliment

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+1. I almost never "like" posts. I just don't do it. And I don't comment if I don't have something I think will really add to the discussion. (Go ahead and laugh as you look back at my comments ;-)

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lurkers anonymous :)

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The Ninth Circuit hearing goes beyond the 2-minute clip that was circulating yesterday. They talk about issues like the validity of the Jacobson precedent, vaccination as an "assault" (if I remember that rightly) on one's body, and whether the mandate is rational given that it applied to wholly remote employees and did not apply to students.

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Indeed! Quite a discussion from judges who are alert and engaged. Very good to see.

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The middle judge says that going into the hearing he didn't know the school district still has a mandate. He's incredulous about the mandate still existing.

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Really nice to see the Ninth Circuit, in particular, being rational about this.

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I bet Krugman's fake inflation indicator excludes Nobel Prizes as well.

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I pray we are turning a corner, Chris.

Your beautiful writing has contributed. Thank you!

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We are turning the corner. Those of us who figured out what was happening early in the game necessarily stayed engaged to keep abreast of the truthful information. But that came with a price. We are weary Chris. We want to know what’s happening, and you are providing that information, but we are tempted to move on. We are shell-shocked, angry and disillusioned. But your readers are in for the fight. We will need to recharge but we need you to keep on keepin’ on. And I personally will pray for your strength to continue.

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Thank you.

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I say the same. When all else fails, post memes. But keep on posting.

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Sep 16, 2023
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Agreed and very well said Diane. This gives me encouragement to keep on fighting. I believe I need to start speaking the truth. I have been so concerned about maintaining relationships and have been cowed into silence. You articulated the problem well. You should write some essays and publish on Substack!

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